Page 1: The facilitative sharing of views (FSV) workshop, COP 26


The facilitative sharing of views

(FSV) workshop, COP 26

November 2021

Page 2: The facilitative sharing of views (FSV) workshop, COP 26


Summary of BUR1

Challenges of Preparation of BUR1

Lesson learned in ICA process


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❖Laos submitted the first and the second NatCom in 2000 and 2013.

❖The first BUR was submitted on 28 July 2020, including 5 chapters and 1 Annex:• Chapter 1: National circumstances• Chapter 2: National greenhouse gas inventory• Chapter 3: Mitigation actions and effects• Chapter 4: Domestic MRV• Chapter 5: Constraints and gaps, financial, technical- technology

and capacity needs and support received • Annex 1 : Information on the REDD+ activity (Reported has septate


Background information

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Figure 1. Map of Lao PDR

• Geographical and physical


• Natural resources

• Environment

• National socio-economy

• Institutional arrangements

National circumstances

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Department of Climate Change

Project Management


Task Force


Task Force


Task Force



Task Force

National Consultant

Project coordinators of BUR1

21 Members from line ministries/agencies

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE)

Technical Working Group

Institutional arrangement

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3,729.42 ; 15%

1,151.89 ; 5%

18,793.41 ; 78%

425.26 ; 2%



1 - Energy

2 - Industrial Processes and Product Use

3 - Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use

4 - Waste

Figure 2. Total Emissions in 2014 in Lao PDR

• The net emissions was 24,099.98 GgCO2eq

• AFOLU, especially forest remaining forest,

crop land remaining cropland and lands

converted to forest had a capacity to

remove emissions equivalent to about

13,000 Gg. AFOLU sector had net

emissions of 18,793.41 GgCO2eq, which

was the largest sources of emissions,

accounting for about 78% of the total


• Second largest source of emissions was

Energy Sector, which emitted 3,729.42

GgCO2eq (15%). The rest, IPPU and Waste

shared 5% and 2%, respectively.

GHG inventory in 2014

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Sectors Mitigation Measures Objectives CO2 Reduction



• Maintains the existing forest and carbon including

preventing deforestation and forest degradation as well as

avoid conversion of forest to other land use and illegal


• Expands forest and carbon sink by afforestation,

reforestation, enhanced regeneration, agroforestry urban

and green landscape

• Promotes and maintains sustainable forest and non-timber

forest product (NTFP) management including harvesting

and efficiency

• Increased efficiency of forest resources including wood and

non-timber forest products processing and utilization

• Forest cover increased to 70% of

land area or 16.58 million hectares

by 2020

• 50% of the protection and

conservation forest are well-

prevented and managed by 2030

• Slash and burnt agricultural

reduced by 15% by 2030

• 500,000 ha of plantation

established by 2020

• Establish a park per


(population>100,000) by 2030

60,000- 69,000


Agriculture • Promote conservation and integrated agriculture

• Promote precise farming

• Promote restoration of degrade farmlands and soils, and

enhance soil conservation

• Improve livestock feed and feeding

• Enhance animal manure management and biogas


No specific or qualitative target or calculation of

emissions reduction potentials

Key climate mitigation measures and goals

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Sectors Mitigation Measures Objectives CO2 Reduction



Increase access to electricity Electricity is available to 90% of household in rural

area by 202063 ktCO2e/pa by 2020

Promote renewable energy Build large (>15 MW) hydropower plants to provide

clean electricity to neighbouring countries. 16,284 ktCO2e/pa


• Renewable energy shares 30% of energy

consumption by 2025.

• 10% of the fuel use in transport sector replaced

by biofuel by 2025

• 58 MW from biomass

• 51 MW from biogas

• 48 MW from solar power

• 73 MW from wind power

• 36 MW from municipal solid waste

1,468,000 ktCO2e

by 2025

Promote energy conservation and

efficiency in all sectors

• Energy saving by 10% by 2030

• Increased energy use efficiency by 10%

by 2025

No calculation of

emissions reduction


Promote environmentally friendly and

low carbon technologies

No specific or qualitative target and calculation of emissions

reduction potentials

Key climate mitigation measures and goals

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Sectors Mitigation Measures Objectives CO2 Reduction


Transport • Promote low-emission transportation 15% of the emissions in transport sector

reduced by 2030

• Reduce number of KM travelled by all


No specific or qualitative target 33 ktCO2e/pa

• Increase use of public transport No specific or qualitative target 158 ktCO2e/pa

Industry • Promote deployment of ISO14001 No specific or qualitative target and or calculation of

emissions reduction potentials • Promote clean and green industries



• Promote 3Rs practices

• Promote waste-to-energy No specific or qualitative target and or calculation

of emissions reduction potentials

Key climate mitigation measures and goals

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Sectors Mitigation Measures Objectives CO2 Reduction



resources and


Enhanced solid waste management including

promoting 3Rs practices

• 15% of chemical and hazardous

solid waste reduced by 2030,

and 15% of solid waste reduced

in 18 towns of the provinces

• 18 landfills through the country

are improved and standardized.

No calculation of


reduction potentials

Promote deployment of environmental

management system (EMS) in all sectors

• Promote deployment of ISO1400

Promote sustainable and low emission


• 15% of the emissions in transport

sector reduced by 2030

Enhance climate change mitigation • Emissions reduce from 0.15

(2015) to less than 0.6 by 2025

and <1.2 t/cap/yr. by 2030

Enhance conservation of wetland No specific or qualitative target and calculation of

emissions reduction potentials

Key climate mitigation measures and goals

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Domestic MRV

Lao PDR has not a harmonised or inclusive MRV system and a standard procedures

Lao PDR has planned to carry out MRV of GHGs, mitigation actions and effects, and

supports received in three level such as: National, Sectoral and Programme/Project

base on the existing domestic processes, arrangements, and systems, and sectoral


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Key constraints, gaps for climate change mitigation:

✓ High cost and inadequate financial resources to invest in mitigation technologies or actions, especially clean, renewable energy, and low emission technologies

✓ Lack of financial incentives for mitigation

✓ Variable carbon credit and market including low price

✓ Unclear and incomplete legal and regulatory framework among line ministries concerned and Ineffective law enforcement

✓ Ineffective organizational arrangement including organizational planning and reporting system and procedure.

✓ Insufficient information on technical, financial and economic, social-culture, environmental aspects and effects of mitigation technologies

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Financial and technical support receivedImplement renewables development strategy and NAMAs

Implement policies on energy conservation and efficiency

Implement Forestry and REDD strategy including upscaling

REDD+ programmes and result base payment (more details

are in annex)

Implement sustainable and low carbon transportation

strategy and NAMAs

Implement sustainable and low carbon and or smart city

strategy and plan

Implement clean and green industry strategy including

environmental management system (ISO 14000)

Implement national strategy on climate change

Implement the national green growth strategy

Prepare and implement NC and BUR

Prepare and implement technology transfer including

technology needs assessment and action plan

Natural resources and environment strategy and

Mitigation action indented in the 9th national socioeconomic

development plan.

Financial and technical support needs for


Just over US$ 223 million in ODA flows supported

climate change projects in Lao PDR in 2013-2014 and The

majority of the support are in the forestry sector

US$ 1.5 billion

Mitigation Mitigation and adaptation



Both 20%

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✓ Lao PDR not has mandate/regulation for related agencies onproviding and collecting data✓ No proper a data management system for archiving the data

for inventory calculation and Mitigation analysis.✓ Domestic MRV not system yet✓ Human resources and capacities of local researchers among

related agencies✓ Coordination among relevant institutions✓Understanding on climate change reporting process✓ Limited government experts for climate change ✓ Limited financial supporting

Challenges of preparation of BUR1

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• Learning by doing for participation in BUR/ICA process

• Participation and availability of all relevant experts

• Technical capacity and coordination among institutions and experts involved

• Time constraints and different time zone.

• Ensuring adequate preparations for FSV Q&As

✓Needs for improvement:• Establish process for quick responses to TTE

• Institutional arrangement for ICA process (domestic ICA team)

• Capacity building (in-country trainings on ICA preparation)

Lesson learned in ICA process

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Thank you

Department of Climate Change Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Lao PDRTel: +85621
