Page 1: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to

FRQNiT ROW CENTRE PLAYERS proudly presents

O~ THE Based on Sholem Aleichem stories

by special pemtission of Arnold Perl

Produced on the New York stage by Marold Prince " original New York Stage Production DiFected" &

CheIeegraphed by JERQ)ME ROBBINS


Fiddler on the Roof is presented through speGial arrangement with and all ~uthorized performance materials are supplied by

Music Theatre International, 421 West 54th Street • New York, NY 10019

Page 2: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to

Page 3: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to


Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to making musical theatre e~f>eroieDCes availa1i>le to as many people' as possible -­aft0liWng an 0utlet for ereative expression on stage and 1i>eruna the SC~Des. Our auditions are always open to the pu1i>1ie, anD0uneea through. Calgary's free media. Every0De ass0ciatea with the company i~ a volunteer. Our 0nly f>Fe-Feqwsite f0f f>artiGipation is ENTHUSIASM!

Fli0Dt R0W CeDtFe Players developed in the spring of 1987 from the St. Gi!les PFes1i>yterian Church choir, who presented a version (i)f Gedspell. Success created a desire to formalize the company and FRC WCJS 1i>OFll. The first season included a fundraising show and a f>F0duction of Jesus Christ Superstar. Since then, Calgary has been entertained by our numerous comedy revue shows and major musicals inclurun.g: Damn Yankees; C;hicag(i); The Fantastil6s; Oliver; Annie Get Your Gun; Annie; . Godspell; Guys and Dolls, The Sound of Music and now Fiddler on the Roof

You, too, can be part ofFRC's growing future. Whether you are ap. aspiring the~pian, an accountapt who wants to do the books, a handyperson who can construct sets or just someone who's got an itch to help others in a creative way but hasn't found the right niche, we opet;l1y invite you into our fold. For more information leave a message on our pager at 234-2611 ,and someone will return your call.

Page 4: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to


You can have even m@Fe fun lDy lDe€@ming a member of the Front Row Centre Players S@€iety. Membership is a steal of a deal at only $1(iU!)(i)"we~ f>efs@n (voting privileges t@ tll@se 16 years of age ana @ver). F@f this Feas@Nafule

~ f>roice y@w get memlDershif> y@tiNg statws as w~la as @Nf lDi­m@ntihly FRC Newsletter Fil1lecd wi,tb. tiafuits alD@ut @Nf activities and the ~@cal €ommuruty tReatFe S€elife. MemlD~rsllip also gets Y@li a dis€@oot @N @Nf W@likisk0f>S wbicll .are held apf>F@mnately four times f>er year 0Fl a var.iety @f t@pics tr0m AwditioriiRg to V@i€e Care t@ Inw@qw€t@ry Acting t@ M@vem.~Nt.

-£oUna t@@ g<'>od to f>ass Wf>? DON'T MIS$ OUT! Just €@mplete the lD@ttom. f)@rti@Fl f>age ana sena it al@Ng witih·a i~e(i}lle @f m@N~ OFaer IlayalDle t@ 'F1ront

. R@\y CentFe Players $@€ieW'.

* * * *-* * *"* *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * *. >Ii * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * *

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FIlont R.ow Centre Players Society 2@ TaFaridge Close NE Calgary, AB T3J 2P7

Page 5: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to

don't miss our ne~ show .•.

SUGAR Base@ on the movie '

Some Like It Hot

Enj oy the hilarity as two men, running from the mob, join ~ all-female

travellimg band after donming appropriat€ dis~u,ises!

November 5 - 14, 1998 at the Pum·phouse Theatres


Page 6: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to

j)~'~ ~ ...

It is always a thIiill to work with such talented p eople. A special thank you to the entire cast for bringing your skills to this production. We have all learned more about ourselves from this show and we have grown in man¥ ways. Fiddler on the Roof is an important show -- it explores the stories of a time and a people whose Jives we now understand more and who ~e hope will never be forgotten. Thank you to FRC for allowing me the opportunity to participate in this production. Am~nda -- thanks for the supply of cinnamon buns! Greg -- again -- great production work my friend. What a great cast -- you all de,serve a GREAT BIG HUG!! ~njoy!


The ca$t and crew of Fiddler.on the Roof wish to acknowledge Robert Dean and the special contribution he made to this .

" prqduction. Until a m0nth ago, he wa$ our 'Tevye' but illness forced him to withdraw. His dedication throughout the rehearsal process gave the entire cast incentive to raise their own performance levels. Our best wishes to Robert for a speedy ,recovery.

A heartfelt thank you to the Elks Club of Calgary. Their g~nerous donati(j)n made it possible to hire professional interpreters for the June 26th performance, making it accessible to' members of our Deaf Community. A special thank you to Debra Russell and Todd Dean for their services.

Ron Hooker stepped in as our 'Tevye' ,after Robert Dean's departure, unfortunately, a tragedy ferced his withdrawal from the sh~w . . Our heartfelt sympathies to Ron ~d his family.

Page 7: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to



1. Tram tion

2. 3.-4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Matchmaker If if Were A Rich Man , Sabbath Prayer To Life Te~e's Mono~ogue

~racle of ~rac~es TJ?e DreayL Sunrise -Sunset



10. Now I Have Everything 11. Te~e's Rebutta~ 12. Do You Love Me? 13. The Riunor 1-4. Far From The Home I Love 15. Chava Sequence 16. Anatevka

Page 8: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to

THE CAST (in alphabetical order) ,

Ed Anderson Sean Anderson

- Ruth Bullivant . Jeremy Clark Paul Clark Mary Cleaver Breanne Cooper Lynne Cousineau Amanda Rae Cross Allen Crowley Jacob Estrin Kalman Estrin Linsey Fredricksen Kyle Hinton Anthony Leece Jeff Nelson

• Jay Newman Sariah Olson Jane @>FIIlston Matt Schubert Earl Singer Sandy Singer Greg Spielman Ryan Wagner CllPs Will ott Terry Wood


· 1

Avram Sasha'

Grandma T zeitel Fiddler Tevye H0crlel

Shprintze G01cde

t~eitel M0rcdch0

N€Jhum Lazar Wolf

Chava Village Boy Village Boy

Perchik Russi0n

Bielke Shancrlell

Fyecrlk0 R00IDi Yent,e

ConstaIDle MenCilel

Motel K(~HlIlZ0il Fr ruma-S0r0h

Page 9: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to


Ralph. Perry Janice McCloskey Justin Hall Stan Cox Starlene Betts Betty Meunch


Christine Carr Philip· Knafla Anna Tharp Genevieve Thomas


Director Music Director Producer Assistant Producer Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Choreographer Ptiblicity Set Design Lighting Design· Sound Design Set Construction Set DecorationIProps­CostumeslMake-up

. Pi0n0 K@ybe0r0

Percussi0n Clarin@t

Violin Flute

St@ve @Ison Glennis H0ust0n Cox

Gre~ S~i@lman Erin McLau~hlin

Kevin Currie F r0nk ffilaseUi ID0wn Dym0nG

SI!lS0n S0~r0vich D@0n H0rrison

Se0n An0ers0n §teve OlseA

T rever ·G01i0nt Jackie Cut,t,in~

F 0ith C0Semgnt

Page 10: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to


Lighting Operator Sound Operators

Backstage Crew

Front-of-House Manager Photography Po~ter design. Programme Design

Ushers Julie Allard Velma Beebe M(iJrion ~or&i~0 @h0rlene Dinn IDrew Irwin Koula Koripidis Wen~y MacLe00 19m McFadyen .0ebr(iJ Mc T ayish Kimrm ~enaud Heather Simm IDora Tilsizoglm.l

Jodi Finley MiKe Crampton

Phil ~eilander J0t1ileS WjJ~e

J@ck Ab~0 An~re0 C000n

Ryan Cr@m~ton Dennis ID01y

~0bin H0ynes Angie ~@0~ers

IDeID McID0n(!11d, - ~\ich(m~ fllitmon

IllJ H0t1ililt0n . Iilri(iJn H@!i~(iJy

ffi(iJrlD Armstrong J@0n ffilakgl0Ck G0il Cm<!lm0erS

ffi0f'ry Gurevitch Sh0r@A Irw'r;l

Allison Ma@L@'00 Ann McF(!]0y@n

Lie McfBh0il G0yle fB@ck ffi0rID Simm

Avis Th0m0s

Page 11: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to


The Executive Committee of Bront Row Centre Players Society and the PF0aucer ef Fiddler on the Roof wish to thank all the great volunteens and sponsors who have helped put this show together fer you. We would especially like to thank the following:

The Calgary Herald; The Calgary Sun; The Pumphouse Thea1;res; Trinity United Ch~ch and its congregation for putting-up with us during rehearsals; Iris Ann Chomyn & the Central Memorial High School Drama Department; Dave Jeffrey & the Western Canada High School Drama Department; Dean Patterson & SAlT's CTSR Drama Department; Jack Feingold from Town & Country Sportswear; Best Cap Sportswear Ltd.; Pro-line Shooters Inc.; the·Beth Tzedek Synagogue; The Jewish Historical.Society;" Libby Olson; Richard Stroopant - Production Manager CJAY 92; Beacon Heights One Hour Martinizing; Junktiques Ltd.; Garden & Antiquities Ltd.; Western K-eyboards; Storybook Theatre.

Steve Olson, Glennis· Houston Cox, Dawn Dymond, Dean HaFFison, Faith Casement, KevinCurrie, Sean Anderson, Erin McLaughlin, Frank Blasetti, Ralph Perry, Jackie Cutting, Debbie McDonald, Trevor Gallant from Castin Construction, Duane Ng, Brian Thorl'acius, BJ Hamilton, Brian Holiday, Richard Pitman, Dean Harrison and Robert Dean.

all-the cast apd crew, and a big thanks to you, the tremendous , supporters of the Front Row Centre Players Society.

We apologize if we have missed any volunteers who g~ve so tirelessly of their time. We want you to know that YQU ARE appreciated!

Page 12: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to

Heartfelt thanks goes out to the following agencies and sponsors

mNK1tQtJES ~1D. Antique Country Furniture 'Refinished or in the Rough'

~Iso Refinisbing & Restoration

Custom Made Reproductions


Bus. 263-0619 Fax. 262-4772

1226 - 9th Avenue S.E. Calgary. Alta. T2G OT1

g~enni.s tJJou~ton Co~ ~PkQ~O

lS04 - Iq glteet JI.CW .. ~ega..9. u4~ m<.JJ 2Jq

CP~OM: 282-498g

Page 13: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to




#6-1818 Centre st. Norttl 276-3677

118-790 Coventry IDr. NE 226-12617

Monday to Friday 7:00 am - 9:00 pm 7:00 am - 7.:00 pm

Saturday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm . . 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

. . .. Proud sponsors of the Performing Arts

20TH CENTURY MUSIC MAKING • 1324 - 11th Ave. S. W. Calgary, Alberta T3C OM6

Phone 245-5113 FAX 245-5391

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Designed by Alloy Contemporary iilfill dwellings near the heart of the city

Page 15: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to
Page 16: THE - Front Row Centre · PDF fileABOUT IRE 00MPANY Front R@w Centre Players S0ciety, Calgary's premiere conummity musical theatre group, is a charitable @fganizati0D deaicated to



