Page 1: The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkein Adapted by Megan Burd - HCPSS

The Hobbit

By J.R.R. Tolkein

Adapted by Megan Burd - HCPSS

Page 2: The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkein Adapted by Megan Burd - HCPSS

Chapter 1Bilbo Baggins was a hobbit. A hobbit was a

small magical person. They lived in a

magical place called Middle Earth.

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Chapter 2Bilbo had a party. He invited Gandalf,

a wizard. He also invited Thorin and his

band of dwarves.

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A bad dragon, Smaug, had been ruling the

mountains. Gandalf, Thorin and Bilbo

decided to defeat him and take his treasure.

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Chapter 3The group traveled to the mountain. On the

way, they stopped to see Elrond and the

other magic elves.

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Chapter 4The band of travelers was attacked by

goblins. Gandalf saved everyone, but Bilbo

was separated from the group.

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Chapter 6The ring gave Bilbo the power to be

invisible. He escaped and met his friends.

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Chapter 8

The group finally got to rest at Lake-town,

where they were welcomed by humans.

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Chapter 9When they reached the mountain, Bilbo

found a secret door and entered the

dragon’s lair. He learned how the dragon

could be killed.

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Chapter 10The dragon was angry and tried to attack

Lake-town. A noble human shot him with a

bow and arrow.

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Chapter 11The group took over the mountain and the

treasure. Everyone was greedy and a battle

was about to begin. No one listened to

Bilbo, and they told him to leave the


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Gandalf told everyone that goblins and evil

creatures were coming to attack the

mountain and they must band together and


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Chapter 12With the help of the giant eagles, the group

won the battle. They divided the treasure

evenly. Bilbo did not take much and gave

others his share.

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Chapter 13Bilbo returned home with enough treasure to

be wealthy and happy for a long time. What

few people knew was that he still had the

magic ring.

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To be continued….

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Text: The Hobbit J.R.R. TolkeinThe Hobbit – Wikipedia

Images:Microsoft Clip ArtGoogle ImagesLord of the Rings: Movie Stills