Page 1: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

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The influence of temperature, carbon content, and preloading on The influence of temperature, carbon content, and preloading on

secondary consolidation of a clay secondary consolidation of a clay

Richard Kai-Ming So

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation So, Richard Kai-Ming, "The influence of temperature, carbon content, and preloading on secondary consolidation of a clay" (1971). Masters Theses. 5509.

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Page 2: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and






Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree



Page 3: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and



The effect of temperature, organic carbon content,

and preloading on secondary consolidation of Bryce clay

has been studied. A straight line plot of void ratio

versus logarithm of time was established in secondary

consolidation for long term loading periods up to one

month. Temperature changes within the range of S°C.

to 4S°C. were studied in the secondary consolidation

phase at different stress levels and different carbon

contents of the soil. Secondary consolidation in a

preloading cycle at a stress level of 2 tsf unloaded

to 1 tsf and reloaded to 2 tsf was studied. The pre­

loading tests were at temperatures of S°C., 2S°C., and

4S°C. on samples of varying carbon contents.

It was found that the value of Ca (secondary con­

solidation rate expressed as the void ratio per cycle

of logarithm of time) could be reduced by preloading at

a constant temperature. At higher effective stresses,

Ca was found to be dependent on the carbon content of

the soil at 2S°C. and 4S°C., and under the same condi­

tions, Ca was independent of the carbon content at 5°C.

At a given temperature a value of Ca was established.

If the temperature was increased for a period of time

and then lowered to the original temperature, the final

en was considerably less than the original Ca. If the

Page 4: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

temperature was decreased between a given initial and

final temperature, it was found that C was only ~

slightly affected.


Page 5: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and



The author wishes to express his gratitude to

Dr. Norbert o. Schmidt for his many helpful suggestions,

guidance, and encouragement during the preparation of

this paper. Acknowledgement is also due Professor

John B. Heagler for his valuable suggestions and con­

structive criticism on this paper. Author is indebted

to Mr. Stanley Notestine for his proof reading and

editing of this paper and to Mrs. Judy Notestine who

has ably and patiently typed the manuscript.

Page 6: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and



ABSTRACT e 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iv





A. General I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4

B. Temperature E~~ect on Secondary Consolidation •..•••..•.•••••••..••• . . . 8

c. Preloading and Carbon Content E~~ect on Secondary Consolidation .••••••••.•• 10

Chapter III. PROCEDURE I I I I I I I I e I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13

A, Soil Description I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13

B. Soil Preparation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13

c. Design o~ Equipment I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16

D. Testing Procedure I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20

E. Testing Program I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 20


A. Test Results and Analysis • • • • • • • • • • • • • 23

B. Discussion I I I I I I I I I I I I e e e e e e • e e e • e e e e e 39

Page 7: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


Chapter v. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



VITA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 58

Page 8: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and



Figures Page

1. Compressibility o~ Clay Exhibiting Delayed Consolidation (a~ter Bjerrum, 1967) •.••••••••... 6

2. E~rects o~ Stress Unloading on Secondary Compression Laboratory Tests (a~ter Johnson, 1970) ..•••••••.•..••••..••.••...••...•. 11

3. Front View or Loading Frame with Polystyrene Insulated Cell and Consolidometers •..••.••...... 18

4. Temperature Controlled Consolidometer Cell...... 19

5. Typical Result of Long Term Test................ 24

6. Erfect of Temperature Decrease on High Carbon Content Soil ................• , .. , .............. , 26

7. Effect of Temperature Increase on High Carbon Content Soil ......................... , , . . . . . . . . . 27

8. E~fect of Stress Level and Carbon Content on C at 4 5°C ..........•.... , .......•.............. ~ , .

9. Ef~ect o~ Stress Level and Carbon Content on C~ at 25°C ·····••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

10. E~~ect o~ Stress Level and Carbon Content on C at 5 oc ....... , ............................... <; , •

11. E~fect o~ Carbon Content and Temperature on C~ for Reloading at 2 tsr ....••.••..••.•...........

12. E~~ect o~ Reloading on Secondary Consolidation ..

13. Ef~ect o~ Temperature Increase and Return on Intermediate Carbon Content Soil at High Stress






Level ... , ...... , . , .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

14. E~~ect o~ Temperature Increase and Return on High and Low Carbon Content Soils............... 36

15. E~~ect o~ Temperature Decrease and Return on High and Low Carbon Content Soils............... 37

Page 9: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


Figures Page

16. Viscosity of Water at Various Temperatures at 1 Atmosphere (after Dorsey, 1968} .•••.••••••.••• 44

17. Effect of Temperature Increase and Return on Intermediate Carbon Content Soil at Low Stress Leve 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • • . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . 47

Page 10: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and



1. Physical Properties o~ Bryce Clay Loam and H2o2 Treated Bryce Clay .••.•........•••.••.•

2. Testing Program •....•.••...•....••.......•..





Page 11: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

c~n~ I


Due to the pressure o~ population more and more

sites with poor subsoil conditions are being utilized

for construction. For any structure built on poor

subsoil, three foundation questions are always of basic

interest. The first is the factor of sa~ety against a

catastrophic ~oundation failure. The second is the

amount of settlement that can be expected. The third


is the amount of time required for this settlement to

take place. The theory of consolidation attempts to

answer these last two questions. For highly compressi­

ble soils, secondary consolidation may be vitally im­

portant because primary consolidation may occur in a

short time, perhaps even as the building loads are

applied to the soil. In this investigation particular

attention is given to the ef~ect of temperature, organic

content of the soil, and preloading on secondary consoli­


Organic soil is thought to be a weak and highly

compressible soil. It has a lower unit weight, higher

liquid limit, and is darker in colour than inorganic

soils. Schmidt (1965) showed that hydrogen peroxide

treatment removed organic matter without affecting the

physical properties of the mineral fraction of the soil.

The organic content can thus be isolated as a factor 1n

Page 12: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


controlling soil properties.

Comparatively little attention has been given to

the relationship between laboratory temperature and

actual rield temperature, and its effect on soil pro­

perties. Temperatures above normal are often found under

the foundations of power plants and some factories, while

low temperatures are found under the foundations of

refrigerated warehouses. Climatic conditions can afrect

all soils in a given locale. It has been shown in

general, that changing the temperature can affect the

strain-time relationship in secondary consolidation

(Leonarda, 1962r Mitchell, 1969: Hahibagahi, 1969).

If loads are light to moderate and relatively

uniform, shallow foundations are normally more economi­

cal than other alternatives such as excavation and back­

fill, a deep foundation, or special subsoil treatment.

For poor subsoil conditions, preloading may be a signi­

ficant way to control settlement. Control of tempera­

ture may be another way, The organic carbon content

may strongly influence both of these factors. Tempera­

ture, organic content, and the preloading effect on

secondary consolidation have been studied in this


Organic A horizon Bryce soil and the same soil

treated with hydrogen peroxide to remove the organic

matter have been used in performing the temperature­

controlled consolidation tests. Soil samples are

Page 13: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


consolidated until the straight line portion of secondary

consolidation is developed in the void ratio versus

logarithm of time plot. After the samples were in the

secondary compression phase, in part of the tests the

temperature was either raised or lowered in the consoli­

dometer for several days until a new curve was defined.

Then the temperature was returned to the original temp­

erature. The stress-strain-time relationship effect of

changing temperatures in secondary consolidation has

been studied.

Page 14: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

A. General



Consolidation is the vertical compression of a


soil caused by the escape of porewater due to an applied

load. Terzaghi (1925) published a mathematical theory

of consolidation which is based on some simple assump­

tionss the voids of the soil are completely filled with

waterr both the water and the solid constituents of the

soil are perfectly incompressible• Darcy's law is validJ

the coefficient of permeability, k, is a constanta and

the time lag of consolidation is due entirely to the

low permeability of the soil. There are many cases

reported (e.g., Leonarda and Ramiah, 1959; Lo, 1961) in

which the time-settlement relationship of a clay investi­

gated in the oedometer and in the field could not fully

be explained by the simple Terzaghi theory. This is

referred to as secondary consolidation and is generally

considered to occur under a constant effective stress.

It is most manifest when primary consolidation is com­

plete, whereas in the primary consolidation phase the

void ratio decrease is due to the progressive dissipation

of pore pressure within the soil voids. In the Terzaghi

consolidation theory, only the seepage resistance is

considered to retard the transition of the grain

skeleton into a new equilibrium condition under the

Page 15: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

total stress state. The structural resistance is

neglected. Clearly in cohesive soils, the attraction

force acting between the bonds which hold together the

atoms of a clay mineral have to be overcome.


According to Tan (1957), instantaneous and retarded

deformation are the two main stages of deformation in

a typical flow curve of a clay. The instantaneous

deformation may be due to flexure of the thin plate-

like clay particles and/or to an increase of repulsion

between the clay particles. The retarded deformation

is suggested to be due to the visco-elastic properties

of the clay particles and to the migration of water

molecules. Tan also explained the mechanism of secondary

consolidation as the jumping at the contacts of electro­

static bonds of a card-house structure.

Bjerrum (1967) used a system of parallel curves

inane log p diagram (illustrated in Fig. 1) to describe

the compressibility characteristics of a clay showing

secondary consolidation. Each line represents an

equilibrium void ratio for different values of effective

pressure at a specific time of sustained loading. The

lines are slightly curved, and curvature decreases with

increasing pressure. A vertical line represents the

delayed compression which largely consists of secondary

compression (void ratio decreases at constant effective

stress), the length of the vertical line increases

linearly with time under a constant effective pressure.

Page 16: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


1 . .5 -Sedimentation



0 Additional .... ~ Loading cxs 0::

rd l.J ..-f 0 :> Equilibrium

Void Ratio at Diff. Time of Sustained Loading


J Days J Years JO Years JOO Years JOOO Years

1.1 4 6 8 10 12 1.5 20 JO

Vertical Pressure t/m2 (log scale)

FIGURE 1. Compressibility of a Clay Exhibiting Delayed Consolidation (after Bjerrum, 1967).

Page 17: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

If the clay is subjected to further loading by an

additional vertical stress which does not exceed the

critical pressure, Pc, only a small decrease in void

ratio occurs. If the additional load is so large that

the effective stress exceeds Pc' only that part of the

load exceeding Pc will produce a large instant settle­

ment. Figure 1 shows a unique relationship between

void ratio, pressure, and time.


On the basis of the results of long term observations,

Buisman (1936) established a linear relationship between

void ratio plotted on an arithmetic scale versus time

plotted on a logarithmic scale for secondary consolida­

tion. This relationship was introduced when dealing with

consolidation without seepage resistance. In cases when

primary consolidation is mainly governed by Terzaghi's

theory, secondary consolidation is described by the

logarithmic relationshipJ and the two branches of the

consolidation curve can be separated by the logarithm

of time fitting method as suggested by A. Casagrande


Many others have reported the linearity of secondary

consolidation on a logarithmic time plot (Leonarda and

Altschaeffl, 1964, Barden, 1969r Mitchell, 1969). Others

have reported that the plot may not be linear (Lo, 196la

Wahls, 1962). Lo argued that if linearity continued

indefinitely a sample would consolidate to nothingness.

Page 18: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

By postulating a sample based on rheological

models described in mathematical terms, Barden (1969)

suggests all mechanisms are compatible with rheological

models by simply considering a linear spring with a

non-linear dashpot, provided a suitable expression for

the non-linear dashpot can be formulated.


Buisman (19)6) said that C , the slope of secondary a consolidation line of a void ratio versus logarithmic

time plot, was proportional to the applied load.

Newland and Allely (1960) found that the slope of the

secondary plot was independent of the load increment

ratio, the consolidation pressure, and the thickness of

the sample. Green (1969) agreed with Newland and Allely's

conclusions for the Bryce clay that he studied. For

light loads, Wahls (1962) found an initial rapid increase

in Ca with decreasing void ratio until a given value of

Ca was attained. Thereafter, with further decrease in

void ratio, Ccr decreased slightly. Wahls concluded that

C was a function of void ratio, hence of effective stress. a

Lo (1961) said that vibration is another disturbing

factor and can cause an instantaneous volume reduction

in the secondary consolidation phase. Bjerrum (1964)

agreed with Lo; he mentioned that a cyclic load caused

additional compression of the sample.

B. Temperature Effects on Secondary Consolidation

Gray (19)8) investigated remolded samples of

organic silty clay and found a shift in the location of

Page 19: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

the recompression curve with a change in temperature.

According to Finn (1951) temperature had no significant

effect on void ratio. Matlock and Dawson (1951)


supported Finn's statement by asserting that ordinary

temperature variations had unimportant effects on the

void ratio-pressure curve, but did influence permeability.

However, the result of altering the temperature of the

consolidation test during the secondary consolidation

phase indicated that an increase in temperature resulted

in a higher rate of secondary consolidation (e.g., Gray,

1936r Lo, 196lr Schiffman, et al., 1966).

Kaul (1963) studied the effect of temperature on

secondary consolidation by performing a series of con-

solidation tests, with each sample at a different con-

stant temperature. No definite conclusions were drawn

from the results of Ca at different temperatures. Schmidt,

et al, (1969) found that Ca was influenced by temperature,

but the degree of influence was dependent on the stress

level. Hahibagahi (1969) found that the Ca for organic

Paulding soil increased with increasing temperature, but

only for overconsolidated samples. The C was independent a

of the testing temperature for normally consolidated

samples. For normally consolidated or overconsolidated

inorganic Paulding soil, Ca remained fairly independent

of the testing temperature.

Page 20: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

C. Effect of ?reloading and Carbon Content on Secondary Consolidation

Hanrahan (1954) found that the secondary consoli­

dation of peat could be reduced by preloading. But

Barber's (1961) laboratory tests on organic silt showed

that preloading had little effect on the long-time rate

of secondary consolidation. Leonarda and Ramiah (1959)

showed that under the condition of one-dimensional con-

solidation moderate surcharges acting for comparatively

short periods of time and then removed was effective in

reducing secondary compression. Jonas (1964) observed

no secondary settlements after the partial unloading of

an organic silty clay in the field, confirming Leonarda

and Ramiah's and Hanrahan's work. Simons (1965) agreed

and mentioned that the longer the surcharge was allowed

to act, the smaller the secondary consolidation.


Johnson (1970) shows an illustration of the effect

of unloading on laboratory behavior in secondary com-

pression (Fig. 2). For a period of time after partial

unloading, little or no secondary compression is evident,

but thereafter secondary compression appeared at a

reduced rate as compared to a test in which there was

no unloading. The greater the magnitude of the tempor-

ary surcharge the greater was the time interval following

removal of the surcharge load during which little second-

ary compression occured. When secondary compression

reappeared, Ca was less than before the surcharge stress

Page 21: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

I 0 .... ~ aS 0::

00 .... 0 :>

Primary Consolidation Secondary Consolidation

Time For Reappearance of Secondary Compression Increase With Increased Amount of Stress Unload----~

Little or No Sec. Com~

~~ --o~-o~o----

""'- --~ ~ '-......... tsr ~

Sec. Compr. With Increasing Magnitude of Stress Unloading at Tlme t 8 r

Log Time

FIGURE 2. Effects of Stress Unloading on Secondary Compression Laboratory Tests (after Johnson, 1970), .......


Page 22: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

was applied.

The quantity of organic matter in the soil has a

definite effect on secondary consolidation as pointed


out by Gray (19)6). He found that secondary consolidation

was a function of the type and quantity of organic matter

in the soil. Schmidt (1965) compared two soils that

differed only by organic content, and found that Ca

varied approximately linearly with organic content.

Organic matter was shown to be an independent variable.

Schmidt found that the removal of organic matter using

hydrogen peroxide had little effect on the clay minerals,

but that there was a great influence on the physical

properties of an organic soil, particularly on Ca•

due to the decrease in organic matter.

Page 23: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

A. Soil Description




The soil used ror the investigation was Bryce clay

loam to clay, (Wascher, Smith and Odell, 1951). The

sample was obtained from NW t of SW ! of Sec. 19,

T. 24, R. 1) W of Iroquois County, Illinois. (Wascher,

Alexander, Ray, Beaver, and Odell, 1960). The parent

material, to a depth of 18 inches, is mostly a dark

humic-gray soil or water deposited lake bed sediment

of the Wisconsin glacial period. It was chosen for its

high clay content and the relatively high organic

carbon content of the A horizon.

In order to study the soil behavior in the labora­

tory, a large amount of homogeneous soil is needed for

use in the study. The entire testing program was con­

ducted using soil obtained from a depth of 6 to 9 inches

below ground surface. In the natural state of the soil

the average organic carbon content was found to be 4.2~.

A summary of other important physical properties of the

Bryce clay is given in Table 1.

B. Soil Preparation

In general, natural samples are not homogeneous,

therefore this research has been carried out on remolded


Page 24: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

Organic Carbon









Atterburg Limit Specific Particle Size Distribution LL PL PI Gravity Sand Silt Clay

> 0. 05mm 20-2u <2u

54.0 32.6 21.4 2.59 17 53 30

49.5 28.2 21.3 2.61 13 52 35

45.5 25.3 20.2 2.63 12 50 38

41.3 21.1 20.2 2.67 9 47 44

~ +=-

Page 25: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


The soil was initially air dried and pulverized

by a Lancaster PC Mixer until nearly all or the soil

passed a #40 seive. Roots, dead leaves, and other

undecomposed vegetation were removed by hand before

pulverization. Of 50 lbs. of natural soil, approximately

98% passed a #40 seive. The remaining 2~ was discarded,

One half of the air dried, pulverized soil was used

without further treatment (hereafter, it will be referred

to as 4.2~ organic carbon soil). The remaining portion

was treated with hydrogen peroxide to remove most of

the organic matter to bring the organic carbon content

to about 0.9fo.

The technique of removal of substantial quantities

of organic matter without significantly affecting the

mineral fraction of the soil was developed by Baver

(1930), Schmidt (1965), and Green (1969). Over a one

hour period 100 grams of soil were added to 100 ml. of

JO% hydrogen peroxide solution in a 2000 ml. flat bottom

flask. The flask was partially immersed in a water bath

at 50°C. The soil was slowly added so as to assure that

the reaction of soil-hydrogen peroxide mixture would

not froth from the flask. Two to four hours later,

an additional 50 ml. of hydrogen peroxide was introduced.

If only a minor reaction was observed, 100 ml. of

hydrogen peroxide and 100 grams of soil were then added

over a one hour period. Two to four hours later, 150 ml.

of hydrogen peroxide was added and the flask then was

Page 26: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


allowed to remain in the 50°C. water bath for 8 hours

with occasional agitation. The suspension was then

poured into an evaporating dish to air dry. The dried

soil was reground in the Lancaster mixer to pass a #40

seive. To further reduce the carbon content, the com­

plete treatment was repeated. In the second treatment

series, half an hour was required for soil-hydrogen

peroxide mixing because a less strong reaction occurred.

With the Hotpack 234-4 type water bath 6 flasks could

be efficiently treated at one time.

This treatment reduced the carbon content of the

organic soil from 4.2% to 0.9%. The treated soil will

be hereafter called the 0.9% carbon soil.

In order to evaluate the effect of different

organic contents suitable proportions of the 0.9% and

4.2% carbon soils were mixed to provide a 1.9% and a

J.O% carbon soil. A listing of the physical properties

of these soils is given in Table 1.

C. Design of Equipment

Allison's wet-combustion method (1960) was adopted

to determine the carbon content of the Bryce clay. It

employs a simple apparatus and a rapid procedure of

analysis. Basically, it is an oxidation process in

which the carbon present (in a known weight of an oven

dried sample) is oxidized to carbon dioxide (Co2 ). The

sample 1s heated with potassium dichromate (K2Cr207),

Page 27: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


and a digestive acid mixture made up of sulfuric and

phosporic acid is added. The evolved co2 and other

gases generated by the oxidizing acid treatment are

passed successively through a series of purifying traps,

which contain potassium iodide, silver sulfate, con­

centrated sulfuric acid, zinc, and anhydrous magnesium

perchlorate. After this process, only the co2 is absorb­

ed on a sorbent in a Nesbitt bulb. Quantitatively the

weight gain in the Nesbitt bulb is due solely to the

complete reaction of carbon dioxide with Mikohbite

reagent in the bulb. Knowing the weight of the original

sample and the weight gain of the Nesbitt bulb due to

the sorption of carbon dioxide, one can make a direct

calculation of the organic carbon content of the soil.

Four Clockhouse J 41 type consolidometers were

employed for this research (Fig. J). The consolidometer

rings were 2.5 inches inside diameter and 1.0 inches in

height. The deformation of the sample was measured with

a Clockhouse dial extensometer graduated with 0.0001

inches per division. In order to control the temperature

a i inch diameter copper coil was added to circle the

ring inside the circumference of each consolidometer

cell but outside the sample and ring (Fig. 4). The

coil was connected to a circulating water pump drawing

fluid from a controlled temperature water bath, thus

keeping the consolidation cell and sample at a constant

temperature. Antifreeze was added to the water bath to

Page 28: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


FIGURE J. Front View of Loading Frame with Polystyrene Insulated Cell and Consolidometers

Page 29: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


(a) Disassembled

(b) Assembled

FIGURE 4. Temperature Controlled Consol1dometer Cell

Page 30: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


prevent freezing, as the temperature at times reached

minus J°C. Ambient temperature variations were mini­

mized sincea 1) the research was conducted in an air­

conditioned roomr 2) two relatively large water baths

were used (Hotpact 324-4 and Lab-line Instruments

31010-12); and 3) foamed polystyrene was cut to fit the

cells and covered the water bath for insulation.

D. Testing Procedure

The soil was mixed at a room temperature of about

25°C. to a water content slightly above the liquid limit

and allowed to cure for approximately twenty-four hours

to assure a uniform moisture content. The soil was

then reworked and brought to its liquid limit and

molded into the consolidation ring. A high vacuum

silicone grease was applied to lubricate the inside

surface of the rings. Both ends of the sample were

trimmed and the ring and soil were weighed before being

placed in the consolidometer. A small initial seating

pressure was applied to the sample for twenty-four hours.

Then the sample was ready for consolidation.

E. Testing Program

The variables 1n the testing program were tempera­

ture, carbon content, and the loading schedule (Table 2).

The three temperatures used in the testing program were

5°c., 25°C. 1 and 45°C. Bryce clays with carbon contents

Page 31: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


of 0.9%, 1.9%, J.O%, and 4.2% were used. All the samples

were 1.0 inches in thickness and 2.50 inches in diameter.

The loading ratio used in these tests, ~P/P, was equal

to unity. In other words, stresses were doubled with

each loading.

Page 32: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

Bryce carbon Content




4. 2~




Number of Tests at Indicated Temperature

50 250 -- --- -- - ~0

1 2 2

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 J 4

Page 33: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and




A. Test Results and Analysis

The result of the consolidation test program is pre­

sented in this chapter. The scope of this investigation

was limited to secondary consolidation. The behavior in

secondary consolidation is shown to be affected by temper­

ature, organic matter, and preload1ng.

The method of separation between primary and second­

ary consolidation is the logarithm of time fitting method

as suggested by A. Casagrande (1936). The remolded Bryce

soil (Table 2) was consolidated under a constant temper­

ature until the straight line portion of secondary con­

solidation was defined for the void ratio versus logarithm

of time plot (Fig. 5). It was found that Ca' the slope

of the void ratio versus logarithm of time plot, became

constant for each loading within approximately 5 days.

Several samples were allowed to consolidate up to one

month and no change of slope was found during secondary

consolidation. In all results of this investigation, a

straight line was the best fit for the secondary consoli­

dation phase. This agrees with Leonards and Altschaeffl

(1964), Mitchell (1969), and Barden (1969). However 1n

Lo's (1961) investigation of organic and inorganic clays,

both linear and non-linear shapes of secondary consolida-

Page 34: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


'" ~ ~



Temperature Carbon Content Normal Load

25°C. 1.9% 8 tsf

~ .675 0 >


Primary Consolidation Secondary Consolidation


.600~----------~----------~~--------~~~--------~~~------__j l 10 100 1,000 10,000

Time ( l1inutes)

FIGURE 5. Typical Result of Long Term Test.

N ~

Page 35: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


tion were found.

Finn (1951) stated that temperature had no significant

effect on void ratio. However, in the preliminary tests

(Fig. 6), it is shown that changing the temperature from

45°C. to 25°C. in the secondary consolidation phase for

the 4.2% carbon soil C decrease to approximately zero a

at an effective stress of 4 tsf. In the secondary con-

solidation phase, temperature was one of the factors

affecting Ca. This fact had been mentioned by Gray (1936).

Lo (1961), and Schmidt, et al, (1970). If the temperature

is decreased, the void ratio versus logarithm of time

curve has the same shape as Johnson's (1970) unloading

curve (Fig. 2). For a partial unloading Johnson found

little or no secondary consolidation. It was a hypothesis

of this investigation that a decrease in temperature has

the same effect on secondary consolidation as small de-

crements of unloading.

Figure 7 shows a typical result of changing the temp­

erature from 25°C. to 45°C. after the sample was in the

secondary consolidation phase. The figure also shows

the complete consolidation cycle due to the temperature

increase. This follows the conclusion of Lo (1961) and

Schiffman, et al, (1964) in showing that an increase in

temperature results in an accelerated rate of decrease

in void ratio. It was found that C at 45°C. is about a

double the value of C at 25°C. a

Page 36: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

0 .-4 ~ aS a:



Carbon Content 4.2% Normal Load 4 tsf

:s I 8 50 0 >


,800 _45°C, I 25°C. _

.775~--------~~----------~~--------~~~------~~~--------~ 1 10 100 1,000 10,000

Time (Minute)

FIGURE 6. Effect of Temperature Decrease on High Carbon Soil,

1\) 0\

Page 37: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

Carbon Content 4.2% Normal Load 4 tsf


.775 0 ~

+> cd c:d

rd ~ I 750 > I

I '-

~ _ 2,2°C.

I 45°C.



.675~----------~----------~~--------~~~------~~~~--------~ 1 10 100 1,000 10,000

Time {r11nute)

FIGURE 7, ~ffect of Temperature Increase on High Carbon Content Soil.

N -...l

Page 38: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

Figures 8, 9, and 10 summarize the variation of

Ca with temperature, carbon content, and stress level.

A large experimental scatter in results was found at


low effective stresses. However, at higher effective stress

levels, the high carbon content soil demonstrated an

obviously higher value of C at 45°C. and 25°c. than the a soils with lower organic carbon contents. The values of

C were nearly the same for different carbon content soils a

at higher effective stresses for 5°C. Green (1969) had

found that at higher effective stresses C had varied line­a

arly with carbon content.

Hanrahan (1954), Leonarda and Ramiah (1959), Simons

(1965) and Johnson (1970) all agreed that secondary consoli-

dation could be reduced by preloading. In the remolded

Bryce samples, after unloading from 2 tsf, the value of C a

was found to be one-half to one-third of its value at the

same effective stress (2 tsf) before the unloading andre-

loading procedure for different carbon content soils. At

25oc. and 45°C., Ca for reloading increased with an increas­

ing carbon content (Fig. 11). But C for the 0.9~ carbon a

soil had a higher value than for the 1.9~ carbon soil.

This may be due to an experimental error in the result at

5oc. or less likely some other factors rather than the

organic carbon content may have become controlling.

Clearly C can be reduced by unloading and reloading. a

However, if the temperature in the reloading stage is

Page 39: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

-Q) a ;:: • 026 L Carbon ~ .024 Content 0

~ ,022 ~ 0 0.9% 6 1.9% .020 ,.. 0 3.0,%

Q) • 4.2% Po.! • 018

~ • 016 .-4 s:: ::> • 014 0

.-4 012 ~ . "' tl: • 010 't1 .-4 • 008 0 > - • 006

o'd • 004


.000 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00

Total Effective Stress, tsf

FIGURE 8. Effect of Stress Level and Carbon Content on ca at 45°C. l\)


Page 40: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

Carbon Content

0 0.9% 6 1.9.% 0 ).0% • 4.2%

, 0001 I I I I I I 1

0.25 0,50 1,00 2.00 4,00 8,00

Total Effective Stress, tsf

FIGURE 9. Effect of Stress Level and Carbon Content on C at 25°C, a . \.tJ 0

Page 41: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

- .02~1 Carbon Q) Content a ..... 8

• 0221 0 0.9%


~ .o2oL 0 J.O% 0

.o18L 4.2~ ~ .n • ~ ~ .016

al .p ..... 5 .012

~ .010 .p Gi 0::

'd ..... 0 > -

0.25 1.00 2.00 .ooo - i.t.oo s.ov Total Effective Stress, tsf

FIGURE 10. Effect of Stress Level and Carbon Content on Ca at 5°C. \,..,)


Page 42: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

-t1l .p

.0100 .n s::

Carbon Content


s:: .0090 .n 0 0.9% 6 1.9%

G> ,0080 El

.n E-4

0 J,O% • 4.2%

ft.-4 ,0070 0

QJ ,0060 0


J.4 ,0050 G>


0 ,0040 .n

.p GS 0::

"d ,OOJO .,..

0 ,0020 > -

d. 0010 0

,0000 45°


25 so

Temperature, C 0

FIGURE 11. Effect of Carbon Content and Temperature on C for Reloading at 2 tsf a

\.t.) l\)

Page 43: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


increased from S°C. to 2S°C. {Fig. 12), at 2soc. is

about equal to Ctt at S°C. for the typical normally con­

solidated soil. In other words, if the temperature is

increased, the Ctt in reloading may equal or exceed the

Ctt for normally consolidated samples. Therefore, the

statement that Ctt can be reduced by preloading, unloading,

and reloading should be confined to a constant temperature


From the hypothesis of the preliminary tests, tempera­

ture effects as compared to loading effects in the second­

ary consolidation range were studied. A series of tests

were performed as followsa (1) Ctt at one temperature was

established; {2) the temperature was raised or lowered

until a new curve was found1 {3) the sample was brought

back to its original temperature and Ctt was defined. In

this procedure it was hypothesized that an increase in

temperature simulated preloading and a decrease in temper­

ature simulated unloading. The results are shown in

Figures lJ, 14, and lS.

Figure 13 shows the consolidation curve for a 1.9%

carbon soil at 8 tsf effective stress, The temperature

was increased from S°C. to 2S°C. and then decreased to

S°C. A significant decrease of Ctt was found, The Ctt

was equal to o.oo44 before the temperature increased and

dropped to 0,0018 after the temperature decrease. The

test was allowed to consolidate under the 8 tsf effective

Page 44: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

0 ore .p

"' ~ td ore 0 >





.750 ~

Normal Consolidation

OVer Consolidation

(Preload to 2 tsf, Unload to 1 tsf, and reload to 2 tsf)

5°C. (For over

Temperature 5°C. Carbon Content 0.9%

.725 ~----------~----------~----------~----------~--------~ 1 10 100 1,000 10,000

Time (Minutes)

FIGURE 12. Effect of Reloading on Secondary Consolidation.


Page 45: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

Carbon Conuent 1.9% Normal Load 8 tsf


.650 0 .,.. +> aS a=

~ ,625 0 >


oc. 5°C .

. 575

· 5501 10 1oo 1,ooo 1o,ooo

Time (Hinutes)

FIGURE 13. Effect of Temperature Increase and Return on Intermediate Carbon Content Soil at High Stress Level,



Page 46: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

0 .-1 ~ aS ~



Right Scale

0 6

Carbon Content Carbon Content Normal Load

0.9% 4.2% 1 tsf

. 875

.850 2S0 c • 4S0 c.l 25°C.

~ 1.075 0 Left Scale .825 >

1.050 .800

1,025 .775

1.000~----------~~------------~~----------~~~--------~~~~----~~~ 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Time (Minutes)

FIGURE 14. Effect of Temperature Increase and Return on High and Low Carbon Content Soils,

\.tJ 0\

Page 47: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


1. 025 t- Left Scale

0 ..-4

I -4-)

~ 0::

Right Scale

~ "" "' -,

0 !::.

Carbon Content Carbon Content Normal Load

0.9% 4.2% 1 tsf

_ 45°_Q__J _ 2 5°C J _ 4 5°C.



~ 1.000 ~ ~ ~ I I .825 0 :;:..

.975 .800

.950 .775

.925 10 1


Time (Ninutes)

FIGURE 15. Effect of Temperature Decrease and Return on High and Low Carbon Content Soils.

\N --.3

Page 48: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

stress at 5°C. ror a one month period, during which

a constant slope ror C was obtained. This curve a


showed in secondary consolidation that when the testing

temperature was increased, a rapid decrease in void

ratio rollowed. Arter some time this void ratio change

slowed, and a constant value or Ca was obtained which

was greater than the Ca obtained berore the temperature

increase. Bjerrum•s (1967) (Fig. 1) investigation, pre-

viously discussed, also showed that under an additional

stress which exceeded the critical pressure, Pc• a large

instant settlement was produced. It appears to be true

that an increase in temperature has the same effect on

secondary consolidation as a small additional load which

exceeds the critical pressure. The same Figure 13 showed

that in this investigation the secondary compression ceased

when a decrease in sample temperature occured as was ex-

plained in the discussion or Figure 6.

Figure 14 and Figure 15 show the erfect of change in

temperature on Ca ror both 0.9% and 4.2% carbon soils at

1 tsr efrective stress. In Figure 14, the temperature

increase cycle was rrom 25°C. to 45°C. to 25°C. For both

0.9% and 4.2% carbon soils, which were the only ones

tested, C decreased to approximately zero. In Figure 15, a

the temperature decrease cycle was rrom 45°C. to 25°C. to

45°C., and Ca at the rinal 45°C. temperature was approxi­

mately the same as ror the initial 45°C. period.

Page 49: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


In both Figure 14 and Figure 15, the 4.2% carbon

soil experienced a greater rate of change o~ C« than the

0.9% carbon soil, ~rom the initial temperature to inter­

mediate temperature and again ~rom intermediate tempera­

ture to rinal temperature,

In addition to the above some what drastic tempera-

ture changes, small temperature increase cycles ~rom

45°C. to 50°C. to 45°C. and from 25°C. to J0°C. to 25°C.

were also studied. It was round that there was a signi­

ficant decrease o~ C« ~or the 4.2% carbon soil ~rom the

initial temperature to the ~inal temperature stage, But

there was a very small or no e~fect on Ca ~or the 0.9%

carbon soil ~rom the initial temperature to the ~inal

temperature stage.

B. Discussion

Consolidation tends to orient particles into a dis­

persed (or parallel) arrangement perpendicular to the

major stress. Tan (1957) postulated that deformation o~

a clay was controlled by ~lexure o~ plate-like particles,

the increase o~ repulsion between particles, the visco­

elastic properties o~ particles, and the migration o~

water molecules. It is possible that there is more than

one mechanism that controls the magnitude o~ secondary

consolidation, such as bonds breaking and re~orming,

particles bending and crushing, structural breakdown,

Page 50: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


visco-elastic e~~ects, and existence o~ micropores which

drain very slowly.

The secondary settlement is a consequence o~ an

adjustment o~ the particle arrangement to comply with

new sets o~ stresses. It results ~rom relative movement,

and bending and crushing o~ particles. Each time a fail­

ure occurs at a contact point, a chain reaction ~ollows

with internal movement and deformations• the rate at

which this readjustment of the structure occurs is

influenced by breaking and reforming of bonds between

particles, and is also related to the adsorbed water

layer which may exert an important 1n~luence on the

visco-elastic behavior of soil-particle contact, (Bjerrum,

1964). However, on a microscopic scale, the shear

resistance of soil-particle contact must involve factors

such as dilatancy, particle bending and crushing, and

jumping of electrostatic bonds.

Clay behavior may be elastic and viscous. The viscous

behavior of clay may be due to the exchange of position

between a water molecule and a void in a bond material

containing soil particles (Murayama and Shibata, 1961).

In a water molecule the center of the positive charge and

negative charge do not coincide, and hence the molecule

behaves as a dipole. Thus water molecules may be adsorbed

on the surface of the negatively charged clay particle.

These water dipoles are strongly oriented at the surface,

Page 51: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


due to the high electrical rorces attracting them to the

clay crystal surrace. As the distance of the molecule

from the surface increases, the attractive force de­

creases. The degree of water molecule orientation de­

creases as the disorder associated with the thermal

heating effects increases. Individual molecules may

escape from the adsorbed water layer as other molecules

take their place. The chance of an individual molecule

to leave the oriented state depends on its proximity to

the clay surface, the environmental temperature, and the

degree of coincidence of the molecular vibrations with

the direction of the applied stress at the molecular

level (Scott, 1965).

It is suggested in this research that the temperature

effect on secondary consolidation is partially governed by

the double layer theory, increasing the temperature must

lead to a decrease in the electrical potential at a

given distance. As the diffuse double layer expands due

to a temperature increase, it decreases the effective

stresses at the particle contact which permits shear

failure to occur at these contacts and also causes a de­

crease in the viscosity of water, followed by an increase

in the rate of migration of water molecules. These

factors suggest why in secondary consolidation an in­

crease in temperature is followed by a higher rate of

void ratio decreaseJ the equilibrium distance for the

Page 52: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


double layer has decreased. The higher rate of void

ratio decrease may also be due to the effective stres•es

overcoming the bonds between the particles weakened by

the increase in temperature. The reorientation of the

particles results from relative movements such as bend­

ing, crushing, and breakdown of the soil structure.

The temperature increase in the secondary con­

solidation phase is followed by a complete cycle of

primary and secondary consolidation. In primary con­

solidation the higher rate of void ratio decrease is

due to the breakdown of the soil structure and the

particle bonding, and to a decrease in the equilibrium

distance of the double layer. The following secondary

consolidation appears to result from the reorientation

of particles, or the breaking, reforming, and jumping of

bonds at the contacts. On the other hand, lowering the

temperature in the secondary consolidation phase, in­

creases the electrical potential at a given distance

from the particle surface, and increases the effective

stresses at the particle contact which increases the

shear strength at these contacts. The viscosity of

water also increases due to the temperature decrease.

Therefore, secondary consolidation may cease, at least

temporarily, because all particles have found a stable


Page 53: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


Zeevaert (1967) suggested that secondary consolida­

tion obeys a micropore theory, a theory or consolidation

ror material exhibiting non-linear viscous intergranular

behavior. At the time or the soil structure consolida­

tion, the non-linear viscous intergranular derormation,

or change in microscopic pore space also takes place.

Schmidt, et al, (1970) postulated that organic matter

may increase the number or micropores. Hahibagahi (1970)

mentioned that when temperature increases it is believed

to result in the rupture or organic bonds which hold the

clay particles together. When temperature increases

the micropores should drain at a raster rate. When the

temperature is lowered in secondary consolidation the

organic bonds may rerorm, the micropores must drain

more slowly under a constant errective stress. This

agrees with the observed behavior or organic Bryce soil

in comparison to inorganic Bryce soil. Tests showed

that the A horizon untreated Bryce soil was very sensi­

tive to temperature.

As seen in Figure 16 the viscosity of water is quite

susceptable to temperature changes. The viscosity of

water decreases exponentially with increasing temperature.

The influence or temperature on the viscosity or the

organic material in the soil is not known, but it would

be expected that it too would decrease with increasing

temperature. It might behave very much as does asphalt.

Page 54: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

CD tQ ..... 0 p, ..... ~ s::: CD t> .. ~ ~ ..... tQ 0 (,) fll .....












0~------~~----~~------~------~~----~~----~~ 0 0 0 100 120

Temperature, co

FIGUR~ 16. Viscosity of Water at Various Temperatures at 1 Atmosphere (after Dorsey, 1968}.

Page 55: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

The effect of organic material in the soil has

been shown to have little recognizable effect on the

minerals in the soil, therefore its major effect should

be on surface bonding and on the adsorption character­

istics of soil-water systems. The number of micropores

in the soil may also be a function of the organic con­

tent, as previously stated.

The curves in Figures 8, 9, 10, and 11 indicate

that the amount of organic material has less effect on

c~ at low temperatures than at high temperatures, which

would infer that at a temperature of 5°C. the viscosity

of water could be the controlling factor. At 25°C. and

45°C. other controlling factors appear to have a major

influence on secondary consolidation.

At low effective stress levels with relatively high

void ratios, the effect of temperature and the reduction

in the viscosity of water is small relative to the other

factors controlling secondary consolidation. At high

effective stress levels with a lower void ratio, as

more structural breakdown occurs, the effect of tempera-

ture on viscosity of water may be great, and perhaps the

organic matter may flow viscously as does asphalt. The

organic bonds then may be the major factor of influence

on c~.

As the temperature of water increases from 25°C. to

45°C. its viscosity decreases about JO%. However, the

secondary consolidation data showed that C at 45°C. was ~

Page 56: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


about double its value at 25°C. Between these tempera­

tures, viscosity appears to be one of the major influence

factors on secondary consolidation.

For a temperature increase cycle, as S°C. to 2S°C.

to S°C .• ca decreases significantly from initial to final

temperature stage. After the temperature is returned to

the original value, C is linear on the void ratio versus a

logarithm of time plot for a long period of time. In the

case of the lower carbon content soils, the new Ca' after

the temperature increase cycle keeps its linearity on the

void ratio versus logarithm of time plot and even crosses

the extension of the line of the original ca at S°C.

(Fig. 17). This may be caused by newly oriented water

molecules in a stable condition. The behavior is

analogus to a Bingham body rather than a Newtonian type

liquid. Perhaps some of the bonds are not participating

in the movements because a threshold movement stress has

not been exceeded. This phenomenon requires further

study. A slight change in temperature and a short period

of external vibration may cause an individual molecule

to leave the oriented state. If this concept is correct,

the lower ca for S°C. should change to the original value

of Ca at 5°C. before the temperature increase cycle. The

above case occured in the lower carbon soil studied, or

in a lower temperature range such as 5°C. to 25°C. to

5°c. In lower carbon soils, or in a lower temperature

range, the increased temperature resulted in only a small

Page 57: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

0 oM .p aS 0:::

't:l oM 0 >

Carbon Content 3.0%

1.050 Normal Load 2 tsf



o I 25o_<:[_ 5oC, "" 5 c .... --I

"""-. I


.950 ...............

. 9251~--------~~--------~~------~~~------~~--------__j 10 1,000 10,000 100

Time (Minutes)

FIGURE 17. Effect of Temperature Increase and Return on Intermediate Carbon Content Soil at Low Stress Level.



Page 58: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


decrease in void ratio. The line representing en arter

the temperature increase cycle crossed the line of the

original en within one month or laboratory loading but

with no increase in en• Because of a relatively large

amount of void ratio decrease due to the temperature

increase for the higher carbon content soil in the

temperature increase cycle, a one month loading period was

not surricient time to show the C lines crossing. n

Page 59: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and



The purpose of this research was to study the

influence of temperature variation, organic carbon

content of the soil, and preloading on secondary con­



Organic A horizon Bryce soil with a carbon content

of 4.2%, and the same soil treated with hydrogen per-

oxide to reduce the carbon content to 0.9% were used

as the testing soils. Suitable proportions of the 0.9~

and 4.2% carbon soils were mixed to provide 1.9% and

J.O% carbon soils. Allison's wet-combustion method

was used to measure the carbon content. The oedometer

rings were one inch in thickness and 2.5 inches in

diameter. A load increment ratio of unity was used.

The temperature was controlled within !2°c. at 5oc.,

25oc., and 45°C. Also, a system of changes in tempera-

ture were designed to study their effect on secondary


Test results showed that at higher effective

stresses, the soils with higher carbon contents had

higher ca values at 25°C. and 45°C. At higher effective

stresses for samples tested at 5°C., theCa values were

nearly the same for soils with different carbon contents.

An increase in the soil temperature during the second-

ary consolidation phase resulted in a rapid decrease

Page 60: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


in void ratio, ~ollowed by a C~ which was greater than

the C~ be~ore the temperature was increased, The mag­

nitude o~ decrease in void ratio for an increase in

temperature in secondary consolidation is larger for

the organic Bryce soil than ~or the inorganic Bryce

soil. Decreases in the soil temperature during second­

ary consolidation halted the void ratio decrease ~or a

period o~ time ~or all soils. A~ter a period of time,

secondary consolidation resumed with C~ having a reduced


An increase o~ temperature in secondary consolida­

tion may cause weakened bonds and a rearrangement of

particles. A similar result would occur i~ a small

additional load was added to a sample which was in the

secondary consolidation phase. Decreasing the temper­

ature may cause an increase in the repulsion between

the double layer; in other words, all particles have

~ound a stable position and settlement ceases.

The viscosity o~ water is quite susceptable to

temperature changes. The in~luence o~ temperature on

the viscosity o~ the organic matter in the soil is not

known, but it would be expected that the viscosity of

organic matter decreases with increasing temperature.

These may be the two other important in~luence factors

that a~fect secondary consolidation.

The C~ can be reduced by preloading but this con­

clusion should be con~ined to a constant temperature

Page 61: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

condition. The value or Ca which was reduced by pre­

loading may increase again by increasing the soil tem­



In this research, 1t may be concluded that second­

ary consolidation is not only time dependent but is

also temperature dependent, as well as stress level

and carbon content dependent.

Page 62: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and




To better simulate field conditions, the use of

undisturbed samples ror investigation is recommended.

When using remolded samples bonds between the particles

may have been broken.

Further study or the increase in temperature on

secondary consolidation is required to predict the

field settlement rate rrom laboratory results. rr

heat could be added to the subsoil during the preload­

ing operations, the length of time for preloading may

be decreased. A combined study or temperature increase,

dewatering, and preloading with application of electro­

osmosis is suggested. Using electro-osmosis with pre­

loading may provide better drainage conditions in the

subsoil and may also produce heat to cause a raster

rate or decrease in the void ratio. Reducing the founda­

tion temperature to stop settlements for a period or

time may be an alternative way to minimize the settle­

ment or certain structures where costs are not critical.

Further study in this subject should also include

the effects or vibrations on secondary consolidation.

Vibrations from an external force may increase the

degree or coincidence or the molecular vibration. It

Page 63: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


may increase the probability for an individual molecule

to leave the oriented state and a more mobile state of

water molecules to be formed.

Page 64: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


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11. Gray, H. (1938). Research on Consolidation of Fine­Grained Soils, Ph. D. 'l'hesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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14. Johnson, s. J. (1970). Journal of the Soil Jvlechanics and Foundations Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 7020all-144.

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18. Leonards, G. A. and Altschaeffl, 11... G. (1964). Compressibility of Clay, Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil 6ngineers, 90&1))-154.

Page 66: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and

19. Leonarda, G. A. and Ramiah, B. K. (1959). Time Errects in the Consolidation of Clay, Symposium on Time Rate of Loading in Testing Soils, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication No. 254all6-130.

20. Lo, K. Y. (1961). Secondary Compression of Clays, Journal of the Soil Hechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 87a61-87.

21. Matlock, H. and Dawson, R. W. (1951). Aids in the Interpretation of the Consolidation Test, Symposium on Consolidation Testing of Soils, American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 126, p. 43.

22. Mitchell, J. K. (1969). Temperature Effects on the Engineering Properties and Behavior of Soils, 48th Annual Neeting of the Highway Research Board.

23. Murayama, s. and Shibata, T. (1961). Rheological Properties of Clay, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, la269-273.

24. Newland, P. L. and Allely, B. H. (1960). A Study of the Consolidation Characteristics of a Clay, Geotechnique, 10s62-74.

25. Schiffman, R. L., Ladd, C. C. and Chen, A. T. (1966). The Secondary Consolidation of Clay, I.U.T.A.M. Symposium Rheological Soil I1echanics, p. 273, Grenoble, as reported in Barden (1968).

26. Schmidt, N. o. (1965). A Study of the Isolation of Organic Hatter as a Variable Affecting engineering Properties of a Soil, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois, Depart­ment of Civil Engineering, Urbana, Illinois.

27. Schmidt, N. o., Tinoco, F. H., and Green, W. J. (1970). The Effect of Organic Content, Temperature, and Stress Level on the Secondary Consoli­dation of a Clay, Proceedings of the 1970 Annual Idaho Symposium on Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering.

Page 67: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


28. Scott, R. F. (1965). Principles of Soil Mechanics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., p. 33-59.

29. Simons, N. E. (1965). Consolidation Investigation on Undisturbed Fornebu Clay, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Nr. 62.

30. Terzaghi, K. (1925). Erdbaumechanik auf Boden­physikalischer Grundlage Deuticka, Wien, p. 339.

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Wascher, H. L., Alexander, J.D., Ray, B. w., Beavers, A. H. and Odell, R. T. (1960). Characteristics of Soil Associated With Glacial Tills in Northeastern Illinois, Agricultural Experiment Station, Univer­sity of Illinois Bulletin 665.

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Page 68: The influence of temperature, carbon content, and


Richard Kai-Ming So, the son of Dr. Y. c. Soo and

May Szeto, was born on April 29, 1942 at Shanghai,


His elementary schooling was in Nam-Si Elementary

School, Taiwan and for his high school education he

attended Sam-Yok Middle School, Clear Water Bay, Hong

Kong. He enrolled at the Hong Kong Chu Hai College in

September, 1962 and received a Bachelor of Science


Degree in Civil Engineering in July, 1966. He was em­

ployed as an engineer with Hadi Hamouda Co., Sebha,

Libya. He came to the University of l1issouri-Rolla to

work toward a Master of Science Degree in Civil Engineer­

ing in September, 1969.

He is an Associate Member of the American Society

of Civil Engineers and a Member of the International

Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.
