
The Growth of Industry

Goal 5

Copy and complete this chart.Labor Unions

Union Year Important People


National Labor Union (NLU)

Colored National Labor Union (CLU)

Knights of Labor

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

American Railway Union (ARU)

Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)

Copy and complete this chart. Strikes

Strike Year People Cause Effects

Great Strike of 1877

Haymarket Affair XHomestead Strike

Pullman Company Strike

StrikesStrike Year People Cause Effects

Great Strike of 1877

1877 Pres. Rutherford B. Hayes

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad workers protested their second wage cut in two months

The strike spread to other railroad lines, stopping traffic for over a week, impeding interstate commerce; Federal troops ended the strike

Haymarket Affair


XProtest police brutality on strikers; Bomb was thrown into a police line

Police fired on workers; police officers and workers died; Public began to turn against the labor movement

StrikesStrike Year Peopl

eCause Effects

Homestead Strike

1892 Henry Clay Frick

Wage cuts at Carnegie’s Steel Company’s Homestead plant; scabs were brought in and violence irrupted

Three detective and nine workers killed; Plant was closed until the strike was broken up by the National Guard

Pullman Company Strike

1893 Eugene V. Debs

Workers were laid off; pay cuts without a decrease in the cost of housing; Pullman refused to negotiate with workers; ARU boycotted Pullman trains

Scabs were hired and violence irrupted; Federal troops sent in; Debs jailed; Workers fired & blacklisted

Labor UnionsUnion Year Important


National Labor Union (NLU)

1866 William H. Sylvis

First large-scale nations labor union; some local chapters refused African Americans; 1868 got Congress to legalize an eight-hour day for government workers

Colored National Labor Union (CLU)

1869 Isaac Meyers

Emphasized cooperation between management and labor; political reform important; Disbanded because Knights of Labor formed

Knights of Labor

1869 Uriah Stephens

Open to all workers, regardless of race, gender or degree of skill; equal pay and 8 hour work day; Believed strikes should be the last resort & advocated for arbitration

Labor UnionsUnion Year Important


American Federation of Labor (AFL)

1886 Samuel Gompers

Skilled workers; Focused on collective bargaining; Used strikes as a major tactic; Won higher wages and shorter workweeks

American Railway Union (ARU)

1894 Eugene V. Debs

Specific to the railroad industry and included skilled and unskilled laborers; Won higher wages by using strikes

Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)

1905 Eugene V. DebsWilliam “Big Bill” Haywood

Radical socialist labor union that wanted government control of business and property and equal distribution of wealth; Included miners, lumberers, cannery and dock workers; Included African Americans

Create and complete this chart. The Expansion of Industry


Year Inventor Significance

Steam Engine Drill

Bessemer Process

Light bulb

Typewriter/ Telephone

The Expansion of IndustryInventio

nYear Inventor Significance

Steam Engine Drill

1859 Edwin Drake

Drill for oil; oil used in industry

Bessemer Process

1850 Henry Bessemer & William Kelly

Removed the carbon from iron to produce steel, which was more flexible, lighter, and rust-resistant; Railroad boom, bridges, skyscrapers

Light bulb

1876 Thomas Edison

Inexpensive, convenient source of energy used in factories (factories could be located anywhere, not just near water & workers could work all hours, not just in the day

Typewriter/ Telephone

1867/ 1876

Christopher Sholes/ Alexander Graham Bell

New jobs for women

The Age of the Railroads

Effects of theRapid GrowthOf Railroads

The Age of the RailroadsMany different

Regions of AmericaWere now linked

Long distanceTravel now Possible for

Many Americans

Formation of Standard time


Rapid GrowthOf Railroads

Iron, steel, coal, Lumber, and glass

Industries grew becauseThe railroad needed

Their products

Trade among cities,Towns, and settlements

Increased. Communities Grew and prospered

New towns created (ex. Pullman factory,

Which created sleeping carsFor trains, had a town

Built around it toSupport its workers

Some people becameVery rich from

Profits made in the Railroad industry

Answer these questions in your notebook.

1. What factors made the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire in NYC so lethal?

2. What was the Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907-1908?

Immigration Read about what it was like to

come through the inspection stations at Ellis Island and Angel Island.

Write a letter home to a friend or family member telling them about your experience at either Ellis Island or Angel Island. (This can be done for homework.)

Civil Service Reform

Copy and answers these questions in your notebook.

1. What is patronage? Why is it bad?

2. What happened to President Garfield?

3. What did the Pendleton Civil Service Act do?

Vocabulary1. Munn v. Illinois2. Interstate Commerce

Act3. Andrew Carnegie4. Vertical integration5. Horizontal integration6. Social Darwinism7. John D. Rockefeller8. “Robber Barons”9. Sherman Antitrust Act10. Industrial Workers of

the World11. Mary Harris Jones12. Ellis Island

13. Angel Island14. Melting pot15. Nativism16. Chinese Exclusion

Act17. Urbanization18. Americanization

movement19. Tenements20. Mass transit21. Settlement houses22. Jane Addams23. Political machine24. Boss Tweed

Industrialization Immigration Urbanization


Emergence of Big BusinessThe late 19th century witnessed the

emergence of big and powerful businesses, which monopolized their industry.

The leaders of these businesses were called “Robber Barons” due to their unscrupulous business practices.

John D. Rockefeller Rockefeller

started Standard Oil Company

Why was oil important?

Trusts Standard Oil Company was the

nation’s first trust. A trust is a business arrangement

in which a number of companies unite into one system.

They want to destroy all competition & create monopolies.

Monopolies A monopoly is when a business has

complete control over an industry’s production, quality, wages paid, and prices charged.

The Sherman Anti-trust Act prevented the creation of monopolies by making it illegal to establish trusts that interfere with free trade.

Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie founded a steel

company in Pittsburgh, PA (THINK: Pittsburgh Steelers).

Steel was important to the railroad industry.

He was a millionaire philanthropist who began the public library system.

He used vertical and horizontal integration to build his steel empire.

Andrew Carnegie

Vertical Integration A business buys out all of its

suppliers EX: McDonalds would buy out the

makers of:Buns (Merita Bread Company)Ketchup (Heinz)Meat (Smithfield Meats)French Fries (Idaho)

Horizontal Integration A business buys out all of its

competitors For example, McDonald’s would buy

out:Burger KingKFCTaco BellSonic

Social Darwinism Social Darwinism was a philosophy of

this time period which drew from Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Put in terms of society, Social Darwinism states that it is acceptable for businesses to be big and controlling, because society is all about the “survival of the fittest”.

The weak help the strong survive & thrive.

Problems for Workers Many problems were faced by workers

in factories: Long hours Low pay No benefits (health insurance, sick

leave) Dangerous working conditions Child labor

Video Questions- “A Child on Strike”

1. What was your reaction to Camella Teoli’s accident?

2. What labor practices are taken for granted today that were not afforded to people living in 1910?

Workers Unite Workers united and formed labor unions,

which demanded improved working conditions

Labor unions would strike (work stoppages by union members as a form of protest)

Key labor unions included: National Labor Union Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) American Railway Union American Federation of Labor (founded by Samuel

Gompers) Knights of Labor


New Immigrants Assimilate

Immigrants came to America to work in factories.

They often faced culture shock, confusion & anxiety resulting in becoming a part of a new culture that you do not understand.

America became a melting pot, a mixture of different people and cultures who blend together and abandon their native language and culture.

Immigration Stations Ellis Island, New York (Statue of

Liberty) was the inspection station for European immigrants.

Angel Island, San Francisco, CA was the inspection station for Asian immigrants.

In 1887, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed which banned entry of all Chinese immigrants, except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials.

Video Questions- “From China to Chinatown: Fong See’s American Dream”

1. How did Fong See overcome the difficulties facing Asian immigrants in America during his lifetime?

2. What did Lisa See learn about living in a diverse society from her great-grandfather’s experience?


Urban Problems

Problems Causes- Explain the Problem


1. Housing Shortages

2. Transportation

3. Water

4. Sanitation

5. Crime

6. Fire

Urban Problems Problems Causes Solutions

1. Housing Shortages

So many people came to the cities with few housing options:

1. House of the outskirts of town- but, how would they get into the city for work?

2. Tenements that were crowded & unsanitary

NYC passed a law that set standards for plumbing and ventilation

2. Transportation

A large number of people needed to move within the city

Mass transit developed, such as street cars & electric subways

3. Water Need for safe drinking water as populations grew, because there was inadequate piped water or none at all; Diseases spread

Built public waterworks to handle more people; Filtration was introduced

Urban Problems Problems Causes Solutions

4. Sanitation Horse manure piles; sewage in open gutters; smoke from factories; no trash collection

Sewer lines & sanitation departments established

5. Crime Poverty led to crime such as pick pocketing and theft

Established police forces

6. Fire Limited water supply; Wooden dwelling; Use of candles & kerosene heaters posed fire hazards; Deadly fire in Chicago & after the San Francisco earthquake

Full time fire departments established; Automatic fire sprinklers invented; Replace wood buildings with brick, stone, and concrete

Urban Reforms A movement called the Social Gospel

preached salvation through service to the poor

Settlement houses were created, as community centers for people in urban areas, especially immigrants.

Settlement houses provided educational, cultural, and social services.

Jane Addams Hull House, Chicago

The Gilded Age The time period from 1877-early

1900s is known as the “Gilded Age”. Writer Mark Twain coined this term. Gilded is something covered in a

thin layer of gold to make it look nice & shiny.

This expression was used to imply that the time period appeared to be prosperous, but that appearance was just covering up the poverty and corruption of society.

Political Machines A new power structure emerged in the

cities to take control, called political machines.

The political machine was an unofficial entity that kept a certain political party in power.

Political machines were headed by a “boss” who may or may not hold a political office himself.

William “Boss” Tweed, Tammany HallBoss of the NYC Democratic Party

The Purpose of the Political Machines

Political machines provided services to the city, such as police & fire departments.

In exchange for votes, the political machines would provide jobs and other services for immigrants.

Government Corruption Many political machines and

government officials became corrupt as their power grew.

Graft (using political influence for personal gain) & “kickbacks” (taking money from government construction projects) were common.

Ex. Boss Tweed built a NYC Courthouse which actually cost $3 million, but the taxpayers were charged $13 million

TEST REVIEW Industrialization-Immigration-Urbanization Industrialization: new technologies led to

industrialization; robber barons; Rockefeller & Carnegie; Social Darwinism; monopolies; horizontal/vertical integration; trusts- Sherman Antitrust Act= no monopolies

Immigration: Ellis/Angel Island; discrimination; melting pot/assimilation; why they came?; exploitation (problems) of worker; emergence of labor unions

Urbanization: urban problems; reforms; settlement houses; political machine