
The first strategic and global plan for the survival of all the humans in the world

Foresight and


January/2014 (Second Revision)

Author: Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco

1 Table of contents

1 Table of contents ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2

2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Part I: The Global Plan for the survival of humanity .................................................................................................................................. 4

3 The Plan for the survival of the humanity globally (PSHG) ................................................................................................................. 6

4 The project to manage the global plan for the survival of the humanity (P-PSHG) ........................................................................... 9

5 The Risk Database ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Part II: The global individual .................................................................................................................................................................... 19

6 Science for human life administration .............................................................................................................................................. 19

7 Science for the Administration of the human body ......................................................................................................................... 21

8 Physical and mental protection ........................................................................................................................................................ 21

9 Prevention of crimes ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Part III: Proposed models of Society ........................................................................................................................................................ 22

10 Institution of the Information Management ................................................................................................................................. 22

11 Leadership based on knowledge management ............................................................................................................................ 23

12 Science of the Information Management ..................................................................................................................................... 28

13 The Society .................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

14 The Economy ................................................................................................................................................................................. 31

15 Global Industry .............................................................................................................................................................................. 32

16 Houses self sustainable ................................................................................................................................................................. 34

17 The communities ........................................................................................................................................................................... 36

18 The minimal global welfare of humanity ...................................................................................................................................... 37

19 The foresight of war and personal revenges ................................................................................................................................. 37

20 Global and local coordination of Social Help (Social responsibility) ............................................................................................. 37

21 Global Birthrate control ................................................................................................................................................................ 37

Part IV: Global Working Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 38

22 Project for yearly activities of the Global Project ......................................................................................................................... 38

23 Global and local administration of food ........................................................................................................................................ 38

24 Global and local administration of water ...................................................................................................................................... 38

25 Project to regulate the atmosphere .............................................................................................................................................. 38

26 Emergency plans ........................................................................................................................................................................... 38

27 Disease foresight ........................................................................................................................................................................... 38

28 The project to establish the safe limits in our environment ......................................................................................................... 38

29 Plan to Control the Global Warming ............................................................................................................................................. 39

2 Introduction

This is the proposal of a plan to Control Global Warming, because in this moment there is no plan to control the Global Warming.

2.1 About the author of the Proposal

I am 39 years old, specialist in creative strategic planning; this means the responsibility to find a solution, create a plan and strategy to solve a problem creating the adequate structure. I create and investigate simple, integral and effective strategies.

From 2006 I had been waiting a plan to control Global Warming; on 2008 I started to ask several groups and people about a plan and making a plan; on 2010 I resigned and decide to do one by my own. I had been working in the project for the survival of humanity approximately 2 decades, and in the plan to control Global Warming approximately 3 years.

I had shortened this proposal to make it easier to read. The goal of this document is to introduce to a new idea; not an exhaustive analysis neither a complete list of all the options and solutions.

English is not my native language, I apologize any inconvenience.

2.2 How can be possible a plan to control Global Warming?

This isn’t magic; this is doing the same what we do; but coordinating efforts globally, giving precise information, incentive people to act in a global schedule, etc.

We need strategic planning. We need goals, and times, strategies and tactics, etc.

A unique plan to coordinate global efforts

Why the efforts to control Global Warming are so disorganized and dispersed without a central coordination, without a plan establishing global goals per month and year? We need goals, programs and a schedule to maximize the activities around the world.

Create programs and give the Information to implement the plan

If you use a product, software of any company you can get information about it in his website, better practices, etc. Then why we don’t have a unique website to give best practices for the activities to control global warming.

In example, I had seed a tree in my house to capture CO2, now I have to cut it, because his roots needs more space than they have; the question is who had to give that information, now I want to seed another tree what tree I seed?, how can be sure I will not have that problem.

Another example is one business man who had seed dozen of trees in my area, but the season, maybe the kind of tree, a fault of coordination with the neighborhood, and a fault of knowledge of techniques to seed the trees, caused only less than 5% survived. One of those trees was seed in front of my house I protected and watered it properly but it died anyway, and I don’t know the reason.

The same problem is for any person or business who wants to lead and develop any activity .Usually they are not saving as much as they would do if they would have a professional program for every locality and enough information to do that activity.

This will help too to local ONGs to dedicate their time to incentive activities and adequate program locally, instead of investigating from zero.

This project is the proposal to coordinate efforts, to create a plan, and work faster and smartly to control Global Warming.

If you only want to read the proposition of the plan please go to this chapter: 29 Plant to Control the Global Warming page 30.

2.3 The first decision, a complete or an incomplete solution

In the analysis we have to take a decision if we want a complete or an incomplete solution:

If we want only to control Global Warming; focusing only on Global Warming. In this situation we ignore the rest of the problems and we think the real problem is the Global Warming itself.

If we want to control Global Warming and develop emergency plans for food, water, etc. focusing in the global survival of humanity. In this situation we think the problem is the survival of the humanity, and must analyze globally all the problems we have nowadays and propose an integral solution. (We choose this).

2.4 Summary

The Plan to Control the Global Warming depends on a major Plan; the Global Plan for the Survival of the Humanity, the reason to control the Global Warming is the Survival of the Humanity.

In this analysis we need a Global project to manage plans, to previse Global Risks, we need to establish a global methodology a global language to establish objectives and tactic plans.

Then we can create a Plan to control Global Warming, but this plan must take into account all the objectives the Project for the survival of the humanity has, because in this moment the Global Warming is only one more of the problems the humanity has to solve to guarantee the global survival of the humanity.

2.5 Copyrights

2.5.1 Licensing

This work is under copyright. If you think in this work we are violating copyrights, please inform us to clarify or fix it.

Part I: The Global Plan for the survival of humanity

2.6 Introduction

This project is basically what we know we can do, all the things we know we need and we can do for the welfare of the global humanity, but we are not doing.

This project is fundamental when proposing the solutions, because this project includes several mechanisms like systemic analysis to get solution that solves more than one problem, and reduce the problems a solution could create.

2.7 Justification for this global project

2.7.1 Global Risks Conclusions

We must foresight all possible global problems to avoid disasters in the economies of the countries and propose solutions, because economies around the world are intimately intertwined.

We must foresight periodic natural disasters, risks and problems globally and propose plans for them on time.

Periodically in the earth there are localized and global extinctions, we must prepare technologically for a massive extinction.

Currently the government, the population, the scientific community and the press don’t have a clear responsibility and role in the foresight of risks; a solution must be proposed, and in every country the process of foresight of risks must be formally negotiated and established between all groups.

All members of society must understand the limitations in the foresight of risks and understand the benefits and dangers of the different pathways to previse and resolve them.

To react opportunely to a disaster, is necessary an open channel to receive signal to the disaster from population. The population must be correctly instructed to interpret them correctly, etc. Globally all countries are intertwined

When an economy gets a grip in one side of the world, in the other side of the world, economies sneeze, because in this global world we are intertwined.


We must foresight all possible global problems to avoid disasters in the economies of the countries and propose solutions, because economies around the world are intimately intertwined. Natural disasters and problems are periodic

Once a volcano erupts we know it will erupt again. Once there is an earthquake, we know this earthquake will repeat.

We understand the resolution of global warming, overcrowding, etc. is only the next step, we, the humanity, across all our short life in the long life of the planet, we had confronted problems periodically, suffered them, modify the way we are, and continued. And in the future, after we resolve all our problems, there will be new ones, we will have to suffer and find a way to solve too, and so on, in a continuous cycle.

We have the United Nations, the Red Cross, the World Health Organization; we have TV, internet, democracy, etc. We are so accustomed to them; sometimes we forget there was a lot of problems and work to get all of them.


We must foresight periodic natural disasters, risks and problems globally and propose plans for them on time. We must prepare for massive extinction

Periodically in the earth there are localized and global extinctions.

We know about super volcanoes, we know Yellowstone can explode in any moment, we know about the risks of asteroids, etc.


Periodically in the earth there are localized and global extinctions, we must prepare technologically for a massive extinction. Analysis of the responsibility in the anticipation to risks

The population,

Thanks to scientific advances we have a population whom expects the Government should previse and resolve all risks.

Sometimes they think the only responsibility they have is to pay taxes.

Population don’t always support the correct decision when information and the government foresight the risks on time.

The population frequently expects the best solution and the most humanitarian, but this is frequently not feasible.

The population sometimes expects if this is really important they will get precise information on time through the press (TV, newspapers, etc.); but the media is more focused on rating and is afraid to cause panic.

The population has a confidence if a disaster occurs, it will be solved by other groups, so they usually don’t foresight.

The Government,

Expects people to take the initiative,

Government’s functionaries are afraid to create panic if they take an aggressive initiative.

The functionaries don’t have established a clear responsibility in their functions to do it by themselves neither there are clear directives to do it.

Bribery to government’s functionaries, to hide incorrect practice of the industry.

One of the government functions is to protect the investments in the industries.

For “unpredictable” disasters the governments have only the responsibility to take actions after the disaster occurs.

Risks like global warming, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.; frequently governments know the risks; but only demonstrate a marginal initiative.

Government who wants to work foresighting risks and solving current problems don’t have a clear pathway to follow.

Limitation of resource, sadly in the reality there governments can’t take the best decision, only the better.

Governments apply only the most not feasible solution not the most humanitarian.

In some countries government accept foreign industries, to get population have something to eat, even if this is not healthy neither fair.

They usually support the investments and employment against scientific investigations contrary to them.

The Scientific Community,

Scientific are afraid to create panic if they take an aggressive initiative.

Sometimes they think their responsibility ends when they communicate the risk, through a book or documental.

They frequently are under menace when they reveal information against some groups.

Scientific community sometimes expects the best solution and the most humanitarian, but this is frequently not feasible.

They usually don’t have a complete certainty a disaster will occur, and sometimes the panic could be worse than the disaster itself.

The foresight procedure can imply to generate an important economical loss, for a disaster is not guarantee to happen.

The press

The press is afraid to create panic if they take an aggressive initiative.

Their main goal is to get money, so they do what get more rating. They don’t see as their responsibility to inform on time of risks and the plan should be take.


Currently the government, the population, the scientific community and the press don’t have a clear responsibility and role in the foresight of risks; a solution must be proposed, and in every country the process of foresight of risks must be formally negotiated and established between all groups. Limitations in the foresight of risks

The foresight of risks has limitations in the foresight of the precise moment and intensity of the disaster, in the reaction of the different participants in the moment of the disaster, in the real possibility to foresight or solves a risk, etc.


All members of society must understand the limitations in the foresight of risks and understand the benefits and risks of the different pathways to previse and resolve them. We must be ready for the unexpected. Other problems related to risk management

Fault of tactic plans for the simplest tasks, in example the seed of trees, there are hundreds of projects to incentive the seed of trees to reduce

CO2, but several of them fail, because wrong training in the way to seed, the place, time and watering.

Wrong conclusion about creating global procedures, some people think if an organization centralize and propose solutions, this will reduce the ONGs activity around the world, but the truth they will facilitate his work, because they wouldn’t have to be repeating the investigation and will have more time for training and social activity.

There is not a global institution open to receipt information related to risks.

The population is not instructed to identify and react properly to the disasters.

There is no a global institution centralizing all risks and information about them.

Mundial organizations for health, food, etc. don’t develop complete global plans.


To react opportunely to a disaster, is necessary a channel open to receive signal to the disaster from population. The population must be correctly instructed to interpret them correctly, etc.

3 The Plan for the survival of the humanity globally (PSHG)

3.1 Introduction

This is the plan to guarantee the survival of the humanity globally.

3.2 The finality

The finality is to guarantee the survival of the entire humanity.

This is what we finally want, if we would be a business, this will be profit.

3.3 The vision of the Plan

This is how we would like to get the finality of the plan.

This is the how we would like to be the survival of the entire humanity.

We create the Science for human life administration, this science establish the vision, the best choices, the ways we really will like human survive as individual.

This science has a complete basic program for all humans to cover all the basic knowledge and experiences human needs.

3.4 The basement of facts for the Plan

Over the following main facts we develop the main strategies of the plan, a correction, update or fix of these facts implies an update of the main strategies of the plan established over this facts.

This is important even if this seem obvious, because they define clearly the basements for that strategy and gives a real flexibility to the plan. Because the moment one strategy needs to be changed the fault of that basements

These facts are expressed in the same block as the strategy as fact:

3.5 Main Strategies of the Plan

3.5.1 Uses the Scientific Method

This project uses the scientific method in all their work.

Fact: The scientific method provides a common methodology for work.

3.5.2 Maximize optimization

This is a basic principle and requisite for the success of this Plan

Fact: Anything we can save, no matter how small, multiplied by 6,000,000,000 is something extremely important.

3.5.3 Foresight of deaths caused by global risks

Initially the risk to be considered should cause at least 10,000 deaths.

Fact: Global risk can cause thousands of lives. Foresight of risks in the design, to be ready for the unexpected as much as it is possible

The goal is design the structures, processes, etc. In a way to reduce to the maximum all risks.

There will always be unpredictable risks; as the attack on the twin towers, killing of Presidents or other personalities. Limits if the foresight of risks

The variety of ways people can damage other peoples, makes impossible to previse them, the only solution is punishment.

And some foresight measures are only implemented after the attack happened. Clear communication in the foresight of risks

People must receive a clear communication about how much a specific risk is foresighted, a simple communication like this:

"The Government is not responsible for the provision of food in case of famine for the entire population, and it is suggested that each family should provide food for six months" can change its attitude and encourage private enterprise to solutions for everyone. Clear delimitation of responsibility on risks

For every risk define the responsibility of each group and the limits of their responsibility; additionally foresight possible human error and additional tasks people can take.

3.5.4 Creation of the structure to get people protected and survive by themselves

Since 4 years old, children must be capable to survive; the devices must be adequate to be operated by them.

Fact: In the case of a disaster children will survive by themselves for small periods of time, if they parents die.

Since 4 years old, children should be aware of the methods and there must be social and technological infrastructure to protect and to denounce physical attacks, where it can shelter; be able to acquire artifacts that protect them from diverse attacks: physical attacks, attacks using drugs, etc.

Protect against application of stage hypnosis, chloroform, and any other type of drug, control their subconscious, well begin, etc. This is a very big leap is not what it is today; and if you see a healthy society, not viewing other countries and poor areas where the situation if you require this.

Fact: Assassins and psychopath proceed had been abused in their childhood.

3.5.5 Emergency Plans A, B, C

The plan will develop emergency plans; there will be alternate emergency plans if the first fails.

All this plans will be available for those who need them.

Fact: when an emergency occurs a ready and complete emergency plan will save lives.

3.5.6 Comprehensive and systemic solutions

Every main objective in the project becomes a system.

The solutions proposed by this project analyze the requirements of all the systems. In this way we avoid to create new problems with a solution and try to solve more than one problem with a solution.

Fact: In example to reduce the use of paper, we can choose to use cloth obligatorily, but if they use cloth, how much water will require washing them? The procedure to disinfect the cloth is effective? When is not advisable to use cloth?

3.5.7 Global coordination

The project will inform and develop mechanisms to coordinate in situations when human lives are in risk.

Fact: Coordination can avoid panic and help to provide help on time.

3.5.8 Suggest assistance in the implementation of projects

The project will have a directory of ONGs and professionals for governments and people who needs assistance in the implementations of projects.

Fact: Some people need personalized assistance to implement successfully tactic plans.

3.5.9 Incentivize creating Courses and certifications


Courses and certification are required to obtain maximum efficiency

Certified people will incentivize to people to apply some programs, and people supporting that programs will be required are better paid.

3.5.10 Propose regimentation and legal norms

Respecting the timing of the process of social change, the project will propose the implementation of regulations to incentivize the massive change of behavior on critical issues.

People need clear guidelines, need to know what is obligatory and what is optional for their survival as a citizen.

Clear regulation encourages industry to create products that meet requirements of welfare projects.

Leaders of several countries and cities need ideas tested and proposed to implement in their own plans, they don't have the resources to carry out the investigations.

Fact: Massive changes in behavior require clear rules and regulations, to be effective.

3.5.11 Will avoid conflict in the benefit of the plan

In example, about global warming instead of discussing the existence or the not existence of global warming, can reposition the same plan to control global warming, as a plan to solve global problems.

And will express the main goal of the project is to foresight human deaths, and present facts; not to enter in discussions. The project leaves the different social groups to define by themselves the existence or not existence of global warming.

Fact: the major benefit for the project is to focus in the massive execution of the plan.

3.5.12 Accept humanity needs and imperfections and create new and creative ways to solve them Analysis

This program accepts humanity needs and problems; and searches creative ways to solve them, avoiding the judgment as good and bad people, and avoiding confrontation and punishment.

We can punish sex, as in the past the need of a permission from the King to have sex.

We can try to prohibit alcohol, and negate the need of mental well being.

We can punish homosexuality.

We can negate the fraud in the society, negate 25% of people tries to stole as they can, 50% as there are possibilities and 25 are honest.

But we know this doesn’t work, so we choose to accept imperfect as we are.

So we go a step forward, and accept what is humanity and find new ways creating new, effective and creative solutions.

We can accept sex, educate people, and give tools to birth control.

We can accept people’s sexuality choice.

We can create techniques to get mental wellbeing through practices of scientific meditation, creating opportunities to improve satisfaction through relationships and personal growth.

We can restructure the society to reduce tendency to make fraud. Conclusion: Presumptions about humanity

These presumptions are based in the psychological and fraud knowledge we have in over 50 years in the societies.

These presumptions can define the success or failure of some projects when designing a plan.

The project presumes for every human:

The most important for every human is himself, there are situations where he can be extremely good, even sacrifice their own lives, but most of the time, they are the most important thing for themselves.

Accepts in different percentages every person, is good in some cultural or personal situations, indifferent in other and bad in others.

Accepts in different percentage of areas of knowledge and skill, a person in some of them is useful, in other they is an ignorant, and in other is prejudicial.

The fraud percentage in the humanity 25% are always honest, 50% are stole as they can, 25% stole all they can. Based on statistics of auditors specialized on fraud.

3.5.13 The project respects the free will of people and countries

If a person wants to have 50 children, it is not subject of this project; the project seeks to establish methods so that people can choose to have children, and to inform all possible mechanisms.

The government and communities will decide what is mandatory and what not.

Fact: To respect the learning process and have patient, gives better on long term.

3.5.14 The project try to give flexibility in the people’s life

In example, establishing a limit in the consumption per person, instead of establishing the limit to every activity, gives the freedom to people to take long shower or having a pool, etc. meanwhile they do not exceeds their consumption limit.

Fact: people choose options that give them freedom.

3.5.15 Linking effective solutions to people's lives

The project develops programs to increase the quality of life, instead of increasing homework to do.

The solutions are the easiest possible, incorporating on the devices if possible.

The project gives excessive attention to the programs and their adaptation to cultures, social groups, age, sex, etc. to ensure they are executed.

It is based on the premise that if the program is not easy to implement or people not accepting applications, is not well designed. And the project is obliged to find ways that are successfully implemented.

Fact: Only the appropriate design of the programs allows them to succeed.

3.5.16 Quantification, to do what really matters

To avoid the program overstress people, in the design of any plan, all elements will be analyzed and the plan will focus in the elements who really influence in the success of the plan; and will offer optionally the other elements, or simply will ignore them if they are not necessary and create an effect of unnecessary trouble or time invest.

Fact: Complex and unnecessary complex programs overstress people.

3.5.17 Responsibility gives participation and authority on design

The social group responsible to execute a plan complete or partially, has the right of participate in the design and give their opinion.

Fact: If a program does not respect the way of being of a person increases the risk of failure.

3.5.18 Develop of empathy and ties between cultures and countries.

Develop empathy with others, understand their problems and who are suffering and help them, through different periodic programmed activities.

Fact: Empathy avoids conflicts and increase cooperation.

4 The project to manage the global plan for the survival of the humanity (P-PSHG)

4.1 Introduction

The Global Project Foresight and Responsibility is a project created to manage the PSHG, because nowadays we don’t have an organization to do it; but this plan could be managed by any another organization like United Nations.

The name of the project simply reflects the main strategy of the project.

4.2 Finality

The finality of this project is the success of the plan for the humanity globally; this means it shares the finality and the vision of that project, the survival of the entire humanity.

The main strategies of this project are to organize the project in a way get the successful execution of that plan.

4.3 Structure of the project

The project has the following structure:

The project itself includes permanent functions, applications for the public, databases, etc.

The models of human societies.

The current projects.

4.4 Strategies

4.4.1 Agreements to respect countries requirements

There will be an agreement with every country to get the project work with any country.

This agreement can in example imply to filter some projects to the member of that country, this will be done having a complete and different physical server, database and code, for countries who asks to filter information, and this will reduce the possibility of mistaken updates.

This agreement can be update unilaterally by that country and the project expects a reasonable proposal to fulfill the changes and/or new requirements.

The country will indicate if they accept to negotiate their proposals of if they are mandatory.

Fact: To work globally the project must accept the requests from the countries about the way they want to project work with them.

4.4.2 Leadership in the Project will be as a committee

The project will be an entity by itself and is based on the leadership based on knowledge, but will have a temporary creative leadership; this will be shown as a leadership from a committee, this will give to the public the clear message this project is not compromised with any leader in special.

The members working in the project who express publicly judgments or opinions will be fired from the project.

Fact: To work globally nobody from this project can express opinions or judgments about cultures, customs, societies, etc.; because, if the project

does, it can receive a prohibition to work with some countries and will lose its global reach.

4.4.3 Foresight of risks

Propose a methodology for foresight risks.

Define their members and their responsibilities, the limitations of their responsibilities, and their role in the plan and in every process of risk prevision.

This includes media, the population, the government, the scientific community, the current project.

All the members of the society must have a clear and realistic priority

The identification of all the risks and proposed solutions must be communicated clearly and on time to the members of the society who belongs to the process to foresight risks.

Is important this strategy will try as possible to foresight the unexpected.

4.5 Databases

The project will create an interface to the public to enrich and improve permanently these databases.

The website for database will include features like schedules, search engines and very easy to use to find information.

This database will have specific features to make easier to find the specific information, in example to include in search engine to find risks easily per area, programs to apply to forecast, programs to apply when the risk is happening and after it happens, etc.

4.5.1 Database of risks

The project will create and keep a database of risks.

This database includes first all the risk we know are going to happen, second absolutely all the risk, because to guarantee the survival of the humanity we must be ready for the unexpected.

4.5.2 Global Social Responsibility databases

This databases will include information about the people who need helps, how much and when.

This will allow helping to the people who needs help, when they need it, without giving too much resources or too less resources.

This database will allow and effective decision for helpers, registering the amount of help received across the time.

This will help to too analyze recursive problems and propose permanent solutions to auto finance the needy.

4.5.3 Databases for the information management system

This database is no related to the production of products. Database of professional processes and problems

To identify an illness or problem, or to perform any task, knowledge of the process is required to achieve this. Due to the large number of tasks and processes to learn an auxiliary tool is needed.

4.5.4 Database for the design of products for the industry and their production

The goal of these databases is to reduce the cost of products reducing the time to design them, create the machinery to produce them and to produce them. Global processes for basic products

This includes all the information for the production of massive products under the regimentation of the GPSH, to reduce and optimize resources. Products and their processes

This database will make easy to create and design new products to any industry, finding processes, identifying patented processes.

Complete description of composition of complex products, identifying patents components and functions.

Complete description of machinery for production.

Every country will have a full backup of it, forecasting the lost on information caused in example by the explosion of a super volcano. Database for invention

This will include facilities to create products online based on other products and methodologies like TRIZ to innovate or create similar components or functions to the patented ones. Information of the industries and the products they produce

Optionally industries could include the specification of the products they produce to help other producers and to promote their business. Global demand of products centralized in one database

4.5.5 News Database

The TV and radio news, can’t cover all the news, and are extremely important for this project to receive critical information and feedback; the project will have a database to store the news in a preset format to make searches and statistics easier.

4.5.6 When implementing a change, will present a plan before or at the same time than educating

To start a global campaign of education to change toward some objective, there must be a plan and a proposal of a normative before or at the same time, so people could optimize their effort, time, and investments.

Fact: One example is global warming, currently there is no a clear plan neither annual objectives, so people are not taking the best decision.

Anyone who wants to do something to stop global warming must take a time to investigate before taking a decision, sometimes they have to buy twice, because after buying and using a product, they understand there was another optimal product or service.

The industry can’t do their work because there is not a clear normative from the government, or there is not a normative to promote the use of most effective products, so it doesn’t makes sense to produce it until there is a market for them.

4.5.7 Organized and complete program about global problems

The project will present an integral program to educate people about global problematic.

The importance of all small habits everyone perform, If 4,000,000,000 of people seed spinach in their homes, there will be 4,000,000,000 of spinach in the world.

Fact: In this moment the education and the content of such education about global problematic depend on social activists, ONGs, etc. They can be very conscious people, but there is not constancy, quality control neither covers all social groups and communities.

4.6 Sciences for the project

The current project requires the creation of the following sciences.

4.6.1 Science for the human life administration

This science gets knowledge from other science to define the best way a human can develop in his life and teaches it to every human through an obligatory program, daily survival techniques, etc.

The program teaches the highest and most advanced knowledge and techniques and is a course across some years of school and university.

This science shares the finality of the project Foresight and Responsibility.


Define the best plan a human can follow in his life.

The knowledge and techniques every human needs in psychology, physiology, etc. to develop all their roles in human interrelationship; like friendship, marriage, word, family, etc.

Teaches techniques of human responsibility to optimize the usage of resource in daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, seeding, etc.

Teaches techniques of mental and physical defense from the four years old, this is extremely important because it teaches how to protect himself against sexual, physical and mental abuse.

4.7 Channels to interact with the project

The project will implement the necessary channels to communicate with different members of all the societies, for their different functions and projects.

4.8 Global patents

The inventions and acquisition of patents will allow this project to provide global free patents, for all the basic products required for basic survival, and if possible for all massive products.

5 The Risk Database

5.1 Introduction

This database registers all real and theoretical risks. These risks are the reason for the existence of this project.

Has an historic record of all past disasters.

This project initially considers the disasters that can cause more than 10, 000,000 deaths human in a period of 100 years.

The true is most of scientist don’t know if all these risks will really happens, but sometimes, these happens worst of the excepted, scientist cannot talk freely about them, because this could cause panic with economic consequences, sometimes worst than the cause by the real disaster. So what they do is present their investigations in books or documental.

5.2 Sample database of risks

Several analysts and Scientifics indicates we are not ready to confront very contagious illness, we are not prepared to severe earthquakes and volcanoes we know can happen this century in very important cities, In example Yellowstone is a Super volcano, Yellowstone can explode this century are we are not ready.

This is our current situation, there is the possibility of a massive extinction in the planet this century, this decade we had started to monitor asteroids, the emergency plans we have are only for the survival of a selected group of the humanity. This is the reason this project is proposing a plan for the survival of the whole humanity.

Several major cities around the world can stay without water in about 10 to 20 years by the loss of its glaciers and the change of pattern of rainfall, and we should anticipate to the worst for the human and economic cost which will involve.

To anticipate to a long-lasting drought, and there are several people who are warning of this, including members of the World Bank and other organizations.

Many cities are not ready for earthquakes, for example if a level 6 earthquake strikes New York city, it would be destroyed and may not get you enough help, many people would die in the worst possible way, and we are talking about one of the most advanced cities having resources. (Source: Discovery Channel).

There are Volcanoes erupt, in example, if the Krakatau volcano exploit, experts indicate this is only a matter of time, hundreds of thousands of people will die, and will be a famine for several years without planting at the global level, the cold could last decades (Mega disaster History Channel)

The “Cumbre Vieja” volcano in the Canary Islands is 5,000 meters in height, some scientists says it could cause a tsunami from Sumatra, devastating Bermuda islands and the Bahamas, and will send hundreds of high-rise waves to all the coasts of USA, Europe, South America and Africa. This could happen tomorrow. (Source: Discovery Channel).

Vesuvius can erupt, there live today 3, 000.000 people and could die in 5 minutes 1, 000,000 of them; emergency measures are not enough to save its entire population. With an 80% chance it will happen in this century.

The lack of public concern caused the Government mobilization plans be discontinued.

(Source: Mega disasters History Channel).

The Spanish flu (1918 – 1020) killed 35, 000,000 people, almost the same amount of people as the Second World War. A similar situation can be repeated, the methods of prevention of transmission person to person are inefficient.

(Source: Wikipedia)

The earth has the possibility of be exposed to gamma rays, according to scientists this exposition could eliminate 95% of humanity and life forms, and to survive this type of situation is one of the objectives of this project because it requires too much preparation time, no matter when it happens, we must start to prepare ourselves, because it implies not only the survival of humans, but a full ecosystem including insects, plants, etc. for some minimum amount of time (two years).

5.2.1 Overpopulation

This project respects the free will of having children and the amount you want to, what is different to establish clearly the implications for the global community, so that there is a change of conscious conduct and responsibility for the birth of the couple.

If 8, 000, 000,000 people decide to have 4 children, the population would double, is the most efficient way to end humanity over a period of 100 years. The available resources and technology limit the amount of human.

It is quite sad to see poor families have many children, condemning them to poverty, poor education, and malnutrition. It is frequently mothers who give their children because they cannot keep them. In example yy neighbor accepted recently a child as gift and raised it as their own.

So for this project education on contraception and free or low-cost contraceptive methods for poor families is a right for both members of the couple.

5.2.2 Lack of water can cause migration of major cities and internal and international problems.

Water is starting to be reduced due to the reduction of glaciers that provided water to the reservoirs and there is an alteration of the cycle of rain, both consequence of global warming, but consumption of water is still increasing.

In all countries existing warning on the matter and they envisage that many glaciers will permanently disappear, it is a global problem.

The lack of water will cause the migration of major cities, the question is to where? And which will be the cost of moving millions of habitants?

5.2.3 Contamination of drinking water sources

Recently there are a lot of Toxic and non-toxic substances in the waste, and a important part of it ends in the drinking water and in the sea, contaminating it.

These substances are starting to create areas where the animals are unable to feed because they confuse garbage with food and preventing growth of microorganisms.

On the other hand animals are consuming these toxic substances, e.g. plastics at sea, which release other substances which we use for

cosmetology, hygiene, cleaning toilets, etc. All these substances end in our stomach indirectly, through the water and through animals directly or indirectly (animals eat other animals whom consume that).

In the long term there is a risk these contamination of water will not disappear and affect several industries indirectly, e.g. by destroying areas where feeding organisms of which feed the fish we consume.

Other problems recently discovered are the medicines; the water for drinking has in some countries small amounts of different medicines.

5.2.4 Possibility of a prolonged famine

There has been famines in the past for various reasons and is expected that there will be other famines that due to global warming, population and other factors will be longer. Common sense tells us that they are going to happen, no matter when.

It is assumed that we will always have food, but the truth is that always have been phenomena and disasters that have caused famines throughout history, these famines in the past had affected entire civilizations. Currently we have international aid and other mechanisms to balance this situation, but a spread of long-term global famine or famine that affects a significant amount of the humanity can be one of the triggers for the destruction of humanity, because there will be war in search of food and water, and weapons are better.

Due to the increase of the population we are more sensitive to the lack of food. If in the past famines killed 25,000 now could die 250,000 or 2, 500,000 depending on the area and the time that affects.

Pamela Cox, Vice President of the World Bank for Latin America and the Caribbean warned several times about the possibility of a possible famine.

Several reasons causing the lack of food.

Use of food for bio-fuels, but the producers argues this is debatable, because if there were no demand of bio-fuels they will not sow that food.

Getting out of poverty, many people in the world is beginning to eat better.

Growth of Deserts and deactivation of sown areas, deserts continue to grow and several planting areas are used for other purposes.

The Global warming is causing the decrease of water available for seed.

The Global warming is causing a rapid evaporation of water from the soil.

Change of rainfall patterns, causing floods and droughts, as a consequence of Global Warming, el Niño y la Niña.

Since 1990, several dams in almost all countries had been reaching the lowest levels in their history, limiting water for cultivation.

Purchasing power of rich countries, because those who have money to acquire food that exists, this leaves less food to countries poor.

Natural disasters that occur periodically as volcanoes and earthquakes cause food shortages.

Pest source (History Channel Mega disasters)

"There is the possibility of pests caused by global warming and migratory changes that are already happening in pests, scientists cannot even stop those using old methods such as spraying pesticides would not be

effective because the locusts could develop defenses and cause too much harmful side effects".

"Currently remain pests such as locusts and Mormon crickets, it is believed that global warming is increasing the locusts and changing the migratory pattern which could again go to the United States."

"Grasshoppers are moving towards the United States from Central America."

They stated "neither cities nor the US Government are prepared for an attack of this type"

"20% of humanity is the scope of the attack of locusts, if that happens 10% may die of hunger."

As a consequence of the factors already mentioned the duration of a famine, as the recovery time may take longer, we are talking about 5 to 10 years.

The tropics are facing starvation due to climate change.

The first study that examines how climate change will affect overseas supplies, warns of severe decline in warehouses of fish in some of the regions poorest in the world.

The population of fish in the tropics fall as much as 40% the next half century by global warming committing vital source of food for countries developing.

In the year 2030, China will house 1,500 million. Cereal consumption will increase significantly and is very likely that the country is not able to be self-sufficient. Climate change will reduce the period of rapid growth of some cereals, in such a way that the seeds will not have enough time to mature. It is presumed that this could imply the emergence of new types of insects that survive more easily to the winter (think that increasing temperatures and heat will accelerate the evaporation of groundwater by 7%). To cover these losses it would be necessary to increase agricultural production in millions of tons of grain, but it is likely that there is not enough land and such an application to compel many countries to replace natural ecosystems through agricultural fields. Although China is one of the largest countries on the planet, only 13% of its surface area is arable. Oct/04/Arctic-seas-turn-to-acid

Seas articles become acidic, threatening to the food chain.

With the world's oceans absorbing six million tons of coal each day, a prominent oceanographer warns of an ecological disaster.

Scientists have discovered that emissions of carbon dioxide are turning the waters of the Arctic Ocean at a rate unprecedented.

Research carried out in the archipelago of Svalbarb has shown that many regions around the North Pole sea water will probably become corrosive in 10 years. The water will start to dissolve the shells of shellfish and other shells and will cause one alteration in the food chain. By the end of the century, the Arctic Ocean will be corrosively acid.

There are 1,020 million hungry in the world

Hunger in the world will reach an all-time high this year. 1,020 million people already go hungry every day, according to recent data published by the United Nations food and Agriculture (FAO)

The economic crisis continues in time to the food and energy crisis from 2006-2008. Although food prices have fallen substantially in recent months in world markets, at the domestic level were averaged 24% more expensive at the end of 2008 than in 2006. For poor consumers, who spend up to 60% more of their incomes on staple foods, this is a drastic reduction in the real purchasing power.

A marine scientist reported Alaska waters are turning acidic to absorb greenhouse emissions, faster than tropical waters, potentially putting at risk a $4.6 billion fish industry

As a consequence of the factors already mentioned the duration of a famine and the recovery time may take longer, we are talking about 5 to 10 years.

5.2.5 Exposure to gamma rays

If we were exposed to gamma radiation, mankind, plants and animals would simply disappear, and this is an issue that should be given greater importance. By the time that is going to take humanity to prepare for an event of such magnitude, suppose this will pass in 150 years. Is the humanity prepared to survive if we start with a plan from now?

A supposed source of gamma rays could come as a result to the alignment to the center of the Galaxy. It is a risk that should be analyzed..

Looking for a bra scientist, History Channel, Mega disasters, explaining that there was a reasonable possibility that a star binary, estimated that there are a 100,000, develop and aired gamma radiation to the Earth would lead to only 5% of the population to survive; all living exposed to the Sun, including the plants being would die; It would also destroy the technological devices. And it would require a decade to the atmosphere to return to normal.

These investigations originated when a satellite designed to detect nuclear explosions, detect gamma rays, because nuclear explosions emit gamma rays. After thirty years researching the origins were detected an explosion every day in the universe, have been sent a satellite to investigate these emissions when it detects an explosion informs 5,000 observatories in the world so that they focus the telescopes toward these explosions. It could be the cause of the extinction of at the end of Ordovician trilobites. It is estimated that there is one of these explosions every 100 seconds.

An explosion at 6,000 light years to reach Earth, could cause an explosion of 3,000 megatons equivalent 1,000 years light 100.00 megatons, much closer to destroy the Earth.

A change in the Earth rotating system could cause a reduction in the protection of the atmosphere and cause we could be exposed to emissions from the Sun could eliminate the life on Earth?

5.2.6 Air Pollution

More than 2 million people die each year from breathing in tiny particles present in air pollution.

5.2.7 Solar eruptions

There is the possibility energy generator could be damaged by the solar eruptions, leaving without vital services to the cities like in the past in Canada, because this process is periodic and happens every 11 years, and the time to replace can be of several months. The scientist is not sure and there are contradictions.

5.2.8 Change of Poles

Research shows that if it is possible that there has been a change in polarity across samples from different parts of the world, that there was a change makes 800,000,000 years. And it could happen again.

Other theory that has already happened previously, during this change the Earth could be unprotected electromagnetic, destroying the ozone layer.

(Source 2012 Mayan prophecies, National Geographic)

5.2.9 Super volcanoes, Yellowstone

The super-volcano in Yellowstone has shown increased activity.

A super-volcano is 100 to 1000 times the size of a common volcano. Its explosion could affect the rotation of the Earth.

The explosion of a super-volcano would be a disaster similar to that annihilated the dinosaurs.

Yellowstone explodes every 600,000 to 800,000 years, the last explosion was 640,000 years ago. Currently undergoing red, this means that it may explode at any time.

If Yellowstone explodes most of us would be covered by ash.

(Source: Discovery Channel)

5.2.10 Asteroids

An asteroid can crash land, the required size that an requires to cause substantial harm is less than the supposed earlier, Shumaker Levi showed that an asteroid could destroy the Earth; the presence of Iridium and other evidence of impact confirmed the possibility of an asteroid could have caused the destruction of the dinosaurs. (Other research indicates that it does not coincide with the period of extinction of the dinosaurs)

An asteroid called Aphofis has an option in thirty of hitting the Earth, who happened to pass the Earth's orbit on Friday April 3 of the 2029, the gravitational force on earth can attract and it is not known what will really happen, e.g. if gravity affect enough, the 2036 could hit Earth.

(Threats cosmic Discovery Channel)

Every 100 Million of years any living being with more than 25 kg dies as a consequence of meteorites.

The effects of an asteroid include earthquakes, wave of Earth and debris at high temperatures, gas block sunlight.

Each year an asteroid the size of a car falls to the ground.

Each 1,000 year an asteroid the size of the statue of liberty falls to the ground.

Each 20,000,000 year an asteroid the size of a mountain falls to the ground.

(The explosive universe National Geographic)

5.2.11 Massive loss of species

Most of the mentioned risks may involve a massive loss of species, whose effect will affect the existence of different ecosystems.

Today by global warming, the loss of species is already evident.

Coral reefs could disappear in 2100, by the acidification of the sea.

5.2.12 Release of vast quantities of methane from the sea

Source: Mega disasters

There are huge amounts of methane at sea stored as hydrates, the liberation that currently exists in some parts of the sea is not enough to become a risk but in any part of the sea, an earthquake could liberate huge amounts of methane, this methane will rise about 100 meters from the sea level height, followed by a giant cloud of methane from about 5 meters, the exploit would cover the Earth with an immense explosion, these in theory has already happened in the past.

The quantity of greenhouse freeing from the bottom of the sea is higher than expected.

5.2.13 Important loss of ecosystem

What happens if some disaster in the following centuries causes lost of vital insects for pollination.

5.2.14 Anticipation of intercultural conflicts, abuse and others

In example one concerns of this project is that the apathy of major Governments in the treatment of CO2, and the destructive consequences in other countries of the global warming; can cause in the future revenges from people who lost their lands and lives as consequence of global warming.

Meanwhile more evolved is the technology more easy is for an individual of medium intelligence to create a global catastrophe. Genocide

The problems between different groups are often as strong as they were centuries ag , the last century has witnessed several genocide , one of the most recent that of Rwanda in 1994. Most troubling is that several major governments have been accused of accomplices.

All cultures have in your memory grudges against aggression or loss of territory that justifies a war or revenge.

The risk is any attack, defense or retaliation that may affect the overall ecosystem.

5.2.15 Diseases

There are no comprehensive plans, currently for the N1H1 outside the chinstrap, sneezing in the forearm; and rules a bit confusing as wash your hands every time that you can, rules affecting the customs as not shaking hands or kissing. There is no a comprehensive plan including all the fields, feeding, care to change temperature requirements in the home.

A very important part of the medical community continues to focus on consumption of pills where could be a change in food and customs.

Cultural changes to make permanent hygiene standards, suggest the implementation of these standards with emphasis.

To develop effective na simple methods to guarantee hygiene.

The politics of health must be implemented in all areas in example prevention of N1H1 in prostitution.

The Spanish Flu killed approximately 35, 000,000 people between 1918 and 1920; if a similar contagious epidemic happens again, something worse will happen, we are not prepared, we need to restructure the mechanisms that generate the infection and social customs in a permanent manner. The chinstrap is very uncomfortable, we cannot stop shaking hands and greet permanently. There must be a comprehensive plan and strategy.

5.2.16 Inappropriate and unnecessary garbage and waste management

According to the United Nations each km2 in the sea there are about 18,000 pieces of plastic that affect marine life, thousands of Albatrosses confuse plastics that seem to feed, and feed with that their offspring who die with stomach full of plastics.

In some parts of the sea there are more pieces of plastic than plankton, this is affecting many species and ecosystems, we uses to feed us.

A product has been created so that it exists forever, the plastic, but what we are doing is to use that product in products we sometimes only use one time.

There is evidence that some plastics are decomposing in toxic substances on the sea.

In the sea millions of birds and fish die because they eat plastic or because they are caught in them, there is a relationship between the consumption of animals who consumes substances from plastic and problems of the stomach and cancer in humans.

Toxic, radioactive and clinical wastes not are always handled properly, and this poses a great risk, especially if they are filtering to groundwater.

The generation of waste is too much at the global level and involves lots of CO2 generation and other resources simply to make the correct recycling.

Waste generates methane which has more than 10 times the CO2 greenhouse effect. This methane can be used to generate power if it is captured from the trash, but this process is done only in a few cities.

5.2.17 Training in psychology for detection of psychopaths and plan for their integration into society

In many countries prison guards, police, judges, etc. cannot identify neither understand how and what psychopaths are and hence don’t take the proper measures to protect people against them.

The psychopaths can easily manipulate people including prison guards, who understand that very cruel may be some people, the foresight of the risk must focus on early detection of patterns psychopaths of others, rather than their attacks itself. It is easy for a group of psychopaths convince and manipulate youngsters to join radical, political groups or simply for drugging them, Rob them and kill them.

People know that there are psychopaths, generally have a wrong idea of what their behavior, and once against them even after marrying a man or woman psychopath they cannot identify this pattern.

Due to his level of intelligence the psychopaths are trying to reach preferential positions from which can exercise more power and hide or delegate their crimes. The mechanism to detect and avoid it, especially to avoid reaching the Presidency as Saddam Hussein, which if you remember, made a chemical to a population attack and killed more than 5,000 people, as well as murdering people who opposed him, is an example of the great risk that mean.

In the other hand the community of police, psychologist, psychiatrist, judges are making several mistakes like:

1. Ignore the new way criminals and working together using drugs, hypnosis and anonymous techniques to target specific people.

2. Persists in the fact if one person says someone is following them or if there is some sex element in a denounce of crime, it is an unnormal person, and the denounce of the crme is a lie.

3. They accept incorrectly, the unconscious movements of the eye, face and body, are enough to say if a person is lying or not. Because scientific studies had demonstrated it is not possible because there are other social and personal element which are involved too.

The statistics show there is a psychopath like the movie “The silence of the lamb” per every million of people, and the society is not prepared for that.

In the other hand there is no a plan to integrate to the society, especially in cases with low self esteem and resistance to failure, etc. There must be works and a special monitoring of them.

In the same way the detection of drugs that causes the same effect.

In the jail this people must develop activities like cultivate and harvest their own food.

5.2.18 Religions

The experience had demonstrated the people finds justification in the religion to make what they really wants to do, this means Is not the religion itself, else the people who generates violence and aggression based in the texts of a religion.

For this project the importance is to improve the global social and cultural values, psychological skill, empathy with other people of other countries, etc.

5.2.19 Timely investigation of cults, radical groups and gangs

A recent example was the release of sarin (a highly toxic chemical nerve agent that inhibits the activity of cholinesterase) in Matsumoto and Tokyo, the Government of Japan, only took effective action after the attacks, should have been investigated to avoid this situation. The impressive thing was that they had a Soviet helicopter unknown to the Japanese police, and there is evidence they murdered and tortured other citizens.

The simple logic indicates that major radical groups like neo-Nazis continues torturing people to do experiments and have weapons, seemed that we were playing to expect them to do something to kill several people, to justify action against them that not in fact does not stop them.

Any radical group, gang or sect can cause massive deaths at any time, and nobody is prepared for all possible attacks that could be done.

That's why anyone who demonstrates a radical actions might fall under other legislation and relocation to be monitored more easily, i.e. belonging to a radical group in itself is already a sufficient reason for going to other than any ordinary differential forecast treatment.

5.2.20 Lack of fuel to produce products and services

The amount of fuel is limited in the world and we must enter into a State of optimization of its use, because its limitation by exhaustion or by any accident could collapse the economic structures that keep alive all persons in all countries.

Energy must be generated by community and country to meet their needs for production and transportation.

5.2.21 False security moves people to avoid foresight

In every area, the specialists know there are several security risks, from the security on computer, medicine, security systems, hypnosis, construction, etc, etc. This is just everywhere.

In any area a bad intentioned person can get what he wants If he takes the effort to get it. But this knowledge is not public, and it should not, the problem is these create a hole for informed professional who makes bad use of the knowledge they has. And the reality show they had done, they are doing are the are going to continue doing, and that fault of information causes several times the victims can protect or demand the criminals, because they don’t have the knowledge and the way to get the evidence.

Then the mistake is not to make understand people the real risks and the measures they have to take in any one of them, in specific circumstances.

This information should be available every time a person wants to uses a service, so they can analyze and decide by themselves, this includes:

- Risks.

- Available tools to foresight them.

- Available procedures to identify them.

- The human factor: error and negligence.

5.2.22 The lack of foresight on crimes using poisonous substances, drugs, hypnosis, incompetence, etc

Since ancient times have existed poisons with which a person can kill others, some of these poisons are confused with other diseases; these substances including in some indigenous communities, are used to kill members that are undesirable at times by simply thinking different. There are several cases of wives and husbands psychopaths who poisoned their partners to stay with their money. Its simple seeks a poison tasteless and toilet and placed it in the sugar.

The problem is when the police and common citizen don’t have the knowledge to detect that substance.

On the other hand the major countries around the world intelligence agencies have been experimenting with drugs and hypnosis, to see the risks and opportunities posed to these organizations, and they have succeeded in manipulating people so that they kill and kill other people, who are called the "disposable".

An example is the well-known case of the scientist Frank Olson which made it suicide, this was publicly acknowledged and U.S. Government compensated her family.

Knowledge of the techniques is in the intelligence and criminal organizations who have been experimented with these drugs and drugs, but not the common people or even police officers, who are exposed too to this type of crime, although, they are not informed to protect themselves, nor perceive that a deep understanding of the matter is important. If a policeman kills one, causes outside the usual are not investigated.

It is not something new for the people who have investigated this matter, with regard to brainwashing there is a film. “Dream without escape”, psychiatric experiments. This is happening but people are not trained in that.

"How the CIA funded a series of experiments in a psychiatric hospital in Montreal." "10/09/2009/Infinity 01 based on a true story, this film tells how the CIA funded a series of experiments in a psychiatric hospital in Montreal (Canada), assuming that the techniques developed had the capacity to wash brains and could be applied to the enemies of us in the cold war."

Ordinary people assumes that someone always there is somebody who is going to do and inform to people about this risks, but this is not true, they is corruption in the police, there is cover-up of their mistakes, i.e. cases in which accused persons unfairly were sent to jail to protect their prestige.

Similarly happens in high levels of security, a decade ago there were a interview on ABC where a person who demonstrated that the protection of the Air one and other strategic points in the U.S. was not efficient and they were not protected properly, rather than be protected and thank the observation, he was accused by having affected the ego of high-ranking security person.

On the other hand it is well known how to bribe judges and juries, or scare them to change their decision.

This is very important because it shows that both the security and justice cannot be focused on the decision of a person, and normal people must have a way to train themselves to protect themselves too.

Some proven scientific facts that demonstrate the possibility of use of hypnosis in crimes:

-It is very easy to learn stage hypnosis and is only a matter of practice to put a person in a trance giving hand and ordering it to sleep. In fact it is so easy to put into a trance to certain people that televised presentations of stage hypnosis, some viewers also fall into a trance and suggestions should provide for leaving trance also.

-While more intelligent is a much easier it is to hypnotize.

-The State of trance is a State in which the body is relaxed and the mind blank is not an abnormal sensation. Even people who are often

hypnotized cannot be recognized that they are in a trance, trance state is a State of mind and feeling very similar to living day to day; in fact, studies suggest that several times during the day, to perform certain tasks day and during the night, our mind enters a state similar to the trance for moment.

-Is extremely easy to introduce false remembers to a person in trance.

-If in a trance you program a person for example that when you see a tree feels tired; to see the tree will tend to mentally entering a State as it was when was given the suggestions, i.e., that while are scheduled more and more objects, parts of the body, sounds, etc. These activators push the mind to stay in a near trance state.

-There Is no people who cannot be hypnotize, when a person is resistance and problems that prevent you from entering trance, experience has shown that simply persist will be put into a trance.

Recently there had been several denounces of using hypnosis, but the use of drugs helps to make more effective the work.

Theft of $ 160,000 in diamonds, do you realize the amount of money that this represents?

Tele hypnosis, maybe you had heard some decades ago about experiments in which a submarine killed the young of an animal and checked that there were reactions in his mother; has heard of Voodoo and many other things in this regard, but it is not so complicated, is very easy to remotely cause a person to perspire too much water, is had been demonstrated remote one can project sounds, images, smells remotely to another person,etc.

Invasion of consciousness, these are techniques that involve relaxation and focus are possible.

I am not going to deepen these topics; the knowledge is accessible through research, simply named them so that they know that they exist, if he didn't.

The questions are:

Why the community of professionals who uses hypnosis don’t give a technique to their patients to protect themselves after there had been several rapes of professionals against their patients?

Why the psychiatric community either warns about the improper use of drugs to manipulate their patients and other people?, there are evidence of bad professionals who used drugs to manipulate and steal their patients too. There is evidence of psychiatrist who manipulated politics for good or bad too.

In general the question is why not to warn and give information to people about crimes usually happens so they can protect themselves.

But instead of that some professional hypnotist seed false information like “you cannot do in trance what you wouldn’t do in the reality” saying

in other words if a women is raped in trance is because she wanted so she deserves that.

The same way happens with psychiatrists about the use of drugs, several cases had demonstrated the use of drugs worsen the situation of their patients.

You know that it is possible to take drugs to a person for stealing, raping her, is now something that is not under discussion, the problem there is no methodology to protect, detect the victims and not to confuse them with drugged.

5.3 Example of disasters

5.3.1 The Chernobyl disaster

Source: "That day, during a test in which simulated a cut in electricity supply, a sudden increase in power at the Chernobyl Nuclear power plant, reactor 4, produced the overheating of the nuclear reactor core, which ended up causing the explosion of hydrogen accumulated inside." "The amount of released radioactive material, which was released was some 500 times greater than that released by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945."

"In response to the Chernobyl Forum report, Greenpeace commissioned a report to a group of 52 scientists around the world." "This report estimates that it will produce approximately 270,000 cases of cancer attributable to radioactive precipitation of Chernobyl, which probably about 93,000 will be fatal"... "Only in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine the accident could only be responsible for 200,000 additional deaths in the period between 1990 and 2004"...

5.3.2 Disaster in New Orleans


"On September 2, 2005 85% of the city of New Orleans was under water, where in some areas reached 7 m in depth." For a time, the city was uninhabitable. All public services were suspended and it was not possible to use the infrastructure due to the large amount of water. It is also in crisis of public order due to violent widespread looting occurring at the lack of food and public services.

"On August 31 and September 1 widespread vandalism and the shortage of food, shelter and water produced a large-scale civil disorder"

This disaster was warned in time, but the US Government ignored warnings

5.3.3 Schedule of estimated risk

Timetables for risks that people worldwide can identify and anticipate the risks, for example.

Approximately around the year 2130 loss of access to food and water, will require a technology that generates both water as food.

5.4 Important note

If you assumed this document violates copyrights, please notify us so to fix it immediately, the same of any inaccuracy of the data for the sole purpose of this plan is to help, thanks.

5.5 Global warming

The study prepared by the Department of energy and climate change by scientists, rebate the assumption that the severe heating will be only a threat to future generations, and a catastrophic increase of 4c in temperature could be the year 2060 if not performed an action against emissions.

Note: remember that the limit before an irreversible situation is not 4c is 2c.

The study updates the findings of the report of the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which said that the world could reach the 4 c by 2100, if greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase.

NASA measurements show that not only the Antarctic ice is shrinking, but also dramatically slimming.

The thermal maximum of Paleocene-Eocene (PETM), called also for the initial Eocene thermal maximum, or maximum heat from the late Paleocene, [1] was a sudden climate change marked the end of the Paleocene and early Eocene, 55.8 million years ago. It's one of the most significant periods of climate change of the Eon era, which suddenly altered Oceanic and atmospheric circulation causing the extinction of many genera of benthic foraminifera, and causing major changes in the terrestrial mammals that marked the emergence of the current lineages.

In just 20,000 years, the Earth average temperature increased by 6 ° C, with a corresponding increase in the level of the sea, as well as a warming of the oceans.[2] Despite the fact that global warming could had been trigger by a multitude of causes, is believed that the main cause were strong volcanic activity and the emission of methane gas which was stored in the ocean sediment strata, and that could increase warming to release large amounts of depleted in the isotope carbon-13 carbon into the atmosphere. In addition, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have increased significantly, disrupting its cycle and causing the elevation of the weather and a shortage of oxygen in the deep ocean that ultimately led to the majority of marine extinctions.

Climate change could cause wars around 2030. Defrost in Iceland can wake up volcanoes.

Al Gore says in his documental "An inconvenient truth" that if the iceberg in Greenland is thawed the flow of water can be stopped, but did not specify clearly whether stopping the flow of water would stop to oxygenate the sea, the fish will die and its putrefaction would go into the atmosphere and would prevent that we can breathe outdoors. If you have a fish tank you know after 8 hours without oxygen fish dies.

In addition to the latter, he explained in 2007 as a consequence of warming the permafrost in Siberia under which there are large amounts of methane, which has a more than 10 times the CO2 greenhouse effect is defrosting and releasing methane accelerating the global warming process.

"Unfortunately, two negative news were announced this week on this issue." On the one hand, the temperature of the surface of the Ocean has set a new record; "on the other hand, a study found that already (major) methane emissions are registering."

"The Earth spinning about an axis that is tilted at 23.5 degrees from the vertical, and this position is constantly changing as the distribution of the masses on the earth move." According to a report published in New Scientist, long been proven that climate change has moved the Earth axis. In fact, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet is already causing that the axis tilt 2.6 centimeters annually and is likely that that number will increase the next few years. But now it was discovered that the warming of the ocean may increase the inclination change. "

Ocean becoming more acid because the excess of CO2, almost half of CO2 generated from 200 years ago has fallen to the sea and ocean increasing their acidity.

The increase of temperature causes the coral lost their pigmentation, coral reefs are disappearing at one rate greater than forests, coral can recover from some level of whitening after that level they are lost.

Acidification makes it more difficult to organisms to build their shells and skeletons, if it reaches a point they cannot create them, could break the food chain.

Source: Ciencia al Desnudo, National Geographic

Coral reefs are an essential part of the ocean food chain. Nearly half of the fish the world eats and make their homes around them. Hundreds of millions of people around the world, 1 trillion just across Asia depend on them for food

PORTLAND, OREGON: Acidification of the ocean caused by the increase in CO2 levels are affecting not only the coral reefs, but also coastal systems changing everything from the ability of oysters to adhere to the bottom of the River to the extension of areas through the Pacific coast of the U.S. deaths

With the greatest respect to the G8, it is a lack of consideration for human life to set a limit of 2 degrees Celsius. Accept a higher than the

current limit means say that it is acceptable to come strong heat waves, floods, droughts, etc. that came when the phenomena reported over the past few years.

And it is for this reason that global warming must be stopped now for this project.

The mass of Greenland is losing its mass faster than previous years

The temperature is on its way towards the 6 (c) without an emergency action. Effect on health & em

The National Academy of Sciences reported in a study, that fossil fuel costs the California close to 120 billion dollars annually in health costs, mostly by premature deaths from air pollution. The indirect problems of global warming

There are factors that will accelerate global warming will cause more disasters Dust storms

Some decades ago the drought and the withdrawal of the grasses that held land, fertile places in US land, was transported by wind in huge quantities. This is not solved until corrective measures were implemented. (History Channel)

Global warming will lead to repeat this same phenomenon in some areas where the vegetation will disappear.

5.6 Database of Historic disasters

Here we include the detailed causes of the disaster and the evolution and solution of them.

In example here are the Nuclear Accident in Chernobyl, Flood in New Orleans, etc.

5.7 Schedule of risks

There is a schedule for every area of the world, including estimations, etc.

Part II: The global individual

The reason for this project

The global individual is the reason of this project, the humanity.

The previous risks become relevant to this project when they influence the live of the global individuals.

6 Science for human life administration

This science gets knowledge from other science to define the best way a human can develop in his life and teaches it to every human through an obligatory program, daily survival techniques, etc.

The program teaches the highest and most advanced knowledge and techniques and is a course across some years of school and university.

This science shares the finality of the project Foresight and Responsibility.


Define the best plan a human can follow in his life.

The knowledge and techniques every human needs in psychology, physiology, etc. to develop all their roles in human interrelationship; like friendship, marriage, word, family, etc.

Teaches techniques of human responsibility to optimize the usage of resource in daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, seeding, etc.

Teaches techniques of mental and physical defense from the four years old, this is extremely important because it teaches how to protect himself against sexual, physical and mental abuse.

This is the heart of the project because depending on its evolution, the human activity and in consequence the society and this project will change completely.

The first priority of this project is the evolution of this science before any other.

This science provides complete basic program for all human to cover all the basic knowledge and experiences human needs.

Is important to note a very important source of waster of resource comes from the fault of skills to make their own life’s plan, make friends, be married, etc.

This science is the soul of the global project of the survival of humanity because it define the reason to live and the discipline and strength to grow.

6.1.1 This science as the project, is based on respect for free will

This project is based on the fact that trying to force a person to accept certain ideas is useless, learning and acceptance of certain truths is personal, they come with experience and observation. People seek to be the way they want to be and live according to what they believe.

6.2 Justification

6.2.1 Need to know what objectives to seek in life.

People don´t have clear objectives to live. Lack of reasons to continue living

People lose the reason to live, by the following reasons:

Death of loved ones.

Rejection of loved ones.

Loss of work.

Problems in the studies.

Etc. Frustration after achieving all life goals

No matter how successful is a person, around the age of 50 years; many people had the feeling of a great internal dissatisfaction, seeking some escape in art or any other external activity. The society demands too much objectives from citizens

Generally is not possible to achieve all the objectives that the society demands of us. This situation always creates frustration.

E.g., the marriage, the children, the work and the personal development. Conflicts between different objectives

It is not possible to achieve many goals that society requires, because they are in conflict.

6.2.2 Need to know how to achieve the objectives

People need to know how to achieve the objectives the society demands from them. Lack of knowledge to achieve objectives Need to auto control the subconscious

Many objectives fail on the other hand, because there is no control of our subconscious, many are only passing internally through a sequence of events in live, and has no goals more than survival, fall in love, looking for their own well-being, without having a direction, a plan, objectives or control of their lives, simply guided by suggestions received by other people; his plan is to try to survive and exist through the events of his life, basically the programming from their parents, grandparents, relatives, friends and other people.

For example a person when he was child after drinking some alcohol, he listened laughs and was encouraged to continue drinking alcohol, and because of that event, he became an alcoholic and had an unfortunate life.

From an objective point of view it is ridiculous, but it is how works the subconscious.

6.2.3 Need of an adequate knowledge of one's self and our surroundings. Limitation in the understanding of human problems, restricted to their own experience.

The capacity of understanding and acceptance of other human beings is restricted to the understanding of their problems.

For example some people who have not had cause to feel desires commit suicide speak of those who want to commit suicide if they were mad or possessed. The same is true between poor and rich people who have never lived through poverty. The poor without advanced education or responsibility by large groups do not understand the problems that

have professional people to manage enterprises and ensure that all employees have to eat. And so is among almost all different human groups in absolutely all activities. Dominated by the internal process of physical and mental well-being

People, often limits their development and I would say his life until reaching a State of mental and physical well-being usually through external sources such as:

Food, Sex, Alcohol, Love of another person, Drug, etc.

The only solution is to create that mental state, which is very important for the mental and physical health through prudence and skill in human relations, effort in own goals, self-knowledge, etc. Dominated by myths

Despite scientific knowledge even tributes by water and sowing in several indigenous communities are offering to appease the problems of global warming.

Another recent example is the hijacking of a plane to convey what is supposed is a message from God, in other words, a very intense dream.

Although if messages can be transmitted by dreams, dreams are part of an intricate system we have communication, because our mind exists in a place without time or space.

The lack of knowledge of the scientific research on the mental and spiritual life causes it to live on the basis of myths and dogmatic knowledge, God gave me the dream, God sent me the plague in punishment, Satan made my son to disagree me, etc.

6.2.4 Need to control our own destiny and need of independence

It is about having control of the mind, feelings, social and family relations to do and to go where one wants to go. It's about taking control of our lives. Frustration after doing the “right thing” all their lives

Often people with weak personality spend their lives in the way that is friendly to other people or society, but in the end these same people who satisfied all their whims, they do not approve what they themselves demanded.

People who have many children, despite how much they love them love, arriving at the 40 years frequently they are tired of working for his family and do not having a personal development. Excessive reliance on another person or belief weakens a person

Excessive confidence in other person or belief renouncing the own reasoning, creates frustration, weakens and can lead to a state of instability where emotions can dominate the person, such as anger, fear, anxiety, etc. Need of financial independence and control

The problem is when trying to reach the highest level of life that can, for example buying a House and car; and on the other hand having several children, assuming that the monetary income will be eternal Need to control addictions

When some people taste drugs, they become addicts for the full life, the problems is determines to enter to a dangerous social group, and waste the money on drug all the time, change their personality becoming manipulators and insensitive.

This means that if someone put drugs in the food, that person is confined to be a drug addict for the entire life?

And what about other addictions such as love, alcohol, etc. etc.

6.3 The program of this science

This science gets knowledge from other science to define the best way a human can develop in his life and teaches it to every human through an obligatory program, daily survival techniques, etc.

This program will have contents like the following:

6.3.1 Basic skills training program: being alive

Auto programming the subconscious

Food and nutrition

Health care

Daily exercise

Human relations: friendship, couple, family, work

Organization: Time management

Basic physical and mental protection, Etc.

6.3.2 Development programs, empathy: feel with the other

This is a program of social responsibility of aid, which is carried out social work and lives with people with different types of deficiencies throughout the educational program. That it is necessary to develop empathy.

6.3.3 Program for self-realization

It is a program for self-realization, through the development of multidisciplinary abilities: self-defense, art, inner child development, knowledge, discipline, stronghold, etc.

6.4 Organizations to research and enrich locally this science

Establishing organizations for every culture to constantly researches and updated the optimal processes to achieve the objectives related to the personal and professional life of each person, in different cultures.

7 Science for the Administration of the human body

7.1 Introduction

This project refers to the human body objectively as a system interrelated with an ecosystem and the beneficial and harmful effects on the environment.

There is currently a trend in medicine to correct problems with pills without correcting the bad habits that produce the problems.

This attitude causes an economic burden to society, unnecessary pollution of waters with medications, increasing the chance of spread diseases.

And on the other hand there is a lack of knowledge to achieve objectives related to the human body, such as nutrition for eating well or lose weight, prevent common diseases, natural medications, etc.

7.2 Objectives

The objective of this project in order to ensure the survival of humanity is to define standards of a complete care of the human body.

This science will help to establish practices and limitations governing physicians, the pharmaceutical industry, and the food industry.

7.2.1 Problem in the water when using too much medication

Investigations had discovered, molecules of chemical elements of medications are left in the water, they are not filtered fully, these elements to be discarded to the environment are ingested by animals and humans, and its effect in the future remains unclear.

Especially now that glaciers diminish and reduce drinking water, the concentration of these medicines could be greater and the effects will be stronger.

8 Physical and mental protection

8.1 Introduction

Part of the project of minimum welfare, is responsible for identifying the risks of aggression, physical or mental, empowering the individual and/or establish mechanisms to ensure that this is protected, from the four years.

For example, as a child the suggestions parents, siblings and other persons can be psychologically program the mind of a person to the failure, alcoholism, etc.

In the same way risks of violations, robberies and others, persist throughout the life of all persons.

That's important to list the risks the person can suffer and teach how to confront them and where to get help.

If we don’t help earlier to people, abused people can become psychotics and criminals.

Protection from physical attack

Protection from psychological attack

Protection from social manipulators, this is very important, because the project will increase the community work, and

socially the community can intrude unnecessarily in the personal life. This topic must help to provide legal regimentation and redesign of the programs to guarantee the independence of the individual.

9 Prevention of crimes

9.1 1.1 Introduction

This project is responsible for investigating and updating methods of anticipation of crimes.

9.1.1 Early identification of new techniques and introduction of countermeasures

It consists in providing the tools and knowledge to detect these new crimes, and implement countermeasures on time globally.

Part III: Proposed models of Society


In this subsection we include some of the changes we had seen necessaries on the society, but is necessary a deeper analysis, to identify all of them.

10 Institution of the Information Management

10.1 Introduction

This institution is a very important because is responsible for the normative of the management of information across all the institutions and structures of the society.

This institution defines the methodology for the following:


Strategic Planning



Justice, issuance of judgments

Creation of products


News Database

Professional helper


Programming of mental patterns

11 Leadership based on knowledge management

11.1 Justification

In this chapter we propose an analysis and some ideas about the problems in leadership in government and in business.

Both of them are extremely important because the problem we have in both of them influence the effectiveness of the whole society.

We need to improve both of them, basing the leadership in knowledge management and establishing processes, roles and responsibilities for both types of leadership, as if they were only two employees; under a effective and efficient structure in business and governments.

11.1.1 Deficiency of the sociological selection leaders

The sociological selection is the mechanisms, conditions of work, location, benefits, entrance requirements, etc. to become a leader in this situation.

For example, if I offer a salary of $ 300U or one $ 100,000; work in the heart of the city or one to 300 Km from the city; you can see the difference in the experience of work, studies, social class, motivations, etc. of the applicants. This is referred to the sociological selection. President of one country People with big interest to do something for their country

Only strong desires to help his country, leading to activities that have nothing to do with the desire to do something better for your country as: fundraising, campaign etc.

Supposedly a person with such interest if he becomes President will do wonderful things, but the truth is that this is not always true because:

A person who meets the above requirement, even with goodwill, may lack skills and essential skills that can cause their full of goodwill actions to be inefficient.

Problems by interests in the same political group and in the opposition can prevent this ideal leader to carry out their projects.

Good, honest people may cease to be so; e.g. by use of some drugs people lose their values and become hypocritical and handlers. If this is a comment out of place, make reference to studies indicating in 10, between 1 and 3 have used drugs.

A real example of this is an honest policeman who tested drugs to understand why people drugged and became a drug addict.

Conclusion A person who takes the work to follow the democratic election process, cannot be sufficiently trained nor have the support to carry out their goals and even if he is an ideal leader, he may cease to be so. Mafia and criminal organizations introduces in the Government and police for their own interests

The second group interested in enter the Government is the mafia; you contribute to the campaigns of other candidates to make sure the cover-up of their business; they can postulate themselves too.

They use to investigate corruption in all the political groups, and use it to make allies and protected themselves menacing to reveal information.


Through the contribution to campaigns or through the manipulation of secrets, the mafia can influence in the government of a country.

This means the decision one government will take will not be the best choice. Entrepreneurs having legal or other problems

Another group of interest is the entrepreneurs want to participate in the Government to protect themselves from abusive policies or for hide their illegalities.


There are other groups who participate in the government to support their own interests. Sociological selection of Business Manager

The groups who usually are sociologically drawn are:

Business Managers employed by the largest companies are from good family with enough money to pay for their studies at expensive universities.

Very good students, who are accustomed to do what they are told and learn what they have to learn, not always very innovative, researchers, independent or committed.

People with great commitment, initiative, empathy and creativity, but with poor knowledge in administration and other areas related to the company.

People with great commitment, initiative, empathy and creativity; and excellent knowledge in business administration and related areas.

The current problem is that we want none of the first two groups for the scientific strategic planning, and the third does not have adequate training.


Efficient Business Managers usually are independent people who are willing to break rules, which have a good self-esteem, sometimes stubborn, persevering, their main incentive is not always the money; and if it were, they are willing to apply their creativity to achieve the objectives, etc. properly trained. They are no better person than the others and have other types of problems; but they are more concerned with achieving objectives.

11.1.2 Assumptions and shortcomings of the Social concept of leadership based on the existence of an ideal leader

As it will be seen later, the leadership is a social value and social values are not generally logical, rather fundamental truths on which to build a society.

Leadership based on the following assumptions, which are part of the values of our culture. Social supposition: there is a person with exceptional skills to lead, a nation, company or project; we could even say predestined to direct it and allow it to be successful.

Although logically it is not accepted, indeed when we elect a President to solve hunger around the world, or avoid wars, etc. If you analyze everything all sectors of a country expect from a President, you’ll

understand it’s not possible for a human to do it. And the truth is that it fails to fulfill all expectations and many citizens are always disappointed.


In the reality several people are essential to carry out a project, there is no a multidisciplinary person that can take charge currently a project fairly complex.

The leader is a person with notables abilities in certain disciplines, projects and/or functions, and limited abilities in others; Therefore the area of action of a leader is limited, the value of a person leading is generally restricted to a specific type of projects or specific functions; and sometimes once completed that projects, it is more beneficial to get they leave the leadership.

The approach a leader has to solve a problem, is limited by their experience, knowledge and social values The leader has limitations in its abilities, because it may lack experience, knowledge or related social values preventing him from understanding certain problems. Social supposition: This hypothetical ideal leader is interested in assuming the leadership

In the political field for example, those people with sufficient management ability, generally prefer open their own business to devote themselves to politics, or work for their own company, unless they have fulfilled all their professional goals.

The reason is that the process to become President or Manager of a company is very hard and can overcome the decade to create an image and many people do not have interest in starting it; besides that: it will not win on the basis of their ability and will face countless objections of interest groups. Social supposition: The leader possesses ability and knowledge to take decisions in all matters

Even if a leader is honest and good intentions, there are limitations, not be accepted by him, causing great damage.

An example is the lack of professionalism of Presidents of some countries to implement macroeconomic solutions that have worked in another country without previously examine whether it is suitable to their own country, investing millions of dollars in an inefficient solution.

11.1.3 Assumptions and shortcomings of the Social concept of leadership based on the existence of an ideal leader in the administration of Nations

Leadership in the Management of Nations usually has the following assumptions: Social supposition: once elected democratically this ideal leader, has the means to achieve all the objectives that apply

This is not true. Social supposition: Once elected this leader may give successful course to all the projects that has

The opposition generally, wholly or partially prevents the successful completion of the projects of the other person and they at least try to discredit their work, often based on flawed concepts people have in this regard.

E.g. when implementing privatization, which was recognized by several international schools, because the Government is a bad manager of business; other political groups who knew it is a good measure, positioned it as if he were selling the country to create discontent and avoid he get more prestige with the population. Social supposition: The ideal leader chooses the most capable professionals

If you make a campaign and win the election; who would you elect for a position in your Government: a perfect stranger intelligent or a person who has devoted almost 3 hours a day for 6 months to help to your campaign?

This does not imply that these people are not trained, but I do note the fact the election is not on the basis of the greater ability of professionals. Young political groups who quickly earns a considerable position in the Government, accepts anyone in his party by the urgency to fill many positions they have in the government. Social supposition: People, who work to help in the campaigns for the ideal leader, just want the country's welfare

Supporters do not always support the best leader. In reality many supporters, need work and supports a political party to get a job as the main priority; they can easily change to another political group if they offer better working conditions. Problem: when political career become the livelihood of people

The problem is if you work for a political group, you lose your job if your political group loses the elections, which is an incentive to invest in political campaigns and even to lie and make fraudulent elections. It is too a justification for accepting bribes to pay what would be equivalent to what they would earn as entrepreneurs, and cover expenses made in campaigns. Problem: The ideas are associated with the person who proposed them

The plans of action of a politic group are presented to win elections, these plans are associated with the ability of the leader and its value as a candidate; If another party uses the scheme of the other person is like him he steal their ideas or accept the superiority of that leader.

Therefore the ideas are associated with the person, and the best project is not chosen. Additionally in some countries when the opposition present a better plan, it tends to be rejected, because accept that plan is like to accept they are better.

The same we can say about politic tendencies, to support a project from a political group is to support their politic tendency. Social supposition: Voters does a good analysis of the candidates before voting

Most voters hardly know the full profile of their candidates and base their opinions on its positioning and very superficial information they know about them.

Studies showed voters are almost unaware of the achievements of their candidates and often chose them for emotional reasons such as: which is attractive, which seems a good candidate, which is nice, etc.

A study conducted by academics, showed that the choice of candidates is emotional placing as a candidate a baby in a University and using emotional arguments to vote for the baby. Problem: Theft as a “legal” way to pay election costs

We mentioned earlier a very serious problem is that some politicians see the fraud as a legal way to obtain money or compensate for the lost money used to pay expenses of re-elections, political propaganda on television, etc. Problem: the danger of leadership based on the person

This because it has been shown repeatedly, lately was Saddam Hussein; that demonstrated how can abuse of power and manipulate the communication to create an empire tyrannical in the current scheme of leadership, if you see a documentary about how arrived in power and what techniques used in it, will understand what I mean exactly. If Saddam Hussein would have been more charismatic and intelligent could have become easily in another Hitler in the same way that could happen with any other leader that you want to achieve power.

The risk of the current leadership giving too much power to a small group of people is very serious, because if they know how to manipulate people, they can do what they want, even go to war. Problem: The democracy is a lie if we don’t met all the prerequisites

The democracy to take a decision, based on a group of people that represents a population, or a massive query without having a clear and effective communication of the issue to decide is simply a lie and a mechanism that encourages corruption.

The democracy of a country, to be real through a group or representatives, requires education of the population, requires query of priorities, requires an effective communication, etc.

There are countless examples of abuse of power and corruption respecting this “democracy”, including regimes that simply killed or imprisoned those who didn’t agree to the president, and of course all the representatives agreed with the president decisions, and the president “democratically” made what he want with a group of violent military and police groups.

The rule is, if you are a president and you can find a group of violent policemen, army, gangs and mafia who are willing to work with you, democratically and through the violence and manipulation you can accomplish what you want, Saddam Hussein is a good example.

We need to clearly state that if we not met the prerequisites for a democracy; then it is not a real democracy only by the fact that in Parliament all agree.

11.1.4 Assumptions and deficiency of leadership in business manager

The following problems can be caused because there is not a clear normative about how a Business Manager, here is a list of the common problems in the leadership of Business Management. Shortcomings in relations with employees (communication)

Do not communicate the mission, goals and objectives to be achieved to the group and the individual regularly.

Do not communicate problems of the company that affects the future of the employees.

Do not communicate feedback to the work of the group and individual in a timely manner.

Do not pay attention to the messages that send the employees, customers and shareholders permanently.

Do not create periodic opportunities to communicate, detect and solve problems.

Lack of empathy and interest in the customers, employees and shareholders; to their problems, needs and concerns.

Delegation of the responsibilities of his errors, to the staff.

Deficiency in skills to manage groups and psychological knowledge to evaluate persons

Delegation of responsibilities, without giving them enough authority, time, training, advice and resources sufficient to ensure they can fulfill the requirements.

Business manager tends to become an internal client, sometimes worrying most of their problems than the company’s problems, even when he is the proprietary; they concern that things are to their liking instead than more efficient.

Demand results as if they had given the authority and resources necessary for employees to get them. Business Manager do not perform their functions

There are functions that must be done by the Business Manager, these functions are vital to the success of the work of each employee, such mistakes are:

Do not create value within the company

Limited to work in routine administrative tasks, such sign small payments.

Do not make planning, management, training, communication, organization, coordination, control and feedback.

Delegate and retain the roles according to the comfort and their own convenience. Deficiency in technical knowledge and his expert opinion

Base their decisions on old studies and do not continue investigating.

Impose their points of views, as expert opinion in areas that have little knowledge or ignore completely. Underestimate the work of others

In some situations they overestimate the work and opinions of others, as if business management wasn’t another specialty.

This creates a social barrier between levels of supervision and operational, that prevents the proper functioning of the company that operates as those who order and those who obey.

If a Manager fires an employee for discussing his ideas, in the company will cut definitely channels of criticism related to the management of the business.

11.1.5 Consequences of the problems in the leadership of nations and in the leadership of business

If we compare the current leadership with the leadership in time of slavery and monarchy, we are really good.

But analyzing how they are working they are creating problem of efficiency and effectiveness in the whole society, including to the leaders themselves.

11.2 Leadership based on knowledge management

The main proposed solutions are:

Leadership based on knowledge management rather than the leader himself.

Define the leadership of government, president, and the companies, business manager, as two positions with clearly specified, restrictions and limits. E.g. clauses that would cause the dismissal of a president, this is important because the police would obey the democracy not the president, to establish limits to their responsibilities will be beneficial, because presidents will receive more respect for their work.

There are other ideas for this proposal to change the leadership of governments and business.

11.2.1 Creative leadership

The creative leadership, allow to choose a temporary leader, i.e. in a famine, we can accept that a nutritionist and a specialist in food take leadership for a few months until the problem is solved.

The latter leader continues working, but all the available resources are managed by this temporary creative leadership; to find a solution and of course the permanent leader works with him too.

This is a new concept leadership like a Chair for the person who is more suitable for the objectives and current strategies.

11.2.2 Create two different political process one to choice the leader another to choice the objectives and plans

This is the first step to move the presidents as respected professional and leaders.

In the election of the leader the population will focus in their abilities of the president.

In the election of the objectives, the population will focus in the objectives.

This is important because the president can’t change and take total control of the government of a country.

11.2.3 Modification of the responsibility of the leader

The leader has responsibility to establish a good structure with the available resources that the company reaches its purpose; within the limitations defined in detail, to avoid unplanned inefficiency. Leadership is focused in the design and implementation of systems and plans

The work of leaders is to implement permanent solutions, through the correct creations and plan, and design of systems, processes, etc. Correct implementation of strategies

The leader is responsible for the coordination and control of the implementation of the strategies to ensure profitability in the company and nation. The leader must create valor

The leader must create value for customers, shareholders, employees, partners, etc. It is the way in which the Manager can create and consolidate a firm and profitable nation. Communicator

One of the most critical tasks is the communication across all the operations of the country or business. The leader is responsible of this labor. Creative problem-solver

The leader must find the best creative solutions for the problems. Social Welfare and empathy

The leader must care the needs and well being of employees, customer, shareholders and community.

Listen, see and analyze prior to judge and take decisions. Considerations of leadership in the Administration of Nations Minimization of the social damage caused by free competition

The reason why there is free competition in the markets is because it encourages creativity, responsibility and effort. That is why capitalism has expired to socialism, freedom.

The knowledge in all areas of the companies is pointing to perfection; the participation of the Government will be more important to coordinate the efforts of the companies.

The Government will coordinate existing requirements in the country and to other countries in the world and will provide advice and assistance to enterprises in the country who are interested in producing certain products and services. A new concept of military power in a global world

There must be an agreement between governments global to separate some function of the military power and give them independence and obey to global agreements.

This means the military power will obey some global democratic principles, and will obey any other order from the government meanwhile this order don’t have conflict with the global democratic principles.

The military power will be as it is now, and there will be a clear process defined to coordinate the work of military power of all the country to avoid abuses of power of other military power or governments.

Every country must vote to agree to enter to this change of democratic principles, if they don’t agree, then that government will not enter to that regime. Political service for notable professionals

All notable professional and individuals have the obligation to service to the government periodically, for the improvement of the nation. President must be respected

In this moments presidents, always are treated disrespectfully, from assassins, liars, etc. There must be a politic to prohibit the psychological attack to them.

If someone thinks is an assassins, liar, etc. There must be a local process to judge him, and too, there must be a global process to judge him, if that leader is tricking the evidence.

But they must be respected. Planning of the consequences of innovation and change

The cost of innovation and change are usually in a group of industry.

I.e. if someone decide to eliminate a industry because a new product had been created. The Government should plan these changes relocating this and reduce to the maximum the loss of jobs and investments of the owners.

11.2.4 Population can vote only if they are instructed previously

The population can participate in the vote of a decision only if they are trained in the subject, if there is going to be a public consultation to decide if there is going to be privatization, then there must be a plan to guarantee every voter understand the historic background, the economic theory around this decision and the disadvantages and advantages of that decision.

11.2.5 Implementation of changes to voting and decision structure

This gives more flexibility changing the whole structure of decision in a country, first it must makes sense with the goals and values of the country, stored in the database.

There are limits about the decisions a government can’t take without consulting. This means that leaders may not do what they want not to be respecting the structure of priorities, and the voter must understand the explanation and consequences of both decisions, and a historic of the consequences of doing and not doing that.

This change implies the citizen will be conscious of political problems and decisions; this process is critical and must be implemented carefully.

11.2.6 Generation semi automatic of laws and regulations

This is a fundamental step for eliminates bureaucracy to implement laws and regulations that we know that they must be implemented, but requires that it be clearly established for the purpose, strategy and objectives of a society.

It is to create a connection between the plan of society and that the authorities and people in general can detect diversions and help it be corrected.


Suppose that the clear purpose is in the survival of society, and is being implemented in a nuclear power plant that could affect the safety of this society.

Rather than relying on protests to remove, the action focuses on clearly defining the risks that this nuclear power station, the actions that would prevent this to be a risk, the analysis of other options to achieve the goal, if necessary, etc.

This analysis replaces the need for a law on the matter, because the plan of society has clearly specified what you are looking for on the basis of this, can evaluate any measure, and take a decision without the need of marches, called the senators, filling signatures, etc.

The justice is based on the decision of a judge and a jury, which in addition endangers the life of the judge and the jury, and also may corrupt it.

Many decisions are generated in a clear and direct deduction of law that cannot be manipulated or questionable. This is a proposal not to remove judges and jurors, but the first step to simplify and strengthen the decision-making of Justice, which are obvious and indisputable.

11.2.7 A new global coordination of governments

Many local actions can destroy whole economies elsewhere in the world.

For this reason there must be an agreement between countries to guarantee the supply of some products and services. And if some abusive power in that country decide to block that products or service, the coordination of the global military power, can stop that.

But there must be a vote of all the population to accept that rules, one by one. This is for the respect to the societies and cultures.

12 Science of the Information Management

12.1 Introduction

The idea behind this science is simple, is to be specific when defining goals, when defining priorities, when defining a task to get an objective, etc.

For the same question, there must be a unique and undeniable answer or answers for everyone.

And that information must be stored in a standardized format.

12.2 Justification

12.2.1 Information management

Nowadays to transmit information we group it on chapter on a book, usually by topic.

To transmit information unorganized as we do now, we have to write more, the disorganization of information forces mind to try to create a global image from all that information, and because the limitations of mind and memory usually we forgot important details.

To create a structure to transmit information allows storing it, makes easier to get the information we need as a calculator to calculate.

12.2.2 Strategic Planning

Most of the strategic planning, and of the management of a plan are simply management of information and their interrelations.

12.2.3 Basic problems of priority in justice

Problems of priority in basic values of the society like who is first the divine writings or the human rights.

Lawyers and the fiscal have the work through an extensive wordiness, to convince the jury one prioritization. But the problem was before the trial, we didn’t have a clear prioritization, the constitutions of the countries are a group of basic principles no clearly described neither clearly prioritized.

12.2.4 The Complexity had increased in the decision making and the design of processes

Decision making and design of processes require currently consider a lot of information and factors, a 1% error can lead to the failure of the design of a product or making a decision; requires an auxiliary tool.

12.2.5 The complexity of the information makes difficult to be precise through flexibility

To be precise we need to understand all logical interconnections of a decision, and the complexity on the information we have nowadays do not allow this.

12.2.6 Lot of time and reading for information

The information is currently available for almost any process, the problem is the time of that information, is required to optimize the search and communication of information

12.2.7 Loss of researches data

There are many studies whose results are lost because they are not stored and are readily available to query.

12.3 Strategy

12.3.1 Analyze and standardize the use of information

Most of the problems in information management, it is not know what information to communicate and how to communicate it. To define goals

We must include a detailed description of the situation we want to achieve when we achieve that goal. To take decisions

For each task we must include the reason why aid in achieving a goal. To define process

A process is a tested sequence of tasks to achieve a goal, in the same than decisions, include the reasons why aid in achieving a goal. To transmit information Systemic view

To transmit information the information must be using a systemic view.

When transmitting knowledge about how to achieve a goal, we must include information about the systems, their functions, their subsystems and their functions, their members and relations, the processes or functions in which the system and members participates, etc.

This information clarifies and answers many answers and allows optimizing the reach of goals.

In example about sleeping, the system of rest is related to the following subsystems: oxygenation, exposition to the light of sun, warm, high frequency recharge, and sleep cycles.

The only fact of naming the subsystems can be enough to help a person to reach a goal.

12.3.2 Standardize the storage of the Information

To get same answer for the same question for everyone, we must establish a normative to break down the information.

Only very simple example of how is possible to do it. Structure description Objective object properties and values

Is my goal to be happy, does that mean?


Me.FinancialSecurity.Good(70%) Objective justification based on higher goal < =

Me.Healthy. VeryGood(80%) < = Me.Body.Heart.Healthy Establish the facts which justify a relation

Understanding why a law or decision had been taken gives the flexibility and therefore accurate,

E.g.: There is a low forbidding having more than one dog for the following reasons:

Food shortages affecting the quality of the food and the survival of society,

Having more than one dog, get food which decreases the supply of products and therefore there is less for the population.

Let's look at two cases

First, suppose we don’t have shortage of food, therefore this law is automatically disabled.

Second, suppose a person has a restaurant, even with food shortages he has food waste and does not reduce the supply of food in the market.

Establishing the facts allow automatic decisions. Description of relationship

Actions for object, property, and value

Action - >

Exercise.t(inthemorning).d(30minutes).p(MTWTFS) (every day except sunday)

- > Body.Hearth.Heatlhy(+20%)

-> Body.Circulation.Aereation(+10%)

Nobody is going to say to a friend I exercise t(inthemorning).d(30minutes).p(MTWTFS), but filling a medical software, is different, to get automatic advise. We must create a system for every objective

Every objective is a system with subsystems, parts, interrelations, etc.

Define relationships with other systems and their subsystems.

The system approach allows precision and flexibility in the use of information.

12.3.3 The levels for the presentation of information

To analyze and search information, the information must be presented in different levels of detail from summary to very detailed and completely extended information.

12.3.4 The query interface

Once the information is stored correctly the most important thing is the query interface to query and search that information stored.

12.3.5 Standardize the development of programs and projects

This stage is about de development of programs to reach a goal, and the projects to execute those programs including human and other resources.

This is really the heart this system because is the “how” to reach goals.

12.3.6 The robotization of information The information storage

This function will store all the information available using the maximum detail. The receptor of information

This robot will have several sophisticated mechanisms to perceive information directly from the environment and indirectly from other systems after connecting to them. The Advisor

The human mind is too limited and the tasks are too complex.

The advisor is initially a program to suggest full programs and best decisions to take based on the information you introduce.

In the future will be a robot that will perceive the environment and suggest possible actions related to the goal we are working on. The translator

This function will translate the information to the limitations of the language and/or to the necessary detail a person can understand or need.

12.3.7 Automatic decision-making

Once defined the main structure, most decisions are automated based on a clear priority.

12.3.8 Public database showing decisions and resource assignment

It consists of defining a structure decisions and indisputable resource allocation to public administration.

12.3.9 The language must have an objective and be modified to optimize communication

The changes in the language need a goal, which is for example optimizing the communication. A restructuring of the language can help reduce communication problems and loss of time and mistakes that this implies.

12.3.10 Forecast for intelligent systems

Do not forget all intelligent system must be periodically turned off if there is no human intervention, and must be easy to turn off and include algorithms to avoid some behaviors.

13 The Society

13.1 Introduction

Based on the changes mentioned in this project and the success in implementing them the society will change.

13.2 The evolution of the social system

Very briefly we could give some examples

13.2.1 The evolution of government

The government of a human god.

The government of the royal family.

The government of the representatives of the people and the elected leader. (Based on quantity of votes)

The propose of this project is

The government of democracy based on the information management. (Based on good reasons), the members of this government are hired or work as part of a mandatory social responsibility program.

13.2.2 The evolution of population

The populations are slaves.

The populations are inferior human beings.

The populations are human beings and act through a representative.

The propose on this project is

The populations are human beings and act by themselves.

Every individual empowered through the program of the Science for human life administration, and a global and local administration based on the democracy on the management of information; focused in the survival and an integral improving of the global individual.

13.2.3 The evolution of the family

The family had been the unity of survival, financial support, emotional support, and reason to live.

The propose of the project is

The survival and financial support are the community and the global community.

The reason to live is the self improvement through the Science for human life administration.

The emotional supports are the family and an ability to manage their own wellbeing.

14 The Economy

The economy will change consequence of the change on the global industry related to massive and essential products.

14.1 The power in the society across the history

The power was on the human god and “money”.

The power was on the royal family and “money”.

The power was on the leader and the representatives the populations choose and “money”.

The word “money” means gold or any other matter use to accumulate richness.

14.1.1 The propose of this project

The power will reside in the community, country and global administration, related to the global plan.

The democracy will be based on knowledge management. And that democracy will establish the plan. All the resources will go to them.

Most people will have food, water and house guaranteed.

The people will gain benefits working harder; there will be exclusive products and service.

The industry will adequate to the needs of people and to the global plan.

People can accumulate that benefits and negotiate. That benefit has limitations to better products some exclusive services like vacations, etc.

The richness will be that benefit people can accumulate and transfer; but they will not get the power as we do currently through the accumulation of money.

You can’t create with that “money” a new industry.

If you want a new industry you propose to the plan and if this makes sense that industry will work, as a serious project or as a prototype. The economy in times of war

In time war countries need to accumulate power to protect them, and the previous model maybe will not work as expected.

But if there is war between two countries, the risk to the world will cause the global government will intervene as soon as possible to resolve the problem.

We must remember there is a project to foresight wars and personal revenges and this project will suggest a proceeding.

The global government through agreements will have the right to intervene in some situation through the military army of the same country or the army of neighbor countries.

15 Global Industry

15.1 Justification

15.1.1 The only way for everyone in the world to have the basic products

The only way for everyone to have the basic products for living is to restructure the industry of basic products and services.

Rigid global standards should be established in all the industrial, marketing and packing processes.

15.1.2 The economy is focused on maximizing the consumption, not to optimize consumption

Industry works in the following manner, a person or group of people produce a product or service, and try to sell it as much as possible, its success lies in mass consumerism, necessary or unnecessary doesn't matter.

To sell more sometimes the industry has to make a mass product not optimized for the global society, using inconvenient and unnecessary material and contents.


The industry of basic products, products all humans need, must work under a different regimentation, for the manufacturing, possibly subsidized to reduce to the maximum the usage of resource.

15.1.3 The production is based on easy to sell products, not quality products

The production is based on easy to sell products, if people choose the cheapest then an inferior product is produced. This means more recycled material, more toxic materials to recycle and shorter product life.


There must be global and local regulation to strengthen long life and quality products.

15.1.4 Patents

The patents are the key to incentive investigation, but at the same time, for basic products, products all humans need, it prejudices the optimization of the products.


The patents for basic products, belongs to the inventor, but they must be acquired by a global project and give for free to the global industry for optimize resource usage.

15.2 The basic mass products are subsidized

This is happening now, indirectly through other subsidies. And this is only for the basic massive products for the survival of the population. These products can vary per country, per area, and per social class.

15.3 The plan for the community

15.3.1 The industrial unit of basic products

Forecasting any risk, all communities must have the knowledge and if possible the structure to produce all the basic products they need; energy, water, food, etc.

The restructuration of the industry will analyze which products must always be produced locally and in which percentage.

15.3.2 The community is the recycling unity

The community must process the organic waste, separate and process locally if possible the products.

15.4 A forced course to teach young consumer to acquire what they need

Most problems related in the industry reside in the fault of experience of young people, and young people are who decide how much child they want to have, how big will be the house. And they consume products unnecessarily.

Young people use to think they will earn the same salary or more than they are earning in this moment.

Young people don’t understand there is an important probability they can divorce, and don’t previse this.

Young people don’t make a plan their future.

This course is for that objective, to help take the most important decisions and acquire what they really need, planning their future in a realistic way.

15.5 The creation of the global industry

15.5.1 Standards of the products Standards for the life of the products and the process of reuse and recycle

Every product before his production, must have a clear path of life, i.e. a computer is sold new to a business, after 3 years it must go to the schools, after 3 years on the school x parts must be recycled and the other x parts reused in other product.

15.5.2 The prices of the product will include the recycle cost

One example to set price including the recycle price; the price is a, the price of the recycle is b, the price to be sold to schools is c, then the price is equal to a + b –c.

15.5.3 Comprehensive analysis of human activity

This is an analysis must be made of all human needs, human activities, the process of human activities, the implications and interactions involved, diseases, accidents, other risks, etc. It should be considered in the process of every human activity.

Every time we introduce a new human activity in the industry, we must repeat this analysis. The importance of the accuracy of the preliminary research and design of the process and their productive process

In all the massive products, any small reduction will be impressive saving resources, and in the same way any problem will be an incredible and harmful damage. Development of durable products to reducing poverty

The new concept is the durability “eternal” products, will be for all the massive products when possible, this allow to plan the reuse of this products across the entire globe for poor people, after 30 years of reuse or when a new product appears, this product will be for poor people. Include in the analysis the functionality to allow reduction

This means to analyze why people do not save resources and add functionality to solve this, i.e. people leaves turned on TV and DVD player when going to eat, because they don’t want to turn on again and search where they are, if there is an option to save in a memory the position in the DVD and when turned on ask if want to return where they was, this will help to turn on DVD player and TV when going to eat.

15.5.4 Analysis of the materials and productions processes

This will create standard for the best materials and productive process we have.

15.5.5 The reinvention of the products

The next step is the analysis of the products to satisfy all the human needs. The assistant to the process of invention

This is the standardization of the process of invention using the techniques known to generate ideas, especially the TRIZ method.

First, the goal must be set clearly in the nomenclature of the information management.

Second, these methodologies are integrated to a database having registered the process of production, materials, etc. You choose the available material you can use or all.

Third, these methodologies are integrated with the database of the plan to analyze automatically the relation of any invention with all the systems relevant to the project.

This assistant generates different scenarios of products and production processes, and how much requirements they fulfill. This assistant gives information too if the products is qualified by the project to be produced as a massive product.

15.5.6 The prototypes The creation of prototypes and inventions

All the massive products are regulated globally, but individuals, communities, business, etc. can ask to be excluded from that regimentation, to start experimenting and creating prototypes. The first prototypes for rich people

The first tested prototypes can be acquired for those citizens who have more “money for benefits”.

Those citizens to can buy personalized products, for them; this personalized products has the same analysis than other products, because in the future they can be massively produced too.

15.5.7 The day of the global restructuration

Before this day the industries don’t have to change neither stop their productions, because we don’t know what kind of processes and which materials will need.

Once we have all the designs, then the global industry will be contacted and a long process of relocation will start across the globe.

15.6 Reinforcing optimization

The containers and devices must be designed to use the resources in the exact amount as they are needed, controlling the amount and timing of resources used.

In example an oil contend with a large aperture can spend more than 100%, than another with a small aperture.

A liter has 50,000 drops, this means in a world of 8,000,000,000 losing daily a drop of a massive product means 58,400,000 liters of a product lost per year. This is especially important in partial or totally toxic product.

15.7 Reinforcing reutilization

15.7.1 Define series of products having interchangeable parts

All basic components should use when possible interchangeable groups of components, to help the reutilization.

15.8 Rules for the Global industry

All the global industry will have the same rules and restrictions in materials processes, etc. This will create a fair society.

16 Houses self sustainable

16.1 1.1 Introduction and diagnosis

Global warming will lead to droughts destruction of industries, disappearance of glaciers that are the source of water in major cities, loss of crops, break-up of companies, etc. People will not work or there will be no food or water.

Some natural phenomena will be more violent and the possibility of migration and loss of home, or need to move the households will increase.

These houses will be self sustainable in food, water, energy and air.

16.2 Purpose of the project

People must find their source of basic survival and safety in their home, this is very important because it will strengthen the social spirit, because the members of the community will always have the basic food.

The proposed solution is a self-fulfilling mainly in water, food, energy, security inside and outside the home.

Consider water, food, Solar protection, energy, life, security of its members, home health management (concept is physical structure + physical and psychological well-being), administration of human life, protection from external damage, communication system integrated into democratic system of governance (TV/radio/newspaper/internet)

The will be a lot of benefits, lower taxes and lower cost of products and services; because people will have the food and house guaranteed.

16.3 Unit of survival for the family

The house is the unit of the survival of the family.

The house is where most of the massive survival tasks are performed.

16.4 Strategies of the projects

Here are some ideas for this project.

16.4.1 Diverse qualities of the components

Certain elements of the home should be cheaper and local if possible.

But the parts of the home to store and use water should be high quality.

16.4.2 Training and continuous updating of technologies

The project for houses will be available to the public teaching the best techniques and the most convenient materials and information on the latest technology for the construction and maintenance of house. Maintenance of the house

There will be training and certifications with respect to knowledge of techniques, materials, etc. as well as courses and certification of updating of knowledge, to guarantee an effective maintenance services. Certification needed to use kitchen and other critical survival modules

The management of water and food becomes of vital importance, so member of the family should be trained to use them. Toxicology

The understanding of toxicology techniques will be important because the intensive recycle in houses.

16.4.3 Models

The industry will create a group of models, to standardize the global production. Universal components for each model home

Home shall have sizes and universal standards for model, i.e. Depending on the place will require different water filters, this module should be able to be easily interchangeable. Long life time for the house modules

Unless there is reason to suppose that it will reduce the human population, households and their vital components must have a minimum of 200 years, so even when you leave best models, these must be reusable and upgradeable by other families.

16.4.4 Modules Modules for buildings

The edifices should only have static the structure, and spaces to connect the modules, this will allow to move the modules when there is a forced migration. Transferable and useful in a space station

The vision is a module of houses to be used in the space, preventing a future disaster that requires us to live in space. This can happen in 300 years, but how much time will take to build more than 1,000,000,000 houses. Possibility to live in a narrow space

The modules must be designed to be stored in small spaces, forecasting situation to force to live underground to protect against solar radiation.

16.4.5 Storage Storage designed to survive most types of disasters

The design of the house must be done to get the critical parts of the house, where resources are stored, remain intact. Storage for between 1 and 3 months

Houses must be designed if possible to store resources for 3 months. The water will be reused in several cycles; this means 5m3 can be used in 3 months. Food and energy will be stored too. Energy will be captured in batteries to be negotiated

La energía será capturada en baterías que podrán venderse con energía. Food produced an water captured can be negotiated locally

People could sell to the food they seed in their homes. Maximizing the recycle and creation of resources

Houses will recycle to the maximum the use of resources, and will maximize the creation of energy, food and water.

16.4.6 Adapted to the ecosystem

Adaptations to the ecosystem, allowing growing of certain plants and animals.

Designed protect against ants, termites, mosquitoes, flies, reducing the use of toxic to kill them.

Analyze the effect of the materials in every ecosystem.

16.4.7 Unit of help for poor countries

A home that meets all of the features described in this project is expensive; the goal is that this is subsidized by aid projects for poverty,

Old models will go to poor countries.

But initially, this hoses self sustainable total or partially will be the unit of help to poor people, this initial designs will have the best quality possible, but designed thinking in the possibility people in the same area can copy the technology and create similar solutions using local materials and technology.

16.4.8 Other improvements for other risks

This can be specific for some areas, i.e. houses near to nuclear plants; can have protection against radiation, protection against criminals, protection against wild animal, protection against specific natural disasters, etc.

17 The communities

17.1 The community a complete unit of survival

The community usually is a small area, between 1,000 and 10,000 people.

To survive critical situations, the community becomes the unity of the industry.

If a community is isolated for some reason the community will exercise judicial functions and others.

Previously you could move from one community to another without problems if you pay the taxes, this project proposes to increase the responsibilities of communities.

This change requires legal and strategic if we want this propose be successful.

17.2 The new requirements for the community

If the community becomes the industrial unity, their members will have frequent contacts and the probability of problems will increase dramatically.

In the other hand the migrations and disaster can cause dangerous members can ingress to the community. Members need training about this situations and how to deal with them.

Once one person starts working in the community automatically arises social problems like social coercion, social punishment, etc.

We need to establish a healthy psychological environment and a clear regimentation in the community work in crisis situations.

17.2.1 The rights and obligations of the community members

Here we establish what a community can and can’t do when a member fails his industrial, legal or other responsibilities. Defining the principles of the community

The community must an agreement related to some macroeconomic fundamentals, rights of partners, children, etc., etc. concepts not clear for the entire community.

New members are trained in this knowledge. Right to live in a community without participating in the industrial process and other activities

What happens if an outside member, don’t fulfill the principles of the community?

The community must accept them, unless of course they violate the basic laws, in that case there must be a way to allow a member to live in a community without participating in all their activities.

The projects will establish mechanisms to avoid strengthening closed communities, creating future possibility of problems. Define universal rights in communities

Therefore universal rights must be defined for people in these new communities.

17.2.2 The community, industrial unit Defining the products the community needs

The community will define the products their needs and the raw material and the process to produce them. Plan for the Coordination of production

No matter how small are the houses, there must be coordination in the seed of plants; the local industry needs to produce the products used by communities, from shampoo to medicines.

The products can be seed in the garden, on the roof, on the windows, inside the house. This plan requires a deep analysis to propose all the possible solutions.

17.2.3 Human relations Improving community relations

If there are going to be activities stressing the relation of the citizens, there must be activities to improve their relations.

These are activities to force fellowship and to relax people. Understanding the human problems

This is about accepting there are psychopaths, people who can’t physiological identify with human pain disability, and they can kill without feeling remorse.

There are too sociopath who can trick people without remorse of the economical damage they can do.

And the only way to survive with all the members of the community having their own problems is through a strategic designed solution.

If there is scarce of food or water, these individuals can steal and even may kill for food and water, all this situation must be previse. Coordinated groups of criminals

The community must accept there are criminals, criminal couples who use smart strategies, gangs who use advanced drugs to get information and rape their victims.

17.2.4 The community legal unit The moment, person and place to talk about legal problems

First is to restrict the member of the community and the moment that members will act in representation of the legal system. If one members talk about legal out of the established time and place, this will be considered harassment of the community member.

A simplified legal system for the community in crisis will be created.

17.2.5 Proposal for a new community culture

This is the creation of the culture for this new community accepting religious differences and showing a way all of the members can work together tightly and survive as a community.

18 The minimal global welfare of humanity

18.1 Global minimum welfare

It basic forecast of this project to set a clear limit line between a human and inhuman conditions.

18.1.1 Justification

Usually radical groups manipulate or forces poor people to work for them.

In order to diminish ethnic wars, personal revenge; there must be a minimum global welfare, not only food, house and water, we need education, physical and mental protection, anything under this requirements will be considered an inhuman and inacceptable condition for human to live.

18.1.2 Minimum welfare and birth control

This project cannot judge or prohibit the number of children, but suggests that if a family may not provide the minimum welfare, they should restrict to one or zero children.

19 The foresight of war and personal revenges

19.1 Foresight of war

This projects will register all possible reasons to start a war, and will foresight them one by one, if it detect the danger of a war, it will analyze and propose a solution as far as possible. The global project will implement as far as possible too.

19.2 Foresight of personal revenges

This projects will register all possible reason to realize persona revenges, because the technology will empower any individual to create global disaster; if detects a new problem, this project will analyze and propose solution as far as possible. The global project will implement as far as possible too.

20 Global and local coordination of Social Help (Social responsibility)

20.1 The obligatory social responsibility

One of the problem on the society is to think is enough to work and pay taxes to be a responsible citizen.

This project will propose the minimum social responsibility the different members of the society must fulfill to create a successful society.

20.2 The database

This is a very important project, this is a database to store all the needs people and groups have around the world.

The people can give to everyone what they need, and no more.

The people can help to more people.

The certainty a person will receive help, increases the help to them.

This is to coordinate the social help around the world.

21 Global Birthrate control

21.1 Introduction

The overcrowding currently is the most important risks for this project, which is necessary to solve.

21.2 Define criteria to establish the population limit

Based on the limit of resources this project provides we will calculate the population limits.

21.3 Strategy to reduce birthrate

This project can’t restrict the amount of children a couple can have, only give information about the risks of doing, plans, and strategies to reduce birthrate. Define parameters and conditions to have more children.

21.3.1 Teaching the responsibility of having too much children

If 1, 000, 000,000 of couples decide to have 4 children, we will have 4, 000, 000, 000 of children this is the most efficient way to end humanity over one period of less than 100 years. Available resources are limited.

21.3.2 Giving cultural options to women other than maternity

In many cultures the only role of the women are pregnancy.

21.3.3 Teaching new techniques to get satisfaction in a marriage without children

Many cultures show the only way to have a happy marriage is having children. But the reality shows one children is a very good number, because couple enjoy the life, and the children have good conditions of life, the only problem is the loneliness of that children.

21.3.4 Teaching problems of having children in a marriage

The divorce is a reality and it’s very frequent, having children is a heavy load when a divorced person wants to marry again.

The older children of a marriage having too much children, don’t enjoy childhood because they have to care their brothers.

Marriages having too much children, can’t always give them enough food and opportunities; fathers are too tired or busy to give them attention.

21.3.5 Understanding of basic concepts of life

Teaching concepts like you will not always earn the same salary you have, you will get bored of working too much only to maintain your children when you get around 40 years old.

21.3.6 Give education and priority to pleasure and lubrication

Teach how to increase lubrication and pleasure using contraceptives.

One of the main reasons for not using contraception is pleasure and lubrication.

21.3.7 Extensive education of contraceptive methods

Understanding the entire process of pregnancy and when they can be avoided; and education in all contraceptive methods.

Insist in having two methods of contraception at the same time.

Compare the cost of buying contraceptives and the cost of having a child.

Part IV: Global Working Projects

22 Project for yearly activities of the Global Project

The project will propose schedules for every area, to reach the proposed goals of the year.

23 Global and local administration of food

This is the program for the generation of food; we cut it, because it’s not important in this moment to give too much detail on it.

24 Global and local administration of water

This is the program for the preservation and use of water; we cut it, because it’s not important in this moment to give too many details on it.

25 Project to regulate the atmosphere

These projects register and control the elements in the atmosphere to take corrective actions when required.

26 Emergency plans

For any system on this project there will be emergency plan pre-made if any country needs.

This system will be updating permanently and proposing to countries and ONG to focus on the emergency plans we need.

27 Disease foresight

27.1 1.1 Introduction

We don’t complete plans to foresight disease, currently for the N1H1 outside the chinstrap, sneezing in the forearm; and rules a bit confusing as wash your hands every time that you can, rules affecting the customs as not shaking hands or kissing. There is not a permanent comprehensive plan for prevention of such diseases, including all the fields, feeding, care to change temperature requirements in the home, etc.

Some areas are not covered like prostitution; some customs like pee in the streets are foresighted.

A very important part of the medical community continues to focus on consumption of pills where could be a change in food and customs.

Flu Spanish killed approximately 35, 000,000 people between 1918 and 1920; and so far no one can deny the fact that if you see a contagious epidemic happens something worse, we are not prepared, we need to restructure the mechanisms that generate the infection and social customs in a permanent manner, modifying the cultures and processes.

28 The project to establish the safe limits in our environment

This is a project to investigate the safe limits of different components in the atmosphere, earth, water; resources needed by animals, vegetal, etc. on the ecosystem.

This project gives the information to industries about the safety for the latter when introducing new products to the ecosystem.

This project will base on theories like the twelve leverage points, to establish limits to the economic growth.

28.1 The limit of the resources usage per person

People can have anything but under a limit.

Under that limit every one can have a family, a house, cars, pool, dogs, but not everything. If they do they must compensate in some way.

People can compensate it under clear guidelines of the project to use more resources.

29 Plan to Control the Global Warming

The cause of Global Warming is not coal itself; its cause by overcrowding, wrong decisions our leaders, etc.

To solve Global Warming implies to fix a bigger group of global problems, to analyze all of them and get the humanity move a step forward in his evolution in the earth, this is the reason this plan is in the last chapter of this proposal.

29.1 Justification

The justification of this plan is in the risk database of the Project for the survival of humanity in this document.

We encourage to read the entire document because the Global Warming belongs to a bigger problematic analyzed in this proposal.

29.2 The objective for the Plan to control the Global Warming

29.2.1 The vision objective

This is the ideal objective, this is not currently a real objective, this objective propose the capture of CO2 from the atmosphere assuming we can capture that quantity of CO2 plus the CO2 we emit.

The vision is important to understand what we need to control the Global Warming, to focus investigations and the plan.

The vision objective is to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million in 20 years, we have to reduce 324.102.564.102.564 Kg of CO2.

The vision of this project encourages to some people to reduce and capture more CO2, when they understand to solve the situation they should emit zero CO2 in addition to their annual capture co2.



“350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere. “

“The planet has about 392 parts per million CO2 – and this number is rising by about 2 parts per million every year”



"The most ambitious targets I have seen is 50% global cuts by 2020 and near zero emissions globally by 2030."

Source: Michael McGee

Unit conversion, from ppm to kg.

“Carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere is considered a trace gas currently occurring at an average concentration of about 390 parts per million by volume or 591 parts per million by mass.

[27] The total mass of

atmospheric carbon dioxide is 3.16×1015

kg (about 3,000 gigatonnes)”


I’m not sure but based on this example we suppose 390 ppm=3.16x1015

Kg, then:

390 ppm are Kg of CO2

350 ppm are 2.835.897.435.897.440 Kg of CO2

We have to reduce 324.102.564.102.564 Kg of CO2 The objective per country/year and per person/year

We divide 324.102.564.102.564 Kg in 20 years Kg

We get the percentage of emission of CO2 per country

Based on that percentage we distribute the Kg and get the objective every country must get.

Dividing that weight of CO2 in the population we get the amount of CO2 a country must reduce per person.

You can see an example of the calculus in the annex at the end.

The plan will expose a goal per year and for 20 years:

Quantified proposal for countries.

Quantified proposal for people in every country.

Quantified proposal for states, areas and/or mayoralties.

29.2.2 The real objective

The real objective of this plan, the one we can do now, based on our technology, social and political problems; is to reduce the CO2 and methane emissions as much as we can, and capture as much as we can, first to avoid reaching an irreversible situation, second to reach the yearly goal proposed in the vision objective.

The irreversible situation is a global temperature when no matter what we do we will can’t stop and control Global Warming.

29.3 Strategy

The essence of the strategy is simple,

The CO2 reduced or captured =

The amount of people who reduce or capture CO2 x

The amount of CO2 reduced or captured.

This means we have to maximize the CO2 reduced or captured, and the amount of people who apply the programs to reduce or capture CO2.

All the strategy of this plan goes to strengthen both factors.

We don’t have time to execute incomplete programs we must make an effort to execute the complete programs, the most efficient program we can.

Why this works?

Until this moment all the campaigns to make aware to the population about the problem of the Global Warming had worked, what this plan does is to increase the activity and the results.

The strategies proposed are:

29.3.1 Effective, inexpensive and easy programs to reduce CO2

There are effective, inexpensive and easy programs, to get some times impressive savings, more than 50%, without many effort neither investment.

In example, we have delivered and tested two programs; these two programs had demonstrated it is possible to develop effective, easy and inexpensive programs to get very important and massive savings. These programs had been tested for more and year.

To save energy:

To save water:

The key of these programs are:

To determine the big savers in any task, and propose them as obligatory, the other savers are optional.

To create flexible programs, these programs offer several options so you can find a way to adequate your own life.

Structural changes when possible, these means you don’t have to be pending of saving all the time, you can leave the light turn on sometimes when leaving the room.

Focusing in important money savings people can get when implementing this programs.

Assign a limit in the resource every person use, people can live with this programs because they choose what they do with the resources they receive; in example you can take a 20 min shower, or have a pool, but you can’t have both, unless you have you buy a dry toilet. Meanwhile you are under the maximum consumption of resources and CO2 generation per person. Personalized programs

The programs will be personalized for every country, area, social status and income, to increase the number of participants and results. Multiple positioning of the programs

All the programs to control Global Warming are related to other objectives, in example, to reduce the use of gas reduce the contamination, reduce the usage of energy is too for cities who have problems in the provision of energy, etc.

The programs this plan will propose will propose first the other objectives that program helps to reach, before relating to the objective to control the Global Warming as a secondary objective.

The reason to do this is to get more people executing these programs and to get support from politicians who don’t accept Global Warming. Global contests

The plan will create global contests to improve the programs and for the marketing of the plan and the programs.

29.3.2 Feedback to the activists

The project will implement easy ways to get feedback about how much is reducing and how much should reduce, to reach a point of 0 emissions, and second to reach the yearly goal of capture of CO2.

29.3.3 Yearly Scheduling of activities

A Global Schedule modified for every country and area, to get more participants and more activities per participant.

A centralized entity will program every year all the activities, per week, including the control and feedback activities.

All the activity will give information on the estimate CO2 they save. Schedule of complete tasks

The schedule will include all the tasks, is not only to seed a tree, three times per year to seed a tree, every week check water first month, after only once per month; depending of the area, of course.

The schedule must include a list of tree for every area, if they are in the homes, must be fruit-tree.

29.3.4 Information to maximize the benefit of their choice

The project will offer information so every person, mayoralty, community, country, etc. can choose the best program based on their decision to help in the CO2 reduction or capture.

There will be an updated database of new technology; ONGs in the area joined to this project; to incentive them.

29.3.5 Permanent Planning, Control, Supervision, Feedback

The project will offer feedback about what they should have been done, and how much they had done. This project will be permanently managing all the stages of the project work.

29.3.6 Increasing the work to the ONGs

The goal of this project is to help to ONGs increasing and improving their activities in the communities in several ways:

Giving pre-made programs, so they can easily adapt them, and dedicate more time to social activity.

Creating conscience of global problems, so more people is interested in the activity of ONGs.

Giving more confidence to people on ONGs having a directory of the ONGs and the work they do, creating a database to coordinate global help, permanent certificating people on ONGs to get more confidence from community on certified people. Membership and Certification programs

The certification is important because it improves effectiveness in the programs, people will seek certified professionals in the programs in the professional database of the project.

The membership gives confidence to other people to work with a specific ONG. Coordination of ONGs

The project will offer information about local groups to get help in the development of programs.

Creation and coordination of groups to make aware of the problems teach and implement solutions locally.

This will help too, to new ONGs, to choose an activity based on the activity there is not in the area. Coordinating the donations

The plan will offer the certified ONG on the project, if they want to help them. Ideas for ONGS

This are a list of ideas of activities ONGs members can do to improve the results, such as finding donors for contests.

29.3.7 One centralized Global entity for this plan

The plan needs a centralized global entity for this plan. Official website for the plan

The plan will create a web site for the programs, investigations, contests, etc.

29.3.8 Implement the project for the industry

To control the Global Warming is necessary to implement other projects implemented on this project, because they help indirectly to this plan, the most important are the restructuration of industry.

The industry of basic products, products all humans need, must work under a different regimentation, for the manufacturing, subsidized in part or totally, to reduce to the maximum the usage of resources.

The patents for basic products, belongs to the inventor, but they must be acquired by a global project and give for free to the global industry for optimize resource usage.

Regimentation to use on massive usage of resource, and this is teaching in school this a formal and stable program from the global project.

This plan will propose products and the methods to produce them to the industry. One example is how to create high quality products from garbage.


29.3.9 Mechanisms to capture CO2

We need to capture CO2 from the atmosphere; this project will analyze and propose options to capture CO2 when possible:

In the house, trees, plants and house capturers of CO2.

For business, trees, plants and artificial tree to capture CO2.

For cities, trees, plants and big CO2 capturers.

There are several ideas, i.e. Greenful Technologies captures CO2 in water and seed algae for food and plastics.

29.3.10 Regimentation for business

This will be a proposal for green business; will include a detailed analysis of all their process.

For illumination will include a recommendation.

For printing, software will be developed to manage documents electronically without printing them on PDF format.

For printed documents, like invoices, mail and other will include a guide for the size the kind of ink, and other.

Proposal to newspapers will propose a maximum number of pages, size of articles, ink, etc.

The idea is not to forbid else to reduce the wastage all of the does and propose alternative solutions.

29.3.11 Strategies related to CO2

The strategies related to CO2 are:

Reduce direct or indirect emission of CO2.

Reduce Global Temperature.

Capture CO2.

29.3.12 Strategies related to the survival of the humanity

The strategies related to the survival of the humanity consequence of Global Warming.




International treaties forecasting scantiness of the resources mentioned.

29.3.13 Investigation of new technology

Analysis, investigation and presentation of new technologies useful for programs.

29.3.14 Government Proposal of laws and regimentations

There will be an estimated of how much CO2 implies the implementation of every advice.

29.3.15 Plans to start social changes

Social changes takes years, the first years there are only a warming without regimentation, i.e. you can’t use disposable plastic bags or disposable bottles, after four years of public education and campaigns, the regimentation appears to punish those who use disposable plastic bags or disposable bottles.

29.3.16 Vision of the Plan to control Global Warming in 20 years

Vision of the Plan to control de Global Warming in 20 years Estimated Kg of CO2 to reduce yearly

for every country based on their CO2 emission

Country Tons CO2 Population Kg CO2 To capture in 20 years

Estimated(2010) Per person yearly Conversión kg co2

Afghanistan 140.339 29.117.000 5 7 Current CO2 390 ppm,00 Albania 99.199 3.195.000 31 44 The Goal 350 ppm 2.835.897.435.897.440,00 Algeria 16.500.000 35.423.000 466 660 Difference 40 ppm 324.102.564.102.564,00 Andorra - 84.082 0 - Angola 477.905 18.993.000 25 36 Yearly reduction. 2 ppm 324.102.564.102.564,00 Antarctica 254 5.000 51 72 Antigua & Barbuda 66.264 89.000 745 1.055 Argentina 32.200.000 40.518.951 795 1.126 Population 6.830.176.760,00

Armenia 795.096 3.238.000 246 348 Australia 224.000.000 22.421.417 9990 14.154 Austria 16.100.000 8.372.930 1923 2.724 Azerbaijan 9.990.207 8.997.400 1110 1.573 Bahamas 868.504 346.000 2510 3.556 Bahrain 6.173.512 807.000 7650 10.838 Bangladesh 11.700.000 164.425.000 71 101 Barbados 698.704 257.000 2719 3.852 Belarus 14.300.000 9.471.900 1510 2.139 Belgium 28.800.000 10.827.519 2660 3.768 Belize 77.464 322.100 240 341 Benin 53.555 9.212.000 6 8 Bermuda 318.952 68.500 4656 6.597 Bhutan 3.838 708.000 5 8 Bolivia 1.277.031 10.031.000 127 180 Bosnia-Herzegovina 8.575.059 3.760.000 2281 3.231 Botswana 1.601.186 1.978.000 809 1.147 Brazil 23.800.000 193.364.000 123 174 Brunei 1.516.848 407.000 3727 5.280 Bulgaria 24.500.000 7.576.751 3234 4.581 Burkina Faso 243.799 16.287.000 15 21 Burundi 2.502 8.519.000 0 0 Cambodia 76.747 13.395.682 6 8 Cameroon 157.885 19.958.000 8 11 Canada 172.000.000 34.207.000 5028 7.124 Cape Verde 34.178 513.000 67 94 Cayman Islands 204.361 57.000 3585 5.079 Central African Republic 13.682 4.506.000 3 4 Chad 75.328 11.274.106 7 9 Chile 23.600.000 17.114.000 1379 1.954 China 1.339.190.000 2330 3.301 Colombia 8.646.299 45.569.000 190 269 Comoros 13.521 691.000 20 28 Congo 16.038 67.827.000 0 0 Congo Republic 27.051 3.759.000 7 10 Costa Rica 76.915 4.640.000 17 23 Cote D'Ivoire 1.659.470 21.571.000 77 109 Croatia 4.377.874 4.435.056 987 1.398 Cuba 6.259.850 11.204.000 559 792 Cyprus 2.007.287 801.851 2503 3.546 Czech Republic 63.800.000 10.512.397 6069 8.598 Denmark 25.200.000 5.540.241 4549 6.444 Djibouti 108.528 879.000 123 175 Dominica 32.448 67.000 484 686 Dominican Republic 6.238.307 10.225.000 610 864 East Timor 5.081 1.171.000 4 6 Ecuador 2.794.708 14.228.000 196 278 Egypt 41.900.000 78.848.000 531 753 El Salvador 974.984 6.194.000 157 223 Equatorial Guinea 21.985 693.000 32 45 Eritrea 138.585 5.224.000 27 38 Estonia 3.833.811 1.340.021 2861 4.053

Ethiopia 42.923 79.221.000 1 1 Faroe Islands 104.297 48.917 2132 3.021 Fiji 164.817 854.000 193 273 Finland 31.900.000 5.366.100 5945 8.422 France 54.138.036 65.447.374 827 1.172 Gabon 354.170 1.501.000 236 334 Gambia 86.751 1.751.000 50 70 Georgia 469.002 4.436.000 106 150 Germany 429.000.000 81.757.600 5247 7.434 Ghana 325.506 24.333.000 13 19 Greece 50.000.000 11.306.183 4422 6.265 Grenada 121.891 104.000 1172 1.660 Guatemala 2.469.970 14.377.000 172 243 Guinea 225.440 10.324.000 22 31 Guinea-Bissau 30.307 1.647.000 18 26 Guyana 454.897 761.000 598 847 Haiti 168.862 10.188.000 17 23 Honduras 2.066.476 7.616.000 271 384 Hungary 16.000.000 10.013.628 1598 2.264 Iceland 15.273 317.900 48 68 India 638.000.000 1.184.639.000 539 763 Indonesia 91.200.000 234.181.400 389 552 Iran 82.000.000 75.078.000 1092 1.547 Iraq 14.900.000 31.467.000 474 671 Ireland 17.500.000 4.459.300 3924 5.560 Isle Of Man 189.078 80.000 2363 3.348 Israel 44.500.000 7.602.400 5853 8.293 Italy 168.000.000 60.340.328 2784 3.944 Jamaica 2.736.374 2.730.000 1002 1.420 Japan 414.000.000 127.380.000 3250 4.604 Jordan 4.308.770 6.472.000 666 943 Kazakhstan 59.700.000 16.197.000 3686 5.222 Kenya 543.035 40.863.000 13 19 Kiribati 9.581 100.000 96 136 Kuwait 12.800.000 3.051.000 4195 5.944 Kyrgyzstan 791.936 5.550.000 143 202 Laos 32.177 6.436.000 5 7 Latvia 960.554 2.237.800 429 608 Lebanon 3.730.900 4.255.000 877 1.242 Lesotho 733 2.084.000 0 0 Liberia 155.446 3.476.608 45 63 Libya 9.572.325 6.546.000 1462 2.072 Liechtenstein 3.001 35.904 84 118 Lithuania 1.194.364 3.329.227 359 508 Luxembourg 1.522.217 502.207 3031 4.294 Macedonia 5.719.753 2.048.620 2792 3.955 Madagascar 198.437 21.146.000 9 13 Malawi 20.574 15.692.000 1 2 Malaysia 65.300.000 28.306.700 2307 3.268 Maldives 113.055 314.000 360 510 Mali 132.820 14.517.176 9 13 Malta 935.081 416.333 2246 3.182 Marshall Islands 12.516 63.000 199 281 Mauritania 112.418 3.366.000 33 47 Mauritius 1.697.803 1.297.000 1309 1.855 Mexico 102.000.000 108.396.211 941 1.333 Micronesia 9.100 111.000 82 116 Moldova 3.225.697 3.563.800 905 1.282 Monaco 7.260 33.000 220 312 Mongolia 5.153.120 2.768.800 1861 2.637 Montenegro 1.276.087 641.966 1988 2.816 Morocco 18.300.000 31.892.000 574 813 Mozambique 20.934 23.406.000 1 1 Myanmar 3.022.973 50.496.000 60 85 Namibia 88.262 2.212.000 40 57 Nauru 20.137 10.000 2014 2.853 Nepal 17.903 29.853.000 1 1 Netherlands 61.000.000 16.609.518 3673 5.203 New Zealand 9.590.248 4.383.600 2188 3.099 Nicaragua 1.043.166 5.822.000 179 254 Niger 321.158 15.891.000 20 29 Nigeria 7.786.284 158.259.000 49 70 Norway 826.793 4.896.700 169 239 Oman 6.900.855 2.905.000 2376 3.365 Pakistan 25.100.000 170.260.000 147 209 Palau 6.069 20.000 303 430 Palestine 60.544 3.935.249 15 22 Panama 694.865 3.322.576 209 296

Papua New Guinea 1.318.200 6.888.000 191 271 Paraguay 7.675 6.460.000 1 2 Peru 4.537.167 29.461.933 154 218 Philippines 34.600.000 94.013.200 368 521 Poland 180.000.000 38.167.329 4716 6.681 Portugal 24.600.000 10.636.888 2313 3.276 Qatar 7.521.227 1.696.563 4433 6.281 Romania 35.100.000 21.466.174 1635 2.317 Russia 478.000.000 141.927.297 3368 4.771 Rwanda 25 10.277.000 0 0 Samoa 23.339 179.000 130 185 Saint Lucia 182.044 174.000 1046 1.482 Saint Kitts & Nevis 68.320 38.960 1754 2.484 Sao Tome & Principe 7.228 165.000 44 62 Saudi Arabia 70.800.000 26.246.000 2698 3.822 Senegal 885.414 12.861.000 69 98 Serbia & Montenegro 37.000.000 9.856.000 3754 5.318 Seychelles 111.600 85.000 1313 1.860 Sierra Leone 130.589 5.836.000 22 32 Singapore 14.500.000 4.987.600 2907 4.119 Slovakia 10.600.000 5.426.645 1953 2.767 Slovenia 6.145.175 2.062.700 2979 4.221 Solomon Islands 39.490 536.000 74 104 Somalia 146.864 9.359.000 16 22 South Africa 218.000.000 49.991.300 4361 6.178 South Korea 192.000.000 49.773.145 3858 5.465 North Korea 10.400.000 23.991.000 433 614 Spain 152.000.000 46.951.532 3237 4.586 Sri Lanka 1.913.505 20.410.000 94 133 St Vincent & Grenadines 51.074 109.000 469 664 Sudan 1.519.321 39.154.490 39 55 Suriname 95.127 524.000 182 257 Swaziland 26.754 1.202.000 22 32 Sweden 2.859.718 9.366.092 305 433 Switzerland 304.919 7.782.900 39 56 Syria 12.500.000 22.505.000 555 787 Taiwan (China) 137.000.000 23.146.090 5919 8.385 Tajikistan 212.915 7.075.000 30 43 Tanzania 110.891 45.040.000 2 3 Thailand 77.000.000 63.525.062 1212 1.717 Togo 56.582 6.780.000 8 12 Tonga 19.235 104.000 185 262 Trinidad & Tobago 3.150.200 1.344.000 2344 3.321 Tunisia 5.657.571 10.432.500 542 768 Turkey 100.000.000 72.561.312 1378 1.952 Turkmenistan 5.300.433 5.177.000 1024 1.450 Tuvalu 1.479 10.000 148 210 Uganda 19.566 33.796.000 1 1 Ukraine 73.400.000 45.871.738 1600 2.267 United Arab Emirates 26.600.000 4.707.000 5651 8.006 United Kingdom 227.000.000 62.041.708 3659 5.183 United States 2.820.000.000 309.975.000 9098 12.889 Uruguay 491.793 3.372.000 146 207 Uzbekistan 30.600.000 27.794.000 1101 1.560 Vanuatu 27.603 246.000 112 159 Venezuela 12.200.000 28.888.000 422 598 Vietnam 27.900.000 85.789.573 325 461 Yemen 2.249.916 24.256.000 93 131 Zambia 18.355 13.257.000 1 2 Zimbabwe 5.188.418 12.644.000 410 581

11.438.577.892 6.830.176.760 252218 357.323

Sources Data from CARMA (
