Page 1: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator

Report EUR 26936 EN


Methodology Report

Dániel Vértesy and Stefano Tarantola


Page 2: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator

European Commission

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EUR 26936 EN

ISBN 978-92-79-40958-5 (PDF)

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doi: 10.2788/836690

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Page 3: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator



Dániel Vértesy and Stefano Tarantola

(JRC, DDG01)

26 November 2014

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Richard Deiss (RTD), Veijo Ritola, Luis de la Fuente, Evangelos Pongas, Aleksandra Stawinska and Elisaveta Ushilova (ESTAT) to the fine-tuning of the methodology described in this report.

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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................2

1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................3

1.1. Measuring innovation output ........................................................................................3

2. HOW TO BUILD THE IOI .............................................................................................5

2.1. The PCT component .....................................................................................................7

Discussion ....................................................................................................................8

2.2. The KIA component .....................................................................................................9

Discussion ..................................................................................................................10

2.3. The COMP component (including GOOD and SERV) ..............................................10

The GOOD component ..............................................................................................10

Discussion ..................................................................................................................11

The SERV component ................................................................................................12

Discussion ..................................................................................................................13

The COMP component ...............................................................................................14

2.4. The DYN component: employment dynamism of high-growth enterprises in

innovative sectors .......................................................................................................15

The innovation coefficient s

scorescore KIACIS )*( ........................................................15

High-growth enterprises (EHG

) ...................................................................................18

Imputation technique for missing values and wider international comparability ......19

Discussion ..................................................................................................................20

2.5. Computing country scores ..........................................................................................21

3. ROBUSTNESS ANALYSIS .........................................................................................24


List of Acronyms ...............................................................................................................25

Country abbreviations ........................................................................................................26

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This report presents the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition of the Innovation

Output Indicator (IOI). The IOI was developed by the European Commission at the request of

the European Council in order to benchmark national innovation policies and to monitor the

EU’s performance against its main trading partners. The IOI was first presented as a

Communication and Staff Working Document1 in 2013, followed by an update in 2014 as

part of the 2014 Commission Report on Innovation Union progress at country level (country


The IOI measures the extent to which ideas stemming from innovative sectors are capable of

reaching the market, providing better jobs and making Europe more competitive. It covers

technological innovation, skills in knowledge-intensive activities, the competitiveness of

knowledge-intensive goods and services, and the innovativeness of fast-growing enterprises.

It complements the R&D intensity indicator by focusing on innovation output. It aims to

support policy-makers in establishing new or reinforced actions to remove bottlenecks

preventing innovators from translating ideas into successful goods and services.

The IOI is a composite of four indicators, chosen for their policy relevance, data quality,

International availability and cross-country comparability and robustness. Its four

components are:

technological innovation as measured by patents (PCT);

Employment in knowledge-intensive activities as a percentage of total employment


the average of the share of medium and high-tech goods and services in a countries

export (COMP)

and employment dynamism of fast-growing enterprises in innovative sectors (DYN).

By documenting the methodological considerations underlying the IOI, this technical report

aims to serve as a reference for future updates.

1 European Commission, 2013, Communication from the Commission to the Institutions. Measuring innovation

output in Europe: towards a new indicator COM(2013)624 and SWD(2013)325

Page 6: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator



This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the

innovation output indicator (indicated with IOI from now on) and shows the ongoing work

being conducted to improve the indicator itself in view of the next publication of the IOI in

summer 2015.

In this report we show the most recent data available for each component indicator, but not

the IOI country scores, as this methodology report is not meant to be a release of the IOI.

The IOI concept was established when the European Council gave the Commission the

mandate to develop an indicator in the context of Europe 20203, to complement the R&D

intensity target4, taking into account the Innovation Union request that the Commission

"launch the necessary work for the development of a new indicator measuring the share of

fast-growing innovative companies in the economy".

To advise the Commission on its formulation, a High-Level Panel of leading innovators and

economists was set up in 2010.5 It prompted the Commission to engage in data collections on

high-growth enterprises in innovative sectors, carried out by Eurostat. In parallel, cooperation

was undertaken with the OECD to develop sectoral innovation coefficients. Discussions with

Member States on the scope and definition of the indicator took place in workshops, in

October and December 2012, and in July 2013.

Finally, the first edition of the IOI was published in the Commission Communication COM

(2013) 624 on 13 September 2013 and a second edition in September 2014. The present

report describes the methodology used in this most recent edition.

1.1. Measuring innovation output

Innovation output is wide-ranging and differs from sector to sector. Measuring it entails

quantifying the extent to which ideas for new products and services, carry an economic added

value and are capable of reaching the market. Therefore, it can be captured by more than one


The IOI is output-oriented, measures the innovation performance of a country and its

capacity to derive economic benefits from it, captures the dynamism of innovative

entrepreneurial activities, and is useful for policy-makers at EU and national level.

The IOI has four components called PCT, KIA, COMP and DYN, one of which (COMP) is

in turn composed by two sub-indicators, GOOD and SERV.

2 See European Commission (2014) “Research and Innovation performance. Innovation Union progress at

country level 2014”, EUR 26334 EN. URL: [



4 Conclusions of 4/2/2011 (Council doc. EUCO 2/1/11 REV1) and 1-2/3/2012 (EUCO 4/2/12 REV2)

5 Report of the High Level Panel on the Measurement of Innovation, A. Mas-Colell (Chair), September 2010.

Page 7: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator


The PCT component measures technological innovation by patents, which account for the

ability of the economy to transform knowledge into technology. The number of patent

applications per billion GDP is used as a measure of the marketability of innovations.6.

The KIA component focuses on how a highly skilled labour force feeds into the economic

structure of a country. Investing in people is one of the main challenges for Europe in the

years ahead, as education and training provide workers with the skills for generating

innovations. This component captures the structural orientation of the economy towards

knowledge-intensive activities, as measured by the number of persons employed in those

activities in business industries over total employment.

The COMP component is the competitiveness of knowledge-intensive goods and services.

This is a fundamental dimension of a well-functioning economy, given the close link between

growth, innovation and internationalisation. Competitiveness-enhancing measures and

innovation strategies can be mutually reinforcing for the growth of employment, export

shares and turnover at the firm level. This component is built integrating in equal weights the

share of high-tech and medium-tech product exports to the total product exports (GOOD),

and knowledge-intensive service exports as a share of the total services exports of a country

(SERV). It reflects the ability of an economy, notably resulting from innovation, to export

goods and services with high levels of value added, and successfully take part in knowledge-

intensive global value chains.

The DYN component measures the employment in high-growth7 enterprises in innovative

sectors. Sector-specific innovation coefficients, reflecting the level of innovativeness of each

sector, serve here as a proxy for distinguishing innovative enterprises. The component

reflects the degree of innovativeness of successful entrepreneurial activities. The specific

target of fostering the development of high-growth enterprises in innovative sectors is an

integral part of modern R&D and innovation policy.

6 Despite the fact that these data might fail to capture innovation which occurs in industries where investors rely

on alternative mechanisms to protect intellectual property such as secrecy or lead-time. Moser (2013)

Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 27, Number 1—Winter 2013—Pages 23–44.

7 High-growth is defined by a growth rate of 10% over a three-year period.

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The IOI is obtained by aggregating its components according to the formula:


Equation 1. Aggregation formula for the IOI

Where 4321 ,,, wwww are the weights of the component indicators (22, 10, 24, 9), that are

computed in such a way that the IOI is statistically equally balanced in its underlying

components. This procedure aims to avoid that the variables are equally important in nominal

terms but that, statistically, the IOI depends more on some variables and less on the others.8

Table 1 reports the definitions of the component indicators:

8 Paruolo P., Saisana M., Saltelli A., “Ratings and Rankings: Voodoo or Science?”, Journal Royal Statistical

Society, A176(3), 609-634, show that the relative importance of variables are variance based, hence they are

ratios of quadratic forms of nominal weights, while target relative importance are often deduced as ratios of

nominal weights . A correction of the ‘scaling coefficients’ can be made to achieve component indicators

with the desired relative target importance.

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Table 1 The components of the Innovation Output Indicator 2014


Definition Data

Numerator Denominator Source Reference Data Methodology

3 most

recent years



PCT PCT Patent applications billion GDP








2008, 2009,



KIA Number of employed persons

in knowledge-intensive

activities (KIA) in business

industries. Knowledge-


activities are defined,

based on EU Labour Force


data, as all NACE Rev.2


at 2-digit level where at least

33% of employment has a


education degree



Eurostat Eurostat


Eurostat 2010, 2011,


EU28, IS,




COMP The arithmetic average of indicators GOOD

and SERV

2010, 2011,


GOOD Sum of product exports in

Standard International Trade

Classification (SITC) Rev.3

classes: 266, 267, 512, 513,

525, 533, 54, 553, 554, 562,

57, 58, 591, 593, 597, 598,

629, 653, 671, 672, 679, 71,

72, 731, 733, 737, 74, 751,

752, 759, 76, 77, 78, 79, 812,

87, 88 and 891

Value of total






Eurobase /UN



2010, 2011,









SERV Sum of credits in EBOPS

(Extended Balance of

Payments Services

Classification) classes 207,

208, 211, 212, 218, 228, 229,

245, 253, 260, 263, 272, 274,

278, 279, 280 and 284

Total services

exports as

measured by


in EBOPS 200




Eurobase /UN



2010, 2011,



EU28, IS,




UN: Global

DYN The sum of sectoral results

for the employment in high-

growth enterprises by

economic sector multiplied

by the innovation coefficients

of these sectors

(high-growth enterprises are

defined as firms with average

annualised growth in

employees of more than 10 %

a year, over a three-year

period, and with 10 or more

employees at the beginning

of the observation period.)


employment in


enterprises in

the business


Eurostat Eurostat


DG RTD/JRC 2010, 2011,



(except EL);


years see

DYN section

In defining the reference years for the data underpinning the various components of the IOI

(column 3 of Table 1), two main aspects have been considered. First, to use the most recent

data available at the stock taking date (which was March 2014). Second, to have the longest

possible time series in order to compute relevant growth rates for the different components.

Updates for the component indicators become available at different points in time throughout

the year. The calendar of updates is shown in the following Table 2:

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Table 2 Calendar of data updates for the components of the IOI

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Main Source

PCT X (T-4) X (T-3) OECD Patent Statis tics

KIA annual T-1 LFS

GOOD Extra-EU T-1 Intra-EU T-1 COMEXT, Comtrade

SERV T-1, Rev. T-2, T-3 ITSS

HGIE prel iminary T-2 final T-2 SBS

CIS-micro CIS

KIA-LFS annual T-1 LFS

DYN every 2nd year spring, T-3


Sources: Eurostat, OECD, UN

Notes: “T” refers to actual year, “T-1” refers to previous year, and so forth. PCT data lag may be up to 31 months; nowcast

data are robust for relevant countries until T-3. Annual LFS data for KIA are released around October. GOOD: Comext data

processing is 70 days for extra-EU countries. SERV: data for year T-1 are published every December, together with

revisions for years T-2 and T-3.

Given the heterogeneous calendar of updates, the best point in time to publish the IOI would

be after May each year when, on average, the most recent data updates are available.

In the next sections we describe the methodology underlying each component indicator.

2.1. The PCT component

The purpose of the PCT component is to measure the ability of the economy to transform

knowledge into marketable innovations. The PCT component is identical to indicator 2.3.1 of

the Innovation Union Scoreboard and counts the number of patent applications per billion

GDP (PPP). The numerator is defined as the number of patent applications filed, in

international phase, which name the European Patent Office (EPO) as designated office under

the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).9 Patent counts are based on the priority date, the

inventor's country of residence and fractional counts to account for patents with multiple

attributions. The denominator is the GDP in Euro-based purchasing power parities. This

definition will be used for the 2015 release of the IOI.

9 PCT is an international patent law treaty concluded in 1970, unifying procedures for filing patent applications.

An application filed under PCT is called an "international application". An international patent is subject to

two phases. The first one is the "international phase" (protection pends under a single application filed with

the patent office of a contracting state of the PCT). The second one is the "national and regional phase" in

which rights are continued by filing documents with the patent offices of the various PCT states.

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Figure 1 PCT Patent applications per billion GDP (PPS)

Source: OECD Patent Statistics (PCT), Eurostat (GDP)


Selecting a patent indicator: PCT data are available for all countries, including US, JP and

the BRIC countries. An intrinsic bias in favour of countries relying more on international

patents than on national ones might occur. The work undertaken examined the possibility of

using triadic patents from the OECD Patent Database, instead of PCT patents. Among the

benefits of such approach was the avoidance of the implicit "home bias" for the US in the

PCT data. The analysis carried out showed a very high correlation between both indicators

and stability in the final ranking, therefore that option was finally dropped.

Timeliness and nowcasting: OECD publishes statistics on PCT filings in the international

phase as defined above twice a year, for the years ‘t-3’ in January and for ‘t-2’ in August.

Patents are counted according to priority dates which are closest to the date of invention.

However, there is a time lag between priority date and the availability of patent information.

One possible way to overcome this is to estimate (“nowcast”) the number of PCT

applications to be transferred to a particular country, which can provide robust estimates for

most countries (with the exception of small patenting countries) up to year t-2.10


showed a very high correlation between nowcast and non-nowcast data for the latest available

year (t-3). It has been decided to use the non-nowcast data for the 2014 edition of the IOI.In

the robustness analysis that will be carried out for the 2015 edition of the IOI, both nowcast

and non-nowcast data will be tested.

Trademarks and designs were proposed as additional indicators of measuring the market

success of innovations. Trademarks have the potential to measure non-technological

innovation and innovation in the service industries, according to an OECD report11

. However,

10 For details on the methodology, please refer to Dernis, H. (2007), “Nowcasting Patent Indicators”, OECD

Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, No. 2007/03, OECD Publishing and to OECD (2009),

OECD Patent Statistics Manual, OECD Publishing.

11 Millot, V. (2009), "Trademarks as an Indicator of Product and Marketing Innovations", OECD Science,

Technology and Industry Working Papers, No. 2009/06, OECD Publishing.

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the same document also points out cautionary remarks on the use of trademark count as an

indicator of product and marketing innovation. First of all, variation in legal systems across

countries and over time makes comparability problematic. Second, the majority of

trademarks registered in a given year cease to exist six or seven years after registration,

although there are major differences across country practices. Third, the home region bias is

rather significant and there are no established methods to overcome it.

Revision of GDP: The implementation of the latest revision of the European System of

National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010) from September 2014 implies that GDP figures

will be revised. A level shift is expected due, inter alia, to the counting of R&D expenditure,

weapon system as investments, resulting in higher levels of GDP for countries that are high

spenders in these fields.12

As for the PCT variable, it remains to be investigated how an

increase in the denominator – potentially larger for the strongest patenting countries – will

change the current values.

2.2. The KIA component

The KIA component aims at measuring how the supply of skills feeds into the economic

structure. It is identical to indicator 3.2.1 of the Innovation Union Scoreboard and measures

the number of employed persons in knowledge-intensive activities (KIA) in business

industries as a percentage of total employment. The KIA component is calculated from EU

Labour Force Survey data, as all NACE Rev.2 industries at 2-digit level,13

where at least 33%

of employment has a tertiary degree.

This definition will be used for the 2015 release of the IOI.

Annual data for year t-1 is available from Eurostat every October. Eurostat publishes relevant

data for the EU Member States, ETFA countries, FYRO Macedonia, Turkey, and calculates

them for the US and Japan from national sources.

12 Eurostat notes that ESA 2010 is expected to increase the level of GDP on average across the EU by around

2.5%, of which some 2% is due to the capitalisation of research and development. The remaining

methodological impact is due to various elements, the most important of which is capitalisation of

expenditure on weapon systems which represents +0.1%. I.e., in the case of the United States, the

introduction of the new international standards led to an increase of 3.5% in the level of GDP for 2010 to

2012, with the capitalisation of research and development accounting for 2.5%. For further information on

ESA 2010, see: [].

13 NACE (Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques) is the statistical classification of economic

activities in the European Union and the subject of legislation at the EU level, which guarantees the use of

the classification uniformly within all the Member States. It is a basic element of the international

integrated system of economic classifications, based on classifications of the UN Statistical Commission,

Eurostat as well as national classifications; all of them strongly related each to the others, allowing the

comparability of economic statistics produced worldwide by different institutions.

Page 13: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator


Figure 2 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities in business industries as % of

total employment

Source: Eurostat


Further expanding the country coverage for KIA requires employment data at a 2-digit

sectoral breakdown for manufacturing and service industries. Data from national sources

(mostly for OECD countries) may be available, and requires further investigation. Expanding

the country coverage may also bring up the question whether the sectoral knowledge-

intensity classification that was computed based on pooled Labour Force Survey data from

EU Member states are valid for other countries as well.

2.3. The COMP component (including GOOD and SERV)

Aiming to capture competitiveness in knowledge-intensive sectors, the COMP component is

the arithmetic average (with equal weights) of two indicators: GOOD and SERV. GOOD

measures the share of high-tech and medium-tech products in a country’s exports. SERV,

similar to indicator 3.2.3 of the Innovation Union Scoreboard measures the share of

knowledge-intensive services exports to the total services exports of a country.

The GOOD component

The numerator of GOOD is the total value of exports of a country in Standard International

Trade Classification (SITC) Rev.4 classes: 266, 267, 512, 513, 525, 533, 54, 553, 554, 562,

57, 58, 591, 593, 597, 598, 629, 653, 671, 672, 679, 71, 72, 731, 733, 737, 74, 751, 752, 759,

76, 77, 78, 79, 812, 87, 88 and 891.14

The denominator is the total value of product exports of

a country.

14 This product composition is similar to that of indicator 3.2.2 of the Innovation Union Scoreboard and is based

on the product classification of Annex 8 of UNIDO (2011) Industrial Development Report 2011, Industrial

energy efficiency for sustainable wealth creation. Capturing environmental, economic and social dividends,

which is derived from the SITC Rev.2 classification proposed by S. Lall (2000) “The Technological

Structure and Performance of Developing Country Manufactured Exports, 1985–98”, Oxford Development

Studies, 28 (3), pp 337-369. We note that the classes were selected for SITC Rev.3. Only marginal

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Data for GOOD is available in the Eurostat COMEXT database for EU Member States and

EFTA countries, and UN Comtrade for all others (including US, JP and BRIC countries).

COMEXT data is available for the previous year by April, while Comtrade data is

continuously updated throughout the year.

From the 2015 edition of the IOI, COMEXT data will be used for EU and EFTA countries,

and UN Comtrade data for the rest..

In order to compare the EU as a single entity in global trade with other countries (i.e. the US),

only extra-EU trade should be considered, as partners are considered as single entities (i.e.,

interstate trade is not considered for the US). However, in order to compare the EU

performance against that of the Member States, intra-European trade (or dispatches) has to be

considered in the computation of GOOD. Therefore, to allow both European and global

comparisons, two different GOOD scores were computed for the EU28 aggregate. For global

comparison, only extra-EU product exports were considered, resulting in the score for ‘EUx’.

For a European comparison, the ‘EU’ score was computed by including both intra- and extra-

EU product exports.

Figure 3 The share of medium- and high-tech products in total exports

Source: EU MSs, EU28,; IS, NO: Eurostat Comext; CH, TR, US, JP: UN Comtrade.

Note: The EU28 aggregate is represented by two values: , EU refers to both intra- and extra-EU trade (left

panel); EUx refers to Extra-EU trade only(right panel). For MS (left panel)both intra and extra-EU trade are



For the 2014 release of the IOI, a number of alternatives for GOOD were considered but

finally not chosen:

(a) alternative formula: An alternative way to measure competitiveness in a selected set

of products is to compute their contribution to a country’s trade balance (CTB), as

used for indicator 3.2.2 of the Innovation Union Scoreboard and the 2013 edition of

the IOI. While the use of the CTB formula was also tested for the 2014 edition, in the

differences were found in the 5-digit level products covered in the 3-digit level selection when changing to

the currently used SITC Rev.4 classification (classes most affected are 752 and 759).

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end the share formula was chosen because it is easier to interpret, it avoids strange

results at extreme cases, and is aligned with the SERV component.

(b) alternative data source: While the 2013 edition of the IOI and the Innovation Union

Scoreboard used UN Comtrade, the 2014 edition of the IOI introduced Comext data.

The key advantages of shifting to the latter source are the improved timeliness

(Eurostat regularly updates upon receipt of country data), and better quality (results

are more harmonized). COMEXT data are more consistent as regards the trade hub

effect (Rotterdam effect), while Comtrade data may not necessarily comply with the

Eurostat/COMEXT approach. While for many Member States COMEXT and

Comtrade data are largely the same, for countries with a large trade hub (like NL-

Rotterdam, LU-air cargo) there are significant differences. There is also a relatively

large difference for Switzerland, which needs to be examined further (the trade of

gold being an important factor here). Comtrade data will continue to be used for non-

European countries.

(c) different denominator: The value of total exports is larger for countries with rich

natural resource endowments and high primary exports. The discussion on whether

this is to be considered as a bias and if so, how to reduce it, remains open.

Alternatives could be the use of GDP rather than total trade as a denominator, or

excluding primary products from the denominator, or considering manufacturing

exports only.

The SERV component

SERV, the second component of COMP, measures exports of knowledge-intensive services

as captured by the sum of credits in EBOPS (Extended Balance of Payments Services

Classification) classes 207, 208, 211, 212, 218, 228, 229, 245, 253, 260, 263, 272, 274, 278,

279, 280 and 284. The denominator is the total value of services exports as measured by

credits in EBOPS 200.

Preliminary (and not fully detailed) data for year t-1 are released every May together with

revisions for year t-2. Complete data for year t-1 are published in December, together with

revisions for years t-2 and t-3. Time lags may be longer for Non-EU Member States,

including Norway and Switzerland.

Due to confidentiality reasons, many EBOPS service posts are missing in data published by

Eurostat in some or all years. This may significantly affect country scores, i.e. in the case of

freight transport by sea where Greek data fluctuates from 5.4% in 2010 to 54.2% in

2011.Special aggregates on knowledge-intensive services obtained from Eurostat were used

to partially overcome this problem. However, in a number of cases, incomplete time series

were imputed by simply using previous year’s data. Yet, for completely missing services no

imputation was made, resulting in an underestimation of the component, notably in the cases

of CH, US and JP.

As for GOOD, two different SERV scores were computed for the EU28 aggregate to

accommodate both European and global comparisons. For the global comparison, only extra-

EU service exports were considered, resulting in the score for ‘EUx’. For a European

comparison, the ‘EU’ weighted average score was computed by including both intra- and

extra-EU service exports.

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Figure 4 Knowledge-intensive services exports as % of total service exports

Source: Eurostat EBOPS special aggregation;UN Service Trade Statistics; Note: EUx refers to Extra-EU 28

trade only, EU refers to both intra- and extra-EU trade for EU28 aggregate


For the 2014 release of the IOI, a number of alternatives were considered for the definition of

SERV, but the final decision was to apply the original definition of the IUS, in which all KIS

services are included.

First, an alternative formula was proposed based on the contribution to the trade balance, in

order to align it with the definition of GOOD used in the 2013 release. Secondly, the

inclusion or exclusion of specific sectors was discussed. In particular, the classification of

maritime transport as KIS gives a disadvantage to landlocked countries (AT, CZ, HU, SK,

LU). Moreover, royalties and license fees, not classified as KIS, put countries with

substantial receipts (such as the Netherlands, where royalties and license fees are tax-free) at

a disadvantage. Land based transport (rail, road and pipelines), not classified as KIS, put

transit countries (such as AT and the Baltics) at a disadvantage. Education and health

services, not classified as KIS, but having high tertiary attainment of employed persons,

should also be considered. Tests have been conducted by combining all these options.

Education and health services were found to have negligible impact on SERV. An update of

the KIS classification, or even the development of a new classification, is the object of

ongoing investigation. This, potentially affecting the 2015 edition of the IOI, will take into

account an upcoming methodological update of Balance of Payment Manual (BPM5 to



Alternative ways to impute missing services (in particular in the case of non-EU countries)

remain to be investigated.

15 The main methodological reference used for the production of balance of payment statistics is the fifth

balance of payments manual (BPM5) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The sixth edition of this

manual (BPM6) was finalised in December 2008 and its implementation will take place by the end of 2014.

This new set of international standards has been developed, partly in response to important economic

developments, including an increased role for globalisation, rising innovation and complexity in financial

markets, and a greater emphasis on using the balance sheet as a tool for understanding economic activity.

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The COMP component

Comp is the unweighted arithmetic average of GOOD and SERV. Most recent country scores

are presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 COMP scores, the arithmetic average of indicators GOOD and SERV, using

equal weights; European (upper panel) and Global comparison (lower panel)

Source: JRC calculations

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2.4. The DYN component: employment dynamism of high-growth enterprises in

innovative sectors

The purpose of the DYN component is to measure countries’ capacity to create employment

in high-growth enterprises that operate in innovative sectors. It is computed by weighting

sectoral innovation coefficients with sectoral shares of employment in high-growth

enterprises, according to the following formula:












Equation 2. Component DYN (dynamism) of the IOI



scorescore KIACIS )*( is the innovation coefficient, and HG

sCE is the number of employees in

high-growth enterprises in sector s and country c, being s




C EE . Note that in this

formula the term HG





E plays the role of a weight as 1






s E


The economic sectors covered are the three-digit NACE business economy sectors,

including the financial sector (i.e. NACE Rev. 2 sections B-N & S95), as identified by the

national statistical office based on national business register data and based on the number of

employees in these enterprises.16

The reason for using NACE three-digit level statistical

breakdown is to capture cross-sectoral differences in innovativeness.

The innovation coefficient s

scorescore KIACIS )*(

The taxonomy of the innovation coefficients was developed by the OECD, in the framework

of a contract financed by the Commission.17

The innovation coefficients cover all NACE

sectors. This option allows innovation in all business sectors to be taken into account.

The innovation coefficient is not country-specific but computed over the entire pool of

European countries in order to provide an indication of the structural features of economic

sectors across Europe. Moreover, for some countries, statistics may not be representative.

For the 2013 and 2014 edition of the IOI, the innovation coefficients for all three-digit NACE

sectors have been computed using data from the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2008

(for the sscoreCIS( ) and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) 2009 and 2010 (for the s

scoreKIA ).

The s

scorescore KIACIS )*( for the 25 most innovative sectors are presented in Table 3. The

sectors with the highest innovation coefficients include R&D in natural sciences and

engineering, software publishing, satellite telecommunications activities, manufacture of

pharmaceutical preparations, computer programming, consultancy and related activities,

wireless telecommunications activities, manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products,

architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy. The methodology is

illustrated in the next two sections.

16 The financial sector ‘K’ is included from the 2014 version of the Innovation Output Indicator onward.

17 See OECD (2011) “Innovation Intensity in Sectors; An Experimental Taxonomy”.

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Table 3 The 25 most innovative sectors based on the innovation coefficient

NACE Rev. 2, 3-digit (groups) Coefficients


Code Description

721 Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering 0.82

582 Software publishing 0.66

643 Trusts, funds and similar financial entities 0.64

722 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities 0.62

613 Satellite telecommunications activities 0.6

620 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 0.58

212 Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 0.58

612 Wireless telecommunications activities 0.56

639 Other information service activities 0.55

211 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products 0.54

663 Fund management activities 0.54

601 Radio broadcasting 0.52

602 Television programming and broadcasting activities 0.52

641 Monetary intermediation 0.52

202 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 0.51

652 Reinsurance 0.5

263 Manufacture of communication equipment 0.49

265 Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation;

watches and clocks 0.48

711 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy 0.48

303 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery 0.48

262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment 0.48

266 Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment 0.46

651 Insurance 0.45

304 Manufacture of military fighting vehicles 0.43

702 Management consultancy activities 0.43

Note: For the 3-digit NACE Rev. 2 groups for which CIS2008 statistics could not be compiled, the corresponding 2-digit

scores were assigned and highlighted in grey. KIA coefficients for the economic activities which are below the reliability

threshold of 20,000 employed persons (for European aggregate) are presented in italic.

Calculation of CIS scores

CIS aims at capturing a broad range of innovation activities such as product and process

development and marketing and organisational changes. A total of 33 CIS 2008 variables

distributed among four groups (see Table 12), and reflecting the different aspects of

innovation, were used to rank economic sectors according to their innovation intensity. These

variables were assigned equal weights so that, for instance, R&D performers and marketing

innovators are given the same weight when constructing sectoral innovation intensities. This

addresses the concern that the innovation performance of some sectors, especially services, is

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not linked to R&D performance only, as has traditionally been the case in manufacturing.

The methodology of calculating CIS-based sector-specific scores18

can be summarised as:

1. Firm-level data from CIS 2008 survey from European countries, weighted by their

statistical representativeness, were pooled together for each NACE 3-digit level sector.19


approach has the main advantage of being able to account for the relative importance of the

countries included in the analysis. This on the other hand leads to statistics that are more

heavily influenced by the behaviour of respondents located in the biggest countries surveyed;

it also assumes that non-surveyed firms behave in exactly the same way as their surveyed

counterparts do.

2. For each CIS 2008 dichotomous variable considered, sectors’ ‘performance’ was obtained

as the ratio of the number of firms answering ‘yes’ to the total number of firms answering the

same question. Conversely, for those variables asking respondents to quantify investment or

amounts (e.g. innovation-related expenses), sectors were ranked on the basis of average

expenditure per respondent firm.

3. For each of the 33 CIS 2008 variables considered and included in the four different groups

created (see Table 11 from OECD), business sectors were ranked according to their relative

‘performance’ and given a score proportional to their position in the ranking: the first sector

in the ranking is attributed the highest score, the second one is attributed the highest score

minus one, and so on until the last sector in the ranking, which only receives 1 point.

4. Variable-specific scores are then normalised so that all variable-specific rankings are

defined between ]0, 1]. To this end, the normalised score of sector x (called xnorm) was

calculated for each variable i as:

xnorm i = xi / ximax

where ximax

is the maximum score by any of the sectors included in the ranking of variable i.20

5. For each group j of variables, with j = [product and process innovators; innovation-related

expenditures; organisation and market innovations; environmental innovations] (see Table 11

from OECD), group-specific sectoral scores were calculated as the average of the scores

obtained from each of the variables included in group j.

6. Overall CIS-based sectors scores were finally calculated as the average of the sector-

specific scores obtained from each of the four groups of variables considered. Overall CIS-

based scores thus range between ]0, 1].21

Calculation of KIA scores

18 All sectors covered in the CIS 2008 survey were included in order to assess innovativeness across the whole

spectrum of economic activities. This means that, as sectoral coverage varies across countries, the statistics

for some sectors may rely on a subset of countries only. Reference years of the CIS 2008: 2006-2008.

19 Calculations at 3-digit level of NACE Rev. 2 are based on CIS 2008 micro-data from 21 European countries

(BG, CY, CZ, EE, IE, ES, FI, FR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NO, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK).

20 The methodology leads to first ranked sectors that receive normalised scores equal to one, and to last ranked

sectors that receive small (i.e. close to zero) but positive values, with stepwise distances (i.e. between a

sector n and the sectors ranked n+1 or n-1) that depend on the variable-specific number of sectors included.

21 For three-digit sectors where the number of observations was judged too small to allow for statistics to be

displayed, the CIS score was imputed from the two-digit level. This concerns 27 three-digit sectors out of

218 included in the indicator (non-financial business economy).

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Innovation is always the tangible or intangible translation of new ideas and knowledge.

Knowledge-intensive economic activities are more likely to be subject to innovations and to

offer innovations with a high potential for economic and societal transformations. In order to

account for the role of knowledge in the innovation potential of an economic sector, the share

of tertiary-educated persons employed in that sector, normalised by the highest share among

all sectors is used.22

The sector-specific KIA score thus ranges between [0, 1]. The average of

2009 and 2010 values obtained from the Labour Force Survey were used.

High-growth enterprises (EHG


High-growth enterprises are defined as enterprises with average annualised growth in number

of employees of more than 10 % a year, over a three-year period, and with 10 or more

employees at the beginning of the observation period (period of growth).23


enterprises have been defined statistically as part of the joint OECD/Eurostat

Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme (EIP).24

The definition used for the dynamism

component is the employment-based definition established by the EIP, with the exception of

the minimum growth rate, which is set to 10 % for DYN instead of 20 % for the EIP. While

still being very selective, this lower threshold allows for a more significant coverage of high-

growth enterprises.25

Data availability has been increasing with time. Following a test collection covering data for

the year 2008, as of 2011 25 countries are covered (24 EU Member States plus Norway). No

data is available for the following EU Member States for the following years: 2008: BE, BG,

CY, CZ, DE, ES, FR, IE, NL, UK, EL, HR, MT; 2009: BG, CY, CZ, DE, ES, UK, EL, HR,

MT; 2010: EL, HR, MT, DE (sector K missing from aggregation); 2011: IT, PL, SI, EL, HR,

MT; 2012 /provisional data/: EL, FR, HR, IE; 2012 /final data/26

: FI, EL.

22 Calculations at three-digit level of NACE Rev. 2 are based on the LFS data available for 19 Member States

(AT, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HU, LU, LT, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SK, UK). Values for 25 three-

digit sectors out of 272 in total economy (i.e. including public sector), accounting for 0.3% of total persons

employed in 2010 in the same dataset, are considered unreliable and not published, because they are below

the 6500 population threshold applied to LFS data; 28 additional three-digit sectors out of 272 in total

economy, accounting for 1.2% of total persons employed in 2010 in the same data set, are considered

unreliable but are published with a flag (between 6500 and 15000 population threshold applied to LFS


23 Different thresholds were tested (such as 7% and 20%), and 10% was judged sufficient to capture the


24 The joint OECD/Eurostat EIP programme started in 2006. See


25 The rationale of the choice of this threshold was agreed with Member States' experts on 23 October 2012.

26 Final data became available from Eurostat in October 2014, after publication of the IOI 2014. Therefore, the

IOI 2014 used provisional data, published in February 2014 (see notes of Figure 6).

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Imputation technique for missing values and wider international comparability

Unlike for the other components, data for international comparability is more limited for


Missing data have been imputed using the Expectation-Maximization (EM)

algorithm, which was found the best in a cross-validation of ten different alternatives28


EM is an iterative procedure to find the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameter

vector by repeating the following steps.

1. Expectation "E-step": given a set of parameter estimates, such as a mean vector and

covariance matrix for a multivariate normal distribution, the E-step calculates the

conditional expectation of the complete-data log likelihood given the observed data

and the parameter estimates.

2. Maximization "M-step": given a complete-data log likelihood, the M-step finds the

parameter estimates which maximize the complete-data log likelihood from the E-

step. These two steps are iterated until the iterations converge.

This technique has been applied to impute missing values for component DYN for the EU-

Member States listed as missing, as well as for TR, IS, CH, US and JP. BRIC countries have

not been included in the IOI because they also display missing data for the KIA component.

The implications of the imputation procedure on countries ranking will be tested in the

robustness analysis that will be conducted for the 2015 release of the IOI.

27 The actual capacity to provide data to calculate the indicator on an international basis is constrained for two

main reasons: First of all, while statistical business registers are available in countries such as Brazil,

Canada, New Zealand or the United States, a proper register does not exist in other major global economies

such as China, India or Japan. In order to calculate the dynamism component for these countries, all that

can be used are firm-level data from different types of data sources, with several representativeness and

quality problems. For instance, the available Chinese data only cover manufacturing enterprises while India

provides information at plant (not company) level, again mostly in manufacturing industry. Second,

estimates of employment in fast-growing innovative enterprises are based on European sector-specific

innovation coefficients.

28 For further reference see: Dempster, A.P.; Laird, N.M.; Rubin, D.B., 1977. Maximum Likelihood from

Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. B 39 (1): 1–38, and Little,

R.J.A., Rubin, D.B., 2002. Statistical Analysis with missing data. IInd edition; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Figure 6 DYN component - employment dynamism of high-growth enterprises

Source: Eurostat; Note: 2012: preliminary data, IE and FR - 2011 data; Imputation: 2010 - EL, HR, MT, DE;

2011- IT, PL, SI, EL, HR, MT; 2012- EL and HR; all years - CH, IS, TR, US, JP


Sectoral Disaggregation Level: 3-digit or 2-digit? The dynamism component has

been calculated using data at NACE three-digit level, instead of the two-digit level, as

these latter may prove too heterogeneous in their sub-sectors. The JRC will test both

levels of disaggregation of the sectoral data used for this component in the robustness

analysis of the IOI.

Financial services: Well-functioning and performing financial services are crucial to

the innovative capacity of an economy. Financial services have been excluded from

the indicator in the 2013 edition but included in the 2014 edition because they are

considered relevant for the measurement of innovation given their pervasive function

and impact in the non-financial economy. The contribution of the financial sector is

furthermore not excluded in the other three components of the IOI, i.e. PCT, KIA and


Update of CIS KIA: The 2015 edition of the IOI will use newly computed


scorescore KIACIS )*( using (when microdata will be made available) CIS 2012 as well

as LFS 2013 data. The update of sscoreCIS using micro-data from CIS 2010 has been

made in July 2014 by the JRC.

Enhancing the international dimension: Increasing the international coverage may

be possible using employment data for HGIE computed by national statistical offices

(i.e. in the framework of the Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme of the OECD).

Increasing the international coverage of the DYN component in the future will, (as in

the case of other components), bring along the question whether the sectoral

innovativeness coefficients that were computed based on CIS and KIA micro-data

from EU Member states are also valid for other countries (i.e. the US and Japan).

Use of preliminary or final EHG

data: the use of preliminary EHG

data published in

February each year may bias country scores by not restricted firm growth (due to

mergers and acquisitions), which would be (in most cases) corrected in the final EHG

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data published in October each year. Both alternatives will be tested in the robustness

analysis that will be conducted for the 2015 release of the IOI.

2.5. Computing country scores

The IOI is computed by aggregating standardized scores for the components. This entails the

following steps:

all components are normalised using the z-score transformation. This consists of

subtracting from each observation in a given component the mean across all countries

over the same component29

, and then dividing the result by the standard deviation

across the countries over the same component. In order to have positive values for all

normalised scores30

, these are further transformed into a convenient scale (1 to 10) in

the following way: z*1.5+5.

the normalised scores are aggregated by applying a weighted arithmetic average of

country scores. The weights of the component indicators (22, 10, 24, 9 for PCT, KIA,

COMP and DYN, respectively) are computed in such a way that the IOI is statistically

equally balanced in its underlying components (the methodology applied to obtain

equally balanced components is referred to in footnote 8).

the IOI scores are finally obtained dividing the aggregate values by the baseline score

for the EU for the year 2010, and multiplying by 100. This sets the IOI for EU in

2010 to 100. This is a reference value for comparison over countries and time.

29 Observations were pooled country scores for the three years considered. That allows drawing conclusions on

changes over time.

30 This was necessary to allow for testing alternative aggregation methods (i.e. the geometric mean) in a

robustness analysis.

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Table 4 Data used for the Innovation Output Indicator 2014


EU28 EU "2012" 4.0 13.9 53.4 49.5 17.9

EUx "2012"

59.7 56.0

Belgium BE "2012" 4.0 15.2 46.7 42.9 15.6

Bulgaria BG "2012" 0.4 8.3 25.7 28.6 16.2

Czech Republic CZ "2012" 0.7 12.5 62.5 34.8 18.7

Denmark DK "2012" 6.6 15.5 42.9 68.1 18.5

Germany DE "2012" 7.8 15.8 65.8 58.1 19.1

Estonia EE "2012" 2.3 10.8 40.8 42.5 14.7

Ireland IE "2012" 2.4 20.1 47.9 78.6 21.8

Greece EL "2012" 0.4 12.3 18.8 54.0 16.8

Spain ES "2012" 1.7 11.9 44.3 33.2 15.9

France FR "2012" 4.2 14.3 57.1 41.1 20.8

Italy IT "2012" 2.1 13.2 49.3 33.3 15.3

Cyprus CY "2012" 0.3 16.9 36.0 41.9 16.7

Latvia LV "2012" 0.5 10.3 29.0 35.6 11.3

Lithuania LT "2012" 0.4 9.1 31.9 14.2 12.3

Luxembourg LU "2012" 1.7 25.4 56.1 73.6 18.8

Hungary HU "2012" 1.5 12.5 66.2 28.8 19.1

Malta MT "2012" 0.7 17.0 51.3 23.7 17.5

Netherlands NL "2012" 5.5 15.2 42.7 31.8 16.2

Austria AT "2012" 5.4 14.2 55.1 32.2 17.2

Poland PL "2012" 0.5 9.7 48.2 33.6 19.3

Portugal PT "2012" 0.6 9.0 36.5 33.5 14.7

Romania RO "2012" 0.2 6.5 50.2 49.2 16.0

Slovenia SI "2012" 3.2 14.1 53.3 25.7 15.3

Slovakia SK "2012" 0.5 10.1 61.7 31.3 19.2

Finland FI "2012" 10.5 15.5 40.4 43.9 17.1

Sweden SE "2012" 10.1 17.6 51.4 41.8 18.9

United Kingdom UK "2012" 3.3 17.8 53.8 66.4 18.6

Croatia HR "2012" 0.8 10.4 39.4 17.6 15.0

Turkey TR "2012" 0.6 5.0 34.1 22.0 13.3

Iceland IS "2012" 3.0 17.5 11.8 51.4 16.7

Norway NO "2012" 3.4 15.3 11.6 54.0 15.4

Switzerland CH "2012" 8.0 20.5 63.0 25.0 19.0

United States US "2012" 3.9 17.1 50.2 45.6 18.4

Japan JP "2012" 11.2 17.2 74.4 31.6 19.1

EU28 EU "2011" 4.0 13.6 53.5 48.8 18.2

EUx "2011"

59.4 55.5

Belgium BE "2011" 3.8 14.8 46.7 42.5 17.3

Bulgaria BG "2011" 0.4 8.7 25.9 27.7 14.5

Czech Republic CZ "2011" 0.9 12.3 63.1 32.9 17.0

Denmark DK "2011" 7.0 15.6 42.3 66.5 21.7

Germany DE "2011" 7.8 15.1 65.4 56.7 18.5

Estonia EE "2011" 2.4 10.7 39.6 41.0 16.2

Ireland IE "2011" 2.8 19.7 50.2 77.7 21.8

Greece EL "2011" 0.4 11.3 21.3 54.7 16.6

Spain ES "2011" 1.6 11.8 47.2 31.9 15.9

France FR "2011" 4.3 14.4 56.2 42.0 20.8

Italy IT "2011" 2.1 13.4 50.1 33.5 17.2

Cyprus CY "2011" 0.6 15.1 38.1 44.9 15.5

Latvia LV "2011" 1.2 9.0 30.4 36.5 9.5

Lithuania LT "2011" 0.3 8.9 32.4 14.7 12.3

Luxembourg LU "2011" 1.8 24.8 49.3 75.7 21.0

Hungary HU "2011" 1.5 13.1 68.5 29.2 18.7

Malta MT "2011" 0.3 16.4 49.4 23.0 16.8

Netherlands NL "2011" 6.3 14.9 43.2 31.0 16.4

Austria AT "2011" 5.2 14.0 53.9 31.2 16.7

Poland PL "2011" 0.5 9.3 49.5 32.5 15.6

Portugal PT "2011" 0.7 9.1 36.8 31.2 14.1

Romania RO "2011" 0.2 6.5 50.4 47.5 16.0

Slovenia SI "2011" 3.2 13.7 54.3 26.6 17.0

Slovakia SK "2011" 0.4 10.5 60.3 24.5 16.9

Page 26: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator



Finland FI "2011" 10.5 15.3 42.0 44.2 15.3

Sweden SE "2011" 10.9 17.2 53.6 43.7 19.2

United Kingdom UK "2011" 3.5 17.4 50.4 64.9 18.8

Croatia HR "2011" 0.7 10.3 43.3 17.6 15.2

Turkey TR "2011" 0.6 4.7 37.7 21.4 13.4

Iceland IS "2011" 3.9 18.5 11.9 52.7 17.3

Norway NO "2011" 3.7 15.1 11.4 54.0 16.3

Switzerland CH "2011" 8.1 19.9 64.2 25.4 18.9

United States US "2011" 3.9 16.8 50.0 46.6 18.5

Japan JP "2011" 9.4 17.5 73.1 32.0 20.4

EU28 EU "2010" 3.8 13.5 54.6 49.0 17.3

EUx "2010"

60.4 56.5

Belgium BE "2010" 3.5 14.6 48.8 42.4 17.4

Bulgaria BG "2010" 0.3 8.6 25.9 26.9 14.9

Czech Republic CZ "2010" 1.0 11.8 63.3 32.9 16.4

Denmark DK "2010" 7.3 15.8 41.7 66.0 20.7

Germany DE "2010" 7.1 15.3 65.9 57.5 19.6

Estonia EE "2010" 2.0 9.8 36.4 41.8 14.4

Ireland IE "2010" 2.9 19.5 49.2 76.9 21.5

Greece EL "2010" 0.4 10.9 23.5 59.0 16.9

Spain ES "2010" 1.4 11.5 48.0 30.8 16.6

France FR "2010" 4.0 13.8 57.6 38.8 19.7

Italy IT "2010" 2.1 13.7 50.6 34.4 17.1

Cyprus CY "2010" 0.5 14.4 40.8 48.5 18.6

Latvia LV "2010" 0.8 9.6 30.7 38.8 13.9

Lithuania LT "2010" 0.6 8.7 32.2 15.6 13.6

Luxembourg LU "2010" 1.7 25.7 51.3 77.6 27.0

Hungary HU "2010" 1.4 12.8 71.4 28.6 18.2

Malta MT "2010" 1.0 16.2 54.9 25.4 17.2

Netherlands NL "2010" 6.5 15.2 43.7 32.2 17.1

Austria AT "2010" 4.6 14.4 54.2 29.5 16.0

Poland PL "2010" 0.4 9.1 51.2 31.2 17.3

Portugal PT "2010" 0.6 8.6 36.5 30.1 14.2

Romania RO "2010" 0.2 6.0 51.1 45.4 15.2

Slovenia SI "2010" 3.1 13.4 56.0 25.9 15.2

Slovakia SK "2010" 0.3 10.1 62.1 23.3 19.4

Finland FI "2010" 9.5 15.2 45.0 42.4 18.5

Sweden SE "2010" 10.5 16.9 53.5 43.6 21.0

United Kingdom UK "2010" 3.4 17.0 54.0 65.9 16.6

Croatia HR "2010" 0.7 9.9 45.1 17.6 15.0

Turkey TR "2010" 0.5 4.8 38.6 18.8 13.1

Iceland IS "2010" 2.7 18.1 12.6 54.1 17.3

Norway NO "2010" 2.9 14.2 14.2 54.0 17.4

Switzerland CH "2010" 7.9 19.8 63.6 26.6 18.9

United States US "2010" 3.9 16.6 52.3 45.9 18.5

Japan JP "2010" 7.6 17.5 73.8 31.0 20.2

Source: JRC calculations. Note: ‘EUx’ refers to Extra-EU trade for GOOD and SERV.

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Monitoring innovation at the national scale across the Member States and with respect to

non-EU benchmark countries raises practical challenges related to the quality of data and the

combination of these into a single number.

Robustness analysis is a necessary step to ensure the transparency and reliability of an

indicator, to enable policy-makers to derive informed and meaningful conclusions, and to

potentially guide choices on priority setting and policy formulation.

The JRC applies robustness analysis to assess the IOI for the conceptual and statistical

coherence of its structure, and for the impact of key modelling assumptions on the country


The JRC has already tested the conceptual coherence of the IOI in its first release using

principal component analysis. The structure of the IOI has been fixed at that time. A potential

revision of the framework can be envisaged in five to ten years.

The statistical coherence of the IOI is tested using the Pearson correlation ratio (the non-

linear equivalent of the Pearson correlation coefficient), which enables computing nominal

weights such that the components are all equally balanced.32

Key modelling assumptions are tested in the robustness analysis and include i) alternative

techniques for the imputation of missing data, ii) alternative aggregation formulas

(arithmetic, geometric), iii) alternative specifications of the selected indicators and iv)

aggregation using random weights. This type of assessment aims to anticipate eventual

criticism about the assumptions made to construct the IOI (Saisana et al., 2005;33

Saisana et

al., 2011).

The outcome of the analysis complements the country rankings with confidence intervals, in

order to better appreciate the robustness of the IOI to key modelling assumptions.


See for example Saisana, M., D'Hombres, B., Saltelli, A., 2011. Rickety numbers: Volatility of university

rankings and policy implications, Research Policy 40(1), 165-177.

32 Details on the applied methodologies are available at []

33 Saisana, M., Saltelli, A., Tarantola, S., 2005. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis techniques as tools for the

analysis and validation of composite indicators. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A 168(2), 307-323.

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List of Acronyms

BPM Balance of Payments Manual

BRIC Brazil, Russia, India and China

CIS Community Innovation Survey

COMEXT Eurostat reference database for external trade

COMP Indicator of competitiveness in knowledge-intensive sectors

Comtrade United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database

CTB Contribution to the trade balance

DG ENTR DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission

DG RTD DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission

DYN Indicator of Employment dynamism of fast-growing enterprises in innovative sectors

EBOPS Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification

EIP Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme

EM Expectation-Maximization

EPO European Patent Office

ESA European System of National and Regional Accounts

EU European Union

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GOOD Indicator on the share of high-tech and medium-tech products in a country’s exports

IMF International Monetary Fund

IOI Innovation Output Indicator

IUS Innovation Union Scoreboard

ITSS Statistics of International Trade in Services

JRC Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

KIA Knowledge-intensive activities (also abbreviates the Indicator of ~)

KIS Knowledge-intensive services

LFS Labour Force Survey

MHT Medium-tech and high-tech

MS Member State (of the European Union)

NACE Statistical classifications of economic activities

OECD Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development

PCT Patent Cooperation Treaty (also refers to Indicator on patent applications)

PPP Purchasing Power Parity

R&D Research and Development

SERV Indicator on the share of knowledge-intensive services in a country’s exports

SITC Standard International Trade Classification

UN United Nations

UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization

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Country abbreviations

Code Country

EU28 European Union (28 countries)

AT Austria

BE Belgium

BG Bulgaria

CH Switzerland

CY Cyprus

CZ Czech Republic

DE Germany

DK Denmark

EE Estonia

EL Greece

ES Spain

FI Finland

FR France

HR Croatia

HU Hungary

IE Ireland

IS Iceland

IT Italy

JP Japan

KR Republic of Korea

LT Lithuania

LU Luxembourg

LV Latvia

ME Montenegro

MK Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the

MT Malta

NL Netherlands

NO Norway

PL Poland

PT Portugal

RO Romania

RU Russia

SE Sweden

SI Slovenia

SK Slovakia

TR Turkey

UK United Kingdom

US United States of America

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Page 31: THE INNOVATION OUTPUT INDICATOR 2014 · 2016. 6. 3. · 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report illustrates the methodology followed to compute the 2014 edition2 of the innovation output indicator

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EUR 26936 – Joint Research Centre – DDG.01

Title: The Innovation Output Indicator 2014: Methodology Report

Author(s): Daniel Vertesy, Stefano Tarantola

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

2014 – 28+5 pp. – 21.0 x 29.7 cm

EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series – ISSN 1831-9424 (online)

ISBN 978-92-79-40958-5 (PDF)

doi: 10.2788/836690


The Innovation Output Indicator was developed by the Commission at the request of the European Council to benchmark

national innovation policies and to monitor the EU’s performance against its main trading partners. It measures the extent to

which ideas stemming from innovative sectors are capable of reaching the market, providing better jobs and making Europe

more competitive. It complements the R&D intensity indicator (3 % target of the Europe 2020 strategy) by focusing on

innovation output. It will support policy-makers in establishing new or reinforced actions to remove bottlenecks preventing

innovators from translating ideas into successful goods and services.

This report discusses the methodology applied for the computation of the Innovation Output Indicator (IOI) 2014 edition. The IOI

is a composite of four components, chosen for their policy relevance: technological innovation as measured by patents (PCT);

Employment in knowledge-intensive activities as a percentage of total employment (KIA); the average of the share of medium

and high-tech goods and services in a countries export (COMP); and employment dynamism of fast-growing enterprises in

innovative sectors (DYN).

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ISBN 978-92-79-40958-5




