  1. 1. Dr. Md. Saiduzzaman MD Resident(Neurology) Phase A Mymensingh Medical College
  2. 2. Cranial nerves: Nerves which emerge directly from the brain. 1. Olfactory N. 11. Accessory N. 2. Optic N. 12. Hypoglossal N. 3. Oculomotor N. 4. Trochlear N. 5. Trigeminal N. 6. Abducent N. 7. Facial N. 8. Vestibulocochlear N. 9. Glossopharyngeal N. 10. Vagus N.
  3. 3. Sensory cranial nerves: # Olfactory(I) # Optic(II) # vestibulocochlear(VIII) Motor cranial nerves: # Oculomotor(III) # Trochlear(IV) # Abducent(VI) # Accessory(XI) # Hypoglossal(XII)
  4. 4. Mixed cranial nerves: # Trigeminal(V) # Facial(VII) # Glossopharyngeal(IX) # Vagus(X)
  5. 5. Olfactory pathway
  6. 6. VII. Facial Nerve Component: Mixed(Motor, general & special sense) Function: 1. Motor supply to muscles of facial expression,auricular muscles,the stapedius, stylohyoid muscles. 2. parasympathetic supply to lacrimal and salivary glands. 3. General sensory from ant. 2/3rd of tongue,floor of the mouth, soft palate. Taste sense from ant. 2/3rd of tongue. Exit from skull: Styloid foramen.
  7. 7. Thank you all