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The Enterprise Europe Network

Business and innovation support for SMEs

Istvan Nemeth -EC/ DG- E&IAn overview of support services

Angel Hronev Executive Director Plovdiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry / EEN

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The Context: why support SMEs?

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Why support SMEs?

99 % of businesses in the EU are SMEs

SMEs = the foundation of tomorrow’s prosperity




Micro-enterprises 1 to 9 employees

Small firms 10 to 49 employees

Medium-sized firms, 50 to 250 employees

Large enterprises

Source: Eurostat, Commission Communication on Modern SME policy for Growth and Employment

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SMEs are the backbone of our economy

75 mil. Jobs Contribution to GDPUp to 90% of jobs in some industry







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SMEs and the single market• 450 million consumers• Millions of potential business and technology

partners• A wealth of (missed) opportunities

A minority have international activities in the EU Even fewer are active outside the EU

• Internationalisation and Innovation Growth drivers that require: time, skills, money

• SMEs = vulnerable actors Competitive pressures, globalisation, crisis: the

smaller a company, the harder it gets hit

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Policy Framework Competitiveness and Innovation programme

Competitiveness of SMEs & better business environment The Network is a corner stone of the CIP

Europe 2020: A smart, inclusive, sustainable economySMEs feature in 5 flagship initiativesInnovation Union & Entrepreneurship “Flagships”

The Network? • Same priorities, contribution to competitiveness

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Mission of the Network• Internationalisation

• Business partnerships

• Advice on EU laws, rules, standards

• Help SMEs access markets and benefit from the internal market

• Access to finance and funding opportunities

• Innovation• Technology transfer

• Modern innovation support services & Innovation audits, IPR

• Increase R&D activities of SMEs• participation in FP7

• Feedback and consultation: dialogue with SMEs

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The strategyAn integrated NetworkResponsive to needs of SMEsReflecting key EU policiesEmbedded in local SME support

infrastructureWith efficient communication strategies

to ensure efficiency and visibility

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Where does the Network operate?

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• Serving all regions in the EU27 and Serving all regions in the EU27 and 2244 countries outside countries outside the the EuropeEurope UnionUnion

• Representing nearly 600 Representing nearly 600 local organisations (chambers of commerce, technology and innovation agencies, sector associations, regional development agencies, etc)

• Over 3000 expertsOver 3000 experts

The Network in the EU…and beyond

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Unique worldwide coverage

• Full coverage throughout all EU regions• Partner offices in key markets for EU SMEs (e.g.

China, Russia, Japan)• Current coverage of 51 countries: EU27, EEA

(Norway, Iceland), Candidate Countries (Turkey, Croatia, FYROM), Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, US, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Albania, China, South Korea, Israel, Chile, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Armenia, Mexico, Japan.

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Sector-specific solutions

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Sectoral approaches

• Organised, structured support to SMEs in specific sectors in Sector Groups

• Demand-driven, bottom-up approach• All SME support and technology

transfer services in one hand Business cooperation, technology transfer,

funding, advice on legislation, feedback, etc.

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Sector Groups Principle of “No wrong door”: SMEs can contact any Network partner to get access to all the

services of the Network In addition, specialised services provided for companies in specific sectors of activity

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The Network’s 17 Sector Groups• Agrofood• Automotive, Transport and

Logistics• Biotech, Pharma and

Cosmetics • Chemicals • Creative industries • Environment• Healthcare• ICT Industry and Services• Intelligent Energy

• Maritime Industry and Services • Materials • Nano- and Microtechnologies • Services and Retail • Space and Aerospace • Sustainable Construction• Textiles• Tourism and Cultural Heritage

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Our tools

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General Network tools

• Central website General information (Brokerage) events Sectoral information Success stories Contact details of Network partners by country

• Internal communication FirstClass communication platform with dedicated

conferences reflecting Network structures

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Tools for internationalisation and innovation support

• Cooperation databases with over 12,000 active profiles Bulletin Board Services (BBS) to disseminate

technology offers and requests. Business Cooperation Database (BCD) to help

firms find partners for commercial cooperation

• Automatic matching tools and robots to alert over 30 000 clients of matching profiles

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What does the Network deliver?

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The Network’s value chain

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В България?В България?

• Enterprise Europe Network – България 14 партньора с

координатор Фондация „Приложни изследвания и комуникации”

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• Широка гама услуги за подпомагане, съдействие и консултиране: Интегриране на бизнеса в европейския

пазар; Технологичен трансфер и иновации; Консултации и подпомагане участието в

програми и проекти на ЕС.


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• Интегриране на бизнеса в европейския пазар: Намиране на бизнес партньори от частния и публичния

сектор на международно ниво; Вътрешен пазар на стоки и услуги, актуални търгове; Сертификация на продукцията, митнически

формалности и процедури, участие в търгове, критерии за екологичност на стоките, СЕ маркиране и др.;

Проучване мнението на бизнеса за съществуващите политики и въвеждането на нови, свързани с МСП.

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• Технологичен трансфер и иновации: Иновационни политики, законодателство и програми за

подпомагане на МСП; Технологичен трансфер и технологично развитие -

технологична оценка и технологично проучване; Пазарна реализация на научни разработки; Технологични оферти и заявки; Организация на бизнес мисии в чужбина и в България; Кооперационни борси за технологичен трансфер и ноу-

хау между иновативни предприятия.


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Какво предлагаме за вас?Какво предлагаме за вас?

• Технологичен трансфер и иновации:

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За първите две години от своята работа експертите на Enterprise Europe Network по света:

• съдействаха за сключването на над 2 200 договора за бизнес, технологично и проектно партньорство;

• посетиха близо 60 000 фирми;• организираха над 12 000 събития с участието на близо 500 000 клиенти;• отговориха на 250 000 запитвания на малкия и средния бизнес.

В България за 2011:• съдействахме за сключването на над 2 200 договора за бизнес, технологично и

проектно партньорство;• посетихме близо 60 000 фирми;• организирахме над 150 събития с участието на близо 8320клиенти;• отговорихме на 8080 запитвания на малкия и средния бизнес.

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РЪКОВОДСТВО ЗА ДОБРИ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕНИ ПРАКТИКИ В ПКИ ”ГЕОРГИ КАЗЕПОВ” – гр.СанданскиИзготвeно от Enterprise Europe Network- Сандански

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Регионален форум 01.10.2011«Корпоративна социална отговорност»

Regional Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility

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споделяне на опит от доц.Никола Добрев за изграждането на социалното предприятие „Стопански дейности” в състава на КЦМ 2000 АД -Пловдив

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Sharing experience – Nikola Dobrev –KCM’s CEO on how to manage a social entreprise – 15.03.2012 / organised by EEN -Plovdiv

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A success story: the trip of a lifetime
