

General Objective: To determine the effectiveness of Caulerpa lentillifera powder in lowering the blood sugar level of white mice

Specific Objective: To determine the amount of blood sugar level decreased in 500 mg of lato powder in mice


Dependent variable:

Amount of blood sugar level in mice

Independent variable:

Amount of lato powder

Amount of sugar

Extraneous variable:

Diet of mice


Age of mice

Statement of the Problem

Diabetes is a kind of multigene disorder. It can be controlled with the use of insulin but it may have a side effect. So the researchers come up with a solution that can lower the blood sugar level of an individual. Caulerpa lentillifera/lato has the capacity to lower the blood sugar level that can make as good substitute to insulin but doesn't have side effect.

Sub problem:

1. How effective is lato powder in lowering the blood sugar level of mice?

2. What happened to the amount of blood sugar level in mice without taking lato powder?

3. What happened to the amount of blood sugar level in mice after taking lato powder?

4. How much blood sugar level is decreased in mice after taking 500 mg of lato powder?

Chapter I

Background of the Study:Diabetes

is one of the leading disease that has most encountered by Filipinos

diabetic people uses insulin to control their blood sugar level

Lato is a type of seaweed that has the property of lowering the blood

sugar level

contains 3 properties that is responsible in lowering the blood sugar level

contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that has also a capacity to treat high blood pressure and rheumatism.

Chapter II

Related Literature:Diabetes mellitus

is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by

hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion,

insulin action, or both

The chronic hyperglycemia is associated with long-term

damage, dysfunction, and failure of various organs,

especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood


Several pathogenic processes involved in the

development of diabetes:

Destruction of β-cells of the pancreas with

consequent insulin deficiency to abnormalities in

carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism in

diabetes is deficient action of insulin on target


Deficient insulin action results from inadequate

insulin secretion and/or diminished tissue responses

to insulin at one or more points in the complex

pathways of hormone action

Chapter III


Part IMaterials :

The materials needed in the experiment are:

500 grams of lato

Solar dryer

Mortar and pestle

Glucometer and stripsNeedleContainer for miceSurgical glovesAlcohol

Part II ProceduresPart A. Preparation of Ararusep Powder

Step-1 • Gather 1000 g. of ararusep

Step 2• Wash the ararusep with tap water

Step 3• Prepare the solar dryer

Step 4• Place the ararusep at the solar dryer for 2-3 days

Step 5• After drying, pound the ararusep with mortar and pestle until it will pulverize

Step 6• The pulverize ararusep is now ready for the testing

Percent yield

Fresh lato: 1000 grams

Powdered lato: 19.6 grams

Percent yield: 1.96 %

Formula %yield= total grams of lato powder x100

Total grams of fresh lato

Part B. Testing of the Product

Step 1• Mice were labeled and materials were prepared

Step 2• Each mice were held by the tail, dragged in a lying position and held at the back of the neck so that

it may take it’s initial blood sugar level

Step 3

• Granulated sugar was orally taken by the experimental mice

Step 4

• After 3 hours, blood samples were taken and the changes in the blood sugar level of mice were recorded

Step 5

• The 500 mg lato powder were orally taken by the experimental mice and the other one was left as a control

Step 6• When no more lato powder left in the set-up, wait for 3 hours for the taking of the blood sample

Step 7• After 3 hours, blood samples were taken and changes in the blood sugar level were recorded

Results and DiscussionMouse Before the

treatment (mg/dl)

After eating granulated sugar


After taking thelato powder

A (Experimental) 81 84

B (Control) 147 81

Blood sugar level of a normal mouse is around 100 mg/dl (between 60-130)

Thank you

ResearchersDann Mercks Lepon

Niño Jude Vincent Navares
