

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1

About me ................................................................................................................................................ 3

PART 1 - It’s not business, it’s personal. ................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 1 - Challenge your old thinking patterns ................................................................................... 6

Chapter 2 - Starting today, tell the story of your life the way you want it to be. ................................. 11

Chapter 3 - Bring your “future you” into your present reality ............................................................. 15

The 4 steps of the Law of Attraction ................................................................................................. 18

An example of the Law of Attraction in action ................................................................................. 19

Summary of Part 1 ................................................................................................................................ 24

References and recommendations ....................................................................................................... 27

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 1


What do you do when you stop believing in a cause you've championed for almost a


That's where I find myself right now.

Since starting my own marketing consulting business in 2007, I've been a woman on a

mission. To anyone willing to listen - and many who were not - I would assert my view on

the need for a lazer-sharp target market, a clear marketing message, and a detailed strategy

for delivering the message in a way that makes money.

Nothing wrong with that, except that it seldom works. There's a reason why more than 90%

of start-ups fail and it's certainly not because they messed up their marketing.

First, a disclaimer: The contents of the book isn't for everyone. If you’re happy with where

you are in your business, this probably isn’t for you. If you're in business simply to make

money, this book definitely isn't for you.

Being in business to make money is like saying you want a fruit salad that has fruit; or that

you'd like to have a daughter but she has to be a girl. It's a given...A business that isn't run

with the primary purpose of making money isn't a business.

Another reason why running a business focused only on making money is a bad idea: The

chase for money is usually rooted in the lack of it and that's bad news for the Law of


According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like and if you're running your business from

a mindset of lack, it's a certainty that you'll attract customers with exactly the same

mindset. Or no customers at all! Do you really want leads that don’t turn into customers; or

customers who are price conscious? Or would you rather want to attract potential

customers willing to pay you what you're truly worth with all the optional extras? Makes

you think, doesn't it?

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 2

When you take money out of the equation, why are you in business? You should be able to

come up with a list of reasons why you've taken the plunge into entrepreneurship,

ultimately because you wanted to live the life of your dreams free of financial restrictions.

So is this book for you? If you want to know how to build a successful business in order to

live the life of your dreams, then no. But if you want to know how to live the life of your

dreams while building a successful business, I think you'll enjoy the read.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind. At the very least, you might get a glimpse into a life

of endless possibilities.

Please note: The contents of this book is heavily influenced by the teachings of Abraham as

delivered by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 3

About me

The decision to start a business is a big one. It’s the moment you decide to take your future

into your own hands and build the life you could never have while you’re working for a boss.

I remember that exact day. On Valentine’s Day, 2007, I gave myself the biggest gift of love

by resigning from a job with a stable, full-time salary in order to pursue my life-long dream

of having my own business.

I thought I had it waxed! With a post-graduate qualification in my pocket, years of business

experience behind me, and positivity that could last a lifetime, I was ready to take on the

world. So imagine my annoyance at a colleague’s parting words: “Best wishes on your

journey. There will be hard times, but just keep on believing”.

What was he talking about? Hard times? I knew exactly what I was doing. With the growing

opportunities of the Internet, being an entrepreneur was easier than ever.

Not so! My fall was hard. The truth is that no amount of study, experience, hard work or

positivity could’ve prepared me for the difficult road that is entrepreneurship. It doesn’t

matter what you think you know…your true learning as an entrepreneur begins only once

you’re in it.

The irony is that I’m a marketer and my specialist area is marketing strategy! Yet those were

the areas in my business with which I struggled most. What I was taught to be true in

Marketing 101 and practiced religiously in business since the early 90s was suddenly being

challenged by the rise of the Internet.

There were new rules. But did the new rules replace the old rules or did they change the old

rules? Was marketing evolving into an entirely new discipline? Was what I knew about

marketing now null and void?

Not only were my thoughts on business and marketing challenged, entrepreneurship also

challenged my values, priorities, relationships, health, finances and life. I can’t remember

the number of times I had to start over again, not just picking up the pieces of my business,

but picking up the pieces of who I was as a person.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 4

Now, almost a decade later, I’m happy to say I made it through to the other side as one

whole person. I wouldn’t change my journey for the world!

What I’m most grateful for is that the core business fundamentals that seemed to fall apart

were the same fundamentals I could rely on to put the pieces back together. Now with old

and new knowledge combined, I’m able to see the big picture of marketing as it is today.

Most importantly, I have learnt to see marketing in the big picture of life.

It is this big picture that I aim to share with you in this guide. If you’re new to

entrepreneurship, I’d like to say to you: “Best wishes on your journey. There will be hard

times, but just keep on believing.”

I hope that through this guide, I’ll make the road less bumpy and much more fun. Because,

above all else, entrepreneurship should be fun.

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PART 1 - It’s not business, it’s


The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 6

Chapter 1 - Challenge your old thinking patterns

Where do I begin?

If you’re anything like me a few weeks ago, you’re not living your dream life. And if you’re

anything like the hundreds of entrepreneurs I’ve had the privilege of dealing with through

the years, building your business is nothing short of a nightmare.

I’ve been there, too. Constant stress and pressure from absolutely nobody but myself for

not knowing enough, having enough or doing enough. All my hard work was yielding less

and less rewards at greater costs to me and to my family.

Whether you’ve just started out or whether you’ve been in business for a while, there’s no

doubt you’ll face your fair share of challenges. Depending on where you are, these

challenges can seem huge but I’ve learnt that the problems we face as entrepreneurs come

down to only three variables: time, money and knowledge.

On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you find yourself in terms of availability of time and money?

Take a look at Figure 1.

Figure 1 - The 4 Quadrants of Lack

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 7

Depending on your answers, you'll find yourself in one of four quadrants:

In quadrant A, you have sufficient money to invest in your business but limited time.

In quadrant B, you have sufficient time and sufficient money to invest in your


In quadrant C, you have limited money but sufficient time to invest in your business.

In quadrant D, you have limited time and limited money to invest.

Irrespective of which quadrant you find yourself in, entrepreneurship is an on-going search

for knowledge and personal growth and herein lies the challenge:

What determines how you progress from where you are to where you want to be depends

on how you handle any lack of knowledge. It becomes a balancing act between knowing

how to maximise your own inherent strengths, learning what you need to learn, and

realising when to hand over the rest to the right people with the right skills.

Sadly, the life of the entrepreneur becomes an endless loop of trial and error with the end

result often being an overwhelming feeling of failure. When you’re running a business

rooted in desperation and lack, you lose your ability to dream and you completely forget

why you started your business in the first place. Sound familiar?

The great news is that you can change your life simply by changing the way we think!

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Consider some of my favourite quotes from my favourite people.

"Life is really very simple. What we give out we get back. Every thought we think is

creating our future." Louise Hay

"What the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill

"You are the Michaelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you.

And you do it with your thoughts." Joe Vitale

"Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have. It solely relies on

what you think." Buddha

What they’re referring to is the Law of Attraction: What we think determines how we feel.

How we feel determines our level of vibration. Our level of vibration determines the people

and situations we attract.

It’s a law and it works for everyone whether we believe in it or not; whether we like it or

not. Your circumstances as they are today, like them or not, is all your own doing. Tough to

accept, isn’t it? It isn’t the lack of money, or lack of time, or lack of knowledge. While those

issues may very well be present, they’re not the reasons why your business isn’t flourishing.

A common way to demonstrate the Law of Attraction is through the example of the tuning

fork first used by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the New York Times best-seller, The Hidden

Messages of Water.

Emoto works with three tuning forks. Forks 1 and 2 are designed to vibrate 440 times per

second, while Fork 3 vibrates 442 times per second. When he hits Fork 1 with a rubber

hammer, Fork 2 immediately vibrates and gives off a sound because it resonates with Fork

1. However, Fork 3 remains silent. This shows that energies vibrating at the same

frequencies somehow find each other.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 9

Now this is where you decide whether or not the contents of this book is for you. Are you

willing to entertain the idea that being a successful entrepreneur has nothing to do with

your ability to manage your time, money, and knowledge and everything to do with

managing your vibration from one moment to the next?

Figure 2 - Tuning your vibration

You could either discard this as airy-fairy and impractical and continue doing what you’ve

been doing...with the likelihood of achieving the same results.

Or you could suspend all judgement and entertain the idea that the first step to building a

successful business starts with fine-tuning your vibration. When you put in the time and

effort to work on your vibration, you’re able to automatically and effortlessly attract the life

of your dreams no matter what challenges you face. Because, believe in it or not, the Law of

Attraction never fails.

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Figure 3 - Tuning your vibration as an antidote to lack

When you introduce the Law of Attraction into the equation, building a successful business

even looks like more fun! So are you willing to change your old thinking patterns and

embrace the principles of the Law of Attraction?

The following chapters describe the steps I used to implement the Law of Attraction into my

life and transform myself and, insodoing, my business. My wish is that it will do the same for


The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 11

Chapter 2 - Starting today, tell the story of your life the

way you want it to be.

As a Marketing Consultant, I love working with start-up businesses because their

enthusiasm, passion and ability to dream big is contagious. But the soul-destroying part of

my job is that I seldom get to see them move beyond the starting blocks. Each time their fire

dies, a little part of me dies with them.

Of course, that’s only highlighted my own issues as a Marketing Consultant. I began to

doubt everything that I was doing because, despite my best efforts, their ventures were

failing. The irony is that I’m an ardent student of the Law of Attraction. In fact, if a $10

online certification has any clout, I’m a Certified Law of Attraction Basic Practitioner!

Figure 4 - Law of Attraction Certificate

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 12

I knew this stuff, yet I was unable to see the glaringly obvious flaw in my own thinking that

was attracting the wrong clients to my business. I was telling a very negative story about my

business and its effect on my life that went something like this:

“I don’t enjoy working with start-ups because they’re destined for failure before they

begin. They don’t have money to pay for my services so I spend most of my time

working for free, which is stopping me from moving forward in my own life. Maybe I

shouldn’t be a Marketing Consultant”.

And yet I continued to spend money on marketing tools, courses, and advertising to attract

those very same type of clients. Insane, isn’t it?

I don’t know exactly when or how it happened, but suddenly in one moment of one day not

too long ago, the insanity of it all just hit me. It was in that moment when I made the

decision to stop being someone who’s trying to manage time, money and my lack of

knowledge with horrendous results. Instead I became someone who embraced the Law of


That entailed stopping absolutely everything that I was doing - no more buying, no more

learning, no more advertising.

For a solid week it was just me doing the things I love doing, including watching hours and

hours of reruns of my favourite TV shows; taking time away from my laptop to have fun with

my family and friends; sleeping a minimum of 8 hours a night; and reading inspirational


One of the greatest benefits of fully embracing the Law of Attraction is the clarity you gain

from stepping out of the typical problem-solving mode in which entrepreneurs operate. The

more time I spent raising my vibration by doing the things I enjoyed away from business, the

clearer the vision and goals for my business became.

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I’m usually not one to write down my visions and my goals. I admit, when it comes to self-

discipline, I’m a work-in-progress. A trick I learnt recently that works really well for me is to

write my goals in the form of a story. From a place of clarity, I was able to rewrite the story

of my life the way I want it to be.

“I love working with start-up businesses because their enthusiasm, passion and

ability to dream big is contagious. My biggest reward is seeing my clients overcome

their fears and grow into thriving businesses. I thoroughly enjoy the financial

freedom of doing what I want whenever I want, and I’m particularly grateful that my

unlimited income allows me to spend time doing what I love with the people I love.”

How would you rewrite the story of your life? Make your story as detailed as possible. The

more the details, the greater the momentum. The greater the momentum, the greater the


CAUTION: Make sure you’re telling a story that makes you feel good! You do not want to

activate momentum in the wrong direction so use positive words, such as “grateful”,

“thankful”, “passionate”, and “love”.

For example, I could add to my story that I love taking early-morning walks on the beach and

that I’m thankful to be living in Cape Town, so close to the sea; I could add that I’m grateful

for places with Wi-Fi connectivity that allow me to work from anywhere I choose. One of the

things I’m incredibly grateful for is that being an entrepreneur allows me to decide how to

spend my day, especially when that means taking an afternoon nap or spending the day at

the mall. These all need to make my list because these are the little things that make me


Are you up for a challenge?

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Exercise 1:

Try writing the story of your life the way you want it to be. Include all the activities you love

and those you’d like to participate in if time and money were no longer an issue.

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Chapter 3 - Bring your “future you” into your present


Congratulations, you’ve made it to Chapter 3!

Either you’ve taken the time to write your story and you’re pumped about the future you’re

about to create, or you’re scanning through this book to see at which point exactly you’d

like to request a refund. That’s completely fine. Like I said in the introduction, the contents

of this book isn’t for everyone.

Irrespective of why you’re here, I’m sure you’re keen to see how you’re going to create the

reality of your dreams.

Let’s first take a look at 4 of the most common beliefs around building a successful

business which, until recently, I completely believed to be true.

1. You have to work hard

2. You have to take massive action in order to succeed

3. If you don’t succeed, you’ve failed

4. You have to measure your success by your sales, profits, return on investment, etc.

Revisiting the four common beliefs of business success

If you fully embrace the Law of Attraction, those tenets tend to lose their credibility. Let’s

take a closer look.

1. You have to work hard

How many hard-working people do you know who are just about surviving? As an

entrepreneur, I’m sure you’ve never worked as hard as you have been since starting

your business. In the famous words of Dr Phil: How’s that working for you? I thought


With the Law of Attraction, on the other hand, the only work you need to do is to

pay attention to your thoughts and how they make you feel.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 16

When you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, doubtful, and worried - which is usually

the mental state of the entrepreneur - your actions will feel like hard work. Because

you’re operating at a low vibration, you’ll attract less than favourable results.

When you’re taking action from a place of inspiration, you’re operating at a higher

vibration. Inspired action yields that “top of the world” feeling where it feels less like

hard work and more like following your passion. When you’re working from this

higher vibration, you’ll begin to notice how people and situations arise as and when

you need them.

2. You have to take massive action in order to succeed.

To me, there’s nothing more damaging to an entrepreneur than being told to take

massive action in order to succeed. It’s that kind of advice that had me risk

everything again and again in the past with disastrous results.

By all means, take massive action! But knowing what you now know about the Law

of Attraction, please be careful not to confuse inspiration with desperation.

Sometimes, all that’s needed is a small change in perspective to achieve massive

results. And that’s what this book is all about.

3. If you don’t succeed, you’ve failed.

Esther Hicks says it best. When you see a baby falling again and again when trying to

walk, you don’t say “Get up, you little dummy!” No! You clap your hands and cheer

so that they know they’re doing well and that it’s all just part of their learning. Once

they’ve mastered walking, you do the same to help them through their next


So why should entrepreneurship be any different? When you think about it, you

can’t fail because life is an on-going, never-ending journey of highs and lows so you’ll

never really get it wrong because you’ll never really get it done.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 17

The absolute beauty of “failure” as we know it is that whenever it happens, an

opposite desire is instantly created. Take a look at the story of your life as you want

it to be. How much of your story stems from the failures or lacks in your past? If it

weren’t for all your perceived failures and disappointments, the story of your dream

life wouldn’t be nearly as exciting. So embrace the lows!

4. You should measure your success by your sales, profits, return on investment, etc.

As a Marketing Consultant, this one real hit home. If not by sales reports and Google

Analytics, how was I supposed to measure the impact of a marketing campaign?

The flaw in my thinking was that I allowed external feedback - namely, those sales

reports, Google analytic, and ROI - to determine my success so when sales were low,

I’d be low. The key to the Law of Attraction is to pay more attention to your internal

feedback - i.e. your feelings - because that, more than anything, determines whether

your measurable results are going to be positive or negative.

Once I understood the impact of the Law of Attraction on the marketing results of a

business, it became clear that my original book, “The Ultimate Quickstart Guide to

Marketing Strategy”, needed a total overhaul. Later in Part 2 of this book, I’ll take

you through my original thinking about marketing strategy and how it has changed

since practicing the Law of Attraction.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 18

The 4 steps of the Law of Attraction

How now, brown cow? If you take away the 4 most common business tenets, what’s left?

Figure 5 - The end of business as we know it

The Law of Attraction, from the perspective of many teachers, comes down to 4 basic steps:

1. Ask. While you could actually just ask outright in thought or words, most of your

asking has already been done through the contrasts you’ve experienced throughout

your life. These contrasts make up the contents of the story of your life as you want

it to be in Chapter 2.

2. Believe that everything you’ve asked for is created instantly on a vibrational level,

ready for you to attract it.

3. Find a way to be in vibrational alignment so that you’re able to attract what you’ve

asked for.

4. From place of vibrational alignment, be open for contrasts that will cause you to ask

for even more.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 19

An example of the Law of Attraction in action

Say you’ve been struggling with the lack of money.

That’s step 1 done and dusted because all your wealth now lies in your vibrational reality.

Step 2 is to believe that it’s there, because when you believe it’s there you stop trying to fix

the problem of not having money. In other words, you change your thinking from one of

poverty consciousness to one of prosperity consciousness.

Step 3, because you’re no longer focused on the lack of money, you’re free to focus on

better-feeling thoughts. By vibrating at this higher level, you automatically attract people

and situations that will help you realise your desires.

Finally, in step 4, as life carries on from this place of high vibration, you welcome the

contrasts that lower your vibration, knowing that they’re simply indicators that you need to

realign some areas of your life. Say you become ill, a perfectly healthy version of yourself is

automatically created in your vibrational reality. And the cycle continues...

Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of the four steps of the Law of Attraction. I’ve changed

the wording - but not the order - to better present the way in which I am able to implement

it in my own life.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 20

Ok, so this could very well be the point where you’re reaching for the Refund button. I’m a

practical person, and these steps seem rather “airy-fairy” for someone who’s supposed to

be taking their business seriously.

But let’s consider your choices. You could choose to carry on doing what you’re doing with

the same results, or you could give the Law of Attraction your best shot. This chapter shares

with you the trick that I use to make “airy-fairy” seem a tad more practical and easier to



What does this mean?

It means that not only do I write the story of my life the way I want it to be, I also describe

the ”future me” with the characteristics that would allow “her” to vibrate at the highest

possible level in order to achieve “her” desires.

These characteristics include universal wisdom, unconditional love for myself and others,

endless gratitude, self-acceptance, forgiveness, a kind heart, happiness, unyielding faith, the

ability to see the good in everyone, and the understanding that people and situations who

challenge me are there to expand my list of desires. And don’t forget my business acumen

and excellent decision-making skills!

What I’m actually doing is describing a version of myself that represents my higher

consciousness. Depending on your spiritual beliefs, you could choose to see this as the

version of yourself that’s closest to God, closest to source, your soul, your essence, etc.

Eckhart Tolle has an interesting take on this: "What a liberation to realise that the ‘voice in

my head’ is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees it.“

If you choose not to bring spirituality into this, you could simply see it as the best version of

yourself. For practical purposes, I prefer to view my higher consciousness as the best version

of myself that knows how to put together the puzzle pieces as I go about collecting them on

my life’s journey.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 21

Here are a few examples of how I bring the “future me” into my present reality. I may have

said my way is be the judge. Remember, the ability to laugh at yourself

contributes to a higher vibration so I do plenty of that!

1. I include at least one activity from the story of my life into my day-to-day

activities. For example, I see the “future me” as being healthy and in shape, yet

the present-day me hasn’t been to gym in 6 months! No more excuses. That was

the inspiration I needed to go back to gym.

2. We’re humans. We get angry and we get annoyed. When I get the urge to throw

things at people, I know that it’s my present-day self vibrating at a lower level.

Knowing that the “future me” understands that people and situations who

challenge me are here to expand my list of desires, I thank them for my new

desire - perhaps it’s people who don’t annoy me, perhaps it’s more tolerance for

people who don’t share my views - and I look for the good in them.

3. When I get overwhelmed with a situation, I actually speak to my “future me”. I’d

say something along the lines of “Ok, you sort this one out, I’m going to watch


The fact is that doing something fun will raise my vibration and bring clarity to

the situation anyway. The feeling that you can surrender your troubles to

someone else just adds an extra sense of peace. This is very powerful when you

integrate your spiritual beliefs into your business.

Now for the most important part of this book: Whenever you’re engaged in an activity that

brings your future you into your present reality, it is important that you repeat these words:

“I am so grateful to be living the life of my dreams. I love my life!”

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, the only moment that counts is the present

moment so even if you’re feeling like you’re living the life of your dreams just for that

moment, the Law of Attraction has to respond.

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The great thing about the Law of Attraction is that you don’t have to be vibrating at the

highest level all the time to start seeing results. You just need to be vibrating at a higher

level more than you do at a lower level and then watch as the miracles show up.

Are you still with me? Great! It’s exercise time.

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Exercise 2:

Here’s a short exercise before we get into the business of running a business in Part 2.

Describe the characteristics inherent in your “future you”.

From your story in Exercise 1, choose the activities that you’ll be incorporating into

your day-to-day activities. Commit to it. This forms your action plan for manifesting

your dream life.

The more opportunities you create to tell yourself that you’re “ grateful to be living the

life of my dreams” the sooner you’ll start to see miracles unfold in your life.

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Summary of Part 1

If there could be only one gem you’ve taken from Part 1, I sincerely hope it’s the knowledge

that you can create any life you desire simply by focusing on how you think.

You’ve been doing it all your life! If your current reality isn’t exactly what you would’ve liked

it to be, it’s only because you’ve been spending more time thinking more about the negative

than you have about the positive. While it’s hard to swallow, it should also be empowering

to know that you can change it in an instant by changing the way you think.

One BIG caveat before we carry on… What you think and what you feel needs to be in

alignment because the Law of Attraction responds to what you feel, not what you think.

Try it. Say something like “I’m going to make R1 million in the next two weeks”. (I have used

the South African Rand for the examples in this book. Please insert your own currency.)

Does saying that get you all pumped about making R1 million in the next two weeks? I didn’t

think so. That’s because you don’t really believe that you’ll be making R1 million in the next

two weeks.

Because you don’t believe what you’re thinking, your underlying feeling is one of doubt,

disbelief, and a whole bunch of negative emotions that are leading you down a path you’re

actually trying to avoid.

So stop that thought right there!

For most of us, our business is the vehicle for building the life of our dreams and while I’m

all one for lofty goals and big dreams, it’s often those big dreams that trip us up because we

really don’t believe we have what it takes to achieve them. And then we wonder why we


The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 25

While I believe with all my heart that cultivating a healthy mindset is the first step to a

successful business, this book isn’t about making you a more confident person. If I were to

do that, I’d be implying that you’re not good enough exactly as you are.

According to the Law of Attraction, you’re perfect. Not only perfect, you’re absolutely

amazing with strengths beyond your wildest imagination if you just dared to imagine!

This book challenges you to change the way you think. It gives you an alternative to

believing you need to fix yourself, your business, or your situation in order to succeed. Your

only “hard work” is to master your thoughts. When you do that, the right people, the right

teachers and the right situations will make their way to you as and when you need them to.

In Part 1 I shared with you some of my tricks for living the life of my dreams from one

moment to the next. In Part 2, I’ll show you how to use those tricks for running the business

of your dreams from one moment to the next.


Chapter 4 - Get clear on the definition of marketing

Chapter 5 - Choose your business model

Chapter 6 - Identify your customer

Chapter 7 - Design your marketing message

Chapter 8 - Allocate your marketing budget

Chapter 9 - Putting it all together

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 26

Next steps

1. Are you ready to implement the strategies in The Easy-Going Entrepreneur? Sign up

for the free 7-Day Business Reboot Challenge where I send you 7 more days of tips

and techniques for raising your vibration:


2. If you’d like to buy the complete book, please click here: http://the-easy-going-

3. If you need help writing your story or implementing your marketing strategy, please

contact me at [email protected] for more information about my coaching


4. If you’d like to explore more about the Law of Attraction, please see the references

and recommendations in the next section.

The Easy-Going Entrepreneur | Copyright Allison Ross 2015 27

References and recommendations

My views and understanding of the Law of Attraction have been significantly influenced by a

number of teachers, including Abraham as taught by Jerry and Esther Hicks, Dr Wayne Dyer,

Masaru Emoto, and Eckhart Tolle.

See more of what they offer by accessing these links:

1. The Essential Law of Attraction Collection by ESTHER HICKS, JERRY HICKS AND


2. Co-creating at Its Best - A Conversation Between Master Teachers by DR. WAYNE W.


3. Messages from Water and the Universe by MASURU EMOTO

4. The Importance of Being Extraordinary by DR. WAYNE W. DYER , ECKHART TOLLE

5. Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life by DR. WAYNE W. DYER

6. Manifest Your Soul's Purpose Video Course: Using the I Am Light Principles by DR.


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