
CSCI1412Lecture 4

The Internet 1Communicating with Others

Dr John Cowell

phones off (please)


OverviewThe Internet

history and organisationThe world wide web

web pages (HTTP and HTML)browsing the internet

Web authoringdesign issues, authoring tools

Other Internet featuressearch enginesemail, ftpfuture of the Internet?

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The Internet


The Development of the InternetStarted as US Department of Defence network

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPAnet), distribute US military computing capability

resist (nuclear) attacks / natural disastersA 4 node Arpanet working - November 1969First network email – 1971First Arpanet connection outside the US (to

Norway) 1973First File Transfer (FTP) – 1973All links converted to TCP/IP 1983Administered by the US government until 1992

Internet Penetration

World Internet Usage

Internet Languages

Internet AdministrationThe Internet Society (ISOC)

Nonprofit organisation founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet related standards, education, and policy.

A global clearing house for Internet information and education

Coordinator of Internet-related initiatives around the world.

Includes: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) governs

administrative and technical activities. Adopts some Requests for Comments (RFCs) as Internet Standards

The Internet Architecture Board (IAB). technical activities of the Internet including writing spec’s and protocols .

Full details at -

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Internet DomainsInternet sites need two pieces of information

domain name from domain name service (DNS) registered by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names

and Numbers InterNICIP address, such as

Domains are hierarchicaltop/primary level - WWW.DMU.AC.UKsecondary level - WWW.CSE.DMU.AC.UK

Political, commercial and organisational domains.GOV, .COM, .ORG, .BIZ, .TV

ISO country names.UK, .NL, .AU

Domains within countries.AC, .CO

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The World Wide Web


The World Wide WebA part of the Internet

open information sharinginterconnected pages of information

‘Governed’ by WWW Consortium (W3C.ORG)Pages/sites are interconnected by hypertext links

non-linear documents first proposed by Ted Nelson in 1963

links point to other documents selecting the link

requests web-page and/or moves to that point within current document

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WWW BrowsersBrowsers are not all the same

different versionsdifferent sets of commandsDifferent things happen if the XHTML is invalid

Mosaicwritten by students at University of Illinois

Marc Andreesen and Jim Clark founded NetscapeNetscape 7.0Mozilla - Firefox 2.0Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7Opera 9

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How the Web WorksUser types uniform resource locator (URL)

maps to IP address using DNSBrowsers use hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)HTTP requests document from host system

returns documentor error message

not found (404) no permission to access (403)

Browser reads tags in documenttags control layout of document objectslink tags are used to request further objects

e.g. graphic, sound, video filesCSCI1412-I-1 13

HypertextHypertext mark-up language (HTML)

uses tags to control layout of objects on web-pageReplaced in 2000 by XHTML. Similar in appearance

to HTMLTags appear between angled brackets

<br />Most tags work in pairs

<html> </html><a> </a>

View the source code of any web-pageunless facility has been disabledNetscape: View|Page SourceExplorer: View|SourceCSCI1412-I-1 14

Example XHTML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"""><html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Home page</title> <link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body><p>This is my home page</p> </body></html>

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Web Authoring


Web-Site DesignSite design must be fluid

adopt a prototyping design approachif building a site for a client

get them involved listen to their ideas display your work regularly

Four considerationsaimstarget audiencepurposecontent

These issues may change as web-site developsCSCI1412-I-1 17

Aims and Target Audience Aims

what goals do you intend your web-site to achieve? your hobbies, interests? commercial sites

new products details easy ordering

Target audiencewho do you expect to visit your site?

general groupswhat are their motivations?what will be their expectations?

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Purpose and ContentPurpose

what is the reason for building the web-site?what should your visitors be able to achieve?

purchasing contact complaints

Contentwhat is the page content / layout?

use storyboarding for initial design cascading style sheets? frames?

where do text / graphics come from?CSCI1412-I-1 19

Authoring ToolsHTML editors

NotepadProducts such as "Enhanced HTML"

allows direct entry of HTML tags wizards may do the more complex bits

WYSIWYG authoring packageNetscape ComposerFrontPageDreamWeaverFlash, Director

On-line authoring; for

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Web-Site MaintenanceKeep site up to date

there is nothing worse than visiting a web-site that hasn’t been touched for two years and is now totally out of date!

Add a ‘last updated’ text object to pageCheck to see that all links (on- and off-site) are

still activeask your visitors to let you know of any broken links

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Other Internet Features


Search EnginesSearch engines use their own database of entries

web authors upload key words/phrasesSingle

UK Excite, Lycos

world wide Yahoo, AltaVista,Google

MultipleAskJeevesCopernic - searches within results, stores web pages,


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Other Internet FacilitiesWWW is just one part of the internet

many other top layer protocols/featuresemail, FTP, telnet

Allows one computer to connect to another and act as a terminal of that computer. Superseded by remote login.

archie Developed at the Computer Science Department at McGill University in

Montreal, - a public domain tool for finding files on anonymous ftp sites. The Archie database currently indexes more than 2,100,000 files contained in more than 1000 anonymous ftp sites around the world. See

ping signal sent out by one server to another, asking for a response, checks latency

and presence of serverstraceroute

tracks & displays route packets take between client and host

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emailSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

all outgoing email sent by this protocolPOP3 / IMAP

mail receiving systemsPost Office Protocol

mail is stored, copied to PC when on-line, read off-line Eudora, Outlook Express, Pegasus Mail, Netscape Messenger

interactive Mail Access Protocol log on to remote server, read mail on-line

Yahoo, Hotmail

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email FeaturesAddress books

typing first few characters of an address will access the relevant record in the address book

Contact groupslist of email addresses

mail the contact list name - mail goes to all members of list

Attachmentssingle or multiple documents attached to email

get a ‘piggyback’ ride to recipient(s)CSCI1412-I-1 26

FTPFile Transfer Protocol

allows easy transfer of files between remote systems whole directory trees in single transaction

other file maintenance facilities directory / folder management

create, change, remove, etc file management

delete, move, copy, etc.superior error recovery than browser downloads

DMU FTP server is page

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CORE-FTPShareware - drag & drop

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Future of the Internet?Multimedia, speeds need to be increasedIncreasingly used for social activities, YouTube,

FacebookVirtual living – Second LifeVirtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML)

three-dimensional graphics on web pages

Stargazing web-site

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SummaryThe Internet

history and organisationThe world wide web

web pages (HTTP and HTML)browsing the internet

Web authoringdesign issues, authoring tools

Other Internet featuressearch engines, ftp future of the Internet?

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