
The fourth industrial revolution




Digital Fabrication

Fab Lab: a network of laboratories

Open source hardware

Local motors


Local Motors CEO Jay Rogers combined the power of crowd sourced design and professional experience to develop the Rally Fighter. (Wired)

Von Hippel on innovation

•  “Hardware is becoming much more like software,” as MIT professor Eric von Hippel puts it.

•  That’s not just because there’s so much software in hardware these days, with products becoming little more than intellectual property wrapped in commodity materials, whether it’s the code that drives the off-the-shelf chips in gadgets or the 3-D design files that drive manufacturing. It’s also because of the availability of common platforms, easy-to-use tools, Web-based collaboration, and Internet distribution.


Fonte: MISE

“Acemoglu and Restrepo looked at the effect of robots on local economies. In an isolated area, each robot per thousand workers decreased employment by 6.2 workers and wages by 0.7 percent.” Fonte: New York Times

Fonte: McKinsey

Smart Cloths

Smart Food

Smart Furniture

Smart Bykes

Smart Tyres
