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The Enviro-Pen

25,000 years ago, humans were painting pictures on cave walls to communicate. Then came the quill

pens when the Dark Ages were over, and in the 1940’s they invented the ball-point pen. In the 50’s

came The Bic. In 2005, Bic sold it’s 100 billionth disposable pen.

If we placed 100 billion pens side by side, they would circle the globe almost 350 times. Disposable pens,

used to mean ‘great – we can throw it away when we’re done’. Or sometimes they would just collect in

desk drawers unused, only to be thrown out when they were dried up and they no longer worked. Now

we have to think of where the pens are going. We should have been thinking this a long time ago.

Pens are made from plastic which is non-biodegradable. When they are thrown out, they fill up the

landfills and the waterways, taking hundreds of years to decompose in a landfill. Some say, a plastic pen

can take a million years to decompose. Meanwhile, the groundwater and the soil is polluted. Imagine all

those 100 billion Bic pens, floating all over the world.

Sure plastic pens can be recycled. You can take the ink cartridge and other bits off, and put the plastic in

recycling. But maybe it is time to go green. In this way, when we are scribbling on paper, we can feel

better about the impact we are having on the environment.

Enter the __________ Enviro-Pen, the pen that is almost completely biodegradable, considerably

lessening the negative impact on the environment.

______________ did a lot of research and travelled half way round the world to meet some producers

who were working on a new idea of pen manufacturing. The body of the Enviro-Pen is made of

cardboard, and what you would think is plastic, is actually made from corn-husk . All natural.

These pens are naturally beautiful and simple. They are used at all the local _________ shops, and the

____________ head office too. If you visit a _________ store, you can have a _________Enviro-Pen for


Every positive change can make a difference. ___________ has grown to be an environmentally aware

and socially conscious company. They have set in motion a few initiatives called _________ Causes. The

Enviro-Pen is one of those causes. Learn of their other causes by visiting one of their 12 locations, or

check them out at .