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Sree Sreenivasan@sreenet

The Future Journalist

Thoughts from two generations

Vadim Lavrusik @lavrusik

Name Vadim Lavrusik Location New York City,

USA Web Bio Working on social

media @nytimes | @columbiajourn digital media grad student | Building @NYC3_0 | Idea generator | Tweeting new media goodies.

Name Sree Sreenivasan Location Manhattan Web Bio Columbia J-school prof/dean & technology

evangelist/skeptic; contributing editor,


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Social Media Today Is...• where radio was in 1912• where TV was in 1950• where the web was in 1996Imagine discussing the future journalist at those points in time - we'd make bad predictions then, and we'll make bad predictions now.

Fact is, the future of journalism is full of opportunities, pitfalls and mistakes we are all going to make - TOGETHER. 

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The Future Journalist knows:

Fundamentals Are Critical• Great reporting• Great writing• Journalistic ethics• Beat work -

specialization• Investigative skills• News judgment• Understands the world• Critical thinking         • Critical reading

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The Future Journalist is: 

A"Tra-digital Journalist"Term coined by Prof. SIG GISSLER, administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes.

... has all the skills and values of a traditional journalist, with a digital overlay.

[He also talks about how journalists should convey "joyful entitlement" when reporting.]

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The Future Journalist has:


A New Media MINDSETAn idea from NYT's Jonathan Landman. need digital skills, but you also need the ability to THINK digitally.

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The Future Journalist is: 

A Multimedia Storyteller

• Able to use the right digital skills and tools for the right story at the right time

• Has high-end digital skillset and mindset• Knows how to use words, visuals, video,

interactive graphics • Some stories need lots of bells-n-whistles,

many don't• Able to do stories in many formats, but

specialist in one

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The Future Journalist is: 

A Multimedia Storyteller

• Producing, editing, live-streaming video• Audio podcasts, Webcasts • Photo slideshows, audio slideshows• Online video consumption is growing

Multiple daily video updatesby multimedia reporter-producers at

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The Future Journalist is: 

A Community Builder• Facilitating conversation • Each their own “community manager”• Maintaining Web beats• Connecting audiences

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The Future Journalist is: 

A Trusted Pointer • Finds and shares great content, within a

beat(s) or topic area(s)• Is trusted by others to filter out the noise • Every time he or she shares an item, it's:

o helpfulo usefulo informativeo entertainingo interestingo funny    [what would you add?]

• Only rarely is the pointing to his/her own work

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The Future Journalist: 

Works Collaboratively• Knows how to harness the work of a range

of people around him/her - colleagues in the newsroom; experts in the field; trusted citizen journalists; segments of the audience, and more.

• Doesn't try to start every story from scratch - can work collaboratively with existing material and concentrate, when necessary, on advancing the story.

[A simple test: can you work on a story with another journo within Google Docs? This presentation was done exclusively on Gdocs.]

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The Future Journalist: 

Gets Social Media• We mean, really, really gets it.• Uses it to LISTEN, not only to broadcast• Uses social media to:

o find new story ideas, trends and sourceso connect with audience(s)o bring attention and traffic o help them create, craft and enhance their

personal brand

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The Future Journalist is: 

Blogger and Curator

• Has a personal voice

• Is curator of Web content

• Participant in the link economy

• Knows value of speed and SEO

• Builds a communityPete Cashmore, founder of Mashable

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The Future Journalist has: 

An Entrepreneurial Spirit• An experimental

open-mindedness• Innovator• Filling a gap in

news• Problem solvers• Might be an

entrepreneur within existing companies

• But not everyone can be one

Cody Brown, founder of NYU Local, Kommons

David Cohn, founder of Spot.Us

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The Future Journalist is: 

Web Programmer/Coder• A knowledge of what's possible• Telling stories with CSS, HTML, PHP,

JavaScript, ActionScript, etc.• Flash interactives• Showcasing data and making it


“I run a newsroom team of journalist/developers at The New York Times.”

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The Future Journalist: 

Crafts His/Her Brand• Online presence• Credibility• Influence• Expertise• Specialist (topical,

subject area, or geographic) 

• People return your calls, text msgs, IMs, DMs, @mentionsAdrian Holovaty

Hi there! I’m a Web developer, journalist 

and musicianin Chicago

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The Future Journalist is: 

Business Savvy• Understands the business of

his/her industry• Understands value of content• Understands new media

business models• Explores new business

relationships and partnerships• Doesn't try to invent everything;

harness what's out there

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The Future Journalist: 

Knows & Embraces Metrics• Understands the value and danger of

metrics• Studies today's major metrics tools,

Google Analytics, Omniture, Nielsen,, etc

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The Future Journalist: 

Thinks "Career Management," Not "Next Job"

• Understands value of thinking long-term

• Thinks strategically about career choices

• Keeps re-tooling• Builds a "board of advisers"

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The Future Journalist is: 

A Clear Personal Communicator

Hi Sree,

I was just wondering where the best place to send pitches for the Huffington Post is - I have sent a couple of emails to them trying to find out - but have had no luck...


During the talk, I got this Twitter DM from Huffington Post's Craig Kanalley:ckanal across anyone who wants to know where to send HuffPost pitches again, send them to me! It's part of my job. :)

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The Future Journalist is: 

A Clear Personal Communicator

• Thinks through every tweet, Facebook posting, e-mail message

• Reintroduces him/herself in cyberspace to people he or she met in the real world

• Clear subject lines in e-mail

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The Future Journalist is: 

Permanent Learner• Open to new ideas• Reading, asking, talking about the

changes all around us• Media diet includes

o Mashableo PaidContent.orgo ReadWriteWebo Lifehacker o Poynter, Mediabistro blogs,

Mediaite, CJR, etco [what would you add?]

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The Future Journalist is: 

Permanent Learner

When the plane lands in the Hudson, it's too late to figure out Twitter.

When your company starts layoffs, it's too late to figure out LinkedIn.

When ____ happens, it's too late to figure out _____.

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The Future Journalist:Knows & Enjoys the Challenge"It’s the people who are entering the profession right now that are going to create the editorial models, the publishing models, the business models, that define journalism in the 21st century.  And that is something that’s exciting, it’s a challenge, which, in my mind, totally outweighs the bumps in the road, the instabilities, and the lack of security that journalists face today that maybe they didn’t 20 years ago."    - Joshua Michah Marshall of Talking Points Memo to Columbia J-school graduates, May 2009

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The Future Journalist:

Gets More Out of Speakers@lavrusik / [email protected]: / [email protected]:

Social-media Skills syllabus:

WEBCASTS: Basic Twitter for Journos & Advanced Twitter for