Page 1: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014

The STudenT newSpaper of The univerSiTy of MiSSiSSippi | Serving ole MiSS and oxford Since 1911

The daily MiSSiSSippian

TueSday, february 25, 2014 vol. 102, no. 94

‘following ThreadS’: cia analyST ShareS perSpecTive wiTh oM coMMuniTy

More inSideopinion:

carpe dieM and logic

privaTe raciSM

See Page 2


ole MiSS baSeball TakeS on ul-Monroe in Midweek SerieS

See Page 12

Opinion ..............................2News ..............................4Lifestyles ..............................7Sports ..............................9


See Page 4

The Associated Student Body, the Black Student Union and One Mississippi will host “Talk It Out” today on the Student Union Plaza. The event will give students the op-portunity to discuss the events that occurred on campus last week.

ASB Cabinet member William Fowler sees the forum as a joint ef-fort to help students on campus.

“ASB, BSU and One Missis-sippi put their brains together and decided that to serve our students best we needed to provide an out-let of expression so that everyone has the opportunity to get their feelings off their chest,” Fowler said.

“Talk It Out” is open to stu-dents, staff, faculty members and administrators. The event will give students the opportunity to express their opinions in an open-mike style of forum. Each participant will be allowed two minutes to speak on his or her feelings about the issues on campus. Profanity and violent language are restrict-ed.

Sophomore integrated market-ing communications major Erin McMurray said she thinks this will be a positive event with the poten-tial to move things forward in re-gard to last week’s incident.

“It allows students and other people on campus to talk about the events,” McMurray said. “I think it will help with the whole situation because it will help clear the air.”

Representatives from the Black Student Union and One Missis-sippi were not available for com-ment regarding the forum.

“Talk It Out” will begin today at noon.

Forum gives students chance to speak out

BY ALLISON [email protected]

Soledad O’Brien continues race dialogue on campus

UM Class of 2014 gift announced

TAYLOR REGAN | The Daily Mississippian

The Class of 2014 will begin raising funds for a commemorative historical marker to be placed in the Grove.

Representatives of the Class of 2014 convened to select a se-nior gift for the university and will begin fundraising this week for a commemorative historical marker to be placed in the Grove.

Senior Class President Mat-thew Kiefer said the marker will be a special gift to the university because of the Class of 2014’s involvement in the funding of the project.

“Our goal is to have $5 from ev-ery senior,” Kiefer said. “Anyone interested in donating in addition

to the funds being raised by seniors can give to the representatives who will be collecting money.”

Costs for the sign have been esti-mated to be $3,500-4,000.

Kiefer said he hopes to see most of the funds raised before spring break.

“We have 22 student represen-tatives – 19 student council mem-bers and three officers — who will be collecting donations,” Kiefer said.

Kiefer said that the sign place-ment must first be approved by the university’s facilities planning de-partment and will be announced this semester.

DM STAFF [email protected]

IGNACIO MURILLO | The Daily Mississippian

Soledad O’Brien, right, speaks with Dr. Barbara Combs, Rev. C.J, Rhodes and Tim Abram during a panel discussion Monday.

Following last week’s desecra-tion of the James Meredith statue on campus, the dialogue about race at Ole Miss contin-ued Monday night during a key-note speech and panel discus-sion featuring award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien.

O’Brien, who was scheduled to attend before the incident oc-curred, visited campus as part of her “Black in America” five-city tour, which ended at the Ford Center last night. She de-

livered a keynote speech about the importance of discussing being black in America today. Three panelists then joined her on stage for a town hall meeting: Ole Miss student Tim Abram, sociology and Southern studies professor Barbara Combs and Ole Miss alumnus and current pastor C.J. Rhodes.

O’Brien addressed last week’s incident in her first statement during the keynote, and pan-elists spoke at length about the importance of continuing dialogue about racial issues on campus.

“Given the recent events on campus, this was a necessary conversation to have,” Rhodes said after the event. “I could sense from the questions that were asked tonight that there is a lot of conversation to be had. Similar conversations are so necessary moving forward.”

In her introduction, O’Brien admitted that the incident made for “tough timing.” However, throughout her speech and the panel discussion, participants generally agreed that recent events made the discussion even more vital.

O’Brien’s talking points in-cluded racial issues ranging from median income to unem-ployment to infant mortality. She discussed multiple current events that impacted the coun-try’s racial landscape, includ-ing Seahawk defensive back Richard Sherman’s postgame outburst and the Super Bowl Coca-Cola commercial, which created social media firestorms that were sometimes racially charged.

O’Brien has had a long ca-reer in journalism, working for multiple major broadcast news outlets. She anchored a CNN documentary series called “Black in America,” the first installment of which aired in 2008. Six years later, she contin-ues the franchise which inspired the “Black in America” tour. In 2013, Soledad left her exclusive position with CNN to start her own media company, Starfish Media Group, and is producing documentaries for a number of partners, including HBO, Al Jazeera America, CNN and National Geographic.

Several people, including Ole Miss students, faculty and Ox-ford residents asked the panel questions during the town hall segment.

Kaitlyn Barton, a public poli-cy leadership major from Bran-don, asked the panel how a cul-

BY JESSI [email protected]


Page 2: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


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Carpe diem and logic

One thing I can definitely say that I’ve learned through college — and a great lib-eral arts education — is to think logically. This is such an invaluable tool when do-ing almost anything. I find myself using logical thinking to analyze themes in Spanish literature, when discussing ideas with friends, when de-termining how dumb people sound on Facebook/Twitter, etc. And through my logical analyses, I’ve learned that many people do not possess this very strategic tool.

Many people have barri-ers on their thoughts that do not allow them to breach the perimeters of their thought

processes and consider/learn about things that didn’t know they didn’t know. Does this make any sense? I’ll elaborate shortly.

Part of thinking logically comes from broadening the scope of one’s vision. This in-cludes, as I stated previously, learning things that you may not have known. I mean seek-ing knowledge about foreign cultures, languages, econom-ics, world affairs, other dis-ciplines that may not have seemed interesting in high school or college and things of the like. The quest to be learned never stops, at least for the person who knows how much this can benefit him/her.

Being from an impoverished and misunderstood place such

as Mississippi motivates me even more. It motivates me to live, experience, seek and dip my toes in waters that exist in different places of the world. Being insatiable in terms such as these can be rewarding, as well as exciting.

Life is short. I know this is a cliché, trite expression, but it really is devastatingly true. Going through the motions in life isn’t rewarding or mean-ingful. A lot of life involves unconscious thinking, but what about the parts that do not? Big life decisions require logical, conscious thinking. Should you go to grad school in Chicago? Should you move and take that internship in San Francisco?

It’s perfectly fine to try something new and fail. Fail-

ing conditions us to be resil-ient and ambitious.

As J.K. Rowling stated dur-ing her 2008 Harvard com-mencement speech, “It is im-possible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by de-fault.”

Life really is what we make it. We are born with cer-tain capabilities and develop various interests and thirsts. I don’t think we can find ourselves until we seek new things, new experiences, new knowledge. Through these endeavors, we learn things that we carry with us, that we share with others, that we can

BY CARL [email protected]


Page 3: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


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The recent racist events on our campus have fueled a fa-miliar narrative about this university. To someone read-ing about the incidents in The New York Times, L.A. Times or on CNN, it may seem like The University of Mississippi is trapped in some kind of time warp where the battles of the civil rights movement are still being fought and Jim Crow is alive and kicking. This narra-tive portrays our university as an institution steeped in a his-tory of bigotry, struggling un-successfully to move beyond racism and closed-mindedness.

Of course, university offi-cials and many students reject this narrative. They argue that these events have been per-petrated by a small faction of individuals who are in direct opposition to the values of

The University of Mississippi. As Chancellor Jones has said, “Their ideas have no place here, and our response will be an even greater commitment to promoting the values that are engraved on the statue — cour-age, knowledge, opportunity and perseverance.”

The reality is that both of these narratives are partially true. Over the past couple de-cades, university and ASB of-ficials have made conscious decisions — removing Colonel Reb, banning the Confederate flag at football games, etc. — in order to move the university beyond its shameful past. On the other hand, as in events such as the protests following the 2012 presidential elections, “The Laramie Project” inci-dent and the Meredith statue incident, our past continues to rear its ugly head.

In response to the most re-cent incident, university of-ficials have condemned the perpetrators’ actions and there is no doubt that the punish-ment will be harsh and well-deserved. But let’s imagine for a moment what would happen if the university had simply ig-

nored these incidents. What if the university police

had simply removed the noose and Confederate battle emblem from the statue and no student ever saw it? What if university officials, upon hearing about the desecration, had simply swept the incident under the proverbial rug and moved on to other business?

In this scenario there would be no media uproar and people in New York and Los Angeles would not be reading about racism in Mississippi again. Of course, this would be a com-pletely unjust manner of han-dling the incident. The per-petrators would have avoided punishment and would contin-ue to attend classes as if noth-ing had happened, and the rest of the student body would be unaware that this type of pub-lic racism could actually exist.

The above scenario may seem absolutely ridiculous, but I would argue that it occurs on a smaller scale every day. Ev-ery time we hear a racist joke or the N-word and simply say nothing, we are perpetuating a line of thinking that, after fes-tering long enough, leads to the

type of public racism we saw last week.

If we have such an uproar ev-ery time an act of public racism occurs, why do we continue to allow private racism? I am ask-ing this question because it is one I had to ask myself while reading about another incident that occurred at The Retreat apartment complexes last week, when a group of white students threw an alcoholic beverage on a black student and called her the N-word.

Growing up in Mississippi I have heard more racial slurs, mostly whispered under some-one’s breath, than I care to re-count. Shamefully, I have often said nothing or pretended not to hear anything.

To all of those students who are angry that people outside of our state view our university as a racist institution because of public incidents of racism, you do have a role in changing those perceptions. If we stop accepting private racism, we may avoid the next incident of public racism.

Orion Wilcox is a senior econom-ics major from Bay St. Louis.

Private racism

BY ORION [email protected]

use in our finite lives. Logic is something, like lan-

guage, that is uniquely hu-man. Our logic, which is asso-ciated with our brains, is what puts us at the top of the food chain. Make use of it. Never take logical thinking for grant-ed. It helps us to have a larger discourse when we converse about problems and issues that plague our lives, and it helps us achieve a more mean-ingful life.

Carl Case is a senior psychol-ogy and Spanish double major from Brookhaven.

LOGIC, continued from page 2


Page 4: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


Open Forum Discussion on AthleticsRecreational, Intramural, Club and Varsity

Turner Center, Room 243February 27, at 6 PM

for informational meeting on participation in athletics


Students, faculty and mem-bers of the Oxford and Ole Miss community are invited to participate in the Otter 5k Charity Run Feb. 26 benefit-ing senior Carson Otter from Bloomington, Ind.

On Sept. 14, 2013, Ot-ter was knocked unconscious while in Aus-tin for the Ole M i s s - Te x a s football game. After under-going imme-diate brain surgery, Otter spent more than two weeks in the hospital re-covering and going through intensive re-habi l i tat ion, i n c l u d i n g speech thera-py and cogni-tive training. After taking off the re-mainder of the fall se-mester to recuperate, Otter is attending classes this spring semester.

“We decided that a 5k run on campus is a great way to have an unlimited amount of peo-ple come together to support Carson,” said Bailey Braswell, co-organizer of the event and Otter’s Sigma Nu fraternity brother. “Carson’s friends and myself are thankful he made such a great recovery, and we are happy to have him back on campus with us.”

Those participating in the race must purchase a $20

wristband. Wristbands, as well as $15 T-shirts, can be pur-chased in front of the UM Student Union on Tuesday and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wristbands and T-shirts will also be available for purchase at 2:30 p.m. before the race.

The 5k race starts at 3:30 p.m. in front of the Lyceum. The course is spread through-

out the Ole Miss campus and ends at the Lyceum.

“I’m thrilled that the Sigma Nus are putting this together,” Ole Miss Dean of Students Sparky Rear-don said. “I think it shows the spirit of Ole Miss and what students on this campus are willing to do for one another.”

All proceeds from the race will benefit Ot-ter’s family in helping offset

the expenses incurred. Those who finish first in the race will be awarded prizes such as a 50-inch flat-screen TV or an iPad.

Braswell said he believes the 5k run has the potential to show how close the Ole Miss family really is.

“There has been a tremen-dous backing for this cause, often by people who do not even know Carson,” he said. “It says a lot when so many people can give up their time and come support a fellow Ole Miss Rebel.”

Otter 5k Charity Run being held tomorrow

BY CATY [email protected]

Courtesy Facebook

Carson Otter

‘Following threads’: CIA analyst shares perspective with UM community

CIA analyst Cynthia “Cin-dy” Storer assisted in the collection, organization and reporting of data leading to the discovery of al-Qaida. Storer visited The University of Mississippi Friday to share her experiences with students enrolled in the Center for In-telligence and Security Stud-ies program and the commu-nity at large.

While popular representa-tions in film represent inter-pretation of the reality that is investigative work, Storer noted that many viewers for-get the continual process in-herent to a functional intelli-gence community.

“‘Zero Dark Thirty,’ among others, casts a little light on the part of the intelligence world that many people forget exists,” Storer said. “I mean, who ever heard of analysts?”

Storer believes there is an importance in understanding the work of an analyst.

“An analyst tries to ex-plain the world,” Storer said. “Once they get a really good explanation, they try to fore-cast what is going to happen, based on what they under-stand.”

Interests in history, politi-cal science and geography led Storer to seek a more in-timate understanding of the world through her work in the intelligence community.

“I was always interested in Afghanistan,” she said. “I love solving puzzles, and I like archaeology — I like mystery, and it all just came together.”

Storer said that either “be-ing in the right place at the

right time, or the wrong place at the wrong time” allowed her the opportunity to begin to uncover the organization of al-Qaida.

“I was working on Afghani-stan in the early ‘90s and had colleagues working with the counterterrorist center on this Bin Laden guy, whom I had never heard of,” she said. “They were writing a paper

on the training camps in Af-ghanistan, and that was the beginning of my transfer to the counterterrorism center.”

Working without Internet databases and instant access to information, Storer said that the working team of analysts housed in the CIA’s counterterrorism unit had to face the unique challenge of connecting data without in-stantaneous connection.

“We did not have a lot of data at that time,” she said. “People did not even use the Internet that much at that

point. A lot of the informa-tion we were receiving was specific to what we were in-terested in, and what has changed with big data is that sorting becomes necessary.”

Storer described her expe-rience as one of “following threads.”

“You follow threads from one bad guy to the next,” Storer said. “I was not con-vinced that scooping up ev-erybody’s data is necessary, and I am still not.”

Weighing the balance be-tween having enough infor-mation to complete the mis-sion and providing the luxury of excess is an ethical chal-lenge Storer said must con-tinually be addressed.

“We do not have the answer to that yet,” Storer said. “And, as a world, we are addressing that right now — how much of your personal data do you want to give up in order to catch terrorists that may kill 2,000 people?”

Storer encouraged students who may be interested in pursuing a future in the intel-ligence community to consid-er beginning the process of honing judgement skills early.

“Take classes that require you to think critically, learn about the world, master for-eign languages and write well,” Storer said. “Critically thinking, observing the world and reading the news every single day is necessary — you never know what you are go-ing to get involved in, and having a broad perspective is extremely important.”

According to Storer, weigh-ing information and com-paring data is the primary challenge of the intelligence

BY GRANT [email protected]



Cindy Storer

Page 5: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


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Interfraternity Council leaders release letterLeaders of the Interfraternity Council, the governing body over the 16 traditionally-white fraternities on campus, released a letter Monday night condemning the acts of three Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity members, who are believed to have been involved in the Feb. 16 desecration of the James Meredith statue.

community.“The one thing my students

tell me that they learn above all else is to ask, ‘What is the source?’” Storer said. “Nine times out of 10, they cannot tell you; and, if they cannot tell you, go out and find it for yourself.”

Carl Jensen, director of the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies, said that hosting Storer was an educa-tional opportunity for all in attendance of her lecture.

“There is a lot of misun-derstanding about what intel-ligence agencies actually do and how they do it,” Jensen said. “Part of the mission of our center is to inform both our students and the public about the ‘real’ intelligence community. Professor Storer had a ringside seat to the most important U.S. intelligence mission of the first part of the 21st century — the hunt for

al-Qaida.”Jensen said that Storer gave

an honest perspective on the intelligence gathering process.

“Her insights and candor peeled back the veil of secrecy that often accompanies such missions and gave our stu-dents a better understanding of what to expect as analysts,” Jensen said.

The Center for Intelligence and Security Studies will con-tinue to host lecture series and engagement series when pos-sible, according to Jensen.

“Our center will continue to provide an honest perspec-tive on America’s intelligence community,” Jensen said. “For example, we are partnering with the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College and the Meek School of Jour-nalism to present a panel dis-cussion on the Snowden affair and the role journalists play in dealing with classified mate-rial. The panel will take place on March 19, and discussants will examine all sides of the is-sue.”

CIA, continued from page 4

ture change can begin. Abram answered that it was up to us as individuals to take small steps in changing “the conversations we have behind closed doors with friends and family.”

Ole Miss alumna Krista Wright Thayer asked the panel members what they thought about self-segregation concern-ing higher education and his-torically black colleges and uni-versities.

All the discussion participants agreed that historically black colleges and universities were positive in “nurturing black students for the courage to suc-ceed,” as Dr. Combs stated.

Vice Chancellor for Aca-

demic Affairs Don Cole, who closed the event with a chal-lenge to the Ole Miss family to continue similar conversations, said he thought the event went extremely well.

“It offered the type of dia-logue that we need right now,” Cole said. “It also alluded to the fact that these issues are com-plex, not simplistic. We cannot stop the dialogue because this particular program is over.”

For 68-year-old Oxford resi-dent Robert Allen, the discus-sion was informative and en-couraging.

“I was very satisfied with the discussions that were had to-night,” he said. “I want to com-mend the university for host-ing this event during this tough week. I thought it went very well.”

PANEL, continued from page 1

Facebook: Rebel Radio 92.1

Twitter: Rebel Radio


Stay Tuned


See for a letter regarding the statue desecration from leaders of the Associated

Student Body, Black Student Union, Graduate Student Council and One Mississippi.

Page 6: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


2014-15 applications are now available

Pick up applications at the Student Media Center, 201 Bishop HallPrevious experience required. Completed applications are due 5 p.m. Friday, March 7.

ATTENTION The Ole Miss Editor NewsWatch Station ManagerRebel Radio Station ManagerThe Ole Miss Editor NewsWatch Station ManagerRebel Radio Station Manager


Feature photos: Soledad O’Brien visits campusSoledad O’Brien visited campus Monday evening as part of her “Black in America” tour. Photos by Ignacio Murillo

Page 7: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014



The J.D. Williams Library is currently home to “Wil-liam Faulkner’s Books: A Bib-liographic Exhibit” in the Faulkner Room on the third floor. Located within the Spe-cial Collections division of the main library, the Faulkner Room now holds all of the first editions of the famous writer’s work.

Before this exhibit, the Faulkner pieces had only been featured in smaller exhibits.

“We haven’t had a full Faulkner exhibit since 1997, which was done to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth,” said Jennifer Ford, head of Spe-cial Collections. “We felt it was time to do a full-room exhibit.”

The exhibit fills the entire Faulkner Room. According to the Ole Miss Event Calendar, it features 20 cases of books and artifacts. Books such as “Sol-dier’s Pay,” “As I Lay Dying,” “The Sound and the Fury” and “Absalom, Absalom!” are featured among other works, including Faulkner’s 1921 play

“The Marionettes,” hand-bound and illustrated. Poetry manuscripts, original short sto-ries published in periodicals, photographs and numerous other items are all on display as well.

Ford said it took two months to complete the exhibit and have it ready for the public.

“All the curators worked to-gether a great deal to put this exhibit together,” Ford said.

Various university courses have hosted class meetings in the Faulkner Room, and the exhibit also sees community and on-campus groups come through.

Junior biology major Amber Moore is one such student who visited the exhibit with her lit-erature class.

“We talked about the history and works of William Faulkner and it actually helped me un-derstand ‘As I Lay Dying,’ the book that we are reading right now,” she said.

Senior education major Ciera Burnett also visited the exhibit with her literature class.

“The exhibit was way more interesting than I thought it

would be,” Burnett affirmed. “While l am an education ma-jor, I have a concentration in literature and hope to teach el-ementary and high school Eng-lish.”

Both students expressed that

they enjoyed seeing the works in their original form and how it was noteworthy that Ole Miss exhibited such collections for the benefit of the students.

Because the exhibit took months of hard work to set up,

Ford said she and the other cu-rators want to keep it for a long time. The exhibit will be in the J.D. Williams library from now until Dec. 12 and is open to the public Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

J.D. Williams Library features Faulkner book exhibit until DecemberBY SAMANTHA ABERNATHY

[email protected]

CLARA TURNAGE) | The Daily Mississippian

“William Faulkner’s Books: A Bibliographic Exhibit” is available for viewing at the J.D. Williams Library Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

NewsWatch5 p.m. Monday through Friday Channel 99The 30-minute show is the oNly loCal television newscast generating news directly to and for ole Miss, oxford and lafayette County.

Rebroadcast at 10 p.m.



Page 8: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


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The STudenT newSpaper of The univerSiTy of MiSSiSSippi Serving ole MiSS and oxford Since 1911

Page 9: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


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Ole Miss club hockey team advances to nationals for second straight year

The Ole Miss club hockey team defeated the No. 5 seed Florida Gators 7-3 and rival No. 3 seed Alabama Crimson Tide 3-1 to advance from the regional qualifier to the Divi-sion 3 ACHA national tour-nament this past weekend in Irmo, S.C.

Despite the Rebels finishing fifth in the Southeastern Con-ference tournament two weeks ago, they were able to regroup and defeat the Gators, who fin-ished third, and the Crimson Tide, who finished second, in the SEC tournament.

“The thing about region-als, you know, once you are in there anything can happen,” Ole Miss coach Angelo Rosena said. “You can finish anywhere in the SEC, but at the end of the day, some teams are going home and some teams are go-ing to nationals. So, we won where it counted.”

Junior goalie Justin Ragland had a career weekend. He started both games in net, al-lowing only four goals, includ-ing a 37-save performance against Alabama, and was able to turn around his play after a 5-2 loss to South Carolina in the SEC tournament. The St. Louis native credited his per-formance to his defensemen.

“I was seeing the puck re-ally well,” Ragland said. “I felt pretty good about my game; I was able to play pretty confi-dent. My (defense) really sup-ported me. They did a really good job clearing out my re-bounds if there were any and clearing the passing lanes.”

One of the biggest plays

made during the weekend was made by sophomore defense-man Danny Bates. With four minutes left to go in the third period against Alabama, Bates made a clutch play to help out his goalie settle out the Tide.

“It was about four minutes left, 3-1. I got a shot through the point that got tipped and went five-hole and through my legs,” Ragland said. “He came back and pulled it out before it crossed the goal line and shot it back out. That was a pretty huge play and kept us at a two-goal lead in the waning min-utes of the game.”

One major struggle the Reb-els have faced all season has been discipline. The Rebels registered 36 minutes in the penalty box in a three-game span against South Carolina, all three of which were losses to finish off their season.

“This weekend was night and day,” said senior defenseman John Chicoli, who returned this weekend from a separat-ed shoulder injury. “I mean we stayed out of the box, and that’s what won us the games.

“We can compete against any team five on five. So, it was a big improvement having all the guys stay disciplined, stay out of the box and get away from all the BS.”

The Rebels will travel to Coral Springs, Fla., during spring break for the ACHA na-tional tournament. Pool play will begin March 11. In their pool, the Rebels will face Cali-fornia University of Pennsylva-nia, Davenport University and Aurora University. The Rebels lost to Davenport earlier this season on Oct. 4 by a score of 10-2.

BY DAVID [email protected]

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Top: Members of the Ole Miss club hockey team pose for a photo in front of their bus after advancing to the AHCA national tournament this past weekend.Bottom: Goalie Justin Ragland stands guard in front of the Ole Miss goal.

Page 10: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


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Henderson, Summers, Faleru, McFarland named finalists for major awards

Reigning C Spire Howell Trophy winner Marshall Hen-derson is joined by teammate Jarvis Summers as finalists for this year’s edition of the award, which will be presented next Monday by the Mississip-pi Sports Hall of Fame.

The Howell Trophy, named for Bailey Howell, goes to the most outstanding men’s colle-giate basketball player in Mis-sissippi. The trophy will be presented Monday, March 3,

at an 11:30 a.m. awards lun-cheon at the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. Joining Henderson and Sum-mers as finalists is Neil Watson from Southern Miss.

The finalists were selected by a state-wide panel of me-dia who cover college basket-ball in Mississippi. Final voting will take place this week. Fans will also be able to vote for this year’s winner beginning Tues-day morning at 9 a.m. until

Sunday, March 2, at 5 p.m., by going to The fan vote will com-prise 10 percent of the final total.

Henderson, a senior guard from Hurst, Texas, leads the SEC and ranks third in the nation in 3-pointers, mak-ing 4.5 per game. He has hit a 3-pointer in 60 consecutive games, which is tied with Pat Bradley for the SEC record.

Summers, a junior guard

from Jackson, is one of the most improved players in the SEC, raising his scoring aver-age (17.1 from 9.1), his field goal percentage (49.7 from 40.4) and his 3-point percent-age (47.1 from 34.0) this sea-son over last year’s totals. He is the only player in the SEC to rank in the top 10 in the league in scoring and field goal percentage and also in the top five in assists.

For ticket information, con-

tact the Museum at 1-800-280-FAME (3263). All proceeds benefit the private, non-profit Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum.

Faleru finalist for Gillom Trophy

Ole Miss junior forward Tia Faleru has been named one of three finalists for the 2014 CSpire Wireless Gillom Tro-phy it was announced Mon-day (Feb. 24) by the Missis-sippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. Faleru is joined by Martha Alwal from Mississippi State and Jamierra Faulkner from Southern Miss.

The award, presented annu-ally to the top female collegiate basketball player in Mississip-pi, is named after former Ole Miss great Peggie Gillom. Gil-lom is Ole Miss’ leading scorer and rebounder and served as an associate coach at Ole Miss for seven years. In addition, Gillom has spent time as an Olympic and WNBA coach.

Faleru has flourished throughout her junior season. The Ozark, Ala., native leads the Rebels in both rebound-ing and scoring averaging 17.0 points per game and 9.9 rebounds per game. She leads the SEC in rebounding and is ranked No. 3 in scoring. Fa-leru is the only player in the league ranked in the top three in both scoring and rebound-ing. The junior has tallied 15 double-doubles on the year and has reached double-figure rebounds in 16 games in 2013-


FILE PHOTO (TYLER JACKSON) | The Daily MississippianTYLER JACKSON | The Daily Mississippian

Tia Faleru goes up for a shot during Thursday’s game against Texas A&M. Marshall Henderson reacts during Saturday’s game.


Page 11: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014


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Dates and cities have been announced for the 2014 Ban-corpSouth Rebel Road Trip, Ole Miss’ third annual tour of the state and surrounding areas.

Headlined by Ole Miss head football coach Hugh Freeze and athletics director Ross Bjork, the BancorpSouth Rebel Road Trip (#RRT14) will feature 11 fan meetings across the region beginning Sunday, April 13 in Dallas and wrapping up Friday, April 18 in Biloxi.

The caravan touches its seventh different state this year (Arkansas) and features six new destinations includ-ing Dallas; Little Rock (April 14); Jackson, Tenn. (April 15); Grenada (April 16); Hat-

tiesburg (April 18) and Biloxi (April 18). Return stops from the 2013 trip are Memphis (April 14); Corinth (April 15); Jackson, Miss. (April 16); Ox-ford (April 17) and Tupelo (April 17).

In addition to the speakers, the meetings include Ole Miss officials, special guests, infor-mation booths, merchandise and an exciting video look at the University, including Rebel Athletics, the Athletics Foundation and the Alumni Association.

Venues and ticket informa-tion will be announced in the coming weeks. For more de-tails, visit

In its first two years, the BancorpSouth Rebel Road Trip reached 22 markets and 6,781 fans, not including the thousands on hand for Ox-ford’s Double Decker Festival in 2012. The inaugural tour served as public introduc-tions for Freeze and Bjork and earned high praise for uniting the Ole Miss fanbase.

Schedule set for BancorpSouth Rebel Road Trip



The BancorpSouth Rebel Road Trip will begin Sunday, April 13 in Dallas and will finish in Biloxi on Friday, April 18.

14. She has tallied career highs in points (31 vs. Kentucky), rebounds (16 vs. Washington State and Kentucky) as well as free throws made (15 vs. Kentucky) this season. Faleru is also closing in on the 1,000 point mark and needs just 66 more points to become Ole Miss’ 26th 1,000-point scorer.

The trophy will be present-ed Monday, March 3, at an 11:30 a.m. Awards luncheon at the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum. Rich-ard Williams, who guided Mississippi State to the Final Four in 1996, will be the fea-tured speaker. For tickets to the March 3 banquet, call 601 982-8264.

The finalists were selected by a state-wide panel of media who cover college basketball in Mississippi. The final vote will take place this week, a weighted vote (90 percent media, 10 per-cent fans). Fan voting, which is available for the award for the first time, will begin on Tues-day, Feb. 25 at 9 a.m. CST and end on Sunday, March 2 at 5 p.m. By visiting C Spire’s new fan voting website,, fans can vote for their favorite college basket-ball player by simply providing an email address and name, or connecting through Facebook or Twitter. Once an account is created, the voting can begin and fans can choose their first, second and third place win-ners. Fans will be able to vote via Facebook, Twitter and text messaging and can submit up to three votes per day during the week-long voting period.

Ole Miss will close out the regular season this week. The Rebels will travel to Missouri on Thursday for a televised contest on Fox Sports Midwest that will air locally on Sports South. Tipoff is at 7 p.m. CT from Missouri’s Mizzou Are-na. The Rebels return home on Sunday (March 2) to take on Auburn in the regular sea-son finale. Ole Miss will honor seniors Valencia McFarland, Kenyotta Jenkins and Diara Moore. Tip is set for 2 p.m.

McFarland named Li-eberman Award finalist.

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Ole Miss senior point guard Valencia McFarland has been named a finalist for the 2014 Nancy Lieberman Award it was announced by the Basket-ball Hall of Fame on Monday (Feb. 24). McFarland, who was one of four players from the

SEC to be named to the watch list in January, is the lone SEC player to be named a finalist.

“This is such an honor,” said McFarland. “To be consid-ered among many great play-ers that are on this list, really is an accomplishment. I’d like to give credit to my coaches and teammates for helping me to achieve such recognition.”

The award sponsored by the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and named af-ter the Hall of Famer Nancy Lieberman, recognizes the top point guard in women’s NCAA Division I college bas-ketball. The original watch list of candidates was narrowed down to the below list of 22 by a nationally based com-mittee and will be trimmed to five finalists in March. The Li-eberman Award winner will be announced during Final Four weekend activities.

“We are honored to be rec-ognizing these 22 athletes for their strengths, skills and commitment to the game of basketball and are excited to move forward in the selection process,” Lieberman said. “All of these young women deserve to be on the list for this well-respected award and deserve recognition for their determi-nation.”

McFarland has etched her name in Ole Miss women’s basketball history. The Ed-wards, Miss., native became the 16th 1,000-point scorer during her junior year and cur-

rently has 1,568 career points. She currently ranks No. 6 on Ole Miss’ all-time scoring list. She is on her way to becom-ing one of just three players in school history with 1,000 points and 500 assists and is just 55 assists away from join-ing former Rebel greats Carol Ross and Glenda Springfield as the only players in program history to hit those marks.

Through her career, McFar-land has dished out 445 assists and has topped 100 assists in each of her seasons in Oxford. For her career, she has posted seven games of double-figure assists and set a career-best with 12 assists against Baylor earlier this season. Not only does McFarland score and dish out assists, she is also poised to become just the second player in program history to lead her team in steals all four years, joining Ole Miss great Armin-tie Price-Herrington. To date, McFarland has 152 steals and has posted 48 steals this season to lead the Rebels.

Previous winners of the Nancy Lieberman Award include last year’s recipient Skylar Diggins (Notre Dame), Sue Bird (Connecticut), Renee Montgomery (Connecticut), Diana Taurasi (Connecti-cut), Lindsey Harding (Duke), Courtney Vandersloot (Gon-zaga), Temeka Johnson (LSU), Kristi Toliver (Maryland), Ivory Latta (North Carolina), and Andrea Riley (Oklahoma State).

AWARDS, continued from page 10

FILE PHOTO (TYLER JACKSON) | The Daily Mississippian

Valencia McFarland looks for room to pass during Thursday’s game against Texas A&M.

Page 12: The Daily Mississippian – February 25, 2014



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The Ole Miss baseball team will welcome Louisiana-Monroe to Oxford today and Wednes-day afternoon for a two-game midweek series. The Rebels (6-1) are coming off a series win over Georgia State this past week-end where they took two out of three, while the Warhawks (4-3) enter the game after taking down Western Illinois this past Satur-day.

On the mound for Ole Miss will be sophomore right-hander Jacob Waguespack, who is 1-0 on the year in two appearances. Waguespack started last Wednes-day, and he has not given up a run this season. Waguespack has given up three hits and three walks while striking out three.

UL-Monroe will send redshirt sophomore right-hander Alex Hermeling, who comes in with a perfect ERA through one start. Hermeling has given up one un-earned run in six innings of work to go along with three strikeouts, four hits and three walks.

Ole Miss will look to keep up

its hot start to the year at the plate and hopefully carry over from a weekend where the team record-ed 32 hits. Leading the way this season so far has been junior cen-ter fielder Auston Bousfield. He leads the team in batting average (.462), hits (12) and runs (8). An-other name to look for is senior catcher Will Allen, who has been on a tear to start the year. He has a team-high 11 RBIs, is tied for the team lead in home runs with two and is third on the team with a .417 batting average.

Ole Miss will need to account for UL-Monroe’s sophomore right fielder Jacob Stockton at the plate. He is hitting .348 and is tied for the team lead with eight hits. Another dangerous player for the Warhawks at the plate is senior center fielder Dalton Her-rington. He is hitting .308, is tied for the team high in hits with eight and leads the team in RBIs with five.

First pitch for both games is scheduled at 4 p.m.

For continuing coverage of Ole Miss baseball, follow @SigNewton_2 and @thedm_sports on Twitter.

Ole Miss baseball takes on UL-Monroe in midweek series

BY MATT [email protected]

ALEX EDWARDS| The Daily Mississippian

Sikes Orvis celebrates with teammate Colby Bortles following a three run home run during Saturday’s game against Georgia State.