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Page 1: the honey bee

What is Good? Concept Pitch

The Range / What’s to be done

My aim is to create a Museum exhibition that will highlight the importance of the honey bee. A lot of people are unaware of how beneficial and ultimately, dependant we are as humans on them. The reason for such an exhibition is the fact that it has become a worldwide issue since their massive decline in numbers.

- Promotional Campaigns / Focusing on the Exhibitions tone and communication through outdoor advertising

and other communication channels.

- The Branding & Identity of the Museum exhibition. This must also work across other mediums.

- A thought evoking publication, this will support the nature of the exhibition.

- In order to make this exhibition seem as real as possible I’ll have to produce it all, including items such

as; tickets, wayfinding, signage.

- Compliment the lives of the Honey Bees by presenting my exhibition in a unique package.

1. Stephen Maher

Page 2: the honey bee

Generation of Ideas.

‘The Plight of the Honeybees’

The obvious reason for the Museum exhibition is to educate my target audience and inform them of how ‘GOOD’ the Honey Bee really is.

The exhibition will also be promoting the flourishment of honey bees in urban environments, aswell as current mainstream attention on their mass extinction. Hopefully the realisation of learning how important Honey Bee’s are and how useful they are to everyone! will give people the motivation (and knowledge) to do something before it’s too late.

Through investigation I found various companies that help people with the setting up of Beehives, contact numbers like these could be very useful in the publishing & editorial aspect of my exhibition.

People need to know! Something needs to happen.



Use the nature and content of my exhibition to create a campaign that could be seen in the outdoor environment, hopefully catching the attention of Mps and Politicians, aswell as promoting the exhibition at the Museum.

By convincing such an audience that Honey Bee’s are good, would demonstrate a change in the way the Honey Bee is perceived.


Project pack!

Following on from the idea of a campaign, I could change the direction of my exhibition so that it was contained within a form of publication showcasing

the extrodinary plight of the Honey Bee’s. This could be sent to educational institutes and hopefully Mps

and Politicans who have the power to make that difference happen. Pursuing this idea would mean I’d have to sacrifice the thought of a museum exhibition, but not the outdoor campaigns, these could be used either for; promotion of a museum exhibition or the

promotion of a campaign.


The honey bee chest!

If I was going to pursue the idea of a publication/ campaign. I could encapsulate all of the exhibitions information into a publication like the ones demonstrated on the design boards. These would include

the following areas of design;

_Publishing & Editorial_Branding & Identity

_Craftsmanship_Outdoor campaigns

Alternatively I could go all out and produce this idea, aswell as a coinciding Museum exhibition (this would add fuel to the campaigns

direction because it would demonstrate that steps are already being taken to promote this topic matter, this would strengthen my

deliverables and mean I could include such things as, museum tickets, way-finding, conceptual ideas...

2. Stephen Maher
