Page 1: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

The First FifteenThe First FifteenAfter reviewing your formative assessments, I have After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin:a few suggestions for you before you begin:– Make sure you have the details correctMake sure you have the details correct– Title vs. name (Title vs. name (Hamlet Hamlet vs. Hamlet)vs. Hamlet)– Fully develop your ideasFully develop your ideas

A list of observations will only score a 1A list of observations will only score a 1

– Don’t try to compare apples to rhinoceroses Don’t try to compare apples to rhinoceroses Keep your points of comparison equalKeep your points of comparison equal

– Please don’t puke your thoughts all over the paper Please don’t puke your thoughts all over the paper Organize them before you start writingOrganize them before you start writing

– Avoid personal opinion (likes and dislikes)Avoid personal opinion (likes and dislikes)– Don’t mix up the different interpretationsDon’t mix up the different interpretations– Don’t just summarize the original text; analyze the Don’t just summarize the original text; analyze the

interpretations and how they represent the original textinterpretations and how they represent the original text

Page 2: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

Not this time!

Page 3: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

Put Your Thinking Cap on and Get Ready to WorkAvoid the “primrose path of dalliance” (1.3.54)

4—Analyzes multiple interpretations; evaluates how and why

3—Analyzes multiple interpretations; evaluates how2—Compares multiple interpretations; minimal evaluation1—Compares irrelevant points; lacks evaluation

RL.07. Analyze multiple interpretations, evaluating how each version interprets the source text.

You’ll need the following items out on your desk:


•Paper—probably 2 sheets to be safe

•Copy of Hamlet

Page 4: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

Ophelia in the Hot Seat

• Scene interpretation analysis vs. character interpretation analysis

• Pull from prior knowledge– What is Ophelia’s role in the play?– What is her background?

• Close reading of text:– Act 4.5.1-78– Act 4.5.178-224– Act 4.7.187-212

Note it!

Page 5: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

Close Reading

• Here are some things to think about as you complete the close reading on Ophelia1. What internal and external forces have shaped her?2. What are Ophelia’s needs and wants? Her

objectives? (These rise from her needs and wants)• Look at her behavior (what she does)• Look at what she says

3. What events and items surround her? How do these impact or indicate her character or situation?

4. What allusions are included in these sections?

Tempting, but

doesn’t help.• Close reading means

paying close attention to what the text says

Page 6: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

You will use at least three sources for your analysis:

• The original text

• Two interpretations

Instructions:1. Choose a minimum of two

interpretations2. Study the interpretations

• Take notes on how each interprets the original text

3. Review your notes (close reading and interpretation)

4. Organize your thoughts5. Write your analysis

• At least 2 paragraphs• MLA format

6. Double check your work for clarity and correctness

What?! You really want me to follow the

instructions?When did being cutestop being enough?

Page 7: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

John Everett Millais, Ophelia (1852)

Page 9: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

Odilon Redon Ophelia (1903)

Page 10: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

Gene Gould Ophelia and Hamlet (2003)

Page 11: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

““Ophelia”—a poem—by Arthur Ophelia”—a poem—by Arthur RimbaudRimbaud

Page 12: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

““Ophelia”—a song—by Natalie Ophelia”—a song—by Natalie MerchantMerchant

Page 13: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

OpheliaIOn the calm black water where the stars are sleepingWhite Ophelia floats like a great lily;Floats very slowly, lying in her long veils...- In the far-off woods you can hear them sound the mort.For more than a thousand years sad OpheliaHas passed, a white phantom, down the long black river.For more than a thousand years her sweet madnessHas murmured its ballad to the evening breeze.The wind kisses her breasts and unfolds in a wreathHer great veils rising and falling with the waters;The shivering willows weep on her shoulder,The rushes lean over her wide, dreaming brow.The ruffled water-lilies are sighing around her;At times she rouses, in a slumbering alder,Some nest from which escapes a small rustle of wings;- A mysterious anthem falls from the golden stars.

IIO pale Ophelia! beautiful as snow!Yes child, you died, carried off by a river!- It was the winds descending from the great mountains of NorwayThat spoke to you in low voices of better freedom.It was a breath of wind, that, twisting your great hair,Brought strange rumors to your dreaming mind;It was your heart listening to the song of NatureIn the groans of the tree and the sighs of the nights;It was the voice of mad seas, the great roar,That shattered your child's heart, too human and too soft;It was a handsome pale knight, a poor madmanWho one April morning sate mute at your knees!Heaven! Love! Freedom! What a dream, oh poor crazed Girl!You melted to him as snow does to a fire; Your great visions strangled your words- And fearful Infinity terrified your blue eye!

III-And the poet says that by starlightYou come seeking, in the night, the flowers that you pickedAnd that he has seen on the water, lying in her long veilsWhite Ophelia floating, like a great lily.

Arthur Rimbaud

Page 14: The First Fifteen After reviewing your formative assessments, I have a few suggestions for you before you begin: –Make sure you have the details correct

Ophelia was a bride of godA novice CarmeliteIn sister cells the cloister bellsTolled on her wedding night

Ophelia was a rebel girlA blue stocking suffragetteWho remedied societyBetween her cigarettes

Ophelia was a sweetheartTo the nation over nightCurvaceous thighsVivacious eyesLove was at first sight...

Ophelia was a demigoddessIn pre war BabylonSo statuesque a silhouetteIn black satin evening gowns

Ophelia was the mistress to aVegas gambling manSignora Ophelia MaraschinaMafia courtesan

Ophelia was a circus queenThe female cannonballProjected through five flaming hoopsTo wild and shocked applause...

Ophelia was a tempest, cycloneA god damned hurricaneYour common senseYour best defenseLay wasted and in vain

Ophelia'd know your every woeAnd pain you'd ever hadShe'd sympathizeAnd dry your eyesAnd help you to forget...

Ophelia's mind went wanderingYou'd wonder where she'd goneThrough secret doorsDown corridorsShe'd wander them alone

All alone...


by Natalie Merchant
