Page 1: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried leaves with or without the flowering tops of Datura stramonium, family Solanaceae.

Active constituents: Alkaloids ( hyoscyamine, hyoscine &

atropine). Uses: Antispasmodic & in preanesthetic medication to stop body secretions.

Stramonium الداتورة

Page 2: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Ipecacuanhaالذهب عرق

The dried roots or roots and rhizomes of Cephaelis ipecacuanha, family

Rubiaceae.Active constituent :

Alkaloids: emetine, cephaeline and psychortine .Uses :

-Expectorant and emetic.- Treatment of amoebic dysentery (emetine HCL injection).- Have anti tumor properties and selective inhibitor of HIV virus.

Page 3: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum or Eugenia caryophyllus family Myrtaceae. Active constituents:- Essential oil ( eugenol , acetyl eugenol , isoeugenol). - Sesquiterpenes.- Hydrolysable tannin.Uses: - Aromatic Flavoring & antiseptic. - Local anesthetic for toothache. - Anticarcinogenic (sesquiterpenes). - Preparation of vanillin (eugenol).


Page 4: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae.

Active constituents:

- Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A & B.- Flavonoids.

Uses:- Expectorant & emetic(mainly due to reflex action on the bronchioles). - Rapid cardiotonic action ( short half life cardiac glycoside ).

White squillالعنصل بصل

Page 5: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Atropa belladonnaست نبات


The dried leaves with or without the flowering tops of Atropa belladonna,

Family: Solanaceae.Active constituents: alkaloids:

(hysocyamine-scopolamine-belladonine-atropine)Uses : - mydriatic , antispasmodic(atropine) .

-sedative , CNS depressant(scopolamine) . -CNS stimulant (hysocyamine& atropine)


The dried peeled or unpeeled roots and Stolons of Glycyrrhiza glabra, family

Leguminosae Acive constituents

-Saponin glycoside (Glycyrrhizin).-Flavonoid glycosides.

-Coumarins.-Uses :

- Expectorant, demulcent & anti-inflammatory.- Treatment of gastric & duodenal ulcers. - Used as sweetener and flavoring agent.

Page 6: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Gingko leafالجنكة اوراق

uses :

- Flavonoids. - Diterpene lactones ginkgolides A, B, C ,J and

M and the sesquiterpene lactone bilobalide.

- symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate cerebrovascular insufficiency (disturbancein concentration ) and act as an anti-vertigo.


The dried leaf of Ginkgo Biloba, family Ginkgoaceae.

 Active constituents:

Page 7: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried sliced root of Jateorhiza palmata ,family Menispermaceae .

Active constituents: -Yellow crystalline alkaloids:

Columbamine, jatrorrhizine and palmatine.

-Bitter principles (furanoditerpenes):Columbin, palmarin, chasmanthin and more.

Uses: - Bitter tonic and stomachic. - It is used specially for anorexia and flatulent dyspepsia.

Calumba root كالومبا جذر

Page 8: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Horse chestnut الحصان كستنة

The dried seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum, family Hippocastanaceae.Active constitute : - Saponin referred to as escin.- Flavones, caumarins & tannins .Uses : Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders such as varicose veins, haemorrhoids and leg ulcers.Anti-inflammatory.

Page 9: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The seeds of Coffea arabica, family Rubiaceae

Active constituents:- Alkaloids: Caffeine , Theobromine and Theophylline.- Tannins , fats and sugars.

Uses: - Stimulant drink , diuretic & analgesic.- Production of caffeine

Coffee beansالقهوة حبـوب

Page 10: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Digitalis purpurea leaf الديجيتال ورقة


The dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea, family Scrophulariaceae.Active constituents:

-Cardiac glycosides: purpurea glycoside A & B.

-Saponins . -Flavonoids.

Uses: - Congestive heart failure

- Cardiac arrhythmia

Page 11: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Digitalis lanata leaf الديجيتال ورقة

الصوفيThe dried leaves of Digitalis lanata, family Scrophulariaceae.Active constituents:

-Cardiac glycosides: lanatocides A , B, C & E


-Congestive heart failure -Cardiac arrhythmia

Page 12: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Thyme الزعتر

The dried aerial parts of Thymus vulgaris and other Thymus species, family Labiatae.

Active constituents :- -Volatile oil ( thymol and carvacrol ).

- -Flavonoids.-Uses -:

- -Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, carminative & antispasmodic .

- -Antitussive and expectorant.

Page 13: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried nearly ripe fruit of Coriandrum sativum, family Apiaceae .

Active constituents: -Volatile oil (linalool ).

-Flavonoids -Fats and proteins

Uses: - Used as a spice .

- It has strong lipolytic activity . - Stomachic, spasmolytic and carminative .


Page 14: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Sage الميريميه

The dried whole or cut leaves of Salvia officinalis, family Labiatae.Active constituents:

-Essential oil (α- & β- thujone, cineole and borneol).

- -Flavonoids and estrogenic substances.- -Tannins

Uses:- -Antioxidant, antibiotic, antifungal,

astringent and antispasmodic.- -Reduces perspiration.

-Alleviates some menopausal symptoms in women

Page 15: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Nutmeg جوزة

الطيبThe dried kernels of the seeds of Myristica

fragrans, family Myristicaceae. Active constituents :

- -Volatile oil: pinene, sabinene, camphen, myristicin, safrol and eugenol.

- Coloring matter and a saponin Uses:

-Flavoring , carminative and stomachia -Topical anti-inflammatory

-Euphoric and hallucinogenic effect of high doses of nutmeg seems linked to the

presence of myristicin .

Page 16: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Rosemaryإكليل الجبل

The dried flowering tops of leafy twigs of Rosmarinus officinalis ,

family Labiatae .Active constituents :

- -Volatile oil:(cineole, borneol, comphor and bornyl acetate).


- Perfumery industry, component of soap liniment & in aromatherapy.

Page 17: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried ripe seeds of Linum usitatissimum, family Linaceae.

Active Constituents : -Fixed oil .

-Mucilage and protein . -Lignans .

-Cyanogenetic glycoside (linamarin). Uses:

-Poultices and demulcent preparations.-The oil is used in liniments .

-Linseed oil has antibacterial effect. -Linseed cake is a valuable cattle food.

Linseed) الكتان) بذرة

Page 18: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried ripe seeds of Brassica nigra, family Cruciferae .

Black mustard

األسود الخردل

Active constituents : - Sinigrin and myrosin & yield after

maceration with water volatile oil(allyisothiocyanate.)

-Mucilage, Fixed oil & proteins.Uses :

-Rubefacient and counterirritant (plasters).- -Reduction of the risk of cancers of

-alimentary tract. -Condiment.

Page 19: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Boldo leafورقة

The dried leaves of Peumus boldus, familyالبولدوMonimiaceae.

Active constituents : - Alkaloid (Boldine)

- Volatile oils (linalool and cineole) - Glycoside(boldoglucin)

- Tannic acid Uses :

- Hepatic stimulant - Anti-hepatotoxic

- Mild diuretic - Boldine has cytoprotective and

anti-inflammatory properties

Page 20: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Nux vomicaالمقيء الجوز

The dried seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica, family Loganiaceae.

Active constituents: -Alkaloids ( strychnine and brucine) .

- -Lignin glycoside. -Fixed oil.

Uses :- -As a respiratory stimulant in certain

cases of poisoning .- -In large doses, it causes violent

convulsions involving the respiratory muscles and death due to asphyxia.

Page 21: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried flowering tops of Achillea millefolium, family Compositae.Active Constituents:

- -Essential oil (chamazulene, camphor & borneol) .

- -Sesquiterpene lactones. -Flavonoids.

-Alkaloids. : Uses

Treatment of various skin conditions and digestive disorders.

Yarrowاأللفية األخيلية

Page 22: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Galls العفص

Pathological outgrowth resulting from the deposition of the eggs of the insect Cynips gallaetinctoriae, family Cynipidae on the twigs

of Quercus infectoria family Fagaceae. Active constituents

-Tannins yielding gallotannic acid. -Gallic acid, ellagic acid & sitosterol.


-In astringent ointments & to treat burns. -In the manufacture of permanent inks.

-In dyeing. - In alkaloid poisoning.

Page 23: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Tea leavesأوراق

The prepared leaves (black tea) & dried leavesالشاي(green tea) of Thea sinensis, family Theaceae.

Active constituents:

-Alkaloids ( caffeine , theobromine , theophylline) .- Flavonoids & catechins.- Polyphenols (in green tea).

-Tannins & Volatile OilsUsesCNS stimulant , mild- diuretic, anti-oxidant & weak muscle relaxant.

Page 24: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried seeds of Sesamum indicum, Family Pedaliaceae.

Active constituents:

-Fixed oil (Glycerides of oleic & linoleic acids with small proportion of palmetic, stearic & arachidic acids).

-Lignans ( phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity).

Uses: - Phytoestrogens .- Antioxidant and anti- cancer properties. - Reduce levels of blood cholesterol.


Page 25: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Strophanthus seedاألستروفبذورانس

Active constituents:Strophanthus kombe & S.hispidus contain cardiac glycosides known as k-strophanthoside , S. gratus contain G-Strophanthin (Ouabain). Uses:

Ouabain acts quickly, it has been used for emergency treatment in case of acute

heart failure .

The dried ripe seeds of Strophanthus kombe, S. hispidus, S. gratus, family

Apocynaceae deprived of their awns.

Page 26: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Atropa belladonnaالحسن ست نبات

The dried leaves with or without the flowering tops of Atropa belladonna,

Family Solanaceae.Active constituents :

alkaloids:(hysocyamine, scopolamine, belladonine & atropine)

Uses: - Mydriatic & antispasmodic (atropine) .

-Decreases the body secretions . -CNS stimulant (hysocyamine& atropine)

Page 27: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Calabar beanفولة

كاالبار The dried ripe seeds of Physostigma

Venenosum, family Leguminosae .

Active constituents:Alkaloid physostigmine(eserine).

Uses:- A myotic drug.

- It has a cholinergic effect and stimulates gland secretions .

Page 28: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Garlic الثوم The bulb of Allium sativum, family

Liliaceae .

Active constituents: -Pungent volatile oil(sulpher-containing

compound allicin) . -Sulpher-containing amino acid alliin.

Uses:It has hypolipidaemic, antibiotic, hypoglycaemic, antithrombitic & anticancer effects.

Page 29: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The herb of various species of Ephedra ,family Ephedraceae .Active constituents :

-About 0.5-2% Alkaloids; ephedrine (30-40%) & pseudoephedrine.

- Flavonoids. Uses :

- Relief of asthma & hay fever. - Incorporated in some nasal sprays or drops for vasoconstrictive treatment of the acute congestion in rhinitis & sinusitis.

Ephedra االفيدرا

Page 30: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Hyoscyamus muticusالمصري السكران

The dried leaves with or without the flowering tops of Hyoscyamus muticus, family Solanaceae.

Active constituents: Alkaloids, mainly hyoscyamine .

Uses:- Antispasmodic, counteract griping effect of purgatives.

Page 31: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried bark of Cinnamomum cassia family Lauraceae.

Active constituents: -Volatile oil consisting of cinnamic aldehyde. -Condensed tannin & mucilage.Uses: Antispasmodic , carminative & flavoring agent.

Cassia Chinese cinnamon


Page 32: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


القاتThe fresh leaves of Catha edulis,

Family: Celastraceae.Active constituents:

-Khat contains more than 40 alkaloids which are phenylalkylamines ( cathinone, cathine , cathidine and eduline are the most important).

Uses : -When the leaves are chewed, have a

stimulatory effect with the alleviation of depression and of the sensations of hunger and fatigue.

- Khat use is officially forbidden in some countries as saudi Arabia and Sudan .

Page 33: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried root and rhizomes of Rauwolfia serpentina family

Apocynaceae. Active constituents :

Alkaloids (Reserpine , rescinnamine and ajmaline are the most important) .Uses:

- Management of essential hypertension.

- In certain neuropsychiatric .- Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia due to ajmaline content.

Rauwolfia جذر ) الروالفيا


Page 34: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


The dried juice obtained from thecut leaves of certain Aloe species (e.g. Aloe vera), family Liliaceae.

Active constituents:

- C-glycosides namely; barbaloin (aloin) and its isomer isobarbaloin (anthraquinone glycosides).

-Aloinoside A & B (O-glycosides of barbaloin).-Aloe-emodin aglycone.- Alosin resin.Uses:

- Purgative .

Page 35: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried ripe fruits of Capsicum annuum var. minimum, family Solanaceae .

Active constituents :- Pungent alkaloid ( capsaicine).- Fixed oil. - Fats & proteins.

- -Vitamins A,C. -Traces of volatile oil.

Uses: - Counter-irritant in medicated plasters to relief

rheumatism and lumbago . -Treatment of pain of rheumatoid arthritis .

Capsicum الفلفل الشطه(األحمر(

Page 36: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried leaflets of Cassia acutifoila known as Alexandrian senna or Cassia angustifolia known as Indian senna, Family Leguminoseae.

Active constituents : - Free anthraquinones and anthraquinone glycosides ( sennosides A, B, C & D ).-Naphthalene glycosides .- Mucilage.

Uses :Act on the colon and stimulate its muscles (irritant laxative);- Small doses: laxative-Large doses: purgative- Very large doses: cathartic

Senna leafletsسنامكي

Page 37: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Sandalwood خشب

الصندل The dried heart wood of Santalum album,

family Santalaceae.Active constituents :

Volatile oil contains 90-97% of sesquiterpene alcohols

( α&β-santalol ) with sesquiterpene )hydrocarbons α & β- (santalene.

Uses: -Excellent sedating agent.

-Urinary disorders (diuretic and antiseptic).- In perfumes.

Page 38: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried ripe seeds of Brassica alba, family Cruciferae Active constituents:

- Crystalline thio-glycoside, sinalbin. - Fixed oil & protiens.

Use :- Rubefacient.

- Reduction in risk of cancers of alimentary tract. - May be used in the form of infusion, poultice or footbath.

White mustardاألبيض الخردل

Page 39: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Lavender flowerزهرة


The dried flowers of Lavandula officinlalis, family Labiatae.

Active constituents :Volatile oil consisting mainly of linalyl acetate, linalol and geraniol.Uses:

Perfuming agent in manufacture of perfumes and cosmetic preparations .

Page 40: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Bearberry (Uva ursi)الديب عنب

The dried leaves of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, family Ericaceae.

Active constituents: - Two phenolic glycosides: arbutin and methyl arbutin. -Ursone, tannins, ellagic acid and gallic acid and yellow coloring principle. Uses:Stimulant, diuretic and antiseptic of the

urinary tract .

Page 41: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried flower heads of Matricaria

recutita, family CompositaeActive constituents:

-Volatile oil contains sesquiterpene lactones (chamazulene, matricin, bisabolol and farnesene.)

-Apigenin flavonoid and coumarins. Uses:

-Antispasmodic for digestive disorders. - Anti-inflammatory in skin preparations.

- Has an ulcer-protective properties due to bisabolol .

Chamomile البابونج

Page 42: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried shoot bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum , family Lauraceae.

Active constituents:-Volatile oil :(contains 55%-65% cinnamic

aldehyde , 4-8% eugenol) .

- Tannin and mucilage . Uses :


- -Antispasmodic -Flavoring agent .

-The oil also is a powerful germicide

Cinnamon Bark


Page 43: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried roots of Panax quinquefolius (American ginseng ) and P.ginseng (Asian ginsing), family

Araliaceae . Active constituents :

Uses : -Adaptogenic (antistress), Improve

physical and mental performance. -Tonic, stimulant , diuretic and

carminative -Improves immune system.

Contraindicated in case of hypertension and during pregnancy .

Saponins glycosides (Ginsenosides & Panaxosides)

Ginseng Rootالجينسنج

Page 44: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Catharanthus Herbالوينكا عشب

The dried whole plant of catharanthus roseus,Family Apocynaceae .Active constituents:

Alkaloids (vinblastine & vincristine). Uses:

-Vinblastine sulfate used for neoplasma & hodgkin’s disease .

- Vincristine sulphate used for treatment of acute lymphoid leukemia.

Page 45: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Jaborandi leavesالجبوراندي

The dried leaflets of Pilocarpus microphyllus,Family Rutaceae.Active constituents:

- alkaloids ;(pilocarpine, isopilocarpine, pilosine & isopilosine). - volatile oil (limonene,pinene& caryophylline)uses:

- Pilocarpine is a parasympathomimetic drug. - In ophthalmic practice , in treatment of glaucoma due to miotic action..

Page 46: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried leaves & flowering tops of Origanum majorana, family Labiatae .

Volatile oil: (α-terpineol , sabinene hydrate , linalool)

Active constituents:

-Used locally to relieve the symptoms of common cold .

-To treat acute benign bronchial disease .




Page 47: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried leaves with or without the flowering of tops of Dature stramonium family Solanaceae.

Active constituents: Alkaloids ( hysocyamine_hyoscine_Atropine)

Uses: Antispasmodic , treatment for some serious psychological problems, and nervous system disorders (convulsions, epilepsy)


Basil الريحان

The dried leaves of Ocimum basilicum (Sweet basil) Ocimum minimum (Bush basil) family Lamiaceae .Active constituents:

-Essential oil(eugenol, chavicol methyl ether, linalool) -Caffeic acid derivatives & flavonoids .

Uses : - The herb and oil have potent antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties- Used for treatment of stress, rheumatic arthritis

and skin diseases .- -Stimulant, diuretic & stomachic.

-The volatile oil is used in aromatherapy .

Page 48: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum in Family Leguminosae.

Active constituent : -Alkaloids( trigonelline and choline) .- fixed oil, protein and amino acid s.

Use : -Antidiabetic and antilipidemic , anti-ulcer , anti-cancer.- Demulcent , emollient and laxative .



Page 49: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


The dried leaves of Mentha piperita family Labiatae. Active constituents:

- Volatile oil (menthol – menthyl acetate ). -Tannins.

- Flavonids. Uses: - Antispasmodic, carminative & flavoring agent. - Diaphoretic & anti-emetic.

Page 50: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Star aniseالنجمي اليانسون

The dried fruits of Illicium verum family Illiciaceae .

Active constituents : -Essential oil, which is dominated

by anethole (85 to 90%).The other components are phellandrene, safrole and terpineol& traces of cineole.

Uses:- A digestive aid and to help cure colic in babies. -More recently, shikimic Acid, extracted from star anise, is one of the chief ingredients in the antiviral drugs used to treat influenza.

Page 51: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried ripe fruits of Cuminum cyminum ,family Apiaceae.

Active constituents: Volatile oil consisting mainly of cuminic

aldehyde, pinine & α-terpeniol . Uses: - One of the commonest spices.- In folk medicine as an antispasmodic.

Cumin الكمون

Page 52: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


ــــــا The dried ripe fruits of Carum carvi,

family Apiaceae Active constituents :

- Essential oil(3-7%)consist mainly of carvone and liomonene.

- Fixed oil & proteins. Uses:

- Antispasmodic, carminative & stimulant . - It is used mainly for stomach complains in

both adults & children .

Page 53: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


The dried ripe fruits of Anethum graveolens, family Umbelliferae. Active constituents:Essential oil containing carvone , limonene , dillapiole and myristicin

Uses: Carminative and flavoring used in infants gripe water.

Page 54: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


The dried fruits of Foeniculum vulgare (bitter fennel) or F. vulgare variety dulce

(sweet fennel ,)family Umbelliferae. Active Constituents

)Volatile oil (anethole 60% and fenchone 30%Therapeutic Uses

-Aromatic flavoring



Page 55: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried nearly ripe seeds of Elettaria cardamomum, family Zingiberaceae Active constituents :- Volatile oil mainly terpinyl acetate and cineole and other monoterpenes . -Starch.- Fixed oil and calcium oxalate .Uses : -Digestive in dyspepsia & flatulence. - For mental fatigue and nervous stress . - Antiseptic, cholagogue & antihepatotoxic.

Cardamom الهيل

Page 56: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Psyllium Seedقاطونة بذور

لسان) The dried ripe seeds of plantagoالحمل(

psyllium, P. indica & P. ovata, family Plantaginaceae .Active constituents:

-Mucilage.-Fixed Oil.

-Diterpene aucubin.Uses: -

-In the treatment of chronic constipation. -As demulcent .

Page 57: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


The dried prepared rhizomes of Curcuma Domestica, family Zingiberaceae.

Active constituents:

-Volatile oil, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. -Geiatinized starch.

: Uses- Treatment of jaundice and hepatitis.

-strong Antihepatotoxic action.-indicated for inhibition of platelet

aggregation .

Page 58: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Eucalyptus Leaf الكافور بديل

The dried leaves of Eucalyptus globulus, Family Myrtaceae.

Active constituents: -Volatile oil containing %50 cineole.

--Tannin . -Flavonoids.

Uses. : -For asthma & antiseptic .- The oil is used in anti-rheumatic preparations.- Astringent due to the presence of tannin.

Page 59: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Rhubarb Rhizomeالراوند

The dried rhizomes and big roots of Rheum palmatum, R. officinale or of other species of Rheum except Rheum rhaponticum family Polygonaceae.

Active constituents: - Free anthraquinones (chrysophanol, aloe-emodin, rhein & emodin).- Heterodianthrones .- Hydrolysable and condensed tannins . Uses: In small doses : bitter stomachic an intestinal astringent. In large doses : irritant laxative.

Page 60: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

Cinchona Bark الكينا خشب

Dried stem &root bark of cinchona succirubra (Red cinchona), C. ledgeriana, C. calisaya(yellow cinchona bark)and C. officinalis (pale cinchona) family Rubiaceae

Active constituents: -Quinoline alkaloids:

(quinine, quinidine, cinchonine, cinchonidine) -Condensed Tannin (cinchotannic acid)

Uses:-Tonic, stomachic ,and astringent .

--Quinine it is used as anti-malarial (contra indicated in pregnancy it causes abortion)

-Quinidine is used to treat auricular fibrillation antirheumatic -cinchonine & cinchonidine are used as

Page 61: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A


The seed and corm of Colchicum autumnale, Family (Liliaceae)Active constituent:

-up to 0.6-1.2% colchicine other colchicum –type alkaloids.

- A resin,fixed oil and reducing sugar.uses:

Colchicum preparation are used to relieve gout(employed with caution)

Page 62: The dried sliced bulb of the white variety of Urginea maritima or U. indica, family Liliaceae. - Mixture of glycosides: Scillaren A & B, urginin A

The dried leaves of Lawsonia inermis, Family Lytheraceae.

Active constituents:-Coloring matter, lawson (naphthoquinone),- Phenolic glycosides, coumarins , xanthones


- As hair dye.- -Antifungal.

- The astringent stem bark is traditionally used in India for the treatment of jaundice, enlargement of liver & spleen & various skin diseases.

