
The Connected Workplace Learning Professional

Participants in this presentation will understand the concepts of personal

learning networks and creating connections that help us become

exceptional workplace learning professionals.

Becoming a connected workplace learning professional happens as we

come to understand the power of Web 2.0 tools and how to utilize these

tools to produce the knowledge that we need on a daily basis.

Techniques that will be introduced or expanded on will be blogging and

microblogging, social media, digital storytelling, and the social learning


Let’s begin….

What is a connected WLP?

Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, online learning communities, learning networks

and other web based tools are helping workplace learning

professionals learn, reducing isolation and providing just in time access

to cutting edge practices, knowledge, collaboration, and more!

Being connected occurs when you utilize Web 2.0 tools to learn,

engage, share, and create in the virtual world.

Your participants are connected!!

Are you connected?

A July 2012 study by Performics revealed that women

spend an average of 9.4 hours per week on their

mobile phone (outside of calls and texts) and men

average 5.8 hours.

Marketing Pilgrim reports that over

80% of Americans use Social Media


100,000,000 YouTube videos are viewed each day.

3,000,000 Tweets per day!

2000,000,000 Facebook Users and 1000,000,000 login


Where do I begin?

Become a connected learner.

Connected learners develop personal

learning networks and co-construct

knowledge from wherever they live.

Connected learners collaborate online, use

social media, to interact with colleagues from

around the globe, engage in conversations in

safe online spaces, and bring what they learn

online back their learning spaces.

- Adapted from The Connected Educator

This isn’t a new practice…

Personal Learning Networks used to look like


And this….

Or this…

And now they look like this….

Your PLN will grow as you create your connections on the web. Developing

a PLN is not a spectator sport. You will be creating and connecting

throughout this workshop. These are habits that will result in a rich and

vibrant virtual PLN.

How do I build may virtual PLN?

We are going to begin exploring six tools that will

assist you in developing your virtual PLN and

becoming connected.

After each introduction will be an exercise that will

allow you to practice with each tool.

While Twitter may have started as a micro-blogging service, it is grown into

much more than simply a tool to type in quick status updates. So when asked

"What is Twitter?", I often describe it as a cross between blogging and

instant messaging, though even that doesn't do it justice.

Put simply, Twitter is social messaging. With the ability to follow people and

have followers.

Twitter in Plain English

First Assignment….

If you are unfamiliar with Twitter view the following tutorial….

Create a Twitter account

Already have an account?

Add learning professionals



Post a tweet….

Not sure what to say? Announce that you are working on this workshop.


Update your profiles with your Twitter name so

others can follow you.

Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is simply telling a story using digital tools.

Alan Levine

50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story

5x5 Project

Read more about the project and watch

some examples.

Practical Application:

Consider creating stories versatile enough for

all of the audiences you serve. Creating a

library of digital stories will decrease the

design time for future courses.

Follow the 3 easy steps on the 50 Ways wiki to

get your story online. Outline your story, find

some media, and create your story using an

online tool.

Do you prefer the 5x5 video? Record five 5 second

clips and put them together to create a 25 section

simple vignette. The Video School is a great resource!

Second Assignment: Tell a Digital Story

YouTube was founded in February 2005 and has become one of the most

popular web portals in the world. Allowing users to submit videos and

wade through the massive video section by searching for

keywords, YouTube has taken the idea of viral videos to a new level.

Nearly every cellphone, laptop or point & shoot camera

has a video camera built in. YouTube is a community for

sharing videos. After you make a video, you can upload it

for the world to see. Your video is given it's own link which

you can share. You can also embed your video into

websites, blogs or social networks like Facebook.

Visit YouTube and login with your Google account.

Fill our your YouTube profile.

Record and upload a simple video; introduce yourself and tell us

the biggest aha moment so far during this workshop.

Subscribe to a few channels.

How do I subscribe to channels?

Third Assignment: Create a Video


You are now a blogger!

And you are following blogs that are relevant

to your career path.

You are becoming connected!

So many blogs, so little time, correct?

What is RSS?

I have a solution….

RSS Feeds


Subscribe to 5 blogs from the Top 99 Workplace eLearning Blogs

Fifth Assignment: Become a Blogger

Sign in to your Google account and start using Google Reader. Here is

a getting started guide.

Go to this page on the K12 Learning 2.0 site and complete the

exercises: Feed your reader by subscribing to feeds and begin

to build an RSS reading habit.

Subscribe to your own blog's feed.

Social Bookmarking


Social Bookmarking in Plain English

Sixth Assignment: Social Bookmarking

Go to and create an account.

Add the delicious buttons to your browser to make it easy to

add site.

Here is a tutorial to help.

Visit five different sites, use your new delicious

button to bookmark and tag the sites.

Personal Reflection

What personal applications can you think of for using delicious?

Visit the www.plpresearch tag on delicious and

explore some of the links there.

Go to your edublog and write about the

benefits of social bookmarking.

Time for Reflection

It’s time to reflect on your learning during this workshop. Write a post in your

blog and reflect on the what you have learned.

Pick two of these questions to answer:

Which tools do you like?

Which tools have given you trouble or you do not understand.

Did you discover anything about your journey as a connected WLP that surprised


Do you have a hobby or interest that you could see yourself using your

connected WLP skills to get deeper into?

Did you find any tools or skills that you’re inspired to use with your participants?

Which ones and how will you se them in your practice?

Practice the art of being connected and Tweet a link to

your post.

Thank you!
