Page 1: The Diplomat Spring 2010 Vol.2

Dear lovely newsletter readers, Before we get started, we would like to introduce ourselves. We are Caity Knowlton and Yasmine Agelidis, Delta Phi Epsilon’s Spring 2010 Co-Membership Vice Presidents. Caity on the rush process: The rush process was fun, a little crazy here and there, but overall a completely rewarding experience. Going through the whole brainstorming process was awesome because we thought of a lot of great ideas and really bonded as Membership Vice Presidents. We held three rush events. The first, an introduction to Delta Phi Epsilon and its members, second, the professional talk with Darren Zook, a professor here at Cal, and third, the fun event. I thought that one of the best moments in the whole experience was just the first night, when I had no idea what to expect, and minute after minute, more people came in. It was such a great thing to see everyone’s faces just light up when so many people arrived - it felt great. Overall, at the events, we had huge turnouts that was really encouraging and made the interview process very exciting. Yasmine on the pledge process: Since we’ve returned from our all-too thrilling retreat (where the new and beautiful pledge class elected a new and beautiful pledge excomm), the pledges have been hard at work getting things ready for their interna-tionally themed pledge event. In the end, the bunch settled on hosting a panel discus-sion about the Mexico-US Drug War and the systematic problems that perpetuate it. The group has since set a tentative date of April 15th for the event, and is anticipating an audience in the triple digits (not an unreasonable goal for this talented bunch!). On the more social side of things, the class got together for dinner at a local Ethiopian restaurant where they tasted a handful of colorful new foods from a shared plate – family style (how fitting). Afterwards they were hoping to hit up a hike to the Big C, but unfortunately the stormy weather did not allow for it. Nonetheless, the little pledg-es don’t need a planned social to get together. I’ve heard through the grapevine that a couple of guys and girls have spent some quality Friday and Saturday nights together. Now I’m sure all you readers are thinking “Wow, that’s awesome! The pledge class sounds really close, but what about bonding with the actives?” Well lovely newsletter readers, the pledges are very much on top of their active interviews. In this beauti-ful California weather, pledges have been contacting actives to get frozen yogurt, sit down in the park, and have a little chit-chat about the wonder that is life. And with these joyous thoughts, we shall leave you with the exciting anticipation of springtime and the blossoming DPhiE bonding that undoubtedly comes with it. Signed,

Yasmine Agelidis & Caity Knowlton

Upcoming ΔΦΕ Events

April 3rd, SocialApril 21st, Pledge Event April 27th, DPhiE Executive Committee ElectionsApril 30th, DPhiE Banquet

Alumni: Interested in coming to these events? We’d love to have you! Please contact our Alumni Relations Coordinator at [email protected].

DIPLOMAT STAFFIngrid BudrovichNisat Chowdhury

Jessica LiSelina MacLaren

Tiffany Wang


Letter from the MVPs

Caity Knowlton, front left, and Yasmine Agelidis, front right, wait excitedly with a group of actives for the first rush event to begin.

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A Global Perspective on US Healthcare Reform

After a lengthy and arduous debate about President Obama’s proposed health care reforms, the House of Representatives voted 219-212 late on Sunday to approve the 10-year, $938 billion bill. The health care re-forms are predicted to reduce the na-tion’s deficit by $143 billion and ex-pand health insurance coverage to 95 percent of eligible Americans from the 83 percent estimated to be cov-ered today. Furthermore, reforms to the Medicare and Medicaid systems will lead to rebates on brand name drugs for people over 65 years old and will expand coverage to include families with gross incomes of up to 133 percent of federal poverty lev-el. Among other reforms, insurance companies will also be banned from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions, and those not covered by Medicaid or Medicare will be fined if not insured. As some Americans are quak-ing at what has been called “the biggest expansion of the federal government’s social safety net since Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s”, citizens of nations with governments and economies similar to the US might be rolling their

eyes. Although residents of Europe and Japan face higher taxes and higher insurance premiums than do Americans, according to July 2008 data Ameri-cans still spend more money on health care per person, and far fewer are covered. In Great Britain, for example, where social-ized medicine provides health care for all citizens

and legal residents, health spend-ing is 8.3 percent of GDP and aver-age annual per-person spending is $2,723 ($352 of which is from sup-plemental private insurance or direct payments to doctors). Compare this with the United States’ previous em-ployer-employee based medical bill, in which health spending was 15.3 percent of GDP and average annual per-person spending was $6,402, of which $842 was paid by the consum-er out-of-pocket. It can be argued that perhaps the quality of health care in the United States surpasses that in Great Britain, and it is here the costs are accrued, but statistics such as infant mortal-ity rates do not seem to support this argument. In 2004, the United States ranked higher than 28 countries in in-fant mortality rates, including among other nations Great Britain, Cuba, Singa-pore, Japan, and Hungary, all of which

provide universal coverage. Perhaps it may be enlightening to look at the example of a country which has fifteen years of empiri-cal evidence in support of universal health care. According to a study by Jui-Fen Rachel Lu and William C. Hsiao about Taiwan’s National Health Insurance, which is a single-payer universal health insurance program implemented in 1995, the system allowed Taiwan to manage inflation in health spending. The in-creased NHI costs from covering the previously uninsured seem to have been more than offset by the sav-ings from managing inflation, the researchers argue. The NHI receives a 70 percent public satisfaction rate and, according to this study, has suc-ceeded in granting more equal cov-erage to Taiwan’s residents. Whether the health care reforms mark a watershed moment in social justice or signal a turn away from the principles of freedom our nation was built upon, it is clear that a global perspective may offer insight into the dilemma of reconciling compet-ing national goals. Perhaps it is time for American to acknowledge its symptoms and ask around for a sec-ond opinion. By Selina Maclaren

Universal Healthcare by Country



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Blake’s Meets BollywoodSuccess at DPhiE’s Philanthropy Event



This semester’s philanthropy event drew in a large audience, turn-ing the evening into a huge success. Delta Phi Epsilon’s Miki Sankary headed the event and worked in collaboration with the Indian Student As-sociation (ISA) and INDUS, turned the usually dubious basement of Blake’s into a fun-filled dance floor of Indian rhythm, complete with dance performances and dance instructions by the Hindi fusion dance team, Mandala. And even better, all this was not just for fun, but for a cause. The money from ticket purchases to the event as well as a por-tion of meal prices went into supporting and fundraising for Project RISHI. RISHI, Rural Indian Social Health Improvement, is a non-profit organization whose focus is to improve the quality of life in southern India. The money collected therefore goes towards a multitude of different programs being im-plemented in southern India under Project RISHI, from basic medical help, to building infrastructure and cleaning water. As a philanthropy event, the groups generated a hefty sum in going towards this great cause. Moreover, the night was fun for all those who attended. After some stunning perfor-mances by Mandala, everyone immediately began to practice their Bhangra and newly rehearsed moves, reacting to the music, the vibes, and having a great time. Many times groups of dancers developed their own moves, some more quirky and creative than others. (The swimming strokes, were, frankly a stroke of genius, and fit right into those Bollywood beats). Others during the night took breaks from the dancing, either watching and enjoy-ing the scene or getting henna tattoos on shoulders, wrists, and fingers. The night went surprisingly fast, and before most us knew it, it was already ten in the evening, even though for many dancers it felt like two in the morn-ing. In sum, the event managed to meet the expected goal and raised $604 for Project RISHI; a large sum and a lot of fun, for a great cause. By Ingrid Budrovich

DPhiE members join in on the dancefloor and show off their newly learned moves.

Traditional henna tattoos were freely given out and were extremely popular. Photos by Nisat Chowdhury

How to Make the Most of Your Study Abroad Experience

Studying abroad is considered to be a once in a lifetime experience and is highly encouraged for students across many disciplines and majors. New food, cultures, languages, and experiences all await. However, time abroad is limited and all too fleeting. How do you make the most of that time? We turned to the many mem-

bers of Delta Phi Epsilon who have studied abroad for recommendations on how to get the most out of every study abroad experi-ence.

PlanningSpontaneity is great, but planning promises fewer

disappointments. “Make a list of all the things you want to do while abroad. They can be as simple as trying a regional food or more difficult like traveling to a famous site. Know that you won’t check off everything, but you’ll leave feeling better about your expe-

rience if you know you were trying to do everything you could.” -Rachel Whyte “You can’t do everything, and don’t get bummed about it, but do try and plan trips and adventures ahead, be-cause other people will probably not do it.” -Ingrid Budrovich

HomesicknessRemember, you’ll be thousands of miles away from home and homesick-ness can be expected. Also, everyone at home will want to stay updated on your experiences and will be missing you as well. “Skype is great. Set up an account for your parents and teach them how

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to use it before you leave.” -Rachel Whyte “Send lots of post cards since they show people back home that every-thing is going great. Most people like receiving post cards.” -Michael Bea“Blog!” -Selina MacLaren-

Overcoming Language Barriers Probably one of the biggest aspects of many study abroad programs is communicating in another language. This can be especially tricky while traveling or taking classes at host universities. “Get over your embarrassment, just get over it. You’re going to feel weird no matter what because you are foreign. So go ahead, whip out the map, take pictures, ask questions with a bad accent, because it is bet-ter to try than not try at all (and who wants a trip without pictures). Just don’t be disrespectful or rude about it.” -Ingrid Budrovich“If you are going to a country that speaks a language that is not Eng-lish, try to speak that language as much as possible even when you are with your fellow gringo (or similarly designated) friends.” -Kate Lewis “If doing immersion at another uni-versity, make friends in all of your classes. They will be a god send when it comes to confusing/difficult homework assignments, translating things the teacher said too quickly, choosing members for group proj-

ects, helping gauge how often you need to attend, etc.” -Rachel Whyte

Be Open Minded This is an absolute essential when being placed in a culture and situa-tion different from what you are used to. “Make friends with locals and not

other Americans.” -Michael Bea“Let things go while stay-ing in control: you have to learn to be open to new things around you and not be ignorant; be curious but not stupid, or else you never really learn.” -Ingrid Budrovich“Having an adventure by yourself is a good thing, it

will force you to make friends in dif-ferent places.” -Michael Bea

Food Trying new food can be one of the most exciting parts of the experi-ence. However, there are things to keep in mind. “Food may not be as clean as home, although delicious. I say, get your Hepatitis A shot, and eat your heart out. You can always use the restroom later.” -Isabel Shum “Learn to puke gracefully in public (an extension of the ‘eat everything’ policy).” -Selina MacLaren

AcademicsOh right...studying abroad does in-clude actual classes.“Go to class and talk with professors because they are cultural ex-perts.” -Michael Bea“Studying abroad in England is not a typical study abroad experience where school is easy and you travel every weekend. I was in the library every spare hour and didn’t leave the country until after term was over. And I wrote 10 research papers. In 10 weeks.

That being said, it is an AMAZING academic experience if you love your classes, tutors, and program that you chose. So CHOOSE WISELY.” -Glory Liu

Helpful Tips “Exploit your status as a student as much as you can...because it doesn’t last forever and you can get so many discounts and deals.” -Glory Liu “Don’t be afraid to use the restroom, especially when you go to different countries...but always carry a pack-age of tissue paper!” -Isabel Shum “Let go of all your preconceptions and get off the moral high horse. Make sure you aren’t preaching, and make the biggest effort possible to understand why even the ugliest sides of a culture can make some sense.” -Selina MacLaren “Try and move out on your own and live with other students/young peo-ple from abroad. Homestays are great for a short period of time but can be stressful and living with EAPers can take away from the whole immersion process. I suggest a happy medium.” - -Rachel Whyte“DO NOT live in fear of spending money. You are doing something that is once in a lifetime. Sometimes it takes money to have fun.” -Kate Lewis “Eat everything, drink everything, go to every event, say yes to every offer, pray to every god, and don’t sleep much.” -Selina MacLaren By Nisat Chowdhury


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Letter from Abroad

Dearest DPhiE-ers, At a coffee-and-egg-sandwich stand in Bolgatanga, near Ghana’s border with Burkina Faso, I had the best breakfast I’ve had in recent memory. I have been studying at the University of Ghana and decided on a whim to join a bus tour of rural Ghana — a six-day field trip organized through the university’s social work department. Halfway through the tour, in a remote corner of the country sixteen hours from Accra, my friend Britt and I decided to skip out early and return to campus by ourselves. Before sunrise we hailed a cab to the bus station and spent the hours before our bus left luxuriating in our newfound freedom and in the gloriousness of eating toasted egg sandwiches in Bolga at 7am. As far as towns go in the rural north, Bolga is one of the largest with a popu-

lation of 70,000. Nonetheless, I saw it as a sleepy, friendly town, with large populations of both Christians and Muslims. The locals exemplified the relaxed Ghanaian charm I’d heard so much about — people in the south, by contrast, can be overbearing or persistent to the point of being irritating. In general I prefer the north of Ghana to the south: Bolga’s calm, wide streets, its prevalence of motorbikes and bicycles rather than tro-tros and buses, the feeling of being on the frontier where the tropics give way to desert, the feeling of infinite space all appeal to me. The south, however, is where I’ve been staying: the University of Ghana is located in Legon, a suburb of the capital, Accra. It’s difficult to sum up what being here is like. I could talk at great length about the people I’ve met (a kind-hearted, talented, wildly diverse bunch), the classes I’m taking (unexceptional), the weather (unbearable, mostly), the food (delicious but short on variety), the music (amazing). By virtue of being terribly conspicuous anywhere I go, I’ve found that certain things have become facts of life, such as being greeted with shouts of “Ja-pan!” “Ni hao!” or “Heeeey, China lady!!” while walking down the street. Somehow, though, I feel that to expand on any of these with the limited space I have would be to do a great disservice to Ghana: no single element can really encapsulate my experiences except at certain points in time. Ghana is full of contrasts—here the pace of life is slow and unhurried. I got a taste of life outside of the univer-sity bubble when I spent several gloriously relaxing days at a friend’s house in Labadi, a neighborhood of Ac-cra, with an assortment of Ghanaian, Nigerian and American friends; we whiled away the days doing nothing in particular and the nights listening to music, drinking and talking on the beach until 4am. At the same time Ghana has extraordinary vitality; it bursts at the seams with people and activity. Crowds of pedestrians, hawkers, goats, cars, and buses all mingle on the streets. Music is always playing somewhere— usually reggae, hip hop, hiplife (a blend of hip hop and West African highlife), old school R&B, or even country. I find that I am constantly challenged here, in ways both large and small. I somehow ended up as keyboardist for an Afrobeat band, and have been struggling rather pathetically to master the tricky polyrhythms of traditional Ghanaian music. More crucially, I have learned to revise the way I think about life in other parts of the world. I came to Ghana largely because as someone who studies development, I wanted to experience a developing coun-try. And pervasive poverty is certainly visible here— for instance in the temporary, makeshift nature of settle-ments all across Accra and in the barren, remote quality of villages in the parched north. But at the core, all surface distractions aside, this place is made up of people living their lives, just as they do anywhere else in the world. When you chat up a local over breakfast at a roadside stand in Bolgatanga, you define him by your conversation with him, and not by any notions of his lifestyle or level of poverty. I have long been fascinated by Africa, and coming here has driven home more than ever the necessity of speak-ing of it in terms of nations and ethnic groups and individuals and experiences, rather than in terms of a monolithic continent and its afflictions: in the words of the Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski, “Africa is nothing more than a geographic appellation.”

All the best,Alina



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DPhiE Travels: Hungary

I never imagined taking a horse-drawn carriage through an old Soviet shooting ground or learning the art of whip cracking or getting dressed up in traditional Transylvanian wed-ding garments by old women while being force-fed stuffed-cabbage. I never imagined shopping at a gypsy fair in the Romanian backcountry or sipping wine in the Hungarian pres-ident’s personal cellar or eating sau-sages night after night at the Christ-mas markets. I never imagined, after returning home, missing my stint in Central Europe so much. Most of my friends and family asked me: why Hungary? Before I left, I had no idea, and frankly, I still cannot put my finger on a definitive reason. Unpredictability was what I was after, what I was chasing. I ap-plied to the program the night before the due date and a few months later, I was off to Hungary via a sojourn on the Croatian coast. In attempt to squeeze an entire four months into a short vignette, I will take a trip to all of my favorite places in the course of a day, in the fashion of “36 Hours in Budapest” from the New York Times. 10 AM: I wake up casually at my residence on Szondi Utca (street), just off the main boulevard. I slip on

a trench and a beret, and stroll down the pedestrian path be-tween the rows of manicured trees in the middle of An-drássy Avenue, the Champs-Élysée of Budapest. Heroes’ Square lies at the one end of boulevard—its imposing stat-ues guarding the entrance of the City Park—but I pass a few of the elegant embassy buildings before ducking into

Lukács Café for a cappuccino and some pogácsa, a popular

bread roll similar to a savory scone. The interior of the café looks like a stateroom in a Habsburg palace, with fine upholstery, a harpist, and gilded mirrors—I feel as if I am transported back to the turn of the century. 1 PM: I cross the Danube to the other section of the city, the Buda side, and hike up the thousands of stairs until I reach the Castle Dis-trict. Towering atop the hill, the Royal Palace and the medieval Buda Castle now house the Hun-garian National Gallery and the Na-tional Széchényi Library. I like to sit between the old stone columns and look down at the amazing view of the river and the breathtaking par-liament building just beyond. 4 PM: I walk back along river till I arrive at the campus where I study, Eötvös Loránd University. There, I jump on the classic street-car and disembark outside of Siesta, a tiny basement restaurant where I get a traditional Hungarian meal for under five dollars. The owner dons a four-inch white mustache and serves you what he is in the mood to cook up. Choice is a foreign con-cept here. At this hour, my friends and I are the only customers, but the meal does not come to the table in

under than an hour. When it finally appears, the Pörkölt (a stew of diced meat, dumplings, onion, garlic, and paprika) is doled out in mini caul-drons, and it satiates me for hours. 6 PM: Prior to heading back to the Pest side, I stop at Margaret Island, the sacred home of Saint Margaret during the thirteenth cen-tury. At the southern tip, I watch the most beautiful sunset over the river. Then, I wander towards home, but not before making a pit stop at the Széchenyi Thermal Baths for an evening dip. 10 PM: Showered, I meet a group of new friends at Gödör Klub—lit-erally, “the pit”—which is an out-door artsy amphitheater where we listen to gypsy rap under the stars. It seems that every young person in the city is here to enjoy good com-pany and the smooth music. 1 AM: Final stop: Morrison’s. This labyrinthine basement club holds an array of activity that keeps me entertained till the morning. Ka-raoke, dancing, and more dancing attracts foreigners and local alike, and everyone is looking to make the night memorable. I am especially amused by the Euro-fabulous out-fits and hairstyles that surround me, consisting of metallic, snakeskin, furs, and lots of skin. Only in Hun-gary! By Sophia Lane



Sophia spends some quality time with friends along the river near her campus.

Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest.

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Alumni Spotlight Aaron Ordower is the kind of guy who leaps into things. His last big leap, right around the beginning of 2009, took him all the way from Berkeley to Washington, D.C., where he sat around for several months be-fore landing a job at the Inter-Ameri-can Development Bank, an economic and social development institution which is a major source of financing for the Latin America and the Carib-bean region. Well, he didn’t exactly sit around: “I networked like a madman. Met people, went to any social or professional thing in places I could.” Moving to Washington without hav-ing a job waiting was far from the worst choice available, especially for an aspiring young policy expert like Aaron. “Remember, I graduated in the middle of the worst economic crisis in decades,” he says. “You might have to tough it out, but if you’re smart, quali-fied, and persistent you can often find good opportunities.”

As for what made him so smart, quali-fied, and persistent, Aaron pledged Delta Phi Epsilon in Fall 2005, serving as its president during Fall 2008, also the semester of his graduation. During his tenure at UC Berkeley he studied political science and Latin American Literature (Spanish/Portuguese), gain-ing a skill with language that would greatly benefit his later moves into the world of development. Besides being involved in Delta Phi Epsilon, Aaron was active in Berkeley Model United Nations, where he served as Secretary-General during 2007 and 20008. While working with the Inter-American Development Bank, Aaron

had the opportunity to fill in an empty position on a project that took him to Paraguay. “We constructed houses with this awesome NGO called Un Techo Para Mi Pais [A Roof For My Country].” Founded in Chile in 1997, UTPMP is an organization dedicated to dealing with the problem of slums in South America through transitional housing and social inclusion programs, including training for the development of skills towards a long-term end to the poverty problem. Of late Aaron is working as a Extended Term Consultant at the World Bank. He claims that getting position was a shot in the dark. “I was both undereducated and underquali-fied,” he says, “I made the case that my leadership experience with DPhiE and BMUN was relevant to the work and similar to work experience. Somehow I got the job.” Projects are very fluid at the Bank. “Each week’s work is pretty different. This past week was half spent putting together a comprehen-sive listing of all the climate change projects the Bank is doing in Central America and how they are perform-ing. The rest was spent working on a powerpoint in Spanish describing dif-ferent World Bank financing tools for carbon finance initiatives.” Aaron says he plans on spend-ing at least another year at his current position. After that? “In a few years, go to grad school, perhaps Masters of Public Policy,” and of course, “Change the world.” As for guidance for his broth-

ers and sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon, “Getting your foot in the door is every-thing. Don’t turn down a short-term contract with these organizations, be-cause that’s how many people enter.” Luckily we’ll be well-equipped to navigate such an environment – Aaron cites the public speaking, networking, and other professional skills he ac-quired through DPhiE and BMUN as critical to his success in Washington. He also has some more prosaic ad-vice: “Learn Excel. And not just how to sum and divide. If you’re good at this it will help you so so so much.” Aaron’s case is an excellent example of recent alumni reaching out to their full potential (and perhaps beyond their full potential), even in hostile economic times. And with the growing cohort of Epsilon Chapter graduates in Washington, it might be time for a soirée in the Capital. Aaron can host.

By Devon Peterson

“You might have to tough it out, but if you’re

smart, qualified, and persistent you can often

find good opportunities.”

Aaron Ordower

TO ALUMNI As you may know, we have all been working quite hard to continue build and continue the legacy of Delta Phi Epsilon on the UC Berkeley campus. Every passing year has been extremely fruitful in the expansion of our fra-ternity, and this is in large part due to the sturdy foundation that has been set from our brethren before us. A stron-ger alumni network is in great need. Not only will it allow current fraternity members to benefit from your wisdom and guidance, it would serve as a mean for everyone to collaborate, communi-cate, and assist each other. With that, this is an invitation for you to support our community and fall back in love with Delta Phi Epsilon. Please contact [email protected] to learn how you can get involved again. We’d love to share a drink with you and learn more about where your careers or pur-suits have lead you.



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Pledge Profiles

David Ahn Christian CamposYear: FreshmanMajor: Political ScienceIf you could be the ruler of any country, what country would it be? Why?Australia, because I can make it into my impenetrable island fortress and rule over the kangaroos.What is your favorite food? Roasted lamb with mint sauce from fancy Italian restaurants.What is your favorite place in the world? Anywhere with friends.Life Motto: Carpe Diem.

Year: SophomoreMajor: Political Economy & Media StudiesIf you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job? My dream job (unrealistically) would be an actor.What is your favorite place in the world? Big Horn mountains in Wyoming.If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? I would want to be with someone that I loved, because at the least, it would have been a beau-tiful and heartfelt beginning. What word describes you best? Adventurous.

Jazzy Fatemi Rachel FrykeYear: FreshwomanMajor: UndecidedFavorite Song: La Vie En RoseIf you could be the ruler of any country, what country would it be? Why? Iran: Women’s rights -- ‘nuff saidIf you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job? I’d like to be a sex therapist, connoisseuse of natural medecine, owner of an eclectic café, and a writer.Life Motto: Try all things, hold fast by that which is good.

Year: SophmoreMajor: Peace and Conflict Studies, Minoring Global Poverty and GeographyIf you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job?UN Secretary-General. Or ballerina.If you could be the ruler of any country, what country would it be? Why?The United States, because I feel most familiar with its history, culture, policies, and problems and have concrete ideas to address its many issues.What is your favorite food: Pasta Primavera



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Katie Grant Giseob HyunYear: SophmoreMajor: Political ScienceWhat is your favorite place in the world? Hanakapi’ai Falls, Kauai.If you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job?History Channel show host investigating unsolved historical mysteries.If you could be the ruler of any country, what country would it be? Why?Switzerland, and I would appoint a cabinet full of master chocolatiers.

Year: FreshmanMajor: Economics and Political ScienceIf you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job? Teacher.What is your favorite place in the world? San Diego.If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? Why? Obama, because I know I will be saved soon if I’m with him.What word describes you best? Interesting.

George Kadifa Kingsley LeungYear: FreshmanMajor: Undeclared (possibly Economics)If you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job? President of the United States.If you could be the ruler of any country, what country would it be? WhyMicronesia: Great surfing, scuba diving, and few problems.What is your favorite place in the world? Quebec City or Beruit.What word describes you best? Eclectic.

Year: JuniorMajor: Economics & Political ScienceIf you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job? President of the Galaxy. What is your favorite place in the world? My bed.If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? Bahamas.Life Motto: I already gave my best, and I have no regrets at all.

Tiffany Lin David MillerYear: JuniorMajor: French & Integrative Biology, Minoring Global PovertyIf you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job? A culinary chef in Africa!If you could be the ruler of any country, what country would it be? Why?France! All the baguettes and good cheese that I want and everyone can wear headscarves!What is your favorite place in the world? Corn fields of Kenya.

Year: FreshmanMajor: Political EconomyIf you could be the ruler of any country, what country would it be? Why?Norway, to exploit its natural resources and become a sultan, obviously.What is your favorite place in the world? I’ve been to a lot of awesome places, but they’re all lame if you don’t have some solid people around you. So wherever I do have those people is where I want to be, if that’s not too rose-tinted for me to say.Life Motto: Don’t be lame and selfish--get educated and be active.

Max Steiner Mimi ThichYear: Junior (Transfer)Major: Development StudiesInteresting Fact:I love hiking, but I want to live in a city.What is your favorite international food?Kokorech: fried cow intestines; seriously though, its deliciousIf you know you could not fail, what would be your dream job?International Development! Yeah!Life Motto: Don’t worry, Be happy

Year: FreshmanMajor: Intended Political Economy & Scandinavian StudiesInteresting Fact: During my gap year abroad as a Rotary Youth exchange student in Taipei, Taiwan - I took over 152GB worth of pictures and videos. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? Sweden.What is your favorite international food? I LOVE TO EAT! Italian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, In-dian, Chinese, etc... so basically everything!



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Answer Key for the Last Issue

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Delta Phi Epsilon at UC Berkeley


President Tiffany Hsieh

External Vice PresidentLorenz Noe

Internal Vice PresidentRachel Whyte

Membership Vice PresidentsYasmine AgelidisCaity Knowlton

TreasurerMarie Collins

SecretaryTiffany Wang