
Page 3#

an,l ha.; accented a oosition with 31. J. rominrr cansized he lost his hllllnld n! Jewel1 Payne, cnr department em. p!o?t.e, who hns been in the St. Louis hospital with a n injured foot, is home for a few ilavs.

Alr C. " k. XIal tin antl family, brother of Mrs. H. H. Fuller of 805 West Oak, have been visltinz with the Fullers here. Mr. J l a r t ~ n 1s a live stock claim investl- bator ot the F r ~ s c o General Office anti ree~des in Springfield, 310.

Mrs. T. E. Bently, of 1206 W. Pine, ha* had a s her guest* t l~rough August he1 sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Eotts, of San Angelo. Texas : also her mother. Mrs. F. L. Snilth. and Aanchter. - - ~ ~ . Ana Mac Smith of- Santa Ana ~ & a s : Mrs. Bently made a trip home d i t h M q

Smith and Mrs. H. L. Bently of ~ r a c f ~ : Texas. XIK Bently's mother came home with her for a short vlsit.

JIable and Robert Taibert. niece and

home is in Sherman, Texas. ---


A. E. GOOUFREY, Reporter

Local No. 2 met Friday night Septem- ber 6th. We were glad 'to see 'the large attendance a t this meeting. Ear l Gcnung was re-elccted for our division chairman a t West Shop. Our general chairman, Xr. Franlc Junkins, mas with u s a t this meeting and made a very interesting talk on the upbuilding of our organization. \Ire a r e all very glad to sec Mr. Junkins a t our nieetinss and welcome him a t any time.

Mr. Junltins has the. sympathy of the boys a t the West Shop in the death of his sister, which occurl.etl Auqust 1Sth.

3Ir. and Mrs. Nathaniel J lurray a r e the happy parents of twin boys, born Allgust 25. XIurrily Is a boilcrmalcer ap- prentice.

I ra Smith, boilermaker and John Fultz, ma,.hinist, made a week1-end fishing trip August 3lst. The boys were smiling over tlie good luck and reported lots of fish.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Merritt a r e the proud parems of a fine Slh-lb. girl, Betty Jo. born August 11.

George Law. crane operator, and W. E. Evans. boilermaker made a meek-end fishing trlp August $1, to .\rkansas. They reported a fine trip and plenty of fish.

Narshall Dodd, cab carpenter, spent his vacation in Los Angeles, Calif. Dodd re- Dorted a fine trio. - Jeff ~ l w x l , boilermaker has the sym- pathy of the boys a t Wekt Shop in the death of his brother, which occurred Sep- tember 3. Mr. Brazel wishes to thank all the boss for their sympathy and floral of- fer inr - - - ...

Jol:; Plank, boilermaker, is back on the job after being off on a leave of absence account of his health. The boys a r e glad to see him back on the job.

Kenneth I,oe, machinlst, has been off account of sickness for several weeks. -re hope by the t ime thls goes to the press Kenneth will be hack on the job.

Jess Palmer is hack on davlizht work a f t e r being on the night sh i f t for about three years. Jess in a boilermaker

Edward Johnson, hoilermalter. has been verv husv after work hours for the past few weeks. Ed is b ~ ~ i l d l n c a hoat and we hope he will take us all for a boat ride n'cst summer. -


F. 31. PEEBLES, Reporter - 311s. Rodney Wilcos, wife of ,tile former

storekeeper a t Thayer. who I.; now a t Memphis. was a visltor here.

Mrs. F. N. Peebles. wife of the writer. Is visitinq a t St. Louis. 310.

I. IV. Hill, ca r inpsector. who has been off for the past three months, has now been reinstated.

Joe Herbold. blacksmith. of Tenn.. -, - --. was a visltor 'here.

Frank ~ c h r a t z of Terre Hante. Inrl.. and H. .\. Schratr of Pocahontas a r c visiting Frank Pcl~ratz, car Insprctor.

L. E. Wilkerson, clerk, has resigned

Norse a s b ~ o ~ i t e e p e r . - if c&"&-gii t&at-~&ag it- P.&i;ce',, Fred B. Hmgel, yard clcrli, is off a few sorry that this occurred. but hope 11

clays and is being rellevcd by E. L. Sick- you will have another fa t bank mll I 01s. rake along ncxt time-and better lo,%

.Janws Fenwiclt, helner, is now stationed Homer liitchie. assistant mneral for . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . .. a t JIountain G~,ove. - man. wan nuitr n a i n f ~ ~ l l v hurnpil ~ i . , . '

I\'. B. Hauger, janltol.. who attended t h c ~ l ~ c a i l i n 2 left i r m ~ b - y ~ a n e~e~~.~ic';lan,' camp a t F t , Leavcllworth last mont l~ , while t rylna to s ta r t the electric n]o.,.- liked it so well that lie failed to return. which propels tiie blast fan at tiie lor:., 13. H . ;\dams iu now tilling tlie vacancy. sl~or). Mr. Ritchie returned to work .,

[. W. Hill, yl'esldent of our local, &s snnic day after having liisinjuries~lre>r,.: callcd to .C;prlng:'neitl to attend n meeting rlt tl:r hoxpital. Ilii is made of ttr >:I;:.-.

of the mc,ttll cmCt and CRY dtxpartment stuK that tlw American doughboys 1 8 . -

emnlorrs. sews. .- - . .. . d e o k e JlcCartney, matcr service fore- J. n:. Thompson and Mrs. Thornp~~~ri.

man, is now on the sick list. accompanied by tiicir daughter, 311~ P & J. L). Piiillipps, engineer, has been re- s?, have returned from a trip to the At-

imtated. lantic Coast. They saw Plymouth ROC' Jack Williams. night roundhouse fore- where our forefathers landed In 1620 a[

man. wife and daughter a r e now on a Plymouth. Mass. They went up to tilt n;~- tl-il~ to Annapolis. 310.. and to Pensacola, tion's capital and took a "rubber n d Fla., for their vncntion. bus and wcrc shown. with explanation.

R. F. Carter, conductor, has now been a11 the Interesting and famous sights LO

I t instatcd. be seen a t the sea t of sovernment of 01

.\lack Beair11 of C o ~ ~ l o v a , Ala., is now w e n t nation. They visited thelr son, K ' - assigned a s night pumper. ter, and his wife. who livr in Boston am

There was qultc a gatlierlng of friends tlaversed some of the famous cow irai' a t the Y. A[. C. 4 . the evening of,S,eptem- of that clty. 31r. Thompson brings horn ber 7, on account of Thaycr recelvlng the the news that Walter is employed durir;. wconil prize 111 hilvina t l ~ e best lookin< I l k summer vacation by the Edi~on ZIP+ sa i6en on the IWsco system. Mr. Don B, trical Company hut mill return to 1:; Fellows, florist. presented Sam B. V7001- school or business administration tlli rldxe with $10.00 In gold : also JIrs. S. B, fall. MI-. Thompson was much impresw n'oolridge wlth a beautiful bouquet of by liis trip and enjoyed it all Immcn.sei: flowers. Prverai of the ladies and ren- tlemrn plesrnt made some very p l e a ~ a n t lemnrlts complinicntin: S. B. IVoolrl~lge on getting tile rccond plize. LOCAL NO. %ST. LOUIS, MO.

-- --- ROBERT W. REED, Reporter


Nrs. .\lbert Weaver visited with her slster in Joplin recently.

Finis Dlxon, ntoreroom emplovte, visit- ed his sister in Knnhas Citv a few davx ~ecently.

Mrs. V. J. r{uthe~ford was visitlng antl tlancacting business in St. Louis the past :nontli.

Ci~arles Spencer. blacksmith helper. an- nounces that Hatt ie JIarle. a nine-nound. . - - ~ - ~ , llandsome girl. has arr ived a t h i s home.

C. A. Xash. tin shop foreman. and fam- ily spent 1,abor Day and Sunday preced- ing with his father and family a t Tulsa.

George Tilornoson. machinfst. second class, was over on the River I>ivislon a t Cape Girarcleau looking things over mhlIc lie was laid off.

.John Thompson, our general foreman was called to tlie northern part of ~1i.s: souri, clue to the death of a brother. Mr. Thompson has the hympatliy of the men of our nlant.

~ i r i ~ ~ ~ n r r n o n machinist second class and Mrs. ~ a r ~ o n a re on ' a sight-seein$ anil vacation tl'ip to Los hngeles, Cal.

Fobert Boyd. Iaborcr, mas painfully inlured when he ~ o t his hand caught in a pager press, which is operatcd by com- pressed air. \Ire hope his injuries will not prove serious and he n7111 return soon.

John Bownian. brown hotst fireman. says he knows now what it mcans to s a y onc has hnd his tonslls removed. he hav- ing had a tn'o weeks' trlal. with free room and board a t the St. John's Hos- nit21 - . - -. . .

George Glppert. maclilnist. was off duty for some time w i t t ~ a n injured hand, causrrl by a large splinter. Why should Georrc worry about little things like t h a t ? He has just recently sold his farm for a price that runs into six figures.

Wade Coutz, laborer, was severely beat- en by hi-jackrrs who 1,obbed him and left hlm in a serloud condition. on Xorth Main avenue, the nlnht of September 7. He is improving under the doctor's care a t the Frisco ward in St. John's Hospital.

Tom Willfamu. accomDanied bv Jlrs. nTi lkuns . hns returned from a vacation trip to California. Thcy visited in anil around Los Angeles and motored to Mex- ico. San Diego and various places of in- terest a l o n ~ the coast. Thev made the trip over th-e Eanta Fe.

Paul Preston, machinlst. second class. went fishing on tlie Gasconade river with some frlends, and being suspicious of banks took his billfold along in a coat pocket. When the boat in which he was

. \ t a regular meeting of Tam1 KO. ' held on September 6. Brother Iktniel T Wi~nlen was elected bv a Iaree rnaiorir to succeed himself as" divia1o~- chahn? for the n e s t two years. It Is evtd~. from thc enthusiasm dis~taved that L(r Dnn has the good wis!iei aiid support r the association a t this point.

Brother Franlc Junliinu was R vimit~ a t Local S o . 5 a t their nieeting held (..

Auzust 30. nnd favored us lvith an inta. esting address.

At a regular meeting OK Local So. ' held on August 16, s i s new rnemher were admitted to a11 benefits of the sociation a s per ritual.

Fred Estes. lead niarhinlst, In the mn. chine shop a t Chouteau avenue, Is on thirty-day leave. and with his wife an mother is visiting in California.

Loyd C. Klose. first class electrlcinr is on a sixty-day leave and Alex. J:I~*. quln ir flllins his vacaicy.

Dnn Gorman. young machlnlat, just 0 1 : .

of the west shops, has accepted n job 1 first class machinist a t Chouteau avenur and went to work September 11th in 11; roundhouse.

Quite a number of the rnemnerr of th. association a t this polnt attended tfh picnic a t S~rinxfield on h b o r D m an*' all reoort a- rrood time

Ern& Carriger, cab man, has roicd against boarding houses and loneir wen- inas, and has moved his family and fur- niture from Birmingham to St. h i s

Alex. Jacquin has purchased n nrir. Hupmoblle and Is learning to drm It and reports the first valuable i r w r i learned 1s to release the emergency brlkr while drivinrr.

to this2wrlting there have been ne accidents a t Chouteau avenue this mnnr',. Our meekly saretv meetlngs hrtre h.'? changed to semi-monthlv meetincr. :~n l every one of the emplobes Is request+l to malw talks on arcidenl preventlo-. Much good have come out of these meet- inns.

Frank W. Schoenneman, dav stntionarv enxlneer, is tiie proud wandfather r l J'fary Ann, who came to live with lilr. nntl Mrs. Leslie Prichard on August 31. Jlr' Prirhard is Frank's 'dnuphter.

Tha t smile on Emery 1-1. bum garner'^ fnce has grown a lot since the arrir;;' of Ilttle P e ~ g y Ruth who came to t', Bulngnrner home on ' August 31.

Martha Jean is the name of the blwt- haired hahy girl who rame to live wlt J l r , and Mrs. Neal 0. Garner on Septcql- ber 11th. Neal is a first class machlnl working the alr job.

Proud and happy is putting It mi!,' when the writer announces the arriv.' of Josephine Augusta Reed, who h w m

1 October, 1929

a member of the Frisco family on Au- several places of interest, including Cata- turned from several weeks' vacation a t his old home town in Indiana.

F. A. P l ~ t t , c-ar repairer, is confined a t his home on account of iilncss.

J. H. Sor ton and family have returnell from a three weeks' vacation in Hirnling- ham.

D. I?. Henderson, derrick enzlneer, h?s been on the injured list for the past s l s weeics. Hr was in Cllaffee, %lo., most of this time.

Monroe S tcwwt . third class machinist.

gust 29th. With all these announcements we should

work up a page of St. Louis baby pic-

tures. Dewey Jobnson is all happy and smiles

the past two weeks on account of his wife and daughter, Charline, and son, James, who have Iwen tending the fa rm in Jackson, but :Ire now visiting with Dewey in St. I.ouis.

Lolp, daughtcr of engine inspector V. V. Chapman, who with Mrs. E. H. Chap- man. wife of machinist a t the west shops. have returned from a n enjoyable trip in California. Lola reports a wonderful e s - cursion on a gl:lss hottom boat while on a trip to the Catalina Islands. They also report that tile train selvice going both ways was excellent.

James Hall, second class tank man. is spending a two weeks' vacation a t Wes t Plaines, Mo.. and points in Arkansas, vis- iting with the home folks.

Andy ffolmquist will be working in Anlory, Xiss., hy the time this goes to press, a s he is making preparations for moving to that lloint from Chouteau ave- nue. We are for you, Andy; there is nothing like being a t home.


linn Islands. Homer Brumley, superviso~' of a i r work,

is also on the job again after a n extended trip to the Pacific coast and many west- ern states. H e reports a great time.

William "Blondie" Dugan has been off sick for some time, but is again on the job, this time watching engines a t the pnssenfier station.

Frank "Pap" Kirk is a rerent pur- chaser of a Willys-Knight touring car. Mr. Kirk is also making extensive repairs to his residence a t 916 Rogers avenue.

David Rngsilale. engine watchman, is a past month's purchaser of a home, hav- ing bought the property a t 726 Ildereene Drive in Area Acres.

Charles nodsen. machinist, is stepping

spent a week in Wisconsin hunting and fishing.

Antoinette Marie arrived a t the home of Mr. and My. Walter E. Dold the other (lay and old Dold" hasn't been the same slnce. IHe is still a good Indoor ball player, even if his mind isn't on his busi- ness.

G. W. Buckalew, machinist, who was injqretl by a fall, is back on the job agaln.

.I. H. Stewart, car carpenter, is spend- i r g his vacation with folks around Monett.

.J. R. hlendows, car carpenter, who was injuwd last November, is back with u s again a n d looking line.

nr. W. Hull. car camenter. has rc-

on the gas in ;I new Studet~aker fbur- passenger coupe.

Oliver Derrick, grease cup man, recent- ly spent several days visiting a daughter a t Coffeyville, Kansas. John Derrick. a son, who is ?i machinist on the day shif t , accompanied him.

J. P. Rader, machinist, on the day shif t , is on a sixty-day leave of ahsence a t present and is spending thc time in the country.

Mrs. Ezra Woods has been confined to n local hospital for some time where she underwent a n operation. \Ire a r e glad to s a y she is improving nicely a t present. Nr , Woods is a t ruc lcm~n on the second

turned from &< two weeks' Vacation in Xonett and other points weRt.

G. T. Youell. blacksmith. has returned from a sixty-day vacation spent in Jlon- tana and Washington. He reports the :irrtle clop and Ilard cider in ll'asliington E. F. FCJ,I,ER, Reporter shift.

IVeslev Kimble, boilermaker, on the third shift, is the proud daddy ot a 7 % - Dound girl. who has been christened

a s hne. .T G. Hamilton, car inspector, is taking

a two weclcx' v.lcation. J. J. Mazol, coach carpenter, has a Nash

G. C. Hughes, general foreman, is r pending his vacation visiting friends in Fayetteville. Ark., and other points.

D. R. Ece, stagbolt inspector, wife and son. Bobbie, motored to Springfield.

H. W. Fuller, locomotive inspector. wife and sons, Frank and John, visited in St.

- . "Opal."

Harley Stokes, inspector on the third shift. 1s gomg fishing every once in awhile in a new IIodel A Ford coupe,

sedan. E. F. Tuck former roundhouse fore-

man a t 1<nns& City, is our new general foreman. The fellows here hope tha t he will llke us and our city and wish him the vcry best of luck and happiness in 3Iemphis.

which he recentlv ~ u r c h a s e d . Tom Brown, nxkilinist, reoently showed

the pl,opcr spirit for the Friwo when he was approached by turo partics seeking information ahout husses to ICnnsas City. Mr. Rrown talked them into mnkinl: the trip by lail. and a t the risk of being latc to work took them in his car to the depot where they secured tickets.

Rnvmond, the son of W. J. Lozar, ma- chinist, left September 1st to attend for '

one year the TVlsconsin State University a t lIadison, Wis. This scholarship was zivrn him in honor of his excentionnllv

Idnuis. Bernard Hendrix, supplyman, and fam-

Up, vlsited Conway recently. Orville Larimore. second class machin-

ist, of.Springfield. and family, visited Sam Nediork the week-end and Labor Day.

Henrv and Otto Hill. df Oklahoma. and JOPLIN, MO. -

ROGER C. FIXTCHER, Reporter --

Frisco passengers and friends on enter- ing the pasvenger station w i l l kindly no- tice it has been redecorated. Also the !,oilers used in tile heating of the build- m g a r e being overhauled before cold weather se t s in.

Mr. A. C. Decries and small daughter paid a short visit to our store depart- ment on the 16th.

hIr. Rosv Crawford, dispatcher. is driv- i n g a new Oldsmobile he has just pur-

their f&nilies visited jack Hill. 0. J. Painter, first class machinist of

Splingfirld. and u7if(,, visited Sewburg Lahor Dav.

H. TIr. Fuller, ciinirman of No. 32, a t - tended the system committee meeting a t Springfield. He reported a very interest- high grades a t the local s t a t e teachers

college, where he recentlv finished. Arlie Lnttrell. boiler washer. recently

spent several dasVs a t Linn Creek, where he visited hi8 parents.

inrr meeting and business of imDortance transacted."

"Snapper" Garrison, roundhouse fore- man at Monett, visited friends in S e w - burr recently.

Jack Hill, second class boilermaker, has traded his egg scrambler, milk shaker, gas ealer, nnd puddle jumper for a new tudor sedan. Model A Ford.

L. I. Buffington. clerk. has bought one of those ma eating. puddle jumping char- iots and moved out on the road leading to Highway 66.

LOCAL NO. 19-MEMPHIS, TENN. chased. Seems the past month has been a good

one for the au to salesmen. Besldcs Mr. Crawford, George Kailey is driving a new Hudson. George Earls operator, is driv- in= a nhw Pontiac. anh Fred Lee is driv-

J. H. LOXERGAN, Reporter

L e s AIcGee. car camenter. is conflned in the St. Louis 1iospih.l whcre he is re- cseivinp treatment for a n infected leg. nr. S. "Lasses" Xesbit, car repairer,

i r r r a new nr sot" Sli&rnan Yeiton, grease cup man, has traded his Ford for a 1928 Chevrolet.

Chas. Fitzperald, first class car repalr- er, purchased a twenty acre farm near

-.-- - - - - - - - - - R. W. Outland, car foreman, his wife

and two claughters and his wife's mother, Mrs. Jackson. motored to Colorado has returned from the St. L o u i s hospital.

D. P. Henley, pipefitter, tclls a good one on his wife and son. Junior. The lat ter were visiting relatives in Billings-

Springs and to' within three miles of the top of Pike's Peak on their vacation re- vently. Outland said he would have driven to the to^ but the a i r was so

the city limits. Homer Stogsdill. coal chute laborer, had

Rneers on both hands badly mashed. Caller Noore spent a week fishing and

hunting on the Gasconade River a t T r o s Rocks. I-Te am1 the several friends who awonipanied him reported very aood luck ftshing and hunting.

lev. Ah.. where thev were well fattened ori 'chicken and matel.nielons. Hoping to lose some of the excess weight, they tried t o ' r i d e it off on the train, and when they arrived in Memphis decided to go to the picnic In Springfield. D. P. says they weigh more than ever now.

Several members of Local 19 attended the system picnic held in Springfield on Labor Day and report having had a splen- dlrl time

light his Whippet-got short of breatll. Carey Grieh, a i r brake man a t Ruth

yard, and his wife a re spcncling some time ancl money seeing Colorado and - Utah by rail.

Mr. R. L. Carpenter of the car depart- ment has been enJoying a visit of his mother and father from Trinidad. Colo.



Mr. G. L. Seanor general foreman a t the roundhou~e , has'been on his vacation and spent a few dnyv on Lake Taney- conlo and said while he was there the "willow flies came out," so fishing was

- . . . - . . . . - . JIr. :ind Mrs. E. H. Nobles a r e cele-

brating the arrival of a fine baby bov. Mr. Nobles was formerlv of Chaffee. but

Clifford ICeiser, night roundhouse fore- man. is a t present on vacation, and we understand he is maklng trips Lo nearby waq tranuferl'etl to Ytllc~.

W. L. Jordan, roundhouse foreman, is on his vacation. S i g h t Roundhouse Fore- man Hollnes is taking his place and n7. H. Motes, machinist. is relieving Holnies.

W e were sorry to part with W. H. Gimson, former general foreman, although

good. H. H. Jones was foreman in M r . Sea-

nor's absence. Id. A. Henshaw, yardmaster. has re-

turned from a thirty-day vacation. W. H. Naxton. night yardmaster, is

enjoylng two weeks' vacation in and

place8 of intcrest. Luclle, the six-year-old daughter of

Burl Hough. stokerman. has been sick, with a severe at tack of tonsillitis. W e are glad to s a y she is a t prescnt recover- ing nlrelp.

Lucian Ramey. machlnist, was a near victim of auto thieves several nights ago. who took his car out of the garage, ancl pushed i t away quite a distance, but failed to ge t it unlocked and abandoned rl~e attempt.

Jesse Russ. machinist, has returned from the Pacific coast, where he visited

we are glad to hear of his promotion- superintendent of the S o r t h Shops a t Springfield, W e will miss Mrs. Gimson, too, a s silo a s well a s Mr. Gimson was

around -home. Mr. Jxrlc Young of Fort Scott is work-

ing on the interchange job here a t pres- ent.

Herhert F. Benedict. chief cleric to Mr. very active In all the (lances ancl pir- nics. We wish both of them health ancl happiness.

J. Dr. Price, ca r carpenter, has re-

T. A. Coleman. sure' believes in going places a n d seeing thlngs. He and the Mrs. sure covered some territory during





