
The Desert Disciple


Sunday Worship


Church School


Church Office

(520) 624-8695

Pastor Rev. Ailsa Guardiola González

[email protected]

Moderator Paul DeArman

Office Manager Jenna Hosler

[email protected]

Volume 69 Issue 3 First Christian Church - Tucson, AZ (520) 624-8695 March 1, 2018

The Desert Disciple (USPS 154-880) March 1, 2018 Published monthly by

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 740 E. Speedway Tucson, AZ 85719

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c/o First Christian Church 740 E. Speedway Tucson, AZ 85719

Lent Series: “Between Me and You” Con7nues... This Lent we hear God’s covenant promises in the scriptures,

our lives, and the life of First Chris�an Church through our

series “Between Me and You.” How has God been faithful?

How has God’s covenant promises called us to take ac�on?

What are God’s covenant promises pushing to risk today?

March 4: Exodus 20:1-17; John 2:13-22

March 11: Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-21

March 18: Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 12:20-23

March 24: Palm Sunday Psalm 118:1-2; 19-29, Mark 11:1-11


Lenten Dinner Series First Chris�an will join with other Disciples of Christ and UCC congrega�ons for a dinner series at 6:30pm on four Wednesdays during Lent. Each week we will meet at one of the churches for dinner and be led in reflec�on and conversa�on by one of the pastors. The host church provides a potluck meal for all a?endees.

FCC will host the second meal of the series on March 7. FCC Members, please bring a family favorite dish to share as close to 6:15pm as possible, so we can be ready for our guests.

We will gather: March 7: at First Chris�an Church with Rev. Mitzi Eilts of Church of the Painted Hills March 14: at The Church of the Painted Hills with Pastor Ailsa March 21: at The Good Shepherd with Rev. Pedro Ramos-Goycolea of Desert Dove

Palm Sunday, March 25 Experience Jesus’ journey through Palm Sunday and the Passion narra�ve in this service of stories and song. We will gather in the pa�o and enter the sanctuary together to start the service.

Holy Thursday Service, March 29 Witness the story of Jesus’ last supper and the events that follow through our intergenera�onal meal and service in the chapel at 6:30pm.

Easter Sunday, April 1 Celebrate the promise of New Life! Easter egg hunt for children and appe�zers for all, following worship.

Holy Week

The Desert Disciple 2

Opportuni7es to Serve the World:

Thursday Bilingual Prayer Vigil Vigils of accompaniment and hope are a �me to pray for our hospitality guests, others experiencing challenges,

and to liE our concerns for our lives and the world. All are welcome. The prayer vigil takes place at 6pm in the


Interfaith/Ecumenical Peace Prayer Tucson faith leaders invite you to a monthly interfaith/ecumenical prayer for peace as we seek healing and

wholeness for our local community, country, and world. Each month a 30-45minute prayer service will be held in

the space of and led by the host faith group, using their prayers, music, and style of worship. The current

schedule is listed below. We hope to host a service at First Chris�an later in the year.

Mind Wholeness Ministries – Support Groups For people affected by mental health challenges


& 3rd

Mondays 2nd

& 4th


March 5 & 19 March 14 & 28

6:00 – 7:30 PM 3:00 – 4:30 PM

For family members affected by mental health challenges

1st Wednesday, March 7, 3:00pm—4:30pm

Disciples Women’s Ministry DWM had a wonderful mee�ng in February with Rev. Janis

Brown. We are excited to spend �me with Rosemary

Bolza on Tuesday, March 13. She will speak about

women’s health issues. Brown bag lunch at 11:30am,

program at Noon. All are welcome.

March 21, 6:30pm The ISKON Krishna Community Govinda’s, 711 Blacklidge

April 18, 6:30pm Foothills Lutheran Church 5201 E CraycroE Rd

May 30, 6:30pm Awam Ins�tute (Buddhist) 3400 E Speedway, Ste. 204

FCC Ou7ng to Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch Sunday, March 11

We will meet at the ranch at 1:30pm Enjoy an aEernoon at the ranch, where you can pet and feed miniature donkey, fallow deer, boer goats, ostrich, par-akeets, St. Croix sheep, dwarf goats, bunnies, Pekin ducks, rainbow lorikeets, red headed diving ducks and cownose s�ngray. Children 5 & under are free. Everyone 6 & older $10 (does not include s�ngray feeding) or $13 (does include

s�ngray feeding). Please sign up on greeter stand to let us know you plan to go. This way we know to look for you at the ranch!

Potluck & Congrega7onal


Mark your calendar for the

potluck meal and

congrega�onal mee�ng on

Sunday, March 18.

We will gather to eat

following worship and

hold the mee�ng aEer

lunch. Please bring a dish

to share.

Deacon’s Retreat Saturday, March 10

10am-1pm The deacons will gather for a retreat at the home of Dave

and Lois Longobardi to explore the role and

meaning of being a deacon and the opportuni�es for

service. Lunch will be served.

The Desert Disciple 3

March at a Glance Elders Mee7ng—Thursday, March 1 at 6:00pm

Board Mee7ng—Sunday, March 4 aEer Worship

Mind Wholeness Spiritual Support Group—1st & 3rd

Mondays (3/5 & 3/19)at 6:00pm

Ministry Team Leaders Mee7ng—Tuesday, March 6 at


Mind Wholeness Ministry Family Support Group—1st

Wednesday (3/7) at 3:00pm

Lenten Dinner Series at FCC - Wed., March 7 at 6:30pm

FCC Ou7ng to Ostrich Farm - Sun., March 11 at 1:30pm

DWM Lunch & Lesson—Tues., March. 13 at 11:30am

Lenten Dinner Series at Church of the Painted Hills -

Wednesday, March 14 at 6:30pm

Mind Wholeness Spiritual Support Group—2nd & 4th

Wednesdays (3/14 & 3/28) at 6:00pm

Worship Team Mee7ng—Thurs., March 15 at 6:00pm

Mary Workman’s 90th Birthday Celebra7on—

Saturday, March 17 at 2:00pm

Congrega7onal Mee7ng—Sunday, March 18 aEer


Lenten Dinner Series at The Good Shepherd in

Sahuarita - Wednesday, March 21 at 6:30pm

Palm Sunday—Sunday, March 25

Holy Thursday—Thursday, March 29 at 6:30pm

Good Friday—Friday, March 30 - Church Office Closed

Prayer Time in the Chapel – Tuesdays at 11am

Spiritual Growth Group – Thursdays at 11am

Prayer Vigils—Thursdays at 6:00pm

Book Study – Sundays at 4:00pm in the parlor

“News from the Pews”“News from the Pews”“News from the Pews”“News from the Pews”

Easter Special Offering

Received March 25

& April 1 Like good stewards of the mul�-colored grace of

God, serve one another with whatever gi� each

of you has received. 1 Peter 4:10

Your giE to the Easter Offering helps bring life,

love and learning through the general ministries

of the Chris�an Church (Disciples of Christ). The

General Ministries of the church partner with

local churches and partners around the globe in

our call to be “a movement for wholeness in a

fragmented world.”

First Chris7an Church will receive this

special offering on March 25 and April 1.

Our goal is to receive $1,000 for Easter.

Please be in prayer for:

♥ Our hospitality guests and XPLOR Residents

♥ The N.A. Groups that meet in our church, and others

struggling with addic�on.

♥ The Mind Wholeness Ministry and the people & families

affected by mental health challenges.

♥ Con7nued prayers for: Peggy Brady, Lily Foster, Grace

Judson, Ron & PaT Lemke, Ruth Stokes, Jody Vanderkolk

and Sally Van Slyke.

Cheers to 90 Years!

You are invited to

a birthday party for

Mary WorkmanMary WorkmanMary WorkmanMary Workman Saturday, March 17 at 2:00pm.

First Chris�an Church

740 E Speedway Blvd.

The Desert Disciple 4




Tucson, AZ

The Desert Disciple

First Christian Church

740 East Speedway

Tucson, AZ 85719

Praying For Praying For Praying For Praying For Our Our Our Our

Missionaries!Missionaries!Missionaries!Missionaries! Please be in prayer for our missionaries serving

through Global Ministries .

During the week of…

March 4: Karen Campbell-Nelson, Indonesia

March 11: Ricardo Mayol, Guatemala

March 18: Monica Liddell, East Timor

March 25: Victor Makari, Isreal/Pales�ne

For more informa7on regarding our missionaries,

overseas partners, or how you can make a difference,



CALL OUR OFFICE: (520) 624-8695

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Articles for the February Desert Disciple

should be received in the office no later than Monday, March 19.

Sunday ScheduleSunday ScheduleSunday ScheduleSunday Schedule 9:00 am

9:00 am

9:00 am

9:45 am

10:30 am

4:00 pm

Adult Education—Parlor*

Children/Youth Education—Room 107 & 110 *

St. Michael’s ECC - Chapel

Children’s Music *

Morning Worship - Sanctuary *

Book Study *