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The design of Tesla’s wireless telecommunications facility on

Eastern Long Island


Fig. 1. — Probable Appearance of the Wonderful Tesla Oscillator Tower at Night — It Is Located at Shoreham, L. I., and Is

Intended for Radiating Electrical Energy in the Form of High Frequency Waves Propagated Thru the Earth Itself — Tower 

Stands 185 Feet High.


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Different designs of Tesla's transmitter


1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy ( -> ( ->


This patent deals mainly with methods of handling very high voltage. In the diagram, "C" is the primary coil of a Magnifying

Transmitter. The oscillator, "A" and "B" are two sections of the secondary coil, and "D" is the elevated terminal, a torus

shaped electrode, in this case. The bumps on the terminal ("P") are to prevent the freely resonating circuit from getting out of 

hand. If the voltage gets too high, it would arc from one of these bumps instead of some part of the circuit nearer the ground.

With energy that would have dwarfed the Colorado transmitter, this station could destroy itself by such an accident.


( -> ( ->



"These and other inventions of mine, however, were nothing more than steps forward in a certain directions. In evolving 

them, I simply followed the inborn instinct to improve the present devices without any special thought of our far more

imperative necessities. The "Magnifying Transmitter" was the product of labours extending through years, having for their 

chief object, the solution of problems which are infinitely more important to mankind than mere industrial development.


 If my memory serves me right, it was in ovember, 1890, that I performed a laboratory experiment which was one of the

most extraordinary and spectacular ever recorded in the annals of Science. In investigating the behavior of high frequency

currents, I had satisfied myself that an electric f ield of suff icient intensity could be produced in a room to light up electrode

less vacuum tubes. Accordingly, a transformer was built to test the theory and the first trial proved a marvelous success. It is

difficult to appreciate what those strange phenomena meant at the time. We crave for new sensations, but soon become

indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday are today common occurrences. When my tubes were first publicly exhibited,

they were viewed with amazement impossible to describe. From all parts of the world, I received urgent invitations and 

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numerous honors and other flattering inducements were offered to me, which I declined. But in 1892 the demand became

irresistible and I went to London where I delivered a lecture before the institution of Electrical Engineers.


 It has been my intention to leave immediately for Paris in compliance with a similar obligation, but Sir James Dewar 

insisted on my appearing before the Royal Institution. I was a man of firm resolve, but succumbed easily to the forceful 

arguments of the great Scotchman. He pushed me into a chair and poured out half a glass of a wonderful brown fluid which

 sparkled in all sorts of ir idescent colors and tasted like nectar. "ow," said he, "you are sitting in Faraday's chair and you

are enjoying whiskey he used to drink." (Which did not interest me very much, as I had altered my opinion concerning strong 

drink). The next evening I have a demonstration before the Royal Institution, at the termination of which, Lord Rayleighaddressed the audience and his generous words gave me the first start in these endeavors. I fled from London and later from

 Paris, to escape f avors showered upon me, and journeyed to my home, where I passed through a most painful ordeal and 

illness. Upon regaining my health, I began to formulate plans for the resumption of work in America. Up to that time I never 

realized that I possessed any particular gift of discovery, but Lord Rayleigh, whom I always considered as an ideal man of 

 science, had said so and if that was the case, I felt that I should concentrate on some big idea. At this time, as at many other 

times in the past, my thoughts turned towards my Mother's teaching. The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine

 Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to

 seek all truth in the Bible; therefore I devoted the next f ew months to the study of this work.


One day, as I was roaming the mountains, I sought shelter from an approaching storm. The sky became overhung with heavy

clouds, but somehow the rain was delayed until, all of a sudden, there was a lightening flash and a few moments after, a

deluge. This observation set me thinking. It was manifest that the two phenomena were closely related, as cause and effect,

and a little reflect ion led me to the conclusion that the electrical energy involved in the precipitation of the water was

inconsiderable, the function of the lightening being much like that of a sensitive trigger. Here was a stupendous possibility

of achievement. If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence

on it could be transformed. The sun raises the water of the oceans and winds drive it to distant regions where it remains in a

 state of most delicate balance. If i t were in our power to upset i t when and wherever desired, this might life sustaining 

 stream could be at will controlled. We could irr igate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers, and provide motive power in

unlimited amounts. This would be the most efficient way of harnessing the sun to the uses of man. The consummation

depended on our ability to develop electric forces of the order of those in nature.


 It seemed a hopeless undertaking, but I made up my mind to try it and immediately on my return to the United States in the

 summer of 1892, after a short visit to my friends in Watford, England; work was begun which was to me all the moreattractive, because a means of the same kind was necessary for the successful transmission of energy without wires. At this

time I made a further careful study of the Bible, and discovered the key in Revelation. The first gratifying result was

obtained in the spring of the succeeding year, when I reaching a tension of about 100,000,000 volts -- one hundred million

volts -- with my conical coil, which I figured was the voltage of a flash of lightening. Steady progress was made until the

destruction of my laboratory by fire, in 1895, as may be judged from an article by T.C. Martin which appeared in the April 

number of the Century Magazine. This calamity set me back in many ways and most of that year had to be devoted to

 planning and reconstruction. However, as soon as circumstances permitted, I returned to the task.


 Although I knew that higher electric-motive forces were attainable with apparatus of larger dimensions, I had an instinctive

 perception that the object could be accomplished by the proper design of a comparatively small and compact transformer.

 In carrying on tests with a secondary in the form of f lat spiral, as illustrated in my patents, the absence of streamers

 surprised me, and it was not long before I discovered that this was due to the position of the turns and their mutual action.

 Profiting from this observation, I resorted to the use of a high tension conductor with turns of considerable diameter,

 sufficiently separated to keep down the distributed capacity, while at the same time preventing undue accumulation of the

charge at any point. The application of this principle enabled me to produce pressures of over 100,000,000 volts, which was

about the limit obtainable without risk of accident. A photograph of my transmitter built in my laboratory at Houston Street,

was published in the Electrical Review of ovember, 1898.


 In order to advance further along this line, I had to go into the open, and in the spring of 1899, having completed 

 preparations for the erection of a wireless plant, I went to Colorado where I remained for more than one year. Here I 

introduced other improvements and refinements which made it possible to generate currents of any tension that may be

desired. Those who are interested will find some information in regard to the experiments I conducted there in my article,

"The Problem of Increasing Human Energy," in the Century Magazine of June 1900, to which I have referred on a previousoccasion.


 I will be quite explicit on the subject of my magnifying transformer so that it will be clearly understood. In the first place, it 

is a resonant transformer, with a secondary in which the parts, charged to a high potential, are of considerable area and 

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arranged in space along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature, and at proper distances from one

another, thereby insuring a small electric surface density everywhere, so that no leak can occur even if the conductor is

bare. It is suitable for any frequency, from a few to many thousands of cycles per second, and can be used in the production

of currents of tremendous volume and moderate pressure, or of smaller amperage and immense electromotive force. The

maximum electric tension is merely dependent on the curvature of the surfaces on which the charged elements are situated 

and the area of the latter. Judging from my past experience there is no limit to the possible voltage developed; any amount 

is practicable.


On the other hand, currents of many thousands of amperes may be obtained in the antenna. A plant of but very moderatedimensions is required for such performances. Theoretically, a terminal of less than 90 feet in diameter is sufficient to

develop an electromotive force of that magnitude, while for antenna currents of from 2,000-4,000 amperes at the usual 

 frequencies, it need not be larger than 30 feet in diameter. In a more restr icted meaning, this wireless transmitter is one in

which the Hertz wave radiation is an entirely negligible quantity as compared with the whole energy, under which condition

the damping factor is extremely small and an enormous charge is stored in the elevated capacity. Such a circuit may then be

excited with impulses of any kind, even of low frequency and it will yield sinusoidal and continuous oscillations like those of 

an alternator.


Taken in the narrowest significance of the term, however, it is a resonant transformer which, besides possessing these

qualities, is accurately proportioned to fit the globe and its electrical constants and properties, by virtue of which design it 

becomes highly efficient and effective in the wireless transmission of energy. Distance is then ABSOLUTELY ELIMIATED,

THERE BEIG O DIMIUTIOS I THE ITESITY of the transmitted impulses. It is even possible to make the actions

increase with the distance from the plane, according to an exact mathematical law. This invention was one of a number 

comprised in my "World System" of wireless transmission which I undertook to commercialize on my return to ew York in



 As to the immediate purposes of my enterprise, they were clearly outlined in a technical statement of that period f rom which,

 I quote, "The world system has resulted from a combination of several original discoveries made by the inventor in the

course of long continued research and experimentation. It makes possible not only the instantaneous and precise wireless

transmission of any kind of signals, messages or characters, to all parts of the world, but also the inter-connection of the

existing telegraph, telephone, and other signal stations without any change in their present equipment. By its means, for 

instance, a telephone subscriber here may call up and talk to any other subscriber on the Earth. An inexpensive receiver,

not bigger than a watch, will enable him to listen anywhere, on land or sea, to a speech delivered or music played in someother place, however distant." 


These examples are cited merely to give an idea of the possibilities of this great scientific advance, which annihilates

distance and makes that perfect natural conductor, the Earth, available for all the innumerable purposes which human

ingenuity has found for a line-wire. One far-reaching result of this is that any device capable of being operated through one

or more wires (at a distance obviously restricted) can likewise be actuated, without artificial conductors and with the same

 facility and accuracy, at distances to which there are no limits other than those imposed by the physical dimensions of the

earth. Thus, not only will entirely new fields for commercial exploitation be opened up by this ideal method of transmission,

but the old ones vastly extended. The World System is based on the application of the following import and inventions and 



1) The Tesla Transformer: This apparatus is in the production of electrical vibrations as revolutionary as gunpowder was in

warfare. Currents many times stronger than any ever generated in the usual ways and sparks over one hundred feet long,

have been produced by the inventor with an instrument of this kind.


2) The Magnifying Transmitter: This is Tesla's best invention, a peculiar transformer specially adapted to excite the earth,

which is in the transmission of electrical energy when the telescope is in astronomical observation. By the use of this

marvelous device, he has already set up electrical movements of greater intensity than those of lightening and passed a

current, sufficient to light more than two hundred incandescent lamps, around the Earth.


3) The Tesla Wireless System: This system comprises a number of improvements and is the only means known for 

transmitting economically electrical energy to a distance without wires. Careful tests and measurements in connection with

an experimental station of great activity, erected by the inventor in Colorado, have demonstrated that power in any desired amount can be conveyed, clear across the Globe if necessary, with a loss not exceeding a few per cent.


4) The Art of Individualization: This invention of Tesla is to primitive Tuning, what refined language is to unarticulated 

expression. It makes possible the transmission of signals or messages absolutely secret and exclusive both in the active and 

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 passive aspect, that is, non-interfering as well as non-interferable. Each signal is like an individual of unmistakable identity

and there is virtually no limit to the number of stations or instruments which can be simultaneously operated without the

 slightest mutual disturbance.


5) The Terrestrial Stationary Waves: This wonderful discovery, popularly explained, means that the Earth is responsive to

electrical vibrations of def inite pitch, just as a tuning fork to certain waves of sound. These particular electrical vibrations,

capable of powerfully exciting the Globe, lend themselves to innumerable uses of great importance commercially and in

many other respects. The "first World System" power plant can be put in operation in nine months. With this power plant, it 

will be practicable to attain electrical activities up to ten million horsepower and it is designed to serve for as manytechnical achievements as are possible without due expense.


 Among these are the following:


The interconnection of existing telegraph exchanges or off ices all over the world;

The establishment of a secret and non-interferable government telegraph service;

The interconnection of all present telephone exchanges or offices around the Globe;

The universal distribution of general news by telegraph or telephone, in conjunction with the Press;

The establishment of such a "World System" of intelligence transmission for exclusive private use;

The interconnection and operation of all stock tickers of the world;

The establishment of a World system -- of musical distribution, etc.;

The universal registration of time by cheap clocks indicating the hour with astronomical precision and requiring no

attention whatever;

The world transmission of typed or handwritten characters, letters, checks, etc.;

The establishment of a universal marine service enabling the navigators of all ships to steer perfectly without compass, to

determine the exact location, hour and speak; to prevent collisions and disasters, etc.;

The inauguration of a system of world printing on land and sea;

The world reproduction of photographic pictures and all kinds of drawings or records..." 


 I also proposed to make demonstration in the wireless transmission of power on a small scale, but suff icient to carry

conviction. Besides these, I referred to other and incomparably more important applications of my discoveries which will be

disclosed at some future date. A plant was built on Long Island with a tower 187 feet high, having a spherical terminal about 

68 feet in diameter. These dimensions were adequate for the transmission of virtually any amount of energy. Originally,only from 200 to 300 K.W. were provided, but I intended to employ later several thousand horsepower. The transmitter was

to emit a wave-complex of special characteristics and I had devised a unique method of telephonic control of any amount of 

energy. The tower was destroyed two years ago (1917) but my projects are being developed and another one, improved in

 some features will be constructed.


On this occasion I would contradict the widely circulated report that the structure was demolished by the Government,

which owing to war conditions, might have created prejudice in the minds of those who may not know that the papers, which

thirty years ago conferred upon me the honor of American citizenship, are always kept in a safe, while my orders, diplomas,

degrees, gold medals and other distinctions are packed away in old trunks. If this report had a foundation, I would have

been refunded a large sum of money which I expended in the construction of the tower. On the contrary, it was in the

interest of the Government to preserver it, particularly as it would have made possible, to mention just one valuable result,

the location of a submarine in any part of the world. My plant, services, and all my improvements have always been at the

disposal of the officials and ever since the outbreak of the European conflict, I have been working at a sacrifice on several 

inventions of mine relating to aerial navigation, ship propulsion and wireless transmission, which are of the greatest 

importance to the country. Those who are well informed know that my ideas have revolutionized the industries of the United 

States and I am not aware that there lives an inventor who has been, in this respect, as fortunate as myself, -- especially as

regards the use of his improvements in the war.


 I have ref rained from publicly expressing myself on this subject before, as it seemed improper to dwell on personal matters

while all the world was in dire trouble. I would add further, in view of various rumors which have reached me, that Mr. J.

 Pierpont Morgan did not interest himself with me in a business way, but in the same large spirit in which he has assisted 

many other pioneers. He carried out his generous promise to the letter and it would have been most unreasonable to expect 

 from him anything more. He had the highest regard for my attainments and gave me every evidence of his complete faith inmy ability to ultimately achieve what I had set out to do. I am unwilling to accord to some small-minded and jealous

individuals the satisfaction of having thwarted my efforts. These men are to me nothing more than microbes of a nasty

disease. My project was retarded by laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of time, but the

 same laws will prevail in the end and make it a tr iumphal success." 

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[End Quote] Nikola Tesla - My Inventions, Ch. 5 & 6 (in part)


Rather than acting as a radiator, the large metallic spheroid, now known as an isotropic capacitance, which Tesla positioned

above the extra coil was intended only as a reservoir for electrical charge. Another important component of Tesla's Long

Island apparatus was an underground array of iron pipes which extended outward from the bottom of a deep shaft beneath

the transmitter tower. When coupled with the transmitter these pipes provided a connection to the earth through which a

 powerful oscillating electrical current would flow. Unlike a conventional radio transmitter with an antenna that radiates

dissipating electromagnetic waves out into space, the magnifying transmitter's extra coil excites a low-frequency ground

wave called the Zenneck surface wave. In this case the propagating energy does not radiate into space but is concentrated

near the earth's surface. Furthermore, Tesla asserted that it is possible to periodically disturb the equilibrium of the earth'selectrical charge and cause it to oscillate with his apparatus. This would be accomplished by superposing an extra low

frequency baseband signal on the somewhat higher frequency signal coursing through the resonator -- the low frequency

current in the presence of an enveloping corona-induced plasma of free charge carriers produced by the oscillator in effect

"pumping" the earth's charge.


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The Wardenclyffe Plant


The initial conceptual plan for Wardenclyffe discussed above was tied in with the idea Tesla had that it might be possible to

 produce global displacements of the earth’s charge using a powerful type-two transmitter. In theory, the local electrical current

flowing in the earth between the two ground terminals causes this widespread charge displacement. By using an appropriate

resonant frequency, that is to say, one at which Earth itself would oscillate, the degree of charge displacement would increase

over time.


The initial Wardenclyffe design plan called for the installation of two 600-foot tall towers in relatively close proximity to each

other. The two-tower idea could not be implemented due to financial constraints, which led to a series of modifications. The

first of these led to the arrangement shown in a sketch dated May 29, 1901 (to the left in figure below). An electrical oscillator 

or discharging circuit, consisting of a resonance transformer and an extra coil, is coupled to the tower structure through an

adjustable air gap. The tower cupola is supported on electrically conducting legs, which, in turn, are attached to a substantial

grounding system. The capacitance of the cupola relative to the environment and the high-potential oscillator terminal, along

with the inductance of the tower legs comprise a separate resonant LC circuit which Tesla designated the “free system.”


Fig. 4 ( ->


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The 1902 transmitter constituted a departure from the earlier type-two transmitter planned for the Wardenclyffe facility. The

new design was a type-one transmitter in which a second conducting path would be established in the upper half-space

 between plant’s elevated terminal and that of the distant receiving facility.


Fig. 5 Oscillating statically charged terminal.


Fig 4 & Fig 5. Two design drawings, with variations, of the initial Wardenclyffe transmitter. Tesla calculated the legs would

have to be at least 600 feet in length. Notice the alternator-driven discharge circuit and the adjacent free oscillatory system. ( ->

The diagram of figure 5 includes a low-frequency alternator and high-voltage power supply transformer connected to a

disruptive-discharge type oscillator. The circuit incorporates a dual capacitor-inductor [LC] arrangement in the oscillatory

transformer primary tank circuit along with dual secondary windings. Independent tuning the two sides of the circuit to

different frequencies (n/4 lambda, n being an uneven number) would result in the development of a higher order wave

complex above the resonant frequency of the extra coil. [“The transmitter was to emit a wave-complex of specialcharacteristics. . . .” My Inventions]

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Diagram above includes a low-frequency alternator and high-voltage power supply transformer connected to a disruptive-

discharge type oscillator. The circuit incorporates a dual inductor-capacitor [LC] arrangement in the oscillatory transformer 

 primary tank circuit along with dual secondary windings. Independent tuning the two sides of the circuit to different

frequencies (n/4 lambda, n being an uneven number) would result in the development of a higher order wave complex beyond

the fundamental resonant frequency of the extra coil. [“The transmitter was to emit a wave-complex of special characteristics.

. . .” MY INVENTIONS; “. . . the transmitter was designed to emit a wave-complex exactly matching the [receiver]

combination in the number and pitch of individual vibrations, their groupment and order of succession. . . .” TESLA'S TIDAL


impossible/) , English Mechanic and World of Science, May 3, 1907, p. 296.]


In a classic Tesla coil the primary drives the ground end of the secondary coil to form the driver transformer, which resonates

the entire secondary coil. In the magnifying transmitter the driving and resonating parts of the secondary are separate coils.

From a circuit analysis standpoint, there is little difference between the classic coil and the magnifier.


The extra coil or helical resonator can be physically separated from the two close-coupled coils which comprise the master 

oscillator or driver section. The power from the master oscillator is fed to the lower end of the extra coil resonator through a

large diameter electrical conductor or pipe to minimize corona. The magnifying transmitter's base-driven extra coil behaves as

a slow-wave helical resonator, the axial disturbance propagating at a velocity of less than 1% up to around 10% the speed of 

light in free space. The Magnifying Transmitter's axial velocity electromagnetic field is established by the coil pitch and

electrical charge propagation speed through the circuit. It is interesting to note that rigorous mathematical descriptions of 

Tesla's Magnifier did not become available until 50-100 years after Tesla's pioneering work. Modern analyses have succeeded

in applying distributed "transmission line" descriptions of the "extra coil" rather than the usual lumped-constant analysis. Upon

validation, recently developed models of resonator behavior show that distributed analysis is more accurate for all excitationmodes. Nevertheless, lumped analysis can be used to design Tesla coils and magnifiers.


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Figure 6. Oscillating electrostatically charged dome. - Modified Wardenclyffe

transmitter design. ( ->


In the above figure the straight conducting legs have assumed a spiral form. An obvious advantage would be a reduction in the

structure’s overall height above ground level. Also, notice that the number of turns varies from leg to leg. This would also

result in the development of what might be called a higher order wave complex by the transmitter—allowing a form of spread-

spectrum frequency-division multiplexing. Tesla began operational testing of the Wardenclyffe plant in July 1903 and it

appears that he was not at all satisfied with its’ performance. While it is possible a type-two transmitter could be made to work 

 properly, it can be seen that he experienced difficulty with the single-tower implementation of the design. His experiments

with the 1899 through 1901 configuration led him to write his underwriter J.P. Morgan on November 5, 1903,


Fig. 8 Another rendering (from an unknown source) of the

transmitter configuration illustrated in figure 8, pp. 191, 200

of the Colorado Springs Notes. A receiving circuit is

standing out to the right. ( ->

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The initial conceptual plan for Wardenclyffe, as illustrated in figure 8, was tied in with an idea Tesla had that it might be

 possible to produce displacements in the earth’s charge without establishing an electrical connection to the upper 

atmosphere. This was related to the concept of energy transmission through one wire without return. The plan called for the

installation of two 600-foot tall towers in relatively close proximity to each other. ( ->



In less than a week after receiving news of the exorbitant construction bids, Tesla had a new design, but he could only provide

a rough estimate of what its capacitance would be. (Figs. 5-8 show somewhat the conceptual evolution of the electrical

apparatus which was to build a capacitance sufficiently large to power the globe via earth resonance.)


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The Evolution of Tesla’s Air-Ground System for Wireless Energy Transmission ( ->


The air-ground system evolved from Tesla’s one-wire method of energy transmission over a circuit that was not closed “ in theordinary acceptance of the term.” While there is no physically solid second conductor connected back to the generator, the

capacitor plates at both ends of the “one-wire” circuit couple to its counterpart or opposite member directly or through

ground, depending upon the distance between the two terminals, thus constituting the return circuit.


This, as well as the description “air-ground method” implies that the system depends upon the existence of a connection

 between the elevated terminals. Additional support to this assertion is found in the Electrical Transformer patent covering the

Tesla coil, which describes electrical power transmission through a single wire with ground for return.


Tesla’s 1897 patent drawing showing the transmission of electrical energy through one wire with ground for return.


Also, the apparatus used in the 1898 Patent Office demonstration at the Houston St. lab involved the transmission of electrical

energy in industrial amounts through a rarified medium with ground for return.

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Tesla’s diagram representing the arrangement of apparatus as demonstrated to U.S. patent examiner G.D. Seeley in the

Houston Street laboratory. This showed the transmission of electrical energy through a rarefied atmosphere with ground for 


Tesla’s 1900 patent drawing showing a system for the wireless transmission and reception of electrical energy through the

earth’s rarefied upper a tmosphere with ground for return. [Transmitter type-one, C/S #1]


My experiments . . . in Colorado showed that at a height of 1 mile it is plenty enough rarefied to break down under the stress

and conduct the current to the distant points. . . . My patent says that I break down the atmosphere "at or near" the terminal. If 

my conducting atmosphere is 2 or 3 miles above the plant, I consider this very near the terminal as compared to the distance of 

my receiving terminal, which may be across the Pacific. . . . I have constructed and patented a form of apparatus which, with a

moderate elevation of a few hundred feet, can break the air stratum down. You will then see something like an aurora borealis

across the sky, and the energy will go to the distant place. . . . An apparatus which permits displacing a certain quantity of 

electricity in the terminal—we shall say so many units—will produce an electric potential at a distance of 5 miles, and the fall

of electric potential per centimeter will be equal to the quantity of electricity divided by the square of the distance. . . . Now, I

have satisfied myself that I can construct plants in which I may produce, per kilometer of the atmosphere, electric differences

of potential of something like 50,000 or 60,000 volts, and at 50,000 or 60,000 volts that atmosphere must break down and will

 become conductive. [NTAC] 

Furthermore, Tesla made the following statement regarding his theory and technique of energy transmission.


The earth is 4,000 miles radius. Around this conducting earth is an atmosphere. The earth is a conductor; the atmosphere

above is a conductor, only there is a little stratum between the conducting atmosphere and the conducting earth which is

insulating. . . . Now, you realize right away that if you set up differences of potential at one point, say, you will create in the

media corresponding fluctuations of potential. But, since the distance from the earth's surface to the conducting atmosphere is

minute, as compared with the distance of the receiver at 4,000 miles, say, you can readily see that the energy cannot travel

along this curve and get there, but will be immediately transformed into conduction currents, and these currents will travel like

currents over a wire with a return. The energy will be recovered in the circuit, not by a beam that passes along this curve and

is reflected and absorbed, . . . but it will travel by conduction and will be recovered in this way. [NTAC]


Tesla’s diagram explanatory of the transmission of electrical energy by the ground air method. This was first put before Lord

Kelvin in the Houston Street laboratory in September 1897.


It should be noted that in describing the “atmosphere above” as being conducting he roughly predicted the existence of the

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ionosphere and the earth-ionosphere cavity.


"My experiments . . . in Colorado showed that at a height of 1 mile it is plenty enough rarefied to break down under the

 stress and conduct the current to the distant points. . . . My patent says that I break down the atmosphere "at or near" the

terminal. If my conducting atmosphere is 2 or 3 miles above the plant, I consider this very near the terminal as compared to

the distance of my receiving terminal, which may be across the Pacific. . . . I have constructed and patented a form of 

apparatus which, with a moderate elevation of a few hundred feet, can break the air stratum down. You will then see

 something like an aurora borealis across the sky, and the energy will go to the distant place. . . . An apparatus which permits

displacing a certain quantity of electricity in the terminal—we shall say so many units—will produce an electric potential at a distance of 5 miles, and the fall of electric potential per centimeter will be equal to the quantity of electricity divided by

the square of the distance. . . . ow, I have satisfied myself that I can construct plants in which I may produce, per kilometer 

of the atmosphere, electric differences of potential of something like 50,000 or 60,000 volts, and at 50,000 or 60,000 volts

that atmosphere must break down and will become conductive." 


Furthermore, Tesla made the following statement regarding his theory and technique of energy transmission.


"The earth is 4,000 miles radius. Around this conducting earth is an atmosphere. The earth is a conductor; the atmosphere

above is a conductor, only there is a little stratum between the conducting atmosphere and the conducting earth which is

insulating. . . . ow, you realize right away that if you set up differences of potential at one point, say, you will create in the

media corresponding fluctuations of potential. But, since the distance from the earth's surface to the conducting atmosphere

is minute, as compared with the distance of the receiver at 4,000 miles, say, you can readily see that the energy cannot 

travel along this curve and get there, but will be immediately transformed into conduction currents, and these currents will 

travel like currents over a wire with a return. The energy will be recovered in the circuit, not by a beam that passes along 

this curve and is reflected and absorbed, . . . but it will travel by conduction and will be recovered in this way." 

Tesla’s diagram explanatory of the transmission of electrical energy by the ground air method. This was first put before Lord

Kelvin in the Houston Street laboratory in September 1897.


It should be noted that in describing the “atmosphere above” as being conducting he roughly predicted the existence of the

ionosphere and the earth-ionosphere cavity.

The Type-one verses the Type-two Transmitter

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Transmitter type-one: a source consisting of a single metal sheet suspended a distance from the ceiling on insulating cords and

connected to one terminal of an induction coil, the other terminal being connected to the ground.


Transmitter type-two: a source consisting of two metal sheets suspended a distance from the ceiling on insulating cords, each

sheet being connected with one of the terminals of an induction coil. (see also the "wireless transmission of energy" category) (

-> ( ->


The question arises as to the cause of the failure reported the 1903 letter to J.P. Morgan. Is the two-coil/two ground concept

fundamentally flawed, or was the problem in its’ single-tower implementation? It’s possible the earlier type-two transmitter 

tests were performed using plant’s chimney-mounted lightning protector as an elevated capacitance in conjunction with the

laboratory-side pancake coil, aka the New York oscillator. In this case the tower-side transmitting element would have been a

 passive extra-coil helical resonator connected to the tower’s cupola and grounding structure. This would have represented a

true type-two transmitter, however the amount of power that could have been processed by the alternator-driven oscillator 

would have been limited by its’ relatively small size.

In the 1925 paper “Wireless power system using the surface of the earth as a conductor,” John B Flowers, H.L. Curtis, J.H.

Dillinger, Radio Laboratory, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. [Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature, pp. 22-23] a

statement is made regarding the feasibility of using 60 cycles-per-second as the systems fundamental frequency. An electric

generator is connected with wires to ground points 750 miles apart. Although not a true Tesla wireless apparatus, the design

does suggest a type-two transmitter.]


In 1932 journalist J.J. O’Neill conducted an interview with Tesla in which he makes a distinction between the transmission of 

electrical energy by atmospheric conduction and earth resonance principles.


I also asked him if he is still at work on the project which he inaugurated in the '90's of transmitting power wirelessly anywhere

on earth. He is at work on it, he said, and it could be put into operation. . . . He at that time announced two principles which

could be used in this project. In one the ionizing of the upper air would make it as good a conductor of electricity as a metal

[using a type-one transmitter]. In the other the power would be transmitted by creating "standing waves" in the earth by

charging the earth with a giant electrical oscillator [of the type-two design] that would make the earth vibrate electrically in

the same way a bell vibrates mechanically when it is struck with a hammer. "I do not use the plan involving the conductivity of 

the upper strata of the air," he said, "but I use the conductivity of the earth itself, and in this I need no wires to send electrical

energy to any part of the globe." [“Tesla Cosmic Ray Motor May Transmit Power 'Round’ Earth,” Brooklyn Eagle , July 10,

1932, John J. A. O'Neill ]


In 1934 the following drawing of a large type-two transmitter appeared in an article on wireless power transmission. 


The caption reads, “Nikola Tesla, electrical wizard, foresees the day when airplanes will be operated by radio-transmitted

 power supplied by ground stations, as shown” [Transmitter type-two, C/S #6; "Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World,"

Modern Mechanix and Inventions, July 1934, Tesla Said, pp. 261-266]


This suggests that the problem was, in fact, the single-tower implementation, and at some point prior to 1932 Tesla validated

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the type-two launching structure configuration using two properly spaced top-loaded helical resonators.


One additional observation needs to be made before leaving the subject of the initial Wardenclyffe circuit configuration. Some

descriptions of the Wardenclyffe tower include a vertical conductor extending from the bottom of the 120 shaft below the

tower up to the under side of the cupola. One account states,


Excitation currents pulsed through a 16-section telescoping shaft that rose under air pressure 300 feet from the bottom of the

well to contact the spherical terminal. . . . [Anderson, 1969]

 and another,


Radio station on Long Island consisted of a large building . . . and a special antenna tower suspended on a wooden pyramid of 

several meters in diameter with a changeable height position by means of a metal tube which was telescopically vertically

moveable, was emerging from a cylindrical 30 m deep hole in the ground beneath the pyramid. . . . [Popovic, 1976]


A direct electrical connection between the elevated isotropic capacitance and the subterranean ground connection would be

consistent with the type-two transmitter design. Note that the as-built tower legs were made of wood—not metal— 

necessitating the conducting shaft. Also, placement of the ground connection at the bottom of the 120-foot excavation might

have been a way to partially compensate for height lost in the initial design changes. Tesla’s original plans called for an overall

tower height of 600 feet.


Improved Terminal ( ->


The 1914 patent “ Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy” refers to an improved elevated or free terminal.


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Referring to the accompanying drawing, the figure is a view in elevation and part section of an improved free terminal and

circuit of large surface with supporting structure and generating apparatus. . . . A part of the improvements which form the

subject of this specification, the transmitting circuit, in its general features, is identical with that described and claimed in my

original Patents Nos. 645,576 and 649,621. . . . [Dr. Nikola Tesla Complete Patents, p. 436]


Tesla’s work was directed towards the development of a system that combined wireless telecommunications and electrical

 power transmission, the communications component being Tesla’s initial goal. While electrical power transmission was viewed

as being of greater importance, the attempt at its large-scale implementation would have taken place after the feasibility of the

 basic concept had been established. 

The currents are proportionate to the potentials which are developed under otherwise equal conditions. If you have an antenna

of a certain capacity charged to 100,000 volts, you will get a certain current; charged to 200,000 volts, twice the current.

When I spoke of these enormous potentials, I was describing an industrial plant on a large scale because that was the most

important application of these principles [the wireless transmission of electrical power], but I have also pointed out in my

 patents that the same principles can be applied to telegraphy and other purposes. That is simply a question of how much power 

you want to transmit. [Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy,

Telephony, and Transmission of Power, p. 145]


When the system as configured for telecommunications purposes only, the potential of each elevated terminal might be

relatively low. The energy flow between the elevated terminals is by means of electrostatic induction. [What if the distance

 between facilities is greater than one wavelength?]


For high power energy transmission by true electrical conduction, a very high potential on the elevated terminal is needed in

order to break down the insulating stratum around and above each plant. As the potential is increased a point will eventually

 be reached at which charge on the terminal will ‘break out’ and form what Tesla called “streamers.” Once this fault situation

occurs, the potential drops and the system goes out of tune.


 Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, and

Transmission of Power, p. 112:


"In this experiment, the voltage might have been something like 7 or 8 million volts, but I want to tell you, though, that I am

referring to the maximum potential. The moment you get these enormous streamers the potential drops. I mean that was thebreaking potential."


The maximum potential can be increased by the prevention of streamers. The 1914 patent shows an improved terminal that

achieved this by modifying the terminal’s smooth surface with closely spaced hemispherical attachments.


A further improved terminal wasn’t available until the mid 1930s, at which time the following announcement appeared, “Tesla

Prepares to Send Power Without Wires, Inventor, 80, Announces Solution of Problem He Worked on for 35 Years. Earth Will

Carry Current. 100-Million-Volt Plant to be Build in Foreign Land," (N. Y. Herald Tribune, July 27, 1936). It was the vacuum

tube studded elevated terminal, disclosed in “New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural

Media,” (explained in the cathegory called "Beam weapon") ( -> that freed him

to make this statement.


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Tesla’s improved terminal, circa 1936, consists of 1) a spherical frame, 2) an insulating bulb with an electrode of thin sheet

metal suitably rounded and a metallic socket, exhausted to the highest vacuum obtainable, attached with 3) a nut fastener.

[Nikola Tesla’s Teleforce and Telegeodynamics Proposals, p. 22. (also explained in death ray category)


The elevated terminal is involved in the launching of a plasma wave, a “disturbance of a plasma away from equilibrium,

involving oscillations of the plasma's constituent particles and/or the electromagnetic field.” Propagation of the ion acoustic

wave in plasma conforms with Tesla’s description of “the universal medium . . . a gaseous body in which only longitudinal

 pulses can be propagated, involving alternating compressions and expansions similar to those produced by sound waves in the

air. (See THE GENERATION OF PLASMA WAVES AT THE EARTH’S SURFACE . . . ) (This is not to say that plasma is a

requirement for the propagation of radio waves.) The high-power pulsed magnetic field produced by the helical-resonator 

transmitting element may also be involved in the conduction process.


Keeping in mind that plasma is an electrical conductor with finite resistivity, when attempting to simulate the World System,

the mathematical model must incorporate a value for the effective resistance between the two elevated terminals as well as

earth resistance and that of the ground connections.


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