Page 1: The Last Time Martians Came Home!

The Last Time Martians Came Home!

Written By

Jason Da Silva & George Tsounis

JMC ACADEMY 561 Harris St. Ultimo, NSW 2007 82418899

First Draft - April 09, 2021 2nd Revision - April 12, 2021 3rd Revision - April 22, 2021 4th Revision - May 12, 2021 5th Revision - July 9, 2021 6th Revision - Aug 17, 2021

Page 2: The Last Time Martians Came Home!


Through the swaying pines, a shroud of crickets hum through a peaceful night. A hill of lilacs and fields of cattle stretch as far as the eye can see.

A farm-stead sits comfortably on a hill.


GEORGE (30) sits in his overalls lounge watching television, scoffing mashed potatoes and baked beans.

A cockroach crawls along the wooden floorboards --


George squashes the critter before lifting his shoe to reveal the bug's guts stuck between his shoe and floorboards.


DONNA! Come clean this bug shit off the floor!

Mouth still stuffed as he calls to his very pregnant wife DONNA (29). Fitted for every occasion with a paddling yellow dress with white polka dots as she is sweeping the floor.

DONNAWhat is it, dear?

George lifts his boot towards Donna, expecting a reaction.

Donna grabs the rag over her shoulder. Going down on her knees to clean George's foot as she as demanded.

GEORGEI'll tell you, those damn Kennedy's are nothing but trouble. They have nothing over Eisenhower.

George slaps Donna's backside as she leans down to clean George's boot. Flinching for only a moment before she continues to clean.

Suddenly --

A strange and peculiar sound fills the house.


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The lights and TV begin to go on a frits, the ground trembles as items fly off the shelves.

Rays of light cut through the windows and every crevice of the house. Drawing their attention to the window.

As they curiously glance out the window they see --

It leaves behind a glow that lights the night sky for only a moment.

DONNAWhat in heaven's name?

GEORGEFetch me my rifle.

DONNAWhat's going on, George?


A separating beam of light strikes in the far distance in the farm land --

Title card: The Last Time Martians Came Home


Silhouettes creep on the hill, shifting towards the pines. The moonlight shines through the crevices of the trees to reveal --


A family of three, the littlest being no older than a couple of months old. The two being adults, one being a bulk build and the other more feminine.

Scurrying through the muck of bushes to be a beholder to a barn that is perfectly placed. Catching the attention of the conspicuous Martians.

They desperately throw themselves in a frantic, making a run for the barn's safe haven.


The Martians place the child onto a pile of hay, leaving the door just barely open. The mother cradles near the child.

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In darkness, a lantern struggles to be lit as the void of darkness shrouds the barn interior.

As the lantern is beginning to become lit.

FATHER(In barsoomian and English)

Let there be... Light!

The light shines on a cradled new-born, reaching for the sky.

The father notices the mother in distress. Walks towards her and kneels alongside her.

FATHER (CONT'D)I know that face.


FATHERyou don't have to be scared.

MOTHERHow did you-

FATHERWhat kind of husband would I be if I couldn't tell you were scared?

MOTHERIts just... This world, these people, what kind of life will we have here? What will she have here?

FATHERHumans are... primitive, but there is good. I know it.

Father hands the baby Martian her favourite toy.

FATHER (CONT'D)We owe it to her to try... its the least we can do.


A singular silhouette stands atop the hill of a crevice, staring downwards at the sight of something he has never witnessed before.

Fiona Jordan
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George's face is lit by a cyan glow of pulsating light, emitting an alarming sound of discomfort. George raises his shotgun and cocks it in preparation for what's to come.


The Martians sit together for a moment, entertaining their child when suddenly--

A piercing shriek from behind!

Donna is screaming in both fear and shock all at once.

The Father gets up and swiftly makes his way to Donna to attempt to calm her down.

FATHER(In Barsoomian)

Hey, Hey, Hey it's ok.

Donna falls to the ground crawling backwards trying to flee from the Martian.

Father tries slowing his words for Donna to understand whilst still walking towards her.

FATHER (CONT'D)(In Barsoomian)

We are friendly. We Mean no harm.

Father stops walking towards Donna, so she stops crawling.

There is a moment of calm shared between the both of them.

As the Father tries to communicate with Donna. she struggles to make out a single word.

A sudden shot is let out, almost as if an explosion went off, pellets fly in the Martians direction, just barley missing him.

Shrapnel of the wood on the barn fly in the air like confetti.

The father quickly turns to his wife and daughter, letting out a --


The martian family makes a break towards the treeline.

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Running. Baring their dear lives.

George appears from the tall grass and stands between Donna. Spitting out his toothpick as he fastens the strap of his overalls.

The Mother and her baby sneak out of the barn from the back and into the trees in the far distance, donna spots them.

FATHER(In Barsoomian)

Do what you will with me human, Just don't hurt my family.

George only hears gibberish as he cocks his shotgun.

The Mother Martian turns around as she has made some distance from her husband.

The father slowly paces towards George.

FATHER (CONT'D)(In Barsoomian)


The last shot echoes as the father is executed from afar, She shrieks an echoing scream of grief that spreads throughout the farm.

Birds and wildlife disperse in the tragedy that has been committed.

Donna looks in the direction of the scream.

Watching, mortified at the bloody scene.

The mother runs further into the woods.

Georges's face is covered in the Martian's blood, a deep glow stains his body like an omen. Clearly enjoying the hunt.

George begins walking in the direction of the Mother, Donna shadowing along.


The Mother Martian stands behind a tree, terrified.

George uses his flashlight to try and spot her, Donna peering over George's shoulder.

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GEORGEShow yourself, alien.

George scans the area with his light. The baby Martian's cry alerts George's flashlight as it pins where the Martians are hiding.

GEORGECome out alien. There ain't no more hiding.

The Mother Martian slowly walks out from behind the tree holding her weeping baby.

Donnas face of fear turns as she spots the mother holding her child.

GEORGEYou Shouldn't have come to this, here now farm.

DONNAGeorge, she's holding a baby-

George interrupts Donna by cocking his gun and points it at the Martians.

The Mother Martian looks away, preparing to be shot.



Smoke escapes the barrel of the gun.

The Mother looks around as she inspects her baby.

Donna has her hand on the barrel of the shotgun pointing towards the ground.

The Mother opens her eyes, inspecting her baby and herself before running further into the trees.

George looks at Donna with a furious expression, Yanking his gun out of her grasp.

GEORGEHave you flipped your lid woman?

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DONNAGeorge, I couldn't let you kill no ankle biter.

George backhands Donna across the face causing her to fall to the ground.

GEORGEDonna, you better listen, cus' I'm only gonna say this once. These things are bugs, an infestation. You let even one of 'em in and they spread. Now Put an egg in your shoe and beat it, missy!

George Turns in the direction the Mother ran towards, continuing the hunt.


As the Martian continues running she spots a house atop a hill with the lights still on and sprints towards it, still holding her child in her arms as she scales the hill.


The Mother cautiously enters through the open backdoor, inspecting the house upon her entry like a human entering a spaceship for the first time.

She spots a lit fireplace and puts her baby beside it, huddling over it for warmth. huddling over it for warmth.

As the Martians about to settle down she hears a creek from the front door.

She hastily grabs her baby, causing her to drop her toy and hides in the wardrobe of the house.

Donna enters the living room, furious.

As she's about to sit beside the fireplace she notices dirt trails coming from the back door.

As Donna begins to investigate she steps on the baby aliens toy.

She picks it up realising what it is, then looks at the box of toys she bought for her future child, which resides on the kitchen bench.

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Donna follows the dirt trail until it leads into a dark bed room.

Donna stands out the front of the door, still cautious.

DONNAMisses Alien Woman. I know your in there but I ain't itchin' for a fight. I know you gotta' little curtain climber and... and well, I'm about to have one my self you see.


DONNA (CONT'D)Was that other alien your husband? I know it probably don't mean much, but I'm sorry for what happened to him. I didn't think George would... you know --

The Martian steps out from the darkness.

Donna holds out the Aliens toy.

The Mother reaches for it, putting her hand over Donna's.

DONNABy golly, your freezin'.

Donna begins to take off her jacket to give to the Martian, but as she's about to take off her sleeves the alien flinches.

DONNAOh no, no, no It's ok. I ain't tryin' hurt you no more.

The Mother Martian stares at Donna before turning around and letting donna put the jumper on her.

MOTHER(In Barsoomian)

Thank you.

Donna hears gibberish.

Donna turns around and starts frantically packing a bag full of supplies.

The Martian takes a few steps in Donna's direction.

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DONNANow I'm pretty sure you don't make the kings jive so I'ma explain this slowly. YOU. HAVE. TO. GO. If my husband comes around and sees you, it's gone be bad news for the both of us ya' hear.

Donna begins opening the fridge and cabinets.

DONNA (CONT'D)We'll take the Ute parked round' back, there's a veggie farm not too far from here. Run by this sweet vegetarian fella. As George put it," a pacifist hippy who couldn't possibly hurt a ".fly

Donna hears a noise from the front door.

George returns from his search. Slowly the door-knob twists and turns. Creaking with every movement.

DONNA (CONT'D)Shit! he's here.

Donna frantically tries to find a place for the Mother to hide.

scooting them into the hallway opposite from the main entry.

Donna tries to desperately close all the draws and cabinets left out before George sees the living room. Dropping items on the floor as the door is opening to full succession.

The door creaks open as he enters, walking into the living room she quickly pretends she's reading a magazine, her hair in a mess.

George walks by the fireplace, placing his shotgun beside the armchair.

He kneels down to warm his hands by the fire, noticing the dirt trail scattered on the ground.

He slowly stands up, inspecting the footprints.

George begins walking through the house, searching.

Donna pretends to be oblivious.

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Did you find the critters, honey?

George ignores Donna, cautiously searching every room of the house, locking each door as he passes.

As he enters a bedroom, the Mother is watching him through the crevice of the wardrobe door she is hiding in.

The Baby Martian makes another sound.

George's head snaps to where the Martian is hiding, taking a few steps in her direction, reaching out for the handle--



A loud noise comes from the living room, drawing George's attention, distracting him.

He walks into the living room to find Donna, cleaning up a plate she supposedly dropped accidentally.

DONNAMy bad honey, it must've just slipped right out of my hand.

George grunts, swiftly turning around and running back to the wardrobe.

As he enters the room, he spots the wardrobe door wide open.

George lets out a --



Throwing a chair across the room, wrecking it in a fit of rage.

Donna searches for The Martian as George is preoccupied.

She searches the first room in the hallway and sees an open window.

Donna smiles.

She runs back into the living room grabbing the bag and the

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keys to the Bedford truck.

As she enters the hallway through the door, she runs into George blocking her path.

Donna begins to slowly backtrack, George advances forward.

GEORGEWhere you off to-



George runs his finger on the table beside him collecting dust that he immediately flicks away.

DONNAI was just gonna pay a visit to the Jenkins estate. Grab some vegetables for dinner.

Donna slightly trips as she walks backwards.

GEORGEThen you mightn't mind if I tagged along, say hello to that hippy?

DONNAI-I Don't see why not.

George stops walking.

Donna continues to make the distance between them. They both emit fake laughter in agreement. George fading the laughter into a chuckle.


One last thing, it was here wasn't it?

DONNAI don't know what your-

George grabs a cup on a table and throws it near Donna, shattering in a million pieces.


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Donna maintains her distance from George as they walk around their living room like boxers in a ring.

DONNAI couldn't let you hurt her, She has a kid, George!


Ain't that a bite! Now your gonna tell me where it went.

DONNAI ain't telling you shit!


They stare piercingly at each other.

DONNA (CONT'D)You've gone mad, you can't even see it can you? you are trying to kill a mother and her child.



The Mother Martian is watching the confrontation from the window.

DONNASo what George? What's next? you gonna kill me too, IS THAT IT?


GEORGEWhy are you helping these... these things! You are betraying your country, this farm... You're betraying ME!


You've gone mad.


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George lunges towards Donna.

Donna instinctively goes to grab the vase next to her at a desperate attempt to defend herself, but before she can lift it up --


George drops to the floor huddling his head.

Donna looks up in awe to see --

holding her baby in one arm and a broken The Mother Martian bottle in the other.

Donna runs around George, grabbing the Mother as she drops the broken glass.

Donna grabs the shotgun perched on the armchair and they both leave through the front door and run towards the truck.

George slowly stands up, feeling the back of his head as it drenches his hand in blood to reveal an ax laying near the fireplace.

Walking towards and grabbing it as it leans against the wall where the wood fire logs lay.


They enter the 1950s Bedford truck, slamming the door shut. Turning on the headlights to reveal--

George Standing ahead bloodied holding an ax.

The Baby Martian begins to cry.

George walks forwards towards the car

Donna struggles whilst turning on the ignition. Failing on the first and second attempts.

DONNAWork goddammit!

She tries for the third time failing once again until--


DONNAHold onto your baby missy!

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Donna looks ahead, only to find no one is there.

The passenger door opens.

Within an instant, George snatches the baby right out of the mother's arms. Swinging his ax around with the child in the other arm.

MOTHER(in barsoomian)


The mother collapses out of the truck and onto the floor, attempting to retrieve her child.

Donna runs around the car. Pulling the shotgun out from under the seat.


George is holding the baby with one hand by its head as it hangs.

The Baby's cry grows louder.

MOTHER(In barsoomian)

Don't do this, please.


Donna holding the shotgun towards the air, smoke leaving the chamber right before she points it at George.

Silence imbues as the baby's cries are quenched.

DONNAYou best put down the child.

George chuckles.

GEORGEDonna, what are you doing?


Put the ankle bitter down!

GEORGEI can't do that honey.

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DONNAI ain't your honey, You're threatening a damn child for crying out loud.

GEORGECome on Donna, you've seen the movies. first they 'crash' land here, and before you know it they're sticking.

DONNAThis is ain't no movie George, life isn't black and white.

Tear begin to swell in Donna's eyes.

They both remain silent.

George sighs before handing the mother her child back.

George looks at Donna. Lowering her guard along with the barrel of the shotgun.

He begins dropping his shoulders.

GEORGE(Facing Donna)

You do what you gotta do.

George quickly swings his axe and slots it into the neck of the mother. She lets out a cry of agony. Still cradling her child as her blood gashes all over the car.



Donna raises the gun back at George and letting out an explosion that hurls at George, leaving a hole in his chest cavity that Donna can be seen through as he falls to his knees.

Maintaining eye contact.

Donna collapses over the mother, with the axe pommel lodged in her. Still holding her child, covered in her blood.

DONNA (CONT'D)(Hesitantly)

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!

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MOTHER(Gargling in English)

Help. Child... go.

The mother points towards the open valley where the sun is rising from. As she is pointing, she slumps over as her last words reverb with her last breath.

Donna enters back into the truck, slamming the door shut. Spotting a fruit hammock that she quickly dumps and places the child in.

Placing the hammock on the passenger seat. She Turns on the ignition as it --


The car is alive. She drives out of the driveway and onto the main road.


Watching as a tiny white vehicle treads along in this vast land of the emptiness of pure bliss and violence beneath the facade of cattle and pines.

Donna peaks at the child every chance she gets. Reaching for her own stomach where her future resides.

She smiles. The smile quickly fades into a hysterical cry. A cry for joy.


THE END.________
