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Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


From the pastor’s desk

Inside this


Lay Leader …..…...2


Celebration Sun. ...4

Mini Ministry..…...5

Faces of Faith…...…5

Sunday School…....6



“Little Known”…....9

Roof Update...........10

Advent Devotion .11

Fall Bazaar………..12

Help Wanted ...12-13

Salute to Veterans 14

Calendar ……...….15

There are two events taking place in November that ask us to examine

ourselves considering the gospel imperative, “To love your neighbor as yourself.”

The first of the events taking place occurs on the 6th is the mid-term

election. We have a seemingly endless cycle of elections with the run-up to the next

election beginning with the closing of the polls of the previous election. Every day

we watch, listen, or read an onslaught of advertisements warning us of the dire

outcomes if “candidate X” wins. And every day we watch, listen, or read an

onslaught of advertisements promising the beginning of a new golden age if

“candidate Y” wins.

What are we to do? The 2016 Book of Discipline offers that “While our allegiance to

God takes precedence over our allegiance to any state, we acknowledge the vital function of government as a principal vehicle for

the ordering of society. Because we know ourselves to be responsible to God for social and political life, we declare the following

relative to governments…” - Social Principles: The Political Community

As we come to the conclusion of one election cycle and the beginning of the next, it would serve us well to remember

the counsel offered by John Wesley in the lead up to an election in the 18th century:

“I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election and advised them:

(1) To vote without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy.

(2) To speak no evil of the person they voted against.

(3) To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.”

–John Wesley’s Journal – October 3, 1774

The second event? The holidays. We approach Thanksgiving Day and the weeks leading up to Christmas

Day with the same manner of mixed emotions as we do Election Day. As with politics, there are twin messages that

come at us with the same flurry as do the political adverts. On the one hand: Spend time with family, remember the

reason for the season, and be thankful for the things you have and the people you love. On the other hand: Spend,

spend, spend. So, what are we do that will enable us to enter this season of ‘holy days’ (otherwise known as holidays)

with joy and come to the New Year with thankful hearts?

I invite you once again to consider the words of Wesley:

“One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since He is invisible to our eyes, we

are to serve Him in our neighbor; which He receives as if done to Himself in person standing visible before us.” – -

-John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection

Do you want to show your family that you love them? Serve God. Do you want to remember the reason for

the season? Serve God. Do you want to show your thanks for the people in your life? Serve God. November can be a

month of dread or joy, it all depends on who the focus is on.

Every blessing,

Pastor Charles

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Faith Formation for Adults

Sundays—10:00 am, spaces are available for adult groups to gather

Mondays—1:00 pm, Drop-in Bible study at The Living Center, 3rd floor solarium

Wednesdays—10:00 am, Bible study

3rd Wednesday—6:30 pm, Worship on Wednesday, The Living Center, 2nd floor

3rd Thursday—1:30 pm, Senior Moments, too at Arlene Halfhide’s home

News From Our Lay Leader

The final two Lay Leader Conversations took place in September, one at The Living Center with nine in

attendance and one at my home with eight in attendance. Pastor Charles and Belinda were able to attend both meetings. We had

great conversations with many thoughts expressed and ideas generated. While it is not possible to relate everything that was

discussed, here are some high points:

*Communication in the church has improved since we discussed this issue at the spring meetings.

*Children’s Education has been revitalized and it is good to see all the kids at Children’s Time and to see Sunday School

doing well. The Children’s Education Committee and Pastor Charles worked together to change the Order of Worship to

accommodate the new schedule.

*Attendees expressed support for using the newsletter, The Glad Tider, for communication about what is happening in an

around the church.

*Ideas were discussed about updating and upgrading the membership directory. (Editor note: In progress. Please fill out an

Info form)

*There was discussion about forming a young families’ group.

*Our outreach to The Living Center has been very successful with active Bible study groups and WOW (Worship on

Wednesdays) all well attended, by our members as well as others.

*More information about our church committees and what they do and who is on them is needed. (See separate article.)

*Welcoming visitors and new members need to be done in such a way that we demonstrate radical hospitality but we

don’t embarrass them or scare them away. Be attentive to new folks at Fellowship Hour.

*There is continue confusion and anxiety about our need for a new roof and other repairs and what that is going to mean

financially. Trustees will be working to inform the congregation on an ongoing basis.

*Pastor emphasized the need for intentional discipleship.

This is by no means a complete accounting of all that was discussed. It was wonderful to gather together and have these

conversations and to hear the thoughts and ideas of various members. Thank you to those who attended.

As I approach the end of my tenure as your Lay Leader, I want to thank all of you who took the time to communicate with me

over the past two years as we, together, went about the work and mission of the church.

-Marcia Prather, Lay Leader

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018 THE GLAD TIDER

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Sept. 30

Oct. 7

Oct. 14

Oct. 21









November 1—Vickie Vernon

November 5 —Julie McGarvey

& Kathy Buhler

November 13—Betty Shorten

November 18—Cammie Edgar

November 21— Jim Ziegler &

Amanda Morgan

November 25—Julie Ludington


November 24—Pastor Charles

and Belinda Alkula

November 30— Arthur Kostuk

& Cheryl Zweigart-Kostuk

Prayer chain

If you have requests for the prayer


Call Janet

Lonski at


Email Gail Moshier

at crochetgal

[email protected]

Stevensville UMC Annual Church Conference

Wednesday, Nov. 7th at 7:00pm

This is an annual meeting for all church members to vote on reports and church business. The meeting will be in the

Fellowship Hall.



216 College Street

Stevensville, MT 59870


Rev. Dr. Charles Alkula

Contact information:

Phone: 406-777-5443

Email: [email protected]

Pastor’s phone: 406-363-8314

Pastor’s email:

[email protected]

YAC District Superintendent:

Rev. Jan Witman

Phone: 406-696-9090

Email: [email protected]

Who’s who:

Marcia Prather...... Lay leader

John Fisher ............. Ad Council chair

Lynda Fisher ........ SPRC chair

John Soper ........... Trustees chair

Marcia Prather .... UMW president

Don Nelson .......... UMM president

Julie Weindel ......... Sec. /Newsletter

Hazel Smith ......... Organist

Julie Ludington .... Pianist

Brenda Bolton ...... Choir director

Marilyn Murphy .... Chime choir

Mary Nelson ......... Librarian

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018 THE GLAD TIDER

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Chime Choir

You can

do it! Rehearsals are after

the Worship Service

on Sundays at 11:45.

Join Us!

An invitation to Celebration Sunday, November 18, 2018.

Celebration Sunday is the day we commit a portion of our financial resources to God’s work

through our church for the coming year. We do this in an prayerful, joyful and intentional manner.

God has blessed each of us with abundance in our lives, and God desires for us to share of that

abundance. This gives us an opportunity to think about what we want our church to accomplish this

next year, and how we can share in the mission opportunities of our church.

The Stewardship campaign will feature three short talks on October 28, November 4 and 11th

by different members of our church family, a letter from Pastor Charles with a commitment card

mailed to each member family, and an opportunity to dedicate the commitment card during the

service on Celebration Sunday, November 18.

We will celebrate after service that Sunday, with a

Church Potluck. The Stewardship and Finance committee will provide ham,

roast beef and cheesy potatoes for the potluck. Members are

asked to bring salads, sides and desserts to share. The S/F

committee thanks you for your generous support this past year,

and for your thanks giving in 2019.

Last Names beginning with: A-H/Salad

I-P/Dessert Q-Z/Favorite Side Dish

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


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A “Mini” Ministry

An Individual Effort to serve the Lord

The subject of mini ministries came up

at the September Lay Leader

Conversation chaired by our lay leader Marcia Prather with several

members and Pastor Charles in attendance. As I understand it the term

applies to individual, usually unrecognized efforts to serve the Lord by

congregation members. I was asked to write briefly about my ministry of the

white crosses seen on the highways and back roads of Ravalli County.

Until recently the fatality markers, which are in fact crosses (the Legion

uses the term fatality markers to try to avoid being forced to deal with a

multitude of religious symbols), were my attempt to serve. Each cross

represents a life or lives lost. I put them up and maintained them for over 20

years. This is part of a statewide program of the American Legion which

rests with the posts across the state. It dates back to 1947. In our area the

program had been abandoned. In the early 90s I found only a few old rusted

relics. We had about 52 erected when I had to give up as I couldn't get in

and out of the ditches. They range from Painted Rock and Lost Trail to

north of Lolo.

Each cross was erected with a prayer and subsequently maintained. It

was a service to the community and hopefully caused caution to drivers. I

know many loved ones gained some solace. Some, especially the ones for

youngsters, were a poignant experience. Near my home is one to a father

and little daughter who tried to dodge a whitetail. Another, south of

Stevensville by a big old dead tree, was for a young boy who died when his

dad lost control. Several were for recent high school graduates. Pastor

Nancy said when she looked up after her accident above Butte that there

was a cross nearby. There is often encouraging feedback from loved ones.

I can only hope my prayers in some way helped.

Surely there are many ministries that take place amongst us that we are

never aware of. Perhaps, as our church seeks to define its role and future

paths it would be rewarding to hear about other individual experiences.

These numerous efforts really do a lot to define our place in our community

as Methodists and citizens. If our church is to prosper, such outreach is


-by Ed Sperry

We would like to hear about YOUR “Mini” Ministry or that of someone you know from our congregation for the Glad Tider. Please contact Marcia Prather or Julie Weindel in the office with your article or your thoughts.

Faces of Faith

Ed Sperry is one of our "senior members", being 90 years young. Ed was born in Nebraska, the youngest of five children. He was raised on a

farm there, until age thirteen, when his father died. The family then moved to Washington State where they lived in the Puyallup Valley, on a Japanese truck farm. The farm was managed by his brother-in-law, who was ten years older than Ed. Ed says his brother-in-law was his life long mentor. The Japanese owners were friends, but were in internment during WWII. His brother in law ran the family farm for them until the war ended. His brother in law was a marine, a medic, during WWII. He served in the Pacific theater, and made eight amphibious landings, including the famous battle Tarawa. The Japanese friend served in the decorated Japanese/US military unit that fought in Italy.

Ed graduated from Washington State University with a degree in botany. It was there he met and married his wife Betty, who was a teacher. They were married sixty-four years until Betty's passing.

Ed was in the ROTC program and went on to serve in the newly formed United States Air Force, retiring as a Colonel. He was stationed all over the US, and worked in research and development and acquisitions. He was part of the team that developed the high altitude aircraft ejection program. He worked on the Minute Man missile and taught ROTC at the University of Montana.

After retirement Ed and Betty ran a small truck farm in the Bitterroot. He then served as Justice of the Peace for Ravalli county and Stevensville city judge.

He was instrumental in forming the military cemetery in Missoula. The work that is dearest to his heart, however, is the thirty years he served as State Commander and State Chaplain of the American Legion.

Ed has three daughters, seven grandchildren, and several great grandchildren.

His hobbies are woodworking, fishing, and backpacking. He has backpacked on the Appalachian trail, among other adventures.

Ed's philosophy of life is "there is always something greater than self". A favorite hymn is Lord of the Dance.

Ed is a wealth of wisdom, history and information.

-by Mary Hackett

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


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AARP Safe Driving

Class Friday, Nov. 9th

Noon –4pm Fellowship Hall

Call the church office to sign up.

The Book Club meets the second

Sunday of each month (September-

May) in the fellowship hall at 6 pm.

The November selection is…

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

By Matthew Desmond

Sunday School is Growing!

Our Sunday School program is alive and doing well! We continue to hold our Sunday School classes during the church service, which seems to be working well for all involved. We have doubled our attendance over last year!

We had a slight learning curve in the beginning while trying to figure out the timing of the lesson. From our little corner of the world upstairs it's hard to tell how much time is left in the service, but I think we've figured it out and have now found our groove.

We are continuing our study of the popular characters in the Old Testament through the end of the year, and are looking forward to diving into the New Testament in January. A big THANK YOU to Cammie Edgar, Sara Malo, Lisa Nichols, and Dean Diers who have all signed up to teach our lessons and lead our children's sermon.

We are in need of teachers and helpers for November and December.

If you are interested in helping out, please let me know.

Here are the lessons and characters we will be covering in November:

Naomi and Ruth

David and Goliath


**Mark your calendar:

The Children's Christmas Program will be held 12/16. We invite

all of the children in our congregation to join us! We will do some practicing for the program during our classroom time on Sundays starting in November. I'm hoping that by doing this we won't need much extra rehearsal outside of Sunday School. It's usually such a busy time of year and I know every day is precious when you have a young family.

As always, thank you for supporting the future generation of our church!

Grace and Peace, Kendra Ruff

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


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United Methodist Men Meeting Oct. 13, 2018

Nine men ate a hardy breakfast provided by Dean Diers and Don Nelson with fresh apple cider pressed by Bob Edgar. Dean’s yummy breakfast casserole included some homegrown peppers that added to the flavor.

David Hubble joined us from the local LDS Church. David extended an invitation to our Church to participate in an all valley live Christmas Nativity scene with live animals, caroling, and costumes at Hamilton Fairgrounds on Dec. 1, 2018 from 5 to 6 PM. Joe and Allison Jessop, 406-360-2180 are in charge for the LDS Church. Stevensville UMC needs to contact them concerning our desire to participate. Don Nelson will pass this invitation on.

Dave Rakiecki, Chairman of the June 2018 Yard/Garage Sale, gave a report on the results of the sale. Approximately 12 total volunteers assisted with the various aspects of the sale. About half of the volunteers were women of the Church. This assistance was greatly appreciated. Dave said the men could not have managed the sale with out their help. Dave made the following recommendations for considering a future sale: (1) get more people involved in the sale. (2) Clarify what items we will accept (We ended up with many kinds of items that did not sell.) (3) Have a shorter sale (too many drop off times, we had 5 drop off periods and four home pickups of donations.) (4) Do not accept any items left over from other sales (We ended up having to take too much to the reload facility at Victor.) The sale netted over $2000. The group voted to donate $1000 to the UMW to further their mission work. (Note-there may be an opportunity to help with a spring sale at the Bishop’s.)

The UMM voted to organize a work session at Tom and Nilda Bishop’s home on Oct. 20, from 9:00AM to Noon. Don Nelson will visit with the Bishops about work that they need before the Saturday workday. Dean Diers will announce the Saturday work session at Church on Oct. 14. The group thanked Dave Rakiecki for the previous work he has done at the Bishop’s. (Editor’s note: Thank You to the many people who helped at the Bishop’s!)

Dean Diers reported that the Cub Pack is having a hard time finding leaders and may end up dispersing to other packs in the area. It is hard to find adult leaders for the dens and the pack.

UMW October Meeting

We had a very impactful, program led by Claire Kelly about the “#MeToo” movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Did You Know: 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted.

That’s a compelling statistic. But not as compelling as Claire’s presentation about her own personal experiences and why she advocates for the #MeToo movement. Claire showed us all the meaning of courage and bravery as she put a face to this growing problem. She moved many of us to tears and all of us to a standing ovation at the end of her talk. She summed up why shelf it was important to talk about openly by saying this:

“If not now….when?”

Vice president Linda Kauffman reminded that the next meeting will be Friday, November 9, At the Living Center when Claire has devotions, Kathy Wood has the program, and our hostesses will be Sue Pearson (again!), Mary Costello and Mary Hackett.

Connie Rakiecki said we have two new members, Julie Weindel and Karen Johnson.

Hazel Smith talked about the drug crisis, a presentation she presented at the UMW Conference in Missoula . (Editor’s note: see later article) She encouraged us to ask our county commissioners to establish a drug court in Ravalli County, which she said would deal with addicts more humanely and cheaper, and offers the possibility of getting people cured.

The Fall Bazaar will be held Saturday, Nov. 3rd from 9am—2pm. We’ll set up on Friday starting at 9 am. Linda asked again that we price the crafts we bring. Cashiers are needed, three each for the two shifts. Linda announced that the men are bringing the tire chains for us to sell.

Two requests for $100 were made each to UMCOR disaster relief from the Special Missions fund. One for Hurricane Florence on East Coast, and the other for typhoon Mangkhut in Philippines and the earthquake & tsunami in Indonesia. Both amounts are approved on voice votes with no opposition.

Belinda Alkula talked about the Fall District meeting in Dillon.

Linda Kauffman said the Yellowstone UMW Legacy cookbooks are available to pay for & pick up.

Pastor Charles told us that two women are needed to serve on the Trustees committee.

Next Meeting Nov. 9th at the Living Center!

(* please note different location for this one time.)

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Some 40 members of the Western Mountains District met on Sat., Sept. 29 at First UMC in Missoula at the same time the members of the Big Horn District met at Roberts UMC. The meeting was conducted by teleconferencing. Following an opening litany, and devotions, Malcolm Horn, a counselor at Rimrock Treatment Center n Billings, gave an excellent overview of the topic, “The Opioid Crisis”. She stated that “Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease for which there is no cure. Lifetime recovery is possible, but there is no magic cure.”

Then a Memorial Service led by Laurie Ball, Western Mountains District President, and Ellen Hill, Big Horn District President, honored the many UMW members who died this past year.

Molly King, Deaconess Candidate, spoke of her rigorous training and thanked church members for their support.

Following lunch, Dr. Marcia Prather spoke of the tremendous increase in prescription drug abuse in Montana, comprising 50% of opioid use with physicians writing 90 prescriptions for every 100

persons in Montana. The other 50% includes heroin, opium, morphine, and other opiates. The U.S. is number one in the world with 12.5 million people reporting the use of illicit drugs. 115 people die every day, cumulatively more than died in WWI and WW2. 20 million people need treatment but 94% do not receive it. She stressed that the costs of addiction are huge –ER visits @ $1000 each, medical, legal,

court, jail, parole, not to mention the tremendous costs in suicides, family breakups, and loss of productivity. 80% of people in Montana prisons are drug offenders, when drug courts. treatment centers, and outpatient treatment offer much cheaper, effective, and more humane options. There were 1,334 MT. opioid deaths between 2003 and 2014. However, use of crystal methamphetamine, a psychoactive stimulant, is still the leading drug of abuse in Montana.

Hazel Smith spoke next of their family’s personal journey through the crystal meth addiction and death of their son, and the heroin and pills addiction of another family member who is now sober. Then a member of UMW who has recovered from meth addiction spoke eloquently about how Jesus brought her sobriety today. The final speaker, an amphetamine addict who is now sober, a member of NA, and a pastor, spoke of how frightening his long periods of blackout were. All stressed the importance of getting help, support, 12 Step Groups, and of “turning it over” to God.

- Hazel Smith

Church Finance Report

Bless you all! Little by little we are improving the church’s financial picture and it is all due to the generous donations from all of you. We set a budget in January and everyone has been so diligent not to spend more than absolutely necessary. A huge thank you from the Finance Committee!! Donation statements went out last week to everyone. If you did not receive one please let me know. If you ever have a question please feel free to call me directly. -Kathleen Wood, Financial Officer

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


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“Little Known” Facts

About Stevensville UMC

With Ben Longbottom

4th generation Member SUMC

Did you Know: The Church once “bought” their sermons? It’s true! In our conversations with

Ben this month, he told the Glad Tider a fascinating “little know” story.

During the Civil War, the Methodist Church split into The Methodist Episcopal Church North and

The Methodist Episcopal Church South. It remained that way for decades, even here in Stevensville.

But Stevensville was more progressive than the rest of the country. The North Church merged with

the South Church here in 1918, 11 years before the rest of the Methodist North and South Churches

in the country merged into the Federated Methodist Church.

The ministers from both churches alternated Sundays in the pulpits of both churches for several

years. After deciding on one minister, the congregation decided to get into one building as well by

turning the old grade school in Stevensville into what is now our church. Rev. William J. Richards

was the pastor, (1925-1929), at the time this building was

acquired. Because he was also familiar with construction, he

was put in charge of remodeling the school into a church.

As the remodel became more intense, Rev. Richards went

to the church council and told them he could plan and write

his sermons or he could supervise the remodel but he didn’t

have time for both. So the church came up with a

compromise. They bought a book of sermons so he could

continue the remodel and just read a ready-made sermon

from the pulpit. The first service in this church was held Dec.

9th, 1928. Left is a picture of the church taken in 1928.

We don’t know if Rev. Williams wrote his own sermon that day or not.

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The Building Around Us Take a moment the next time you are in town and just look at the

Stevensville United Methodist Church Building.

Notice first that it is very big and very formal and I might add, majestic.

I have wanted to give some information to you all for a while now so

here goes. As some of you probably know the church is not is very good

condition externally. So the Administrative Council of the Church

decided to have a Conditional Assessment done of the church building.

We received a grant to cover 50% of this cost and hired an architectural

firm to do the assessment. They filed a rather large report with the church earlier this year and I have been tasked with letting you all

know a little about what that report said.

In short the report stated the obvious; we need a new roof. But along with that we also need to do a few things to bring some other parts

of the structure of the church up to modern standards. All in all this is a very, very large project for this congregation. The Ad Council has

agreed to form a Capital Campaign Committee as this will be a $325,000.00 project. This committee will be tasked with not only raising

funds for this undertaking but also assisting the congregation and the community with the long term solutions for this historic building

and its continued existence in this community.

I know I speak for many in the congregation when I say that we do love this building and the significant role it has played not only for

the United Methodist Church but for the community of Stevensville as well. Well the time has now come to really search our hearts and

minds about how we feel about this building and whether or not it can indeed be preserved for future generations. So stay tuned for more

from the Capital Campaign Committee and the Trustees and Ad Board as well about what will be happening next.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

-Paul Ludington for the Trustees


“Everybody Needs a Good Midweek Worship Service. Don’t let the words “choir rehearsal” deceive you. Yes, you

WILL learn your choir part, but you’ll also worship Almighty God in the meantime and leave feeling refreshed and ready

to tackle the rest of your week.”

We would love for you to join us in song and fellowship! Rehearsals are Tuesday Evenings at 7:00pm.

We have a new closing chorus for the entire congregation to sing at the end of worship.

“Go with God”, recorded and written by Carolyn Arends. Here are the words and you can also access this

on YouTube if you would like to listen or add it to a favorites list.

Go with the wind at your back

And the sun on your face

With a song in your heart

And the promise of grace

Go in peace and in truth

And let love lead your way

Go with God, Go with God, Go with God.

- — Brenda Bolton

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ADVENT DEVOTIONAL The theme for this year's Stevi UMC devotional is

"The Names of Jesus."

Three easy steps:

1. Select one of the multitude of names/attributes given to

Jesus. (Go online and search for "names of Jesus" or contact

Pastor Charles for suggestions. ) Then pick a date in December

for your devotional.

2. Write a one-two paragraph reflection on what that name

means to you.

3. Submit it to the office by November 11th either on paper

or via email.

A sign-up list is available in the church library (outside

the office) so that people don’t pick all of the same names and

you can sign up for your specific date for your devotional. You

can also call the office (406-777-5443) or email with your choices

of date & name.

Print copies of the devotional will be available on November 25th.

We will post daily entries on the blog and on Facebook each day of Advent (beginning December 2) and

continuing on the Twelve Days of Christmas, concluding on the Day of Epiphany (January 6).

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


What Did You Hear? I am always amazed at how differently each of us hears a sermon. What speaks to me may not speak to you … or at least not in the same way. A sermon I find powerful and immediately applicable to my life may to you seem vague and unrelated to your life at present. Sometimes it has to do with how attentive I am to the sermon and how thoughtful I am about the message. I am often reminded that listening is an active rather than a passive activity. But sometimes, even if I have been attentive and thoughtful and have actively listened, I come away with a feeling that I didn’t “get it.” What can we do when we don’t “get” a sermon or have questions about it? We can go to the source, Pastor Charles, “What did I hear?”... just ask! -Marcia Prather

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November 3rd

9:00 am—2:00 pm

Cakes & Crafts, Breakfast & Baked Goods, Soup & CDs,

Pies & Precious Auction Items, Treasures & Tire Chains

…..Yes, Tire Chains!

Have Breakfast, Stay for Lunch and do your Holiday


November Special Event

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


What is Your Passion?

Committees, committees, and more committees … it seems as if there is a never-ending need for people to serve on

committees. Yes, our church committees do necessary work, but as Pastor Charles emphasized during the Lay Leader

Conversations this fall, growing as disciples is more important than serving on a committee just to be on a committee. We

need to be intentional in our discipleship.

Where does your passion lead you to serve? Each of us has gifts we can share. Serving in an area of interest is

invigorating and rewarding and therefore less likely to lead to “burn out.” When you look at who is doing what in the church,

do you see the same people all the time, involve in many committees and activities?

The new year is coming and there are many opportunities to get involved in the life and work of the church. Where is

your passion? As yourself where you would like to be involved and serve in 2019? There is a list of committees posted on the

library bulletin board. The chairperson for every committee is noted. If you have questions about what a specific committee

does, contact that chairperson. Find your passion.

-Marcia Prather, Lay Leader

The Shepherding Committee ‘s goal is to keep in touch and hold our

community close. You will probably be contacted by a "shepherd" at some time. However, in the meantime, if you have a question, would like a visit, or could use some help with something please call.

If your name begins with A-F your contact is Caroline Mikens (531-7176), G-K Mary Costello (381-0993), L-P Janet Lonski (396-5118),

Q-Z Marcia Prather (239-9396).

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Worship Flowers: If you would like to provide the flowers for the Alter,

Please sign up for a date on the sign up sheet by the office.

You can buy flowers and we will arrange them,

You can donate $15-$20 and we will get them for you.

You can bring a ready-made arrangement to church on your Sunday.

You can also sign up for a December Poinsettia. Details will be on the bulletin board and in the church bulletin later this month.

If you have questions, call Julie in the Church Office 777-5443

We Need to Update

Our Directory! Please fill out a member info form if you have

not already done so. The forms can be found on

the sign up table by the church office.

Return it to the church office even if nothing has

changed. Thank You!

Greeters: Needed for

November and


Sign up for a week or more.

(Sheets on sign up table outside of the Church office)

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


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We Support Pantry Partners

The cart for

your donations

is by the back

door to the

parking lot.

Stevensville United Methodist Church November 2018


God of peace, we pray for those who have served our nation

and have laid down their lives to protect and defend our freedom.

We pray for those who serve us now, especially for those in harm's way.

Shield them from danger and bring them home.

May the peace you left us, the peace you gave us,

be the peace that sustains, the peace that saves us.


Loaves &


Our “emergency outreach”

Fund that helps those in crisis with Food, Heat

and Basic Needs is almost gone. This Fund is

supported totally by your generous donations.

As we head into winter, the need for this fund

increases. Even a small donation goes a long way.

Please help if you can! Thank you!!

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


10:15 AM Praise singing 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Fellowship POTLUCK

11:45 AM Chime Practice


1:00 PM Drop-

in Bible Study -

Living Center 7:00 PM Living


7:00 PM Ad



7:00 PM

Choir Practice


8:00 AM WIC 10:00 AM


Morning Study

5:00 PM

Trunk r’ Treat


7:00 PM



. 10:00 AM Drop-

in Bible study -

Doris T.


9:00 AM -

2:00 PM

UMW Fall




10:15 AM Praise singing 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Fellowship

11:45 AM Chimes Practice


1:00 PM Drop-in

Bible Study -

Living Center

7:00 PM Living


6 Election

7:00 PM

Choir Practice


8:00 AM WIC 10:00 AM


Morning Study

7:00 PM Church

Conference Mtg


5:30 PM

Wesley House


9 10:00 AM Drop-

in Bible study -

Doris T. 12:00 PM UMW

board meeting

12-4pm AARP

Safe Driving 1:00 PM UMW

@ Living Center


8:00 AM




11 Veteran’s Day

10:15 AM Praise singing 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Fellowship

11:45 AM Chimes Practice

6:00 PM Book Discussion


* Advent Devotions Due


1:00 PM Drop-in

Bible Study -

Living Center 7:00 PM Living



7:00 PM

Choir Practice


8:00 AM WIC 10:00 AM


Morning Study

12:30 PM




1:30 PM Senior

Moments, too

6:00 PM

Shepherding 7:00 PM Ad



10:00 AM Drop-

in Bible study -

Doris T.


11:00 AM

Outreach Team

18 Celebration

10:15 AM Praise singing 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Chimes Practice

11:30 AM Church


Pantry Partners Sunday


1:00 PM Drop-in

Bible Study -

Living Center 7:00 PM Living


7:00 PM

Trustees Mtg


7:00 PM

Choir Practice


Articles Due


8:00 AM WIC 10:00 AM


Morning Study 6:00 PM WOW

@ The Living


22 Thanksgiving


10:00 AM Drop

-in Bible study -

Doris T.



10:15 AM Praise singing 10:30 AM Worship 11:45 AM Fellowship

11:45 AM Chimes Practice


1:00 PM Drop-in

Bible Study -

Living Center 7:00 PM Living



7:00 PM

Choir Practice


8:00 AM WIC 10:00 AM


Morning Study



10:00 AM Drop-

in Bible study -

Doris T.

1 December

World Aids


2 Advent Starts 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Non Profit Org.


Permit # 26

Stevensvlle, MT Stevensville United Methodist Church

216 College

Stevensville MT 59870



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The Glad Tider

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