  • 7/29/2019 The Effects of E Books Among the Computer Engineering Students of Adamson University With Their Laboratory R


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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    for the subject Technical English

    in the Department of Languages and Literature

    in the College of Liberal Arts and Education

    at the Adamson University

    Ermita, Manila

    Mr. George Jeffrey Cuevas

    October 18, 2010

  • 7/29/2019 The Effects of E Books Among the Computer Engineering Students of Adamson University With Their Laboratory R


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    Electronic book, also known as eBook, is an electronic version of traditional print book

    that can be read using a personal computer or by an eBook reader. eBooks, started first as a

    desktop prototypes for a purpose of notebook computer called Dynabook in 1970s. The main

    purpose of eBook is use as a portable personal computer, including reading books. There are

    some advantages of eBooks compare to traditional paper books. Through eBooks, students

    can search through the text for a specific word or phrase, e-books can carry on mobile

    devices and it can add digital bookmarks.

    Nowadays, students are influenced by the technology, which helps any works be easier.

    For the students, eBook is a very useful reference tools in terms of convenience rather than

    making research within the hundreds or thousands of books containing the research topic.

    eBooks are commonly used particularly by the Computer Engineering students of

    Adamson University for their laboratory reports. This influenced the researchers, to make a

    study regarding eBooks having a purpose to know its effects as reference of most Computer

    Engineering students of Adamson University in creating and analyzing laboratory reports.

    This study will provide views on the preciseness and the accuracy of the output they

    produced and the frequency of their usage of eBooks. The study also aims to answer the kind

    of eBooks they usually use, the factors that could help the Computer Engineering students

    when using eBooks, the various media that the Computer Engineering students used in

    browsing on an eBook, how often do they use eBooks and the major effects of eBooks on

    their laboratory reports in relation with the accuracy of their output.

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    Statement of the Problem

    The purpose of this study is to present the effects of using eBooks by Computer

    Engineering Students of Adamson University as references in doing their laboratory reports.

    It will cover all the concepts pertaining on the preciseness and the accuracy of the output

    they produced and the frequency of their usage of eBooks hence, making the statement of the

    problem to be The Effects of Using eBooks among the Computer Engineering Students of

    Adamson University with their Laboratory Reports.

    The study aims to answer the following questions:

    1. What kinds of eBooks do they usually use?2. What are the factors that could help the Computer Engineering students when using


    3. How often do Computer Engineering students use eBooks?4. What are the various media do Computer Engineering students used in browsing on

    an eBook?

    5. What are the major effects of eBooks on their laboratory reports with regards to theaccuracy of their output?

    Review of Related Literature

    The need for eBook as an effective reference tool seems to grow at most universities

    regarding on different modes of its use and specific study. eBooks play vital role in giving

    efficient information especially for laboratory reports through its integration in the


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    Tolentino, Lopez, and Sevilla (2006) concluded in a study that eBooks are very much

    efficient in making technical and laboratory reports because of their updated information that

    gives pure sense regarding on a topic. In addition, its web counterpart provides eBooks more

    useful links that can be used as supplemental references in Laboratory reports thats why they

    are also advisable to be used in research project, proposed system and project designs among

    engineering students.

    Condor Technology Associates (2002) conducted a survey and viewed that almost 57%

    of the students population are dependent on eBooks for their laboratory analyses. Interactive

    and advance features enables user to define wide range of capabilities for data gathering

    procedures more likely for research purposes. Europe and much of the countries of USA are

    known as wide users of eBooks for a fact that most of their universities have e-libraries that

    contain an archive of digital resource materials specifically eBooks.

    The instructional design of an eBook as defined by Bourbs (2002) are very academic in

    nature while reaching education through some technology. eBook is more appealing than

    conventional books in terms of physical attributes and interface. Instructional design of an

    eBook is fit for thesis and laboratory reports as reference for a fact that eBook has

    hyperlinking interface that enables wide citation of information reference making it more

    productive and useful. Noted effects of efficiency of eBooks could be seen in laboratory

    reports in a manner of maintaining the strength of information by supplying updated data and

    sources which are also essential for laboratory experiments too.

    There are different types of eBooks that students usually used to obtain accurate

    information for their specific field of study.

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    Through the examination reports done by Rogers (2004) , these types of eBooks that

    students and found that the most frequently used media are the Self-Extracting publications

    which has small size data that best work with HTML, DHTML and XML technologies. These

    types requires web-browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera etc. Another type is the

    stand-alone HTML eBook that has a built-in browser and familiar navigation controls. The

    third type is the DHTML- Active X eBook that provides better quality browsing experience

    and advance user interface that enables user to view eBook file with or without external


    Steen (2003) found out in a comparative study at Bellevue University in Nebraska that

    associating or integrating eBooks on laboratory reports can affect the content of its main

    analysis. These effects includes consistent flow of concept-based results, precise informations

    and updated source-based results and mere effect is the intact result-based analyses brought

    by some of its update links from international sources such as laboratory experiments from

    various countries depending on the locality of the eBook publisher. Some of its negative

    effects involve discursive results due to lack of statistical data and undefined analysis due to

    inconsistencies of concepts.

    Through the study of Laiho (2005) revealed one thing that makes eBook more functional

    is its electronic format that enable acquisition of large file capacity execution in eBook

    readers. The updates are very beneficial for users various works such as for home-use, office

    use and for laboratory experiments for integration medium.

    Miller (2004) explained that eBooks are very accessible in libraries and over the internet.

    She emphasized that eBooks have even more things to offer to its user based on its

    functionality such as multimedia additions, hyper-linking and advance link search which are

    important in Laboratory Reports to which consistency of information is always considered.

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    This study was conducted in Adamson University having its distinct respondents coming

    from the Computer Engineering students ranging from Third Year to Fourth Year taking

    different subjects that integration of laboratory experiment is needed such as Information

    Technology Fundamentals, Computer Application, Circuits, Embed Systems, etc. The said

    population was randomly selected regardless of their age, sex but relying much in their

    academic year level and more so they are treated as representatives of the entire department

    for the survey. The whole population count used in the survey is 120, a combination of both

    academic year representatives. The accessibility and the behaviour of the population was also

    considered regarding in the manner of their usage of eBooks. Adamson University offers

    much of its technological advancements in academics through the integration of its Wireless

    Fidelity (Wi-Fi) Campus Structure that sustains the integrity of the updated information of

    the students eBooks while inside the academe. The main focus of the study is to show the

    effects of using eBooks among the Computer Engineering students with their laboratory

    reports thus, making the subject to be more specific.


    The survey was administered by the researchers by means of a questionnaire containing ten

    subjective questions pertaining to the whole subject of the study. The questionnaire was

    based on the different factors that could simplify the concepts for much accurate data

    acquisition. The said instrument was tested for pre-survey trial among the second-year

    Computer Engineering students of Adamson University viewing the fact after the trial that

    only few of the respondents are using eBooks for lab reports because there are only two

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    subjects namely Physics and Computer Hardware Fundamentals to which eBooks are not

    merely required as reference for laboratory reports.

    The questionnaire was then revised based on its actual variables, the effects and the

    population of students who are using eBooks. The effects were categorized based on its

    possible dominance on the output produced by the respondents such as the Preciseness of the

    Laboratory Results, Consistency of Data, Accuracy and Strength of Statistical Data and the

    Completeness of the report. The actual questionnaire can be viewed in this way:



    1.Do you use eBooks?____If yes, please proceed to question number 2.

    ____If no, do not proceed any further.

    2.How often do you use eBooks?____2-3 times a week


    ____once a month

    3.In what subject area do you often use eBooks?____Physics

    ____Information Technology Fundamentals

    ____Computer Application Lab

    ____Circuits Lab

    ____Embedd Systems Lab

    -Others, please specify:_____________________

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    4.Do you get sufficient information from eBooks?____Yes ____No

    5.What type of eBooks do you often use?_____HTML


    _____Java Script (CSS)

    6.What type of media do you often use?____PDA ____IPad ____eBook reader

    7.Are the information from eBooks more precise and accurate for Lab-reports?____Yes ____No

    8.Which do you consult more?____eBooks ____conventional books

    9.What are the effects of eBooks in your laboratory reports? (Please specify two)____Precise information and updated data

    ____Confusive data-based results

    ____Intact results based on international experiments

    ____Consistent flow of concept-based results

    ____Discursive results due to lack of statistical data

    ____Undefined laboratory analysis due to inconsistency of data

    -Others, please specify:________________

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    10.What are the factors that you consider in browsing on an eBook?____Edition of eBook


    ____Publishers Note

    ____Cycle of Revision

    ____Editors notes

    ____-Others, please specify:________________

    Design and Procedures

    The whole structure of the study follows the framework of a descriptive survey research

    that aims to obtain information regarding on a subjective topic particularly on the Effects of

    eBooks among the Computer Engineering students of Adamson University with their

    laboratory reports.

    The study used a questionnaire as a medium of data acquisition among its respondents.

    The researchers considered different variables concerning the study in creating questions

    such as the frequency of usage of eBooks, media used in browsing, the subjects to which the

    respondents integrate the use of eBooks, and the most essential variable are the effects

    brought by eBooks on their laboratory reports.

    Questions are then subjected to pre-trial survey among certain respondents which were

    the second year computer engineering students in order to test the validity of the results that

    can be obtained through the questions. Sample series of analysis was conducted after the pre-

    trial survey revealing a fact that the chosen respondents are not suited to be the representative

    for the study because of the following reasons: (1) second year computer engineering

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    students were not already engaged into subjects that most of the laboratory integration is

    needed; (2) use of eBooks are not highly required in the production of the laboratory reports

    as well as bases for their laboratory analyses.

    The researcher revised some of the designs of the questionnaire in order for it to become

    well suited for the next academic year level representatives which are the Third Year and

    Fourth Year computer engineering students. As the revision was done, the questionnaires

    were all subjected to another trial survey within 20 respondents from both of the said year

    level representatives and the results were analyzed and found to be valid for the whole study.

    The final procedures were administered by the researcher by randomly selecting Third

    Year and Fourth Year computer engineering students as the actual respondents counting in to

    120 students that would be asked to take the survey.

    The results were thoroughly analyzed through the different statistical tools such as

    presenting the Frequency of Distribution and the use of Gaussian Distribution Tendency

    Principle to compute for the mean and the median of the figures to determine the validity of

    the results.

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    This chapter contains various data analyses and discussion of results based on the

    statistical tools that the researchers used in computing the percentage distribution of

    frequencies as well as the measures of central tendency. Such measures were further

    explained in this chapter for interpretation and thorough elaborations. This chapter aims to

    clearly establish the concepts that are portrayed by the survey results and statistical figures.

    Data and Statistics

    The Gaussian Distribution Tendency Principle

    Mean of partial central tendency can be computed though the statistical notations of the

    results obtained in a subjective-type data acquisition considering the factors involved in the

    measures of individual frequencies.

    Mean Central Tendency represents the average resultant factor of the frequency obtained

    in the results assuming that there is a constant two percent (2%) marginal error involved

    throughout the process. The population of the whole n (actual population) relative to the

    frequency is indirectly proportional thus, getting the total mean of the frequency in numerical

    scale can be used as a medium of interchangeable factorM for every data of figure obtained.

    The conditional factor called D-interval is a representation of the population who were

    under gradual statistical form-interval but D-interval would not merely rely on the value ofM

    because it is just a factor for indirect ratio of quantities but D-interval refers to the

    approximate value.

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    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=



    m = mean D = interval notation

    E = correlational constant (e=1.14) M = numerical mean

    e = marginal error

    Median of the Results

    The researcher also used the above principle of getting the central tendency in obtaining

    the median. Median represents the middle distribution of frequencies in every data but getting

    the median in that way is not applicable in this study because the options were subjective type

    thats why, some factors were taken priority in the computation of the median.



    =dh highest data limit

    =dl lowest data limit

    =E constant = 1.14

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    Types of Measurement Scales

    One of the measurement scales used in this study is the Discrete- Type Measurement

    Scale which shows the precise value of frequency per category of the element given. It is

    supplemented by the data through the use of Percentage scales and Rated Ratio measurement

    which helps portray the very significant amount of the percentage value per frequency


    Moreover, the Gaussian Distribution Tendency Principle will further show how the

    measurement scales are taken priority in getting the mean and the median in every essential

    factor of this study. Another type of measurement scale such as the Ordinal Measurement

    Scale is also applied in the survey analysis.

    Descriptive Statistics

    This study used some statistical tools to portray data in getting the mean and median.

    Mean and median are the most commonly used method of getting the central tendency of the

    data obtained from a survey. Each measure corresponds to the representative element in the

    survey thus, simplifying the results in order to establish what they would may suggest.

    Mean and Median of the results

    The researcher computed the mean and median of essential data obtained in the survey

    such as the ratio of the eBook users to non eBook users, the frequency of the media used,

    the essential factors and etc.

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    1)60)(14.1( +=m


    1)60)(14.1( +=m



    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=


    4)2/)2496(( +=dM


    Mean and Median Tendency of eBook Users

    YES 96 80%

    NO 24 20%

    n=120 n=100%

    numerical mean = 60



    The mean for eBook users is 28.9 and median is equivalent to 35.1

    Mean and Median Tendency of usage

    2-3 times a week 21 21.80%

    Everyday 27 28.20%

    Once a month 48 50%

    n=96 T=100%



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    1)32)(14.1( +=m


    1)32)(14.1( +=m



    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=


    4)2/)2148(( +=dM



    1)24)(14.1( +=m


    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=


    1)24)(14.1( +=m



    4)2/)436(( +=dM


    numerical mean = 32

    The mean for the frequency of usage is 78.1 and median is equivalent to 15.4

    Mean and Median Tendency of subjects where eBooks were frequently used

    Physics 0 0%

    IT Fundamentals Lab 24 25%

    Circuits Lab 36 37.50%

    Computer Application Lab 4 4.20%

    Embed Systems Lab 0 0

    Others 32 33.30%

    n=96 T=100%numerical mean = 24

    The mean for the frequency of subjects where eBooks were frequently used is 35.5 and

    median is equivalent to 17.5





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    1)32)(14.1( +=m


    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=


    1)32)(14.1( +=m


    4)2/)851(( +=dM



    1)32)(14.1( +=m E

    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=


    1)32)(14.1( +=m


    4)2/)1856(( +=dM


    Mean and Median Tendency on types of eBooks

    HTML 37 38.50%

    DHTML 8 8.30%

    Java Script (CSS) 51 53.20%

    n=96 T=100%

    numerical mean = 32

    The mean for the types of eBooks is 39.1 and median is equivalent to 22.4

    Mean and Median Tendency of media used for browsing on a eBook

    PDA 22 22.90%

    IPad 18 18.80%

    eBook Reader 56 58.30%

    n=96 T=100%

    numerical mean = 32

    The mean for the media used is 46.9 and median is equivalent to 20.2.





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    1)24)(14.1( +=m


    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=


    1)24)(14.1( +=m



    4)2/)742(( +=dM


    Mean and Median Tendency on the effects of eBooks in laboratory reports

    Precise Info and Updated Data 42 43.70%

    Confusive Data-Based Results 7 7.30%

    Intact results 21 21.9

    Consistent flow of concept-based


    26 27.10%

    Discursive results due to lack of

    statistical data

    0 0%

    Undefined laboratory analysis due

    to inconsistency of data

    0 0%

    Others 0 0%

    n=96 T=100%numerical mean = 24

    The mean for the effects is 29.5 and median is equivalent to 18.9

    Mean and Median Tendency on the factors considered by students in using eBooks

    Edition of eBook 47 49%

    Publisher 9 9.30%

    Publishers Note 0 0%

    Cycle of Revision 18 18.80%

    Editors notes 22 22.90%

    Others 0 0%

    n=96 T=100%



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    1)24)(14.1( +=m


    lhM ddd

    4)2/)(( +=


    1)24)(14.1( +=m



    4)2/)947(( +=dM


    numerical mean = 24

    The mean for the factors considered by students is 35.5 and median is equivalent to 20.2




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    This chapter presents data used in this study and analyses of the results obtained through

    the facilitation of survey. Results obtained in this study were analyzed and presented by order

    of tables for more precise view of all the figures dominant in the study and for further

    interpretation. Frequency of Distribution was integrated through the use of table comprised of

    different element of the questionnaires and the respondents frequency itself in every option


    Interpretation of Results

    The use of eBooks among Third Year and Fourth Year computer engineering students of

    Adamson University with their laboratory reports is very dominant. 96 students out of 120

    students confirmed that they are using eBooks as reference in making lab reports in different

    subjects. The frequency results showed that half of the respondents were using eBooks once a

    month depending on the mode of subject. This concludes that the use of eBooks among the

    major number of respondents are not as frequent as compared to the two other frequency



    Do you use eBooks? FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

    YES 96 80%

    NO 24 20%

    n=120 n=100%

    The number of respondents who said Yes is 96 or 80% while 20% of them said No or

    equivalent to 24 respondents.

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    How often do you use eBooks? FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

    2-3 times a week 21 21.80%

    Everyday 27 28.20%

    Once a month 48 50%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who are using eBooks 2-3 times a week is 21 or 21.8%, 27 or

    28.2% of them use ebooks everyday and 48 or 50% of the respondents are using it once a


    In what subject area do you

    often use eBooks?


    Physics 0 0%

    IT Fundamentals Lab 24 25%

    Circuits Lab 36 37.50%

    Computer Application Lab 4 4.20%

    Embed Systems Lab 0 0

    Others 32 33.30%

    n=96 T=100%

    25% the respondents or 24 of them use eBooks on IT Fundamentals, 36 of them use it in

    Circuits Lab, 4 of them or 4.2 % said that it is efficient in Computer Application Lab and

    33.3% or 32 respondents cited other subjects to which they efficiently use the eBooks.

    Do you get sufficient

    information from eBooks?


    YES 77 80.20%

    NO 19 19.80%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who said Yes is 77 or 80.2% while 19.8% or equivalent to 19

    said that they are not getting sufficient information on eBooks.

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    What type of eBooks do you

    often use?


    HTML 37 38.50%

    DHTML 8 8.30%

    Java Script (CSS) 51 53.20%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who are using HTML type eBooks is 37 or 38.5%, 8 or 8.3%

    of them use DHTML eBook and 51 or 53.2% of the respondents are using Java Script


    What type of media do you

    often use?


    PDA 22 22.90%

    IPad 18 18.80%

    eBook Reader 56 58.30%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who are using PDA on browsing eBook is 22 or 22.9%, 18 or

    18.8% of them use IPad and 56 or 58.3% of the respondents are using eBook reader.

    Are the information from

    eBooks more precise and

    accurate for Lab-reports?


    YES 64 66.70%

    NO 32 33.30%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who said yes is 64 or 66.7% while 33.3% of them said no or

    equivalent to 32 respondents.

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    Which do you consult more? FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

    eBooks 61 63.50%

    Conventional Books 35 36.50%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who are consulting frequently on eBooks is 61 or 63.5%

    while the other 36.5% are more relying on conventional books or equivalent to 35


    What are the effects of eBooks

    in your laboratory reports?


    Precise Info and Updated Data 42 43.70%

    Confusive Data-Based Results 7 7.30%

    Intact results 21 21.9

    Consistent flow of concept-based


    26 27.10%

    Discursive results due to lack of

    statistical data

    0 0%

    Undefined laboratory analysis due

    to inconsistency of data

    0 0%

    Others 0 0%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who said that precision is achieved by using eBooks is 42 or

    43.7%. 7.3 % or 7 of the respondents claimed that confusion might be brought by using

    eBooks. Intact results can be obtained said by 21.9 % of the respondents of equivalent to 21,

    and 27.1% or 26 of them said the through eBooks, consistency in lab reports can be achieved.

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    What are the factors that you

    consider in browsing on an



    Edition of eBook 47 49%

    Publisher 9 9.30%

    Publishers Note 0 0%

    Cycle of Revision 18 18.80%

    Editors notes 22 22.90%

    Others 0 0%

    n=96 T=100%

    The number of respondents who consider Edition of eBooks is 47 or 49%. Other 9.3% or

    9 of the respondents consider publisher, 18.8% or 18 said that cycle of revision is essential

    factor, and 22.9% or 22 of the respondents claimed that Editors Note is one of the important

    factors to be considered in browsing on an eBook.

    Interpretation of Mean and Median Obtained

    Table 1. Frequency of Distribution on usage of eBooks

    2-3 times a week 21 21.80%

    Everyday 27 28.20%

    Once a month 48 50%

    n=96 T=100%

    The computed mean for the frequency of usage of eBooks among the respondents was

    derived from the above table which is equivalent to 78.1. The mean value represents the

    overall tendency of the respondents in their use of eBooks meaning, much of the respondents

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    refer to use eBooks once a month. The median derived from the result is equivalent to 15.4

    which represents the future tendency of the respondents in using eBooks frequently.

    As per data obtained in the frequency of distribution among the subjects where eBooks

    were frequently used showed that most of the respondents were using eBooks on Circuits

    Laboratory and very close result was obtained showing that respondents are using eBooks in

    other major subjects such as Electronics and Logical Circuits Lab, Data Structure Algorithm,

    Microprocessor Lab and etc. noted by 33.0% frequency.

    Table 1.1 Frequency of Distribution on Subjects integrated by eBooks

    Physics 0 0%

    IT Fundamentals Lab 24 25%

    Circuits Lab 36 37.50%

    Computer Application Lab 4 4.20%

    Embed Systems Lab 0 0

    Others 32 33.30%

    n=96 T=100%

    The mean for the frequency of subjects where eBooks were frequently used is 35.5 that

    represents the major tendency of the subject in the integration of eBooks and to the

    production of laboratory reports. In addition, the mean suggests that eBooks can extend its

    potential within its use in Circuits Lab as reference tool. The median derived from the result

    is equivalent to 17.5 which represents the tendency of the two close data obtained.

    In terms of the types of eBook used by the respondents, statistics showed that the most

    commonly used type is the Java Script noting a percentage frequency of 53.2%. It is due to

    the accessibility of the said type of eBooks over the internet.

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    Table 1.2 Frequency of Distribution on Types of eBooks

    HTML 37 38.50%

    DHTML 8 8.30%

    Java Script (CSS) 51 53.20%

    n=96 T=100%

    The computed mean for the types of eBooks is 39.1 which suggests that Java Script

    attained its highest frequency in the survey compared to other results of the specified types of

    eBooks. Median derived from the result is equivalent to 22.4 that represents the future

    potential of the DHTML as a commonly used eBook.

    Table 1.3 shows the Frequency of Distribution on the Effects of eBooks in Laboratory

    Reports that presents the different distribution of respondents population in determining the

    dominant effects of eBooks in their laboratory reports. Most of the respondents claimed that

    eBooks can help in the attainment of the precision of information as well as providing

    updated data in reports. Noted negative effects of eBooks was confirmed by seven of the

    respondents who said that confusive data-based results can be obtained in using eBooks as

    primary basis of the laboratory report. Other effects noted were intact results throughout the

    report and consistent flow of concept-based results.

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    Table 1.3 Frequency of Distribution on the Effects of eBooks in Laboratory Reports

    Precise Info and Updated Data 42 43.70%

    Confusive Data-Based Results 7 7.30%

    Intact results 21 21.9

    Consistent flow of concept-based


    26 27.10%

    Discursive results due to lack of

    statistical data

    0 0%

    Undefined laboratory analysis due

    to inconsistency of data

    0 0%

    Others 0 0%

    n=96 T=100%

    The mean for the effects is 29.5 that represents the major capability of eBooks as

    reference in laboratory reports meaning, eBooks can provide reliable, prcised and updated

    data among the laboratory reports of the respondents. In Gaussian Laws of Frequency

    Distribution, median is treated as the tendency of the respondents to alter their choice in a

    certain period of time. Meaning, a median of 18.9 would tell that almost few numbers of

    respondents would tend to alter their option for eBooks as a reference tool.


    The results obtained in the survey clearly stated the fact that eBooks play a vital role

    among the computer engineering students of Adamson University with their laboratory

    reports. 80% of the respondents population have always been using eBooks for their

    different subjects particularly on those that need laboratory integration.

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    Respondents claimed that use of eBooks would always been a routine in making their

    laboratory reports for they could yield better results through the use of those digital


    One of the dominant effects of eBooks among their lab reports is the precision of updated

    data and results. This is due to the cycle of revision that an eBook was configured from the

    very start. Cycle of revision helps user to be more updated by the latest release of editions of

    an eBook making the content more reliable. Moreover, eBooks offer several interactive

    features that serves as a great avenue of learning towards its users. Computer engineering

    students pointed out one of the reason why eBooks are very essential is because of its

    comprehensive analysis compared to print books that only tackles certain topics by means of

    summarized discussion of information.

    Another effect of eBooks on their laboratory reports is the attainment of the consistency

    of concept-based results which is a very important factor in writing a laboratory analysis

    because some of the data might need some extra sensitive treatment for the sake of accuracy.

    Concept-based results must be pure and well stated because it is the actual representation of

    the experimental values obtained in a specific lab experiment. Through the use of eBooks,

    students can refer to some of the international experiments similar to what they are

    conducting that will serve as a guide in obtaining accurate data and results.

    Next to the consistency of results is the intact presentation of results. In making a

    laboratory report, one must consider conciseness of the data being presented. No one might

    want to read a laboratory analysis that is very vague of disorganized due to some factors that

    includes undetermined clarity between the relations of variables and specific values of

    experimented set-ups. eBooks can correct those conflicts in a lab report by giving various

    examples and templates of results that users can follow in making their laboratory reports.

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    - 27 -

    Discussion of Implications

    Rather than using something thats in the hands, respondents might just decide on using

    what they can use and access with their fingertips. This is an implication of what

    industrialization has to offer. History, now on its 21st

    century, and the world has entered

    dynamic modernization.

    Analyzing the results obtained in the survey, the latter gives meaning to what the modern

    world wants to achieve. There are a lot of benefits from this, and computer engineering

    students of Adamson University are one of those beneficiaries.

    Students are one of the consumers of this technology. The researching of additional

    information for lab reports and such takes in a lot of effort, therefore portability, accessibility

    and credibility are things that are mostly needed. Discovering and exploring a wider variety

    of resources such as books, topmost of which they rely on, magazines, television, and the

    internet, pushes resource providers to make innovative developments on the needs of

    students. Now, information printed out on these is now available on a very handy basis

    Heavy books can now be brought anywhere without hassle. Technology makes this

    possible that books now become electronic books or eBooks. These eBooks have established

    very good credibility status as it contains the very same information from the books it has

    itself and even offer large variety of features that could help its user.

    Pushing through eBooks opens the possibility that publishers might get rid of the printed

    editions. It might happen that there wouldnt be any conventional books left. Even if there are

    books left, these might just be outdated, and students most probably would get information

    through other resources, going back to eBooks, as it would then be the solution to that and

    furthermore, students would merely rely on eBooks as basis for their lab reports.

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    - 28 -

    Putting in a position in choosing between conventional books and eBooks, the latter

    would be accepted by most. Books are not being looked down upon, but the availability is not

    the same as the eBooks. Preferably, it would be a good decision if the two mediums are


    Students are mostly measured by their work with paper and pens and the help of books.

    Seeking to prepare students effectively, then they must be taught skills at reading traditional

    books and eBooks, as both complement one another, making for stronger and more

    competitive students.

    It wont be a bothersome when there comes a time students completely rely on eBooks

    for their lab reports, for these are more accessible, easy to handle, contains the same

    information you want from a traditional book and makes updates of what content it already

    has, thus making it a very credible and a trusted resource.

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    - 29 -



    The use of eBooks is very common today particularly on different universities.

    Conventional books might be a thing in the past for years to come. eBooks as used in lab

    reports proved its efficiency in giving factual information which are very essential for lab

    analyses and data examination. The continuous usage of eBooks may lead to the development

    of digital integration of laboratory subjects that would creatively extend the potential of every

    student in conducting experimentations.

    The effects of eBooks among the laboratory reports of the computer engineering students

    of Adamson University may vary according to the frequency of their use of eBooks as

    reference tools. The study showed that most of the effects brought by eBooks were positive

    although there are only few who claimed some of its negative effects such as confusive data-

    based results due variety of experiments presented on an eBook. In addition, considering

    some factors that would affect the efficiency of eBooks, respondents still proved that these

    digital references are more accurate that those of the conventional books wherein cycle of

    revision is much longer in interval. This feature of eBook prevents the lapses of information

    within its content thus making the whole reference to be valid and authentic.

    After the results were analyzed, a certain fact reveals the truth behind these eBooks

    particularly on the part of the computer engineering students which concludes that eBooks

    are one of the essential factors that helps students to discover new ways of obtaining

    knowledge through its various multimedia interactive features that certainly makes its user

    more informative and more intellect.

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    - 30 -


    Conducting a descriptive survey research study requires sensitive treatment of data in

    order to obtain accurate results that can be subjected to further analyzation. Selection of

    proper respondents that are suitable for the survey must be considered. The designs of the

    instruments to be used, particularly the questionnaire, must be examined thoroughly before

    implementing any survey. It should be fit with the proper variables that are concerned in the

    study so that the results that will be obtained should directly answer the research question.

    In line with this, the researchers recommend the following in order for the others to have

    a much comprehensive results regarding on the same study:

    1. Population ranging from 150 up to 300 can be a good basis for survey respondentsin order to have a more comprehensive review of the variation of results.

    2. Statistical tools other than the ones we have used can produce better analyticalresults.

    3. Pre-trial test of the survey must be conducted at least twice before implementingthe survey proper.

    4. These are only recommendations that can be implemented for further complianceof the same study. Any of the following can be applied on a specific survey


    These are the recommendations of the authors of this study that can be used for further

    replication of the same comprehensive study.

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    - 31 -


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