

Final Exam Review

The Great Gatsby Jeopardy


Devices I

Rhetorical Devices II

Characters Plot Events Surprise

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Name three possible themes for the novel.

The decline of the American dream

Illusion vs. reality

Social classes

Wealth and success

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The relationship between Tom and Daisy can best be represented by which theme?

Illusion vs. Reality Betrayal

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He is a business associate of Jay Gatsby who supposedly fixed the 1919 World Series.

Meyer Wolfsheim

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The novel takes place during which decade in the United States?

1920s“The Jazz Age” “The Roaring 20s”

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From which point of view is the novel told?

First and third person

Nick uses “I” and also narrates the story in 3rd, using he/she, it, they, etc.

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What does Jay Gatsby symbolize?

America’s desire for wealth and opulenceAmerica’s compulsive optimism America’s immature romanticismThe decline of the American dream

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400What does the green light symbolize?

Gatsby’s hope

Gatsby’s longing for Daisy

Gatsby’s American dream

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This character is a supercilious East Egger who went to school with Nick.

Tom Buchanan

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Gatsby buys his mansion and has parties in order to

Turn back time and win Daisy back

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Fitzgerald, the author, had this in common with the protagonist, Jay Gatsby

They both tried to buy a woman’s love

(Fitzgerald with Zelda Sayre)

(Gatsby with Daisy)


600When Gatsby nervously knocks over the

clock on the mantel before meeting Daisy, what might this symbolize?

A hope/attempt to turn back time

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When Nick says, “…his (Gatsby’s) career as Trimalchio was over,” which rhetorical device does this represent?

An allusion to a character, Trimalchio, in Roman literature who lead a similar lifestyle to Gatsby, coming into new money and having lavish parties.

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600He’s inclined to reserve all judgments

and thinks Gatsby is both romantic and gorgeous

Nick Carraway

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What is the novel’s setting?

Long Island (East and West Egg)

New York City


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What might West Egg symbolize?

Garishness and flamboyance

Ostentatious behavior

Grandiose and gaudiness

New Money

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800When Nick describes the weather in chapter

7 as, “the warmest of the summer,” which rhetorical device does this represent?

Foreshadowing of the conflict between Gatsby and Nick about the affair

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Meyer Wolfsheim’s cuff links, made of human molars, symbolize

Ruthlessness and deceptiveness

He will do what it takes to get what he wants (including killing)

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A poor, discontented garage owner who lives in the valley of the ashes—sees eyes of Dr. Eckleburg as God

George Wilson

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Which colors does Gatsby wear to his reunion with Daisy? What do these symbolize?

He wears white, gold, and silver, symbolizing his wealth and prosperity—he hopes to show Daisy that he’s wealthy to win her back

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When Nick imagines Gatsby’s final thoughts while floating in the pool before he died, Nick narrates, “…he paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky…as he found out what a grotesque thing a rose is…” What rhetorical device does this represent?

– A metaphor, meaning Daisy was a rose not worthy of Gatsby’s dream and obsession

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What time of year does Gatsby die? Why is this symbolic?

He asks his servant not to drain the pool yet because he doesn’t want time to pass and winter to come. He dies in the fall, which is symbolic of a time when things die off before winter.

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1000When Nick says, “so we beat on, boats against the

current, borne back ceaselessly into the past,” which rhetorical device does this represent? What does he mean?

It’s a metaphor; we=boatsNick comments on the fact that we can’t fully disown

ourselves from the pastThe past haunts Gatsby and is part of the reason he

can’t achieve his dream of having Daisy

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A professional golfer who is seemingly bored with East Egg life

Jordan Baker

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1000What does Nick say he has in common with

Tom, Daisy, Gatsby and Jordan? How does this relate to why he’s leaving the East?

He says, “This has been a story of the West, after all—Tom and Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan and I, were all Westerners, and perhaps we possessed some deficiency in common which made us subtly unadaptable to Eastern life.”

They can’t survive in a corrupt East with no Western-like values

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1000When Nick says, “She was the first ‘nice’ girl he had

ever known. In various unrevealed capacities he had come in contact with such people but always with indiscernible barbed wire between,” which rhetorical device does this represent? What does he mean?

• There was a metaphorical dividing “wire” between Gatsby and others of a higher/old rich social class, including Daisy.

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