
June 13, 2021

The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time



This Sunday as we continue our journey into Ordinary time, Mark’s

Gospel (Mk. 4: 26-34) tells of Jesus’ giving the parable of the mustard

seed. Jesus describes to the Disciples that a man scatters seed on his

land and how, during many days and nights, the seed would sprout and

grow. The man does not know how the seed sprouts, grows, and finally

bears fruit ready to be harvested.

Jesus compares, with this parable, how it is in the kingdom of God.

The mustard seed, the tiniest of seeds, sown in the ground, springs up

and becomes the largest of plants with branches for the birds to shade

in. Jesus spoke these parables to the Disciples in private so they were

able to understand.

Our prayer times can be our personal and private time when we are

alone with the Lord, sitting quietly, sowing the seeds of the messages

being sent.

The seed is the Word of God, Christ is the sower.

All who come to him will live forever.

June 13, 2021

MASS SCHEDULE Sundays at 10 a.m. — outdoors

Saturdays at 5 p.m. — indoors

Weekdays at 9 a.m. — indoors

Rosary at 8:30 a.m. on weekdays — indoors

On Sundays, chairs are set up in the parking lot by the rectory. Everyone is encouraged to wear coats on cold mornings or wear hats and use umbrellas for shade in case we get some warm weather.

Upon arriving everyone is mandated to sanitize their hands on site before being ushered into their places even if they have been sanitized in the car. At all Masses please wear a mask and maintain social distancing of 6 feet. Thank you.

MASS READINGS The full text of all Sunday and weekday Mass readings can be

found at:

The readings for this Sunday are:

Ezekiel 17:22-24

Psalm 92:2-16

2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Mark 4:26-34

Mustard Plant

PARISH SUPPORT During the pandemic many people are all “feeling the pinch.” The parish, too, is trying to “pinch pennies.” We have turned off the gas and put the church Wi-Fi on hold, but still depend on the generous support of parishioners and visitors alike. There are many ways to support the parish financially. You can mail your offertory envelope in or make online donations. Electronic donations can be made on a one-time basis or monthly donations can be established using your checking, savings, or credit/debit card. You may mail in the form on the last page of the bulletin or click on the “donate” button on the website to access a secure page. You can also sign up by calling Vanco Services at 800-675-7430, if you prefer. We would like to thank all those who are continuing to donate at this time. We appreciate the support now, more than ever.

June 13, 2021




Those availing themselves of the dispensation to attend Mass may continue to celebrate the Mass online. The parish website has a new link posted each day on the home page to Masses celebrated at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Just click on the yellow icon, “Daily Mass.” Masses are “live streamed” at 8 a.m. on weekdays and at 10 a.m. on Sundays.

OFFICE The parish office is closed, but we are here to serve you. Please l e a v e m e s s a g e s a t 8 0 5 - 9 9 5 - 3 2 4 3 o r em a i l [email protected]. Thank you for your understanding during these COVID times.

PARISH WEBSITE Please visit our website at and see Fr. Charles’ Updates on the landing page for current information.

THANK YOU Now that we have reached our goal all further donations will be returned to the parish to help us in preparing for the post-pandemic parish opening. The parish infrastructure will need re-generation, the facility will have some safety requirements as well as technology enhancements. Other parish activities such as our outreach to fellow parishioners, Respect for Life, Faith Sharing, Faith Formation and Sacraments will also benefit. We would like to thank everyone who donated to help us reach our Annual Ministry Appeal (AMA) goal.

Let us Pray For the Sick:Let us Pray For the Sick:Let us Pray For the Sick:Let us Pray For the Sick: Let us Pray For the Sick:Let us Pray For the Sick:Let us Pray For the Sick:Let us Pray For the Sick: May our prayers be a comfort to

those who are sick or chronically ill: Dinah & Stan Piwowarski, Sonia DeCicco, Kyltia Palmo,

Maria & Joe Pascoal, Frank Hlavaty, Innette & Ross Starkenburg, Paul Georghiou, Cecil

Marie Krause, Glen Bennett, Darlene & Jim Kelly, Plato Sterios, Justin White, Jose Gonzalez,

Joanne Tobias, Cassey Schoening, Stacy Axan, Mike Clark, Luigi Gambellin, Martin & Rita

Buhler, Nadia & Luke Dromgool, Pat O’Malley, Rita Marie Ayoob, Edward & Elizabeth

Barwikowski, Ann & Scott Wilcox, Larry Stayton, Mark Sigmund, Joanne Gregg, Arleen

Bartulski, Julia Thomas, Ernie Gambellin, Luciana Dibernardi, Abbey Heers, Mary Marlene

Greene, Mary Ryan, Dorothy Dyer, Enzo Keller, Jeff Adams, Sr. Moira Lyons, Zan Barr, John

Paul Hope, Peggy Grindrod, Eleanore Molnar, Steve Domenghini, Joe Chaves, Peg Jung, Joanne

Jenkins, Megan McAlpin-Sanchez, Narisorn Bognuda, Elena Murphy, Joe Pollock, Judy Preuss,

George Bellino, Allen Beltrametti, Joseph Tavera, Grace Poletti, Donna Pett, & all those with


June 13, 2021


Sun. @ 10 †David Cicinato

Mon. †Mary Fatooh

Tues. St. Joseph’s parishioners

Wed. Adriana Milligan by Sheri Matarese

Thurs. Nova Erickson by Sheri Matarese

Fri. †Larry Saros by Bern & Jeannette Fatooh & Family

Sat. For all our living and deceased fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, step-fathers, foster-fathers, adopted fathers, and spiritual fathers.

Sun. @ 10 For all our living and deceased fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, step-fathers, foster-fathers, adopted fathers, and spiritual fathers. Requesting that a Mass be offered for the repose of the soul of a loved one or for a living person in time of need or celebration is a time-honored tradition in the Catholic Church.

To make a Mass Intention request, please email the parish at [email protected] or leave a message at the office at 805-995-3243. The usual donation is $10 and includes the sending of a Mass card.

While every effort will be made to offer Mass for your special intention on the requested date, please understand that circumstances occasionally make this impossible.
