
Megan Hughes Music Video Analysis – Narrative & PerformanceThe Knife – Pass This On

Target Audience & Needs

From watching this music video I saw no specifics in race or gender for the target audience. However, I did think that it would be aimed more at lower working class people and perhaps more mature people also. The expectations for good music from these types of people do match to the song well as it’s more mellow and relaxing which is applicable for the more maturely aged audience but at the same time it’s still upbeat for the people in the lower working class category.

Lyrics (Meaning Implied?)

The transvestite woman sings about her love for another man in a serious manor. Coming from a woman’s perspective it’s easy to understand the meaning of what they sing about but knowing it’s a transgender singing the lyrics it can be portrayed in other ways and the lyrics can sometimes mean different things. It is easy to tell by the facial expressions of the singer that she is singing about someone who she loves and cares about as she portrays her emotion through her face and body language.

Tempo Throughout the song there was a medium pace for the tempo even though it got very upbeat at parts. Also, it was noticeable that there was a specific instrument being played which is used in like reggae songs which made the music very relaxing at the same time. The female impersonator sways softly and seductively which helps you relate to the pace of the music.

Megan Hughes Music Video Analysis – Narrative & PerformanceThe Knife – Pass This On

Genre I would say the main genre was electronic music even though aspects of dance music and reggae music took place within the song. From the way the characters dance and at this certain pace it helps you to see the rhythm of the music which helps link it to the genre.

Camera Technique There was a large variety of shots used. The main ones were close up shots (which showed the emotion and facial expressions of the singer more clearly) and long shots (which helped to show a lot of the characters moving and dancing around so it summed up what was going on), however others were used such as mid shots, wide shots and two shots. On terms of camera angles, for most of the music video the camera was just looking straight forward on a standard angle, although at times a couple of low angles do appear especially at the beginning.

Editing The most prominent technique used was cutting because every couple of seconds it would cut from one shot to another so it was very noticeable. However, I also picked up on things such as the backing vocals on the music being very high pitched which was most likely edited through a software.

Megan Hughes Music Video Analysis – Narrative & PerformanceThe Knife – Pass This On

37secs 39secsUse of Digital Effects For colour schemes on this music video I would describe everything as dull. There are a lot of browns for like the walls and stuff so

it is understandable, however, the main character (singer) was wearing a blue/green dress but it had an effect on the video so it looked very faded and the whole thing had very low saturation throughout.
