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Parts of the human body

THE MUSCLES IN THE BODYThere are over 600 skeletal muscles in the human body attaching to a bone and connecting a joint to enable us to move our limbs.The neck muscles and massive triangular muscles of the back stabilize the head and shoulders and permit a range of complex movements. The most powerful muscles in the body and those that run along the spine. They maintain posture and provide the strength for lifting and pushing.The face muscles control a wide range of movements and are especially complex around the mouth and eyes.

THE HUMAN BODY SKELETAL SYSTEM.Our skeleton is tough and flexible. It supports weight and protects our internal organs. Bone tissue stores minerals, such as calcium, and it is constantly renewed, which is how our bones are able to heal.Bones are cleverly designed to allow movement at the joints and provide great stability. The bones provide a light but strong framework for the bodies soft tissues.The number of bones in the human body actually varies from person to person but the average number is 206.

Others systems.

• THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM.The cardiovascular system is the body’s blood transporting network of arteries, veins and vessels.It is responsible for carrying oxygen and vital nutrients to all parts of the body and removes harmful waste products from tissues.The heart pumps blood through arteries and smaller vessels to all parts of the body.The blood returns to the heart through veins.

• THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.This amazing system is a vast network of fibres which enables the brain to communicate with the body's organs and systems billions of electrical and chemical signals are transmitted around this network both to and from the brain.



• The digestive system works to physically and chemically break down food.• The digestive process is mostly completed when food reaches the end of the small intestine.• The digestive organs include the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

Video of the human body.
