Page 1: THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK Journal Entries – 7 th Grade 2012


Journal Entries – 7th Grade 2012

Page 2: THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK Journal Entries – 7 th Grade 2012

Anne Frank Journal Entries These entries will need to be a

separate part of your Writer’s Notebook.

Put your sticky note on the next blank page to show where the DOAF entries begin.

Just as at the beginning of the year, you will keep a Table of Contents on the first page of the section to represent each enrty.

Label the page number of the entry and the title.

DOAF Table of Contents

1. I’m still here – prewriting

2. ….3. --------4. ~~~~~~

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“I’m still here…” - Pre-writing

Do you keep a journal or write outside of class?

Why or why not? Why do you, as young

adults, write?

Answer these questions as thoroughly and honestly as possible.

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“I’m still here…” at17:00 minutes

David said, “ We live at a time when you can’t speak out…” What affect do you think that knowledge

had on his reasons for writing? Based on the stories we saw today,

why do you think these teenagers wrote in journals?

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Get ready to go!

Have a seat with your

journal out on your desk.

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“The Diary of an Unknown Author”

What things did you think or feel as you watched today’s stories?

The “unknown author” is very honest in her diary. She talks about her fears, regrets, and sorrows. Can you relate to her? Have you fought with a

family member and regretted it?

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“I’m still here…” - End

The film ends with the line “You must live.”

How did these young adults continue to live?

What are the “means of your time?”

How can you use those to make a difference in the world you live in?

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Journal Entry #1April 25, 2012

People of all ages make contributions to the world. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

What impact do you have on people around you now?

What impact do you think you’ll leave on the world?

What steps are you taking to leave the legacy or imprint you want to?

Answer these questions in complete sentences. Discuss these ideas.

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Diary of Anne Frank – VocabularyPart 1

Aggravate Jubilation Pent-up Apprehensive Ineffectual Appalled Loathe Sustenance

Disgruntled Intuition Compassionate Oppression Tyranny

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Vocabulary Part 1 - Assignment With a partner look up the definition for

each word and make a set of two column notes for the vocabulary words.

Include the definition and a sentence example for each word.

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Diary of Anne Frank – VocabularyPart 2

Foreboding Onslaught Indifference Ostentatiously Vile Forlorn Pandemonium Insufferable

Outraged Wallow Inarticulate Stealthily

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Journal Entry #2April 26

Think about the cramped conditions the Franks and Van Daans are moving into. They could only bring what they could carry.

Consider what things you couldn’t go without that you would have to bring with you into hiding. If you were to go into hiding tonight, what would you pack? Keep in mind that there is limited technology!

These things can be items or people. Write ½ of a page describing what you’d bring and why.

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Journal Entry #3(I didn’t use)

What feelings do you think Peter has towards Anne?

How does he react when his mother calls her his “little girlfriend?”

How would you react if your mother did something similarly embarrassing?

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Journal Entry #3February 3rd

1.Create a venn diagram and compare Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Frank.

A.Include 4 differences on each side.B.Find 3 similarities for the middle.

2.Would you rather live with Mr. Frank or Mr. Van Daan? Why?

A.Use examples from the play to support your response.

Mr. Fran


Mr. Van Daa


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Journal Entry #4February 4

The Franks have been in hiding for four months.

Mr. Frank says they can look forward to a quick finish to the war.

If you were with them, what would you be looking forward to the most? What activities would you miss? What foods?

Write 5-7 sentences (1 paragraph) describing your ideas

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Journal Entry #5February 10th

Why do you think Anne talks to Peter at the end of Act 2 Scene 1? How do you think Anne will feel after this conversation?

Whom do you talk to about your problems? Why do you go to that person?

Write a ½ page journal entry answering these questions.

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Journal Entry #6

“We don’t need the Nazis to destroy us. We’re destroying ourselves.” Who spoke this quote? What does it mean and do you agree with it? Use several examples from the play that

support your response. If you were in hiding which character do

you think you would behave most like?

Write a ½ page answer in blue/black ink.

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Journal Entry #7Purple

“In spite of everything, I still believe that people are good at heart.” The writers of the play took this line from

Anne’s diary and based the story around it. It quickly became the theme even if Anne never intended to have one.

What does Anne mean when she says this? What examples from the play can you find

that support this theme?

Write a ½ page discussing the ideas.

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Journal Entry #7White, yellow, red, green

Anne wrote some of her most private thoughts in her diary.

How do you think she would feel if she knew it was so widely read?

How would YOU react if your private thoughts and feelings were one of the best selling books in the world?

Write ½ of a page describing your thoughts and feelings.

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Journal Entry #8

Make a Venn Diagram comparing your parallel novel to the play, The Diary of Anne Frank. Consider the following:

Main characters Setting Theme Quotes Narration Plot Tone and Mood Conflict

Each section of the diagram should have 5 bullet points.

The Diary

of Anne Frank



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Holocaust Journal

What can we learn from the Holocaust?

Why do we study it 65 years later?

What is the overall theme of this unit? What have you leaned from The

Diary of Anne Frank, your research, other students’ presentations, and Life is Beautiful?

Write a paragraph (6-8 complete sentences) discussing these things. Use correct spelling and punctuation.