Page 1: The importance of an education

The Importance of An Education


Page 2: The importance of an education

Learning to ReadChildren learn to read at an early

age. Learning to read is taught at

every grade level. Learning to read

opens doors for a child to use their

imagination and the ability to

understand the world.

(Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 3: The importance of an education

Learning to WriteChildren learning to write begins with

children learning their letters. Writing

is not just about writing, but learning

about nouns, verbs, and sentence

structure. A student needs to learn to

articulate their thoughts in a way that

everyone can understand them.

(Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 4: The importance of an education

Learning to do MathStudents need to learn math to do

the following:

A Checkbook

Grocery shopping

Building things

(Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 5: The importance of an education

Learning Art, Music, and Drama

Education is not just learning how to

read and write, but art, music, and

drama. Each of these subjects

helps develop a well-balanced

student. Education is developing

the next musician, artist, and movie


(Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 6: The importance of an education

Learning to be a Good CitizenEducation is not just about learning

to read or write, but creating good

citizens. Students are taught how

to share, how to play well with

others, and to treat others with

respect. We carry those teachings

into our adult lives. (Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

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Creating the Future LeadersLeaders need to be taught how to lead. Some people are natural born leaders while others learn to lead. There are multiple leadership styles:TransitionalTransformationalCharismaticVisionary Leaders need to be taught how to make decisions, communication skills, and skills of leadership.

(Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 8: The importance of an education

Creating Future Business Owners

The future business owners need to

understand how to run their business.





(Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

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Creating Future Inventors, Scientist, and Doctors

An education helps create the future

inventors, the future scientists, and

future doctors. The future cure for

cancers and other disease are in the

minds of the next generation. We

need to educate the next

generation to produce those cures. (Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 10: The importance of an education

Creating the Next Workforce

The next workforce needs to be taught

to be the workforce. The purpose of

the workforce is to create the cars,

create other products, check us out at

the grocery store, and pick up the

trash. The workforce is essential to

our economic development. (Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 11: The importance of an education

Creating our Protectors

Education helps to create our police

officers, FBI agents, firefighters, and

other protectors by giving them the

skills necessary to protect us. They

learn to drive, learn to investigate, and

learn to fight fires. There is more to

fighting fire than just putting the wet

stuff on the hot stuff. (Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016)

Page 12: The importance of an education

Education is important

Associates in Education

Bachelor’s in Business Admin

Master’s in Education

Page 13: The importance of an education

ReferencesMicrosoft PowerPoint. (2016). Clip Art. Retrieved from Microsoft

PowerPoint clip art.