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Page 1: The Cost of Christmas

The cost of Christmas 2014From the Learn English Network -

Average Cost ofChristmas in the UK

Online retailers are expecting sales to reach £17.4 billion.


The total retail spend in the run up to Christmas (mid-November to Christmas day) by UK households in

2014 is expected to reach £74.3 billion

Britons are planning to spend £868 pp on Christmas this year, just £6 more than was spent in 2002.

The average adult spends £530 on their festive celebrations, which equates to a total spend of £26 billion on Christmas food and drink, gifts, decorations, cards etc.

Only 5% of people said they had more money available this year that they would spend on Christmas celebrations ...

... and 9% said they felt they deserved some extra treats this year.

Consumers think they will spend an average of £345.65 on gifts this year, £16 less than in 2002, ...

... although 35% of people thought they would blow at least £500 on presents.

On average people buy presents for 12 members of their family or friends

33% of people said the most expensive gift they buy will be for a child ...

... followed by 16%, who said they will spend the most money on their wives, ...

... and just 7% will spend most on their husbands.

People living in Scotland are the most generous when it comes to buying presents, expecting to spend an average of £413.80 ... ... while those in the

South will spend the least at £335.43.

Overall, by the end of Christmas, people will have spent an average of ...

£178.57 on food and drink.

£29.59 on decorations and accessories.

£17.02 on Christmas cards and postage.

Just under 25% of people planned to do some of their Christmas shopping abroad.

57% of whom had planned a trip to France ...

... and expected to spend an average of £109 each on food and drink.

66% of people expect to pay for the cost of Christmas using savings

9% said they would use a credit card or loan, ...

... but 19% of people admitted they had failed to budget for the festive season.


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