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  • 7/30/2019 The heroic ideal of Anglo.


    The heroic ideal of Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic tribes in the 5th and 6th centuries was one inwhich men risked their lives in battle without hesitation, disregarded wound and injury while in pursuit

    of battle and glory by pure strength of will, and looked down upon the trivial concerns of lesser humanbeings.

    It was considered shameful to outlive one's own lord on the field of battle, but if such a situation were

    to occur, his thegns (men who would swear fealty to a lord in exchange for food, housing, and a senseof community) must avenge the loss of his life, even if it meant losing their own in the process. Virtues

    such as strength, courage, loyalty, and reputation were admired during this time period.

    Upon old age, the Germanic hero aspired to die in battle and endeavored to die a shameful "strawdeath"- dying peacefully on a straw mattress. A glorious end was pursued, one that would be

    remembered in song and story.

    The story of Beowulf takes place in a time when

    Essay by EssaySwap Contributor, High School, 12th grade, February 2008

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    Keywords greed, triumphs, time after time, bravery, adventure story0Like 0

    The story of Beowulf takes place in a time when Christianity was beginning to spread to early Danishpagan societies which valued heroic deeds and bravery above all else. The creatures that Beowulf kills

    with his superhuman strengths make the story an epic which celebrates the life of a great hero. AmongBeowulf's triumphs against the three great monsters, many Christian virtues also come to light. The

    virtues of loyalty and sacrifice for the good of others, as well as the negative consequences from greedand excessive pride are woven into the story. The characters of Grendel, his mother, and the dragon are

    devices used by the author to teach these values, and also tell an entertaining adventure story of an epichero.

    Grendel's character helps paint the image of Beowulf who contrasts as a great hero. Grendel is first

    described as "the creature of evil, grim and fierce, and was quickly ready, savage and cruel, and seizedfrom the first thirty thanes." [Heaney, 5] There is a strong Christian influence as well because Grendelis a descendent of Cain and is therefore rejected by God, damned to live in eternal suffering. When

    Grendel appears, he is "wearing God's anger" which is the opposite of the Danes who celebrate God's

    grace in their victory feasts at Heorot. [Heaney, 15] Grendel is described as an "unhappy creature"while the Danes are regarded as living in "joy and blessed." [Heaney, 5] After a long reign of terror,

    Beowulf eventually kills Grendel by ripping off his arm. The arm is a symbol of Beowulf's strengthsince it is from his hand to hand battle with Grendel. Beowulf is depicted as the great hero who gains

    victory over a supernatural being, which no other man could defeat. When the arm is hung up inHeorot, Beowulf's bravery is celebrated and it is obvious that bravery is a virtue that is highly respected

    among the Danes.

    Beowulf's actions could be seen as a quest for glory and fame, but his bravery can also be interpreted asthe ultimate sacrifice. Time after time Beowulf puts his life in the hands of fate to help others. Another

    Christian virtue is self-sacrifice for the good of others. Beowulf risks his life when he fights Grendeland later on, Grendels mother at the bottom of the lake. His trip down to the bottom of the lake is

    similar to a journey to hell. He travels downwards and on his way "many monsters attacked him in thewater, many a sea-beast tore at his mail shirt with war tusks, strange creatures afflicted him." [Heaney,

    29] Beowulf kills Grendel's mother even though the odds are stacked against him since he is not in hisown element. Beowulf is in the lair as a "blaze brightened, light shone within just as from the sky

    heaven's candle shine's clear" appears to Beowulf as Grendel's mother falls dead. [Heaney, 30] This is atestament to the pure evil in the lake which was lifted at the moment of Grendels mothers death.

    Pagan influence is seen as well in this passage in the sword which was used by Beowulf. Giants,

    supernatural beings, made the sword and its hilt is "twisted and ornamented by snakes." [Heaney, 32] Itis ironic that the sword is that was supposedly crafted by Giants who were eventually wiped out by

    humans, now saves Beowulfs life who is a human and not Grendels mother.

  • 7/30/2019 The heroic ideal of Anglo.


    Grendel's mother and the dragon help to express another important virtue of loyalty. For instance, whenBeowulf is in the lake, after nine hours Hrothgar's men give up on Beowulf, but his men remain

    steadfast even though they "are sick at heart." [Heaney, 30] Loyalty is seen again when all of Beowulf'smen flee during the battle with the dragon except for Wiglaf. Even though he is afraid, Wiglaf

    understands self-sacrifice and loyalty, so he willingly risks his life to save Beowulf's. After the othermen, "crept to the wood, protected their lives," Wiglaf remained with a "heart surged with sorrows:

    nothing can ever set aside kinship in him who means well." [Heaney, 46)] Wiglafs values arerewarded in the end when Beowulf chooses him to be the successor to his kingdom.

    While virtues are rewarded, punishments are also given for those who are not virtuous. For example,

    greed is considered a punishable sin. Beowulf resists greed when he chooses to bring Grendel's headback from the lake with him instead of all of the treasure. This is also another example of Beowulfs

    superhuman strength because it took four regular men to carry the head while Beowulf was able to

    swim with it to the top of the lake with it. However, fame and success is valued more than wealth intheir society. When Beowulf is chosen king, it is for his heroism and loyalty to the previous king, not

    his wealth. Greed is punished when the dragon that has spent his entire life guarding treasure, and

    attacks Beowulfs land over treasure, is killed.

    The dragon is depicted as a terrible creature, even worse than Grendel and his mother who at least had

    some human qualities. The dragon is described as "the evil spirit" who "began to vomit flames, burnbright dwellings; blaze of fire rose to the horror of the men, the deadly flying thing would leavenothing alive." [Heaney, 43] Pagan influence is also seen in the dragon. The dragon is an infamous

    mythical creature that is too strong for even Beowulf to slay alone.

    The dragon is used to show Beowulfs weakness which is excessive pride. Beowulfs great deeds as ahero eventually earn him a throne but in the end when he is forced to choose between being a hero or a

    king, he chooses to try to be a hero again. Hrothgar, a wise king, warned Beowulf that his pride wouldget in the way in the future, but Beowulf forgets this advice when the dragon attacks. Hrothgar told

    Beowulf many years before, "Have no care for pride, great warrior. Now for a time there is glory inyour might; yet is soon shall be sickness or sword that with diminish your strength then shall be that

    death will overcome you, warrior." [Heaney, 33] Beowulf does not take this advice. Beowulf leaves hiskingdom to battle the dragon instead of remaining with his kingdom in their greatest time of need.

    This time, instead of risking his life as a self sacrifice like he did against Grendel and his mother, a realsacrifice would have been for him to stay in his kingdom instead of trying to be the courageous hero

    once again. However, Beowulf chooses the heros path and in the end, he has a heros death. Beowulfs

    decision to fight the dragon can be looked at as a form of greed in its own right. In the end, Beowulfspride as a hero triumphs over the virtues of loyalty and sacrifice for the good of others.