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Prologue Prologue

Issy and the Spider Leg

“You requested that I look into Dr. Revici’s treatment

of cancer. This I did, and find it far beyond my wildest

expectations…. His results are amazing…”

Louis E. Burns, M.D., 1955

“We can cure this disease if we can get

a national effort behind it”

Sam Donaldson, ABC News, 1996, in an interview with Larry King about cancer.

Two weeks before little Issy was taken to see Emanuel Revici, M.D.,

in Manhattan, her doctors at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

(CHOP) had estimated she had two or three weeks left to live.

Five hundred thousand dollars of prior medical treatments had not

cured her because a grapefruit-sized tumor pressed against the four-

year-old’s large intestine and liver. Meanwhile, the malignant growth

had sprouted a six-foot predatory spider leg that wrapped itself around

her spine. In addition, one of her chemotherapy sessions at CHOP had

injured her kidneys and bladder, according to her father, Vernon



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The Morins were cautioned by Issy’s doctors that their daughter

would probably die a painful death, although they would prescribe

some narcotics to try to reduce her pain. Vernon said the only “good”

news they had to offer was that the end would come quickly.

Her parents would not give up, however. Two days after starting Dr.

Revici’s treatment, Issy’s pain disappeared, so she no longer needed any

pain killers. The first office visit cost less than $200. The medicine was


Issy spent that summer playing and swimming in the river behind

her parent’s home. As her treatment continued, she gained weight,

began to grow, returned to preschool, and started ballet classes. Her

sweet and playful disposition returned as well.

After nine months of Revici’s care, Issy’s grapefruit-sized tumor was

smaller than a golf ball. The dangerous spider leg was dead. Where

tests had previously shown 98% cancer cells in her peripheral blood,

now there were none.

Meanwhile—when no one else could help Issy Morin—the state of

New York yanked Dr. Revici’s medical license.

Nor was Issy’s battle over. The long-term effects of her kidney dam-

age caused her to go into shock. But the people who said Issy would

only last a few weeks had not referred her to a kidney specialist. Issy

could overcome the cancer, but like Revici, she was no match for the

medical establishment. Five months after her first coma, Issy surren-

dered for the last time.

Was it just luck that caused Issy’s tumor to shrink so much? Why did

the invasive spider leg shrivel up and go away? Well, consider that the

100-year-old Dr. Revici has had six decades of success with cancer

patients who have benefited from his discoveries. Those patients were

just as lucky and just as spontaneously healed as little Issy, for Dr.

Revici is the doctor who cures cancer.

More than thirty years ago, Dr. John Heller, who was then the med-

ical director of Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, privately

said of Dr. Revici, “I’ve known him for ten years. I don’t know how he

does it, but patients walk in dead and walk out alive.” This is the story

of that man and his many lucky patients, and of a medical establish-


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ment that has fought him every step of the way.

Who is Dr. Revici, what has he discovered, and why do his patients

consider him to be a miracle worker? Furthermore, how did the forces

of conventional medicine stop him from helping the vulnerable Issies

of the world?

Perhaps more importantly, what do Revici’s discoveries mean for the

future of cancer treatment and other conditions, such as AIDS and drug

addiction, and how can we personally benefit from his work? The an-

swers to those questions—and more—start with an exploding ambulance.

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My Dear, My Dear

Perhaps there is no better way to show the kind of

person Dr. Emanuel Revici is than to let Revici,

his friends and his patients tell it by way of an

oral history. What follows are stories told to

the author by some of the people who know him.

I knew a woman whose husband had left her with two small kids. She

was so strapped, I would bring over food for her and the children. One

of the children had asthma really bad, but her mother couldn’t afford

to take her to the doctor.

“So I went to Dr. Revici and explained the situation to him. He said

to me, ‘Please, please! Never talk to me about money. Bring me the

child. I beg of you, bring me the child!’

“Well, the child started to get better, but she needed a certain kind of

atomizer. So, Dr. Revici bought one for her and gave it to her mother.

“It wasn’t until a few years later that I found out. Her mother men-


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The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

tioned it to me in passing because she thought I knew. Of course, Dr.

Revici had never told me.” — Ruth Spector, office volunteer

“You could call him at home any day, at any time. We called him three

times on Christmas day including at 6:41 in the morning and 9:14 at

night, plus at 6:30 in the evening on Christmas Eve. I kept a tab on all

the calls we made. It totaled 437 calls.” — Pierce and Allan Hamilton

“During all those hearings when they were trying to take his license

away, they were so mean. Well, I went to all of them [the hearings].

The doctors on the panel never took any notes. When it came time for

Dr. Revici to testify, he was advised not to tell them anything about

what he did.

“His only response was, ‘The world must know, the world must

know.’ When he started to speak, all the doctors on the panel started

to write down everything he said.

“I talked to someone who worked in the governor’s office about all

the scribbling. He said that they knew Revici had the answer, and they

were trying to get it.

“Then, during a later break, I was standing in a small hallway with

Dr. Revici. By then I was furious with the whole panel and with what

they were trying to do. I said to him, ‘I hope they all get it [cancer] and

have to come to you.’ He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. His

lower lip came out. In disbelief, I said, ‘You wouldn’t!’ He answered me

with his soft, gentle voice: ‘I’m 87. In all my life I’ve never refused to

treat anyone. Would you want me to start now?’” — Ruth Spector

“Dr. Revici was the person who treated my first wife when she died of

cancer in 1969.

“I’ve always been appreciative of what he did for her during the daily

telephone calls to Jamaica, West Indies, where she died. After her

death I again visited his office, this time to offer him a $5,000 check to

cover his phone calls and other expenses, but, again, he was adamant

in his refusal.” — Lyle Stuart, publisher, Barricade Books


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His Life

Revici told the following story on himself: “When I first started prac-

ticing I never charged. But some of the patients told me they couldn’t

come to see me because of it. So I had to charge them, so they could

get care.” — Dr. Emanuel Revici

“Dr. Revici was offered an enticing opportunity to practice medicine

in a Middle Eastern country to treat the royal family and other impor-

tant people. Revici told those who invited him that if he were to go

there, he would have to be able to treat all patients, not just selected

people. When that condition wouldn’t be met, Dr. Revici turned down

the offer.” — Marcus Cohen

“A child who had been treated by Revici became hospitalized in

Atlanta with a severe case of asthma. For two weeks the little girl failed

to respond to the medical treatment given her by the hospital physi-

cians. The mother decided to call Dr. Revici at home. He had given

the mother his home number as he does with all his patients. It was


“He answered on the first ring. He suggested a treatment over the

phone and told her to call her back. The mother had already accumu-

lated a number of Revici’s different medicines, so she was able to treat

her daughter herself, even though she was in the hospital. She ended

up calling Revici back at two in the morning and at three. He was

awake for all the calls. By morning the woman’s daughter had recov-

ered and was able to be discharged.” — Ruth Spector

“When Dr. Revici was running Trafalgar Hospital in New York, they

had a problem with getting some of the patients to take their medicine.

The treatments were totally free to the patients with all the expenses

paid for by donations from wealthy benefactors. To get the patients to

use the medicine they had to start charging them five dollars. It

worked.” — Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D.

“Even Revici had limits to his patience. A woman came to him who was

close to death. She had cancer throughout her body. Her doctors pre-


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The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

dicted she would die within two or three months. Her recovery under

Revici was swift and dramatic. She never returned to her other doctors.

“Three months later one of her original physicians called her home

to see if she was still alive. When she answered the phone, the doctor

asked about his patient. He didn’t recognize the perky, energetic voice

on the line. When the doctor had last seen her, the patient barely had

enough energy to speak, breathily uttering one word at a time as if each

word might be her last. When the doctor finally realized he was speak-

ing to his former patient he exclaimed that he must meet Dr. Revici.

“But when Revici was informed of the other doctor’s response,

Revici refused to see him, ‘I will never see this man after what he did

to you! He should have known after the third x-ray.’ The doctor had

apparently used the patient like a lab animal, x-raying her repeatedly.

He didn’t want to teach his method to someone who didn’t value

human life and human dignity.

“Ten years later the woman was handling multi-million dollar loan

contracts for Fanny Mae. Revici has never seen the doctor.”

— Ruth Spector

“Once when Dr. Revici was in London, there was a machine that could

apparently measure alpha, beta, gamma and delta brain waves. He was

hooked up to the machine. According to the tester, Revici’s brain waves

were complete in both hemispheres for all of the different brain waves,

something that had previously only been seen with certain Eastern

mystics.” — Alice Ladas, Ed.D., author

“Dr. Revici heard about a patient who was too sick to come and see

him. He paid the man a house call, walking up five flights of stairs.

Revici was ninety-three.” — Marcus Cohen

“This being New York, we had a kind of boast in the hospital that made

it different from any other hospital: every patient would be spoken to

in his own language, which in New York doesn’t happen all the time.

“One day a Japanese priest came in, and he didn’t speak a word of

English. We knew damn well, although he speaks six languages, Revici


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His Life

didn’t speak any Japanese. So, that morning everyone went on rounds

to see how he would handle it. The son of a [gun] did the examination

in Latin. It must have been the first time a physical exam was done in

Latin in a thousand years.” — Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D.

“The patient was bedridden with AIDS, and his condition was consid-

ered terminal. A friend called to see how he was. The woman who

answered the phone said, ‘I’m sorry, he’s gone.’ The caller asked when

he had died. She answered, ‘He’s not dead. He went shopping.’ The

patient had begun treatment with Revici one week earlier.”

— Norman Carmen

“We had a conversation with a couple outside the office. They were

both members of Mensa, the club for people with extremely high

I.Q.’s. They said Dr. Revici had taken the test, but his score was too

high to be accurately measured.” — Allan Hamilton

“After hearing my mother wasn’t doing well, Dr. Revici made a home

visit. He spent two hours. On the second visit he spent the entire night.

About three or four in the morning I saw him up. My mother died

three or four days later. I felt a special closeness with Dr. Revici, but I

believe he treated all his patients that way. I have a special warm feel-

ing even now for Dr. Revici.” — William Rosenberg

“One time I was in the office and was sitting next to a gentleman, a

young fellow. I struck up a conversation with him. To this day I can still

see that guy. He said, ‘You know, no one has ever given me anything in

this life. Nobody has ever done anything for me.’ What happened to

him is, he had cancer of the lung. He went to see Revici. He was out

of a job. Revici said he would take care of him. He would treat him.

‘So, I told him I didn’t have any money.’ Revici said, ‘That’s all right,

I’ll still take care of you.’ I can still hear that guy. He was sitting there,

and he was like, ‘Nobody, nobody has ever done anything for me.’ He

couldn’t believe that this man was going to do something for him. It

just tore me up inside listening to his story.”


— Allan Hamilton

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The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

“There were never two minutes when the phone didn’t ring right

through dinner. We expected it and understood.”

— Nita Taskier, Revici’s daughter

“He always said ‘My dear. My dear.’” — Pierce Hamilton

“There was a patient who had a front room in the hospital with a tele-

phone and a window with a view of some trees. After eight months, she

ran out of money to pay the hospital bill. That meant she would have

to go on state assistance and would have to be moved to the ward. She

was upset by the prospect. I went to Dr. Revici and told him of the

patient’s concern. Revici said he would see what he could do, and sure

enough, she was able to stay in the front room until she died four

months later.

“After her death, I quietly looked into it to see what had been done.

That’s when I found out that Dr. Revici had quietly paid the difference

in the woman’s bill so that she could stay in the front room with her

telephone and her view of the trees.” — Lawrence LeShan, Ph.D.

“During the eighties, the office was under a lot of financial pressure

due to a number of law suits and the resulting lawyers’ fees. We were

in danger of having the electricity and the water cut off. Dr. Revici

hadn’t received any salary for years.

“It was during this time that he came out to the receptionist, who

also collected payments from patients. He told her, ‘I don’t want to

know who pays, and who doesn’t. I don’t want it to affect my treat-

ment.”’ — Ruth Spector

“I talked to a doctor who was performing his own research on Revici’s

method after hours at Sloan-Kettering. He told me it showed very

promising results. As Revici’s lawyer, I told the doctor that we would

need him to testify in Revici’s behalf. When he refused, I told him we

would have to subpoena him.

“The doctor burst into tears and begged me not to make him do

that. He said he had a family, and that he could lose everything when


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His Life

the people at Sloan-Kettering found out about it. The doctor was

beside himself. I told him I really needed for him to come forward, not

so much to testify regarding the results but to testify about the puni-

tive climate that existed at the hospital regarding anything to do with

Revici. Although the doctor begged not to be dragged into the case, it

was my duty as Dr. Revici’s attorney to let my client know about the

other doctor. The doctor’s testimony had the potential to show clear-

ly that Dr. Revici’s method was not being given fair consideration by

the mainstream medical community.

“Dr. Revici decided not to have the doctor subpoenaed. He didn’t

want to risk the other man’s professional future—even if it was to his

own benefit.” — Sam A. Abady, attorney at law

“When Dr. Revici would read my charts, he was like a wise old turtle.

He would submerge himself in the chart, sinking bit by bit. After a

long while he’d slowly come up from the depths.”— Meade Andrews

“I’d written down a phone number on a slip of paper while talking to

someone on the phone. Dr. Revici was in the room at the time of the

conversation. A couple days later I wanted to call the person back, but

I couldn’t find the paper I’d written the number on. He became aware

of my frustration. He asked me to wait a minute, and then he closed

his eyes and went into what looked like deep thought. After about two

minutes, he recalled the number. He was in his late eighties or early

nineties at the time.” — A. R. Salman, M.D.

“My mother had developed a severe, chronic angina. She had gotten it

when we had to make a terrifying, two-mile run through a wooded no-

man’s-land to escape the Nazi soldiers who were patrolling the area.

Her condition became so bad after six months that just raising her arm

would bring on an attack. She was completely bedridden and at risk of

having a heart attack.

“My father was very concerned. He said he didn’t know what to do,

because he had developed a medicine that might work for her, but due

to the circumstances we found ourselves in, he hadn’t been able to test


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The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

it for safety. We told him he didn’t have anything to lose, because she

would surely die if something weren’t done soon.

“So, he gave her an injection, and then another. Two days later she

was up and around. Within a week or so, she was able to go out shopping.”

[Author’s note: She lived another 24 years]

— Nita Taskier

“He was like the finest European gentleman.”

— Charlotte Louise

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