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The Great Multitude

A number no one can count.

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Their Destiny

• Rev. 7:9, “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”

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Their Praise

• Rev. 7:10-12, “And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’… They fell down on their faces…saying: ‘Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!’”

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Who? Where?

• Rev. 7:13-14, “Then one of the elders asked me, ‘These in white robes- who are they and where did they come from?’ I answered, ‘Sir, you know.’ And he said, ‘These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

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Multitude Not Martyrs

• Washed in Christ’s blood, with no mention of their own blood.

• Martyrs are referenced in Rev. 6:9, “souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.” They asked to avenge their blood in the next verse.

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No One To Count

• Such a number is too big to count in a lifetime, or too big to number in terms of the time it was written.

• Other times multitude is referenced in scriptures in much smaller terms.

• Those saved throughout eternity could be consistent with such a number.

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Out of Great Tribulation

• Rev. 7:14b, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation”.

• Proves that the rapture occurs at least after the middle of tribulation period, as this is when the “great tribulation” begins.

• Hardly support for a rapture 3 ½ to 7 years previously!

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Pre-tribulation Rapture Doctrine

• They believe the great multitude were those saved during the tribulation period and were martyred.

• No reference of martyrdom was given for these individuals.

• End times apostasy would make it impossible and a contradiction of Scripture, with such a “great multitude” that was too large to count to be born out of such a time as this.

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• Amos 8:11 references “famine of the hearing of the word of God”.

• 2 Tim. 4:3-4 talks of how people “will not put up with sound doctrine.”

• 1 Jn. 2:18-19 tells of “great falling away”.• Matt. 24:10-13+24- deception of the elect.• 2 Thess. 2:9-12 discusses a great

“delusion” given to those who “reject the truth”.

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Wrath of Man

• Lk. 21:23, “How dreadful it will be in those days…There will be great distress in the land and wrath against his people.”

• Matt. 24:21-22, “For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world... If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”

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Wrath of Antichrist

• Dan. 11:36, “He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what is determined will take place.”

• Rev. 13:7, “He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.”

• Dan 8:10, “It grew until it reached the host of the heavens, and it threw some of the starry host down to the earth and trampled on them.”

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Harsh Conditions Removed

• Rev. 7:16, “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”

• Evidently many of the great multitude living up to the time of the rapture were living in harsh environmental conditions, as they had fled the Last Babylon.

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Tribulation Wrath of God

Not directed against his people.

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Seal on Foreheads

• Rev. 7:3, “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God. Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.” (Great multitude are also “servants of our God”, yet their number was not mentioned, as it is too great to count.)

• Provided protection from seal judgments.

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Multitude Raptured-Bowls

• Rev. 15:2, “And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name. They held harps given them by God and sang the song of Moses”.

• Song of Moses sang after rescue from Egyptians; raptured saints also rescued.

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Multitude-Bowls Complete

• Rev. 19:1-2, “After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute.”

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Multitude-The Bride

• Rev. 19:6b-8, “a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: ‘Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given to wear.”

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Another Contradiction

• If the pre-tribulation rapture view were true and the great multitude were born again saints during the tribulation period who were martyred, then the bride of Christ would be rather limited.

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Come Lord Jesus!

• Rev. 22:17, “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life”.
