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Act One (pages 3-48)

The story is placed in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.

Reverend Samuel Parris is a reverend in his mid forties.

How can a reverend have a villainous path?

Reverend Parris thinks very highly of himself, “...he felt insulted if someone rose to

shut the door without asking his permission.” (page 3)

Why does he think so poorly of children, wasn’t he a child?

Why would they not permit anyone to read even if they knew how to?

If they are Christians how can they not celebrate Christmas?

Because of the fact that they have to pray all the time, even on their holidays I would

hate to be a part of their community.

The people in Salem have a very simple lifestyle, “... strict and somber way of life.”

(page 4)

Racism is evident in the first few pages, “...they also preferred to take land from

heathens rather than from fellow Christians.” (page 5)

Religion is a critical part of their community; it is what keeps them together. “...for

good purposes, even higher purposes, the people of Salem developed a

theocracy...whose function was to keep the community together.” (page 7)

Tituba, the slave in the Parris house, has been brought from Barbados.

When something goes missing or when something is wrong, most of us quick to

blame the servants in our house. Tituba is scared because she feels that she will be

blamed for Betty’s sickness, “...she is also very frightened because her slave sense has

warned her that, as always, trouble in this house eventually lands on her back.” (page


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Abigail Williams enters the room, she is of age 17, and she is a “strikingly beautiful

girl, an orphan, with an endless capacity for dissembling. Now she is all worry and

apprehension and propriety.” (page 8 and 9)

Parris is extremely shocked when Susanna Walcott says that he should consider

unnatural causes. I think this is because he is a reverend and he is supposed to lead by

example. If the community finds out that the devil is in the reverends house there will

be chaos.

“...dancing like heathen in the forest.” (page 10) How can you dance like heathen?

What does that mean?

Parris doubts Abigail’s story about how Betty fainted when she saw her father jump

out at her.

“...for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it.” (page 10) Parris is

scared that he will be embarrassed in front of the community.

More racism is shown in Parris and Abigail’s argument “Your name in the town-it is

entirely white, is it not?” (page 12)

Abigail shows dislike for Goody Proctor, “Goody Proctor is a gossiping liar!” (page


Mrs. Ann Putnam enters the room, “She is a twisted soul of forty-five, a death-ridden

woman, haunted by dreams.” (page 12)

Thomas Putnam enters the room, “a well-to-do, hard-handed landowner, near fifty.”

(page 13)

Parris is in denial, he does not want anyone to know what has happened to his


I think that Parris is glad that the devil is elsewhere to.

Thomas Putnam.

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→ A man with many grievances, one which appears justified.

→ The eldest son of the richest man in the village.

→ His vindictive nature was demonstrated long before anyone cried witch.

→ A reason to believe he is embittered was his attempt to break his father’s will.

Tituba is said to be some kind of voodoo worshiper or something like that, “Tituba

knows how to speak to the dead.” (page 15)

Abigail blames Tituba and Ruth for Betty’s illness, she said that it wasn’t her that was

conjuring spirits, and it was Tituba and Ruth.

Mercy Lewis enters the room, “The Putnam’s servant, a fat, sly, merciless girl of 18.”

(page 16)

Mrs. Putnam, Mr. Putnam and Parris leave the room. Mary Warren enters the room,

“She is seventeen, a subservient, naive, lonely girl.” (page 18)

Slowly all the witches that were involved are being introduced. Mary Warren is

extremely frightened and wishes surrender all of them.

Abigail detests Goody Proctor, she wants her dead, “You drank a charm to kill Goody


John Proctor enters the room. Proctor was a farmer in his mid thirties. Proctor is

always marked for calumny. He is a sinner against the moral fashion of time as well

as against his own vision of decent conduct.

Abigail is being extremely flirtatious with John Proctor. “I am waitin’ for you every

night.” (page 22)

Proctor was cheating on his wife with Abby. That is the reason for Abby getting fired

from the Proctor house.

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Rebecca Nurse enters the room, “Seventy-two, she is white haired, leaning up her

walking stick.” (page 25)

Giles Corey enters the room, “He is knotted with muscle, canny inquisitive and still


Parris, Proctor, Putnam, Mrs. Putnam and Rebecca Nurse have an intense

conversation about

Proctor is defending himself, “ hardly ever mention God anymore.” (page 29)

Now they are not talking about the devil anymore, they are talking about Reverend

Parris’ preaching’s.

Putnam is one of Parris’ enemies. “I like not the smell of this ‘authority’.” (page 31)

After much arguing, Reverend John Hale of Beverly enters with a dozen heavy books,

“Nearing forty, a tight-skinned, eager eyed intellectual...witchcraft specialist” (page


Hale is surprised that Putnam’s child ails as well, “Your child ails too?”

They all agree to agree to Hales judgment, even if there is no bruise of hell upon her.

While Hale is examining Betty, half the people in the room are trying to convince

him that it is witch craft while the other half are waiting to see what Reverend Hale

has to say.

Giles now confronts Hale that his wife is reading strange books and hiding them. “I

have waked at night many a time and found her in a corner, readin’ of a book. Now

what do you make of that?” (page 40)

Once again when Abigail is blamed for conjuring spirits she blames Tituba. “I never

called him! Tituba, Tituba...” (page 42)

Abigail is accusing Tituba of all sorts of things, both true and false.

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Tituba has now confessed and wishes to come to the Christian side, “You have

confessed yourself to witch craft and that speaks a wish to come to Heaven’s side.”

(page 46)

Tituba claims that the devil asked her to kill Reverend Parris.

Tituba begins to give the names of people that came with the devil to her. The rest of

the people do not even think if she is telling the truth of if she is lying.

Abigail is inspired by Tituba and she wishes to confess as well, “I want to open

myself!” As Abigail is speaking Betty rises and begins to accuse, together the three of

them accuse so many people;

→ “I saw Goody Hawkins with the Devil!” (Abigail)

→”I saw Goody Bibber with the Devil!” (Betty)

→”I saw Goody Booth with the Devil!” (Abigail)

End Of Act One

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Act Two (pages 49-81)

I can’t believe they are eating a random rabbit that they found sitting outside their


Why is she receiving the kiss with a certain disappointment? Does she know that he

had an affair with Abigail?

Mary Warren does not care what she is told she does what she wants to do, “I couldn’t

stop her.” (page 52)

Marry Warren is an official of the court that has been made to have the witch trials.

A simile is used to show how the people don’t want to associate with the witches,

“...and where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel.” (page 53)

Elizabeth is doubting John; she does not trust him enough to leave him alone with her.

“...she has suddenly lost all faith in him” (page 54) Elizabeth will now have ever

lasting suspicion of him. This is similar to my life, a couple months ago I was caught

doing something I wasn’t allowed to do, and now every time I come close to my

parents they check to see if I have been doing it.

Proctor argues with Elizabeth trying to convince her how he confessed and yet she did

not forgive him but he continued to try and try.

Mary Warren walks into the house after a long day at the court. Proctor is extremely

furious with her but Elizabeth does not know what to do, “...perplexed, looking at the

doll...” (page 56)

39 women in one day, wow they really have gone psycho.

Mary Warren is accusing Sarah Good of attempting to kill her. “She tried to kill me

many times, Goody Proctor!” (page 57)

I think that if a survey was taken at least half the people will not be able to repeat the

10 commandments.

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Proctor is fed up with Mary; he tells her that if she will go to the court he will whip

her, “I’ll official you! He strides to the mantel, takes down the whip hanging there.”

(page 59)

Mary saves herself from the whipping by claiming to save Elizabeth, “I saved her life

today!” (page 59)

Both Proctor and Elizabeth know that it was Abby that accused Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is losing all hope now, “She will cry me out until they take me!” (page61)

Elizabeth wishes that Proctor goes to Abby and pleads with her to lift the charges,

“Would you favor me with this? Go to Abigail.” (page 61)

Proctor is sick of Elizabeth’s suspicion. Mr. Hale is now standing at the doorway.

If Hale says it is not business of the court than how come they are talking about the

fact that her name was mentioned in the court.

Hale is a very modest man. He admits to his character faults. “And in my ignorance I

find it hard to draw a clear opinion of them that come accused before the court.” (page


Both Proctor and Elizabeth are surprised that Rebecca Nurse is mentioned in the


Hale is questioning Proctors religious commitments, “Will you tell me why you are so

absent?” (page 64)

Proctor is asked to repeat the commandments. This is a test to see whether he is

worshiping the Lucifer or not. He forgets one commandment, “Adultery.” (page 67)

This is tremendously ironic as this is the only sin out of the commandments that he

has committed.

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“Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small.” (page 67)

This means that religion is something where you either follow it or not, it is not

something where you chose what to follow and what to disregard.

Proctor has now come into the open and told Hale what Abby had said earlier to him.

Shortly after Giles and Francis enter declaring that the authorities have taken their

wives away. This foreshadows that Elizabeth will be taken away as well.

Ezekiel Cheever and Marshal Herrick enter asserting that they have a warrant for

Goody Proctor.

It is pretty ironic that Elizabeth received a poppet the same day her house is being

searched for any poppets in the house. I think that Mary set this up and is a witch.

Cheever is amazed with the needle he found under the poppet because that same night

a long needle came out of Abigail Williams stomach.

Proctor is furious with the dumbness of Cheever and Herrick. He rips the warrant and

throws them out. Proctor is standing up for his wife and questioning the court, “...and

common vengeance writes the law!” (page 77)

Proctor is furious with everyone, he orders Mary Warren to go to the court with him

the next morning and tell them that Elizabeth is innocent and prove Abby wrong.

End of Act Two

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Act Three (pages 83-120)

Martha Corey is being accused; while Giles runs in saying he has evidence for the

court. Giles is carried out into the vestry room. Shortly after that Hale enters, Judge

enters “In his sixties, a bitter, remorseless Salem judge.” (page 85), Deputy Governor

Danforth enters, “...a grave man in his sixties, of some humor and sophistication that

does not, however, interfere with an exact loyalty to his position and his cause.” (page

85), and behind him Ezekiel Cheever and Paris enter.

Giles and Francis plea with Danforth to look at the evidence that they have to release

their wives of the charges.

Marry Warren and John Proctor enter the room. Danforth is tremendously eager to

hear what Marry Warren has to say.

While Proctor, Giles, and Francis are trying to save their wives, Parris is accusing

them of attempting to overthrow the court.

Mary Warren claims that the girls are only pretending that they saw the devil.

No matter how hard Proctor tries Parris continuously brings up the fact that Proctor

does not often come to church. This is significant, because the life of his nephew and

daughter are at stake. I feel that Parris is doing this more for his personal benefit

rather than for the benefit of the court.

Hale is beginning to be more aware of the situation and realizing the false

accusations. “Your Honor, I cannot think you may judge the man on such evidence.”

(page 91)

Once again religion is enforced, “Do you read the Gospel, Mr. Proctor?” (page 91)

Hale is noticing how obscured Parris is acting and challenges all said by Parris, “Is

every defense an attack upon the court?” (page 94)

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Putnam is brought in and is accused by Giles. After arguing Giles moves forward and

lunges at Putnam.

Wow! How can an eighty year old man try to attack a fifty year old man?

Shortly after Abigail and the others are brought into the room and begin arguing with

Marry Warren. Abigail seems to be the chief of the girls as they always follow after

her. Abigail was the first one to mimic Marry Warren and then the rest of the girls

joined in.

The girls put on an act which makes Marry Warren go crazy and point to proctor

saying that he is the devil’s man; this is one more of many false accusations that take

place in the play. This false accusation leads to the tragic downfall of the protagonist.

Together John Proctor, Giles Corey and Francis Nurse are arrested because of the

accusations from Mary Warren, “You’re the devil’s man!” (page 118)

Proctor has lost all faith in god, “I say-I say-God is dead!” (page 119)

Reverend Hale is fuming by the ways of the court and realizes he can do nothing to

change what is going to happen, “I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!”

(page 120)

End of Act Three

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Act Four (pages 121-145)

Tituba and Sarah Good are both prisoners that are waiting for “his majesty.” I

think that they have gone crazy.

Sarah Good and Tituba are waiting for the devil to come and take them to

Barbados, “We goin’ to Barbados, soon the devil gits here with the feathers

and the wings.” (page 122)

Mr. Hale is pardoning with the ones that are to be hanged that morning.

I personally dislike the type of people that turn a blind eye to whatever does

not suit them, for instance Danforth, “There is no rebellion in Andover!” (page


Danforth refuses to postpone the ones that are to be hung because it speaks a

floundering on his part. I think this is extremely selfish considering that he is

worried about his pride versus someone innocents life.

Danforth is a man who does not care about others, he is using a man’s wife to

soften him and maybe confess so that the people will think that Danforth is

doing what is right and what is needed in Salem.

Elizabeth gives in and agrees to speak with John.

I cannot imagine not seeing my wife for three months, especially knowing she

was pregnant and in jail.

Now Elizabeth is realizing her problem, she realizes that he asked for

forgiveness multiple times and loved her from the bottom of his heart. She has

realized that she is no one to give forgiveness as she is not perfect either, “It is

not for me to give, John, I am-.” (page 136)

She says that before he seeks anyone else’s forgiveness he has to forgive

himself, “…it come naught that I should forgive you, if you’ll not forgive

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yourself.” (page 136) This is important because throughout the play he has

been seeking her forgiveness without actually thinking that he deserves to be


Proctor agrees to confess, after the confession he refuses to sign it, “You have

all witnessed it-it is enough.” (page 141)

Proctor tears the paper in fury and stands straight up out of pride and honor

ready for the noose.

Elizabeth refuses to say anything to him because she thinks he is finally

satisfied with himself and she cannot ruin it, “He have his goodness now. God

forbid I take it from him!” (page 145)

End of Act Four

End of The Crucible

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Synthesis-SO WHAT?!

Even though this play was based around 300 years ago it touches a multiple amount

of present-day problems faced by us. The themes of this play are extremely visible in most

cultures and communities. Some of these problems are vengeance, suspicion and adultery.

Often when you receive a form of profanity from another you are quick to return it,

most people do not realize but this is a form of vengeance as well. Vengeance, more simply

known as revenge, gets in the way of one’s moral values. Revenge has many extremes, from

swearing right back at someone to killing someone. In my life vengeance is something which

I note constantly whether it is me who is being vindictive or if it is someone around me. Just

like pride, revenge is something that gets in the way of the thinking and the actions of people,

being vindictive is a terrible character trait in my opinion.

It takes years to build a trust-worthy relationship but only the silliest of mistakes to

blow it all way. After once committing a mistake suspicion will be everlasting or at least it

will seem everlasting. Speaking from personal experience; I was caught with something that I

should not have had, since then my parents are frequently checking to see whether or not I am

still doing what I shouldn’t have been, because of one silly mistake my parents suspicion will

never lift. Having someone be suspicious of you is not only discomforting it is tremendously

irritating, you always have to be alert and conscience of what they are thinking.

Adultery is an action that is forbidden in all religions but still so common across the

globe. When one sees something they like often they cannot resist even knowing that the

consequences are devastating.

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The Crucible focuses in on many important parts of life that we do not realize all the

time. Sometimes we forget that we have to be better than the people that our forcing us to go

down to there level.