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Page 4: The human society

Overview:• Proponents of the structural-

functional theory state that human society is unique and complex organization composed of different structures that are interrelated with interdependent on one another. The dynamic features of human society have allowed social structures to improve and develop themselves for growth and development.

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Meaning of Society:• Sociologists traditionally define society

as relatively organized, self-sufficient, and enduring association of large number of people with a distinct culture and shared institutions.

• Frank and Wagnalls (in Garcia et., 1984) – defined society as the system of community life which individuals form a continuous life and regulatory association for their mutual benefit and protection.

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• Social groups maybe; families, communities, economic, political, or religious organizations, ethnic groups, and other types of formal and informal groups.

• Kornblum 2003 – “Society refers to population that is organized in a cooperative manner to carry out the functions of life, including reproduction, sustenance, shelter and defence.”

• Society is a systematic network of social relations and it is the venue where the dynamics of cooperation and conflict occurs. It is in society where man can define his cultural identity, and see the structures that exerts expectations and orders in him.

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• Kendall(1998) – “Society is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant culture expectations”.

• Mcnall (Garcia 1992) – stressed that boundaries, similar government or institutional framework, and a population represent society.

• At present, Philippine Society is composed of 87 million Filipinos occupying 300,000 square kilometers of territory and bound together in a complex network of social relations, sharing and maintaining a common culture.

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Sociological Theories and Perspective of Society:

1. Structural-functional perspective – also known as “Consensus Theory”. – addresses the question of social organization and how it is maintained. – stresses the idea that relations among individuals, groups, and societies, follow well-defined patterns of social organization. – Functionalism views social organization as a system composed of interrelated parts.

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Structural-functional Model

Social structures provide pre-set patterns which evolve to meet human needs

Stability, Order and Harmony

Maintenance of Society

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2. Conflict Theory – This theory sees the world in terms of conflict and change.– this theory addresses the point of stress and conflict in society and the way they contribute to social change. – Conflict theorists view a society’s legal system as a political instrument used by the wealthy and powerful to protect and extend their own privileges, rather than a rational tool for the resolution of conflict and preservation of order (Delton, 1985).

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Conflict ModelSocial structures

produce patterns of inequality in the

distribution of scarce resources


Reorganization and Change

This model is concerned with the stresses and conflicts that emerge in society because of competition over scarce resources. It focuses on the inequalities that are built into social structures rather than those that emerge because of personal characteristics.

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3. Symbolic – interaction Perspective – This theory addresses the subjective meanings of human acts and the processes through which people come to develop and communicate shared meanings. – it directs attention to the analysis of the interactions of persons in face to face communication.

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Symbolic – Interaction Model

Interaction IndividualIndividual

Analysis of the interaction by other persons

Model Conceptualized by Leano, Roman

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Concept SummaryStructural-Functional Perspective

Conflict Perspective

Symbolic-Interaction Perspective





Interrelated social structure that fit together

to form an integrated


Consensus and shared values.

Social order and maintenance

Social structure

Competing interest group

with each group seeking to

secure its own.

Constraint, power and


Social change and conflict.

Social structure

Interacting individuals.

Social networks and groups.

Shared meaning regarding symbols.

Development of self adaptation of individual to


Interpersonal interaction
