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Page 1: The Elements of Design

The Elements of DesignLine Shape Value Color Space Texture

Page 2: The Elements of Design

LineThe path of a point. Lines create contours and form, and are often used to convey a specific kind of feeling or point to an important feature in a design. In this image, Leonardo da Vinci used a soft, sensitive soft line to create a graceful image.

Page 3: The Elements of Design

LineThis image has the same subject. However, Willem DeKooning has created a very different feeling by using a heavy, gestural line.

Page 4: The Elements of Design

LineThe woman's face in this image is created with a mechanical line creating an emotionally-detached feeling.

Page 5: The Elements of Design

LineAlthough the subject matter is the same in all three works, the differences in line quality have created works with very different impact. How line are used is one of the most important decisions to be made in creating a visual work.

Page 6: The Elements of Design

ShapeShape (form) is a closed contour, an element defined by its perimeter. The three basic shapes are: circle, rectangle (square) and triangle. Shapes can be created by line, or by color and value changes which define their edges.

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ShapeConsider the two images below.

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ShapeThe shapes in the image on the left are clearly defined. By contrast, the ship's shape on the right is barely discernable. This difference in clarity of shape is part of the meaning of these works - one conveys a sense of orderliness and confidence, while the other communicates a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty.

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ValueRelative light and darkness. This could be of either light or color.

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ValueConsider the two images below.

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ValueThe overall lightness and lack of contrast in the left image conveys a sense of spirituality and harmony between the tree and the circular sky. The dramatic mood of the other work by Gustave Dore is created, in large part, by the high contrast of light and dark.

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Color See previous Powerpoint.

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SpaceA visual field has two actual dimensions -height and width. In addition, an artist can create an illusion of depth, using overlapping, diminishing scale, atmospheric perspective, vertical placement, warm and cool colors, diagonals and linear perspective.

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Positive and Negative Space

Positive and negative space refers to the positioning of subject and background in a composition. The objects in the environment represent the positive space, and the environment itself is the negative space.



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Texture is used to create surface appearance, and relates to the physical make-up of a given form. Texture often refers to the material that something is made of, and can be created using any of the elements previously discussed. Texture is both a visual and a tactile phenomenon.

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Typography is the art of arranging typefaces, selecting style, line spacing, layout and design as a means of solidifying language.

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What is the impact of these different fonts?

Ancient timesSchool Days

Sunday Funnies

