Page 1: THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH William …Prince No; thou shalt. Fal Shall I? O rare! By the Lord, I’ll be a brave judge. Prince Thou judgest false already. I mean, thou



William Shakespeare

Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) - English dramatist and poet widely regarded as thegreatest and most influential writer in all of world literature. The richness ofShakespeare’s genius transcends time; his keen observation and psychological insightare, to this day, without rival. The First Part of King Henry IV (1597-1598) - A historydepicting the early years of the reign of England’s King Henry IV, in which the king’sson, Prince Hal, saves Henry’s life.

Page 2: THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH William …Prince No; thou shalt. Fal Shall I? O rare! By the Lord, I’ll be a brave judge. Prince Thou judgest false already. I mean, thou

Table Of Contents

ACT I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4ACT II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17ACT III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40ACT IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43ACT V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Page 3: THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH William …Prince No; thou shalt. Fal Shall I? O rare! By the Lord, I’ll be a brave judge. Prince Thou judgest false already. I mean, thou


King Henry the Fourth.Henry, Prince of Wales, son to the King.Prince John of Lancaster, son to the King.Earl of Westmoreland.Sir Walter Blunt.Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester.Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland.Henry Percy, surnamed Hotspur, his son.Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March.Richard Scroop, Archbishop of York.Archibald, Earl of Douglas.Owen Glendower.Sir Richard Vernon.Sir John Falstaff.Sir Michael, a friend to the Archbishop of York.Poins Gadshill Peto Bardolph. Lady Percy, wife to Hotspur, and sister to Mortimer.Lady Mortimer, daughter to Glendower, and wife to Mortimer.Mistress Quickly, hostess of the Boar’s Head in Eastcheap. Lords, Officers, Sheriff,Vintner, Chamberlain, Drawers, two Carriers, Travellers, and Attendants. SCENE.—England and Wales.

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Scene I.

London. The Palace. - Enter the King, Lord John of Lancaster, Earl of Westmoreland,[Sir Walter Blunt,] with others. King So shaken as we are, so wan with care, Find we atime for frighted peace to pant And breathe short-winded accents of new broils To becommenc’d in stronds afar remote.No more the thirsty entrance of this soil Shall daub her lips with her own children’sblood.No more shall trenching war channel her fields, Nor Bruise her flow’rets with thearmed hoofs Of hostile paces. Those opposed eyes Which, like the meteors of a troubledheaven, All of one nature, of one substance bred, Did lately meet in the intestine shockAnd furious close of civil butchery, Shall now in mutual well-beseeming ranks Marchall one way and be no more oppos’d Against acquaintance, kindred, and allies.The edge of war, like an ill-sheathed knife, No more shall cut his master. Therefore,friends, As far as to the sepulchre of ChristWhose soldier now, under whose blessedcross We are impressed and engag’d to fightForthwith a power of English shall welevy, Whose arms were moulded in their mother’s womb To chase these pagans inthose holy fields Over whose acres walk’d those blessed feet Which fourteen hundredyears ago were nail’d For our advantage on the bitter cross.But this our purpose now is twelvemonth old, And bootless ‘tis to tell you we will go.Therefore we meet not now. Then let me hear Of you, my gentle cousin Westmoreland,What yesternight our Council did decree In forwarding this dear expedience.West My liege, this haste was hot in question And many limits of the charge set downBut yesternight; when all athwart there came A post from Wales, loaden with heavynews; Whose worst was that the noble Mortimer, Leading the men of Herefordshire tofight Against the irregular and wild Glendower, Was by the rude hands of thatWelshman taken, A thousand of his people butchered; Upon whose dead corpse therewas such misuse, Such beastly shameless transformation, By those Welshwomen doneas may not be Without much shame retold or spoken of.King It seems then that the tidings of this broil Brake off our business for the HolyLand.West This, match’d with other, did, my gracious lord; For more uneven andunwelcome news Came from the North, and thus it did import: On Holy-rood Day thegallant Hotspur there, Young Harry Percy, and brave Archibald, That ever-valiant andapproved Scot, At Holmedon met, Where they did spend a sad and bloody hour; As bydischarge of their artillery And shape of likelihood the news was told; For he thatbrought them, in the very heat And pride of their contention did take horse, Uncertainof the issue any way.King Here is a dear, a true-industrious friend, Sir Walter Blunt, new lighted from hishorse, Stain’d with the variation of each soil Betwixt that Holmedon and this seat ofours, And he hath brought us smooth and welcome news.

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The Earl of Douglas is discomfited; Ten thousand bold Scots, two-and-twenty knights,Balk’d in their own blood did Sir Walter see On Holmedon’s plains. Of prisoners,Hotspur took Mordake Earl of Fife and eldest son To beaten Douglas, and the Earl ofAthol, Of Murray, Angus, and Menteith.And is not this an honourable spoil? A gallant prize? Ha, cousin, is it not?West In faith, It is a conquest for a prince to boast of.King Yea, there thou mak’st me sad, and mak’st me sin In envy that my LordNorthumberland Should be the father to so blest a sonA son who is the theme ofhonour’s tongue, Amongst a grove the very straightest plant; Who is sweet Fortune’sminion and her pride; Whilst I, by looking on the praise of him, See riot and dishonourstain the brow Of my young Harry. O that it could be prov’d That some night-trippingfairy had exchang’d In cradle clothes our children where they lay, And call’d minePercy, his Plantagenet!Then would I have his Harry, and he mine.But let him from my thoughts. What think you, coz, Of this young Percy’s pride? Theprisoners Which he in this adventure hath surpris’d To his own use he keeps, andsends me word I shall have none but Mordake Earl of Fife.West This is his uncle’s teaching, this Worcester, Malevolent to you In all aspects,Which makes him prune himself and bristle up The crest of youth against your dignity.King But I have sent for him to answer this; And for this cause awhile we must neglectOur holy purpose to Jerusalem.Cousin, on Wednesday next our council we Will hold at Windsor. So inform the lords;But come yourself with speed to us again; For more is to be said and to be done Thanout of anger can be uttered.West I will my liege.Exeunt.

Scene II.

London. An apartment of the Prince’s. - Enter Prince of Wales and Sir John Falstaff. FalNow, Hal, what time of day is it, lad? Prince Thou art so fat-witted with drinking ofold sack, and unbuttoning thee after supper, and sleeping upon benches after noon,that thou hast forgotten to demand that truly which thou wouldest truly know. What adevil hast thou to do with the time of the day, Unless hours were cups of sack, andminutes capons, and clocks the tongues of bawds, and dials the signs of leaping houses,and the blessed sun himself a fair hot wench in flame-coloured taffeta, I see no reasonwhy thou shouldst be so superfluous to demand the time of the day.Fal Indeed you come near me now, Hal; for we that take purses go by the moon Andthe seven stars, and not by Phoebus, he, that wand’ring knight so fair. And I prithee,sweet wag, when thou art king, as, God save thy Grace-Majesty I should say, for gracethou wilt have none Prince What, none? Fal No, by my troth; not so much as will serveto be prologue to an egg and butter.Prince Well, how then? Come, roundly, roundly.

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Fal Marry, then, sweet wag, when thou art king, let not us that are squires of the night’sbody be called thieves of the day’s beauty. Let us be Diana’s Foresters, Gentlemen ofthe Shade, Minions of the Moon; and let men say we be men of good government,being governed as the sea is, by our noble and chaste mistress the moon, under whosecountenance we steal.Prince Thou sayest well, and it holds well too; for the fortune of us that are the moon’smen doth ebb and flow like the sea, being governed, as the sea is, by the moon. As, forproof now: a purse of gold most resolutely snatch’d on Monday night and mostdissolutely spent on Tuesday morning; got with swearing ‘Lay by,’ and spent withcrying ‘Bring in’; now ill as low an ebb as the foot of the ladder, and by-and-by in ashigh a flow as the ridge of the gallows.Fal By the Lord, thou say’st true, lad- and is not my hostess of the tavern a most sweetwench? Prince As the honey of Hybla, my old lad of the castle- and is not a buff jerkin amost sweet robe of durance? Fal How now, how now, mad wag? What, in thy quipsand thy quiddities? What a plague have I to do with a buff jerkin? Prince Why, what apox have I to do with my hostess of the tavern? Fal Well, thou hast call’d her to areckoning many a time and oft.Prince Did I ever call for thee to pay thy part? Fal No; I’ll give thee thy due, thou hastpaid all there.Prince Yea, and elsewhere, so far as my coin would stretch; and where it would not, Ihave used my credit.Fal Yea, and so us’d it that, were it not here apparent that thou art heir apparent- But Iprithee, sweet wag, shall there be gallows standing in England when thou art king?and resolution thus fubb’d as it is with the rusty curb of old father antic the law? Donot thou, when thou art king, hang a thief.Prince No; thou shalt.Fal Shall I? O rare! By the Lord, I’ll be a brave judge.Prince Thou judgest false already. I mean, thou shalt have the hanging of the thievesand so become a rare hangman.Fal Well, Hal, well; and in some sort it jumps with my humour as well as waiting in thecourt, I can tell you.Prince For obtaining of suits? Fal Yea, for obtaining of suits, whereof the hangman hathno lean wardrobe. ‘Sblood, I am as melancholy as a gib-cat or a lugg’d bear.Prince Or an old lion, or a lover’s lute.Fal Yea, or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe.Prince What sayest thou to a hare, or the melancholy of Moor Ditch? Fal Thou hast themost unsavoury similes, and art indeed the most comparative, rascalliest, sweet youngprince. But, Hal, I prithee trouble me no more with vanity. I would to God thou and Iknew where a commodity of good names were to be bought. An old lord of the Councilrated me the other day in the street about you, sir, but I mark’d him not; and yet hetalked very wisely, but I regarded him not; and yet he talk’d wisely, and in the streettoo.Prince Thou didst well; for wisdom cries out in the streets, and no man regards it.

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Fal O, thou hast damnable iteration, and art indeed able to corrupt a saint. Thou hastdone much harm upon me, Hal- God forgive thee for it! Before I knew thee, Hal, Iknew nothing; and now am I, if a man should speak truly, little better than one of thewicked. I must give over this life, and I will give it over!By the Lord, an I do not, I am a villain! I’ll be damn’d for never a king’s son inChristendom.Prince Where shall we take a purse tomorrow, Jack? Fal Zounds, where thou wilt, lad!I’ll make one. An I do not, call me villain and baffle me.Prince I see a good amendment of life in thee- from praying to purse-taking.Fal Why, Hal, ‘tis my vocation, Hal. ‘Tis no sin for a man to labour in his vocation.Enter Poins. Poins! Now shall we know if Gadshill have set a match. O, if men were tobe saved by merit, what hole in hell were hot enough for him? This is the mostomnipotent villain that ever cried ‘Stand!’ to a true man.Prince Good morrow, Ned.Poins Good morrow, sweet Hal. What says Monsieur Remorse? What says Sir JohnSack and Sugar? Jack, how agrees the devil and thee about thy soul, that thou soldesthim on Good Friday last for a cup of Madeira and a cold capon’s leg? Prince Sir Johnstands to his word, the devil shall have his bargain; for he was never yet a breaker ofproverbs. He will give the devil his due.Poins Then art thou damn’d for keeping thy word with the devil.Prince Else he had been damn’d for cozening the devil.Poins But, my lads, my lads, to-morrow morning, by four o’clock early, at Gadshill!There are pilgrims gong to Canterbury with rich offerings, and traders riding toLondon with fat purses. I have vizards for you all; you have horses for yourselves.Gadshill lies to-night in Rochester. I have bespoke supper to-morrow night inEastcheap. We may do it as secure as sleep. If you will go, I will stuff your purses fullof crowns; if you will not, tarry at home and be hang’d!Fal Hear ye, Yedward: if I tarry at home and go not, I’ll hang you for going.Poins You will, chops?Fal Hal, wilt thou make one? Prince Who, I rob? I a thief? Not I, by my faith.Fal There’s neither honesty, manhood, nor good fellowship in thee, nor thou cam’st notof the blood royal if thou darest not stand for ten shillings.Prince Well then, once in my days I’ll be a madcap.Fal Why, that’s well said.Prince Well, come what will, I’ll tarry at home.Fal By the Lord, I’ll be a traitor then, when thou art king.Prince I care not.Poins Sir John, I prithee, leave the Prince and me alone. I will lay him down suchreasons for this adventure that he shall go.Fal Well, God give thee the spirit of persuasion and him the ears of profiting, that whatthou speakest may move and what he hears may be believed, that the true prince may(for recreation sake) prove a false thief; for the poor abuses of the time wantcountenance. Farewell; you shall find me in Eastcheap.Prince Farewell, thou latter spring! farewell, All-hallown summer!

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Exit Falstaff.Poins Now, my good sweet honey lord, ride with us to-morrow. I have a jest to executethat I cannot manage alone. Falstaff, Bardolph, Peto, and Gadshill shall rob those menthat we have already waylaid; yourself and I will not be there; and when they have thebooty, if you and I do not rob them, cut this head off from my shoulders.Prince How shall we part with them in setting forth?Poins Why, we will set forth before or after them and appoint them a place of meeting,wherein it is at our pleasure to fail; and then will they adventure upon the exploitthemselves; which they shall have no sooner achieved, but we’ll set upon them.Prince Yea, but ‘tis like that they will know us by our horses, by our habits, and byevery other appointment, to be ourselves.Poins Tut! our horses they shall not see- I’ll tie them in the wood; our wizards we willchange after we leave them; and, sirrah, I have cases of buckram for the nonce, toimmask our noted outward garments.Prince Yea, but I doubt they will be too hard for us.Poins Well, for two of them, I know them to be as true-bred cowards as ever turn’dback; and for the third, if he fight longer than he sees reason, I’ll forswear arms. Thevirtue of this jest will lie the incomprehensible lies that this same fat rogue will tell uswhen we meet at supper: how thirty, at least, he fought with; what wards, what blows,what extremities he endured; and in the reproof of this lies the jest.Prince Well, I’ll go with thee. Provide us all things necessary and meet me to-night inEastcheap. There I’ll sup. Farewell.Poins Farewell, my lord.Exit.Prince I know you all, and will awhile uphold The unyok’d humour of your idleness.Yet herein will I imitate the sun, Who doth permit the base contagious clouds Tosmother up his beauty from the world, That, when he please again to lie himself, Beingwanted, he may be more wond’red at By breaking through the foul and ugly mists Ofvapours that did seem to strangle him.If all the year were playing holidays, To sport would be as tedious as to work; Butwhen they seldom come, they wish’d-for come, And nothing pleaseth but rareaccidents.So, when this loose behaviour I throw off And pay the debt I never promised, By howmuch better than my word I am, By so much shall I falsify men’s hopes; And, likebright metal on a sullen ground, My reformation, glitt’ring o’er my fault, Shall showmore goodly and attract more eyes Than that which hath no foil to set it off.I’ll so offend to make offence a skill, Redeeming time when men think least I will.Exit.

Scene III.

London. The Palace. - Enter the King, Northumberland, Worcester, Hotspur, Sir WalterBlunt, with others. King My blood hath been too cold and temperate, Unapt to stir atthese indignities, And you have found me, for accordingly You tread upon my

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patience; but be sure I will from henceforth rather be myself, Mighty and to be fear’d,than my condition, Which hath been smooth as oil, soft as young down, And thereforelost that title of respect Which the proud soul ne’er pays but to the proud.Wor Our house, my sovereign liege, little deserves The scourge of greatness to be us’don itAnd that same greatness too which our own hands Have holp to make so portly.North My lordKing Worcester, get thee gone; for I do see Danger and disobedience inthine eye.O, sir, your presence is too bold and peremptory, And majesty might never yet endureThe moody frontier of a servant brow.Tou have good leave to leave us. When we need ‘Your use and counsel, we shall sendfor you.Exit Worcester.You were about to speak.North Yea, my good lord.Those prisoners in your Highness’ name demanded Which Harry Percy here atHolmedon took, Were, as he says, not with such strength denied As is delivered toyour Majesty.Either envy, therefore, or misprision Is guilty of this fault, and not my son.Hot My liege, I did deny no prisoners.But I remember, when the fight was done, When I was dry with rage and extreme toll,Breathless and faint, leaning upon my sword, Came there a certain lord, neat andtrimly dress’d, Fresh as a bridegroom; and his chin new reap’d Show’d like a stubbleland at harvest home.He was perfumed like a milliner, And ‘twixt his finger and his thumb he held Apouncet box, which ever and anon He gave his nose, and took’t away again; Whotherewith angry, when it next came there, Took it in snuff; and still he smil’d andtalk’d; And as the soldiers bore dead bodies by, He call’d them untaught knaves,unmannerly, To bring a slovenly unhandsome corse Betwixt the wind and his nobility.With many holiday and lady terms He questioned me, amongst the rest demanded Myprisoners in your Majesty’s behalf.I then, all smarting with my wounds being cold, To be so pest’red with a popingay, Outof my grief and my impatience Answer’d neglectingly, I know not whatHe should, orhe should not; for he made me mad To see him shine so brisk, and smell so sweet, Andtalk so like a waiting gentlewoman Of guns and drums and wounds- God save themark!And telling me the sovereignest thing on earth Was parmacity for an inwardbruise; And that it was great pity, so it was, This villanous saltpetre should be digg’dOut of the bowels of the harmless earth, Which many a good tall fellow had destroy’dSo cowardly; and but for these vile ‘guns, He would himself have been a soldier.This bald unjointed chat of his, my lord, I answered indirectly, as I said, And I beseechyou, let not his report Come current for an accusation Betwixt my love and your highmajesty.Blunt The circumstance considered, good my lord, Whate’er Lord Harry Percy thenhad said To such a person, and in such a place, At such a time, with all the rest retold,

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May reasonably die, and never rise To do him wrong, or any way impeach What thenhe said, so he unsay it now.King Why, yet he doth deny his prisoners, But with proviso and exception, That we atour own charge shall ransom straight His brother-in-law, the foolish Mortimer; Who,on my soul, hath wilfully betray’d The lives of those that he did lead to fight Againstthat great magician, damn’d Glendower, Whose daughter, as we hear, the Earl ofMarch Hath lately married. Shall our coffers, then, Be emptied to redeem a traitorhome? Shall we buy treason? and indent with fears When they have lost and forfeitedthemselves? No, on the barren mountains let him starve!For I shall never hold that man my friend Whose tongue shall ask me for one pennycost To ransom home revolted Mortimer.Hot Revolted Mortimer? He never did fall off, my sovereign liege, But by the chance ofwar. To prove that true Needs no more but one tongue for all those wounds, Thosemouthed wounds, which valiantly he took When on the gentle Severn’s sedgy bank, Insingle opposition hand to hand, He did confound the best part of an hour In changinghardiment with great Glendower.Three times they breath’d, and three times did they drink, Upon agreement, of swiftSevern’s flood; Who then, affrighted with their bloody looks, Ran fearfully among thetrembling reeds And hid his crisp head in the hollow bank, Bloodstained with thesevaliant cohabitants.Never did base and rotten policy Colour her working with such deadly wounds; Nornever could the noble Mortimer Receive so many, and all willingly.Then let not him be slandered with revolt.King Thou dost belie him, Percy, thou dost belie him!He never did encounter with Glendower.I tell thee He durst as well have met the devil alone As Owen Glendower for an enemy.Art thou not asham’d? But, sirrah, henceforth Let me not hear you speak of Mortimer.Send me your prisoners with the speediest means, Or you shall hear in such a kindfrom me As will displease you. My Lord Northumberland, We license your departurewith your son.Send us your prisoners, or you will hear of it.Exeunt King, [Blunt, and Train] Hot An if the devil come and roar for them, I will notsend them. I will after straight And tell him so; for I will else my heart, Albeit I make ahazard of my head.North What, drunk with choler? Stay, and pause awhile.Here comes your uncle. Enter Worcester. Hot Speak of Mortimer? Zounds, I will speakof him, and let my soul Want mercy if I do not join with him!Yea, on his part I’ll empty all these veins, And shed my dear blood drop by drop in thedust, But I will lift the downtrod Mortimer As high in the air as this unthankful king,As this ingrate and cank’red Bolingbroke.North Brother, the King hath made your nephew mad.Wor Who struck this heat up after I was gone? Hot He will (forsooth) have all myprisoners; And when I urg’d the ransom once again Of my wive’s brother, then hischeek look’d pale, And on my face he turn’d an eye of death, Trembling even at thename of Mortimer.

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Wor I cannot blame him. Was not he proclaim’d By Richard that dead is, the next ofblood? North He was; I heard the proclamation.And then it was when the unhappy King (Whose wrongs in us God pardon!) did setforth Upon his Irish expedition; From whence he intercepted did return To be depos’d,and shortly murdered.Wor And for whose death we in the world’s wide mouth Live scandaliz’d and foullyspoken of.Hot But soft, I pray you. Did King Richard then Proclaim my brother EdmundMortimer Heir to the crown? North He did; myself did hear it.Hot Nay, then I cannot blame his cousin king, That wish’d him on the barrenmountains starve.But shall it be that you, that set the crown Upon the head of this forgetful man, And forhis sake wear the detested blot Of murtherous subornation- shall it be That you a worldof curses undergo, Being the agents or base second means, The cords, the ladder, or thehangman rather?O, pardon me that I descend so low To show the line and the predicament Wherein yourange under this subtile king!Shall it for shame be spoken in these days, Or fill up chronicles in time to come, Thatmen of your nobility and power Did gage them both in an unjust behalf (As both ofyou, God pardon it! have done) To put down Richard, that sweet lovely rose, And plantthis thorn, this canker, Bolingbroke? And shall it in more shame be further spoken Thatyou are fool’d, discarded, and shook off By him for whom these shames ye underwent?No! yet time serves wherein you may redeem Your banish’d honours and restoreyourselves Into the good thoughts of the world again; Revenge the jeering anddisdain’d contempt Of this proud king, who studies day and night To answer all thedebt he owes to you Even with the bloody payment of your deaths.Therefore I say Wor Peace, cousin, say no more; And now, I will unclasp a secret book,And to your quick-conceiving discontents I’ll read you matter deep and dangerous, Asfull of peril and adventurous spirit As to o’erwalk a current roaring loud On theunsteadfast footing of a spear.Hot If he fall in, good night, or sink or swim!Send danger from the east unto the west, So honour cross it from the north to south,And let them grapple. O, the blood more stirs To rouse a lion than to start a hare!North Imagination of some great exploit Drives him beyond the bounds of patience.Hot By heaven, methinks it were an easy leap To pluck bright honour from the palefac’d moon, Or dive into the bottom of the deep, Where fadom line could never touchthe ground, And pluck up drowned honour by the locks, So he that doth redeem herthence might wear Without corrival all her dignities; But out upon this half-fac’dfellowship!Wor He apprehends a world of figures here, But not the form of what he should attend.Good cousin, give me audience for a while.Hot I cry you mercy.Wor Those same noble Scots That are your prisonersHot I’ll keep them all.By God, he shall not have a Scot of them!

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No, if a Scot would save his soul, he shall not.I’ll keep them, by this hand!Wor You start away.And lend no ear unto my purposes.Those prisoners you shall keep.Hot Nay, I will! That is flat!He said he would not ransom Mortimer, Forbade my tongue to speak of Mortimer, ButI will find him when he lies asleep, And in his ear I’ll holloa ‘Mortimer.’ Nay; I’ll havea starling shall be taught to speak Nothing but ‘Mortimer,’ and give it him To keep hisanger still in motion.Wor Hear you, cousin, a word.Hot All studies here I solemnly defy Save how to gall and pinch this Bolingbroke; Andthat same sword-and-buckler Prince of WalesBut that I think his father loves him notAnd would be glad he met with some mischance, I would have him poisoned with apot of ale.Wor Farewell, kinsman. I will talk to you When you are better temper’d to attend.North Why, what a wasp-stung and impatient fool Art thou to break into this woman’smood, Tying thine ear to no tongue but thine own!Hot Why, look you, I am whipp’d and scourg’d with rods, Nettled, and stung withpismires when I hear Of this vile politician, Bolingbroke.In Richard’s time- what do you call the placeA plague upon it! it is inGIoucestershire‘Twas where the madcap Duke his uncle keptHis uncle York- where Ifirst bow’d my knee Unto this king of smiles, this Bolingbroke‘S blood!When you and he came back from Ravenspurgh North At Berkeley Castle.Hot You say true.Why, what a candy deal of courtesy This fawning greyhound then did proffer me!Look, ‘when his infant fortune came to age,’ And ‘gentle Harry Percy,’ and ‘kindcousin’O, the devil take such cozeners!- God forgive me!Good uncle, tell your tale, for I have done.Wor Nay, if you have not, to it again.We will stay your leisure.Hot I have done, i’ faith.Wor Then once more to your Scottish prisoners.Deliver them up without their ransom straight, And make the Douglas’ son your onlymean For powers In Scotland; which, for divers reasons Which I shall send you written,e assur’d Will easily be granted. [To Northumberland] You, my lord, Your son inScotland being thus employ’d, Shall secretly into the bosom creep Of that same nobleprelate well-belov’d, The Archbishop.Hot Of York, is it not? Wor True; who bears hard His brother’s death at Bristow, theLord Scroop.I speak not this in estimation, As what I think might be, but what I know Is ruminated,plotted, and set down, And only stays but to behold the face Of that occasion that shallbring it on.Hot I smell it. Upon my life, it will do well.

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North Before the game is afoot thou still let’st slip.Hot Why, it cannot choose but be a noble plot.And then the power of Scotland and of York To join with Mortimer, ha? Wor And sothey shall.Hot In faith, it is exceedingly well aim’d.Wor And ‘tis no little reason bids us speed, To save our heads by raising of a head; For,bear ourselves as even as we can, The King will always think him in our debt, Andthink we think ourselves unsatisfied, Till he hath found a time to pay us home.And see already how he doth begin To make us strangers to his looks of love.Hot He does, he does! We’ll be reveng’d on him.Wor Cousin, farewell. No further go in this Than I by letters shall direct your course.When time is ripe, which will be suddenly, I’ll steal to Glendower and Lord Mortimer,Where you and Douglas, and our pow’rs at once, As I will fashion it, shall happilymeet, To bear our fortunes in our own strong arms, Which now we hold at muchuncertainty.North Farewell, good brother. We shall thrive, I trust.Hot Uncle, adieu. O, let the hours be short Till fields and blows and groans applaudour sport! Exeunt.

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Scene I.Rochester An inn yard. Enter a Carrier with a lantern in his hand. -

1 Car. Heigh-ho! an it be not four by the day, I’ll be hang’d.

Charles’ wain is over the new chimney, and yet our horse not pack’d.- What, ostler!Ost [within] Anon, anon.

1 Car. I prithee, Tom, beat Cut’s saddle, put a few flocks in the point. Poor jade iswrung in the withers out of all cess. Enter another Carrier. -

2 Car. Peas and beans are as dank here as a dog, and that is thenext way to give poor jades the bots. This house is turned upside down since RobinOstler died.

1 Car. Poor fellow never joyed since the price of oats rose. It was the death of him.

2 Car. I think this be the most villanous house in all London road for fleas. I am stunglike a tench.

1 Car. Like a tench I By the mass, there is ne’er a king christen could be better bit than Ihave been since the first cock.

2 Car. Why, they will allow us ne’er a jordan, and then we leak in your chimney, andyour chamber-lye breeds fleas like a loach.

1 Car. What, ostler! come away and be hang’d! come away!2 Car. I have a gammon of bacon and two razes of ginger, to be delivered as far asCharing Cross.

1 Car. God’s body! the turkeys in my pannier are quite starved.

What, ostler! A plague on thee! hast thou never an eye in thy head? Canst not hear? An‘twere not as good deed as drink to break the pate on thee, I am a very villain. Come,and be hang’d!

Hast no faith in thee? Enter Gadshill. Gads Good morrow, carriers. What’s o’clock?1 Car. I think it be two o’clock.

Gads I prithee lend me this lantern to see my gelding in the stable.

1 Car. Nay, by God, soft! I know a trick worth two of that, i’ faith.

Gads I pray thee lend me thine.

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2 Car. Ay, when? canst tell? Lend me thy lantern, quoth he? Marry, I’ll see thee hang’dfirst!

Gads Sirrah carrier, what time do you mean to come to London?2 Car. Time enough to go to bed with a candle, I warrant thee.

Come, neighbour Mugs, we’ll call up the gentlemen. They will along with company, forthey have great charge.

Exeunt [Carriers].

Gads What, ho! chamberlain! Enter Chamberlain. Cham At hand, quoth pickpurse.

Gads That’s even as fair as- ‘at hand, quoth the chamberlain’; for thou variest no morefrom picking of purses than giving direction doth from labouring: thou layest the plothow.

Cham Good morrow, Master Gadshill. It holds current that I told you yesternight.There’s a franklin in the Wild of Kent hath brought three hundred marks with him ingold. I heard him tell it to one of his company last night at supper- a kind of auditor;one that hath abundance of charge too, God knows what. They are up already and callfor eggs and butter. They will away presently.

Gads Sirrah, if they meet not with Saint Nicholas’ clerks, I’ll give thee this neck.

Cham No, I’ll none of it. I pray thee keep that for the hangman; for I know thouworshippest Saint Nicholas as truly as a man of falsehood may.

Gads What talkest thou to me of the hangman? If I hang, I’ll make a fat pair of gallows;for if I hang, old Sir John hangs with me, and thou knowest he is no starveling. Tut!there are other Troyans that thou dream’st not of, the which for sport sake are contentto do the profession some grace; that would (if matters should be look’d into) for theirown credit sake make all whole.

I am joined with no foot land-rakers, no long-staff sixpenny strikers, none of these madmustachio purple-hued maltworms; but with nobility, and tranquillity, burgomastersand great oneyers, such as can hold in, such as will strike sooner than speak, and speaksooner than drink, and drink sooner than pray; and yet, zounds, I lie; for they praycontinually to their saint, the commonwealth, or rather, not pray to her, but prey onher, for they ride up and down on her and make her their boots.

Cham What, the commonwealth their boots? Will she hold out water in foul way? GadsShe will, she will! Justice hath liquor’d her. We steal as in a castle, cocksure. We havethe receipt of fernseed, we walk invisible.

Cham Nay, by my faith, I think you are more beholding to the night than to fernseedfor your walking invisible.

Gads Give me thy hand. Thou shalt have a share in our purchase, as I and a true man.

Cham Nay, rather let me have it, as you are a false thief.

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Gads Go to; ‘homo’ is a common name to all men. Bid the ostler bring my gelding outof the stable. Farewell, you muddy knave.


Scene II.

The highway near Gadshill. - Enter Prince and Poins. Poins Come, shelter, shelter! Ihave remov’d Falstaff’s horse, and he frets like a gumm’d velvet.

Prince Stand close.

[They step aside.] Enter Falstaff. Fal Poins! Poins, and be hang’d! Poins!Prince I comes forward I Peace, ye fat-kidney’d rascal! What a brawling dost thou keep!

Fal Where’s Poins, Hal? Prince He is walk’d up to the top of the hill. I’ll go seek him.

[Steps aside.] Fal I am accurs’d to rob in that thief’s company. The rascal hath removedmy horse and tied him I know not where. If I travel but four foot by the squire furtherafoot, I shall break my wind.Well, I doubt not but to die a fair death for all this, if I scape hanging for killing thatrogue. I have forsworn his company hourly any time this two-and-twenty years, andyet I am bewitch’d with the rogue’s company. If the rascal have not given me medicinesto make me love him, I’ll be hang’d. It could not be else. I have drunk medicines. Poins!Hal! A plague upon you both!

Bardolph! Peto! I’ll starve ere I’ll rob a foot further. An ‘twere not as good a deed asdrink to turn true man and to leave these rogues, I am the veriest varlet that everchewed with a tooth. Eight yards of uneven ground is threescore and ten miles afootwith me, and the stony-hearted villains know it well enough. A plague upon it whenthieves cannot be true one to another!

(They whistle.) Whew! A plague upon you all! Give me my horse, you rogues! give memy horse and be hang’d!Prince [comes forward] Peace, ye fat-guts! Lie down, lay thine ear close to the ground,and list if thou canst hear the tread of travellers.

Fal Have you any levers to lift me up again, being down? ‘Sblood, I’ll not bear mineown flesh so far afoot again for all the coin in thy father’s exchequer. What a plaguemean ye to colt me thus? Prince Thou liest; thou art not colted, thou art uncolted.

Fal I prithee, good Prince Hal, help me to my horse, good king’s son.

Prince Out, ye rogue! Shall I be your ostler? Fal Go hang thyself in thine own heir-apparent garters! If I be ta’en, I’ll peach for this. An I have not ballads made on you all,and sung to filthy tunes, let a cup of sack be my poison.

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When a jest is so forward- and afoot too- I hate it. Enter Gadshill, [Bardolph and Petowith him]. Gads Stand!Fal So I do, against my will.Poins [comes fortward] O, ‘tis our setter. I know his voice.Bardolph, what news? Bar Case ye, case ye! On with your vizards! There’s money ofthe

King’s coming down the hill; ‘tis going to the King’s exchequer.Fal You lie, ye rogue! ‘Tis going to the King’s tavern.Gads There’s enough to make us all.Fal To be hang’d.Prince Sirs, you four shall front them in the narrow lane; Ned Poins and I will walklower. If they scape from your encounter, then they light on us.

Peto How many be there of them? Gads Some eight or ten.

Fal Zounds, will they not rob us? Prince What, a coward, Sir John Paunch?Fal Indeed, I am not John of Gaunt, your grandfather; but yet no coward, Hal.

Prince Well, we leave that to the proof.

Poins Sirrah Jack, thy horse stands behind the hedge. When thou need’st him, therethou shalt find him. Farewell and stand fast.

Fal Now cannot I strike him, if I should be hang’d.

Prince [aside to Poins] Ned, where are our disguises? Poins [aside to Prince] Here, hardby. Stand close.

[Exeunt Prince and Poins.]Fal Now, my masters, happy man be his dole, say I. Every man to his business. Enterthe Travellers. -

Traveller Come, neighbour.The boy shall lead our horses down the hill; We’ll walk afoot awhile and ease our legs.Thieves Stand!Traveller Jesus bless us!Fal Strike! down with them! cut the villains’ throats! Ah, whoreson caterpillars! bacon-fed knaves! they hate us youth.

Down with them! fleece them!Traveller O, we are undone, both we and ours for ever!Fal Hang ye, gorbellied knaves, are ye undone? No, ye fat chuffs; I would your storewere here! On, bacons on! What, ye knaves!

young men must live. You are grandjurors, are ye? We’ll jure ye, faith!

Here they rob and bind them.

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Exeunt. Enter the Prince and Poins [in buckram suits]. Prince The thieves have boundthe true men. Now could thou and I rob the thieves and go merrily to London, it wouldbe argument for a week, laughter for a month, and a good jest for ever.

Poins Stand close! I hear them coming.

[They stand aside.] Enter the Thieves again. Fal Come, my masters, let us share, andthen to horse before day.

An the Prince and Poins be not two arrant cowards, there’s no equity stirring. There’sno more valour in that Poins than in a wild duck. [As they are sharing, the Prince andPoins set upon them. THey all run away, and Falstaff, after a blow or two, runs awasytoo, leaving the booty behind them.] -

Prince Your money!Poins Villains! Prince Got with much ease. Now merrily to horse.The thieves are scattered, and possess’d with fear So strongly that they dare not meeteach other.Each takes his fellow for an officer.Away, good Ned. Falstaff sweats to death And lards the lean earth as he walks along.Were’t not for laughing, I should pity him.Poins How the rogue roar’d!Exeunt.

Scene III.

Warkworth Castle. - Enter Hotspur solus, reading a letter. -Hot ‘But, for mine own part, my lord, I could be well contented to be there, in respectof the love I bear your house.’ He could be contented- why is he not then? In respect ofthe love he bears our house! He shows in this he loves his own barn better than he lovesour house. Let me see some more. ‘The purpose you undertake is dangerous’- Why,that’s certain! ‘Tis dangerous to take a cold, to sleep, to drink; but I tell you, my lordfool, out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety. ‘The purpose youundertake is dangerous, the friends you have named uncertain, the time itself unsorted,and your whole plot too light for the counterpoise of so great an opposition.’ Say youso, say you so? I say unto you again, you are a shallow, cowardly hind, and you lie.What a lack-brain is this! By the Lord, our plot is a good plot as ever was laid; ourfriends true and constant: a good plot, good friends, and full of expectation; anexcellent plot, very good friends. What a frosty-spirited rogue is this! Why, my Lord ofYork commends the plot and the general course of the action. Zounds, an I were nowby this rascal, I could brain him with his lady’s fan. Is there not my father, my uncle,and myself; Lord Edmund Mortimer, my Lord of York, and Owen Glendower? Is therenot, besides, the Douglas? Have I not all their letters to meet me in arms by the ninth ofthe next month, and are they not some of them set forward already? What a paganrascal is this! an infidel! Ha! you shall see now, in very sincerity of fear and cold heart

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will he to the King and lay open all our proceedings. O, I could divide myself and go tobuffets for moving such a dish of skim milk with so honourable an action!

Hang him, let him tell the King! we are prepared. I will set forward to-night. Enter hisLady. How now, Kate? I must leave you within these two hours.

Lady O my good lord, why are you thus alone? For what offence have I this fortnightbeen A banish’d woman from my Harry’s bed, Tell me, sweet lord, what is’t that takesfrom thee Thy stomach, pleasure, and thy golden sleep? Why dost thou bend thine eyesupon the earth, And start so often when thou sit’st alone? Why hast thou lost the freshblood in thy cheeks And given my treasures and my rights of thee To thick-ey’dmusing and curs’d melancholy? In thy faint slumbers I by thee have watch’d, Andheard thee murmur tales of iron wars, Speak terms of manage to thy bounding steed,Cry ‘Courage! to the field!’ And thou hast talk’d Of sallies and retires, of trenches, tent,Of palisadoes, frontiers, parapets, Of basilisks, of cannon, culverin, Of prisoners’ransom, and of soldiers slain, And all the currents of a heady fight.

Thy spirit within thee hath been so at war, And thus hath so bestirr’d thee in thy sleep,That beads of sweat have stood upon thy brow Like bubbles ill a late-disturbed stream,And in thy face strange motions have appear’d, Such as we see when men restrain theirbreath On some great sudden hest. O, what portents are these? Some heavy businesshath my lord in hand, And I must know it, else he loves me not.

Hot What, ho! -[Enter a Servant.] Is Gilliams with the packet gone? Serv He is, my lord, an hour ago.Hot Hath Butler brought those horses from the sheriff? Serv One horse, my lord, hebrought even now.Hot What horse? A roan, a crop-ear, is it not? Serv It is, my lord.Hot That roan shall be my throne.Well, I will back him straight. O esperance!Bid Butler lead him forth into the park.[Exit Servant.]Lady But hear you, my lord.Hot What say’st thou, my lady? Lady What is it carries you away? Hot Why, my horse,my love- my horse!

Lady Out, you mad-headed ape!A weasel hath not such a deal of spleen As you are toss’d with. In faith, I’ll know yourbusiness, Harry; that I will!

I fear my brother Mortimer doth stir About his title and hath sent for you To line hisenterprise; but if you goHot So far afoot, I shall be weary, love.

Lady Come, come, you paraquito, answer me Directly unto this question that I ask.I’ll break thy little finger, Harry, An if thou wilt not tell my all things true.Hot Away.

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Away, you trifler! Love? I love thee not; I care not for thee, Kate. This is no world Toplay with mammets and to tilt with lips.

We must have bloody noses and crack’d crowns, And pass them current too. Gods me,my horse!

What say’st thou, Kate? What wouldst thou have with me? Lady Do you not love me?do you not indeed? Well, do not then; for since you love me not, I will not love myself.Do you not love me? Nay, tell me if you speak in jest or no.

Hot Come, wilt thou see me ride? And when I am a-horseback, I will swear I love theeinfinitely. But hark you. Kate: I must not have you henceforth question me Whither Igo, nor reason whereabout.

Whither I must, I must; and to conclude, This evening must I leave you, gentle Kate.I know you wise; but yet no farther wise Than Harry Percy’s wife; constant you are, Butyet a woman; and for secrecy, No lady closer, for I well believe Thou wilt not utterwhat thou dost not know, And so far will I trust thee, gentle Kate.

Lady How? so far? Hot Not an inch further. But hark you, Kate: Whither I go, thithershall you go too; To-day will I set forth, to-morrow you.

Will this content you, Kate,? Lady It must of force.Exeunt.

Scene IV.

Eastcheap The Boar’s Head Tavern.Enter Prince and Poins. Prince Ned, prithee come out of that fat-room and lend me thyhand to laugh a little.

Poins Where hast been, Hal? Prince,. With three or four loggerheads amongst three orfourscore hogsheads. I have sounded the very bass-string of humility. Sirrah, I amsworn brother to a leash of drawers and can call them all by their christen names, asTom, Dick, and Francis They take it already upon their salvation that, though I be butPrince of Wales, yet I am the king of courtesy; and tell me flatly I am no proud Jack likeFalstaff, but a Corinthian, a lad of mettle, a good boy (by the Lord, so they call me!),and when I am King of England I shall command all the good lads Eastcheap They calldrinking deep, dying scarlet; and when you breathe in your watering, they cry ‘hem!’and bid you play it off. To conclude, I am so good a proficient in one quarter of an hourthat I can drink with any tinker in his own language during my life. I tell thee, Ned,thou hast lost much honour that thou wert not with me in this action. But, sweet Ned-to sweeten which name of Ned, I give thee this pennyworth of sugar, clapp’d even nowinto my hand by an under-skinker, one that never spake other English in his life than‘Eight shillings and sixpence,’ and ‘You are welcome,’ with this shrill addition, ‘Anon,anon, sir! Score a pint of bastard in the Half-moon,’ or so- but, Ned, to drive away thetime till Falstaff come, I prithee do thou stand in some by-room while I question mypuny drawer to what end be gave me the sugar; and do thou never leave calling

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‘Francis!’ that his tale to me may be nothing but ‘Anon!’ Step aside, and I’ll show thee aprecedent.

Poins Francis!Prince Thou art perfect.Poins Francis!Exit Poins.] Enter [Francis, a] Drawer. Fran Anon, anon, sir.- Look down into thePomgarnet, Ralph.Prince Come hither, Francis.Fran My lord? Prince How long hast thou to serve, Francis? Fran Forsooth, five years,and as much as toPoins [within] Francis!

Fran Anon, anon, sir.

Prince Five year! by’r Lady, a long lease for the clinking of Pewter But, Francis, darestthou be so valiant as to play the coward with thy indenture and show it a fair pair ofheels and run from it? Fran O Lord, sir, I’ll be sworn upon all the books in England Icould find in my heartPoins [within] Francis!

Fran Anon, sir.

Prince How old art thou, Francis? Fran Let me see. About Michaelmas next I shallbePoins [within] Francis!

Fran Anon, sir. Pray stay a little, my lord.

Prince Nay, but hark you, Francis. For the sugar thou gavest me‘twas a pennyworth,wast not? Fran O Lord! I would it had been two!

Prince I will give thee for it a thousand pound. Ask me when thou wilt, and, thou shalthave it.Poins [within] Francis!Fran Anon, anon.Prince Anon, Francis? No, Francis; but to-morrow, Francis; or, Francis, a Thursday; orindeed, Francis, when thou wilt. But FrancisFran My lord?

Prince Wilt thou rob this leathern-jerkin, crystal-button, not-pated, agate-ring, puke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish-pouchFran O Lord, sir, who do youmean? Prince Why then, your brown bastard is your only drink; for look you, Francis,your white canvas doublet will sully. In Barbary, sir, it cannot come to so much.

Fran What, sir? Poins [within] Francis!Prince Away, you rogue! Dost thou not hear them call? Here they both call him. TheDrawer stands amazed, not knowing which way to go. Enter Vintner.

Vint What, stand’st thou still, and hear’st such a calling? Look to the guests within.

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[Exit Francis.]My lord, old Sir John, with half-a-dozen more, are at the door. Shall I let them in?Prince Let them alone awhile, and then open the door.

[Exit Vintner.] Poins!Poins [within] Anon, anon, sir. Enter Poins. Prince Sirrah, Falstaff and the rest of thethieves are at the door. Shall we be merry? Poins As merry as crickets, my lad. But harkye; what cunning match have you made with this jest of the drawer? Come, what’s theissue? Prince I am now of all humours that have showed themselves humours since theold days of goodman Adam to the pupil age of this present this twelve o’clock atmidnight. [Enter Francis.] What’s o’clock, Francis? Fran Anon, anon, sir.

Exit.]Prince That ever this fellow should have fewer words than a parrot, and yet the son of awoman! His industry is upstairs and downstairs, his eloquence the parcel of areckoning. I am not yet of Percy’s mind, the Hotspur of the North; he that kills me somesix or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast, washes his hands, and says to his wife, ‘Fieupon this quiet life! I want work.’ ‘O my sweet Harry,’ says she, ‘how many hast thoukill’d to-day?’

‘Give my roan horse a drench,’ says he, and answers ‘Some fourteen,’ an hour after, ‘atrifle, a trifle.’ I prithee call in Falstaff I’ll play Percy, and that damn’d brawn shall playDame Mortimer his wife. ‘Rivo!’ says the drunkard. Call in ribs, call in tallow. EnterFalstaff, [Gadshill, Bardolph, and Peto; Francis follows with wine]. Poins Welcome,Jack. Where hast thou been? Fal A plague of all cowards, I say, and a vengeance too!Marry and amen! Give me a cup of sack, boy. Ere I lead this life long, I’ll sew nether-stocks, and mend them and foot them too. A plague of all cowards! Give me a cup ofsack, rogue. Is there no virtue extant? He drinketh.

Prince Didst thou never see Titan kiss a dish of butter? Pitiful-hearted butter, thatmelted at the sweet tale of the sun!

If thou didst, then behold that compound.

Fal You rogue, here’s lime in this sack too! There is nothing but roguery to be found invillanous man. Yet a coward is worse than a cup of sack with lime in it- a villanouscoward! Go thy ways, old Jack, die when thou wilt; if manhood, good manhood, be notforgot upon the face of the earth, then am I a shotten herring.

There lives not three good men unhang’d in England; and one of them is fat, and growsold. God help the while! A bad world, I say. I would I were a weaver; I could singpsalms or anything. A plague of all cowards I say still!

Prince How now, woolsack? What mutter you? Fal A king’s son! If I do not beat theeout of thy kingdom with a dagger of lath and drive all thy subjects afore thee like aflock of wild geese, I’ll never wear hair on my face more. You Prince of Wales? PrinceWhy, you whoreson round man, what’s the matter?

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Fal Are not you a coward? Answer me to that- and Poins there? Poins Zounds, ye fatpaunch, an ye call me coward, by the Lord, I’ll stab thee.

Fal I call thee coward? I’ll see thee damn’d ere I call thee coward, but I would give athousand pound I could run as fast as thou canst. You are straight enough in theshoulders; you care not who sees Your back. Call you that backing of your friends? Aplague upon such backing! Give me them that will face me. Give me a cup of sack. I ama rogue if I drunk to-day.

Prince O villain! thy lips are scarce wip’d since thou drunk’st last.

Fal All is one for that. (He drinketh.) A plague of all cowards still say I.

Prince What’s the matter? Fal What’s the matter? There be four of us here have ta’en athousand pound this day morning.

Prince Where is it, Jack? Where is it? Fal Where is it, Taken from us it is. A hundredupon poor four of us!

Prince What, a hundred, man? Fal I am a rogue if I were not at half-sword with a dozenof them two hours together. I have scap’d by miracle. I am eight times thrust throughthe doublet, four through the hose; my buckler cut through and through; my swordhack’d like a handsaw- ecce signum!

I never dealt better since I was a man. All would not do. A plague of all cowards! Letthem speak, If they speak more or less than truth, they are villains and the sons ofdarkness.

Prince Speak, sirs. How was it? Gads We four set upon some dozenFal Sixteen at least,my lord.Gads And bound them.Peto No, no, they were not bound.Fal You rogue, they were bound, every man of them, or I am a Jew else- an Ebrew Jew.Gads As we were sharing, some six or seven fresh men sea upon usFal And unboundthe rest, and then come in the other.

Prince What, fought you with them all? Fal All? I know not what you call all, but if Ifought not with fifty of them, I am a bunch of radish! If there were not two or three andfifty upon poor old Jack, then am I no two-legg’d creature.

Prince Pray God you have not murd’red some of them.

Fal Nay, that’s past praying for. I have pepper’d two of them. Two I am sure I havepaid, two rogues in buckram suits. I tell thee what, Hal- if I tell thee a lie, spit in myface, call me horse.

Thou knowest my old ward. Here I lay, and thus I bore my point.Four rogues in buckram let drive at me.Prince What, four? Thou saidst but two even now.Fal Four, Hal. I told thee four.Poins Ay, ay, he said four.

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Fal These four came all afront and mainly thrust at me. I made me no more ado buttook all their seven points in my target, thus.

Prince Seven? Why, there were but four even now.Fal In buckram? Poins Ay, four, in buckram suits.Fal Seven, by these hilts, or I am a villain else.Prince [aside to Poins] Prithee let him alone. We shall have more anon.Fal Dost thou hear me, Hal?Prince Ay, and mark thee too, Jack.Fal Do so, for it is worth the list’ning to. These nine in buckram that I told thee ofPrinceSo, two more already.

Fal Their points being brokenPoins Down fell their hose.

Fal Began to give me ground; but I followed me close, came in, foot and hand, and witha thought seven of the eleven I paid.

Prince O monstrous! Eleven buckram men grown out of two!Fal But, as the devil would have it, three misbegotten knaves in Kendal green came atmy back and let drive at me; for it was so dark, Hal, that thou couldst not see thy hand.

Prince These lies are like their father that begets them- gross as a mountain, open,palpable. Why, thou clay-brain’d guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thou whoreson obscenegreasy tallow-catchFal What, art thou mad? art thou mad? Is not the truth the truth?Prince Why, how couldst thou know these men in Kendal green when it was so darkthou couldst not see thy hand? Come, tell us your reason. What sayest thou to this?Poins Come, your reason, Jack, your reason.

Fal What, upon compulsion? Zounds, an I were at the strappado or all the racks in theworld, I would not tell you on compulsion.

Give you a reason on compulsion? If reasons were as plentiful as blackberries, I wouldgive no man a reason upon compulsion, I.

Prince I’ll be no longer guilty, of this sin; this sanguine coward, this bed-presser, thishorseback-breaker, this huge hill of fleshFal ‘Sblood, you starveling, you elf-skin, youdried neat’s-tongue, you bull’s sizzle, you stockfish- O for breath to utter what is likethee!- you tailor’s yard, you sheath, you bowcase, you vile standing tuck!

Prince Well, breathe awhile, and then to it again; and when thou hast tired thyself inbase comparisons, hear me speak but this.

Poins Mark, Jack.

Prince We two saw you four set on four, and bound them and were masters of theirwealth. Mark now how a plain tale shall put you down. Then did we two set on youfour and, with a word, outfac’d you from your prize, and have it; yea, and can show ityou here in the house. And, Falstaff, you carried your guts away as nimbly, with asquick dexterity, and roar’d for mercy, and still run and roar’d, as ever I heard bullcalf.

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What a slave art thou to hack thy sword as thou hast done, and then say it was in fight!What trick, what device, what starting hole canst thou now find out to hide thee fromthis open and apparent shame? Poins Come, let’s hear, Jack. What trick hast thou now?Fal By the Lord, I knew ye as well as he that made ye. Why, hear you, my masters. Wasit for me to kill the heir apparent? Should I turn upon the true prince? Why, thouknowest I am as valiant as Hercules; but beware instinct. The lion will not touch thetrue prince. Instinct is a great matter. I was now a coward on instinct. I shall think thebetter of myself, and thee, during my life- I for a valiant lion, and thou for a true prince.But, by the Lord, lads, I am glad you have the money. Hostess, clap to the doors. Watchto-night, pray to-morrow. Gallants, lads, boys, hearts of gold, all the titles of goodfellowship come to you!

What, shall we be merry? Shall we have a play extempore? Prince Content- and theargument shall be thy running away.

Fal Ah, no more of that, Hal, an thou lovest me! Enter Hostess. -

Host O Jesu, my lord the Prince!

Prince How now, my lady the hostess? What say’st thou to me? Host Marry, my lord,there is a nobleman of the court at door would speak with you. He says he comes fromyour father.

Prince Give him as much as will make him a royal man, and send him back again to mymother.Fal What manner of man is he? Host An old man.Fal What doth gravity out of his bed at midnight? Shall I give him his answer? PrincePrithee do, Jack.Fal Faith, and I’ll send him packing.Exit.Prince Now, sirs. By’r Lady, you fought fair; so did you, Peto; so did you, Bardolph.You are lions too, you ran away upon instinct, you will not touch the true prince; no-fie!

Bard Faith, I ran when I saw others run.

Prince Tell me now in earnest, how came Falstaff’s sword so hack’d? Peto Why, hehack’d it with his dagger, and said he would swear truth out of England but he wouldmake you believe it was done in fight, and persuaded us to do the like.

Bard Yea, and to tickle our noses with speargrass to make them bleed, and then tobeslubber our garments with it and swear it was the blood of true men. I did that I didnot this seven year before- I blush’d to hear his monstrous devices.

Prince O villain! thou stolest a cup of sack eighteen years ago and wert taken with themanner, and ever since thou hast blush’d extempore. Thou hadst fire and sword on thyside, and yet thou ran’st away. What instinct hadst thou for it? Bard My lord, do yousee these meteors? Do you behold these exhalations? Prince I do.

Bard What think you they portend? Prince Hot livers and cold purses.

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Bard Choler, my lord, if rightly taken.Prince No, if rightly taken, halter. -Enter Falstaff. Here comes lean Jack; here comes bare-bone. How now, my sweetcreature of bombast? How long is’t ago, Jack, since thou sawest thine own knee? Fal Myown knee? When I was about thy years, Hal, I was not an eagle’s talent in the waist; Icould have crept into any alderman’s thumb-ring. A plague of sighing and grief! Itblows a man up like a bladder. There’s villanous news abroad. Here was Sir John Bracyfrom your father. You must to the court in the morning. That same mad fellow of theNorth, Percy, and he of Wales that gave Amamon the bastinado, and made Lucifercuckold, and swore the devil his true liegeman upon the cross of a Welsh hook- what aplague call you him? Poins O, Glendower.

Fal Owen, Owen- the same; and his son-in-law Mortimer, and old Northumberland,and that sprightly Scot of Scots, Douglas, that runs a-horseback up a hillperpendicularPrince He that rides at high speed and with his pistol kills a sparrowflying.

Fal You have hit it.Prince So did he never the sparrow.Fal Well, that rascal hath good metal in him; he will not run.Prince Why, what a rascal art thou then, to praise him so for running!Fal A-horseback, ye cuckoo! but afoot he will not budge a foot.Prince Yes, Jack, upon instinct.Fal I grant ye, upon instinct. Well, he is there too, and one Mordake, and a thousandbluecaps more. Worcester is stol’n away to-night; thy father’s beard is turn’d whitewith the news; you may buy land now as cheap as stinking mack’rel.Prince Why then, it is like, if there come a hot June, and this civil buffeting hold, weshall buy maidenheads as they buy hobnails, by the hundreds.

Fal By the mass, lad, thou sayest true; it is like we shall have good trading that way.But tell me, Hal, art not thou horrible afeard? Thou being heir apparent, could theworld pick thee out three such enemies again as that fiend Douglas, that spirit Percy,and that devil Glendower? Art thou not horribly afraid? Doth not thy blood thrill at it?Prince Not a whit, i’ faith. I lack some of thy instinct.

Fal Well, thou wilt be horribly chid to-morrow when thou comest to thy father. If thoulove file, practise an answer.

Prince Do thou stand for my father and examine me upon the particulars of my life.

Fal Shall I? Content. This chair shall be my state, this dagger my sceptre, and thiscushion my, crown.

Prince Thy state is taken for a join’d-stool, thy golden sceptre for a leaden dagger, andthy precious rich crown for a pitiful bald crown.

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Fal Well, an the fire of grace be not quite out of thee, now shalt thou be moved. Giveme a cup of sack to make my eyes look red, that it may be thought I have wept; for Imust speak in passion, and I will do it in King Cambyses’ vein.

Prince Well, here is my leg.Fal And here is my speech. Stand aside, nobility.Host O Jesu, this is excellent sport, i’ faith!Fal Weep not, sweet queen, for trickling tears are vain.Host O, the Father, how he holds his countenance!Fal For God’s sake, lords, convey my tristful queen!For tears do stop the floodgates of her eyes.Host O Jesu, he doth it as like one of these harlotry players as ever I see!Fal Peace, good pintpot. Peace, good tickle-brain.- Harry, I do not only marvel wherethou spendest thy time, but also how thou art accompanied. For though the camomile,the more it is trodden on, the faster it grows, yet youth, the more it is wasted, thesooner it wears. That thou art my son I have partly thy mother’s word, partly my ownopinion, but chiefly a villanous trick of thine eye and a foolish hanging of thy nether lipthat doth warrant me. If then thou be son to me, here lies the point: why, being son tome, art thou so pointed at? Shall the blessed sun of heaven prove a micher and eatblackberries? A question not to be ask’d. Shall the son of England prove a thief and takepurses? A question to be ask’d. There is a thing, Harry, which thou hast often heard of,and it is known to many in our land by the name of pitch. This pitch, as ancient writersdo report, doth defile; so doth the company thou keepest. For, Harry, now I do notspeak to thee in drink, but in tears; not in pleasure, but in passion; not in words only,but in woes also: and yet there is a virtuous man whom I have often noted in thycompany, but I know not his name.

Prince What manner of man, an it like your Majesty? Fal A goodly portly man, i’ faith,and a corpulent; of a cheerful look, a pleasing eye, and a most noble carriage; and, as Ithink, his age some fifty, or, by’r Lady, inclining to threescore; and now I rememberme, his name is Falstaff. If that man should be lewdly, given, he deceiveth me; for,Harry, I see virtue in his looks. If then the tree may be known by the fruit, as the fruitby the tree, then, peremptorily I speak it, there is virtue in that Falstaff. Him keep with,the rest banish. And tell me now, thou naughty varlet, tell me where hast thou been thismonth? Prince Dost thou speak like a king? Do thou stand for me, and I’ll play myfather.

Fal Depose me? If thou dost it half so gravely, so majestically, both in word and matter,hang me up by the heels for a rabbit-sucker or a poulter’s hare.

Prince Well, here I am set.Fal And here I stand. Judge, my masters.Prince Now, Harry, whence come you? Fal My noble lord, from Eastcheap.Prince The complaints I hear of thee are grievous.Fal ‘Sblood, my lord, they are false! Nay, I’ll tickle ye for a young prince, i’ faith.Prince Swearest thou, ungracious boy? Henceforth ne’er look on me.

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Thou art violently carried away from grace. There is a devil haunts thee in the likenessof an old fat man; a tun of man is thy companion. Why dost thou converse with thattrunk of humours, that bolting hutch of beastliness, that swoll’n parcel of dropsies, thathuge bombard of sack, that stuff’d cloakbag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox withthe pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that grey iniquity, that father ruffian, thatvanity in years? Wherein is he good, but to taste sack and drink it? wherein neat andcleanly, but to carve a capon and eat it? wherein cunning, but in craft? wherein crafty,but in villany? wherein villanous, but in all things? wherein worthy, but in nothing? FalI would your Grace would take me with you. Whom means your Grace?

Prince That villanous abominable misleader of youth, Falstaff, that old white-beardedSatan.Fal My lord, the man I know.Prince I know thou dost.Fal But to say I know more harm in him than in myself were to say more than I know.That he is old (the more the pity) his white hairs do witness it; but that he is (savingyour reverence) a whoremaster, that I utterly deny. If sack and sugar be a fault, Godhelp the wicked! If to be old and merry be a sin, then many an old host that I know isdamn’d. If to be fat be to be hated, then Pharaoh’s lean kine are to be loved. No, mygood lord.

Banish Peto, banish Bardolph, banish Poins; but for sweet Jack Falstaff, kind JackFalstaff, true Jack Falstaff, valiant Jack Falstaff, and therefore more valiant being, as heis, old Jack Falstaff, banish not him thy Harry’s company, banish not him thy Harry’scompany. Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world!

Prince I do, I will.[A knocking heard.] [Exeunt Hostess, Francis, and Bardolph.] Enter Bardolph, running.Bard O, my lord, my lord! the sheriff with a most monstrous watch is at the door.Fal Out, ye rogue! Play out the play. I have much to say in the behalf of that Falstaff.Enter the Hostess. Host O Jesu, my lord, my lord!

Prince Heigh, heigh, the devil rides upon a fiddlestick!What’s the matter?Host The sheriff and all the watch are at the door. They are come to search the house.Shall I let them in? Fal Dost thou hear, Hal? Never call a true piece of gold acounterfeit. Thou art essentially mad without seeming so.

Prince And thou a natural coward without instinct.

Fal I deny your major. If you will deny the sheriff, so; if not, let him enter. If I becomenot a cart as well as another man, a plague on my bringing up! I hope I shall as soon bestrangled with a halter as another.

Prince Go hide thee behind the arras. The rest walk, up above.Now, my masters, for a true face and good conscience.Fal Both which I have had; but their date is out, and therefore I’ll hide me.Exit.

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Prince Call in the sheriff.[Exeunt Manent the Prince and Peto.] Enter Sheriff and the Carrier. Now, MasterSheriff, what is your will with me? Sher First, pardon me, my lord. A hue and cry Hathfollowed certain men unto this house.

Prince What men? Sher One of them is well known, my gracious lordA gross fat man.

Carrier As fat as butter.

Prince The man, I do assure you, is not here, For I myself at this time have employ’dhim.

And, sheriff, I will engage my word to thee That I will by to-morrow dinner time Sendhim to answer thee, or any man, For anything he shall be charg’d withal; And so let meentreat you leave the house.Sher I will, my lord. There are two gentlemen Have in this robbery lost three hundredmarks.Prince It may be so. If he have robb’d these men, He shall be answerable; and sofarewell.Sher Good night, my noble lord.Prince I think it is good morrow, is it not? Sher Indeed, my lord, I think it be twoo’clock.Exit [with Carrier].Prince This oily rascal is known as well as Paul’s. Go call himforth.Peto Falstaff! Fast asleep behind the arras, and snorting like a horse.Prince Hark how hard he fetches breath. Search his pockets.He searcheth his pockets and findeth certain papers.What hast thou found? Peto Nothing but papers, my lord.Prince Let’s see whit they be. Read them. Peto [reads] ‘Item. A capon. . . . . . . . . . . . . iis. ii d.Item, Sauce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiii d.Item, Sack two gallons . . . . . . . . v s. viii d.Item, Anchovies and sack after supper. ii s. vi d.

Item, Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ob.’ Prince O monstrous! but one halfpennyworthof bread to this

intolerable deal of sack! What there is else, keep close; we’ll read it at more advantage.There let him sleep till day. I’ll to the court in the morning . We must all to the wars.and thy place shall be honourable. I’ll procure this fat rogue a charge of foot; and Iknow, his death will be a march of twelve score. The money shall be paid back againwith advantage. Be with me betimes in the morning, and so good morrow, Peto.

Peto Good morrow, good my lord.Exeunt.

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Scene I.

Bangor The Archdeacon’s house. Enter Hotspur, Worcester, Lord Mortimer, OwenGlendower. Mort These promises are fair, the parties sure, And our induction full ofprosperous hope.

Hot Lord Mortimer, and cousin Glendower, Will you sit down? And uncle Worcester.A plague upon it!I have forgot the map.Glend No, here it is.Sit, cousin Percy; sit, good cousin Hotspur, For by that name as oft as Lancaster Dothspeak of you, his cheek looks pale, and with A rising sigh he wisheth you in heaven.

Hot And you in hell, as oft as he hears Owen Glendower spoke of.

Glend I cannot blame him. At my nativity The front of heaven was full of fiery shapesOf burning cressets, and at my birth The frame and huge foundation of the earthShak’d like a coward.

Hot Why, so it would have done at the same season, if your mother’s cat had butkitten’d, though yourself had never been born.

Glend I say the earth did shake when I was born.

Hot And I say the earth was not of my mind, If you suppose as fearing you it shook.

Glend The heavens were all on fire, the earth did tremble.

Hot O, then the earth shook to see the heavens on fire, And not in fear of your nativity.

Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth In strange eruptions; oft the teeming earth Iswith a kind of colic pinch’d and vex’d By the imprisoning of unruly wind Within herwomb, which, for enlargement striving, Shakes the old beldame earth and topplesdown Steeples and mossgrown towers. At your birth Our grandam earth, having thisdistemp’rature, In passion shook.

Glend Cousin, of many men I do not bear these crossings. Give me leave To tell youonce again that at my birth The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes, The goats ranfrom the mountains, and the herds Were strangely clamorous to the frighted fields.

These signs have mark’d me extraordinary, And all the courses of my life do show I amnot in the roll of common men.

Where is he living, clipp’d in with the sea That chides the banks of England, Scotland,Wales, Which calls me pupil or hath read to me? And bring him out that is butwoman’s son Can trace me in the tedious ways of art And hold me pace in deepexperiments.

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Hot I think there’s no man speaks better Welsh. I’ll to dinner.Mort Peace, cousin Percy; you will make him mad.Glend I can call spirits from the vasty deep.Hot Why, so can I, or so can any man; But will they come when you do call for them?Glend Why, I can teach you, cousin, to command the devil.

Hot And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devilBy telling truth. Tell truth and shamethe devil.If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither, And I’ll be sworn I have power toshame him hence.O, while you live, tell truth and shame the devil!Mort Come, come, no more of this unprofitable chat.Glend Three times hath Henry Bolingbroke made head Against my power; thrice fromthe banks of Wye And sandy-bottom’d Severn have I sent him Bootless home andweather-beaten back.

Hot Home without boots, and in foul weather too? How scapes he agues, in the devil’sname Glend Come, here’s the map. Shall we divide our right According to ourthreefold order ta’en? Mort The Archdeacon hath divided it Into three limits veryequally.

England, from Trent and Severn hitherto, By south and east is to my part assign’d; Allwestward, Wales beyond the Severn shore, And all the fertile land within that bound,To Owen Glendower; and, dear coz, to you The remnant northward lying off fromTrent.

And our indentures tripartite are drawn; Which being sealed interchangeably (Abusiness that this night may execute), To-morrow, cousin Percy, you and I And mygood Lord of Worcester will set forth To meet your father and the Scottish bower, As isappointed us, at Shrewsbury.My father Glendower is not ready yet, Nor shall we need his help these fourteen days.

[To Glend.] Within that space you may have drawn together Your tenants, friends, andneighbouring gentlemen.Glend A shorter time shall send me to you, lords; And in my conduct shall your ladiescome,

From whom you now must steal and take no leave, For there will be a world of watershed Upon the parting of your wives and you.

Hot Methinks my moiety, north from Burton here, In quantity equals not one of yours.

See how this river comes me cranking in And cuts me from the best of all my land Ahuge half-moon, a monstrous cantle out.

I’ll have the current ill this place damm’d up, And here the smug and sliver Trent shallrun In a new channel fair and evenly.

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It shall not wind with such a deep indent To rob me of so rich a bottom here.

Glend Not wind? It shall, it must! You see it doth.

Mort Yea, but Mark how he bears his course, and runs me up With like advantage onthe other side, Gelding the opposed continent as much As on the other side it takesfrom you.

Wor Yea, but a little charge will trench him here And on this north side win this cape ofland; And then he runs straight and even.

Hot I’ll have it so. A little charge will do it.Glend I will not have it alt’red.Hot Will not you? Glend No, nor you shall not.Hot Who shall say me nay? Glend No, that will I.Hot Let me not understand you then; speak it in Welsh.Glend I can speak English, lord, as well as you; For I was train’d up in the Englishcourt, Where, being but young, I framed to the harp Many an English ditty lovely well,And gave the tongue a helpful ornamentA virtue that was never seen in you.

Hot Marry, And I am glad of it with all my heart!I had rather be a kitten and cry mew Than one of these same metre ballet-mongers.

I had rather hear a brazen canstick turn’d Or a dry wheel grate on the axletree, Andthat would set my teeth nothing on edge, Nothing so much as mincing poetry.

‘Tis like the forc’d gait of a shuffling nag, Glend Come, you shall have Trent turn’d.

Hot I do not care. I’ll give thrice so much land To any well-deserving friend; But in theway of bargain, mark ye me, I’ll cavil on the ninth part of a hair Are the indenturesdrawn? Shall we be gone? Glend The moon shines fair; you may away by night.I’ll haste the writer, and withal Break with your wives of your departure hence.I am afraid my daughter will run mad, So much she doteth on her Mortimer.Exit.Mort Fie, cousin Percy! how you cross my father!Hot I cannot choose. Sometimes he angers me With telling me of the moldwarp and theant, Of the dreamer Merlin and his prophecies, And of a dragon and a finless fish, Aclip-wing’d griffin and a moulten raven, A couching lion and a ramping cat, And sucha deal of skimble-skamble stuff As puts me from my faith. I tell you whatHe held melast night at least nine hours In reckoning up the several devils’ names That were hislackeys. I cried ‘hum,’ and ‘Well, go to!’ But mark’d him not a word. O, he is as tediousAs a tired horse, a railing wife; Worse than a smoky house. I had rather live Withcheese and garlic in a windmill far Than feed on cates and have him talk to me In anysummer house in Christendom).

Mort In faith, he is a worthy gentleman, Exceedingly well read, and profited In strangeconcealments, valiant as a lion, And wondrous affable, and as bountiful As mines of

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India. Shall I tell you, cousin? He holds your temper in a high respect And curbshimself even of his natural scope When you come ‘cross his humour. Faith, he does.

I warrant you that man is not alive Might so have tempted him as you have doneWithout the taste of danger and reproof.

But do not use it oft, let me entreat you.

Wor In faith, my lord, you are too wilful-blame, And since your coming hither havedone enough To put him quite besides his patience.

You must needs learn, lord, to amend this fault.

Though sometimes it show greatness, courage, bloodAnd that’s the dearest grace itrenders youYet oftentimes it doth present harsh rage, Defect of manners, want ofgovernment, Pride, haughtiness, opinion, and disdain; The least of which haunting anobleman Loseth men’s hearts, and leaves behind a stain Upon the beauty of all partsbesides, Beguiling them of commendation.

Hot Well, I am school’d. Good manners be your speed!Here come our wives, and let us take our leave. Enter Glendower with the Ladies.

Mort This is the deadly spite that angers meMy wife can speak no English, I no Welsh.

Glend My daughter weeps; she will not part with you; She’ll be a soldier too, she’ll tothe wars.

Mort Good father, tell her that she and my aunt Percy Shall follow in your conductspeedily.

Glendower speaks to her in Welsh, and she answers him in the same.

Glend She is desperate here. A peevish self-will’d harlotry, One that no persuasion cando good upon.

The Lady speaks in Welsh.

Mort I understand thy looks. That pretty Welsh Which thou pourest down from theseswelling heavens I am too perfect in; and, but for shame, In such a Barley should Ianswer thee.

The Lady again in Welsh.

I understand thy kisses, and thou mine, And that’s a feeling disputation.

But I will never be a truant, love, Till I have learnt thy language: for thy tongue MakesWelsh as sweet as ditties highly penn’d, Sung by a fair queen in a summer’s bow’r,With ravishing division, to her lute.

Glend Nay, if you melt, then will she run mad.The Lady speaks again in Welsh.Mort O, I am ignorance itself in this!

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Glend She bids you on the wanton rushes lay you down And rest your gentle headupon her lap, And she will sing the song that pleaseth you And on your eyelids crownthe god of sleep, Charming your blood with pleasing heaviness, Making suchdifference ‘twixt wake and sleep As is the difference betwixt day and night The hourbefore the heavenly-harness’d team Begins his golden progress in the East.

Mort With all my heart I’ll sit and hear her sing.By that time will our book, I think, be drawn.Glend Do so, And those musicians that shall play to you Hang in the air a thousandleagues from hence, And straight they shall be here. Sit, and attend.

Hot Come, Kate, thou art perfect in lying down. Come, quick, quick, that I may lay myhead in thy lap.Lady P Go, ye giddy goose.The music plays.Hot Now I perceive the devil understands Welsh; And ‘tis no marvel, be is sohumorous.By’r Lady, he is a good musician.Lady P Then should you be nothing but musical; for you are altogether govern’d byhumours. Lie still, ye thief, and hear the lady sing in Welsh.

Hot I had rather hear Lady, my brach, howl in Irish.Lady P Wouldst thou have thy head broken? Hot No.Lady P Then be still.Hot Neither! ‘Tis a woman’s fault.Lady P Now God help thee!Hot To the Welsh lady’s bed.Lady P What’s that? Hot Peace! she sings.Here the Lady sings a Welsh song.Come, Kate, I’ll have your song too.Lady P Not mine, in good sooth.Hot Not yours, in good sooth? Heart! you swear like a comfit-maker’s wife. ‘Not you,in good sooth!’ and ‘as true as I live!’ and ‘as God shall mend me!’ and ‘as sure as day!’And givest such sarcenet surety for thy oaths As if thou ne’er walk’st further thanFinsbury.

Swear me, Kate, like a lady as thou art, A good mouth-filling oath; and leave ‘in sooth’And such protest of pepper gingerbread To velvet guards and Sunday citizens. Come,sing.

Lady P I will not sing.

Hot ‘Tis the next way to turn tailor or be redbreast-teacher. An the indentures bedrawn, I’ll away within these two hours; and so come in when ye will.

Exit.Glend Come, come, Lord Mortimer. You are as slow As hot Lord Percy is on fire to go.By this our book is drawn; we’ll but seal, And then to horse immediately.

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Mort With all my heart.Exeunt.

Scene II.

London. The Palace. - Enter the King, Prince of Wales, and others. King Lords, give usleave. The Prince of Wales and I Must have some private conference; but be near athand, For we shall presently have need of you.

Exeunt Lords.I know not whether God will have it so, For some displeasing service I have done, That,in his secret doom, out of my blood He’ll breed revengement and a scourge for me; Butthou dost in thy passages of life Make me believe that thou art only mark’d For the hotvengeance and the rod of heaven To punish my mistreadings. Tell me else, Could suchinordinate and low desires, Such poor, such bare, such lewd, such mean attempts, Suchbarren pleasures, rude society, As thou art match’d withal and grafted to, Accompanythe greatness of thy blood And hold their level with thy princely heart? Prince Soplease your Majesty, I would I could Quit all offences with as clear excuse As well as Iam doubtless I can purge Myself of many I am charged withal.

Yet such extenuation let me beg As, in reproof of many tales devis’d, Which oft the earof greatness needs must bear By, smiling pickthanks and base newsmongers, I may, forsome things true wherein my youth Hath faulty wand’red and irregular, And pardonon lily true submission.King God pardon thee! Yet let me wonder, Harry, At thy affections, which do hold awing, Quite from the flight of all thy ancestors.

Thy place in Council thou hast rudely lost, Which by thy younger brother is supplied,And art almost an alien to the hearts Of all the court and princes of my blood.

The hope and expectation of thy time Is ruin’d, and the soul of every man Propheticallydo forethink thy fall.

Had I so lavish of my presence been, So common-hackney’d in the eyes of men, So staleand cheap to vulgar company, Opinion, that did help me to the crown, Had still keptloyal to possession And left me in reputeless banishment, A fellow of no mark norlikelihood.

By being seldom seen, I could not stir But, like a comet, I Was wond’red at; That menwould tell their children, ‘This is he!’ Others would say, ‘Where? Which isBolingbroke?’ And then I stole all courtesy from heaven, And dress’d myself in suchhumility That I did pluck allegiance from men’s hearts, Loud shouts and salutationsfrom their mouths Even in the presence of the crowned King.

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Thus did I keep my person fresh and new, My presence, like a robe pontifical, Ne’erseen but wond’red at; and so my state, Seldom but sumptuous, show’d like a feast Andwon by rareness such solemnity.

The skipping King, he ambled up and down With shallow jesters and rash bavin wits,Soon kindled and soon burnt; carded his state; Mingled his royalty with cap’ring fools;Had his great name profaned with their scorns And gave his countenance, against hisname, To laugh at gibing boys and stand the push Of every beardless vaincomparative; Grew a companion to the common streets, Enfeoff’d himself topopularity; That, being dally swallowed by men’s eyes, They surfeited with honey andbegan To loathe the taste of sweetness, whereof a little More than a little is by much toomuch.

So, when he had occasion to be seen, He was but as the cuckoo is in June, Heard, notregarded- seen, but with such eyes As, sick and blunted with community, Afford noextraordinary gaze, Such as is bent on unlike majesty When it shines seldom inadmiring eyes; But rather drows’d and hung their eyelids down, Slept in his face, andrend’red such aspect As cloudy men use to their adversaries, Being with his presenceglutted, gorg’d, and full.

And in that very line, Harry, standest thou; For thou hast lost thy princely privilegeWith vile participation. Not an eye But is aweary of thy common sight, Save mine,which hath desir’d to see thee more; Which now doth that I would not have it doMakeblind itself with foolish tenderness.

Prince I shall hereafter, my thrice-gracious lord, Be more myself.

King For all the world, As thou art to this hour, was Richard then When I from Franceset foot at Ravenspurgh; And even as I was then is Percy now.

Now, by my sceptre, and my soul to boot, He hath more worthy interest to the stateThan thou, the shadow of succession; For of no right, nor colour like to right, He dothfill fields with harness in the realm, Turns head against the lion’s armed jaws, And,Being no more in debt to years than thou, Leads ancient lords and reverend Bishops onTo bloody battles and to bruising arms.

What never-dying honour hath he got Against renowmed Douglas! whose high deeds,Whose hot incursions and great name in arms Holds from all soldiers chief majorityAnd military title capital Through all the kingdoms that acknowledge Christ.

Thrice hath this Hotspur, Mars in swathling clothes, This infant warrior, in hisenterprises Discomfited great Douglas; ta’en him once, Enlarged him, and made afriend of him, To fill the mouth of deep defiance up And shake the peace and safety ofour throne.

And what say you to this? Percy, Northumberland, The Archbishop’s Grace of York,Douglas, Mortimer Capitulate against us and are up.

But wherefore do I tell these news to thee Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes, Whichart my nearest and dearest enemy’ Thou that art like enough, through vassal fear, Base

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inclination, and the start of spleen, To fight against me under Percy’s pay, To dog hisheels and curtsy at his frowns, To show how much thou art degenerate.

Prince Do not think so. You shall not find it so.And God forgive them that so much have sway’d Your Majesty’s good thoughts awayfrom me!I will redeem all this on Percy’s head And, in the closing of some glorious day, Be boldto tell you that I am your son, When I will wear a garment all of blood, And stain myfavours in a bloody mask, Which, wash’d away, shall scour my shame with it.

And that shall be the day, whene’er it lights, That this same child of honour andrenown, This gallant Hotspur, this all-praised knight, And your unthought of Harrychance to meet.

For every honour sitting on his helm, Would they were multitudes, and on my headMy shames redoubled! For the time will come That I shall make this Northern youthexchange His glorious deeds for my indignities.

Percy is but my factor, good my lord, To engross up glorious deeds on my behalf; AndI will call hall to so strict account That he shall render every glory up, Yea, even theslightest worship of his time, Or I will tear the reckoning from his heart.

This in the name of God I promise here; The which if he be pleas’d I shall perform, I dobeseech your Majesty may salve The long-grown wounds of my intemperance.

If not, the end of life cancels all bands, And I will die a hundred thousand deaths Erebreak the smallest parcel of this vow.

King A hundred thousand rebels die in this!Thou shalt have charge and sovereign trust herein. Enter Blunt. How now, good Blunt?Thy looks are full of speed.

Blunt So hath the business that I come to speak of.

Lord Mortimer of Scotland hath sent word That Douglas and the English rebels metThe eleventh of this month at Shrewsbury.

A mighty and a fearful head they are, If promises be kept oil every hand, As everoff’red foul play in a state.

King The Earl of Westmoreland set forth to-day; With him my son, Lord John ofLancaster; For this advertisement is five days old.

On Wednesday next, Harry, you shall set forward; On Thursday we ourselves willmarch. Our meeting Is Bridgenorth; and, Harry, you shall march ThroughGloucestershire; by which account, Our business valued, some twelve days hence Ourgeneral forces at Bridgenorth shall meet.

Our hands are full of business. Let’s away.Advantage feeds him fat while men delay.

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Scene III.

Eastcheap The Boar’s Head Tavern. -Enter Falstaff and Bardolph. Fal Bardolph, am I not fall’n away vilely since this lastaction? Do I not bate? Do I not dwindle? Why, my skin hangs about me like an oldlady’s loose gown! I am withered like an old apple John.

Well, I’ll repent, and that suddenly, while I am in some liking.

I shall be out of heart shortly, and then I shall have no strength to repent. An I have notforgotten what the inside of a church is made of, I am a peppercorn, a brewer’s horse.The inside of a church! Company, villanous company, hath been the spoil of me.

Bard Sir John, you are so fretful you cannot live long.

Fal Why, there is it! Come, sing me a bawdy song; make me merry. I was as virtuouslygiven as a gentleman need to be, virtuous enough: swore little, dic’d not above seventimes a week, went to a bawdy house not above once in a quarter- of an hour, paidmoney that I borrowed- three or four times, lived well, and in good compass; and nowI live out of all order, out of all compass.

Bard Why, you are so fat, Sir John, that you must needs be out of all compass- out of allreasonable compass, Sir John.

Fal Do thou amend thy face, and I’ll amend my life. Thou art our admiral, thou bearestthe lantern in the poop- but ‘tis in the nose of thee. Thou art the Knight of the BurningLamp.

Bard Why, Sir John, my face does you no harm.

Fal No, I’ll be sworn. I make as good use of it as many a man doth of a death’s-head ora memento mori. I never see thy face but I think upon hellfire and Dives that lived inpurple; for there he is in his robes, burning, burning. if thou wert any way given tovirtue, I would swear by thy face; my oath should be ‘By this fire, that’s God’s angel.’But thou art altogether given over, and wert indeed, but for the light in thy face, the sonof utter darkness. When thou ran’st up Gadshill in the night to catch my horse, if I didnot think thou hadst been an ignis fatuus or a ball of wildfire, there’s no purchase inmoney. O, thou art a perpetual triumph, an everlasting bonfire-light! Thou hast savedme a thousand marks in links and torches, walking with thee in the night betwixttavern and tavern; but the sack that thou hast drunk me would have bought me lightsas good cheap at the dearest chandler’s in Europe. I have maintained that salamanderof yours with fire any time this two-and-thirty years. God reward me for it!

Bard ‘Sblood, I would my face were in your belly!Fal God-a-mercy! so should I be sure to be heart-burn’d. Enter Hostess. How now,Dame Partlet the hen? Have you enquir’d yet who pick’d my pocket? Host Why, Sir

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John, what do you think, Sir John? Do you think I keep thieves in my house? I havesearch’d, I have enquired, so has my husband, man by man, boy by boy, servant byservant. The tithe of a hair was never lost in my house before.

Fal Ye lie, hostess. Bardolph was shav’d and lost many a hair, and I’ll be sworn mypocket was pick’d. Go to, you are a woman, go!

Host Who, I? No; I defy thee! God’s light, I was never call’d so in mine own housebefore!

Fal Go to, I know you well enough.

Host No, Sir John; you do not know me, Sir John. I know you, Sir John You owe memoney, Sir John, and now you pick a quarrel to beguile me of it. I bought you a dozenof shirts to your back.

Fal Dowlas, filthy dowlas! I have given them away to bakers’ wives; they have madebolters of them.

Host Now, as I am a true woman, holland of eight shillings an ell.

You owe money here besides, Sir John, for your diet and by-drinkings, and money lentyou, four-and-twenty pound.

Fal He had his part of it; let him pay.Host He? Alas, he is poor; he hath nothing.Fal How? Poor? Look upon his face. What call you rich? Let them coin his nose, letthem coin his cheeks. I’ll not pay a denier.

What, will you make a younker of me? Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn but I shallhave my pocket pick’d? I have lost a seal-ring of my grandfather’s worth forty mark.

Host O Jesu, I have heard the Prince tell him, I know not how oft, that that ring wascopper!

Fal How? the Prince is a Jack, a sneak-cup. ‘Sblood, an he were here, I would cudgelhim like a dog if he would say so. Enter the Prince [and Poins], marching; and Falstaffmeets them, playing upon his truncheon like a fife. How now, lad? Is the wind in thatdoor, i’ faith? Must we all march?

Bard Yea, two and two, Newgate fashion.Host My lord, I pray you hear me.Prince What say’st thou, Mistress Quickly? How doth thy husband? I love him well; heis an honest man.Host Good my lord, hear me.Fal Prithee let her alone and list to me.Prince What say’st thou, Jack? Fal The other night I fell asleep here behind the arrasand had my pocket pick’d. This house is turn’d bawdy house; they pick pockets.

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Prince What didst thou lose, Jack?Fal Wilt thou believe me, Hal? Three or four bonds of forty pound apiece and a seal-ring of my grandfather’s.

Prince A trifle, some eightpenny matter.

Host So I told him, my lord, and I said I heard your Grace say so; and, my lord, hespeaks most vilely of you, like a foul-mouth’d man as he is, and said he would cudgelyou.

Prince What! he did not? Host There’s neither faith, truth, nor womanhood in me else.

Fal There’s no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune, nor no more truth in thee thanin a drawn fox; and for woman-hood, Maid Marian may be the deputy’s wife of theward to thee. Go, you thing, go!

Host Say, what thing? what thing?Fal What thing? Why, a thing to thank God on.Host I am no thing to thank God on, I would thou shouldst know it!I am an honest man’s wife, and, setting thy knight-hood aside, thou art a knave to callme so.Fal Setting thy womanhood aside, thou art a beast to say otherwise.Host Say, what beast, thou knave, thou? Fal What beast? Why, an otter.Prince An otter, Sir John? Why an otter? Fal Why, she’s neither fish nor flesh; a manknows not where to have her.

Host Thou art an unjust man in saying so. Thou or any man knows

where to have me, thou knave, thou!

Prince Thou say’st true, hostess, and he slanders thee most grossly.

Host So he doth you, my lord, and said this other day you ought him a thousandpound.

Prince Sirrah, do I owe you a thousand pound? Fal A thousand pound, Hal? A million!Thy love is worth a million; thou owest me thy love.

Host Nay, my lord, he call’d you Jack and said he would cudgel you.Fal Did I, Bardolph? Bard Indeed, Sir John, you said so.Fal Yea. if he said my ring was copper.Prince I say, ‘tis copper. Darest thou be as good as thy word now? Fal Why, Hal, thouknowest, as thou art but man, I dare; but as thou art Prince, I fear thee as I fear theroaring of the lion’s whelp.

Prince And why not as the lion? Fal The King himself is to be feared as the lion. Dostthou think I’ll fear thee as I fear thy father? Nay, an I do, I pray God my girdle break.

But, sirrah, there’s no room for faith, truth, nor honesty in this bosom of thine. It is allfill’d up with guts and midriff.

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Charge an honest woman with picking thy pocket? Why, thou whoreson, impudent,emboss’d rascal, if there were anything in thy pocket but tavern reckonings,memorandums of bawdy houses, and one poor pennyworth of sugar candy to makethee longwindedif thy pocket were enrich’d with any other injuries but these, I am avillain. And yet you will stand to it; you will not pocket up wrong. Art thou notashamed? Fal Dost thou hear, Hal? Thou knowest in the state of innocency Adam fell;and what should poor Jack Falstaff do in the days of villany? Thou seest I have moreflesh than another man, and therefore more frailty. You confess then, you pick’d mypocket? Prince It appears so by the story.

Fal Hostess, I forgive thee. Go make ready breakfast. Love thy husband, look to thyservants, cherish thy guests. Thou shalt find me tractable to any honest reason. Thouseest I am pacified.

Still?- Nay, prithee be gone. [Exit Hostess.] Now, Hal, to the news at court. For therobbery, lad- how is that answered? Prince O my sweet beef, I must still be good angelto thee.The money is paid back again.Fal O, I do not like that paying back! ‘Tis a double labour.Prince I am good friends with my father, and may do anything.Fal Rob me the exchequer the first thing thou doest, and do it with unwash’d handstoo.Bard Do, my lord.Prince I have procured thee, Jack, a charge of foot.Fal I would it had been of horse. Where shall I find one that can steal well? O for a finethief of the age of two-and-twenty or thereabouts! I am heinously unprovided. Well,God be thanked for these rebels. They offend none but the virtuous. I laud them, Ipraise them.

Prince Bardolph!Bard My lord? Prince Go bear this letter to Lord John of Lancaster, To my brother John;this to my Lord of Westmoreland.

[Exit Bardolph.] Go, Poins, to horse, to horse; for thou and I Have thirty miles to rideyet ere dinner time.[Exit Poins.] Jack, meet me to-morrow in the Temple Hall At two o’clock in theafternoon.There shalt thou know thy charge. and there receive Money and order for theirfurniture.The land is burning; Percy stands on high; And either they or we must lower lie.[Exit.] Fal Rare words! brave world! Hostess, my breakfast, come.O, I could wish this tavern were my drum!Exit.

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ACT IV.Scene I.

The rebel camp near Shrewsbury. - Enter Harry Hotspur, Worcester, and Douglas. HotWell said, my noble Scot. If speaking truth In this fine age were not thought flattery,Such attribution should the Douglas have As not a soldier of this season’s stamp Shouldgo so general current through the world.

By God, I cannot flatter, I defy The tongues of soothers! but a braver place In my heart’slove hath no man than yourself.

Nay, task me to my word; approve me, lord.Doug Thou art the king of honour.No man so potent breathes upon the ground But I will beard him. Enter one withletters. -

Hot Do so, and ‘tis well.What letters hast thou there?- I can but thank you.

Messenger These letters come from your father.

Hot Letters from him? Why comes he not himself? Mess He cannot come, my lord; he isgrievous sick.

Hot Zounds! how has he the leisure to be sick In such a justling time? Who leads hispower? Under whose government come they along? Mess His letters bears his mind,not I, my lord.

Wor I prithee tell me, doth he keep his bed? Mess He did, my lord, four days ere I setforth, And at the time of my departure thence He was much fear’d by his physicians.

Wor I would the state of time had first been whole Ere he by sickness had been visited.

His health was never better worth than now.

Hot Sick now? droop now? This sickness doth infect The very lifeblood of ourenterprise.

‘Tis catching hither, even to our camp.

He writes me here that inward sicknessAnd that his friends by deputation could not Sosoon be drawn; no did he think it meet To lay so dangerous and dear a trust On anysoul remov’d but on his own.

Yet doth he give us bold advertisement, That with our small conjunction we should on,To see how fortune is dispos’d to us; For, as he writes, there is no quailing now,Because the King is certainly possess’d Of all our purposes. What say you to it?

Wor Your father’s sickness is a maim to us.Hot A perilous gash, a very limb lopp’d off.And yet, in faith, it is not! His present want Seems more than we shall find it. Were itgood To set the exact wealth of all our states All at one cast? to set so rich a man On thenice hazard of one doubtful hour? It were not good; for therein should we read The

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very bottom and the soul of hope, The very list, the very utmost bound Of all ourfortunes.

Doug Faith, and so we should; Where now remains a sweet reversion.We may boldly spend upon the hope of what Is to come in.A comfort of retirement lives in this.Hot A rendezvous, a home to fly unto,If that the devil and mischance look big Upon the maidenhead of our affairs.Wor But yet I would your father had been here.The quality and hair of our attempt Brooks no division. It will be thought By some thatknow not why he is away, That wisdom, loyalty, and mere dislike Of our proceedingskept the Earl from hence.

And think how such an apprehension May turn the tide of fearful faction And breed akind of question in our cause.

For well you know we of the off’ring side Must keep aloof from strict arbitrement, Andstop all sight-holes, every loop from whence The eye of reason may pry in upon us.

This absence of your father’s draws a curtain That shows the ignorant a kind of fearBefore not dreamt of.

Hot You strain too far.

I rather of his absence make this use: It lends a lustre and more great opinion, A largerdare to our great enterprise, Than if the Earl were here; for men must think, If we,without his help, can make a head To push against a kingdom, with his help We shallo’erturn it topsy-turvy down.

Yet all goes well; yet all our joints are whole.

Doug As heart can think. There is not such a word Spoke of in Scotland as this term offear. Enter Sir Richard Vernon. Hot My cousin Vernon! welcome, by my soul.

Ver Pray God my news be worth a welcome, lord.

The Earl of Westmoreland, seven thousand strong, Is marching hitherwards; with himPrince John.

Hot No harm. What more?Ver And further, I have learn’d The King himself in person is set forth, Or hitherwardsintended speedily, With strong and mighty preparation.

Hot He shall be welcome too. Where is his son, The nimble-footed madcap Prince ofWales, And his comrades, that daff’d the world aside And bid it pass? Ver Allfurnish’d, all in arms; All plum’d like estridges that with the wind Bated like eagleshaving lately bath’d; Glittering in golden coats like images; As full of spirit as themonth of May And gorgeous as the sun at midsummer; Wanton as youthful goats, wildas young bulls.

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I saw young Harry with his beaver on His cushes on his thighs, gallantly arm’d, Risefrom the ground like feathered Mercury, And vaulted with such ease into his seat As ifan angel dropp’d down from the clouds To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus And witchthe world with noble horsemanship.

Hot No more, no more! Worse than the sun in March, This praise doth nourish agues.Let them come.

They come like sacrifices in their trim, And to the fire-ey’d maid of smoky war All hotand bleeding Will we offer them.

The mailed Mars Shall on his altar sit Up to the ears in blood. I am on fire To hear thisrich reprisal is so nigh, And yet not ours. Come, let me taste my horse, Who is to bearme like a thunderbolt Against the bosom of the Prince of Wales.

Harry to Harry shall, hot horse to horse, Meet, and ne’er part till one drop down acorse.that Glendower were come!Ver There is more news.I learn’d in Worcester, as I rode along, He cannot draw his power this fourteen days.Doug That’s the worst tidings that I hear of yet.Wor Ay, by my faith, that bears a frosty sound.Hot What may the King’s whole battle reach unto? Ver To thirty thousand.Hot Forty let it be.My father and Glendower being both away, The powers of us may serve so great a day.Come, let us take a muster speedily.Doomsday is near. Die all, die merrily.Doug Talk not of dying. I am out of fear Of death or death’s hand for this one half-year.Exeunt.

Scene II.

A public road near Coventry. - Enter Falstaff and Bardolph. Fal Bardolph, get theebefore to Coventry; fill me a bottle of sack. Our soldiers shall march through. We’ll toSutton Co’fil’ to-night.

Bard Will you give me money, Captain? Fal Lay out, lay out.Bald. This bottle makes an angel.Fal An if it do, take it for thy labour; an if it make twenty, take them all; I’ll answer thecoinage. Bid my lieutenant Peto meet me at town’s end.

Bard I Will, Captain. Farewell.Exit.Fal If I be not ashamed of my soldiers, I am a sous’d gurnet. I have misused the King’spress damnably. I have got in exchange of a hundred and fifty soldiers, three hundredand odd pounds. I press me none but good householders, yeomen’s sons; inquire meout contracted bachelors, such as had been ask’d twice on the banes- such a commodity

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of warm slaves as had as lieve hear the devil as a drum; such as fear the report of acaliver worse than a struck fowl or a hurt wild duck. I press’d me none but such toasts-and-butter, with hearts in their bellies no bigger than pins’ heads, and they havebought out their services; and now my whole charge consists of ancients, corporals,lieutenants, gentlemen of companies- slaves as ragged as Lazarus in the painted cloth,where the glutton’s dogs licked his sores; and such as indeed were never soldiers, butdiscarded unjust serving-men, younger sons to Younger brothers, revolted tapsters,and ostlers trade-fall’n; the cankers of a calm world and a long peace; ten times moredishonourable ragged than an old fac’d ancient; and such have I to fill up the rooms ofthem that have bought out their services that you would think that I had a hundred andfifty tattered Prodigals lately come from swine-keeping, from eating draff and husks. Amad fellow met me on the way, and told me I had unloaded all the gibbets and press’dthe dead bodies. No eye hath seen such scarecrows. I’ll not march through Coventrywith them, that’s flat. Nay, and the villains march wide betwixt the legs, as if they hadgyves on; for indeed I had the most of them out of prison. There’s but a shirt and a halfin all my company; and the half-shirt is two napkins tack’d together and thrown overthe shoulders like a herald’s coat without sleeves; and the shirt, to say the truth, stol’nfrom my host at Saint Alban’s, or the red-nose innkeeper of Daventry. But that’s all one;they’ll find linen enough on every hedge. Enter the Prince and the Lord ofWestmoreland. Prince How now, blown Jack? How now, quilt? Fal What, Hal? Hownow, mad wag? What a devil dost thou in Warwickshire? My good Lord ofWestmoreland, I cry you mercy. I thought your honour had already been atShrewsbury.

West Faith, Sir John, ‘tis more than time that I were there, and you too; but my powersare there already. The King, I can tell you, looks for us all. We must away all, to-night.

Fal Tut, never fear me. I am as vigilant as a cat to steal cream.

Prince I think, to steal cream indeed, for thy theft hath already made thee butter. Buttell me, Jack, whose fellows are these that come after? Fal Mine, Hal, mine.

Prince I did never see such pitiful rascals.

Fal Tut, tut! good enough to toss; food for powder, food for powder. They’ll fill a pit aswell as better. Tush, man, mortal men, mortal men.

West Ay, but, Sir John, methinks they are exceeding poor and bare too beggarly.

Fal Faith, for their poverty, I know, not where they had that; and for their bareness, Iam surd they never learn’d that of me.

Prince No, I’ll be sworn, unless you call three fingers on the ribs bare. But, sirrah, makehaste. Percy ‘s already in the field.


Fal What, is the King encamp’d? West He is, Sir John. I fear we shall stay too long.

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[Exit.] Fal Well, To the latter end of a fray and the beginning of a feast Fits a dull fighterand a keen guest.Exit.

Scene III.

The rebel camp near Shrewsbury. - Enter Hotspur, Worcester, Douglas, Vernon. HotWe’ll fight with him to-night.

Wor It may not be.Doug You give him then advantage.Ver Not a whit.Hot Why say you so? Looks he no for supply? Ver So do we.Hot His is certain, ours ‘s doubtful.Wor Good cousin, be advis’d; stir not to-night.Ver Do not, my lord.Doug You do not counsel well.You speak it out of fear and cold heart.Ver Do me no slander, Douglas. By my lifeAnd I dare well maintain it with my lifeIfwell-respected honour bid me on I hold as little counsel with weak fear As you, mylord, or any Scot that this day lives.

Let it be seen to-morrow in the battle Which of us fears.Doug Yea, or to-night.Ver Content.Hot To-night, say I.Come, come, it may not be. I wonder much, Being men of such great leading as you are,That you foresee not what impediments Drag back our expedition. Certain horse Of mycousin Vernon’s are not yet come up.Your uncle Worcester’s horse came but to-day; And now their pride and mettle isasleep, Their courage with hard labour tame and dull, That not a horse is half the halfof himself.

Hot So are the horses of the enemy, In general journey-bated and brought low.The better part of ours are full of rest.Wor The number of the King exceedeth ours.For God’s sake, cousin, stay till all come in. The trumpet sounds a parley. Enter SirWalter Blunt. Blunt I come with gracious offers from the King, If you vouchsafe mehearing and respect.

Hot Welcome, Sir Walter Blunt, and would to God You were of our determination!Some of us love you well; and even those some Envy your great deservings and goodname, Because you are not of our quality, But stand against us like an enemy.

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Blunt And God defend but still I should stand so, So long as out of limit and true ruleYou stand against anointed majesty!

But to my charge. The King hath sent to know The nature of your griefs; andwhereupon You conjure from the breast of civil peace Such bold hostility, teaching hisduteous land Audacious cruelty. If that the King Have any way your good desertsforgot, Which he confesseth to be manifold, He bids you name your griefs, and with allspeed You shall have your desires with interest, And pardon absolute for yourself andthese Herein misled by your suggestion.

Hot The King is kind; and well we know the King Knows at what time to promise,when to pay.

My father and my uncle and myself Did give him that same royalty he wears; Andwhen he was not six-and-twenty strong, Sick in the world’s regard, wretched and low,A poor unminded outlaw sneaking home, My father gave him welcome to the shore;And when he heard him swear and vow to God He came but to be Duke of Lancaster,To sue his livery and beg his peace, With tears of innocency and terms of zeal, Myfather, in kind heart and pity mov’d, Swore him assistance, and performed it too.

Now, when the lords and barons of the realm Perceiv’d Northumberland did lean tohim, The more and less came in with cap and knee; Met him on boroughs, cities,villages, Attended him on bridges, stood in lanes, Laid gifts before him, proffer’d himtheir oaths, Give him their heirs as pages, followed him Even at the heels in goldenmultitudes.

He presently, as greatness knows itself, Steps me a little higher than his vow Made tomy father, while his blood was poor, Upon the naked shore at Ravenspurgh; And now,forsooth, takes on him to reform Some certain edicts and some strait decrees That lietoo heavy on the commonwealth; Cries out upon abuses, seems to weep Over hiscountry’s wrongs; and by this face, This seeming brow of justice, did he win The heartsof all that he did angle for; Proceeded further- cut me off the heads Of all the favouritesthat the absent King In deputation left behind him here When he was personal in theIrish war.

But. Tut! I came not to hear this.Hot Then to the point.In short time after lie depos’d the King; Soon after that depriv’d him of his life; And inthe neck of that task’d the whole state; To make that worse, suff’red his kinsman March(Who is, if every owner were well placid, Indeed his king) to be engag’d in Wales,There without ransom to lie forfeited; Disgrac’d me in my happy victories, Sought toentrap me by intelligence; Rated mine uncle from the Council board; In rage dismiss’dmy father from the court; Broke an oath on oath, committed wrong on wrong; And inconclusion drove us to seek out This head of safety, and withal to pry Into his title, thewhich we find Too indirect for long continuance.

Blunt Shall I return this answer to the King? Hot Not so, Sir Walter. We’ll withdrawawhile.

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Go to the King; and let there be impawn’d Some surety for a safe return again, And Inthe morning early shall mine uncle Bring him our purposes; and so farewell.

Blunt I would you would accept of grace and love.Hot And may be so we shall.Blunt Pray God you do.Exeunt.

Scene IV.

York. The Archbishop’s Palace. - Enter the Archbishop of York and Sir Michael. ArchHie, good Sir Michael; bear this sealed brief With winged haste to the Lord Marshal;This to my cousin Scroop; and all the rest To whom they are directed. If you knew Howmuch they do import, you would make haste.

Sir M My good lord, I guess their tenour.Arch Like enough you do.To-morrow, good Sir Michael, is a day Wherein the fortune of ten thousand men Mustbide the touch; for, sir, at Shrewsbury, As I am truly given to understand, The Kingwith mighty and quick-raised power Meets with Lord Harry; and I fear, Sir Michael,What with the sickness of Northumberland, Whose power was in the first proportion,And what with Owen Glendower’s absence thence, Who with them was a rated sinewtoo And comes not in, overrul’d by propheciesI fear the power of Percy is too weak Towage an instant trial with the King.

Sir M Why, my good lord, you need not fear; There is Douglas and Lord Mortimer.

Arch No, Mortimer is not there.

Sir M But there is Mordake, Vernon, Lord Harry Percy, And there is my Lord ofWorcester, and a head Of gallant warriors, noble gentlemen.

Arch And so there is; but yet the King hath drawn The special head of all the landtogetherThe Prince of Wales, Lord John of Lancaster, The noble Westmoreland andwarlike Blunt, And many moe corrivals and dear men Of estimation and command inarms.

Sir M Doubt not, my lord, they shall be well oppos’d.

Arch I hope no less, yet needful ‘tis to fear; And, to prevent the worst, Sir Michael,speed.

For if Lord Percy thrive not, ere the King Dismiss his power, he means to visit us, Forhe hath heard of our confederacy, And ‘tis but wisdom to make strong against him.

Therefore make haste. I must go write againTo other friends; and so farewell, Sir Michael.Exeunt.

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ACT V.Scene I.

The King’s camp near Shrewsbury. - Enter the King, Prince of Wales, Lord John ofLancaster, Sir Walter Blunt, Falstaff. King How bloodily the sun begins to peer Aboveyon busky hill! The day looks pale At his distemp’rature.

Prince The southern wind Doth play the trumpet to his purposes And by his hollowwhistling in the leaves Foretells a tempest and a blust’ring day.

King Theft with the losers let it sympathize, For nothing can seem foul to those thatwin. The trumpet sounds. Enter Worcester [and Vernon]. How, now, my Lord ofWorcester? ‘Tis not well That you and I should meet upon such terms As now we meet.You have deceiv’d our trust And made us doff our easy robes of peace To crush our oldlimbs in ungentle steel.

This is not well, my lord; this is not well.

What say you to it? Will you again unknit This churlish knot of all-abhorred war, Andmove in that obedient orb again Where you did give a fair and natural light, And be nomore an exhal’d meteor, A prodigy of fear, and a portent Of broached mischief to theunborn times? Wor Hear me, my liege.

For mine own part, I could be well content To entertain the lag-end of my life Withquiet hours; for I do protest I have not sought the day of this dislike.

King You have not sought it! How comes it then, Fal Rebellion lay in his way, and hefound it.

Prince Peace, chewet, peace!Wor It pleas’d your Majesty to turn your looks Of favour from myself and all ourhouse; And yet I must remember you, my lord, We were the first and dearest of yourfriends.

For you my staff of office did I break In Richard’s time, and posted day and night Tomeet you on the way and kiss your hand When yet you were in place and in accountNothing so strong and fortunate as I.

It was myself, my brother, and his son That brought you home and boldly did outdareThe dangers of the time. You swore to us, And you did swear that oath at Doncaster,That you did nothing purpose ‘gainst the state, Nor claim no further than your new-fall’n right, The seat of Gaunt, dukedom of Lancaster.

To this we swore our aid. But in short space It it rain’d down fortune show’ring onyour head, And such a flood of greatness fell on you What with our help, what with theabsent King, What with the injuries of a wanton time, The seeming sufferances that youhad borne, And the contrarious winds that held the King So long in his unlucky Irishwars That all in England did repute him deadAnd from this swarm of fair advantages

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You took occasion to be quickly woo’d To gripe the general sway into your hand;Forgot your oath to us at Doncaster; And, being fed by us, you us’d us so As thatungentle gull, the cuckoo’s bird, Useth the sparrow- did oppress our nest; Grew, by ourfeeding to so great a bulk That even our love thirst not come near your sight For fear ofswallowing; but with nimble wing We were enforc’d for safety sake to fly Out of yoursight and raise this present head; Whereby we stand opposed by such means As youyourself have forg’d against yourself By unkind usage, dangerous countenance, Andviolation of all faith and troth Sworn to tis in your younger enterprise.

King These things, indeed, you have articulate, Proclaim’d at market crosses, read inchurches, To face the garment of rebellion With some fine colour that may please theeye Of fickle changelings and poor discontents, Which gape and rub the elbow at thenews Of hurlyburly innovation.

And never yet did insurrection want Such water colours to impaint his cause, Normoody beggars, starving for a time Of pell-mell havoc and confusion.

Prince In both our armies there is many a soul Shall pay full dearly for this encounter,If once they join in trial. Tell your nephew The Prince of Wales doth join with all theworld In praise of Henry Percy. By my hopes, This present enterprise set off his head, Ido not think a braver gentleman, More active-valiant or more valiant-young, Moredaring or more bold, is now alive To grace this latter age with noble deeds.

For my part, I may speak it to my shame, I have a truant been to chivalry; And so I hearhe doth account me too.

Yet this before my father’s MajestyI am content that he shall take the odds Of his greatname and estimation, And will to save the blood on either side, Try fortune with him ina single fight.

King And, Prince of Wales, so dare we venture thee, Albeit considerations infinite Domake against it. No, good Worcester, no!

We love our people well; even those we love That are misled upon your cousin’s part;And, will they take the offer of our grace, Both he, and they, and you, yea, every manShall be my friend again, and I’ll be his.

So tell your cousin, and bring me word What he will do. But if he will not yield,Rebuke and dread correction wait on us, And they shall do their office. So be gone.

We will not now be troubled with reply.We offer fair; take it advisedly.Exit Worcester [with Vernon]Prince It will not be accepted, on my life.The Douglas and the Hotspur both together Are confident against the world in arms.King Hence, therefore, every leader to his charge; For, on their answer, will we set onthem, And God befriend us as our cause is just!

Exeunt. Manent Prince, Falstaff.Fal Hal, if thou see me down in the battle and bestride me, so!

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‘Tis a point of friendship.Prince Nothing but a Colossus can do thee that friendship.Say thy prayers, and farewell.Fal I would ‘twere bedtime, Hal, and all well.Prince Why, thou owest God a death.Exit.Fal ‘Tis not due yet. I would be loath to pay him before his day.What need I be so forward with him that calls not on me? Well, ‘tis no matter; honourpricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? How then? Canhonor set to a leg? No. Or an arm? No. Or take away the grief of a wound? No. Honourhath no skill in surgery then? No. What is honour? A word. What is that word honour?Air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? He that died a Wednesday. Doth he feel it? No.Doth be bear it? No. ‘Tis insensible then? Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with theliving? No. Why? Detraction will not suffer it. Therefore I’ll none of it. Honour is amere scutcheon- and so ends my catechism.


Scene II.

The rebel camp. - Enter Worcester and Sir Richard Vernon. Wor O no, my nephew mustnot know, Sir Richard, The liberal and kind offer of the King.

Ver ‘Twere best he did.Wor Then are we all undone.It is not possible, it cannot be The King should keep his word in loving us.He will suspect us still and find a time To punish this offence in other faults.Suspicion all our lives shall be stuck full of eyes; For treason is but trusted like the foxWho, ne’er so tame, so cherish’d and lock’d up, Will have a wild trick of his ancestors.

Look how we can, or sad or merrily, Interpretation will misquote our looks, And weshall feed like oxen at a stall, The better cherish’d, still the nearer death.

My nephew’s trespass may be well forgot; It hath the excuse of youth and heat ofblood, And an adopted name of privilegeA hare-brained Hotspur govern’d by a spleen.

All his offences live upon my head And on his father’s. We did train him on; And, hiscorruption being taken from us, We, as the spring of all, shall pay for all.

Therefore, good cousin, let not Harry know, In any case, the offer of the King. EnterHotspur [and Douglas]. Ver Deliver what you will, I’ll say ‘tis so.

Here comes your cousin.Hot My uncle is return’d.Deliver up my Lord of Westmoreland.Uncle, what news? Wor The King will bid you battle presently.Doug Defy him by the Lord Of Westmoreland.

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Hot Lord Douglas, go you and tell him so.Doug Marry, and shall, and very willingly.Exit.Wor There is no seeming mercy in the King.Hot Did you beg any, God forbid!Wor I told him gently of our grievances, Of his oath-breaking; which he mended thus,By now forswearing that he is forsworn.

He calls us rebels, traitors, aid will scourge With haughty arms this hateful name in us.Enter Douglas. -

Doug Arm, gentlemen! to arms! for I have thrown A brave defiance in King Henry’steeth, And Westmoreland, that was engag’d, did bear it; Which cannot choose but bringhim quickly on.

Wor The Prince of Wales stepp’d forth before the King And, nephew, challeng’d you tosingle fight.

Hot O, would the quarrel lay upon our heads, And that no man might draw shortbreath to-day But I and Harry Monmouth! Tell me, tell me, How show’d his tasking?Seem’d it in contempt? No, by my soul. I never in my life Did hear a challenge urg’dmore modestly, Unless a brother should a brother dare To gentle exercise and proof ofarms.

He gave you all the duties of a man; Trimm’d up your praises with a princely tongue;Spoke your deservings like a chronicle; Making you ever better than his praise By stilldispraising praise valued with you; And, which became him like a prince indeed, Hemade a blushing cital of himself, And chid his truant youth with such a grace As if liemast’red there a double spirit Of teaching and of learning instantly.

There did he pause; but let me tell the world, If he outlive the envy of this day, Englanddid never owe so sweet a hope, So much misconstrued in his wantonness.

Hot Cousin, I think thou art enamoured Upon his follies. Never did I hear Of anyprince so wild a libertine.

But be he as he will, yet once ere night I will embrace him with a soldier’s arm, That heshall shrink under my courtesy.

Arm, arm with speed! and, fellows, soldiers, friends, Better consider what you have todo Than I, that have not well the gift of tongue, Can lift your blood up with persuasion.-

Enter a Messenger. Mess My lord, here are letters for you.

Hot I cannot read them now.O gentlemen, the time of life is short!To spend that shortness basely were too long If life did ride upon a dial’s point, Stillending at the arrival of an hour.

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An if we live, we live to tread on kings; If die, brave death, when princes die with us!Now for our consciences, the arms are fair, When the intent of bearing them is just.Enter another Messenger. Mess My lord, prepare. The King comes on apace.

Hot I thank him that he cuts me from my tale, For I profess not talking. Only thisLeteach man do his best; and here draw I A sword whose temper I intend to stain With thebest blood that I can meet withal In the adventure of this perilous day.

Now, Esperance! Percy! and set on.

Sound all the lofty instruments of war, And by that music let us all embrace; For,heaven to earth, some of us never shall A second time do such a courtesy.

Here they embrace. The trumpets sound.[Exeunt.]

Scene III.

Plain between the camps. - The King enters with his Power. Alarum to the battle.Then enter Douglas and Sir Walter Blunt. Blunt What is thy name, that in the battlethus Thou crossest me? What honour dost thou seek Upon my head? Doug Know thenmy name is Douglas, And I do haunt thee in the battle thus Because some tell me thatthou art a king.

Blunt They tell thee true.

Doug The Lord of Stafford dear to-day hath bought Thy likeness; for instead of thee,King Harry, This sword hath ended him. So shall it thee, Unless thou yield thee as myprisoner.

Blunt I was not born a yielder, thou proud Scot; And thou shalt find a king that willrevenge Lord Stafford’s death. They fight. Douglas kills Blunt. Then enter Hotspur. HotO Douglas, hadst thou fought at Holmedon thus, I never had triumph’d upon a Scot.

Doug All’s done, all’s won. Here breathless lies the King.Hot Where? Doug Here.Hot This, Douglas? No. I know this face full well.A gallant knight he was, his name was Blunt; Semblably furnish’d like the Kinghimself.

Doug A fool go with thy soul, whither it goes!A borrowed title hast thou bought too dear: Why didst thou tell me that thou wert aking? Hot The King hath many marching in his coats.

Doug Now, by my sword, I will kill all his coats; I’ll murder all his wardrop, piece bypiece, Until I meet the King.

Hot Up and away!Our soldiers stand full fairly for the day.

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Exeunt. Alarum. Enter Falstaff solus. Fal Though I could scape shot-free at London, Ifear the shot here. Here’s no scoring but upon the pate. Soft! who are you? Sir WalterBlunt. There’s honour for you! Here’s no vanity! I am as hot as molten lead, and asheavy too. God keep lead out of me!

I need no more weight than mine own bowels. I have led my rag-of-muffins where theyare pepper’d. There’s not three of my hundred and fifty left alive; and they are for thetown’s end, to beg during life. But who comes here? Enter the Prince. Prince What,stand’st thou idle here? Lend me thy sword.

Many a nobleman lies stark and stiff Under the hoofs of vaunting enemies, Whosedeaths are yet unreveng’d. I prithee Rend me thy sword.

Fal O Hal, I prithee give me leave to breathe awhile. Turk Gregory never did suchdeeds in arms as I have done this day. I have paid Percy; I have made him sure.

Prince He is indeed, and living to kill thee.I prithee lend me thy sword.Fal Nay, before God, Hal, if Percy be alive, thou get’st not my sword; but take mypistol, if thou wilt.Prince Give it me. What, is it in the case? Fal Ay, Hal. ‘Tis hot, ‘tis hot. There’s that willsack a city. The Prince draws it out and finds it to he a bottle of sack. What, is it a timeto jest and dally now? He throws the bottle at him. Exit.

Fal Well, if Percy be alive, I’ll pierce him. If he do come in my way, so; if he do not, if Icome in his willingly, let him make a carbonado of me. I like not such grinning honouras Sir Walter hath. Give me life; which if I can save, so; if not, honour comes unlook’dfor, and there’s an end.


Scene IV.

Another part of the field. - Alarum. Excursions. Enter the King, the Prince, Lord John ofLancaster, Earl of Westmoreland King I prithee, Harry, withdraw thyself; thou bleedesttoo much.

Lord John of Lancaster, go you unto him.John Not I, my lord, unless I did bleed too.Prince I do beseech your Majesty make up, Lest Your retirement do amaze yourfriends.King I will do so.My Lord of Westmoreland, lead him to his tent.West Come, my lord, I’ll lead you to your tent.Prince Lead me, my lord, I do not need your help; And God forbid a shallow scratchshould drive The Prince of Wales from such a field as this, Where stain’d nobility liestrodden on, And rebels’ arms triumph in massacres!

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John We breathe too long. Come, cousin Westmoreland, Our duty this way lies. ForGod’s sake, come.[Exeunt Prince John and Westmoreland.] Prince By God, thou hast deceiv’d me,Lancaster!I did not think thee lord of such a spirit.Before, I lov’d thee as a brother, John; But now, I do respect thee as my soul.

King I saw him hold Lord Percy at the point With lustier maintenance than I did lookfor Of such an ungrown warrior.

Prince O, this boy Lends mettle to us all!Exit. Enter Douglas. Doug Another king? They grow like Hydra’s heads.I am the Douglas, fatal to all those That wear those colours on them. What art thou Thatcounterfeit’st the person of a king? King The King himself, who, Douglas, grieves atheart So many of his shadows thou hast met, And not the very King. I have two boysSeek Percy and thyself about the field; But, seeing thou fall’st on me so luckily, I willassay thee. So defend thyself.

Doug I fear thou art another counterfeit; And yet, in faith, thou bearest thee like a king.But mine I am sure thou art, whoe’er thou be, And thus I win thee. They fight. TheKing being in danger, enter Prince of Wales. Prince Hold up thy head, vile Scot, or thouart like Never to hold it up again! The spirits Of valiant Shirley, Stafford, Blunt are inmy arms.

It is the Prince of Wales that threatens thee, Who never promiseth but he means to pay.

They fight. Douglas flieth.

Cheerly, my lord. How fares your Grace? Sir Nicholas Gawsey hath for succour sent,And so hath Clifton. I’ll to Clifton straight.

King Stay and breathe awhile.

Thou hast redeem’d thy lost opinion, And show’d thou mak’st some tender of my life,In this fair rescue thou hast brought to me.

Prince O God! they did me too much injury That ever said I heark’ned for your death.If it were so, I might have let alone The insulting hand of Douglas over you, Whichwould have been as speedy in your end As all the poisonous potions in the world, Andsav’d the treacherous labour of your son.

King Make up to Clifton; I’ll to Sir Nicholas Gawsey.Exit. Enter Hotspur. Hot If I mistake not, thou art Harry Monmouth.Prince Thou speak’st as if I would deny my name.Hot My name is Harry Percy.Prince Why, then I see A very valiant rebel of the name.I am the Prince of Wales; and think not, Percy, To share with me in glory any more.Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere, Nor can one England brook a doublereign Of Harry Percy and the Prince of Wales.

Page 56: THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH William …Prince No; thou shalt. Fal Shall I? O rare! By the Lord, I’ll be a brave judge. Prince Thou judgest false already. I mean, thou

Hot Nor shall it, Harry; for the hour is come To end the one of us and would to GodThy name in arms were now as great as mine!

Prince I’ll make it greater ere I part from thee, And all the budding honours on thycrest I’ll crop to make a garland for my head.

Hot I can no longer brook thy vanities.

They fight. Enter Falstaff. Fal Well said, Hal! to it, Hal! Nay, you shall find no boy’splay here, I can tell you.

Enter Douglas. He fighteth with Falstaff, who falls down as if he were dead. [ExitDouglas.] The Prince killeth Percy. Hot O Harry, thou hast robb’d me of my youth!

I better brook the loss of brittle life Than those proud titles thou hast won of me.

They wound my thoughts worse than thy sword my flesh.

But thoughts the slave, of life, and life time’s fool, And time, that takes survey of all theworld, Must have a stop. O, I could prophesy, But that the earthy and cold hand ofdeath Lies on my tongue. No, Percy, thou art dust, And food for [Dies.] Prince Forworms, brave Percy. Fare thee well, great heart!

Ill-weav’d ambition, how much art thou shrunk!When that this body did contain a spirit, A kingdom for it was too small a bound; Butnow two paces of the vilest earth Is room enough. This earth that bears thee dead Bearsnot alive so stout a gentleman.

If thou wert sensible of courtesy, I should not make so dear a show of zeal.

But let my favours hide thy mangled face; And, even in thy behalf, I’ll thank myself Fordoing these fair rites of tenderness.

Adieu, and take thy praise with thee to heaven!Thy ignominy sleep with thee in the grave, But not rememb’red in thy epitaph!

He spieth Falstaff on the ground.

What, old acquaintance? Could not all this flesh Keep in a little life? Poor Jack, farewell!

I could have better spar’d a better man.

O, I should have a heavy miss of thee If I were much in love with vanity!Death hath not struck so fat a deer to-day, Though many dearer, in this bloody fray.

Embowell’d will I see thee by-and-by; Till then in blood by noble Percy lie.

Exit. Falstaff riseth up.Fal Embowell’d? If thou embowel me to-day, I’ll give you leave to powder me and eatme too to-morrow. ‘Sblood, ‘twas time to counterfeit, or that hot termagant Scot hadpaid me scot and lot too. Counterfeit? I lie; I am no counterfeit. To die is to be a

Page 57: THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH William …Prince No; thou shalt. Fal Shall I? O rare! By the Lord, I’ll be a brave judge. Prince Thou judgest false already. I mean, thou

counterfeit; for he is but the counterfeit of a man who hath not the life of a man; but tocounterfeit dying when a man thereby liveth, is to be no counterfeit, but the true andperfect image of life indeed. The better part of valour is discretion; in the which betterpart I have saved my life. Zounds, I am afraid of this gunpowder Percy, though he bedead. How if he should counterfeit too, and rise? By my faith, I am afraid he wouldprove the better counterfeit. Therefore I’ll make him sure; yea, and I’ll swear I kill’dhim. Why may not he rise as well as I? Nothing confutes me but eyes, and nobody seesme. Therefore, sirrah [stabs him], with a new wound in your thigh, come you alongwith me. He takes up Hotspur on his hack. [Enter Prince, and John of Lancaster. PrinceCome, brother John; full bravely hast thou flesh’d Thy maiden sword.

John But, soft! whom have we here? Did you not tell me this fat man was dead? Prince Idid; I saw him dead, Breathless and bleeding on the ground. Art thou alive, Or is itfantasy that plays upon our eyesight? I prithee speak. We will not trust our eyesWithout our ears. Thou art not what thou seem’st.

Fal No, that’s certain! I am not a double man; but if I be not Jack Falstaff, then am I aJack. There ‘s Percy. If your father will do me any honour, so; if not, let him kill the nextPercy himself. I look to be either earl or duke, I can assure you.

Prince Why, Percy I kill’d myself, and saw thee dead!Fal Didst thou? Lord, Lord, how this world is given to lying! I grant you I was down,and out of breath, and so was he; but we rose both at an instant and fought a long hourby Shrewsbury clock. If I may be believ’d, so; if not, let them that should reward valourbear the sin upon their own heads. I’ll take it upon my death, I gave him this wound inthe thigh. If the man were alive and would deny it, zounds! I would make him eat apiece of my sword.

John This is the strangest tale that ever I beard.Prince This is the strangest fellow, brother John.Come, bring your luggage nobly on your back.For my part, if a lie may do thee grace, I’ll gild it with the happiest terms I have.A retreat is sounded.The trumpet sounds retreat; the day is ours.Come, brother, let’s to the highest of the field, To see what friends are living, who aredead.Exeunt [Prince Henry and Prince John].Fal I’ll follow, as they say, for reward. He that rewards me, God reward him! If I dogrow great, I’ll grow less; for I’ll purge, and leave sack, and live cleanly, as a noblemanshould do.

Exit [bearing off the body].

Scene V.

Page 58: THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH William …Prince No; thou shalt. Fal Shall I? O rare! By the Lord, I’ll be a brave judge. Prince Thou judgest false already. I mean, thou

Another part of the field. - The trumpets sound. [Enter the King, Prince of Wales, LordJohn of Lancaster, Earl of Westmoreland, with Worcester and Vernon prisoners. KingThus ever did rebellion find rebuke.

Ill-spirited Worcester! did not we send grace, Pardon, and terms of love to all of you?And wouldst thou turn our offers contrary? Misuse the tenour of thy kinsman’s trust?Three knights upon our party slain to-day, A noble earl, and many a creature else Hadbeen alive this hour, If like a Christian thou hadst truly borne Betwixt our armies trueintelligence.

Wor What I have done my safety urg’d me to; And I embrace this fortune patiently,Since not to be avoided it fails on me.

King Bear Worcester to the death, and Vernon too; Other offenders we will pause upon.

Exeunt Worcester and Vernon, [guarded].

How goes the field? Prince The noble Scot, Lord Douglas, when he saw The fortune ofthe day quite turn’d from him, The Noble Percy slain and all his men Upon the foot offear, fled with the rest; And falling from a hill,he was so bruis’d That the pursuers tookhim. At my tent The Douglas is, and I beseech Your Grace I may dispose of him.

King With all my heart.

Prince Then brother John of Lancaster, to you This honourable bounty shall belong.

Go to the Douglas and deliver him Up to his pleasure, ransomless and free.

His valour shown upon our crests today Hath taught us how to cherish such highdeeds, Even in the bosom of our adversaries.

John I thank your Grace for this high courtesy, Which I shall give away immediately.

King Then this remains, that we divide our power.

You, son John, and my cousin Westmoreland, Towards York shall bend you with yourdearest speed To meet Northumberland and the prelate Scroop, Who, as we hear, arebusily in arms.

Myself and you, son Harry, will towards Wales To fight with Glendower and the Earlof March.

Rebellion in this laud shall lose his sway, Meeting the check of such another day; Andsince this business so fair is done, Let us not leave till all our own be won.


