  • The Foundation Stage 2 Newsletter

    Wednesday 23rd January 2019


    This week we looked at Savannah’s

    (grasslands) which featured in the story book

    ‘Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain’. We located

    Kenya on the world map and talked about

    the animals that might live there. We then

    created some amazing sunset/silhouette

    pictures and experimented mixing paints to

    find different colours.


    This week in Literacy, we

    read the book ‘Bringing the

    Rain to Kapiti Plain’, a

    beautifully illustrated book capturing the

    essence of the African plains. We discussed

    what a savannah is and what is unique

    about the habitat of the savannah. The

    children were then able to research a

    savannah animal in order to complete the

    next page of their zigzag animal fact


    In Phonics, we learnt the trigraph sound

    igh, and the digraph sound ur, we have

    also continued to revise all previously

    taught digraph sounds. Please continue to

    revise the words and sounds in the blue

    Phonics book.

    In Maths this

    week, the children have

    been learning a very

    important skill; doubling.

    They have also been

    learning to use the + and = signs.

    Notices Please do your best to have your child

    arrive at school by 8am.

    Toy Pets

    Your child is

    allowed to bring in

    a toy pet to use in

    the Vets Role play

    area in class. Please

    make sure it has

    your child name

    and class on it if possible.

    Named belongings

    Please ensure names are on coats and


    Website of the Week: Visit


    أعزائي أولياءاألمور :بعد التَّحيَّة

    خالل هذا األسبوع:

    .قمنا بالُمراجعة على الحروف السَّابق دراستها مع الفتحة

    ف األطفال على صوتي حرفي ) َم َن( مع الفتحة وكيفية نُطقهما -تعرَّ

    نَــحــــــل(. -وقام كل طفل بالتَّدريب على قراءة وكتابة كلمتي ) َمـــوز

    ب األطفال على تمييز شكل وصــوت ) َم َن( في الكلمة من خالل -تدرَّ

    -ِعــنَــب -لَحم ( ) نَجم -َسَمك -بعض الكلمات مثل ) َمرِكب

    ِحَصان (. -َعــــــيـــن

    : فل ورق عمل للتَّأكيد على حرف الواجب .َن( -) َم ُمرسل مع الط ِ


    َكــــِلــَمــاتـــي الَجـِديَدة

    نَـــحــــــل َمـــوز

  • Painting a Savannah sunset.

    Where in the world is a Savannah?


    doubles -

    the fun way

    Jigsaw fun with

    Savannah animals

    Vet Patient

    gets its
