Page 1: The exorcist  conventions of a title sequence

The exorcist : opening scene(1973)

Daniella Benson 12A

Page 2: The exorcist  conventions of a title sequence

Plot summary:

The exorcist is a 1973 American horror film directed by William Friedkine, adapted by William Peter Blattyv from his 1971 novel of the same name. The book, inspired by the 1949 exorcism case of Roland Doe,deals with the demonic possession of a 12-year-old girl and her mother's desperate attempts to win back her child through an exorcism conducted by two priests.

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Key conventions made in the film

Use of original visuals :This convention occurred at the beginning of the opening scene whereby the Warner Brothers logo was shown. This established the individuality of this film and clearly showed what media institution it belonged to. This acts as a sign of clarity to the audience as to what production company made this horror.

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In the first 18 seconds of the opening, the first name to be screened is William Friedkin’s name. Straight away the audience is introduced to the director of the film – who serves as a basis to the story.

Diegetic music is played in the background: which consists of high toned piano music which is set at a increasing pace. This builds suspense as we get through to the characters and into the film.

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As the visual images move on, it edits and cuts into another scene of the film. The camera movement is shooting upwards as if climbing up the stairs- creating suspense as to what may be at the top. The high piano music is also help create the mood as it gives of a tone of mystery and tension

23 seconds in the audience can see another credit viewing the key producer- William Peter Blatty.

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This part is very interesting as the executive producer- Noel Marshall- is introduced in 4 different editing shots. The editors have made his name and title appear and disappear like a ghost. This really works well with the theme of the movie as it is a horror and things disappearing and reappearing give of the signs that something of that nature may occur.

Could this be a teaser for what may happen in the film?

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Here we have an introduction of a key actress in the film- Ellen Burstyn and actual visual movement from scenes in the movie. This edit is not only covered by the non diegetic sounds of the eerie piano music, but also diegetic sounds of her conversation between the doctor .

This works as a really good technique because the audience can hear the worry and franticness in her voice. We are not aware of the cause of her agitation or her worry as we aren't told much- which causes us to draw ourselves into the film with more concentration and enthusiasm to find out what is the meaning to their conversation.

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Another key actor- Max Von Sydow- is introduced whilst in visual movement of what happens during the film. We can see that the colours chosen for this scene have been edited quite dark and gloomy and his facial expression that of terror or fright - implying that something in this scene isn’t a pleasant one.

This eager's the audience to want to watch and find out more and to find out what predicament he’s in.

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These two edits also introduce the two other key actors; Jason Miller and Linda Blair

Specific facial expressions have been chosen from these actors to be used in the opening scene to set the mood for there scene and create tension.

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1). This title visual was very interesting and tricky to screenshot and present. The title “THE EXORCIST” comes up and slightly fades into itself for a good two seconds.

2)But for exactly half a second the number ”666” flashes in the background. It was so quick that I didn’t notice it the first view times of watching the clip until I kept pausing to view a particular frame. In religion, 666 is often the number in reference to satan or his “name”. The fact that it flashed up so quickly gives the movie certain chills and quality's which may be scary or terrifying to those in the audience with spiritual imagination.

3) The edit then quickly moves on into the 3rd shot of visual movement- where the ‘X’ in exorcist –turn’s around into an upside down cross. This all tests religious beliefs- making the film all the much more exciting and scary at the same time .