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FlowerThe destiny of the word

Page 2: The destiny of the word

The definition: "flower"ˈflaʊə(r)] (noun, count.) - a

colored part of a plant from which the plant's fruits develops. A flower is often made up of many petals. Ex.: the plant has small white flowers.

A flower and it's stem that have been removed from a plant. Ex: he gave me a big bunch of flowers.

Page 3: The destiny of the word

The etymology: "flower " c. 1200, flour, also flur,

flor, floer, floyer, flowre, "the blossom of a plant; a flowering plant," from Old French flor "flower, blossom; heyday (зенит), prime; fine flour; elite; innocence, virginity" (12c., Modern French fleur), from Latin florem (nominative flos) "flower" (source of Italian fiore, Spanish flor; compare flora).

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The etymology: "flower " From late 14c. in English as

"blossoming time," also, figuratively, "prime of life, height of one's glory or prosperity, state of anything that may be likened to the flowering state of a plant." As "the best, the most excellent; the best of its class or kind; embodiment of an ideal," early 13c. (of persons, mid-13c. of things); for example flour of milk "cream" (early 14c.); especially "wheat meal after bran (отруби) and other coarse elements have been removed, the best part of wheat" (mid-13c.). Modern spelling and full differentiation from flour (n.) is from late 14c.

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The etymology: "flower " In the "blossom of a

plant" sense it ousted its Old English cognate blossom (see blossom (n.)). Also used from Middle English as a symbol of transitoriness(бренность) (early 14c.); "a beautiful woman" (c. 1300); "virginity" (early 14c.). Flower-box is from 1818. Flower-arrangement is from 1873. Flower child "gentle hippie" is from 1967.

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Assimilation: "flower". Phonetics.

На фонетическом уровне слово ассимилировано хорошо. Заимствование

происходит устным путем. Опосредованное

заимствование (латынь – французский(12 век) – английский (13 век)).Сохраняет элементы

французской графики

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Assimilation: "flower". Semantics

На семантическом уровне, в результате конкретизации,

слово от значения «цветковое растение» приобретает

значение «расцвет, лучшая отборная часть чего-либо».

Пр.: the flower of life (расцвет жизни)

 Первоисточником является латинское Flora.

Флорой называли богиню весны и цветов у римлян.

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Assimilation: "flower". Morphology

Слово употребляется как с неопределённым

артиклем, так и с определённым:

Пр.:a flower, the flower• изменяется по числам

путем добавления постфикса –s

Пр.: flower – flowers

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Assimilation: "flower". Употребляется с прилагательными.

Пр.: a beautiful flower

• С существительными в качестве прилагательного.

Пр.: a flower girl

• В составе сложных слов.

Пр.: a flowerpot, a flower-piece (цветочный натюрморт)
