


LAW DEPARTMENT. I Resolved, That the Chief Engineer be and hereby is authorized and instructed to prepare The following schedules form a report of the transactions of the office of the Counsel to the I plans and specifications to carry out the work as set forth in the above communication.

Corporation for the week ending September 19, 1896 ! On motion of Commissioner Tucker, the same was adopted. The Ala,j•or, Aldermen and Commonalty of the (.'ilv of A"rw York are defendants, unless i The Committee of Finance and Audit reported their examination and audit of bills contained

otherwise mer:tioned. in Vouchers Nos. 112 1 to 11z , inclusive, amounting to ,$p 1. 7 79 37 1. 9 SCHEDULE "A,"—SuirS AND SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS Ii\STITI7TED,

On motion of Commissioner Tucker, the same were approved and ordered certified to the Comptroller for payment.

Rents. I WHEN The Commissioners then adjourned. EJ)\VARI) I.. ALLEN, Secretary, COURT. TEE C"Al- TITLE OF A(TION. NA'IUI<ts OF ACTION, . - _ - —. _ -


Supreme .. 'p9U'

52 70 Sept. is Tribune Association ............ Summons only served. Statement and Re/cern o Atone •s c- ceived G WIl.Lin}i M. HoEs Public _ldministralor f ) }' M. > 5r 78 14 Martinez, Lint' .................. For rebate of excise license fee, '1 2. 40. in the' Gilt' o/ New York, Jim the month of .September, 1896, rendered to the Comp/ o/ler in

" • • 51 7 " 1 4 merze, Charles ............... For rebate of cxci-c license fee• ,yqz. z 1. p...9,uan,, of t11e p7"oviseolts of .5r'ti"I's 56 and 216 (f New }or/ Cell• Consolidation Act ...

" • • • 5x r4 , ................ Pod rebate of excise license ee, .598.44. 79

9 Pisania Paulina f

51 79 " 14 Smith, Matthew ................For rebate of excise license fee, 8t78.47. ...

of 18 2.

52 93 " 15 Merritt, W. Jenks .............. Assignee of Joseph M. Deuel, fur services as -- - — -- — - --- --- - ------ Master in case of Christopher C. Campbell vs. I I),STE OF I

" ••. 'the Mayor, etc., 941.25•

52 74 " 1; Matter of the New Croton f)am Proceedings under chapter 490 of Laws of 1883 FINAL


)±s"rnTEs. ~I ItIti- IUTAL

slo:rs. AstocvT. Reservoir .................... to acquire title to lands In towns of Cortlandt, _

Yorktown, New Castle, Bcd'ord, Somers, Lewishoro and North Salem, in \Vestche,ter tClu.- ed pursuant to chapter 573 of the Laws of 1887.) 1 County. William Sc1 `r 47 ;t 47

52 76 i6 California Asphalt Co. vs. 'the To restram.the awarding of contract for regula- g I .

`" ...

"" 19z ..............

Henrylia 111.H tllowa...................................... y

........ •••••• 3 So

t 92 3 50 - Mayor. etc., Louis F. Haffen, ting and repaving carriageway of Alexander I

front Southern Boulevard Mary Reynolds............................... .... .... 3 54 3 54 .(ve., to3d ave., to etc ........................... I firm of & Noote etc. of certain

on southwesterly ..............Ad.lph Hcimlich....






....... ...: •. ... ..

z 99 3 89

z 59 3 50 " ... 52 77 17 Kessler, Anthony .... ....... .. For rent of . . ... J G. P tter.

.. ..... I

6 3 S9 t.orquarter e of Columbus ave. and rz6th st. for natter rr, and

q ending 896,


f •_ • • .rtes F. ll ut .....

Y , Hackui l ........................................... ........ I :4 25

89 r4

9 19

... 52 78 ry Bissell, Joseph 1;. .............. For rental fire-hydrants and for w:,ter fur- l

of -livdrants

by New Ycrk \Vretchester Water . '\tar

............................... """"""• • Ellen I tavles ............... ............... T '

....• ... 4 t9 4 t9

........ 43 ~ 43 wished and . It avid Lawrence .............. .. .......................... r 50 r ........ 1 50 Co. and Upper Pew York City Water Co. for in certain towns and villages in the use ..... Charles Sclnuidt ..........................................1 "' • ""' • ~ • • ~ ~ • • 57 57 z3d and z4th Wards, 530,88;.6. ..............IBessle

.............. 1larko s............................................

Louisu Thiel....................................... ........ 4 59 4 59

74 74 • • • 52 79 " 17 O'Shea. Mary, vs. Charles S. Damages for false arrest and imprisonment' on . • • . • • • .. • • ..Catharine

i . •• • • • " Cul.non, No. 2 ..............................• .. • "' • • • • ........ 4 42

to to 4 42 Cochrane, George McClosky

and John O. Mott ............. Aug. 17, r896, 55,000.

Louis Wolfer................................. ............ ........ 7 73 7 73 ... 32 '' r Gall, John .....................Summons .. 8, 7 y J tthesv Summons with notice for c rt.e served. 5 4 i

..............'Jacob \layer............................... .......... ..

..............Los, h (.ra 559 84

S z 38 8 so 3 o6

68 oq 554a ... 52 8r c7 Conley. ~Iauhew J., vs. The

yor. \V. Collins,) Summons only served. .............

1' y. wrey. •.•". "•."""""...... ....""' \ti'ilham . Lowrc ............ ... ..... ......


59 it 41 2 o5 17

" Denni

sCharles Denns W. Moran et al.......

52 S, " 18 M %ult •, Varick (Na- a) For difference between 5:hoo and j.7zo per year •••• • • •. .... ............. ...

(Charles Twome yy........................................ ( Charles 1('eke,s ...........................................

q .. ........ 515 t3 of

4 o8 72

4 o8 } ~.~ J. 1...... .... ............Herman in so are; of certain drivers and sweepers

Street Cle .ning Dep.vtment, St,zoo. ... ....... S >uh~,lz .............. • • p~

ug. z, 89 George Arjawetz .................... .............. „'....

• .. • ... • ........

, 145 19

3 85 3 85 145 19

... „ - 51 Po t8 Eastern Brewing Co............ 52 84 '' rS 'Bailey, Ann Mary ;Ma.ter of)...

For rebate of excise license tee, 57z.zt. . ,.... For an award made it the matter of Reservoir ...

.. a8, „ Honorin,. I:.Ch:,uraud ................................ ••••••••• •••• I'ranz inir-chntk ............... .........................


.... .... j 593

r8 8t t,- 85 1,593 8. 5

18 8t

• ... 52 85 " rg ( Dempsey, John J,, vs. Howard,

•̀ 11 '' 4t o. Damages for alleged wrongful discharge from

employment as a Messenger in Department

........ 1\ illiaut Recker ..........

...... •.•....... Hattie Davis .............................................1 Sept. 14, 1896 Jo=eph Ehrenfeld.......... .........................


........ . r Si

3 68 301 77301

x 61 3 68

77 P. Wilds and George \V. Bird-I ks I .........I. ..'the(). W. L nmtctte ......................................l ..... 54 54 .......... .. ..... s ll ..

----. -

„f PublicWow ~,oac. .—. --- - — ------ i Sept. 14, r8g6 Michael DIcDonal(L ..... ...............................

~. Sullivan ................... ............ .. .. ......I ....... z8 t5 z8 15

__--- ~--- ---- -- Mary -- ----- -- bLHEUULE `( B. "—JUUG\lE\'I'S, ORDERS :5' D DECKN:ES L\TERED. .... .,-... . Jane Flynn ...............................................

........ I z qt

....... t6 08 z qr

Victor C. 'augh------Judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff for $4,560.66. p

14, 1896

Joseph Ehrcnfeld .........................................

S t .. ' ,\nn Haughay ............................................ ........ 2 It

I 2 is

Frank R. \\'ilkennin.,, an Infant etc.—Oreler tittered discontinuing the action, without costs. e : .......,Patrick Co flu ........................................... ........ 1 4 35 4 35 Caroline Lifupert—Jud gown t entered iu favor of the plaintiff for $11,074.50. Fred'k h w ............................................. 7 or 7 6r Charles Barry—Jttdament entered in favor of the plaintiff for 54,065.57. I Proceeds of sale of effects from Coroners, Herbert D. Baylis People ex t'el. Herty V'•fagnet' vs. The Commissioner of Public Vs aiks--Orde1' of aftirinance i

Cash received from Coroners' offiice, June t8, r896, Jos. 3t. q 8o 52 to 3z

entered in favor of the City,with Costs. i

Reservoir "A "—Order entered confirming the report of the Commissioners as to Parcel No. 24. Alvord and others, a; per list attached ............. 8 r7

--- 43

_ S to

IIenry C.Aliner—Judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff for $295,372.52• saz8 44 ! 92,236 ;; 42,465 t o Carl L. Lewenstein--Judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff for $250. _ - — — People ex ref. William -1'. Somerville vs. The Board of Police Commissioners--Order entered Net proceeds of sale of effects from Coroners' Office : 1-Ierbert D. llavlis, $ ; W. B. Scott,

directing a further return to be filed within twenty days. $o.56 ; I lenry Klepper, $o So ; James McCartney, SO.32 ; Henry Neubert, x+0.72 ; joshue Brown, $o.g6 Alfred S. Seer, 61.20 Courtland Babcock, $o.56 harry De Boise, $0.40 llerman Ettcr- ; ; ; ;

SCHEDULE "C.'—SUITS AND SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS 'TRIED AND ARGUED. man, $0.32 ; Unknown Man, No. 93 llowery, $0.56 ; Valentine Brand, $0.48 ; \u;;ttst Caller, People ex del. \Vilhaui 1'. Somerville vs. The Board of Police Commissioners—Motion for $0.40 ; Charles \Veick, $0.40 ; James F. 't ompkin.s, 60.28 ; estate Unknown \Woman, Eighth

further return argued before Truax, J. ; notion granted ; T. Farley for the City. avenue and Ninety-second street, $0.48 ; John A. hart kips, No. 252 West One hundred and Orchard, Ilester and Ludlow streets school site, two hearings ; Twcuty-thin) Ward ('ark, one Fifteenth street, $0,08; Patrick Tracey, 5I—total, $10.32.

hearing ; St. Nicholas Park, one hearing ; C. I).Olendorf and G. Landon fur the City. Cash received from Coroners' Office, Jttne IS, 1896: Estate of Joseph M. Alvord, $1.62 FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation. estate of Patrick Kelley, $6.45 ; estate of Antonio Celia, $0.03 ; estate of James Connors, $0.50-

- --- total, $8.60.



From Penitentiary—List of prisoners received (luring week ending September 12, 1896 Males, NEW YORK, August 26, 1896.

29; female, I. On file. In accordance with the provisions of section 51, chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, the Depart- List of 29 prisoners to be discharged from September 20 to 26, 1896. Transmitted to Prison ment of Public Works makes the following report of its transactions for the week ending August 22,

Association. rso6 : From Eleads of L)stitutions—Reporting meats, milk, fish, etc., received during week ending Public /Moneys Received dttriHrg the IYeek.—For Croton water rents, $52,137.28 ; for

September 12, 1896, of good quality and up to the standard. On file, penalties, water rents, $247.25 ; for tapping Croton pipes, $252 ; for sewer permits, $1,63;.33 ; for From City Cemetery—List of burials during week ending September t2, 1896. On file. I restoring and repaving—Special Funcl, 5981.25 ; for redemption of obstructions seized, $53 From Supervising Engineer—Recommending that a Keeper be detailed at dock of Depart- for vault permits, $4,230.45 ; for stied permits over sidewalks, $5—total, $59,539'56.

meat, to receipt for freight anti receive prisoners committed to the Workhouse. Approved. Perblic ).anti s.—t ^ new tam )s erected and li kited, old lam ,deli +hted, old lam s 1 l 9 l 3 p• From District Prisons-Amount of fines received during week ending September Iz, 1896, •'

i discontinued, 20 lamp-posts removed, IS lamp-posts reset, 5 lamp-posts straightened, I coltnnn $305. On file.

From General Storekeeper—Rejecting, cheese furnished under contract for use of the Insti- ' reloaded.

tutions, it being of inferior quality. Approved. I Permits Issued.-64 permits to tap Croton pipes, 54 permits to open streets, 16 permits to From District Prisons—Warden calling attention to condition of chimney of Third District I make sewer connections, 29 permits to repair sewer connections, 130 permit; to place building

Prison, Essex Market, and requesting that it be repaired. Referred to Supervising Engineer. material on streets, Ig permits, special, 12 permits to construct street vaults, 27 permits for use of

.-1ppointed, ( water for building purposes.

September 16—William S. Gleason, Orderly, Workhouse, salary, $300 per annum. I !tatting; af(t Cler,•iu Sewers,-64 receiving-basins and culverts cleaned, 3,528 lineal feet ROBERT J. WRIGHT, Cotmnissioner. of sewer cleaned, i,600 lineal feet of sewer relieved, 29,755 lineal feet of sewer examined, to man-

hole heads reset, 4 basins repaired, I new manhole head and cover put on, 7 new basin grates — — — — -- put in, I new manhole cover put on, 204 cubic feet of brickwork built, rg square yards of pavement

AQUEDUCT COMMISSION. i relaid, 2c6 cubic feet of earth excavated and refilled. Minutes of Stated .1leetin; of t/reAqueduct Commissioners, hell at their Office, No. 209 Obstructions Removed.-46 obstructions removed from various streets and avenues.

St,wart Building, on lVednesday, SeMtemher 23, 1896, at 3 o'clock r. st. Repairs to Pavement..-4,610 square yards of pave:uent repaired. Present—The Commissioner of Public Works, and Commissioners Duane, Tucker and !Yorks ,,rm,; /1.-c IVeek Statement of Laboring Force Employ, a' i:( the Department of Public te

Cannon. Cannon. endrui'

-I 22, 1896.

The Construction or Executive Committee recommended the adoption of the following reso- lotion:

NAruse uv W-1K. rat - RCHANle I,ArORPRc. Taants CAR'ts

Resolved, That the following bills for taxes for the year 1896 be and hereby are approved Aqueduct t:ep:urs, Maintenance and atreegthentng ................. 46 r 37 9 12

and ordered certified to the Comptroller for payment, viz.: I Re arts and Renewals of Pi es, bto • cocks, etc... ~. •••• ~ ~ • Repair Croton Pipes .. ..

p p p "•"""""'•. a4 ~ .. r9

First— School District No.9, Town of Greenbur rh N. V...................... 520 ..... ..... $2o 20 ~ s g ,. Second—School District No. 6, Town of North Salem, N. Y . .................... Iz6 82 . Supplying Water to Shipping ....................................... 6 . Third—School District No. 3, 'Town of Cortlandt, N. Y... .................... 44 43 Repairing and Cleaning Sewers........................................ r8 32 ., 9

Fourth—School District No. 2, Town of North Salem, N. Y ..................... 85 77

Bronx River Works—Matntenanceand Repairs...........................-'r r6

Repairing and Renewals of Pavements................................ Boulevards, Roads and Avenues, Maintenance of..,.• ..................

r7z zo

2o6 56

3 z

74 q

On motion of Commissioner Cannon, the same was adopted. Roads, Streets and Avenues ................................... ........ 8 12 2 2 The Committee presented the following communication, received from the Chief Engineer : -- -- —

NEW YORK, September 23, 1896. Total_ ..................................•....•............ 3r5 591 23 120

To the Honorable the Committee on Construction: GENTLEMEN—For reasons that I verbally made known to you on another occasion, and espe.

cially on account of the character of the material found on the line where we expected to build a deep drain at the northwest end of the Jerome Park Reservoir, I have come to the conclusion that it is proper to build the drain in tunnel instead of doing it in open trench as originally contemplated in the contract. There being no price in the Jerome Park Reservoir contract for tunnel work, it would become necessary to do the aforesaid work under a special contract.

I consequently and respectfully request that you authorize and instruct the Engineer to pre-pare plans and specifications for this work.

As I think it advisable that the same contractor should drive the tunnel and also build the brick structure to be contained therein, the specifications should be so arranged as to cover the entire work, nearly 1,200 feet in length.

The estimated cost of the work is about $t8,000, an amount that I may revise somewhat when the plan is fully elaborated. Yours, respectfully, A. FTELEY, Chief Engineer. —and recommended the adoption of the following resolution :

Requisitions on the Comptroller.—The total amount of requisitions drawn by the Department on the Comptroller during the week is $270,490.66.

FIOWARD PAYSON WILDS, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works.


Operations for the week ending September 26, 1896 : Plans filed for new buildings, ;o ; estimated cost, $673,750 ; plans filed for alterations, 34

estimated cost, $76,695 ; buildings reported for additional means of escape, 47 ; other violations of law reported, 151 ; buildings reported as unsafe, 75 ; violation notices issued, 339 ; fire-escape notices issued, 50 ; unsafe buildings notices issued, 131 ; violation cases forwarded for prosecution, 86 ; complaints lodged with the Department, 54; iron beams, columns, girders, etc., tested, 7,611.

STEVENSON CONSTABLE, Superintendent of Buildings. WILLIAM H. CLASS, Chief Clerk. -



COMMISSIONER OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, 23D AND 24TH WARDS. It .olve,l, Thal the I,rdinanrc relating to the discharge of fireworks in the City of New York septetnb:r 211. 1896. '1'o the tiul)rrvisor of the l u.v Record : he anti the saute is hereby suspended in the territory of One Hundred nm] h'orty-liftlt street, Eighth `tl:—ltt compliance with section 51 of chapter 410 jd the laws of ISS2, the ufiice ul Cuntmis. and Hraihur'.t avenur<, such suspension to continue during 'Tuesday and Wednesday, September

si.lner of Street luy)ruvement: of the '1\\etlty-t Iii n) an,l 1'wenty-lourtIi Wards makes the following 29 to 3o, IS, ph, r.port of its trausactiuus for the week ending Septeluher 24, 1896: AIfupfell l>y the Ro;tr(1 of Al.lermen, September 22, 1896. .A1)1)rovcd by the Mayor, -September

f',rmnils lisue/--I-or sew er con nectiuus, 51 ; for sewer repairs, 2 ; for Croton connectim s, 54: 23, I89!). for Croton repairs, 9 ; for placing building material, to ; for crossing sidewalk with team, 9 ; for he.+ulveil, That permis,inn lie and it is hereby given to It. Iloffntan & Son, of foot of One moving building, 1 ; for miscellaneous purpose., 22 ; ttal. 138. Iitnulred and 'i neniv-llt rd Street, East river, to drive au advertising wagon through I the streets of

I'ul/r, Jloners h'eceized-1'or sewer con tee tion<, $300 ; for restoring pave t!enIS, $72 ; liar! emit, announcing a °(Shur t the Chutes" project ; the same to I)e t title r the direction of the for use of steam roller, $t2 ; total, $384, thief of Police and to continue only for tour Weeks aftee approval by his I loner the Mayor.


and ,Sfeci/iarli,pus.-1ftri'c'<,i--Regulating and giailing One lIundred and Sixty-third :Wrtptcd by the Board of Altlerntrn, September 22, 1896, Approved I,y the Alayor, September s t from Brook avenue to Courtlandt avenue : regulating and gr.)ding Iachson avenue, from 25, 1896. Westchester avenue toliosto ii road ; constructing evrer in Alo~itolu Park tray, South, from \Webster r hems:veil. That pernt is-it tn lie and the same is hereby given to Bergin & (rombie to place

No. Seventh avenue to Jerome aye.'. tie ; constructing sewer in Prospect avenue, from one Ilundrea and Six ty• and keep :t storm-(Ivor at the sole of their premises, 151 avenue, provided the iii men- ninth street to one Hundred and Scvenbeth street. sions shall not e\cee(t those prescrihetl by law, the work to be done at their own expense, under

La iorinr. /' ,r e Lnrpl,ri d rrirrrn, r/ic I1 <<k—I'orenien. 19 ; A.sistaut Foremen, Iq ; Engineer the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such pernlis.iou to continue only during the of Steam Koller, 4 ; Sewer Laborers. 33 ; Laborers, 57S ; Inspector SeoerConnections. I • Tooln!eu, pleasure of the Contnton Council. 12 ; Stahleulan, i ; Truckmeu, 2 ; Oilers, 4 ; tiottnders, 9 ; S\t'eepelr,, 5 ; Carts, 11 ; 'l eams, qo : Adopted by the Board of A](lenucn, September 22, 1896. Approved by the Mayor, September Carpenters, , ; five's, 6 ; Pruner,, 2 : lilacksutILIts' 11ell)eN, 5 : Al.tclain st. I : stoker.;, 2 25, 1896. \1,.u, I ; Cleaner,, .1 : tr~t,tl, 812 --

Total amount aft c1uisitions drawn upon the C(,nt1)(roller dn ring tius reic, $79,829.02. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. i'O1.ICE DEPAR'r\II%'NT, Respectfully, i.tIL IS 1. 11.\1 I i- N, Commis ioncr. -- - - c'e,rtral Once. S IATI:.M EN l' IIt (lilt to UUR5 DURING No. 3oo Mulberry street,9A. am. to4P.hl.

- ---- - "-" - - -- - which the Public Offices in the City are open for 'rut ontRi= P.rnc;r•viii, President ; AvERY D. AN_ APPROVED PAPERS. business, and at which the Courts regularly open and utietcs,FREUEiitct:D.(,RAN•r and A,utEwl).PAIisER,

't_ , fi', Webster

1 St L m 1~ t. o}t-ed, }Fiat hater-nlai us It 1, it (i in (Ii c I Lundre(l and: 1•:ihh t} -thir( t adjourn, as well as of the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held ; together with the heads

Commissioners; WH.itAM H, Kurt', Chief Clerk ; T. F. RoDENaomuH, Chief of Bureau of Elections,

avenue to a point abut four hundred led it C t, in accordance it ittl section 356 0l the New \ oils of Departments and Courts : -- City Consolidation Act of 1882, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF EDUCATION.

-\dopted try the Board of Aldermen, September 8, IS96. Approved l)y the Mayor, September . :1layor's O kce. No. 146 (rand street, corner of 1(Im street.

^ I C 6. _1, No. 6 City Hall, 9 A. It. to 5 P. ii.; Saturdays, 9 RontsT Diet A.), President; AmcrmicR MCMULLIN, Clerk.

hescilied, That water-mains be laic] in \' ill :a avenue, between Southern Boulevard and 1 otter ~ t. nt. to Is nt. WILLIAM L. STRONG, Mayor, JOB E. HEDGES, ----

place, in accordance with the provisions of s_ctiun J56 of the NCty York City Consolidation Act of I Secretary and Chief Clerk. I DEPARTMENT O1 CHARITIES.

IS82. Adopted bythe Board of Aldermen, September S, 15 6. Approved b y ' • p the Mayor, Se tenllter p' 9

dlaror's .11jrshal's Office, Cenhal No. I City Hall, g A. nl. to 4 P, M1,

Office. hlo.

P. 66 Third avenue, corner Eleventh street, 9 A. M.

to At pY, 21, 11196.

EDWARD H. HEAL First Mars hal. JOHN I. BRENNAN, Second Marshal.

4 - SILAS C. CRor'r, President; JOHN P. FAm:ams and

Resolved, That the ordinance relating to the discharge of Ille\forks in the City of Nets' York be JAMES R. O'BEIRNE, Commissioners; H. G, WEAVER, and the same is hereby suspended so far as the santc applies to the Democratic political meeting to AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS.

Secretary. Purchasing Agent, Ger. \1'. \v li ; W. A. be held : t the corner of Hudson street anll tit. Luke's place on \Cednesday, tie ,tember 18 6, 1 I '-j. 9 Room tog Stewart I uilding. th floor, 9:\, n!, to a r. At,


it or.s. 1'atcE, Genera] Boo'<keeper and Auditor. Opice hours,


Adopted U}' the Board of :\ldcrmen, Sel)temher 2^, ISg6. Approved by the \layer, September JAMES DUANE, I'resident; JOHN J. 1ucKER; H. W. C:\\5u\, GEo!tGE W:\t.rns GREe~', and 11tE 9 A. so 4 d u. ; Saturdays, ma a . C n.

^ --, iS96• M AYOR, Cosmm TROLLER and C,mtaussto5Er. uF PUBLIC Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and

'J Resolved, flat tc'r111155ioll be ;Intl the same IS hum c uts t~l\'en to the Neu \(n'1: .\lornitl. 1pairs ww'ork:s, e-rofficio, Commissioners; EDWARD L. ALLEN', an d for ~e alid \l aterian Building, Re- rs and Supplies, Bills and accotmts, q .,

, ,9

Tourn:il '• to extend their frame screen over the Sid Crcall< a disrtnce of eighteen fee' in trout of the secretary, A. FrELEr, Chief Engineer, banlydays, to ", Abington hotel, for the purpo-c of using a stereopticon lantern, the work to be (lone at their ou'n COARD OF ARMORY COMMISSIONERS. Out-Door Poor Department. Office hours, 8.30 AM. expense, under the direction of the Cc mint stoner of public. \\ orks ; such permission to Co!ltinuc i tie \I AS'O R, t'hairman ; YRESI DI \l' OF Den .41:1'.11 F.NT tO 4'30 i it, WILLIAM BLAF:E, Superintendent. En.

Eleventh trance on street, otll\ - until Noveuther i;, iSy6. )P '1'Axcs ,AND Assess?tet"rs, Secretary.

\(lopted by the board of .\lder;ncit tiel,tentber 22. ISy6. approved by the'tlaiur, Septenli,er Address EDWARD P. ittii:ER. Stewart building. M. tc, 4 %1.; Saturdays, 9 A. Ia, t0 Oice hours, A. vr Of , 9 . DEPART\IF:N'1' OF (i 01

__, IS96. ' ere y relating to the discharge of tireolla be and the same i5 hb Resolved,

• 'flint the ordinance w

iz +t Central 1?t1ce. No, 148 Fast 'I\ventieth street, \ : • v. to 4 t'. L e

sit pender1 on in t avenue, between Ei,ht -fourth and Lights filth streets, for the evening of'I.'ues- b Y COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNT'S, LIPS, Secretary ;CHAR Les BEv~, (,eneral Bookkeeper R,Secr J. ;CHAR Commissioner; ARTnt'R eeper

y ` Roonms (lav, eptember = , 1896. I14 and lTS, Stewart Building, 9 A. st. tO 4 P, \l. and Auditor; CIIAta.!;s 6TFIsnt Rc, Purchasing Agent, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 22, IS96, Approved by the Uasci, Septeluber SETH SI-14AUUE'1'ERRr:.nd Ruu.EY S. DE'it.,

__. t' q6. CO\I]1ON COUNCIL, FIRE DEPARTMENT. Office hours for all, except where otherwise Iwted, Resohe(I, That te!mission be and the same is hiiebc iv en to the General Conlntittee of Office ofCl,'/ t/ Cannon Council, from g A. nt. to 4 V. L ; Saturdays, :,I.

Tammany } f all to erect three se tarate stands on the sidewalks, the i o•tert •-owner,' permission 1 1 t y 1 No. 8 City Hall, 9 A. at. to 4 P. nt, /Ir,r,t~aarrers.


li: air !a t, been ;il ea(iy secured, one ~talld In front of Na. I20 East 1' out '[Cettth street, one in 11'Ont of lotto iiiiJcru Hu .1c L vckres, nt Board of on Council \\'ILLIA.II H. '1'E~ Li c m Clerk Common Council. Noy. I~7 and 150 East Sixty-seventh street.

No. Ito East Fourteenth street, and one on the vcent side of Irving place, fifty feet north of the Jinn:s R, Sit :Feocln, . Pre,idcot ; O, H. L.A c:r.Asce

Fourteenth street building line, the ]York to be done at its own ex sense, under the direction of the a l DEPARTMENT c1F PGBLIC Vi ORKS. ' tars. and AS STURGIs, Commissit-ners; C:uu. Joss EN,

Secretary. Couunissionerof PuUlic \\'m his; such pernns;ion to continue only until ~eptelnbcr ,o, 1896. No. i5o Nassau street, A. n!. to P. ti 9 4 Ho Bctorof Chief of L.H LL1IER_

\•loptetl by the Board of .1ldernun, September .2, t8g6, Approved by the \laver, September CH:\RLE~ H. Cossio n er (m7t Hor,. Utj s.

PA,'so. D puts commissioner I,17ch FIooY. I hAY, Ins ector of Cnmbustihles; \1.gxnN L.'rER, In

p 23. tS9b. HENRY DI,ISF, Chief Clerk mph Floor), Firebt1. E FtpDLnte dent f5 to Ala rm

Tent ; I. ELLtoT Sstrrl!, Superintendent of Fire Alarm Resolved, That the ordinance relative to the discharge of fireworks in the City of New \ Ol'li GEORGE W. 1'IRDS:ILL, Chief Engineer . i7th Floor) I 'Telegraph,

be gild the anunc is hereby suspended so far as it applies to the 'I'mini-ha', hall rna5J Illeetitl, olt Se ,telnUer1596, to lie hel(I in I uurteen[h street, Uehceen and I'ourdt avenues

Co!-uvui s t), Jo ii soN. Water Register fist Floor) ; Hum. Loughs, Engineer In Charge of 1,ewers (17th Central Office open at all hours.

"1`lurd 1 29. (Irving Floor Joe` C. (HAHAII, Superintendent of Repairs ;

HEALTH DLPARTAII NT, place), and to Upton Square, oil the date ahovc mentioned. and Supplies ,7th Floor) ; EDuARm P. Nol::'H, Water New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, 9 A. M. Adopted by the Boarti of Aldermen. September 22, 1896. Approved by the \Livof, SePlember Purveyor Easement) ; SrerHEa McCor+uctc, Superin-Ito 4 P. Al.

2~' 1596' tendetlt of Lamps and Igas (2zd Floor) • Jon\ 5nrrs ic, Superintendent of Streets and Roads (171h CHARLcs G. Wit soN, President, and GEORGE B,

Resolved, That permission lie and the a!ne i.; hereby icon to leronicA. C) Connell, 1'rinci )al It 1 a 1 Floor] i taim Hes nien of Inc in cr FOWLER, M. I)., the PREIII) :Nr 01111E Pot.trlt l;o:\RD,

of 1 s euing "ehool Na. S5 to place and beef, a [rausparcne)' vtnuuncin,, the upenin~ of said school, Si,L

prances (L'asemcnu ; i i sasos I isci, Consulting (B;L of/rcro, and the HE:vt:rII OFFICER of 'rnE Porl', e.r

ofrro, Commissioners ; EN-ONS CLARK, Secretarl-, Oil the lamp-post oil the 5L)litheast cornet- OI Third avenue and One llulldrec} mid Eighteenth street, Engineer and in charge of Street Improvements (i7th

the 'cork to be dune at Lis on n expense, tinder the direction of the Commissioner of public Works ; Floor,. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. s,Iai permission to routiuuc only fur two \\'ecla from the date of approval Uy his I [ouor the \Llcor. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING..

Arsenal Building, Central Park, 9 A. Si to 4 V. Saturdays ,tz+I.

\ ]opted Uc the liolyd of Aldermen, ptember 22, 1596. _\pproced by the \la),)r, 'whiten-L•er No,aa Fourth avenue, corner of Eighteenth street, S. V. R.l RUGP.It, President tintrrH ELM, \VILLt:\tl A. 23. 15b6. s .A %1, to 4 !•, am. I STILES and 5:1\II' Fl. Mc iItLL:\N, Commissioners

Resolved, That the ordinance relating to the discharge of fireworks in the City of New York STr.` Esx's CONSTaute, Superintenucnt. \ViLLiAx Lr;.atrv, Secretary. Lc and the• saute is hereby suspended so far as the same applies to the political meeting of the DEP.1R"C11EK'I' OF STREET IDIPROVF.ilIF.S'1'S. DEYAR'1'MEN"1' OF DOCKS. flu malt N1urray -'s. ociation in Ttcenta-eighth street, ILet\\ een Tenth and Eleventh avenues, on the T\\ E.T\'-'i 051) n..0 'list c.T\'-EoeaTH WAr:Ds. I:attery, Pier A, North river, evening of September 28, IS96. No. adm'1 herd avenue, northeast corner of One Hun- ED\v.SRD C. (i'13RI'Ev, President ; Euwix EInsrE!:.•

Adopted by the Bo:jrd of Aldermen, Scptember 22, 1896. .-\pproved by the Mayor, September dred and Forty-first street. Office hours, 9 A, into 4 and Jous Jiosxv, Commissioners ; GEORGE S. TERRY, 2~, tSgb

P. 11. ; aaturday's, Is Ni. Cods F. HAFrex, Commissioner; JACOB SE.4uoLD,

Secretary. Office hours, 5 A. ii, to 4 1•.'t,

Resolved, That the ordinance relating to the discharge of fireworks iu the City of Ness fork Deputy Commissioner: JcsEi!t P. HEaaEss', Secre• be:utd the same i hereby suspended so far as the same applies to the open -air tweeting of the tar)' rlVANCE IiEPAR'I' MI' N'1'. DEteARTM,EdingOFTA ol 4r~ aturd .D ys~ lls.t,S. Pequod Clul; iu lit est) -Mill street, between Seventh an (1 Eighth avenues, un the evening of La,,,ptr /t Office [fces 1itt'A,iu P. BARRE , President ; JA ME', I.. WELLS September 25, 1596. N,,, us Siewart Building, Chambers street and P,I•road- and THEo. Sit nit, Commissioners ; C. kocictaa u'l'vao,

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen. September 22, 1896. Approved by the Mayor, September ~'ay , 9 5-• ii- to 4 r. M. Secretary. 2j, IJ96 • ASHI',EL P. t'ITi1I, Comptroller; WILLIAM J. LYON,

Resolved, That perutissiou be and th e sine is her_•hv 'limit to the -Ninth Assembly District Deputy Comptroller; Eu R c" J. LE vev, Assistant Deputy Comptroller.


T.amtalany Hall ()rganizatior, to elect a `talld cut I \Vent\-hfth street, one llllndrel tee', cast of -i3ltlt tl ,%ç Ritreau. Hr-sir',' S. KEARNY, JACOU Hess, and 'l'HOtmas L. Eighth 1 avenue, for t}ie purpose of hol(lin•g an open-a it myelin„ the work to bi done at titeit- ow- ti "`• 19 2T and 23 Stewart Building, Chambers street . HAMILTON, and the NlAvol, ex o(/c/a, Commissioners. expense, under the direction of the Cotntnis,Ioner of Public Vi oil ; such permission to coatiutte '1O, 1 rc jd\~ ti Dust s:r,First lAuditor. DEPART\IE\'F OF STREET CLE:INING, only from Septe tem mber 24 to Sepber 26, IS96. 1'Re0's L. \\", SCHAFFNER, Second Auditor. No. 32 Chambers street. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4

Adopted by the Bard } of Aldermen, September 22, iSg6. Approved by the Mayor, Sep'.elnber FRED'R J. BRETI MA`, 7 hird Auditor. m. a. 25, 1896• 8;neau/or Cite C,Ilectrou o/ :Isscssnieursaud.-Irrears GEORGE E. \VARING, Jr., Commissioner; F. H.

Resolled, That permision be and the same is hereby given to Trustees of Grammar School ,/ 7~ises and .Jssessureuts and of bSater F twts.

Nos, ;7 and Stewart Building, Chambers ;i, 33, 3;, Gtrssox, Deputy Commissioner; THos. A. DoE, Chief Clerk,

No. 16 to place and keep a transparency on the following latttp-post : Abingdon Square and (lank street and Broadway, 9 A. M. to 4 I• ii. street, the work to be Clone at their olvH expense. cutler th's direction of the Commissioner of ED,vA,a. t=1LON, Collector of Assessments and Clerk CIVIL SERVICE SUPERVINORY AND EXAMIN- Public \Works ; -uch permission to continue only during the term of the evettin}; school for the f.arrears.

No money received after - P. At. ING BOARDS.

winter of I896 and 1897. ' Bureau /or t re Collection :/ City Revenue and o/ Criminal Court Building, Centre street, between

Franklin and White streets, g A. %I. to 4 P, P.M. Adopted hi the board of Aidernten, 'a ptewber 22, 18.6, A 1proved by the \la 'or Se tentber 1 ~ f p al,:,/.•ets. LVF RET'1' P. WHEELER, THOMAS SIL•RGIS \\'. 23, IS96, Nos. i and 3 Stewart Building, Chambers street and BAv4R0 Cu'i rix(;, C. W. WATSON and J VAN VEIHTEN

Resolved, That peruti0sion be and the same is hereby given to the 'l'ttomas Murray Associa- of the City Revenue and Broadway, o

11R A. nt. to 4 P. ,t,

Daclu 0IEN, Collector OLCOTT, Members of the Supervisory Board. Lion to erect, place and keep a \vooclen stand for the purpose of holding an open-air political 1 Superintendent .,f 11ar4: ems , BOARD OF ESTULATE A_VDAPPOR1'ION1iENT, meeting in front of No. 5to \\"est Twenty-eighth street, on September 28, 1896, provided the said No money received after a r. AT. 1'he 'Os', on Chairman ; E. P. BAttKER (President, Thomas Murray removes said stand immediately after said meeting, the work to be clone at their : n'ureau /ar the i;ollectron of Taxes.

No. Chambers street and No, 35 Reade street, 57 Department of ']axes and Assessments), Secretary; p'

owe expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public \Yorks ; such permission to con- Stett'art Buildm M. to 4 P, - y :\. ' i the CumiTROLLFR, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF

tinue only until September 29, iog6, D \\'!u E. Ac sins., Receiver of 'Taxes ; JotiN J. I ALDER;•IEN, and the COUNSEL TO THE CORPORATION,

Members; CHARLES V. 1DEE, Clerk. Adopted bythe Board of Aldermen, Se tentber 22. 18 6. 1 roved bythe Mayor, Se tember I p P 9 pp y 1 McDusorOH, Deputy Re.eit er of Taxes.

21, IS96. No money received after 2 r. tit. rlrrrean of the City uraniberlain.

Officets, of Clerk, Department of Taxes and Assess. nests, Stewart Building. _

Resolved, That the ordinance relating to the discharge of fireworks in the City of New York Nos. 24 and 07 Stewart Building, Chambers street and BOARD OF ASSESSORS. be and the same is hereby suspended in Ninety-ninth street, between Columbus and Amsterdam Broadway, 9 A.M. to 4 P. iI,

\IcCl ,os, City Chamberlain. A'soa G. Office, 27 Chambers street, 9 A.At. to 4 P M.

avenues, and in Ninety•slxth street, between Columbus avenue and Central I ark, \\ rest, for the , Ofice <,ftier Crty tayntaster, THOMAS J. Rt-sH, Chairman ; P. M. HAS ERTY,

evening of \\ ednest ay, Septenlb'r'23, 1'896, No.33 Reade street, Stewart Budd)ng, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Jo,IN W. JAeoucs, EDWARD McLeE, Assessors; Wnl, H. JASPER, Secretary,

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 22, 1896. Approved by the Mayor, September I JcriN H. TutacR`!'s`, City Paymaster. ,__

23, 1896. SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the McKinley and Iiobart LAW DEPARTMENT. Nos. 6 and 7 New County Court-house, 9 to 4 P.M.

Campaign Club of Woolllalvn to suspend a banner across Two Hundred and Thirty-third street, Ofee of the Counsel to tyre Corpararion. EDWARD J.H. TAs,SEN, Sheriff t HENRY H. SHERMAN,

near t erio avenue, in front of the premises of Roemer & Son, the work to be done at its own Stoats Zeitung Building, dilrd and fourth floors, 9 e 1 t. ro

Under Sheriff,

expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Ina rovements Twenty-third and p I I Y' r. nI. ; 5a 'r. Coon, t

the FRANcts M. bcorT, Counsel to Corporation. I p

REGISTER'S OFFiCP:, Twenty-fourth W'ards', such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common ANDREW "1'. C.aatrnmsi,i., Chief Clerk. Fast side City Hall Park, 9 A. M. to 4 P. nt.

Council. Once oft/me Corporation Attorney. WILLIA\I Son+!eR, Register; JOHN VON GLAVIN, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 22, [896. Approved by the Mayor, September

'o• Ir9 Nassau street, q A, tL to 4 P. Si. G Eoec

E W. L\'ov, Corporation Attorney.

Deputy Register.

23, 1896. Office ofAttorney/or CollectionofArrearso/Personal COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Resolved, That the resolution granting permission to the Johnson Subway Trolley Company, la.res. Room 127, Stewart Building, Chambers street and

which was approved November 26, 1895, be and the same is hereby extended until October 31, . Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street, Broadway,9 A. at. to 4 r, nt. 9 .\. Al. to 4 P. Dl, WILLIAM 1 LI%ILEY, Commissioner; P. H. DUNK,

1896. i Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, September 22, 1896. Approved by the Mayor, September

ROBERT GRIER \1oxirE, Attorney. MICHAEL J. DouoHER rv, Clerk.

Deputy Commissioner. —

2j, IS g6. Bureau 0/Street Openi,rys. N. Y. COUN'T'Y JAIL.

Resolved, `That the ordinance relating to the discharge of fireworks in the City of New Work Nos. yo and 9a West Broadway.

Joins P. DcNN and Hm tRY DE FoREsr BALDWIN, No, 7o Ludlow street, 9 A. to 4 P. 51.

WILLIAat J. RowE, Warden, lie and the same i, hereby suspended in the territory bounded between Nos. 15 and 21 \Vesst Nine- Assistants to the Counsel to the Corporation.

teelth street ; such permission to continue only on Thursday evening, September 24, 1896. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE.

Adopted bythe Bard of Aldermen September 22, 18 6. Approved bythe Mayor, septembe: p o - P 9 Y > No. nf~~ Nassau street, 9 A,n),to4 r. n!. Nos,yand8NewCounty unty house,gA, J Sc4P,m. Mini ins D. PcRuov, County Clerk; P. J. SCULLV,

23, 1896, WILLIAM M. Hoes. Public Administrator. Deputy County Clerk.



UI t71t1(:'1' A I TI )RN 1:\'S OP'I ICE, -_-Josef a P. FALLON, Justice. 1Vtr.LIAnr J. Ketxunhv, more or Irss, as it winds and turns to its intersec- In cave the party who is tilt- highest bidder loos not.

Nets (;riminal Court Building, Centre Street, 9 A. m. Clerk. ton with the ea terly t- tension r.f the so Itl+- prnr eed with tilt w+ rk if filling in to the -:rtr 5Lt<tiou of

t'l 4 t'• vt• I Clerk's office open rattly from 9 A. u. to 4 r. N+. erly •ideal West 'l w, , Il+mdred:md 1•:r;htei-nth stre,•t,.~s i the lir,:trd of it .,r Is, ill, - oatd Il and will : t ine proceed

lnnv R. Fl•.r.t.ows, Di-tt'ict Attorney ; HE.NRY W. 'Tenth District—Twetny-third and Twenty-fourth .shown on the :rfores:ti+l nu file in n+, Department of to Iuwe the fillim;-in dnm• by +ahr-r parties to su _h way 1'N.;IR, Chief Clerk. Wards. Court-room, corner of 'Third avenue and One Public Works said intersec[ian hcu+g distant about r{o and to rnuer as it minis prr,l,cr.

Hundred and Fifty -ci_ihth.treet. Get easterly fi'utu the ea'tcrly line of Ninth n. enue; Tote An: ti,rnccr'. Icr 1, .+-q for lillint m ~m the said

'1'FIF: CI'T'Y RI:COI:D OFF (ill cc hours Iron ,~ +., al, to p r. xt. Court opens at thr:uce ca=tr•rly ii tub. >aid southerly si I ..f \'n I ~caiu•r mua he p;ti~l by tic hi;ei+est LiJdr•r thereon at And Rurcau o/ Prirtlip •<, Stalionei y re urr/Plot u/. Books. 9 A. At. Iwo Hundred and I•• gilt—nth surer t .xtr nderl ;a5 the [in+,• +•t 'ail"

I•;i ti'sIIiIN, No .z City 1-[all, 9 .%. At. to 5 t,. +t., except Saturdays, Writ .[AST (; \IkCr•,I I, Justice, \Vat. IL Ci:i TA[\F, fee•, m~n'c or lc<s to thr• aforesaid pier:i +d and F:U\V:\RI) l;. 0'1/I(11C N, IC I)'A IN nn which days 9 ac. to 12 at. Clerk bulkhe 'ii live est-ahlisheli by tare Secretary rd War in fill -I N 1i( )N KS, ( 'uunni,sin.. cr. ,d iii Department of

its A, Si.Ficur[r, Super% is or; Tit 1514s C. Co%VF.I, ., li h: venth Di." rici—I iventy-second Vs rd, and it ill that I t +,+ ; thence southerly al nn, paid pi._rbcud and bulk- II I. Deputy Supervisor :rod Accountant ; Hrsav \Ichltt,- portion of the '1 elfth Ward which is bounded is it,, lice i tine 3s8 li et 5'i inch, s, it re + r I s, to tl'e poi n: Ii:u,d N in Yulu;. sc{acn+L,.r z.i, rfq• cF x, I )eputy Supervisor and I-.xpert. north be the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth nr pace of beginning; ; the said describe,l area contain- -

-- street on the soutit he the ccnere line of Eighty-sixth ing 56,275 squ:u'e feet. TO CON •1`I5:\C IUl +, (\n, X41.)

L•;XAMI51N( it)A1d1) OF 111 PTLIsRS. trcet,nt the cast I theccntre lineut 's ii avenue, 1'ttitats axn Cusn['rriN;s of "til': PROPOSALS FOR I,:iLI PEA 1'ES i(lid I'ItI.P.-\R-

Nu.3:: Chambers street. and oil the wcst by tlte.North river. Cuuc't coon No The premises must be taken in the condition in which 1NG FOR AN I1 It I:1'A1 RI \I ; A Nil I:\I i Ni r.

JO)is Yin e. Chairman; Juan—it M. Alout<ow, Snore- g r'3 1;i,ghth avenue, Court open daily (Sundays and commencement m e they may lie at the comenceent of the ter of tire INCING A R'IION 1111( Ii kid Al THh U OF Cary ; Jnatrs I'. KNr( tor, I'rea firer, legal liar idays excepted) from 9 A. AT. l0 4 P. rots lease, and no claim or demand that the premises or H 1 IIP A Iis L' ONI•: Ilk N ilk Fi l :IN

I,»n•:s A. O'(1or,Il,t S. J list IC. J,,:nt C., J. G:ILLIGAS, property are not in suitable and t nantal,lc condition at '('Hl li'i'1'-Fl k's I' S FR I'.0 I', Nil RIii RIV lid , Clerk the commencement Of the term will be allowed by this


Pier CORONERS' ()FFIC n. tint of the Twenty- fumy h — ricl—All e ut and winch

Deuartm air repairing :did evtenr6n a portnm of the at New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, open Word which was lately annexed to the City and County All repairs, maintaining or rebuilding required or tile foot of \Vest one Hunrire I and I'hirt y-t'rst >trect,

constantly. of Now York by chaplet- 931 r,f the Laws of tt~5, com- necessary to be done to or upon the premises, or any t'orth ricer, will be received by the Board of Com- Enw:aRu Frrzr:w'e[c K, Wll.r.innt H. fronts, E>tn. 'n Trrisin~ all of trc late'I'own of Westche ter and part of part thereof, or stntcu+res en:ete I thereon, d,trmg the mi;sioners at the head ut the Ii e pa rt'nent of Locks,

W. Ilnrhrx and 1 n, Cii r. orind., Coroners; Co- leo ftli file 'I'+suns of Ra•tche. cr and I i.lh:un, i++cluding the continnancc of the term of the lease, shall be done I at the ollicc of said Lepartnrrnt, on Pier "A " font of iv., Rn F. Revr:o).ns, Clerk oft Board of Coroners. Villago.. of 1Cakr field and AV iII, :unsbrid •u. Court-room, b b ' and ; t the cost and ex cif of the lessee or ur- 1 P P y of New York, Ratte ry pined, Aorth ricer, rn the City

"Toren IL.11, Alain street, W—tch,ster Village. Court chaser. until rzu'clack %I. of SUR I'Ii5' COURT. l ou

New County Courrtt -house, Court opens at 10,30 n, nt.; opcu daily lS: udays:u d ic;;al I.+,livays excepted , from I Nu claim or demand will be con .s lit ered or allowed by TUESDAY, OC11)b'1•;R t-3• t8g6, :, the Department for :wy loss or dcprication of wharfage at which time and piece the estimates will be publicly

adinurns 4

F. nt. c RE, nAu ❑ N', AR%, tt', Ju-[i.:e. Jnuy N . Sn<+ctrr or otherwise, resulting from or occasioned by :uty delay opened by the head nl said Department. ' I'he it Fnntvs "C Flrrc::r..v.n and Jour% H, V. ARNOLD,. ur- CL•rk, ou account nr by reason of the premises, ur any part iii contrrct, it aw:u'ded, ,iii be nr:rde:+» soon a s prac-

rogates ; WILLIAM V, Lr:NRv, Chief Clerks Thirteenth Dii pau't of Twelfth Ward. •.,f y repairs, thereat, being o-upied fur ur on account an usa ble after the opening of the hills. --- (In,'

ict—Nl ,' H rrn und 'I\vty-sixth Cou m corner rner r t (In,' Hred and r:n rebuilding or dredgin g. Any penun making nn e-timate fur the work

APPEI,i.ATE UIVI 1ON, SUPREME COURT. street auri C lumI s avenue. Co urt open uz- daily ;tit The upset'price of the parcelsor premises exposed or shall Iitr++iSli the s:mtcin asc'dcd envciore to sill(] hoard, Court-house, No. ii r Fifth ace,, tie, tze, corner Ei teenth u i, at front 10 a. 5,. to r'. >r

olidas epte+l),o r 4 . days and ii-gal h y e :utcttoeer at for sale will be attnccd by tire n offered nuo ;aid office, on or befi,re the dnv and hoer above mote 1, street. Court Opens at r v. m. JAnta. P. LAi csr,lr:-r, Justice Au+u.t•u N. Ucnta- tine time of .ale, s i ci e livclopi, shall lie iudor<ed with the name or

Ilns'l, Clerk. at Lot No. t, 'Tile Departwent will do all it ir);iog names of the person or persons presenting the s:, re, Cr .,, H. VAN r. Presiding Justice ; Cr:oren sB r I i,hrr C. L'nrzar:ra', P.tRuov C. WILLIAMS, EDWARD P I MR- whenever it s,, all deem it necessary or toy tile su to the date of its presentation, and a statement of the nos, ➢ Iurr,.tN J. U'I1rtFN, Grorcx L. INGRAIInnt, C1IV 11AGISTRATES' COURTS. do, and the Ics,ecs +,f Lot No. z will be requi:e-.I, at ii ark to which it relates. WIct.iA.%I Rr uuea'. ALeoeu WAc rnrr, Clerk; W6t. Cily :7l rS rstr,r tone—Lhruv B. Cons r:, Rrlhr: CT C. all times during the tern• of the fins ses, of an

hall rk bidder to whom the award is made shall give

L tMMP, Jr., Deputy Clerk. Curtarr.t., l.nnit[.rs F:. Su+sr',, Jr., Hrs t;v E. (lieu',',. rem wall thereon, to keep the slips adiaceut to a security for the faithful perfornruree of the co , in CGtne[.rs A. Fr.Avvn:rs, Hu ni+As C., Josr[ril M. land under water, or structures erected thereon, well and the mmiuer prescribed and required b}• ordinance, in

sUPRF:PTI•. COURT. Dz•:rt - t., Jots O. IIui i Ii Ms F. Wtcsttc otrtzn. su111wiln tly dred4ed. the guru of Four Chous:ua Dollar,. County Court-hnusc, ro ;n 1. nt. to 4 P. M. The term tic which leases the sold will continence at '1' he En loco'. estim:+te of the nuturc, quanutie~ and Special Term, fart I.o :~ N. rz,

JOH N s•'1 cunt- I s, Secretar}•. lllfice of Secretar •, fifth District Police Court, One } t the date mentioned in the advertisement, :and the rents extent of the work fellums :

fI co

Sped ial Tenn, fart f 1 . Room No. t-5. mod e. nnd'L'went}•-first street and H F g. t place. kilo first therefor will be payable Irum that date m eachcas I. Rr+nuval of ohrl Fender-piles and I; ckmg Lass and d Fe

First district—(runnel Court I:uilefing, each case. talon); up I rcw:nt Pavement. Special Term, Par t I11, Room No. t-9, Special Term, a t -IV , Raom No. n. Second District—leflerson Market. L'acli /rercdrtaer o/ a bast- :rill A, rrlui,-ed, at- tlrr

To t:r 1•ir,-nr'.rI I /,t the I).p•n ime", rj !)o:ks. Speci:d 'Perm, i'an V., Room No zg. Third District—No. 6+_, I•asex street. tint-• rf the anir, to /:a), ill rrrtititinrr to the rt uc f'<,na•r's

Yelln,c I ire I oilier, tz", shoot 94,924 fe=h 2, rz"x V . Special 'term, fart A 1., I.1oom No. et-. Foer[h District—Flit eventh St ree t, near Lexin_ton )'-` fees f. l fie. -

ea to fke Ue rtrtutr,rtn - /locks, tm,vdi-/ire• r c,vrt. Pine I intber,

avenue. olike•turorrxtn rzmuutl e, yr t Lid, ac sccarity.nor the l It. AI., mcastn-ed in the work ; Yellow in the work Special Term, Part VII I, Loom

Tcrm, No V I11 , Itonm \0.34 p

Fit[h District--slot- Hundred and 'I'aecnt first street, }' _ ezccutiun of file lease, which twcnt flee ,cr cent. (s_41 exec

} 1 zo" x zo about z; feet, 1 . AI., measured .9 Yellow Pico 'Ii•ni,er, 8 1 r Icct, B. fins Iria lal ci i

Trial ~I'cnn, Part I L, Edo \u, t6. srnttheash: rn confer u; tiylc:m plied. will be appi:eci lu the payment of file rent lira ~crruing x r6r', about 7 , Roe Timber, 8 r x t5

'I'rial'I en,,, P:,rt 111 Von t7. ,Room Sixth District—lone Ilundrerl and Filty-eighth street under the lease when executed, or will be forfeited to measured it the work; Yellow Yellow

'Trial 'term, fart IV., Roout No, t-3. and I hird avenue. the Department if the purchaser negle_cts ur refuses to about z,r6o feet, i; 11., mu+sur_d in the w irk ; I ll., nl

V., Room No. ---_.-- _.. __ _ ___-- -- - -...- -- _— - execute the lease, with good and sulfcient surety or P'+ e I nnber, S'r x r z'r, about 864 feet, n ensure Trial

I Lcon, fart 32.

sn reties, tube approved by the Department, within ten


-7 in rl,c w rk t 1 r Ilow (tine 1'mi +,Lt- 5" x to", ab ,ut tc 1 rial Te m, Part V: , Roonr Nn. 3r.

being that the lease is and days after uotilicd prepared 'Ciml;• Net, It. \I. , me. sure(] in the iv- rk; Veil ,w line r, I'rial'Ierm, I'a a VII., Roont No 3o, BOARD OF EDUCATION. x ]I"• :,bout tya fact-. li. NI„ meaotned nit the work; 7'' trial 'I'erm, Part VIII., Room No 24. ready for execution at the once of the Department of

S 1 It he of I 1 iii clion ne e:, 7't- x t,rr, arbour , Trial Term, Part X., Rront No, z3. TO TIIF: YL"131.I C,

Docks, Tier" A," North river, Battery place. in, a -tuurI in the v. o'I. ; Yellore Yine limber, 5't- x to"•

"Trial 9'crm, P;+rt IX.. Room Nozz. SL II((( II. 1OO\Is 1'1 :1\ hNa) 1 0 K A 1' The Department expressly rescrves the right momesell

lease bid off, by those failing, rc(using the or premises III rut a3, 3t7 fr,ct, I. Al-, nu•as+n'o I ill the a+ irk— I. tai, Name:dizatinn Bureau, Room No, z6.

Al ( INC Ii, or neglecting to comply until these terms and conditions, about 83,779 feet, It. ML, measured in the work. 7nr/d'i—Al'c au: tut R. L.tcvt ii- ccr•-, Genlct: I'. AN.

to be {lahle Limp rip Sr!viii ll r,, eel Ll ing or necicc•llng, N - etc: —lt is the intent+alt offife Ilepartme litot Docks nl:s\\~, 1.11.s I: I.Fs la. 'I nl';,\, (:11 \ F'. 1L\C' N'1H1'% 111911 1111 I1, IlC:1\11Y ()F I RA'•I J(r\R to frunish all the vellum umber r i the above pine Fet,urntco Ssuu -tH, I' sr'-ru F. 1Lmt.v, Pious Ht?ion, l S+- i+ur { Nr N. Ito Ilenry ;uert, to the Corp ration of the City of None York for any

dim requu- d to du th, w ark under these Saeci- - t ens R„ ,r•.rz Put urn, I.rr,':into A. Grelr,r. elcn, Ht,st,v IV, Near I r.+nunar S h I No. 7, corner Best r arch deficiency resulting from ur occasioned by such resale,

by Ilepartmcnt of HI's Iliscunrr, J+nu I. Fru=.utters, Pnr,esn,trr:a, is Jr., Chrysz..e street,. Lessees will lie required to p.p• therr rent quarterly, Belo anti, and it ry ill lie tur+itib•-d the

, n:v.t, dux Sr:ucwtcr., P. I i¢sn:v 1)rctc,r, D:tcin 1IA Near t;ramm:u School N,,. _o, An. r6, . 1'hrestie >:rccI ' in advance, in cuutpli:utce %vitb the turns and conditions Unck, to the e'rntr..ctor. free of charge, to the water or bulkhead at +ne or more on the nn n pier or points 1{t;xr:1. 1t. Y,+ cou:tx, firsrss A. I inLntu<s[.,-.i ii-; Hecey Near Gromrnar Sch: of No. 71, Ni,, z6::orrolls street. of tine lease prepared and :rdoptcd by this Dcparuncnt.

Xnrth r-i runt so tin of Pleat 5evc nay'fifth river watc L. Purzt<r,v, Clerk, Pe weer Grammar rchn 4 No. as, Snantuu street, cot-- In all cases where it is mentioned in the ,,dr-ertise-

street, her,inafter the nontractor is as specified, and tier of Sheriff street, and Gz:unmar School No. 8,1, ment of sale, the purchaser shall be entitl+.d to the Rivingtou and I. wig str, et-. privilege of occupyin- any shed upu I the pierce bulk- to raft it, care for it and u-ansport it to the site of the

COURT OF (1115'ER:1L sI:S',IONS. L'chvecn Primary Sci.eol No• Eighty-eigli head at the coutmcnecmc nt of the term, or that may work :u his otet+ expense and risk. New Criminal Court liuildine, Centre street, Court 4a, ~n-cet ,

I thereafter he pcnnitted or liven=ed by the lie- /b r-r 1, ,,rnistre,i by Ike• Cntlractor. opens at ii o'clock A. 1t. ; adjourns 4 r. nt-

'1'ltird. Primary b,tween is nd mcd au-enues, ;+nd School No.9, No. rgr3 Sscoud avenue. partment, and to the rights att,rclicd to such per- 3, Yellow Pine l'ituber, S'r x 8t- ', :+ bout 3.r95 feet. P.

cs -tc e At.o, Fr Recorder ; nn Fn ti urn 1Y. I;O a R

J between I,sooner Scbad No. 8,, No. za East One : mission or license, but sub Oct to the eondittuns thereof. 61., measured m the work; lelln,e Pute Timber, 6'' x Cmt, tvr„_Ioge%. E. Vatsrvrzcc.lzand flat:- I

I Hundred and 'Tenth sirs el, and Grommet- echo rl No. 1 . ~ such purchaser being en_a,~ed m file hn incss of rz". al+„ut 56{o fern, li. ~I me+=ured in the work: ~t~'t'. A!c'\Lenox fudges. II

' I No, 235 Fast Ilse Hundred and 'Twenty fifths reef. 3y. steam transportation, and using, and employing the Yellow Pure'Fuuber, h'r x 6" ahout 279 6.:. t, H. AL, n+cr=- Juns F. Car. tar.,Ll.. Clerk's Office, to a. +r. to 4 P. It Y,etween (.)ranrmar tichool N, ,. (j,, N inct}•-third street same for the putpuse of regul:uly receiving :rod dis- ureci In the work : 1'Ilow Pine 'I'imbeq 4 t-' x to'. abut

and 'Lmsterrlam avenue, vui i ir;+nuu at- tiehu+.l No. 5}, charging cargo thereat. 34,g04 feet, B, A1., measured in the wyrk : Yellow Yinc l: l'I'1' CUI: K'L', I (Inc Huudrcct and Fourth street and Tenth avenue. Not less tban two sureties, each to be a householder 1 iwLer, .r' x rz'l, about 953 feet, B. ML, m,,a<ured in the

City Hal'.. [ lietwcun Grammar School Nu, 4, No. 203 kin ington or freeholder in the State of New Yurk, to lie approved work; \'n-lh,w Pine 'I'intber, 5'14't, abou' r.31t tent, I3. General Term, Room Nn. zo. street, and Grammar School No. 34, NO. nos Broome by the Board of Docks, will be required under each I NL mc:tsurctI io the wink-- Ibtal, about 4;,722 feet,

frt 1., Room Nc,. zo 'Irial'1'erm, a street. lease to enter into •t bond or obligation, jointly and Vl.. measured in the work. Part 11., R unto N o. zt. Eetwecn Grammar School No, 92, Broome and Ridge I severally, with the lessee, in the sum of double the Nm,rc:.—I he contractor will be required to furnish all Part IIL, Rooni No, is. streets, and Primary School No. zo, 2,0. 187 Broome an mctl rent, for the Illith Intl performance of all the e ycGow pi of any disions other than those Li ne men I art 1 V., Room No. rr. street. covenants and conditions of the lease, 1/it .iaurr.•s art(]I specified in It_m z required to do the work und er this special Term Chambers will be held in Room No. Between Grammar School N+r, 1, No. z3r) East I addresses i/ the sureties to be submitted rut //it tinge of contract.

t•,, le Houston street, and l.:rammar Scho~-I No. 79, No, 38 salt-. Feet, Il. \L, me..sured in the work. - Cl )fiice, Room ~;o. ro, City Hall, A.+t. to 4? e First stn•, I. Each purchaser ceill be required to agree that he will, 4• Sp'-tt::e Tim her, 3't- x to”, abo+lt............ 16,5-c Rouetrr A. VAN W1cl:, Chief _l ustice; jAm~ s At.

ul e I 0 Near Grammar School No. 3z, 'se ntie:h meet and I ttpon ten days' notice so to (lo, execute a lease, with ;• Creu: otcd Yellow Pine Timber, rzrlxtz",

Firs rot F, Jrnt:a H. IOC it, rens , I.r. urn s J. Coul.:w- i F. U'DtnI Fx and Jnrzv P. Scrtccuat,tr,•, J us-

First ave nor•. sutiicicnt surety as aforesaid, in the form no's used by about ................... .... .. ............ 6„6o Fces I lI+-twcen Gra an schooI N,~. 77, First avenue and this Department, a copy of which may be seen and 6. IVhite Oak Timber, 8” x rz~', :.bout.,.,..,,, ,'a8 bees ; ionx ti. A1cGol.m<[ct:, Clerk, I•.ighty-fifth street, and Grammar School No. 96, Eighty- examined upon application to the Secretary, at the 7. White Pine, I efaw Pine, Nor say Pine or

-- first street and :Ave-rue A. office if the Department, l'ier "A," Battery place. Cypress Piles, ................................ tSS

Near lram Ell School Vu, q4, Sixty_etghth street and If this Dc artment rer wires, at an time, an of the It is expected that these piles will hacr to be about CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME


Amsterdam aces e. p` L } } 6o to c.o feet in length to meet the net uir'ments of the I New Criminal Court L'uilding, Centre Court

Rear Primary Depc rtmcnt, Crane mar School No. 6o, said land under water for the pu of b))List g

bulkheads, ( s in, and constr,retim, whan•es, piers, ulkh

sped tica[nins for drivi opens at +o'_ o'clock .t. a[. 1 No. 50, (:nurtlaudt :+venue. docks or either of them, according to and nndcr 8• IV hits Oak Fender-piles, about (,o feet in icng.h.. zS


uhv I .l:.~erut.t., Clerk; to n. ~t. to4 r-at. Jo Near Gramme: ~chuol din, go, One Hundred and tin ell l's,

the ''new then and m that Case, at notice given plan," An'' r - r n, ;. ~rr 9• rd s ~6' , a x zz „" x t-6", o v Sixt}'-lhirel street :wit EaiIc even n•_. by stirl ii urunent to said lessees or their a i;; is, the i

ra1r, 3,;rr x 2zn ;;rr x zc'r aye x t-8", ?y r I x

—sn me s or loft suitable for schoo purposes, peterably lensc shall immediatel terminate and be of no said z6' i.' x rir /l', rurr i r x 9 1 , rr x COC1:"1' OF ~PEC.iAI, tit

\ew Crimtn:d ('ourt e tree,

with iv nutstdr_ -sits and ro~ided with cmitar Laid w;ucr be rem me I to the effect and the ~airl under turf • r "'r end ;?-3't- sR' quan and -y'r ;d (-enure Greet, between

Iii it isdi 1: }'. P y

- nl re•+ for ti an s nuutber child llepartmet r exclusive control and uses of fire said as x 8{'-" round (Pr ou),ht-i o", tiptke- Franklin and White streets, daily, from 9 A. nt. to 4 l,tnt he placedons ;e

(lock 1 Veils, Po inted -spikes and 4o tn Lois, %I. to he placed in the bwle:ing. Buildings must Ire of more particularly set forth in the form of lease above

I.. nt ; Saturday, 9 A. at- Wi fire-pn.oI conslrti„n if over 3i he m height, and uc referred to. abrnu ......................... .. ...... tz,or9 potted:.

res—F: —Pt r: E. H', i tat.e t.t.I 1'aavEks 7u g

I o,s't icd, or susce rtible of die tsion, into r, ours riot less n.. t ti„rr r V4rr to a” and I" R-ro:;ght-iron J..II oi.Iu EPunat.v A. J4col+, JnH:v Hwr•.9, ~V'u-l.tnvt than feet wruc b} ra beet l.ih, cnutaimgg about 600 z8

Noe person will b•_ received as a ressee or surety who fanner lease Crum thus llepart rent Screw-bolts :rod ~YuLs, al out...... .. ; 143

C. Hm.tuauo[:. _— square feet, :mod with sullicicut natural lil;ht to seat it is delinquent on nay

I or the Corporation. rr. AI- rogqht-iron Washers fur t Yr and scholar in any p.,rl thereof: No bid no lit be accepted lroua any person who is in I r %" Sc, o-bolt', allot t .................152

llISTRiC1' CIVIL COURTS. Buildings must he made to comply with the Building arrears to this Deparunent or the Corporation, upon tz. Caa-iron ASashc+s fur t'.ii'r and z" First District—third, Fifth and Eighth Wards,and and 1-le.Jth Laws and be pill ill or,ler at the Crown's debt o rcoutract, or who is a de to ft r as surety ur other S'- rw b - lts, about ...................... r,85y ,.

all that part of the 111"1 lying west of itt e rs rt ChambPro I exp,_nse• wise, upon any „ill ation to this Lc},aruncn tom to the t-3• I oiler -plat, Armatures, al :out-. .. 4,7(8 14. Cast-iron Mnuring-po=ts. about...... r,Soo

,• Court and Whitehall street, Court-room, No. 3z Chambers I Address, station full parlicu!ar- as to location, char- Corporation of the City of "yew York.

~trect. actor ut l :roll rent required. 'II e auctioneer's fees Sz5) on each lot or parcel r . C'ts:-iron Cleats, se m. about 165 Warrtn l u l ALc•iA CLC. 1Ir mars, Clerk. ccope ustice.

l I I Ct)AIN)1Ifist! IIN hUILDINI;~, BOARD t)1'

I I must be paid b}• the purcItassers thereof respectively at pound, ea, b ............. ................... .... 7

Clerk's (ill ice open from 9 A. nl. to 4 P. a+, F',i)(;CA FIOA No. z.;G (>I;utd street. New' York City. the time of sale. r . T. cot i. on I ue-shoes, about ..........4 oz6 pound,. Second Livtrict—Second, Fourth, SI x lhand Fourteenth Dated Nole Y rusts, ( )ctobrr t, t3 .,c. t-7. l llhn •, about ...................nib cubic ya-ds.

VVards,and all that portion of the First Ward lying I)EINSTEIN rS. 1'at+•Ig in Dry Sand loth Oid street south ;rod east of Isr000 way 'and 1ehall . DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS .

1•:U1A'ARD C, U LRIENiner

, EDA1h1N ,

IOH V 3L )NKs ;, Louunt,sos of te eIartntent u( Bl t q streets. Court-room, corner of Grand and Centreetr

ocks aken trout the work, about.. 504 su:+re yard



Docks. z9. Sand for Paving, about.......... 45 cubic y:+rds. PcL're. Justice. P[::to IS AIAxc[s, Clerk, — _ zo. Labor of I'ranuug ❑ nit Carpentry, including all Clerk sxx

Clerk's O(Tice open from 9 a. M. to 41 nt. Ur: r:~trt is F:~ r nr U++crs, lie t: "A." B.a-['rh r:v PLnce, N„ern l:nzctt, Arw Yuw,c, October r8:)rl.

l( I l' C~) lll'VIP AND t, CONI)l 1I(150 OG ((dl moving of Timber, J':into, flanking, Molting, Spikin„

Third District—cinch and Fifteenth Vyards, Court- room, southwest corner Sixth avenue and West Tenth ~1•;A1'I5 J. I'HILL(PS, AtiCl'I(JNF:1C1:, WILL

01,1) FILL IN I'O /Fl SO LD IIV AVf)ODRtlA1'

UN '1'U P.511(1

Pamtiug, tarring, labor descrip- Oiling or and of every tir. n.

N. ort open daily (Sundays and legal holid a}'s street. C u sell at public auction, at Pier ” A „ flattery place, II ; Nov IS, AUCTION F:ERS, , R.—As the above-mentioned gnant+t:^_s. though excepted) Irnm 9 A. Si. 4 r. nt. in the Cit of few York, on }'

t)(:'1'(11 E:R t-3, r8n6, Al z U'CLr Cl'.,I ~t., A'1' alit , stated with as much acpu-acy as- is puss it-, nil ii

W,.t, F. M,mOn et J ce

, DANS. A Clerk. t-4, 1896, 'PIP PIER ' A " 11)E P (RI : N I' OF I )OCCS, I area roximate onl bid ;Ors arc req uired to submit PV Y, ntee n~ts. ]Jtstr lent and :SllAI', (IC FOB]to Aod Fourth District—Tenth and Seventeenth Wards. 13A'rl cIl

at 12 o'clock noun, file right to co]lect and retain all ito FRY PL.oCF., NO RTH RIP

N Yr+at:, September 29, ~ the:it- estimates upon the following espress conditions,

Court-room, No. 30 First street, corner Second avenue, wharfage and cranage which may accrue or become due Dee to n ips-r uv II ices, eon which ~hall apply to and become a part of every estimate

Court opens 9 A.M. clad •, :rod remains to close of 7 open for business.

the use and occu ,ation b • vessels ut more than five I } tons burden, in the manner and at the rates prescribed

tS°6' ES;RS. WOODROW & CF ((l's AUC I ION-

M in Board

reedited : not. Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal

Geot:cr F, Romero, Justice. J,tux K. LYNCH, Clerk. by law, at the following-mimed wharf property: cent , will sell at publt,: auction, the Pier "A," ];artery in, t'i,e City of New room, place, examination of the locution of the ro osed work, i P

Fifth llistrict—Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth I bra 7: rum of Ten Years, /row .Vc,a be,' r, t 896. Pork , on and b}• such other means as they may p refer , as to Wards. Court-d NO. 154 Clinton street. l t in, Lot No. I. Nur(berly side and outer end of Pier, old TUESDAY, co Plc t3, x896, the accu rac}• of the fxcgoing Engineer's estiurate,

H k. Dt. liol.0 [uc[. r:. Justice, Jeaenuar[ His',, 60, North riser, at the fart of West Thirteenth street, at 12 o', lock nooa, flit- and in account of the Denart- and shall not, at :my time alter the submission of an Clerk. Including the whole Ituface of sat , pier. mrut r f 1 Jocks, the ri4ht t~, dump and liii in estimate, dispute or complain of the above statement of

<' - Fm—Fmghtcenth and 1'w•em -first Wards -, Y „ nt.r 'Twenty-tb y-

om, Al sin rile lease of certain land under water Letween b+•htnd the bulkhead or river well morn built or Lui,ding 4ucmtttic=, nor assert that there was any misunder- C oSixtroom, northwest corner street and Iw'o 11undred and Sixteenth and Two Hundred and brneecn d est Fifty- frsr and West huh ty-thind streets, standing ut regard to the nature or amount of the work Second avenue. (hurt opens 9 A. It. daily ; continues Eighteenth streets, on the westerly side of the 1-larlem I as tar to the cast of the bulkbcad ur ricer wall no is open to close of business.

;nil to be done. river, looted and dc;cribe'd us :blluws : how- Leb , w the grade of five feet above high water zits th r, will be required to complete the entire o t

to the satisfaction of the I)cparuneut of Docks, pnstna. F'. \IAN', IN, Justice. ARRANT P,tcru.ixh, Clerk, drill, wnrk

Seventh District—Nineteenth Ward. Court-roonl, i•nr a Terns nr fin (Hems, 1'rcur Rirr•c+rLrr t, r896, Pncil+ to fill in the said premi- es will be sold to the ge and in substantial accordance with the specifications of

No, r z East Fifty-seventh street. Court opens every 5

te//k t/re f'nrz+/Lfs'r of (' -mm of lire I dears for Bach right or highest bidder, .+ud file price privilege

t f rn:d tn. Ko the cmrtr.tct arc the {~Lms therein re e morning at 9 o'clock ;except Sundays and Icgal holidays), sack, rzt an art✓ruz<< in tiro .-;uatati Reutal for

'Tile to Inc extra cnmpensstion, beyond the amount payable for the and continues open to close of business. zrtc/t h'enerortl of Ten /ie•r ce•r,r. Foust be paid at the time of sale.

dumped filled in must Ire composed nut clean nshr s, ur work before-men tinned, which shall be actually per- Jo us B. McKcAN. Justice. Joso-7•ti C. 1Vor.r, Clerk. Lot No. 2. Land undo e water beginning at a point in

d of stone, na sand, loam, earth, etc., or of stone ; piece formed at the price therefor to be specified by the Eighth District—Sixteenth and Twentieth Wards. Ilie northerly side of West Two Hundred and Sixteenth

he ••re:+ter than in, inches in its l:uc~cst nl"'Lone must loosest bidder, shall be due or payable for the entire Court-room, northwest corner of 'Twenty-third street street, as shown en a oval) on file in the Department

be and tilled work. and Eighth avenue. Court opens at 9 A. 1t, and con- of Public Works, dated May 6, 1892, whore it inter- dimens on,,, and :+I material must clumped

and in such manner as the work to be done ender the contract is to tinues open to close of business. sects the westerly pierhead and bulkhead line in only at such times and places

by liugineer-in-Chief of tiro lie- shall be directed the be commenced within five dips after the date of Clerk's open Irozn y A. nt. to 4 I. At, each court office of the Il;trlem river established by th; Secretary the all the work the execution of contract, and cloy

. of War in 18go; thence running vvezte rly along the part mcnt of Docks, or sot h other ofiler on empl yce of

Inc dune is be fully :o tinder the contract to northerly line of said Nest 'two Hm:d red and Six- The Depart mcnt of Uo(-kc as nu,y be designated by him, Saturdays I'rial days, Wednesdays, Fridays and

line all the work of dumpm, and filling in most be done and completed on or before the 19th day of De.:ember, xS)o, 'Thursday% Return da •s, Tuesdays, and Sawrdays. teenth street 43 feet, more or !es,, to file of original

r dcsig- and the camases to be paid by the contractor for each `}

local' It H. 5'rtxeu, Justice, THOMAS Cosr[tt N, high-water at its first intersection %%ith said street Irne, as shown cu the Rundcl map ; thence


hic•,h-water line 6o

R da under the d:reo ice of the I neuicer-tn-Chief r rated employee. y • that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time

Clerk. 'I'he estimate to lie Elie(] in at the said qu:ututy fixed for the Irdfillment therein has expired, are, by a Ninth District—'Twelfth Ward, except all that portion w'c'stc rly :Jong said original

more ur hiss, to its secu'id iuiersecrion with the is 12,0111 cull, more rr less ; but premises about yards. clause in the contract, determined, fixed and liqutcL+ted ofthe said ward which is bounded on the north by the feet,

the Department is at Pity Dollars per d ay. centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the northerly Tine of said West Two Hundred and Sixnenth this yuanti y is approximate only. Loud

by and Lidders =ch e>timale, NP here the City of New York owns the wharf, pier or south by the centre line of Eighty-sixth street, on the etrect ; thence westerly along the northerly line of said not bound in .uty way u

lye, require' to m+at sautsf themsr ml the yu:entities bulkhead at which the ,oat<rials under this cantr.+ct are P1 cot svo Hundred and Sixteenth street feet, m+ :re or 7 s }' the to Inc delivered, and the same rs nn r leased, n:, change east by the centre line of Sixth on,, avenue, and on th+e west

Sy North river. Coart-room, No. r7o East One the less, to ith third in to rsccti+ n with the aturesaid line c,( fill in at the place named b examination of poem- P' y

l;e die contractor for wl:arfa6e upon verse s will made to 'Fwcnty-first street, southeast corner original high-water, as shown oil the Randel map, said I. cr such other moos as they tea}' prefer, the in

Hundred and at third intersection being d+stont :about 373 feet easterly tention of the Department being to till in the will de of conveying said mater,als.

of Sylvan place. Court opens every morning 9 from the Wroth easterly side of avenue; thence north- the maid l behind the bulkhead or river wall preinkes Kidders will state in their estimates a price for

o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays), and con- it a built and ready to have filling put in behind it, when the whole of the work to be done, in conformity with times open to close of business. line feet, erly a ong said of original high-water 456

-e ~y.'.~: - r ̂ it '...n ":. 4i n, .n.. y .v..::• y!' I~


263 THE CITY RECORD. S:~IUi.n:&i, Oc•r'.>uh.i: 3.1896.

the approved form of agreement and the specifications N, +• r, lioth sides of One Hundred and Furt}-second I

pleted and are lodged in the otrmc of the Board of As- 1 :race ; and that if said person or persons shall omit or therein set forth, by which price the (rids n•[II be tested. street, from the i'ogiev.[rd to the Now \"nrk Cculrat


sessors fur examination by all persons interested, viz.: refuse to execute the cnnu-aei they will pay to the Cor- This price is to cover all espouses of erery kind iu- and Rail-on Kin K.rilroa•I tracks, and to the extent of

I list 5s7a, No. I. Sv,ers .+nd appurtol ances in Van , ration of the City nt New York any difference

voiced nt or incidental to the Itdfilltnent of the contract, hall the block at it,- mtersectiun nt the Rouloo urd. derbilt avenue, Fast, hetwe,-n i the Ilundrrd :And ; between the sum to which said per-on or persons inchuling any Aaiun that may arise through delay, from No. _. lioth cid , ,.1 Itreiner .11 00th'. farm Jerome Seteutc-sixth street :old 7'rt-mor,t avenue, and i❑ Tre- ' would be entitled up-,n its completion and that any Clue, in I lie performing of the work thereunder. I a,'enue to (i:rch street. ;+m.l to the extent of hilt the. I mont avenue, hmw.en Vanderbilt :+venue, East, and which :aid Corporation or the Armory Board the au-ard of the contnlct, it awarded. w•i!1 be made to block at the iut r-ectm4 streets. I bird :rvenuc, and in W-ashing'on :mad Bathgate ave- ' may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the hid'. er .c her is the lowest f r doing the whole of the i No, i. Roth stoes of Front street, frnm \Vhuehall I nice,. hetwe•it l remont aven[re and I foe Htmdrrd and I the contrite may be awarded at any subsequent work aid whose estimate is regular in all respe.-ts- strict t:, Rum - welt stre+.t. and b„ h side-c ul Front street,

I Seveut) -ruthth street. letting, the amount in each case to Fie calculated

Bidders trill distinctly write out, both in words and in trio ]luntcumery street to Jackson slip, and to the 1_,t 5.78, No.,. Kr c -icing-l:a •in on th+- north side of upon the estincned amount of the work to be done fi gures, the amount of their estimates for dome: the extort it half the block at the intersecting str ets. I

, Eighteenth street, :It .\venue C. ' by which the bids are tested. I'he consent above nten-

work. Alt persons whose interests are affected by the above-I.IS'. ja;9, N0,3. sewer Ill Convent :+venue (u'e a side', I' tx eon (fire Hushed and "l wcnty--ec- enth and One

tioned shall be accompan ed by the oath or atTirma- rhe person or persons to uvhom the contact may be nam: d assessments, and wh a o re opposed to the same,


. tion, in wr ting, of each of t'.re persons signing the same, awarded will be required to attend at this olfiice with the or either of them, are requested to pre+em their objec- 1-1undred and I bitty -fir-t stree ts, connecting with present ' that Ito is a householder or Ireeholder in the City of sureties offered by him or them, and execute- the con- bons, in writi n„ to the (.hairnnm at the Board of As- sewer m (inn Hun decd and I\venty--e. enth st root I. Ncw York and is it or- It the amount of the security tract within five days Iron the date of the service of a sensors. at their office. No. z7 Chambers street, ,rithin List 5z8o, -No. 4. i-eo'crs in One 1-Iwtdred and Four- required fur the cumpletioll of the contract, over and notice to that effect ; and in case of failure or neglect so thirty days front the date of thi: notice. teenth street, be,wecn Amsterdam avenuc and Morning above all his debts of every nature, and c:,rr an-1 ab<roe• to do, he or they will be considered a, lr,+vim; abandoned The above-described lists trill I.e Irattsmitted, a.e pro- side avenue, .s;. his Ij,rle/itie•s as bait, surety and oi/rev:oi'sr•; :ted that it and as in default to the Corporation, aitd the con- sided by Ian', to the tinned of Revision and Correction list 5231, No. ; Alteration and improvement to , he has offered himself a, a surety in good facth and tract will be readvertised and relet, and 50 011 until it he of Assessments. for confirmation on the zd day o1 No- I s_wer in F'•I:eenth street, between First . nd Second ' ,ith the intention to execute the bond required by law. accepted and executed. vemhl r, ASo.-.

\I, avenue-, I '1'hc ad- quacy :intl -utiicie icy of the security offered is

If ddctire required to state in their esUma[es their THE 31 k-, J. RI SH, Chairman ; I A'1'R1CIs. \% ED11• ARLI Mc

'1'hc by

ho its embraced such acsess inc-to s included` houses lots lots, the revisal and of ground, vacant piece.

by to be appr the Con+ptrollcr of char Cit>- of Ncw fork is nan+es and places oI residence, the names of all 11:11'I.:IKI''u IOH N JACOBUS, - I an, r flit- award made and pit to the signing

son= interested with them therein, and if no other CUE. Board of Assessors. and parcels itt land suit, ted on— N. li

ut the contract, i person be c, interested the a tiniate shall distinctly Nov loan, + )ctolti-r _, .8 .ii. 1, +L s:cics of Vandal bdt avenue. last, lrum No estint it,- will be race veil or considered unless

state the tict ; also that the est-mate is made c: ithout - — One Hundred and Sevc fits-sixttl street to Tremont twos accompanied Ly either a certified eh.-c4 upon one of an}'venseilta+ ion , connection c'r agreement .with and the annum- the itas nut been disclosed to any other

PCRLIC \l1'1'ICE 1.S HFRI•;ItY (11Cl-. TO I HE I owner or owners, occupant fir occupants, of all

'Tremont nice; both sides of avenue, from Vanderbilt :,venue. La-i, to third an crime ; both ;ides of IVa-iting-

0'o Trem,mt

~ the Stute or Nat it nal banks of the Cit}- of New York, ' ,Ir:u.n to the order of the l'um tr tier, or moneyto

I? person ccr persons makm,q an esunlare tot the same put• houses and lots, improved ur uuwrproved lands affected ton avenue. nu a.cnti t,, (1ne Ilundred aid geventp-eighth street, and both sides of hathgate ave-

,he amount of I IN HU'sDRI•:Ii AND III Y I Lt11•I,Altti (cr,o). Such check e,r money must be not pose, .Ind r- n t hitzher than the luu'e st regular market I thereby that the following issessrnentc have been cum- title, fri m 1'n mo:+t ocenue to On Hundred and incI ci :n the seate I enccla a.ntainin the estimate, P~ K price for the same kmd ui L bar or material, and is in all P leted and ;+re lodged in the office of the Picard of As- Sesenty-cigluh arcet. I

but rt~u,'. b•- h ~ndcd to the o lice. ur clerk of the Board respects fair and without collusion or fraud : chat no csors for exammatian l-y all p,-rso s interested, viz.: who ha. chin e of [he a<tima[, _b ~s, and no estimate sc~ combination u! pool .nits ct uhichthe bidder is amen- ist rr7. Nc. t. Lams c:o,sualk ace cs avenu.• St 5

No. =- North side of Eighteenth wart, estenciinF; about I et wen ut C.

f,' c o I deposite I in .aid bo.x until such check ur money her or i wbieh tb bidder is direetls or indirectly m nth side of j•Nichola, from ,7uncno❑ cf cr sir t ik tl Avenue '73

W"est Iluu- I:as been moaned b mid ofliccr or clerk and found }' interested, . r of +chick the bi !der hits knowledge, either i Ch,e hundred 'end Sixteenth street with west curb of N . _. side u( Convent avenue, (rum One t+ be Corr c;. :\11 such deposits, personal or otherwi-e. to bid a co,rtaio price, ,,r not less ! _11.enit st 'N bolas. •trim drect and Tw cot}'-seventh to Hundred and t.}•-

than a ccrt in price •. f r s:+id hdr.. r or material. or to ! 5n6, \u... grad ie, n>; ❑ nd urban .'n ;

Ii d and Iffy H

One first street.

Vo. ,


~ except t



n bidder, be of the 'uccc-slid will returned by the

keep from L ioni ug flier, m dep that no flaal_iug llnr Hundred and Fifty-first w'eet, fi'um Brad- 1't sides of One red and in t d itt C, m teller to the Icon, nraki•:t, t c three I s :: fter +be contract is a.carded. Irt tl

I a+sue member of thy: Common Couccil, head of a deF+artmcut, hors avenue to the litolem riser. street. Irum :lnuterdam arcuuc to \loni tog avenue,

Kidd chief of it bureau, deputy thereof. or clerk therein, or ' Ills. 5i 7S, No. ;. Regulating, _ra.liog, curbing and West. cessful r shall retilse or neglect, a•ithmn five days ariv other officer or emph see ••f the Corporation of the flag Ping flit v.-id 11 c t of L:uI ge pI sand No. 5• Both rids of Frftecnth street, from first to -i after note ml tic ,• co,.tract has been awarded to him, Cit} of Neu I ork, or any of its I tepartnrents, fs directly stud the widening of l;rcernvich street, from Chamber Second avenue ; east side o1 'secs nd : Benue Lind "vest to ox- cut [lie sonic, the am .urt of the d,pcsir made b}- orindirnly hiterested in the estim:+te, ,•r iu the supplies ! D -t, to ,er side rim First avenue. fr in Fourteenth b , Fittcen•ll ,treat. ' hint shell be I n cite to and retained by the City of or Icork to which it relates, or in ;utv portion of tile I List No. Regulating, ra'inz, curb rigand All persons whose Interest, are affected by the above- Ncu" fork as lgeidaied clan ages for such neglect or tufts thereof, anti has it been One - 4' g p t given. offered o; flagging Hundred and Fd+ •-seomd scree', from _ muted a~sessments, and ho are olli to the wine, ! rnu nuts! but d he :,hail exec.rte the contract within .

pro d, either directly or indlrcctl}-. are pe.. uniary Bra lhurct ac enuc to the H !em river. or either of them, arc requested to present their ahi - the lime aIjresaid the ariot nt d his deposit will be or other c'msideratinu he tic •= bidder or anyone 1 ,—AS, No. ,. It i. .()nc Hundred and Seven- bons, in' riting, io the Chairman of the Board of :\ss hurt d to him by the Comptroller.

No nl:u, w II be Z: ccepted ti-rm, ~ +st or contract in his behalf with a view to infiuercing the acti •n hem such street. henveen Amsterdam avenue arras Morning- ors, at their office, No. z7 Chambers street, within or judg m: fit of such otTicer or impl. see in this side avenue, 11-e,t, with asphah. thirt • days from the date of this notice. } }

au-ar 1. All to, my person whoo is Ile arrears to the Cor- I" ran,w, up n: debt o:' or WI is o de

r or any other trainaction bere[vfore had wi,h this I is _eau No. 6. Pavicc One Hun,lred and Seventh The above-descnbed lict~ .vill be transm tied, as pro- upon act, t ile C e•r, Department; a lilt e,tinmte nuts[ be verified by the , ,treat, from Columbus a.cau- tot.. n:r.,l Park. \Ire t, rtded by tau-, to the Board of Revi<-ton and (nir.ction , `rs"'en}' ur , [henvis~, upon :.ny obligation to thc Cor- oath. in it of the parts making the estimate that .with granite hIo-k, rand tactt-c ,.i o,scc. lks. 01 Assessments. for confirmation on the z6lh day u1


the cc-sec-al matters stated therein are in all respects I Li -t 5_~1, No 7. Fencing the va -ant I is on the solrth I fetuber, ,Sys. Ifidder. are rcqu steel, in making their bids or esti- true. 1f'iaer< tear.' t/ear. ,»re prrsnu rs i,rtr , csird rt is si to fit One Hunlr d :mil cond street, b nveen West

1 H[)\IA> J, RUSH, Chairman : PA TRICK \I

II AV I•:R11', 11', ACt IL'L-S, I. 1)h\ - ARL) \Ic- m:+acs, to use a blank Prep:u-c I for chit yu,pose by the h Ord, a rot y of whirl+, togerlicr with the form i requi..7e trial ti:,, verrf linx b, made ain Sit serIt,'? t

to1i•.c1i1 eA:rtresinterested. En I r+. en tie and Riverside Drive.

Listi'S-,:gin. S. Fencing; the a a'a•uLetson the not th• I JOHN I

CUE, l;uard of Assessors. (:t the a_recm: ill , tin cludin• ,peaticatlons, ,nil shuw-

Inca se a bin shall l e submitted by or in behalf ofany arty cdc o I Fast One Hundred :Ind Sixteenth street, Nen' Ynat, S, 1 tunb.r zr,, roy6. mI the mmutut.r fit la+} hurt fv the work, can lie seen

eirporttion, it nmst 1 geed n the nama it such cur- I between Pleasant +c mute a• d Harlem river, I _.

rpuu:,pl In atinn,it ttie, flit-,: of Cabe and Songs to, Asso- I c+ •th- A s, No. i8 a t Nc r 1 urk City

p,r atiot, by s,-me dull a 'thorized offa'r er agent them--, I ict so-' 7, Nr • u. F lacging an 1 retlaogm„ curbing and c(, oho shalt ii o,uh cribs 6i-owu name Lind -face. roc.: 1 na thc-,id•cv:llks n host of to 3z9 ARMORY BOARD.

Board the ri lb I)u,v I rr:,nee the fight to reject any or all It ' Nu>. 32; 11'est

-------- - — esti n ucs not d-_cnrcd bcnefici.d mm or for the public 11.,-hts practicable, the seal , f the corporation should also be isrii 'freer. affixed. i Lie t 6„ No. to. Se.n_•rs inn \Cater is reel, bet ,reenARvolo I.r:+ in— UF a: ;-Ic r i- unit. FCRFI.,Rv -, Nr:+t int r.-r.

I bas 1 • stud n m a} evnmincd .:ud crecific.rtions blank estimate shall be accompanied by the con- 11ar~, 't Slip and Jefersore ,trec•t. C,:,. i_. t lu h- r -- the -

I \I 115 \1.\ I'h:RI.31•, I RI If i i,:\I I OK ' 1'I ATES Ft I+1 rrnc fill Lie-- o esti I aten obtained by apnlicatioc to scut, in a ritin;, of two householder, or freeholders In ! I t 5 X73. N Fret city:; [ht- va_ant I t Nos,,,, the City of Neu York. t•Pt/e .brie rejected• P. ae".c 1 . t-, -:`. 11'e,t (in•: Hundred a d Tueut. ,econd =treat ANIm 3101-1K IN ' LK\L,HI\L; (;AS AND I: A. i-argent, Arcluecr, his at olii,,•, No. rS Kroadway,

husir-rs., ,o re sidrwer, to tie effect that if the contract Le The limit, embraced b}- such as>cs,nlent Include all FLECI liii Ill H1, FIX II. I l•.S, IKON RAIL. Cit}, N w In k

awarded to the person or parrots n, akin, the estimate, the sev-r:I houses and lots fit qround,.ava mm! ell, Pieces Inkss, L fC'., FOK AN Al \II II I Ill +1 ,1. W:, L L. ., I*RON(;, Mayor; EDIVARD P.

tile, will, o.pon its heu:g c" a•.larc;cci, become u and as and parcels of I-i ci situated on— US I_ H L \ ill :D .AA I> "L1 EN I I--[, IV1. I st•. I I A IllF-R, Pre•=ident, I lepartmeul of I'-,x•-s and As=ess-

h[_ rr their ret for it t.uthful pert. rmauce; and ; :Co, t. lit ck r9.a, Lo s N,~<, r5, rc, 1-, AS, r,,, zoand TVVtl :1N U l'lNJ (mL'AK Ilk 1NC HE', 31- ES1- men`: C. H. T. CO1.1.1s, C in : nor of Puhllc

th,+tifsaidpersonorF rsors,h nil '.'mlt rietu t - ;6,in tire "L-u,dith 11 and. I F I1 FitOAI 51\IH .1VI-NlI AN Ii I Itorks. 1;:r I >:• LOUIS 1II'ZGERALD; Cut,

cute the ccrt they I% ill pity to the Corp .on In of the ; - \o. z. Etch ales of line Hundred and Fifty first I . II NI)INI I'Kt)11 5t IL l-S it l:N I H , I RI :I I II) W"I1,1 I a\l "1 33 :Atutors It card Commis.

Cit} of \cu 1-orl, any Ilifil ranee between the sum to, street, from Bradhm',t avenue to the Harle:u r t. ~ Flt 1 FLN Ili S I Ri F , IN NI 33 1Y0Kli CI1'1-.s- mS.-U.i- FOR E-1111111•:', FOR 11A I'E- - - —~ ' chili said I) r,on cr per_ ns w,,uld be enntleb upon its No. 3. Roth sides of x:.:11 ge plaice, fromph r to

Car lie eumpleucn and that wi;:1 'aid pin u-iroll miry Be)-greet p PROPI

rink and our, in Imnishrn, (..,s and Elect rc Anal x ,' I R c ;:HaA:<, NEw Ao—Orii-tcn u -till . See V' light Fixture-, Iron Raping-, rc., kin Armry build- •a iii o I' iv,, Oci,tbe z, it9ht

obliged to pas to the person t r whom the o, enact may . i-n. ;. Boil: ,ides .1 On • Hu:ldrid and Fifty-second the• an n le river. 1 be awarded at an% rub,equc•et le.ung, the amount in street, Iasi+ B:adhurst aven •e ,a H ins one hundred ind seventy ticc tact b o . and nano- Pkl IP(>ti-1I[, Ft 1;'S I\117F, FOR 31A TRIALS

3.011K each case in be calcuL,r.d us on the e,tin:a'ed amount No. rimh sides -f Otic Hnndr-,,l Lind •e.entcoith ' _: 'Itu+rterinches n'estei l}- fr m ti vt av,uuc,i t -i extending A f> IA FL RNIiIllNl; 7 HE FIiR-

of [hr work :o be d ice be which the Irids are I street, fr nr Am•terdmt tico me- t- 31 rnin'dde =+v_nue, from F uurteenth sires to FlIte_ nth street, it, the Cu hiITL•R1:, rll'1 K V CII hIR PUMP, COOLS,

tested. "1 'he consent ahoy'•_ tic ti, ml shad! be AA'c t, and :o the extern of halt the rl k :d the in - it"d County of New Yu, C. a All be rec iv .1 by the 31'I N lit )W' SH 1 D1 ", Y.A1\ I I\t:, 1? IL., I OK

accompanied by the oath or affirm.,uon, in wraing. of sorting accnucs, Armor. I;nard, at the 31-31 1)1 (.11 II Cl1'S IN Ak]IUK1" 13CfI,U1A(, ( IA1: IiUNDiL Flu

each of the persons signing to same, that ht-' is ., house- 'I S,,h. If tin side< of I)nc Hi :d an 1 5 enth

t IC EL\ESI)-rI HAL L , L' Nil! , ro it :c. .i., AND' b' I.N"f1--FIVE F EE"1"1'14O AND ONE -

holder or freeholder is the City of _New hork, and is, lc-lm C•dumbus ace nu; to C•sated Park, R-e-t, 1HE 14111 1).11- (II' OC 1111 ER 1896, :u which cute (,11 -a 1: i'lil: INC 1IE'., lVf:sl'}?KI,I I I(Ill

worth the amount of the securits req.sired for the com- anal to the catent of hall the clock at the irate setting and place th, y will be publicly opened and real by said SIX I H Al EN UIC A NI) LXI'ENDINI; FROM

pletion oI the contract over and abore all ::s d::bt- of avenues. i Loard. FI>l'1: I I:F:N I H S I KI'I I' TU IIF' IF EN II

eve rc nature rend fir, r eznd aisle his 1. abilities ore ra r':, No 7. hock r859, tot \u. 64 • in the 1\velfth IVard. he has hunself I \ns. inclusive,

Any person making an estuur'inc for t above work shall the s title in a soused env to the

`f ltla•:I , NI 'ml 'mill : li Cl I1". Plet If I t .11.i FOR I.n I F 11:\ 1'I•:i- FOR DLA-11•:- surrtr and -,tkrr:vtsr, and that offered as No. 8. Bieck 171;, Lots ru to 17, m furnisi, lolte Pre:,i-

''•'I I k m lurnisiing the Furniture, Opera •.I surety- in good faith and with the intention to execute the T..elith . dent of said Arm w}• Itoard, indorsed '• I in,: he for Chairs, Pump, I'„ol'. Wmdo+c shades, ' aiuung, elr.., "l the bond required by law. he adequacy and sulcienc ' Ni. a. Block 1248, Loth Nos. r7 t'` so, inclusive, in I ur ni,hing Ida, and Electric Light F rstures, Iron, knit- I building hundred :ut one :Old seventy-II e of the security , ffered sill b bjact to approval by the 1 the ii 11th 111,rd. in, tc, for the Ninth K g Arn or Building un at' r3 o d

tro Compller of the City cif Ne w York r ato the as ard No, t~~. Ito:I side<of W a ater neet, Iro in Market Slip then orth er.y side uI Fourtccnth street, west ut Sixth acct t.v and noesstarter iii es aestcrly from y.x;li

from Fourteenth is in : de Lind pri r to the si g of the contract. to f efltrs if sm t \'o. II I. Lots No'.

avenue," .and aI v ith the mare cf the parrot or pail- the I sons presenting the sa e•, anal t of ns present.-

iv ue and ex,enchn„ street to Fif rcnrh sn, et. in the City and l of my of Neu York,

-No estimate will Le received or considered unless ac- rr. ro.,7, 44. 45. 4`• 47 48 45, 5r, .ill , recciecd by the :lemur}- Hoard antic- MA Ilk S con 'rnied b - either a certified check t; ion one of the 5z• 53. 55. 5'- 57 and 58, in the Tce-Ifth Hard. P- 3 F

toil. Cf 1'11, i ., rests re a .t t7e ~ d by the above- hose te a crsns w in [ional ban of the City o1 \eor k, drawn All p .. State ur Aa k u~ 1' is cntraet must Inc knowne Any bidder for +h „ m e to be n- I AL1'H1•:L, UN out C,LOLK W EDN , .ant. ,Y

\VEDNF:~D: 11" FUCK'1'F: E:~"1'II 1)-I'm OF to the order of the Comptroller, or to the amount I '- a"led ac,,. ssmcnts. aeld +v ho are opposed to the saute, p money

or either of ciaofir, are re,lues.ei t„ their objet-- gaycd iu and well prepared fir the busiacss, and nlu,t hate satia tan !ory tr stimonial, to that ailed and the ; (1Cf(+131C i:, t89 F, at which time and place [' cy will be

at %rr _,' enfrr,r: of the :Imuunt of the security re- ! present be publicly opened and read by s Aid Board.

quired tr the faithful pertozr*tance of the couuracr, 1 [ions, in aruin•, to the Chairman of the Board of As~c,s- per,oa „r per=ons to whom the contract may awarded person making in estimate for the a'•ove work Such check or mone}- must hot be inclosed in the or-, at ihvir ofice, No. z; Ci-,ambers scree:, within will I:e required to give security I r tale performance of shall Glrni-h the ,;one in ;I sealed envelope Elie Presi- sealed envelope containing the estimate. but must be - thirty da}s n-om the date oh this notice. the c--Intro,t, by his or their bon I. + i h ttsu sufficient e

to ,lent .,t .aid Armory Huard, i:+ d u o " tinutte for

co age officer or clerk of the 1'hu ;+Love-described lists will be trananitt. •d, :+s pro- .. Whoha no estima te sure ie., in the amount o: THREE l''IOLUo:AN1 DOL- Furnishing Vlaterial and Work in furnishing the Fur-

who has charge of the estimate-box, and estimate 1 tided 6v law, to t:~c Hu:ud of Kec+~mn 'nil Correction LA i:l,000 . niter,-, Otmcra Cim is, Punlp, 'Pools, Window Sit AJQ,, ti n on the 3oth y of can be deposited in said box until such check or money of A=s. s merits fur arnhrma tra Bidders arc required to submit their estimates upon A I Pai,ltiug. etc., for nnArmory building nn the nurtherl}- t examit b In y said s c,r orcl -rk and found to be O. t bees r q6. has Coa net the t+~l;owmg express conditions, which shall apply to side elf F„urte, nth street, west of Sixth a. enue," and

, Al such de ,u,it, exec t that of the success- I Hl)AIA' L RLSH, Chairman ; I III ICK \l.

corre ct l f p and become part uI every estimate received

also te e e e rs

will, th nam of th p rson or persons prescntmgthe fill bidder, will be rc[urnc nit o the persons making the H-aCF.kT F. li)HV W. JAU)L'G5, 11131-ILL)11131-ILL) 'ml t-- soal exam- I. Bidders must satisfy Ihemselve, by pern

the location by mation of ofthc proposed work, and such same, and the date of its presentation,

CL 1-:, ISo_ar I Assessors same within three d;iy, after the contract is awarded. pit I An}• b older for this must be known to be-en - If the successful bidder ,hall refuse or neglect, within N t`-ct- I!'sti, September 30, 1Syh, other me:ms as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of gaged in and ,ell prepared I r the b,i,ioess, ,nil must live do alter notice that the contract has been ----- U estimate, and shall not at any time altar the sub- mlve satislact ry testimonials to th:e effect; and the awarded to him, to execute the s:+me, the amount of the I ~L'YLIC NOTICE I5 HERI:P,Y GIVEN 'I(+'1 HE

mission of a.r c-mint di:.Pute ur complain of the state- a son o. a sons to wh ,In the contrecr ma be aw;lyded P P Y deposit by Nan -:.11 be forfeited made sat to and retained ner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all

\e.v liquidated

tncut t r trotter, nor as-art that thou wa(s ,,n mix• undrrst:+ydin m regard to the u:aure or am nmtYf the

1 b ~ require , tog se.uriy for the psi urm,,nc- of b}' the pit} ~~f York as damages for house. and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected ~c ,,,k to be dr n:,

the contract by his or their bund,.wnh two sullrciert such neglect or refusal, but if he ,hail execute the con- thereby, that the following a<sessments have been com- ~ _, Bidders will Le r~• tired t~ cum I t the attire

"or-ties. in the amount of FIVE THOUSAN I) his -:and tract within the time aforesaid the amount of de- totedare lodged in the office of the Board rir As- q P ` ` 1)t )I,LA RS r5,coo .

posit trill be returned [t, him. se ssors lore >:.mination b -all arsons interested, viz.: } p ` ork to the satirnt:on of the Armory Huard, and in 1}i Iders arc required to si lb nit their estimates upon

Bidders are b nfrom the spec altonbc-med that no de p List =z5-, No, r. Alttr+ti -,n and improvement to sourer G be iv- I allowed unless under the written - s will

e undo In Seventy-.ix[h street, between P:+rk and ~Iade,on

sic ia! '+_cordance with the .pc- ification, of the road the t rc-tarred t ic. do extra

Ile fuGuwtug express con which shall apply to sLimat, c-ucti


comps - for the work emu xns;nion, beyond the amount

n and t amo 1 }'able

,and brc~mc urt of ever}- estimate received : ° I" structions of the Engineer-in-Chief. yo P tsF. before b

1:ion } P

of No estimate still be accepted from or contract List 5.62, N-,. s. Sewer and appurtenances in Pelham I

mentioned, which shall l actually performed at the therefor, to lie specified by the lowest hi prices

must snort o themselves byek, n l of the lucar of the pr.prefe smock, and

d by sic i

awarded to an}' person who is in arrears to the Cor- I avenue, Inn+ the exist:ug sewer :n Webster avenue to ' „er, shill be due or p.tyable for the entire ~%ork. b}' suc'.t other means as they ma}' prefer, a, to ilea pora[ion. upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, Lorf:L+rd place.

I - ut [h e- estimate, and shall not at any time after t h-curacy

as suret • or otherwise, upon an • obli ation to the Ccr- lit) 8&„ N:I. ;. Receiving-basin ar+d a urtenances on S P } g 5 PP 1, ofs state m cheer apace Ion the le h

in cunformit}' pith the w!1,ae of the work to be c:nd e, it, c n the s'.ibmi~s.on „f an estimate din utc or cone I'iin of P h .

poratiun. ', the southeast corner ut East Unc Hundred and sixty- t

aPPrac~d form of cu:rtr pct and the ~pccifiruions therein the st ,tenant of quaniitie<, nor assert that there was

In case there are two or snore bids at the same price, I fifth ,tract and Forest as entie, `et forth, by which once the biU~ t all be tc'Phis any nusu idcrs[anoinq m regard to the nature or amount

which price is the lowest price bid, the contract, if List 5x87. No..F. I-I c,i%ing-basin and appuricnaocc price is to cover all expense, , t wets kind involved in of the work to be clone.

13idders be Zd, will re uired to con .nvarded, will be awarded by lot to one of the lowest un the northeast corner of Fn!re-t aceuue :mil East Uue or il,cidenial to the tulfillmen. of the contract, including 9 complete the ended bidders. Hundred iand rnxty-Ofth street. any claim that may anise through drlav, from any cause,

uurk to the :ccordction of the Arm rry Board and in substantial accord'mce ''HL RIGHT in DECLINE ALL THE FS"1'1- The limits embraced by such 'm essments include all in tic-pc rturming o1 the: work [nercunder. with the ,pecificat.uns of the I

1 3131 F', 1 KF.'.FKC6i) IF DEEMED FOP.'1'lIE the secera] houses and lots of round, vacant lots, I Pa contract :and the ns tier in referred to. No extra IN] IRIiSI OF THE CUKI'UKAI'ION OF THE 7 pieces and parcels of l.,nd situ:,ted on— I

Bidders will di_ tin ct'y x•r ou ite t ba ,both in words and iu figures, the amount of their estimates for doing thi,

I compensation beyond the amo:: nip ayable formic work before CI I I l>I' NEW YORK.

Bidders are requested, in making their bids or mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose


I Nr,. t. (loth sUes of Seven xth ty-si stre';t from P,crk to Fifth aveinue ; ea-t side of Fath :rvenue. trout .oevent sixth to Seve ,t sevcuth stre'.t ; stunt side of Seventy-

s+ork, The person or persons to w:mrn the contract may lie

mentioned, which shall be actually performed at the prices th r-ref,r, to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due sum for the payable entire work.

y` awarded be to at this office, with the se=ll required attend 1 kidders ill in by the Department, a copy of which, together with seventh scree:. from ( Al to Fifth avenue : b nth c- h ,ides of avenue, from 5ecent si.<th to Seventy.

q sureties offered ',}- him or them, and execute the con.

s- state thole estimates a price for the I whole of the work to Le dune, in conformity with the the form of the agreement, including specifications, and r \ladison

} } fiv.; da from date the farm showing the manner of payment for the work, can j `"vouch sit ee[, and west side c Rusk avenue, iron ~ev~n- tract within } s the of service of a

in of failure or neglect notice to that effect; and case so approved of contract and the s ecific.+tions PP P 1

be obtained upon application therefor at the otLce of the t sixth to Sevent seventh street. y'' } -

forth, by i therein set •

which price the bids will .re

Lenarrm~nt. 'gin. z. Beth sides ref 1'elh~m ac,~nue, from the east havingaban- to do, he or the will be consmered as }' tested. This priceis to cover all expenses of every P C. O'BRIE\, EF)WIN EINSTEIN, side of Lorillard place to Webster avenue, and both cloned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the i kind involved in or incidental to the fulfillment of the


11ONKo, Commissioners of the Department of sides of Cross s:rect, from Pelham u a,cue to College contract ill be readvertised and rcict:, and so un until w . contract, includiu,. an m y clainm that mays arise through

Docks. s: reef ; both sides of College street, n xtendin easterl ' it be accepted and exo sited. delay, from any cause, in the performing of the work

Lated - eu' YoRti, SePt`mber rSg6. g, from the w'esteriy tide of Cross street about 443 feet I

Bidders are required to state in their estimates their thereunder. and loth sides of Lorillarei plat, from One Hundred names and places of residence, the names of all persons I Bidder, will distinctly write out, both in words and in and Eighty-ninth street to Pelham avenue. I Interested with thee, therein, and if no other person be'- figures, the amount of their estimates for doing this

CORPORATION NOTICE. No. ;. East side of Forest avenue, from One Hundred I so interested tileesti,uate shall distinctly sta to the fact ; I work, and Sixty-third to One Hundred and Sixty-titth street, i also, that the estimate i, made without any connection I The person or persons to whom the contract may he

PUBLIC NOTICF IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE No.. East side of F ,re-t avenue, from One Hundred i with any other person making any estimate for the

same and that it is in all respects fair and purpose, I alcc+rded will be required toattend at this office with the

by ham sureties offered or them, and execute the contract owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses

lots, improved or unimproved lands affected and and Sixty-lift6 to George street.

All persons whose Interests areaffected by the above- without collusion or fraud ; and also that no member within five days from the date of the service of a notice thereby, that the following assessment; have been com- named a,ses-ments, and who are opposed to the same, of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of to that effect ; and in case of failure or neglect so to do

and are lodged in the office of the Board of As- plated or either of them, are requested to present their objec- a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other I he or they will be ccnsiderel as havin_" abandoned it, for examination by all persons interested, viz.: sessors lions, in writing, to the Chairman of the Board of officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly Inter- I and a, in default to the Corporation, and the contract

List 5110, No. r. Paving One Hundred anti Forty-second Assessors, at their office, No. x7 Chambers street, ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it will be readvertised and relet and so on until it be ac- street, from the L'oul:vard to the New York Central and within thirty days from the date of this notice, relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, o'hic}I I seated and executed. Hudson River Railroad, with granite blocks and laying The above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro- estimate must be verifies by the oath, in writing, of the i Bidders are required to state in their estimates their

crosswalks. vided hy aw, l to the Board of Revision and Correction party making the estimate, that the several matters names and places of residence ; the names of all persons Asses-ments for confirmation on the zgti+ day of stated therein are in all respects true. !here more I interested with them therem; and if ncl other person g. Rssw,Alis grading, curbing and g arid ayiNo



October,o r8g6, than one person is interested ii is re uisite that the be so interested the estimate shall distin;tly state the e romg and laying crosswalks Bremer avenue, from

Jerome avenue to Birch street. Jerome THOMAS J RUSH, Chairman ; PATRICK 11 veer cantia be uradeand subscribed to 6 all tkr parties % bJ' fact ; also that the estimate is made without any con-

Lilt 52 39, No. 3. Paving Front street, from Whitehall HAVERTY, JOHN W'. JACOBUS, EDWARD interested. nectrun with an other y y personmaking an estimate for to Roosevelt street, and from Montgomery streel to DIcC:UE, Board of Assessors. Each estimate shall be accompanied by the con- the same purpose, and that it is in all respect, fair and

about zoo feet east of Corlears street, w-ith granite Now 1 oRK, September 29, 1896. sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders of without collusion or fr.tud ; and also that no member of bl

the City of New fork, with their rerpedtive plaices aj the Common Council, Head of a Deoartment, Chief of a !I far as the same is and buyingof

crusts oflaalks


the limit s undero

ntwasein TO business

I]UowneBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THE coup ts, or residence,to the effect that if the contract be awarded to theperson or

Bureau, Deputy thereof, or Clerk therein, or other Cor

She limits assessments include all embraced by such L- owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all P ersons makingthe officer of the potation, is directly or indirectly inter- the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become

bound his for faithful as or their sureties its perform- esied therein, or in the supplies or work to which it

and parcels of land situated on— thereby, that the following assessments have been com- relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, which



estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the parts making the t st mist e that the several matters stated therein are in al: respects true. It'here .,/tier than otrr / rsarr /s interested, it is requisite that the r'erl/i.saitiur in- toad,' and std'seribed to (p all f/te parties interested.

Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent. in writine, of two hou-ehelders or freeholders of the City of New York, ^.uith their respective lVaces ref busirrss or res,sea,r, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person or persons making the esti-mate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his or their suruti, s for its faithful perform-anee ; and that if said pursuit or persons shall omit or refuse to execute the contract, they will pay to the Corporation of the City of New Y, rk any dtffr~renc•-between the stint to which sa'd person or persons would be entitled upon its completion and that which said Corporation or the Armory ]'card may be obliged to pay to the person to wrhnm the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting : the amount lit each case to be calculated upon the estimated antotlnt of the work to ite cone by which the bids are tested. I he consent ahove-ntentinned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he i; a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of security required for the completion of the contract and stated in the proposals, over and above all his debts of every nature, and ec'e.•- anti above' his liabilities as 6a/i, surely and of/rerwise; anti that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with an intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of .\cw York after' the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

NO estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of TWO HUNDRED AN 1) FIFTY DOLLARS Such check or money must not be inclosed tit the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the (bard who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk to.l found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned by the Cumptrollcr to the persors making the same within three clays after the contract is awarded. If the successful bid- der shall refuse or neglect, within five days alter notice that the contract has been awarded to him to execute the saute, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the (.ity of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, ])tit if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be re-turned to hint by the C.,utptrollcr.

No estinlatu will be accepted from or contract awarded to au) person who is in amours to the Corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a clel:mltor as surety or ether-wvise-, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

Bidders arc rt quested, in ma'.ing their bids or esti-mates, to use it blank prepared fur that purpos'- by the Board, a copy of which, totether with the form of the agreement, including, specifications, and showim, the manger of p:p-n Hvnt for the work, can be seen upon appll-cation at the ,thee of Cable and Sargent, Associate Archi-tects, E. A. S.Irgcnt, No, is Broadway, Architects, New York L,ty.

1. he C„s ref ri-s,-rens the right to reject any or all csti-watt-s not deemed beneficial to or L,r the public interest.

Plans may be examined and specifications and blank form; tot bras or estimates obtained by application to E. A. Sargent, Architect, at his office, No. r8 t{roadway, Nuw l ork City.

\V11. L. STRONG, Mayor; EDWARD P. BARKER, Pre-ident, D. partment'faxes and Assessrnents ; C. H. T.COLI.I~. C ntnlissioncr of Pulls Works : BRIc -GFN. Li)UIs FITZG:ERALD I COL. WILLIAM SE\VARD, Il o rd of Armory Cummissi',n_r=.


DF.r`-till %wo I Of P!' tote CHARITIES No. 66 'THIRD A%Etc E, New YuaK, September 05, c8g6



SP:ALEI P,IDS OR ES1'I>MATES FOR THE aforesaid work and materials, in accordance with

the specifications and plans, will be received at the office of the Department of Public Charities, No.66 Third ave-nue, in the City of New York, until Thursday, Octo-ber 8. ,896, until to o'clock A. NO. The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Bid or Estimate fir General Alterations to Building now occupied as .Alcoholic Ward, I)ellevne Hospital. Nuw 1 ork City," and ,with his or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said Departmcnl, at the said office, on or bclore the day' curd hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened fly the President of said Department and read.

'foe Por-\I/D OF Pr,'IrLIu CIIAItITIi 5 RESERVES TI tE RIGHT Ill REJECT At.I. ISID+ OOR EsTISIAIE, IV- LEE\IFD TO IF It/ti lHE t'l'tLIC 1\ I EItE5f, AS t'I<-)l1DED IS' 5CC-Tlos 64. cHnttER 4to. Lawvs l'r t88 a.

No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person seho is in arrears to the Cur-poratiun upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

'I he award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable alter the opening of the bids.

Any bidder for this contract mu.e lie known to be en-gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have sattsftctory testimonials to that etiect; and the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the per- formance c,f the contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the penal amount of Eight 'thousand 8,cooj Dollars.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same, the names of all persons inter-ested with him or them therein, and it no other person be so interested it shall di.tinctly state that fact; also that it is made without any eon-nection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. - 'I he bid or esti-mate must be verified ay the oath, in wting, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true.Where more than one person is intere-ted tt is requisite that the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each Lid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, with their respective places of business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract ntay be awat ded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in etch case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required

for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every mature, and over and above his lia-bilities as tar!, surety or otherwise; and that he has offered himself as a surety in good lath, and with the intention to execute the bond required by section is of chapter 7 of the Revised t )rdinauces of the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person ur persons for whom he cun'ents to become surety. I'lle adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered i,to he approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

No bid or estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon o:,e of the State or National links of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centwn of the amount of the security required for the farihfnl perform-ance of the contract. Such check or money must Nor be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the esti- matc, but lutist be handed to the ; fficer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box ; and no estimate can he deposited in said bits until such check or money has been examined by said ollicer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is incarded. If the successful bidder shall re-fuse or neglect, within fife day, after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the saute, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and be retained by the C:ty of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; hilt if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid tire amomt of his deposit will lie returned to him.

Should the person or persuns to wh:,nt the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to aca-pt the contract within five days after written notice th it the tame has been atrarded to hi, or their bid /C propo,al, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered a, having abandoned it, and as in default t„ the Corpora-tion, and the contract will be teadvertised and relet, as provide-d by law.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in adduion to inserting the same m figures.

Payment will be made by a requi,iliuu on the Comp-truller, in accord:mec with the terms of the contract.

The form of the contract, including spec,fic:tttons, showing the manner of payment, can hu oitaincd at the office, .\o. 66 1'i.ird avenue, and bidders are caul ionod to examine each and all of their pruvtstons c.,refull pp, as the Board of Public Charities will insist upon their ahsu-lute enforcement in i very partic.dar.

SILAS C. C12t)FT, President; JOHN P. F.AURE and J.1DIEh R. O'CEI RN E, Conumssi,mers, Depart- tne,tt of Public Chanties. _


. Nit Y,,1:, September 29, ragf. TO CONTKrAC FURS.

SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING the materials and labor and d,,ing tftc work required

in making repairs, etc., to tier Fire-boat '' Wm. 1'. Have. mcyer" , F.n,me Company No. 43j, of this Departwent will be received by the P,o:u"d of Commi,,ioners at the head of the Fire I )epartment, at the office of said Department, Nos. 157 and r59 Fast Sixty-seventh street, in the City of New York, until 10 ,30 o'clock A. Ni., Wec!ne-day, October 14, 1896, at which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head of said Department and read.

The work is to be completed and delivered within the thirlietli '3oth, day after the esec'ttion of the contract.

The damages to tic paid by the contractor for each day that the cr nvact may be unfullllled after the time. specified for the completion ther,-of shall have expired are used and liquidated at Twenty (on ; Dollars.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour mimed.

For information as to the amount and kind of work to be done bidders are relerr,'d to the specifications, which form pare of these proposals.

'1'he form of the agreement, with specifications, showing the manner of payment for the wc,rk, may be seen and forms of proposals may be obtained at the office of the Department.

Bidders will write out the amotmt of their estimate in ,addition to inserting the same in figures.

The award of the contract wviA be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids,

Any person making an estimate for the work shall present the s:une in a sealed envelope to said Board, at said office, on or before the day and hour above named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the saute, the date of its presentation and a statement of the work to which it relates. The Fire I Iepartment reserves the right to decline

any and all bids or estimates it deemed to be for the public interest. No hid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is Iii arrears to the Corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same ; the names of all persons interested with hint or them therein ; and if no other person be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose and is iu all respects fair and without collusion or fraud : and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. 'Pile bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are iu all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each brit or esttr+rnte shall i.e accourpanled by the consent, in writlug, of two housr/tolders orfrcehalders of the City of Neru I ark, on///s their respective places of bttsinessar residence, to the effect that lithe contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance in the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred (1,5co) Dollars, and that if lie shall omit or refuse to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which lie would be entitfed on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirma-tion, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York before the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

No estimate vrdll be considered unless arrant/Inn/eel /ty either a eerti/led check upon one of the banks of the City of Ness' York, drawn to the order of the Cuntprroll'r, or money to tree amount of Seventy-five (751 Dollars. Such check or money must not be in-closed In the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart-ment who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate call be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall

refuse or neglect, within five days alter notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by hint shall Ile forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it he shall caecute tire contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to him. .should the person or persons to whom the contract

may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days alter written notice that the same h:ts been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or it he or they accept but ,to not execute the contract and give the proper security lie or they shall be cresidered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora. tion, and the contract is-ill be readvcrtised at.d relet ao provirled by law.


HEADgt':tlrrERS 1'-IRE Det'ART3rE\T, Nos. r5'1 AND r59 EAs'r S1xrV.SEVF:tv'rH SInEv-T, NEtt YoEx, Septem-her 19, .896.


SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING iii,, tuaterials :urd labor and doing the sru rk required

in repairing and altering the building_ of this I)c-part-ment, to be occupied as Quarters of Engine Company No. sq, at No. too Chambers slreel, will be received by the Board of Commissioners at the head of the hire Department, at !be office of said Depart-ment, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventlt street, in file City of New York, until to o'clock. A. mu, We/ti','-day, October 7, t89ti, at which time and place thy will be publicly opened by the head of raid Department an'I read.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour named.

For inform itloit as to the amount and kind of work to he done bidders are rd-Fe rrl cI H, the speciticatiuus and drawings, which form part ,d Ilt, se pt oposale.

The form of the agreement, showing the manner of payment for the w•ori., with the Specifications an,l forms of proposals may he ohtaiucd and the pans may be seen at the office of the Itepartnent.

Bidders will write or.t the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

'I he work is to be cimpicted and delivered within the tun,: specified itt the contract.

The d;mmgcs to 1,e paid by the contractor for each day that the contract may be oniulfilled after the time ,peci-ficd for the completion thereof ,hall have expired are fixed and liquidated at tell ii,- dollars.

I he award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any person nothing an estimate for the work shall pressnt the same ins scaled envelope to slid Board, at said office, oIl or before the day and hour above nand, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the saute, the date of its presentation, and a statement ut the work to which it relates.

The Fire Department reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates if deemed to Lc for the public interest. No bid or estimate ;;ill be accepted from, or contr:ut awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation upon debt orcontract, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the Cor-poration.

1•:ach hid or estimate shall contain and state the name anti place of re.,idenc,: of each of the person, making the same ; the names of all per,on, interested with hint or

in ; and if no other person be so interested it them there } 'hall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an esti-mate for the :time purpo-e, and is in all respects fair md without collusion or Ir:utd ,'-and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other otlicer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate most be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties staking the estimate that the several m:uterss stated therein are in all respect, true. Where more than one person is interested it is requi.,itc that the verifi-cation be made and subscribed by all the parties inter. ested.

Loth brit or 's//mate shall de accomfnnrcd by the tone-ill, In terr//,/g,rJ tzeo /eortseholders or Irrrholders oft/te City of Vrsn tier/,', vuft/t their recpeclne Ain ces of'usiness or residence, to the effect that it the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they wil on its icing so awarded, become bound :is sureties for its faith fat performance in the suns of Seven 'I housand (7,0,0' Dollars, and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpora-tion may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent let-tin„ the amount in each case to lie calculated upon tits estimated amount of tltnt scorns by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom-panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a hausehulder or freeholder in the City of New York and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the sncurtty offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York before the award i; made and prior to the signing of the contract.

No eat/mite mill he considered unless accourpaured by eit/rer a certified check ups;: one of the band's aJ /tie Crty of ,\'c.a J ork, alrn zr', to Ike order of the Conit ,b o/ter, or mosey to tin' aurorutt rJ 'ill roe Ilun,lrea' an'll"0)' (35o D,./ars. Such check or money must not be inclosed In the sealed envelope containing the esti- mate, but must be handed to the officer er clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-Lox, and no estintnte can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the. contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by hint shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall exe-cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse toaccept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or it he or they accept but do nut execute the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Cor. poration, and the contract will bereadvertised and relet as provided by law.

O. H. LA GRANGE, JAMES R. SHEFFIELD, Corn missioners.


ConutlsstoNER's OFFIct-, Na. 15o Srsct'r, NEW 1-oRK, October z, t8gi,.


BIDS OR ESFIMMATFS, INCLOSED IN A sealed envelope, with the title of tlic .nark tied the

name o/ the Hader indorsed thereon, also the numb,'/ o/ the :varh as in the advertisement• will be received at No. r5o Nassau street, corner of Spruce street, in the Chief Clerk's Office, Room No. '704-7, until re o'clock tI. on Tuesday. October 57, x896. The bids will lie publicly opened by the head of the Department in the basement at No. r5o Nassau street at the hour above-mentioned.




Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of rest-Once of each of the per- sons making the same, the names of all persons

i Interested wtth hint therein, and it no other per-son be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact; that it is made without any con nectlon with :my other person making an estimate forthe same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the Common Council, head of a depart- merit, chief" of a irureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other nffcer of the Corporation, is directly or inch irectlt• intereved therein, or in the supplle; or in the work to which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof.

Gasp estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, i of the party making the same, that the several matters

therein Stated are true, and roust be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of tsvo householders or freeholders halite City of New York-to the effect that if the contract

~- is awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties tar its faithful performance; and that if he shall refuse or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor-poration any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled ,[poll its completion and that which the Corporation may lie obliged to pay to the person to .vront the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent idling, the amount to be calculated upon the estiutated tmnvnt of the work by which the bids are tested.

the consent last above mentioned must be accom-panierl by the oath or af'irmatton, in writing, of each of the persons signing the scone, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of' New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, 'r othernise, and that he has offered himself as surety in rood faith, with the intention to execute the bond

I required by law. No estimate will be considered unless accom-

panied by either a certified check nq,on one or the I State or National banks of the City of New York,

drawn to the outer of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per ccntum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed ,n a sealed envelope containing the estimate, but

I must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart. ' ment who has charge of the estimate-box. and no esti-

mate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by .,aid officer or clerk and G>und to be correct. All such deposits, except that of

I the successful bidder. will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the ,ucces;ftll biddershall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be for`eited to and retained Ly the City of New York as liquidated damaTo; for such

I neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute time contract within the time aforesaid the amount of the deposit will be returned to him.

THb: CV3IVH1,1,l )NER t)G PUBLIC WORKS Rhalf VP:S'1'llt RIGHT Ii) Rlsll•:Cl AI ,L I;LD3


Ifi:mk forms of bid or estiutate, the proper envelopes ' in w filch to inclose the same, the specifications and

agreements, and any further information desired, can be `itaiucd in Room No. /715.

Cl{ARLE6 H. 'I', COLI.IS, Commis-loner of Public I Works.

G»uusswain's OrrtcE, Nut, Ito N.v;.v >rIZEI,T, Ness' YI/Ri, September 30, t896. DIU:; OR !'ROPI):ALS F1IR PROVIDING iJ wh:u-fage and storage for the fifteen Free Floating Baths, from the c'ose of the bathing 0 :asou of tS)6 to the beginning of tire bathing saga-on ill 1597.

Bids or prupo,als, inclosed in a scaled envelope, inclorsvd as ahovc, and with the nam-: and address of the bi,lder, will he roceived ut No. i5o Nassau street, corner or S;.ruce strict, in the ( 'hid f Clerk'- office, Rouut No. 1704-7.' Intil ma o'clock it. „n I1londay, Octo-ber to, ihy6. The bid, will be publicly open,. I by the head of the Department in the bas -atom at No. r5o N:usatt street, dt the hour trove-m.ntn,ned.

I 'flue bidder nuns: state the amount, in writing, and also in figures, at wvllf_h he w"ill ogre,- to provide the wharf-age' and strsage to each bath per dint.

The rstinrtted period the w:virfage will be required is from October 5, rsg6, until flay t5, 1897.

In the storage of baths there must he ample room for tilt huths to be stored five to six feet apart. No obstruc- Lion of any kind to be allowed in the basin or place of storage Ru' tlm baths.

The privilege of repairing baths at the place of storage is essential and must be a coo- iition of the lease. No

i extra charge to be made for material of any kind that may be deliv,red at the place of storage, nor on the dock or place adjoining it.

I Ple Comntissin-m,r of Public Works reserves the right to increase or climi,, isit the length of the period the baths may be In storage.

r.acu estimate must contain the name and place of i residence of the person ,[taking the saute, the names 1 of all persons interested with him therein, and if no j outer person be so interested it shall distinctly slue I that fact ; that it Is made without any connection with

any other person making an estimate for the same work and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; that no memuer of the Common Council, head of a de-paruuent, chief of it bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested in the estimate, or in the work to which it relates or in the profits thereof.

Each estimate must be verified by ;he lath, in writ. ing, of the party making the saute, that the several ntat- ter; therein stated are true.

No estimate will be considered unless accom- panted by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of 52o0. Such check or money must cur be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the ofhcnr or clerk of the Department wlto has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the success-ful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the saute within three days after the lease is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the lease has been awarded to hint, to execute the same, the amrnmt of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal, but if lie shall execute the lease svithin the time aforesaid the amount of the

I deposit will be returned to him. l'HE COAMMIS,SIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS



Blank forms of bid nr estimate, the proper envelopes In which to inclose the same, and any further infor-mation desired. can be abtained in Room No. 1703.

CHARLES H. 1', COLLIS, Commissioner of Public Works.

N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI' THE COM-missioner of Public Works, deeming it for the

public interest so to do, proposes to alter or change the grade on One Hundred and Twenty-eighth street, between Amsterdam and Convent avenues, in the

.. .. .. ... ° ty et,

- a



Twelfth \yardef'hr City of New York, more articu- q y F I of the first uaht ~ and from the mines hereinafter FIVE PER CENT. CONSO1,iUA"1'1SD STOCK, Boulevard to the southerly boundary of the area of as. laxly descri ;is follows: designated. CIT\' I\1PROVEMMENI' STOCK OF' 'I'HF: CITY OF' -essnlent, and en the west by the middle line of the Beginning at a pout in the easterly line of 0th. A statement of the location and the capacity iin Amsterdaor \'E\]' 't ORE, i'-stied in pursuance of cha ptc•r 920, Laws blocks between Wales avenue and Concord avenue, avenue, anod the sinter line of \Cest square yards per day; of the Works or factory where the One Hundred and Tw,ent •-eighth strut t, elevation paving prepared. } I. tem material is

of t8 q, and ¢da, Laws of x c, redeemable alter front y side of Kelly street the mJoseph

, .8p6, f the block

n November t, x8g6, and payable May I. xo'6. line of the block between Crane street and St. Joseph the present surface and 09-6o feet, above city No. 4 Anocr: illesnosvn.

base FIVE I'I' K CENT, CONSOLIDA FED STOCK, street ; thence by the middle line of the blocks between ; thence ,aster!), and through the center 64,4u cubic feet of stone-filled cribavork, inc'uding line NEW YORK BRIDGE BONDS (IF '}'HI? ('IT'V OF Concord avenue and Robbins avenue to the southerly , f said street, instance 3:0 feet, elevation square. face tunbc rs above mean low water, s8,5o feet; thence easterly distance feet to the

N I•:\\' YORE, issued in pu rsu:uwc of chapter :322, Laws hounelar y of the area of assessment. 3x,48 1 z5,non feel B.3L,f sgnard t her work in ribbon

westerly t ne of C n ovent aVcn feet, of 1871, am t ciuipter 300, 1-aws of ,875. re m ft I eal. le aer F:A'-'I ONE FitsNI)k •:) F O I ,1ND RT]-- FIRS 'I'


ue -o , elevation ~ piece runw:n plank, sheathing and fra it orb cl dons above irase datum line,

Nncrmbcr r, 19,6, and pa ) able Ley r, raz6. "II 2 F: F: C, from 'Third avenue to St, Ann'. avenue ; con- ,]Il city or The lime a!lo+rr I for the completion of the whole CHAELi 3, H. T. ,~I\ II R CI{N'1'. I ON III Ifr] l'E U STOCK I firmed June 26, x89 , entered S, ptomber rq, 1896,

CUI,1,15, Commis=inner of Public tool k will be sns enty cuns<cutice ar„rkin.1 days, '' E” OF 'I'F!F ('1'f]- OF NE \V YORK, issued in .area of assessment : All those Its, pieces or parcels Work., 't 'emi,,,'• to lie paid by the contractor I or each Dated NEw YotiK, September

Jour seance of chapter ;-a, L,rws of 1871, and ch:, pier of land Ott nail', lying and being in the City of Now ~ 14, iSg6. d:tc that the contract, or any part thereof, toots' be un- uo.l, lairs of r87,r, rrdeen-,:: blc-aficr November t, x8)6, I York, which taken to,clher are bounded and

fulfilled after the lime tisad :or tI,' c:nmplct:, n thereof Urr.arT>tt.xr r , r A1'ox Ks, C,,,:nusaox Oils

and p:[}'ab!r liay r, rgrr, <lescribed as f:dluws, viz, : On the north by t )rricE, Na. r o A:rc,:a t' ~rxEer AI:u Yoi.

has expired arc fixed :It Fore I), llars per day, August

FIVF. 1' 'K ( ENT, CI) NSOLIDA ED STOCK the southerly side of Lowell sire,,t. fruit! a 5 L, The :ono- ,nt,.f security required is Three I'Fonsanil

t•, , "F" (I TI-IF, CIT-1- OF NE11 ]- OKK, i-sited in Jour- point too feet wc,tr•rly fount the westerly side of '1'hlyd t89 , Five Htuldred Dollars. .uau" e of rha to ;an, Laws of xS 7i, anil chapt.r ç6,. avenue to theea,terly side of'1hitd avenue ; thence by 'N' Cl'17CE IS HEREBY (l ]'EN •I H.] 'I' THF: The estimates recerced will be publicly opened b}• the LV cha[ge for vault is fixed

I haws o1 t86=„ redeemable after N<:vrmber r, 1896, and the middle line of the 1,1, cks between Fast Onu Hun- permits at the rate of 5z head of the .aid l lepaitmc nt at the pace and hour alt square foot,

-t, pay-dde Maytgrx drec] and Forty-first stir it and East One Hundred and per neater and puouant to ordinance of the abov,• In;nt'onod and read, Common Council ASH111•:I, 1', FITCI I, Comptroller. I Furry-sec nd '(reefs to the middle line nl the block relating thereto. Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name

H( 1R' IN Con- rue NEtr Yost—Fcnnncl: Der sets,ocr, Clint- hot,seen ]]-ill[, teams and Br' oh :,cons ; thence by ,1R]1 PAYS( VA H.DS, Deputi Commis- and place of residence of each of the person smak i ng the THot-class Or tel m Ors ic, September 28, r8 o g6. I the sutherl vii It' F.a (Iii, ,t Hundred and Forty- 'toner of Public c 11 orks. ~ came, the names of all persons interested it ith him or - ___-_ _.--__ se, t,, el street, from th, midd c line of the block bctn-cen

them therein, and if no other person be so interested it I Pe , ne F, ,Ms Ea, Arcrtoxr.a.s, Willis avenue and Bnnok avenue to the eastc,ly sick of N0'I'ICE T(1 PROPERTY-OWNERS, BUILDERS, shall d, tinrtly state that fact ; that it is made with-

I CORPORA l7UN SALE: OF- REAL, I'Sl'ATE, I Si , Ar:n's avenue ; thence be the nud:lle line ofihe black

FLAHc;l'l's .AND 11THERS. out any connection wnh any other person making an 111"EIfY G13'I:N I'}IAT m p O h ICE IS P THE est,et,ife for the sae urposc and is in all respects lair

N 'tub fraud,


L IBLIC NO-IICE 1S HERE11Y (bl'.T\' I bchvccu I•.asf (Site }fund red and Forty-fi 1st strict and th, o Cnn u:,,io lers of tin • Si kit : ; ',md of the City St. Mary's street to the easterlt' 'ide of Beckman avc-

Ve<r ctice of pl , c g co::erete or other friable curbs without collusion ur and that no member,, I ; et Y. rk, nt ,trio, , I the p :wets y,•erica in than b} mce, and thence bt• tin oh r13 siii, „f St yI on ter -tr,ets of this sit} k m contravention ofchapter the Conm~ou Council, head of a department, chiet of I law, will uIfar for sa!e, at put It c aucunr, <•n Thursday, I street and said souther:y side l:reducod to tint, w, steely . ,stride 7, secti es toy. Revised O'-durance, of t8So. .t bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, nr other the 5th daa of Nocemb•.r, iSg6- out noon, at side of '}'int,'n nvcuue : thence by a line di au- n p:irallel

whist reads: "All curb -stony * ' shall be of roll of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly- Inter- the C„ nut ollrr'. O - c, , N,,, zto };I-oa,hrac. New 'tolls to I•:ast (lm: lb efre(i and I rty-ft,t street and distant the best hard blue or as granite." And this II part- , erred them n, or In the supplies or work to melee it re- City, all the right, title amt intee tt of if City of New I northu x17 -•. I It ii the m , r ther 17 life thereof to the

'I meat atilt find it nee s:lry to prosecute to the lull ; raies, ur in any portion no the profits thereof, heal \ < rk m and to .00 'rt,lOt into I n,r lot of loud dcsct ilied a, Fast river on the 'outh by tIi t <.riherly side „f East pet, to imposed bolt persons setting nr making such I or estimate must be verified by the oath, in a ritin~, follow.: I ( )ne Hundred and Fortieth rtreet, from a point too curb', Whether they have broken up or removed the ,' of the party or parties mukin;t the enimate that the Beginning ::t a print uncere the h:u water mark feet wu.teuly from the <ce,terly side of Third curb-stones provided 10 the Citc or not. several matters stated therein are in all respects true, if the Hai rem ricer, as th<• same existed on the : o:lid ty <•I ' -I enue ; thence by the middle line of the

Further m.- tice is n-en that this Department avi it in no \\h ere mm-e than one person is interested it is requisite Ju!}- , t8or, inter- come ,! a It drawn I all el to <J::e Han- If ck between East One Hwidre,l nn:l Fortieth case entertain claims or d,mayes to concrete or other ' that the verification be made and subscribed by all died and If ti,ah sn-ert and vii't:rot zq icet rr aches street nd East (hie hundred .a id Forty-first street, rt,ficial sidewalks that are caused b}• repair or setting the parties interested. southorly thee.lrmn, and running thenc,: southeasterly ' the midd'e bee of the block between R'i!hs avenue and

of hydrant•, or by Other rcork urbich the City does fur I Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con- along said low water mark to the p, int of inlcrsee- I hr. silt as en ; thence by the northerly si(lu''f East (Inc the _,•~tecil _. ~ d, sent, in so-riling, of toy;, householders or !reehclders in , tion of said mark with am,ther Irne draacn parallel to Hundred and Ii rricih 'fleet, It the noddle line of the

I H.\It LIB'- If. 1 C( 1 LLIS, r oII 'u` tic the Bin• of Neu 1-ork, with their respective places of l )ne Hundred and Thirtieth street and distant 4y feet ; block between Willi- avenue and Ilrnnk avenue to a line VV„ rl,s. business or residence, to the effect that it the contract lie it inches s,:uthcrly therefrom ; thence c:u[erly Moog : drawn parallel to II rook avenue at:d distant use,terly

anarcled to the person making the estimate, they said last-mentioned para,lul line until it inter-ects a ' too beet from the westerly side users„f; thence by 'iii, on its being so awanleel, heroine bound as his line dt2un pm:dlel so jibThird avenue soil di,tant 105 the northerly side of 1•0,t Our Hundred and 'I hirty-

POLICE DEPARTMENT. nttrr'ues for its faithful perfornu.nce, and that if he fret c•a,te,ly ihr eelu h rm; tence northerly along said v,ire, in tit t, fir nt said la m ,t-en m ti'ed line Iarallcl to shall omit or refuse to execute the sane tlxe}• will last-menti sued lone to the point where it is Rn,uk amine to the middle line <,( the black between

I. 1 ' I: r , s,:usa- Corr r No v. ]' :, pay to the Corporation difference between the sum inouns-coil b}- the ,orthu,ly ]tune of the a,pr ,: ch to the St, Ann's avenue and Crimmins avenue, and thence by "fH OV1 NI- 1k” N AA I EI) D]- }: I'It, 11'LR i t:, which l:e would be entitle.f on its ,:ampletion and Third Avenue fledge: thence northwe-neardly along the norther iy -tile nt East floe Hundred and Fornetb

Clerk ,a the I'ulicc Its l':enncn, ',t the City of that u- hich the Corporation may be oi,li ed to pay said soothed}' hue of tine approach to the Third .-\scene street and said northerly side rouuced from the Nev, Volk, No, ;as \lulberra ,trc• t, It,'. ut N.', r;, for the to the person or persons to whom the contract may be Bridge to it- inter-eel tun ac, tin a Itne drown parallel middle Into of the ])hock between Si, Ann's ave-

mot in 1L, , lr:: property, now in 'his custody, arithout cinim- awarded at any sub,equent Ictting, the a un with ut- O I lu ndre ha d - CLirttilt strict and di m a stant le inch Crimmins accnue t„ the East riv, r ; tits: Fonts. rope, iron, lead- male and temsle clou,igz, each case to be calculated upon the estimated toente -f:tur feet eL•vrn lured. therefnm : thence sound - i on the east by the E:ut river ; nn the we-t Ly a line

I outs, , ,c,, wine. blankets, u , n ,;s. c,un,eu,nod,, amount of the work by which the bids are tested- rrardl}- atom; the I:i,t-t u_ntir.nud l wn ine to the point or i dra parallel to Third avenue :u,d distant w liglrs. etc.; al>c =mall 015 m~ toes- es- thou from T'he consent above-nteuuuned shall lie accompanied :o


- place of begiun'n~, shorcn :,n :< map submitted to Ilse ~ erly x«, lost from tine• wssterly side thereof,

prisoners and fc, ,,d bo, Y!.voi::t.,,.. f ti., ii ar:mcnt, b}- the oath ur aflirmatio n, in writing, of each of the Conmris-toner, cif the Sinkii g Fund lure 30, ,3-,,6, ' 'L'he above-entitled asses,munt, were entered in the ]UH'0 1. i I-Af, FI,, C. I ,,, I n Ccrk. , personssorning the same that he isa h ouscholderor free- signed •` C. AC, line r¢th,' sse g6." I Record of'I'itles of,Ass me nts kept in the'` I itreau for

_ holder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount I nubs Solo ('urn; lit iSO ur S al r : the Collection of -Assessments and Arrears of Taxes -- _. ----- - --- security re, uired for the completion or thiscon- n( tine 1 P ' The highc,t b dda, will be le tutted t, pin' in cash and Assc,sments and of IY.ucr Renter" .,n the rc>pcct- DEPART MENT OF PUBLIC PARKS. u,., I. eocr and ;,bone all his debts of every nature and at if." time' of the sale the whole of the purchase-tit iney ice dates here, nabove gia en, and unless the :unnunt

. c,- rand ahora his liabilities as hail, surety orotherwiee, _ and the expenses of such sale and of the cony, yance. i assessed fur benefit on any p, term m- propurtc shtdl be \ 1 -_ t ,,- an,l u he has offered himself as asurety- in good faith The Compn uI m:ry, at h.. upuon, rc scII the prop- ! pain within sixty days offer the said re caive dates

To! CON I'll :AL. I U1I1. .'foci `-ith the intention to execute the bond required by erty struck off to (he highest bidder who shall fail to if entry of the asse'sments, interest will be collected BIII' 'III I:S fl AI II'" I-' OR 'I'l{E ,ec:ion :7n1 o.hapteri of the Resised Ordinances o" the comply the it rms of the sale, and the party av!tu ! thereon, as p,cvi<:ed in section 917 of said ''New SE.ALEI) .A

III oaoing-mentioned work-, with the tit e of the City of - ou Pork, if the contrlct shall be awarded fails to comply there-,-:itlt w-II be held liable L,r any - York City Con-oliclatiun Act of r84z'

.,cork and the name of the bivaler indorscc thereon, will to the person or persons for wh„m Ise consents to be- deficiency rcsniting from such resah', ,ection 917 of the said act provides, that " 11 any such

e received b}- the Dett~rtment of PebI I'a, ks- at its come su he rety ; t adequacy and sellicieny c of the if right t„ reject an}• Intl I, re,crveel I assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty

fficrs, the Ar<en:[I , Central P:,rk, until a o'clo.k Y. t i I sect rity ~ , Iicred to be approved b}- the Comptroller of 'f he map ut the prop rt}• maybe Bern upon ppl icatii,n I Has ; aL'ter the date of ecurs thereof in tine said Record 'York. Monday, 1tc, her 5. rSg6: the Cit} .•t Neav at the Cumptrollcr's (lice, Stewart I uilding, No. zho I of - I ties of Assesstne', is it shall be the duty of the.

N. Fl FI IR I E CV's "TRL-CTIOV ( OF IV' ' No l'id or estimate will be received or considered lir:,adwav, officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of

GP.:]\I'I1? ~'I II :1\ I i 111 Hf:k]Clr}; I \I I'i:O\" unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one By order of the C nnmis,ioners of the ~inking Fund, such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest IN(; I'll F (,RI)(. N'iS c of c}:e State or National banks of the City of Neon York, under a resolution :'ch'pt<,i 9eptcmber z3, t89u- thereon at the rate of seven her centum per annum, to T0111; (l}' (F.\'F:k:U C (RAN 1. kl\-}-R~II /E drawn to the order vl the Comptroller, Sr none}- to the I -\al I I .h, P. 1'ITC H, t_om pt, all v. be calculate I from the date of ,uch entry to the date of

nt „t the of tl:e security ' 1-OK. am~unl of flee per ,.entu amount CI PARK IN THE CII % I IF \ E\\ R !-a' , a New Fnr., I- I, •ins Ili -.:s x'41:1 Si, r ow t:, Cow- payme t." required for the faithful perfi,rma•tce of the contract,

No. 2. FUR THE I:REI ! ill's A SFA-R-All., 1 eol.t.ra,'s or rice, Septcntb;r z- , i196. Tine above assessment, are payable to the Collector of

Such cioeck or money must xcrr be incluscd in the sealed R'11 'H I:Fa\ I'll C Cl iFfNi: l's 11 III K" AEI)

-- I A=se:=meats and Clerk of Arrears at the "Bureau for envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed

IRON RA] IAc .. C)N I HF: A'I )RT-HEhl l' SI] r}: NOTICE 1)1' :bS"ulS \l I'\ h I OR III '1•.\1\G i the Collect on ofAssessment, and Arrears of'hazes and -I to the ofi,cer',r sere of the Ileparnnent ,rho has charge

OF' 7 HE F:A I F\slit\ OF 'l'HI'. F.A.s ]' RIO EF; v - Arse-sments and of Water Rents," Room Steuart

(IIRK, E CIT']I 'I of tin,_ estimate-box, and uo estimate can be deposited ,


p in

1 1 1••1:I ; r1A I) :I 1'.11 1~1- 3r•

l I liuildmg, between the hours of and ]'Li k~i- :AAC6: OP tit:C Ill qr6 (~F 1'HE said box until such check or nwne% has been ex• ]n. ;, Fl IF KF.GLLI 110.1: All II Al ING Al"I T H atoned by said officer or found to be clerk and correct.

~~ . 1xll payments made thereon on or before November r3, " N fork t ity Consolidation Act , :f to z," as

-to I tI.-Al.'l 1'.AA"F. AIES'I', (IN I L I:"I N I VIACA - All such deposits except that of the sucress:ul t gob, will I,e exempt from interest, as anove prodded, tmem.leu, the C pi roi!er nt the City of NO,, ]•ark

DAIf 1':33- F.IIE\1', 'IHF: CAkkL-It 1,03,V1- OF bidder will be returned to theersons makin and after that date will be charged Interest at the hereby glac, public notice of the confirmation by the

p g ""IHF: Clk~l.l;," :\T' FI}'}]-SIN ill ,I'k F•EC Lice same within three days utter the is `upreme r_:curt of tine asessment t~>r Ol'I(\I\(. A\U rate of seven per cent. per annum ml front the above

,_N1) EI1:HTH AVENUE.!N I'llFCil- ]- OI'\I•:]1- - } contract

awarded, ] t the successful bidder sh:aI

refuse or .aCltL-11LISC: I'LII,E to the f„Ilo~ring-nnmerl street respective dates ofcntryct;tees=sc,~mcntsmthcP.ecord '31 I kl'• in the of I isles of Assessments to said Bureau to the• date of

neglect, within five days alter notice that the contract , 4. 1-IIR CONsTRL-CTIN(; 4N£t PL-TTING has been awarded to him, to the the execute same, T'IVF.LFTH WARD ~ pltyment.

IN _PLACE :A CRIP-FEV'IIFR, INCI.I'IUlA(: THE' Nnountol thedepositmade b•him shall be torlcitcd I f)NE A,HBEL P. F'IT(;H,Conrptroller. cn F.l(,H-II-EIGHTH

(-it% of Ncw ]'ol<s—YINANCE Lira RIAIMNT, Cuale- bets

S(~~L Ak}ac CI\IPER FK.\111 \I;, Ft)k hH F: PEL- to and retained by the City ot} Neu York as liquidated 5TREFT, between ]]-adsworth and Amsterdam acs•- , ~ r.<,r.l.t:n's Ot--rice, tieptcml, r r r3 " HA\I RI 31, })R N%_-dRIl)t:l:. IN ]'El HA\} BAN' damages for such neglect or refusal; but it he shall noes; c-,nf'trated April 13, 109•0, entered Septem- q' y''

'I'HL PARE-. IN CITY OF NEW\' 111FF. execute the contract within the time aforesaid the I'er at, t9,6, Area of assessment: All tense IN 1• E121-.7T ON la h~' hUNLIS AND She Engineers estimates c I the works I he done, and lots, pieces or parcels ,f land situate, lying amours[ of his deposit tll be ri ten to him. ho achich the bids avill'~e tested, are a- follows : N. E,=1'be prices must be wnnen in the estimate and and being in the City of Ness- lurk, which taken STUChS.

No, t—AsovE \l Ex1•tnxgD. also stated m fi,;ures, and all cstinmtes will be con- together are !sounded and described as fol:ows, viz.: HE IN•17{REST' DUE \OVE\IBER r, r8 6, ON 425 cable yards earth cx -avation, I stderud as info rmal a. hick uo not contain bids In all On the north he the southerly side of West ()ne Hun- the 1Le,,isterud ho and Stocks of the City and 7,375 ruhi:- yards filling, to place. I items for which Lids are herein caked or which contain dred and E.ghty-ninth street ; on the south by the' County of New York will be paid on that day by the 3,c7; cvI is yards mold or topsoil, in place, bids for I , fur which bids are not herewith called ! "<'rth,•rly ,uie ut lie Une Hundred and liightp• Comptroller at the office of the City Chamberlain, gg,one square feet sod, furnished and laid, for. I' elm iss:on will not be given for the -withdrawal of `evenlh tr,et; on the cast b} a line dnnvn p:u alt el to 1 Room 27, Stewart Building, corner of Broadway and q-o cube yarns sir} rubble masonry' in foundations. any bid cm estimat^. \u bid p ill', accepted from ar can- ( Amsterdam avenue ar.d cltstcmt easterly one hundred feet I Chambers street. (I; cubic yards rubble masonry- in cement mortar tract awardeu to any person who is in arrears to the frouw the east rls side thereof arse on ter west The 'I7:msI r Books will be closed tram September

byno . l ie

Us foundation•, I Corporation upon debt orcontract, orwho isa defaulter, a flue drawn parallel to 31"ad,worth avenue and elms- 3o ,o November r, t8g6. 444 square feet "ran i*.e platforms, I as ure13 ,r otherwise, upon any obligation to the Lunt s esterl) one hundred foot tong u") from the westerly 'Che interest due November r, r8g6, on the Coupon

I r,a75 lineal teen granite -set s. Curuorau un. side thereof. Bonds and Stocks of the Cite of New York, will he -r- lineal feet granite coping, straight and curved, The Le partment of Public Parks rescues the right to The above-entitled as,c;sment was entered on the I paid on that day by the State -Trust Company, No, loo

Irni,hed amt set, reiect an}• or all the bids received in response to this ad- •1 date hereinbetore given tut the Record of itle.ot Assess• Broad•.cay. 3-3 gr:;nitc pests, furni-hed and set, verti c nt it it should deem it for the interests of the meats C'nctin ed,~kept rn the " if Ire at for tine Col- ASH BEF, P. III Cl-1, Comptn,ller. :r walk ba , ins, complete, I City so to do, and to readve rose until satisfactory bins i ]clan of -Is:ess mant s and arrears of Taxes and I Ct)v c,F Nr.0 Ir in;—FIN S'cE PI- r:vcrat i..- i, L am- I surface basin, complete, or proposals shall be received, but the contract when As`es-ments and of Vu ater Rents." Cnless the Ticui I r. r', if011oam,, Sd{ tembcr 15. In.,'S. ago lineal feet c inch ,: oneuare crai : pipe awarded u ill be awarded to the los est bidder, ~ c'mo tent :r.:se ed for benefit on any person or prop 2oc lineal feet 6-inch ,t,nco:rcc 'r to-t i1 , i BlankFl forms I r proposals, and torn• , t runt-cts

feet -fall Ie. pad Within sixty days after the date of said I entry of the asses-meat, interest will be collected 1 STREET IMPROVEMENTS, 23D co scvare aeall, p;n ement of c ncrete and which[F.e succes=i oil bidder tute,,ch case will be reyuind thereon a. provided in section y17 of said ••New AND P„rtl:.nd inciudlrg mortar of o: meat, ruGble-stone to Bile le. and irfcrmat:on relative thereto, can be h:,d

foundation, at the nliie, of the Department, Ar-, nal, Sixty-fourth 24TH WARDS. 1-"rk Lots • Cons obdannn Act of [Sr — _______-

1 he soar lone c^mmenceei within ten days ,'ter the street and Fifth < cone, Central Park. ~ecnon qt7 cI the .a,d act pro%ides that, " If any such ec; m l,,.i p zq, t696. execuron of the cn~ttract and to Le toll}' com[lered n; S ].Ft CRC '1:1.K, ti.\\ILLI llc>IILLA\, 1]'ILL- assessment shall remain unpaid for the pert„d of sixty TO CON •11x 3C if )1{i'i. ace, rdance with the terms of this a" fo re lA\I A. SIfI,h:S, S\I1T1: EL1', Commissioners ut days after the date of entry tlmreof in the said ri Ord t re,.mc dai

e ; 1'ui,!:c I'an:-. :Le tilt e nth day of April, eighteen I cndred ar,d in if vin CF:ALL•' t B1Dn OR F: EACH OF cf lutes of :\sscss tents, it shall be the duty of the ̀7 the t allow

nci-i arks with works the of

seven, at the dzm: r~~s to be prod b}~ tins contractor for ! - -- nflicer :,uthorized to collect and receive the :unount of hi re

unt, ' I t he ~ the work and none , ! the bidder indorsed thereon, indorsed [( , each day that the ~-ontrxct, or any pan thereof, In be I ~t 1. )H\'S CF:\1 F,-1'1•, Ti ]-. H CDSCIN, CL.]R1iS0\ such as-essment to charge, collect and receive interest ahu the nwu her of the nark, as in the advertisement,

unfultil!ed after the time fixed for the c mpletin, thereof I LIKU1 I KFF1 ~, r - : thereon at the rate of seven per ceutunr per annum, to ha, evpirad, are fixed at Fifty lit hours per er da T H IT

U y, (r II flu ' MAY CONC E RN : NOTICE I5

mill received by the Ci n d sdtoncrot tinned Improve- he calculated from the date of such eutrt- to the date of f the 'entvAlardrd an T I meats of Tw d wenty-fourth \yards,

The amount of se,uri.y required is Fightec_n l housand 1 hereby given that title to this pnpertc been pa, count.” at hi. oriire, No z: oe 'third avenue, corner or One Hun- the is Collectorol above assessment payable to the Dollars. II acquired by the (_rte of \ea cork, :,nd tLnt a is to be I and Furta heat sstreet, until rr o'clock A. a[., on \ —At ote o. z :nIE rr,krzo

f'. la id ut o c.s a p par k. Pt, ons if e* it s o f removing 1 er

m in termed i!l

" As,essmcnts sold Ciork sot Arrears, at the L'ureau f r lot d Octer 2 Monay, , t, 1896, at W hich time and hour

6 ro cubic yards of es cavaz on of all ki ind anon s, I main, h te in w, r:p,~n appic ti .n t„ l the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of faxes i th will I u

e} re ubh,av opened : r,3oo cubic yards of filling to be furnished in place, T this Del,:u tment be gic en permit, torn Ce such remov- I and As.,e>sments and of ]Vater Rents," k nom 3r, Stew- No. I. FO1k RI •:1 1 1 .STING, GRADING, SET- t„co cubic rrds of wall masonr •. al until November ; 3' y r5, x996. :liter that date wort: art Building, bet,cen the hours of q A. M. and z h,+t, '1'I\(i Lb"RI:-SlU\E5, 1'1,.-\(:c:IN( '1'HE SIDE- qo cubic yarn: of ccnerete in f undat:on. ' up' n the park still L.<, started, the remains oaf the anri dead I all payments made [hereon on or before November

WILES LAFI\t: CILOj>,\1- Al.liti AND PLACING , 82 lineal feet of granite pi, to furnish and set. g .trill nut to nlrbed, bwthe r:n•est, neswil. be buried

I no xoy~, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, FE\CL's IN FRANKLIN A]'ENL@', from 'L'hird

granite piers above coping, to furnish and set, by order ''I the Lerartmer,t of }'ublic Park,, and after that date will be charged interest at the rate avenue to Croton, Park. 346 lineal feet ;;_alvaruzed-,ton railing, to furnish ar.d R ILLIA]1 LEAKY, Secretar •. of seven per cent- per annum from the above date of Ni,. 2, FOR REGCLA'I'INC;, GRADING, SE'!'-

em ererL 7nF ]~ ~~r-r:;,i„ C'r~~ ~ ~:rl. P:axt:. September ro, taut. of the as~e ssment m I:he Record of 1'i ties of PING CliltB 51'U\LCb, F] Al '1 HF, SIDE- Tke time allocated for the completion of the whole I Assessments in said,P,ureau to the date of payment, I \VALKS A O'eW , LAZING LRO ALKS AND PLACING _._ -

- work ill he ni — will ty consecutive u d ty:. I he ' ASHBEL 1'. FITCH, Comptroller. F}i NCI s". l's II NI) Al EN UE, from \Yolf street to damages to he paid by the contractor for each me FINANCE DEPARTMENT.

Pl1PI 1:• i t, t_as c O}DICE Setetn

, pber 2 t$ 3, q6, Ac ueduct trvcntIC. C 1 '

that the contract, or any part thereof, n be unfulfrllcd No, 3. FO] CONel RUC I'liAG SEWERS AND after the time fixed for the com}letmn •hereof f 0',' , -I, Lev:aei>Ies'r. blot,-Crimp rrto-- L 'I-Lecrtos NOTICE 01' ASSESS.']IENT }OR OPEN- I APPURT]?NA\CES IN EAST' ONE HUNDRED expired are fixed :it T'en Dollars perch}•. „o- Tase:l. -No. g- Coo atuetes mice-; • 'irso on-: B iLn- IN(, STREETS AND AVENUES. AND 1-11 117Y-EIGH'I'II 'oIK}:E'1', between Third

he amount of security required is Eleven Thousand I'r, . Nett 1-, ati October I, t8l,_ Dollars.

N PURSUANCE, c)F SLC'I'ION g:6 OF THE I avenue and l:athgatc as .nue. AND IN FAST ONE

I' HCP1i)kEU No. ,

\OTICI; 1'U TAXI'al ERA, :\ones "New York City Consolidation Art of r88z,” as ,\NI) I-,I(HL'1'- N IN1'H oi 1.'RE}:I', \Iexr[ f

I1,22j s)uare yards rd asp ^ O-I ICF: ]S HEF.EBY GIVEN 7 HAT THE, vemr,nt u! asphalt. I amended, the Comptroller of the City of \ew Pork between I L~d stems and Washin,ton avenue, W11 H

BRANCHES pa =\ Assessment trolls of IL cal F.s!:ctc, i'er>una] Pro 25 lineal feet r I neat I.due -tone curb, p' hereby gives puulic notice of the contrrmation by the I_Y WASHIIG'I'UN AVENUE:, be-

straight and exit- and Lank Stock in the City and County of New I Cun•ed, eight inches thick, In furnish ts for ONIN AND I tween third avenue and Yelha;n seen uc. Sllpr-urne Court of the as,essmen P E G and set. York, for the year rfi f nd the warrant, for the collec- I'he t me ,Ilnued for the c mpletion of the whole :\CQUI FIN (_i 'III LF. to the following-named avenue I E m ach estimate must contain the n.ome and place of awork ! tirn of taxes, have ben uc Ito ered tothe undersigned, and will he for:}' consecutive acnrk mg d:r}. 1'he rlama5e, i and street in the I residence of the person making the same, the names of that all the taxes Otis id assessment rolls are now clue to be paid by the con rractur fur cash I that the con ly T'IV Ial'Y-THIRD ]u ARD. i all persons interested with him therein, and if no other and payable at this office, tract, or any port thereof, may be unfulfilled after the I'm ALES AV I UE, from Southern Boulevard I person lie so interested it shall disc tinet!y state that fact,

e fix tor In case of payment on or before the 1st day of to St. Jo-eph street ; confirmed Jumme III, :896, entered That it is made without any connection with any other I o

tcompletion has expired are ttined ft wen t) r

he ho (ompletuon , November next, the person so paying shall beentitled to rs

pe y' September 14, x8g6. Area of assessment : All those person making an e.timatc for the same a.ork, and is in

'the benefits mentiared in section 842 of the Neu York of security required en Twelve Thousand lots, picccs or parcels of land situate, lying and all respects fair and without coilusion or fraud. That no aLl ] ars.mount ~ City Consolidation Act of x982, viz, : a reduction of inter- being in the City of New l m k, which, t;cken member of the Common Council, head of a r:epartment,

"I'he bidder melt deposit with the Commissioners I est at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum between tile together, are bounded and described as follows, viz, : chief of a bureau, deputy thereof-, or clerk therein, or

of day of such pavment and the met day of December next. the Department of Public Parks, at le.,st taco days before I On the north by the soutbc ly side of Kelly street ; on other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly 'faxes, 1) 3110 E. ,oLSTEN, Leo_icer of maki. g his bid, samples of materials he intends to use, _

the south by the nortl::crly side of East One Hundred interested In the estimate or in the work to which it

as follows : '1'b.rt1-ninth and 'trect producn.f and a line drawn relates or in the profits thereof,

1st. 'opecimens of asphaltum, with a certificate stating NOTICE OP' TI-I E 12EDZ.0 1'TIDN OF parallel to the Southern L'<.ulevurd wind di-tans zoo feet Each lid or esunmte must be verified by the oath, in

where the asphaltum was mined. N F_\] 1 011K C1 i\ ISC~:~115 A;~1J sou,hcrly from the southerly side thereof from the writing, of the party making the same, that the several

'matters I„fiddle line of the bl<,cl. l,encecn One: Hundred and ther<,in stated are true, and must comp a. be .,coin a. 1-i One Hundred Forty I by in z6. ,A 'pcc=pmts of as cement, with a statement S OCK. comi c

of t'i,e elements of the cumlosiuon of the bituminous OI'ICE ly HEREBY GIVEN TO T HE HOLDERS cemen,s used in the composiunn of the paving surface, jV of the New York City Mock and Hinds herein-

rty-first street and and -errand vied the consent, writing, of two householders or streete produced to the middle line of tl.e block between ~ freeholders in the City of New York, to the effect that One Hundred Thirty-ninth One Hun- it is

opecimen, of sand iutenucd to be u,ud, 3d. ith the tens of and street and I the contract awarded to the per,on Imrking the

after described, that in a.cordance w r decd and Fortieth street,; rum the east by the middle line estimate, they Will, upon its being so awarded, become 4th. Spce:men' of pulverized carbonate of li me issue I will redeem said Stock and Bonds on the 2d day tote of the blocks between Wales avenue and Beach avenue, I bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and .ded t„ be used, - of November, 1896, at my office in the Steuart Building, from the scnttherly side of Kelly street to the middle o that i1 he shall refuse or neglect to execute the same,

5th. ~pccmens oft he asphaltic roc:, with a certificate No- 2bo Broadway, New York City, and that on that day line of the Hock between Crane street and St. Joseph I they will pay to the Corporation any difference between or other evidence that it is of even fabric and a product said Stuck and Bonds will cease to bear interest, viz. : street ; thence by the westerly side of the Southern the suer to which he uotlld be entitled upon its comple.


(although not yet named by prop -t :art hority;. from 1'rvmont acemm to Quarry road, bum the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, as tine same has been heretutore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road.

PURSUANT T ) THE STA'1'U1'ES IN SUCH c uses made and provided, notice is hereb3• given

that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the Stare of New lor:c, at a Speci d Term of Said Court, to be held at Part 1. thereof, in the County C urt-house, in the laity of New York, on Wednesday, the 14th day of Oct ber, r89s, at ill,- upunin; of the Court on that dip, onus scan there:dter as co;ta.el can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Esti-mate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter. The nature. nd extent of the inrprovem-_lit hereby intended is the acquisition of title by I he Mayor, Aldernrn and Commonalty of the City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises. with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, re quired for the opening of a certain s. rest or avenue known as Lafontaine avenue, from Tremont avenue to Quarry road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, being the following- described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. :

Beginning at a point in the northern line of Tremont avenue distant 443.52 feet easterly from the intersection of the northern line of Tremont avenue with the eastern line of Third avenue.

list. Thence easterly along the northern line o`. Tremont avenue for 104 feet to a point of reverse curve,

• d. l'hnnce northerly on the arc of a circle whose radius is z5 feet for 48.0 8 feet.

3d. Thence northeasterly on a lute tangent to the pre-ceding course for 2,034.z; feet.

4th. 'Thence southwesterly deflecting 147 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds to the left for IIr.89 feet.

;th. 'Thence southwesterly for 2,.67 feet to the point of b•.ginning.

Lafontaine avenue is designated as a street of the first class and is shown on sections to and 13 of the Final Mans and Profiles of the 'l'weniy -third and lsventy-fourth War Is of the City ,if New York, filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of tic' 'fwentu-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York on June ro and October 31, 1895, respect-

In time matter of the application ,, t 'File \lay cur. .-llder. men and C,,mmonalty of the City of New lurk, vela. tice to acqu.ring title, whereeer the same has nut been h retotiurc• acquired, to PARR S L'RLET (although to: yet named by proper authority„ tram East One Hun Iced and I''orty-north since: to 'uVestehester avomue, lit the 'Twenty-third Ward of the City of New lurk, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road.

PURSUANT TO THE STATU IFS IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that an application will he made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court to be held at Part I. thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on W-idnesday, the 14th day of October, 1896, at t':e opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appo ntment of Commissioners of Esti. mate and Assessment in the above-cutitled matter, the nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The \[ayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, for the use of tine public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appur.enaaces thereto belonging, re. quired for the opening of a certain street or avenue known as Park street, from East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street to We,tches:cr :venue. in the Twenty-third Ward of the city of New York. being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. :

Beginning at a point in the northern lire of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, dis:a-it 475.64 feet westerly from the intersection of the n metincrn line of East One Hundred and F',. ray-ninth stre.t with the western li 'eel Robbins accrue.

1st. '!'hence westerly :,l it,, the northern line of East One Hound,-cd and Forty-pint l street for 6o feet.

xd. 'lime ice northerly deflecting 89 degrees 52 min- ute, 39 seconds to t right for 761.53 feet t , the south- ern line of Westchester ae, nu

3d. L'he,,ce ea<terly along the southern line of \Vect-chester ave :tie for 6_.zo feet.

4th. Thence svuthcrly for 778.07 f_et to the point of beginning.

Park street is designated as _s street of the first class, and is shown un =ecti to z o} the ['inai Map; and Pr ufiles of

PA RCtL B. Beginning at a point in the eastern Tine of Robbins

avenue, distant 475 feet southerly from the intersection of the easterly line of Robbins avenue with the southern line of Fast One Hundred and Forty-ninth street.

1st. Thence southerly along the eastern line of Rob-bins avenue for 5o feet.

2d. Thence easterly deflecting go degrees to the left for 460 feet to the western line of Wales avenue.

3d. Thence northerly along the western line of Wales avenue for 5o feet. 4th. Thence westerly for 460 feet to the point of

beginning. PARCEL "C."

Beginning at a point Ili the western line of Beach avenue, distant 475 feet southerly from the intersection of the Southern line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street with the western line of Beach avenue.

it. 1' hence southerly along the western line of Beach avenue for 5o feet.

ad. Thence wester:y deflecting 90 degrees to the right for 200, feet to the eastern line of Wales avenue.

3d. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Wales avenue fur 5e, feet.

Hundred and Forty-first street to St. Mary's street, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-clues street or road.

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that an application will he made to the Supreme Court of the State of New Yurk, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Part 1. therey), in the County Court-house, in the City of Nets York, on Wcdncsday, the t4th day of October. x596, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter a' counsel can be heard thereon, for the ap} oint cent of Coin n:issioners of Esti-mate and Assessment in the above-entitle I matter. The nature anti extent of the improvement hereby in-tended is the acquisiti ,n of title by The Mayor, Alder-men and Comn.oualty of the City of New York, for the use of the public, t:, all the Lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto Iie- longing, required for the opening of a certain street or avenue known as Powers avenue, from East One Hun-dred and For.y-first street to St. Mary's street, in the Twenty.third Ward of the City of New York, being


tion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to 4th. Thence easterly for zco feet to the point of begin- pay to the person to whom the contract shall be awarded ning. at any subsequent letting; the amount to be calculated nnucnl. "u" upon the estimated amount of the work by which the Beginning at a point in the eastern line of lieach ave- btds are tested, flue, distant 475 feet soutburly from the inter-ection of

'1 'he consent last above mentioned must be aecom- the easu:r0 line of 'vach :even to with the southern line panted by the oath or affirm ition, in writing, of each of of East One Huudrecf and horty-north street. the persons signing the same, that lie is a householder tst. 'I bunco southerly along the eastern line of Beach or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth tile. avenue for 5o feet. amount of the security required for the completion of act. Thence easterly deflecti rg go degrees to the, 1 , ft the contract, over and above all his debts of every for t81.go feet to the western hoe of Southern boulevard. nature, and over and above his liabilities as hail, surety, 3d. Thence northeasterly along the western line of or otherwise, and thnr he has offered himse f as surety, Sottthern Boulevard for 28.77 feet to the western line if in good faith, with the intention to execute the baud Union aveoue. reuuired by law. 4th. 'hence northerly along t e western Iine of Union

No estimate will be considered unless accom- avenue for z6.t; feet. panted by either a certified check upon one of the 5th. 'Thence westerly for zoo feet to the point of b'gin- State or National banks of ' the City of New York, ping. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the Dater street is design,ited as a street of the first amount of five per centunt of the amount of the security ches, and is shown on seuiuu 2 of the Final Maps and required for the faithful performance of the contract. Profiles of the Twenty-third and 'twenty-fotuth Wards Such check or money must vac be inclosed in a of the City of New York, filed in the office of the scaled envelope containing the estimate, but must be Commissioner of Street Improvements of the'l'wenty- handed to the officer or clerk of the Departmentw•ho third and Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be York on June 23, tI94, in the office of the Register deposited in said box until Such check or money has of the City and County of New York on Jmic rg, 1894, been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be and in the office of the Secretary of State of the State correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful of New York oil June t5, 1804. bidder will be returned to the persons making the s:une Dated Ness' Vot,s, October r, x896, within three day, after the contract is awarded. If the FRANCIS \I. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation, succes'fttl bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five No. z Tryon Row, Ncw York City. clays after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same. the amount of the deposit made by him shall he forfeited to and retained by the I In the matter of the application of 'I he Mayor, Alder.

Cityof New York as liquidated damages for such neg- men and (,ommonalty of the City of New York, rcla-

lect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract five to acquiring title, wherever the same has not

within the time aforesaid the amount of the deposit been heretofore acquired, to ARTHUR AVENUE

will be returned to him. (although not yet trained by proper authority , from

The Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Tremont avenue to Pelham avenue, in the I'wenty-

Twenty-third and '1lventy-fourth Wards reserves the fourth Ward of the City of New York, as the game

right to reject all bids received for any particular work has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-

if he deems it for the best interests of the City. elms street or road.

Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes URSUAN'I' -TO THE STATUTES 1N SUCH in which to inclo'e the same, the specifications and i cases made and provided, notice is hereby given agreements, and any lotther information desired, can that an application will be made to the Supreme Court be obtained at this office, of the state of New York, at a Special 'Perot of -aid

Lt)U15 F. 11AI'F'EN, Commissioner of Street Im. Court, to be held lit Part I. thereof, in the County provements, '1\venty-t bird and Twetny-fourth Wads, Court-house, in the City of New fork, on 1Vednesday,

the i4tb day of October, t8)6, at the opening of the -- -- -

_ Court on that day, cr as coon thereafter as counsel ~

CITY CIVIL SERVICE BOARDS. I can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Cununis- -- ,toners of Fatiutate and .Assessment in the above-enti-

Nc.v t.t, t'trN:ii. Cot- rtr it ti i-u rsr., Ntcw 1', r. K, Scptem- tied natter. The nature and es tent of the improvement

ber t9, r-96. hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The Mayor, \3IINA'I'IONS WILL [ti. HELD AS FOL. Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New lurk, EX

lows : for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises. October s, ro A. lit. HOUSE PHYSICIAN. Candi- with the buildings thereon arid the appurtenances thereto

dates must have knowledge of nervou, diseases and ' belonging, required for the opening of a certain street , r understand the care and treatment of the insane. avenue known as Arthur avenue, from In moat avenue

t)ctoo,~r 3,, to a. :a. LRUGUISI AND ASSIST'AN'T to Pelham aven,e, in the Ttvemy-fourth Ward of the LIE UGGIoT. I City of ,vcw York, being the following describr_d lots,

October a l'I,UMI:ING I\SI'ECTOR. pieces or parcels of laud, viz.: i 1 )ctoher y. \VARI' N. Beginning at a pint on the northern line of Tremont Octu,ber to. LAW Cl. ERKS. avenue distant 7c9.96 feet easterly of the inters, n etio of

October t3. PAl'MAS'I'ER'S CLERK. Candidates 1 the eastern line of Third avenue with the northern line must lie quick and accurate at figures ; 93,e on bonds will j of Tremont avenue. be required. 'I're- 1st- Thence easterly along the northern 'line of

Notice is Its reby given that no application shall he I moult avanue f r t '3.14 tent ill a point of reverse curve. received excepiiug front residents of the State of New zd. lhcucc north' rly and cursing t.: the right on the York. arc of a circle wl ose radius is 50 feet III' 80.75 feet.

S. WILLIAM ItRISCOE, Secretary. 3d. Thence northerly on a lint, tangent to the preced- iug course for t.5o2 38 feet.

\.,v Yeast, March ro, i8o6. 4th. Thence northerly- deflecting o deereus r minute it 15 (iIVFN 'T'HA'I' 1HE RICGIaTRA- second, tithcicft fur 6r.ofeet. N OTICE:

lion days in the Labor Bureau will be 3londav, 5th. 'Thence northerly dellec ing it d,'grees 13 m.n- \Vedncrday and Friday, and that cx:uuinatiuus will take uses 49 seconds to the left for 497.11 feet. place on those days at 2 r. St. 6th. The-we northeasterly and c,irving to the right on

S. WI LLIA3l 13RI SCOE, Secretary, the arc of a circle taogeut to the preceding course whose radius is 50 feet fir 9c.8r feet.

--- - 7th. "Thence northeaster:y on a line which is the pro- DEPARTMENT OF BUILDI NCS. loncation of the ra lies through the eastern extre pity of

DeP.atrt!uc:, r , t- 611 1 - tt.utNc_, N-,. ez., F -rrrH Act.- I th't prec--ding eourth w usi 4.r, feet. 8Th. 'Thence 3, a- a u.,d curving to the right

9 G. mete v,

astcrl9 the arc of a circle whose radio; dr;nvu I)\\\ .

N ICE II) 'f~.h., ARCHITLCfS AND admi,,

' Iron the m,rtbcrn e.ctremity of the precedin~~ cuur:e fr

Ll)4:hS, makes an angle of , r deer -es g minutes 3 seconds east.

THF: 1)F.P:1R'F311.N7' OF' I;UILUIVCS HAS erly , nd to the right with the prolongation ef said prc- esta'oltshed a branch Office at iuncriou of Third and o-ding course and is z6o feet fir 273 9t feet.

Courttandt acenm:>, where all plans for the erection or yth. 'I - hence northerly on a line t:mgeut to the preced- alteration of buildings abuse the Harlem rifer may be ! hug Course for ,56.49 feet. s,ibmitted an.1 file' l. Toth. Thence nurthu -astcrly debecti:ig it degrees 59

Sl l'il \"U\ Ct )\s I'.111 L1:, tiupc antenae lit I wild- ml It r s -o second, to the right In 2,2,x.84 feet to tie ins. I southurn~line of Pelham avenue.

rrth. '1' cove westerly along the Southern line of Pei-

SUPREME ~.r'OVRT. ham n avenue, as 1, gaily opened, fur 7t.z3 feet.

In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder-

rzth. Thence suuthwe.t--fly deflecting 9r degree, 3,

' mmutes 'o seconds to the left for c,w8.8r lent. Thuuce and curving to the ri I 13th. s .uthwesterly -,ht men and Commnnalty of the City of New York,

relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not I on the arc of a circle tangent to the pre-eding course

been heretofore acquired, to DRI'E'R 5FREE I' ! whose radius is 22.79 feet for 50.24 be,

(although not yet named by proper authority', from i r~th. Theno r southwesterly on a Itne which is the

the Port Morris Branch of th • Ne'.v York and Harlem ' pr:longat'on of the ch anti thou o ugh t .e wt:>ran

Railroad to the Southern P ulevard, in the I wenty- extrumty of the pr.. c ding course fur bo h. et.

third VA'ar,l o! the City of yew 'r orb, a, the same bas ' t5th. 'I'hmen sumherly and curcin to the right un

been heretufure laid out and designated as a first-ciao the arc of a circle whose adios is iu the s,uthweete n

or road. street prolongation of the preceding course and is r80.9a feet

'11) THE S'I'ATUTES IN SUCH I for t3r.6; feet.

PURSUANT' cases made and pros ided, notice is hereby given p t6lh. Thence southerly on a line tangent to the pre-

that an application will be made t'. tt~e Supreme Court I ceding course for r,tz.S feet.

of the State of New York, at a Special "t ern, of said 'I 17th. hence southwesterly and cu wing to the right

Court, to be held a' Part 1. thereof, in the County on the arc of a circle tanyunt to the preceding course

Court-house, in the City of New York, on \\'ednesday, , tt'hose radius is 300 feet for 188.3 feet.

18th. 'Thence snuthwe,n'rly on a line tangent to the the 14th day of t )ctrl: er, 1896, at the opening of the

lux fmet. preceding course 91.07 Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as,counsel can 19th. Thence southea_tcrly deflecting 9odegrees to the be heard thereon. f ,r the appointment of Commissioners

1 left for 80 feet. of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled

The of the improvement matter. nature and er.tent I zoth. 'Thence easterly deflecting 32 degrees 40 minutes

hereby intended is the acqurstioi of title by The 135 secon'. s to the left for ice feet.

Mayor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New Izrst. Thence southerly deflecting go degree, to the

York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and I right for 57.3.58 feet.

premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurte- 'I' zzd. hence scu'.herly deflectin;., o degrees 13 minutes

nances thereto belonging, required for the opening of a rr seconds to the right for 6o feet. z3d• Thence southerly for t,57o.9 feet to the point of certain street or avenue known as Otter street, from the

beginning. Port Morris Branch of the New York and Harlem Rail- Arthur avenue is designated as a street of the first '1\ventt'-third road to the South.•rn L'oulevard, in the Ward of the Cily of New fork, being the following- chaos, and is shown an sect ores to and t3 of the Final

lot, or of land, v:z. : described pieces parcels 'Twenty- Maps amid Profiles of the Twenty-third and

"A. " fourth Ward,, filed in the office of the Cnmmtssioner of P.IRCEL in line of Robbins S'reet Improvements of the Twetuy-third and '[wenty-

Beginning at a point the western distant 475 feet southerly from the intersection avenue,

fourth Wards of the City of New York on June to and

the western line of Robbins avenue with the s=outhern of October 31, 1895, respectively, in the office of the Ri'-

line of Fast One Hundred and Forty-t inth street. ter of the City aid County of New York on June 14 and

1st. Thence southerly along the western line of Rob- November 2, 1895, respe, tienly, and In the office of the Secret-try of State of the State of New York on June 15

bins avenue for 5o feet. 'Thence westerly deflecting qo degrees to the right ad.

and November z, x595, respectively.

for t77.67 feet. Dated NEW' YoRlc, t)ctober c, t8g6.

Thence northerly curving to the left on the arc of 311. Corporation, FRANCIS 31. SCOT 1, Louise l to the

a circle whose radius drawn easterly front the western No. z Tryon Row, New York City.

extremity of the preceding course forms an angle of 6 In the matter of the a licauun of The May or, Aldermen pY Y

degrees IS minutes 37 seconds to the north with the said is 804.48 feet for 50.51 feet. and Comm'malty of the City of New York, relative to

course and whose radius 'Thence easterly for 184.79 feet to the point of acquiring title, wherever the sam

AVENUe has not been

lth here-

4th, tofore acquired, to POWERS E (aough beginning. not yet named by proper authority), from Fast One

the following desetibed lots, pieces or parcel' of land, I itely ; iu theoffu c illtI( Re,isfer rl the Cite and Cu unty

viz.: of New York nu J,u,c, t4 and November z, 1895, re. 13cginning at a point in the northern line of East One 1 spectrvely, and in the office of the Secretary of State of

Hun•Irecl and Forty-first street distant 19,).23 feet west- the State of New York on J tune 15 and November z, 1895,

erly from the intersection of the northern line of East resi,ectively.

One Hundred and Forty-first street with the western I Dated hr<w Yoxu:, Oetcher r, ,896. line of Rohbins :n•cuue. I FR'1NCI'', \l, S:' OTT, Comtsel to the Corporation,

rst. 'Thence westerly :dam; the northern line of Fast I N,t ,a Tryon Row, Note Turk City.

One Hundre,I ao,l F, ray- first strict for 6o,75 feet. ----- ml. 'Thence northerly ,lcflecting 8r degrees o minutes 'lie I In the matter of the apphc:uie~r. of 'I Mayor, Aldermen

to seconds to file ri;,ht for 64z.6r feet to the southern I and Commonalty of the City of New fork, relative to

line of St. Mary's street. acquiring title, •eln,rever the same has not been lucre.

3d. "I hence easterly along the southern line of St. tot or,, acquirer 1, to PON II AC PLACE , altihough not Mary's street for fe fuel. yet rallied by proper authority), from Trinity avenue

4th. 'I'll, net southerly for 652.30 feet to the point of ill Robbins a, enue, m the. Twenty-third Ward of the begtnnin-e. City of New York, as the same has been heretofore

1 n.vcrn avenue is designated as a street of the first class I itch mu and de,ignate,l as a first-class siruet or road.

and is oh nvn on section 2 of the Final Map,:utd Profiles I ~UI3SCANT '1'O THE SLA'FUTFS IN SUCH of the I or :uty third auct 'f\vettty-fourth 1Vards of the cases made and provided, notice is hereby given City of .N e w fork, filed numb,- office ofthe Commission•,r that an application w- Ill b_ made to the Supr-•me Court of Street Impruvc rents of the Twenty-third and oh the State of New Yorrk, at a Special I'erm of said Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of Nev, York un Court. to be held ut Part I. thereof, in the County Court- June t3, t69.1 , in the office: of the Ruutistar of tire City i hoase, iu the City of New fork, nn Widnes lay, the r4tl, and County of New York on June r5, i89;, and ox the day of October, iL , at the opening of the Court on th;,t office of the secretary of State of the State of New York ' day, „r as soon thereafter as ,:ounsel cal be' heard there, on loin.' r5 x894. I on, for the appointment of Columi --i users r:f Estimate

I )ate I N>tt 1ostc, ( Ictober r, x895.and A-ssccsment in the aiiovc+entitle I matter. The FRAN( 'IS M. SC( 'l l', Counsel to the Corporation, : nature and extrnt of the im prose meat hereby intended

Ni,. it I rvun Run, Nrw York City. 1 is the .m -9 uisitiun of title by The Mayor, Aldermen and Cow rnunalty of the City of New• York, for the use of the

In the matter of the appl;cati,n of The Mayor, Alder- public, t + a!l the lands and promisee, with the buildings nn•n and Comrnonalty of the City of New York, thereon and the a portenances thereto belonging, re- relative to :uquiring title, wherever the cam.- has not I ,luired for the o outing o' a certain street or au-civic be -n heretofore acquired, to F: IS I I).. E HUN- known as Pontiac huh ma , from Trinity ave+me to Robbins

I URED AND S1.1'F:N'I'Y SIX'T'H S"I'RFIEI', avenue, in the 'twenty-third Ward of the City of New although not yet named by proper au.nhority,, from York, being the tollowmg-described lots, pieces or Webster avenue to Third avenue, in the Twenty- parcels r I land, viz. : fourth Ward of the City of New York, as the sarm• has Beginning it a point in the western line of Robbins been heretofore laid out and designated a, a first- ave:tu-: distant 451.03 feet northerly from the intersection class street or road of the western line of Rob'nin', avenue with the northern

YURSUANI' TO 'fHE STATUTES IN SUCH line of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth ,trcet. cases made and provided, notice is hereby given 1st. Thence northerly along the western line of

that an application will be made to the Supreme Court Robbins avenue for 5o feet. of the State of New York, at a Special'1'erut of said zd. Thence westerly deflecting go degrees to the left Court. to i,e held at Part 1. thereof, in the County Court- for no feet. house, in the City of New York, on Wednesday, the i4tb 3d, Thence -uthmiy deflecting yo degrees to the left day of (let, ber, x896, at tic opening of the Court on for 5o feet. that clay, In as s on tber,,after as counsel c tit be heard 4th. 'Thence easterly for zcg feet to the point of begin - thereon, f, in the appointment of Commissioners of Esti- aim;. orate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter. Pontiac pbcc is desi;n:tted as .. street of the first class, The nature and extent of thee improvement hereby in- and is shown r,n section z of the Final Maps and Profiles tended is the acquisition of title by The Mayor, Alder- of the Twenty-third and 'Twenty-Ilmrth 1Vard., of the men and Commonalty of the City of New York, for the I. ity of New York, lilcd in the ol}ice of the Coutmi;sioner use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the I of>tre_t Improvements of the I sventy-third:undTwenty- btu1:!utg, therec,u and the appurtenances thereto be- fourth \yard, of th - City of New \'ork on June 13, 1894,, longing, req fired for the opening of a certain street or in the of ,,-- of the Register of the City and County of avenue known as East One Hundred and seventy- Nety Yoris on June r-, t894, :md m the office of the such stye "t, from Webster avenue to 'Third avenue, Secretary of State of the irate of New York on June r5, in the fweuty-fourth Ward of the City of Nett, York, 1894. being the followmg-described lots, pieces or parcels of 1).tt--d Nnsc \'anus. October t, t8-a6. land, viz. : FRANCIS \L SCO' f'l', Counsel to the Corporatio:t,

raucr.:t. ",t." Ni,. a Tryon Row, New 'tuck City. lle;innin_ at a pniut ut the easterly line of Web;teravr- -.

nuc distant 4 3.84 feet n he ortherly from t inter.=.crtion of ~ In the matter of the application of The Mayor. Aldcr- eu,ter line of We ester ovenuc with th_ them l ite el ❑ n ,e and Commonalty tit the City .,f New -York, rela-

in_ of l ust 0,.e Hundred and Seventy-filth street. five to acquiring title, wherever the -a lie has not been 1st, "Thence north, ml along the eastern Iire of Web-

stc•r avenue or 6„ feet, c( hereto acquired, to ~T. INN AVENUE al-

I tho.igh not ye' named by proper authority„ from zci. Thence eastr-r,y deflecting, uo degrees 4 minutes

h::rat t )n^_ Hundred :md'Chirt n~ stm~~t ro F:1st zz seconds r., tlx.: right for 337..9 Ccet. On,- Ha l 'and rod aid 'hi rtin:h otieat, in the 7'wenty-

3d. 'Thence s,.uti erly deflecting 89 degrees 59 minutes third W e rd of the City ui Netc IncYork, a, t same has 33 seconds to the right for 6o feet. been her laid out :t ie du si_nated as a first-class

4th 'Thence westerly deflecting ;37.72 feet to the point I street ur road. of beginning.

PARCEL " '1'O ~URSU.AN'l' 1'HE i-D'.l'I'U1'ES IN SUCH Beginning at a point in the western line of Washing- eases made and provided, notice is hereby given

ton avenue distant 428.81 feet northerly from the inter- that an application will be made to the Supreme Court

section of the westerly line of Washington avenue with of the State of New York, at a Special I of said thn northern line of [lust Ore Hundred and Seventy- I Court, to he held at Part 1, there:,!, in the County

fifth street. C curt-bon=e, to the City of New York, on 1Veenesd-my,

1st. 'Thence northerly along the western line of I the t4th day of October, i3g6, at the openin' of the Washington avenue for qo feet. t-ourt on that d my, or .Is soon thereafter as counsel can

m.l. ''hence westerly deflecting Si) degree' 53 minutes ~ Ito heard thereon, fur the appointment of Contmi,sioners

5o sewn' is to the left for 341.02 le't. i of Estimate and Assessment in t'.tc :above-entitled 3.L 'I'Irencu' souther lv dedectlag go degrees o minutes ': matter. The nature :and ext,•nt of the imuro cement

27 seconds to the left f , r 5o feet. : hereby intended is the :inquisition of title by The

4th. Thence easterly for 341.oz feet to the point of 19 favor, ,Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New

beginning. fork, Tor the use oft hue public, to .,hl the lunch' and prom.

tARCI'L " c." lees, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenance,

I3egi-,ning at a point is the see-it cn line of Third aver thereto belonging, required for the opening of a certain line distout 432.t4 feet m urherly fro a the interse:ti-tut of em mett or:wenuc 4atown as St. Attn's avenu u, from East

the western line of Third avenue with the norrhern hue 'I't,ir One H iudn_d and ty- uecoml strec,t to East One

of East t )lie Hundreci and Seventy-fifth street. I Hundred and Thirtieth stre_t, in the Twenty-third is:, Thence northerly along thewestern lire of 'Third NN 3rd or the City of New Yurk, being the following.

avenue for 50.04 feet. de'crib :d lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. :

ad. 'Thence woes oily deflecting 87 cteyiecs 47 minutes l;eginuing at a point in the southern line of East One

41 secut:ds to the It-f for473.99 feat to the eastern line of 1 Hundred an I Thirty--ecnnd street ill -t:utt 487.70 feet

Washiugto't :tv,vnue. e lot-rely from time interection of the eastern line of

3d. '('hence it utherly al ,ng the eastern line of Rash- 13r.-u'c avenue with the 5 UtIicru line of East One Hun-

ington avenue for 5o feel, I die I and Thir,y-second street.

4th. Thence easterly for 475.92 fret to the mint of vi thence easterly oleo;; for southern line of East

b_etonmg 'Shiny- ~ One Hundred am .l so end street 6,r Sc meet.

Fist Ono 1Itmdre'l and Sevanty-sixth street, from ' ad - 'l'hrncc su,nhctly detle_ting go degrees 4 minutes

Webster avm,ue to Third avenue, is des!guaro.d a: a to the right fur 375 28 feet.

sire t of the fir-t class, at d is shown on secti„n tq ul th, 3d. Tien :e mrcthwesterly deflecting rig degrees 47

Huai Maps :md Profiles of the 'Twenty-third and I minutes 39 seconds to the right for 92.18 feet.

Twenty-fourth IV ands of tile City of New lurk, filed in 4th. Thence northerly for tent to the point of the office of th-m Commissioner of Street lutpn,veincnts

tour Wards

I begimnng. St. Ann's avenue is designate,i as a sir -et of the first .it the 1'wentv-thircl and Twenty t_t of the

City of New York on 1).: ce'mber c7, 1895, in the mullion of class, and i, Shown on section z of the }'final Slaps and

the Register of the City and County „f Aetc Volk .,n Profiles of the Twenty-third and Twnenty-fourth Wards

1)c-cember zv, 1895. and mu the office of the Secretary of the City u I New York, hied in the office of the ('urn.

of State of the State of New York on Deccmher z8, x895. 'Twenty-third utiss'oner of Street Im, rosenteuts of the

Dated NEW Yoe is. October I, 0896. and Twenty-f'urdt Wards of the City of New York on FRANCIS 31. SCOTT, Couns't to the Corporation, June t3, 1394, in the office of the Register of the City

ion. z Tryon Boss', New York City. and County of New York iii, June 19, 1894, and in the office of the S-cretary of State of the State of New York

In the matter of the a. ,plication of Tile Mayor, A 13cr- on June r:, t8gy. uien and Commonalty of the City „fNcw lurk, r, dative Dated Ntat lung, October r, uSo6.

to acquir rig title, wherever t'.,e sonic has n•'t is 'nitFRANCIS M. SC(I I'I', Louesel to the Corporation,

beretofore ucquiroI to IAEONI'AINE AVE\Ul'. No. z'tryau Row,New York City.


2640 r -i . (< < - r Y RECORD S;%TUHDAY, OCTOBER 3, 189b.

the Twenty-third and 1'went)-fn rth Wards of the qaired for the ripening of a certain stye t or avenue theo minis-

, NewYork-, filed in li'icr of the l,u

Citynit Yt k nown a. Fast One undr •d an t'-ei ~hth street o n H c d ~tx } 1 sinner c,f Street Improvements of the I'rve }-tht d and formerlyC h arlvs place tries River avenue to the Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York on June C,-net urse, in the I isent}--third Ward of the City of 13, 1894, in the office of the Register of the City and New York being the fidlcocin,4-descr,hed lots, pieces County of New York on June 15, t894, and in the office or parcels of land, v:z.: of the Secretary cf State of the State of New York on tutu.- [. "A.''


at a point in the western line of Gerard June 15, .894. Dated Now Yoxs, October t, t8o6, avenue ,iisumt 489.61 feet northerly front the. inlet sec FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation, tion of the western line of Gerard avenue with the

No. 2 Tryon Row, New York City. m rthern line of East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh — street.

In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- I 1st. Thence northerly along the western line of Gerard men and Commonalty of the City of New lurk, avenue for 6.' feet. relative to acquiring title, wherever the Same has mit ad. 'thence wasterly deflect ng 9 -• degrees to the left been her etotoreacquired, to EArT ON I. HUNDRED for 23o feet to the eastern Inc-of River as cnue. AND SI XTY.SFCOND SFREEI' [formerly Cross I ;d. Ihence southerly aloi,g the eastern line of River etrret] not yet named by proper authority , ,althe'igh ' avenue fir 6o feet. from Summit avenue to Anden,'n avenue. in the ( 4th. 'I hence easterly for 530 feet to the point of be- 1'wcnty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the grnnteg. same has been heretof.-ire laid out and designated a, a I r anci:L " r,." first-class street or road. liogin -mg at a point in the eastern line of Gerard

\NT TO THE STATUl'FS IN SUCH avenue ch•Lmt 459.6. feet no-tl:erly from tie intersection PURSU cases made and provided, n•-tire is hereby ̂icon i of the a [steely- li. e if Gerard avenue with the northern

that an applicati, n will be made to the cup eme Court j line of Lost (fee Hundred and Sixty-seventh street. of the State of New' York, at a Special Term of said i 1st. 'I hence northerly along the eastern line of Gerard Curt, to be held at Part 1. thereof, fit the G ,unty I non flue for ho feet.

k, on horssLay, I Court-house, in the Oily of New Yor T ad. Thenc- e :start} deflecting god grees to the right the 8th day of October. r896. at the . peeing of the Court for 794.90 trot to the r+ estern line of the lames to be ac- on that day, or as s, on thereafter as counsel can be I gttirod for the Grand Hoe eva:d .0 d Cuucou rse. heard thereon, tor tine appointment of Comets- I 3d. Thence southerly deflecting toe cb agrees ag nrin- sioners of Estimate and As;cs;m cot in the uses z secou,is to the right for 0x.45 feet along the west- ab+ve-entit!ed matter. I he nature and extent of I ern line of said lands. the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of

i 4rh. Thence westerly f, r 78x.6_ feat to the point of

title ho 'I he \l aver, :b hi iermcn and Commonalty of the beeinniur,. City of New York, far the use• of the public, to all the East On Hundred and Sixty-eighth street is de,Lz- lands attd premiere. with the buildings thereon and the nated as a -treat al the first ,:lass, .,nd is shown on sec- aPP urtenanccs tmnto belongin -n , required for tine open- tious 8 and o of thu Final Main and Profiles ii the ing of a c rrnn strict or avenue known as List One Twenty. third and I\ve. ty-I. unh Via rds of the City of Hundred ..nd Sixty second street formerly Cross 1 \e,t 1, rk. tiled r ape,tire y iMille , flice cl the Commis- i street , from Summit avenue to Anderson in the I _avenue, sioner of street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-third AA and of the City of New l ork. being the 'Forenty-fourtii ACar. s of the City oC Neiv York on follorving-Qescribed lots, p aces or parcels of land, viz. N over. her x r, tIa:. and Oetober 31, 1895, in the office

meet:t. " .A." of the Reenter , I the City and County of N~-st York Beginning at a point in the me='ern line of Lrumer oil Nucemb:r_, rSgc, and November 12. 1505, :met in the

avenue distant z.o feet northeasterly front the inter ciliae of the Secretary uc State of the State of New Vu rk sect en of :lie w s:cr i Lac cf R „o;'} Crest,(Bremer - on Ni-eemher 2, 1595, and November x3, 1c95. avenue with the mrtnern line , I lcr me ass, nom. I toted Nuric lion h, September 2', 1896. I

rats I here - m-rtheas erly along the western line of - FRANCIS M. SC(l f I. Counsel to the Corporation, Woody Crest Y,remer) :n eoUo to.- 70.39 feel. No. z 1 rcou Row, New 1 ork City.

ad. Thence wester:}' d fleeting o7 r,egrecs 7 m:nun•= 3o ssconds to the left for sot. is f,et. Iu the m:+tterof the .ipplicati,in of The Mayor, Aldermen

3d. l hence southerly deflecting 90 degrees to the left and C,-mmonalty of tie Ctty of New York, relative to 5o feet. acgmrine title. whereeer the sane has not been here-

4th. Thence castc:iy for 51493 feet to the point of tutore acquired, to EAS 1' ONE HUNDRED AND i beginning. SIX-I V-FIRST cURF.ET ;:,Ithough not }'et named

I' tot et. " n." i by pre per authority, , fr, nt Union avenue to Prospect Beginning :.t a pullin the ea•Irrn lire of Won IN,, arenue. to the Twenty third Ward of the City of New

Crest fir enter at enn, distant 460.0- feet n:,rthea-t, r ly I ork, as the same has be, -n hereudt-re laid out and from the tote section of the cistern line of W'oody l rr rt designated ;is a first-class street or road. Brem.r avenue with the n::rtireru line of Jerrnc To THE :, IAFUTEa IN SUCH ~L'R,L'.IN'f

avenue• 0.1-es heiree l}- the line of tot. I nnrtheas ter aiur,g ea-te..0

male and pr-video, notice is herebc given that an .0 plicotion will be made to the[e Court

II r d_v Crest brert+er avenue .i r Se.-,, feel. '

, at a Speal Ternr of said of the State of New- 1', irk ci zd. I hence ,a-terlc d+eflcc.i, g S. degrees 52 minutes Court, to Le held at Part 1. thereof, in tire County Court- 1

30 secone!s t the r:,e: t t. + -7i. x_ fe t. i louse, in the City oI New Fork, on 11 sir :q', the 8th dap 3d. Thence ,. uthcrly detlectn.g 89 degrees =g minutes I of October, 1899, at the opening of the l ours on that

x8 seconds t, the r ght fl r a . toot. day. or :is snouttherealler as coun'el can be heard 4th. 'Thence w este-I) for _7s.;3 feet to the point of thereon, for the appuintm, nt of Ct mmisst ners c f I. ti-

beginning. mate East Otto Hwldred and Mi sty_.ecnnd street, from

and As essntent in tine above-entitled minter. I he

S t, Anderson as rnu,, is decimated as a ummi, avenue na,tn e and extent of the +mpc.vement hereby intended

is is the acquisition of title by The .\lavor, Aldermen and ,treet n. the I.r>t cuss, and rs firty f et wide, and Commonalty , f the C.ty of New• York. for the use of the shown cc >ectlon S ref tl.c F Ina] Maps ;toil Profile of public, to all the lands and premises. with the buildings the I went-taint and "I svcnny-hi. trth \Cards or the City th • -o d tl -t non •• th r t odor iii r

ively entitled unto or Interested in the lands, tenements, hercditaments and premises required for the purpose by

in commentvoce of o emn th • bu and c a vc-ment'un P t ed g

+ same being street tin the 2rarticula.l s• Y u forth and described in thn pennon ml Fite Jinyor, Aldermen and Comtuonalty of the City of New Vo k, and also in the notice• of the application for the said order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of Nosy York on this z8th das of July, x896, and a just and equitable c,timate and assess-mcnt of the value of the benefit and advantage of said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and foruted, to the respective owner::, le+sees, parties nud persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said respect-

' ire lanels, tenements, hereditameuts and prom-ses not require ! for tine purpose of opening, laying nut and formin the same, but benefited thereb • a ml of -v

g ), a:cer- taining and defining the eaten[ and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of I:md to be taken or to Ile assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter t6, title 5, of the act entitled " An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and local laws affecting public interests in the City of New York," passed Judy x, 1882, and the acts or parts of acts in addition thereto or amendatory thereof.

All parties and persons interested in the real estate taken or to be t iken for the purpose of opening the said ,troet or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, at our office, No'. go and 92 West Broadway, 9th floor, in the City of New York, with such affidavits- or other proofs as the said owners or claimants may desire, within twenty days after the date of this notice.

.And we, th, - said Conwtis.ioners, will be in attendance at our said office on the 6th day of October, 1896. at 2 o'ci ck in the afternoon of that day, to hear tine said parties and parsons in r::lit ion thereto And at such time and place, and at uch further ur outer time and place as we may appoint, we will hear srtch owners in eel ition thereto and examine the proofs of such claimant or claimants, or such additional pro if and allegations as may then be offered by such owner or on hchall of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the Laity of New York.

Dab-d NEnv Y ,u u, September 12, 1296. FIMANUEL IhLC)11!NSI'IEl., JAMES O. FAR.

EEL, \VILI.IS FOWLER, Commissioner. Hooey tin F,,:<esi li.\Lll11'IN, Clerk.

In tine matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- men and Cornmonahy of the City of New York, relative to azqutring title, wherever the -;tme has not been heretofore acquitted, to the lands, tenements and beredrt:uu:.nts required for the purpose of opening EAST UNE HUNDRI•A) AND SIX FS-SEVEN ['H S'I'RFF:1' (although not yet named by proper author-ity;, front• 5her.dan avenue to the New York and Harlem Railroad. a- the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-Ihtrd Ward of the City of Nere York,

N OTICE IS HEIF1-IBY GIVEN IHAIi WE, I'HE undersigned, sere appointed by an order of the

Supreme Co-,rt. Iearing date the zr,t day rib August, r896, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for the Ipurpo;e of ta,~kiug a Just and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss :utd ch+moge, if any, or of the be„efit and adsanta,e, if any, as the case Inay lie, to the respective owner-, lessee., parties and persons respect-ivcly entitled unto or interested in the Lu,ds, tenements, bereditaments and premises required for the purpose by and in consequence of opening the above-mentioned street or avenue the

r e 111a'or, nuns as ma ' be then o0'cred o 1 behalf of'I h t ('nr moo It of the it , of New York. Aldenncn ;mt - n a 1 C )

S • r hinted :ti t;w Youl.. September 22, tSu6. FRANKLIN 13IF.N, JAM ES J. MAR'L'IN,

E;t1ANUF:1, IILU11ENcTEIL, Commtssmners. JOSEPH Al. SCHsucee, Clerk.

In the matter nt the application of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonahy of the City of New York, relative to acquit ing title, wherever the same has not La.-n here. loftieracquire,l, to EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SEVF.NTy-EIGHTH ' I'REET [formerly Mechanic street j although nor yet named by proper authority), front the Sout',ern Iloulovnr.l to Boston Road, in the 'Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, as the same has bens her,-tofnre laid out and designated as a first-class street or road.

PURSUANT '1'O THE S'I'ATU'1'ES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby eiven

that an appbcaL- n will be m.rde to the Supreme Cinl rt of the State of New Y, :rk, at a Special 'I erns of -aid Court, to be held at Part I. thereof, in the Coumy Cour:. house, in the City of New York, on \Vednrsday, the [4th day of October. iIo6, at the opening of the I. or' on that day, or as soon therealtcr as counsel can be hand thereon, for the app:,intmcnt of Commis'ionrrs of Estimate and Assessment in the ahove-entitled mater. the nature .wd eaten[ of the improvement hereby intended is the acyui-it+un of title b}' The )fats or, Aldermen amt I'orn-monalty of th.• (ity of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands a:id premise', with the building, thereon and the appurtenances theret- belonging, ru-quired for the opening of a certain street or avenue known as Ea-t One Hundred and Seventy-eighth ,street formerly Mechanic street, from the South,rn Boule-

vnrd to Roston road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City 'if New lock, Beim; the following described lot-, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:

13eginniug at a point in the eastern line of Crotona Pa krvav distant 321.83 feet northerly from the inter- ~ section of the east,~nt line of Crotona P. trkw-ay with the northern line of Tremont avenue, no,v E.mrt One Hun- steed and `seventy-seventh scree'.

1st. Foence n.rrt herly along the eastern line of Crotona Parkwrty for 65.87 feet

ml. T'hene ' s'w'heasterly deflecting i r4 degrees zz minutes on seconds to the right for sig-ns feet.

3d. I'hcnre sons he:ist arty deflecting o degrees 34 min- I utes g6 seconds to the left for 6ceol feet. I 4th. Thence southeasterly defluctiq- 2 degree; 44

minutes ty seconds to the left for 787.94 feet to the evest-ern line of Boson road.

5th. Thrice soutltrresterly along the western line of Boston road for 6o.;o feet.

6th. I hence northwesterly deflec ing 83 degrees 24 mintres ;o second, to the right for 73;.81 feet.

7th, '1'henc r mvthwesterly dull,-eting z degrees 94 mi::ute, 27 seconds to the right for 6o.oz feet.

Stl-:. 'Thence ror, hwr steely Gtr ya7.'5 feet to the point of hcginning.

East One Hundr,d and Seventy-eighth street, from Southern ltoulerard to L'u-tun road, is designated as a street of the first class, and i:, shown on reckon to of the Final Maps and Proriles of the it'd and Twenty-fo. : nth Ward, of the C. ty nt New- York, filed in the office of the Commiss:nner of street Impri.vements of the T'e-ente-thud acid Twenty-fourth Wards of the City of New York on I )cn.her 31, 1895, in tl+e office of the Register of the City and County of New Yo:k on November z.:8-,5, and in the office of the Secretary of State of die State of Nec York on November z, 189i.

hinted NEw Yonne, Oct. bee t, aSo6. FRANCIS M. 5(20 CI', Counsel to the Corporation,

No. z T'ryun Row, New York I, ity.

of \ ew } ork. ti''e,J in Ilia ,-.iticr of tie Ci mmis-t.,ner nt crt n a~~ ,c .[pout e cc• e , o

same being particularly -et forth and described in the Street In our, rem u of the 1'wen:v-third and Tweet}'- ),town as East One Hundred anct ci<ry- bum st street, from

qu red ter the upen:n4 f a certain street or avenue. ' ! In the matter of the application of the I;oard of Street ! pc tition of I he- Alayor, Aldermen and Cunt n: on a lt}' of the

fourh V1 arcis : f the ( it) of Ne.+ 't rk on November r 1, ! L . ion avenue to Prospect avenue, in the Twenty-third Opening and Improvement of the Cit}' of New York, II City of New Pork, and also in the notice of the applica- I89p. +n the Inca ed the k, gis ter +•f the Cite' and County for and on beha'rf of The II or, Aleermen and Conm- ti,it fur the said order thereto attached, filed herein in of New York nn N ,, ember r z. , 80„ :,nu to the osilt d'.,

V}',+rd oof

f the Ci ty of "s e es York, being the following. ~ L,ts, pieces , r pored h of land, viz.: m„natty of the Gay of Nevi York, relative to 'm hum i the office of the Clerk of the City and C>unty of

the "ecre'ary et ,,f [hc Stat.~ of \ew fork en Ile inning at a paint in the ss stern line ~d Prospact tug t w itle, hereverte .:inn has not b_en heretofore 1 Nw e• York on the 28th day of August, thg6, and No er r t3. ry-. he :venue oust set zs2 66 teat nortrly from the flier cc i acquired, t , Pl.14RI :1VF.N L I: although n~+t yet I a j an q « ust d ei[able estimate aid a men ssesst of the

I)a:e I l'i,s, :cptcm!:er z5, 18:,6. tion „f the western line of Prospect :[venue w,th time named by proper authority , extendn:g from the value of the I net it and advantage of said street or FR AN',; L- M. xi. II I . Ct:un-el t„ the Corporation, , northe,- u line of Vi stchester avenue. southern Boulevard n, MIosh: , lu Parkrv.iy in the I avenue ;o to be o,;ened or laid out and farmed, to the

No. c I rc, it I:uw. Ne,,- York City. 1st. "Thence nertheny along the western lice of Yros- Preen'.}-fourth W;,rd of the City if New York, as I respective owners, lessees, parties and per-ons resiiect- - pact avenue :or =o ter t. hcret, fare laid t and de -ignated the saute ha; been ou ively entitled to or interested in the ,mid re;pecrive

Intl :.,atter of the apt licoti. n bile Mayor, Alder- -d Thence wi-stcrly deliecting oo drgrce, to the left as a fir,[ cla>- sir. c t of road. lauds, tenements, net emitt a"a is and premises not re-

m e i u d Comoro- alt} of the u c of Nan 1 rC, re.a-

e firing title wi tl. • same I.,+s not barn t , acq r f r 3zo rest to the eastern line of F ni, lit avenue. 1?, I H F, C 5 I11'.R5It N ED COMM ISSION ERS ' qurred for the purpose of opening, .a) ing out and


I rd. "1 hence southerly along thee astern line of L'nion V V of Iatimate .md A :a ss_ ssme in the above- formingsam the e, but ben efit _d thereby, and of ascer-

der,r nac [ CHI F:A t o,d ,e4 a`c- not aa.c rue fur 5o fir t, entitled ,•r, i:crab,} give notice to all persons in- ~ twining and defining the extent and acute I rtes of the not yet named by prupe~ anti '1 e , 1r,-•m II IIo aver nun is ,erard :e'en b,, in it. Tweet roved ACard of >

4th. hence castor:} for 3zo feet t+ the pint of be- i terestcd in this proceeding, and to the owner s err, anti re< active tracts or [reels of land to be taken or to be Pp+ asse—d therefor, and of the trusts perturmina and

the C:rr c,f \c~c fork, as tl:e same hac. been hereto- ginning.

Fast line Hundred and Sixt)-- fir st street is desisnated i occupant , r occupants, of all hurtles and lots and :m- proved and un:mpr:n•ed Ends affected thereby, and to duties required of us by chapter ,6, title g, of the act

lure ]:+id out and dc,ignated a=_ a [test-class street c•r a, a -trect of the first cl.iss and is shenvn :.n section 6 of all others whom it may con corn, to wit : entitled '- An act to consolidate into one act and to 'oad

ill THE SI .ATUTFS IN SUCH the 1•inal Maps and Profiles of the Twenty-third and That we have completed our estimate and SMC"Fur

+lichee the special and local laws affecting public interests in the c ity of New Pork," July passed PL'RuL'ANT

cases made and provided. notice i, hereby g.ven 'I'reenly-!north \Yard, f ticw 1 of the City , ork, Illed in assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- in and the acts or arts of acts addition thereto or

that an application will be made to the supreme Court the off.ce ut the G , mmi;.=_toner of Stec- t Impr„+emems rf the linen[V -third and I went}-fr,urth VV'aids of the

cecding, or in any of the ).inns affected thereby', and p amendatur thereof. )

of the tiL,t•= of \ew fork, at a rp•-vial Term of s;ud I Fits of \ew b ork ran august t, 189 the r•thce of the

having Objections thereto, do present their said nbjcc cans. in writing, dale verified, to us, a( u+v office, -Ill Parties and persons tnt_rest<:d in the read estate C+:unt}' Court- Court, to be held at Yart I. thereof. m the Re_gi,tn r of ;he City and I of Ncw York on Au- Nu>..9c lb 1 a++ th flour, in and g: ay,,, nude r , taken or to be :.Ikea for the purpose of opening the said house, in the Ciis of New l-nrk, on Shur_ 'ay, the 8th

' gust 7 t8q„ :md in the office of :he S •.;rtetar}• of State of I t:etore day I),aorer, stn<et or avcnu c, or affected tlrereb}•, and havanq anv (lac of Oct: ber, t8 :.o. at the opening of the Curt on - the Su to of Ac,c V,•rk on _-lugu•t 9, :895• or the t91h of t8gf, and that we. the

1l hoar - clam[ or demand on arcnuut thereof, hereb .+r,: that day, cr as soon thereafter as c^unscl can be heard Date+l Niw Yuia:, ~e acmbcr F. I t '-5' Asif I

said Commission, rs, w parties ;n objecting en ithin required to pte,ent the same, duty verified, to us, the then eou, for the appointment of C minissiouvrs of IF sIi -

in FRANCIS M. SCUII', lkounscl to the Corporation,

day-of October, the In , t,ck-d.+ys ne.., t after the said t. th x8)4, and for that nrp„se will be in - attend:uace I at our undersigned Com nuss.oners of F tminte and Assess- mate and Assessment the above-• nutted matte-.

impro~emc::t hereby The nature and extent of the ~o'' 11-y, n Row', Acw lork Lit}-. said office on each of sat I ten days at z o'clock e, rt. meat, at our oflic , Nos yo and gz blest I dwa}-, 9th __ Second—That floor, in the City of New York, with such aN'idavits or i menaed is t f~n title b)' lie \la}-or. Alder-

Common the Gty \cw- Pork, for the n untiltsi

men and alt}' of ci let the mutter of the a ucauon of 1• he Ii ~srd of

pp the wit h oct df our said be nefit e and

as 'a sment, t~~ge Neer vviih our damage and benefit maps, other Proofs the said owners ur el f s may I tw


~trcet (Ipeiung and I i roc.unutn of the Cit}' of \ ew

I . and al -o all the all ,l:,v its estimatesand other documents , d urn, wtthm assent} daps after the date of (his notice. this

use of the public. ut ail the :and premises, .pith the York, be the Counsel to the Corr~orati~.n of said city, have been :Ind we, the said Conmmissioners, will be in attendance milli ug; thereon an,! the appurt ena+.ces ihr- rcto bcl ung- I relative to acquiring title by T'he Mayor, Aidermenand ttsed by us in making our repog deposited at our said office on tine x th da of October, 6 x8 at 11 mg, required for the opening of a certain street. r a%euue Conmi .ic+ltc f the (.'ity rat Aea V'„rk, to <ert,iu L+nds, in the Bureau rl Street Opening , in the Law Pepart-

4 Y 9 in foren,ron la known as Ch ptuce. tram to t,erard T, and'Ilstt,f theensueC - teucm,t,t~, hcre~lit amen:< auJ in the premises

moon[ of Dori, Nos, go and yz Vlies[ ` City of ill , , t !o'clock Ilia of that h~ to hear the said avenue. in the ay-third t\ "aid rf the City of Ness ''I I;road wa}'. r,th floor, in rho. -aid cr[y, there .n remain p_nties ;utd person, in rel:+tion theteto, and at such to t], York, being :he lolle~wmg-descr,Lec. ]otn, pteccs .. r pa -

b:LE\ li d fH

York, ul Ire of I eve IL O

t until the oh day oil) ctober, tSg6. time and lac•,, and at such further urn ther time and P eeli r1 L:nd, viz.:

PIT"1', bu :ndea by HOC: J'1'A\ I' tX, W'IL- III 'Third—"That the limits of our as,es-ment for benefit place a; we may appoint, w;; will hear such owners in

Beginning at a point in the ea>[crn line of Gerrard LET']' AN SI .s,HLRlFf ~TRLIA S. duly- select.-d, : uidude all these, pu ces p or arcels of land ,lI t Ile, relation lit veto ant examine the proof; of such claimant L,cated :u,ci l.ud out :u am: for a publ park under or claimants or s .ch additional r ofs and allegations

tion of the easter,l line of Berard avenue with the nn in pursuance of tae provisions of ch.:P a 3 of to ether arc bunded and described ass 6dlows, viz.: as may' then be offered by such owner or on behalf of

northern line of East One Hundreu acd Thirty-e:ghm the Latcs of rb;.5 and of c:+apter 3zo of die laws of 1 g On the norm by the middle line of the hick- betwe n flee Vla or, Aldermen and Commonal[ } y of the City of

street. x88;. I B,minbridge art n me and tn_gs :venue, from the westerly New 1 ork.

Thence i=iher!y' along the eastern line of , 1T UTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI WE, THE side of :.losholu Parkway to a point distant zoo feet 1);tted NEV, loan, September tz, r8/6. 'Gerard a,em•:e for ie.o6 feet. I I 1 undersigned, were appointed by an order of the we-terly front the wrnterly -ide' nt the Southern Boule- RIu-\Al, D. WOODIVARD, N. 1. M. 3MELLISS,

zd. 1 hence castcrlc deflecting 92 degrees 32 minut-a Stupreme Court, be.irm-g bate the xoth day of July, card : on the south by the m,ddlc line of the blocks C-ommts;+oners.

95 s_ con as to the !fight for 471 feet. x 8y6, and hl :a and ente rod in the office of the Clerk of between Marion avenue and Decatur avenue, from the Hula m: FOREST I3,nLuwls, Clerk, 3d. ]'hence southerly dehecting 87 degrees z9 minutes the City and Count}' of Neu Yurk on the [4th day of ' westerly side of \loshulu Parkway to a p lint distant zoo _____ _ _ -

4o seconds to the right for 6oc6 fee[. ui xr Comma-toners of Estimate for the +r ose of J )'~ 9^, P' P I feet westerly from th: westerly vdc n} the Southern - ----- - -

-- ---------

4th. thence west_rly for 470.03 feet to the point of; making a just and equitable estimate of the loss and I I;oulevard; on the east by the westerly sideofMosholu STREET CLEANINC DEPT. i,e5inning. I damage to the re-pective owners, lessees, parties and Parkway ; on the west by a line drawn parallel to the

C:nercer place is de,i5r ated as a st:eat of the first ; Persons me peel el) enrttled to or interested in the So them Pot ecard and distant zoo feet westerly from P E•RSONS HAVING BLLKHI•:ADS TO I11. L, IN class. and is 'hown on section 7 of tie Final Maps : n.i' said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises - t he westerly rile thereof; excepting from said area all the vicinity of 7sew York Bay, can procure material Profiles o f the 'Twenty-chard and 7went}-torr[h 1\ 'anti duly selected andl d cut by the Board of Street Opcui og streets, avenues, roads, or portion, thereof, heretofore for tha purpose—ashes, street sweepings, etc., such as of the city of New York, filed in the ottice of the Con:- ' i,1 the City of New York under the provisio s of chapter ' Ieg:dly open crl, as such area is shown upon ottr benefit collected by the Department of Street Cleaning—free mis>i,,ner of Street Imprcvem si is of the I entq -third z;3 of the Law t x835 and chapter 3zo cf the Laws of map deposited as aforesaid. of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of Street and 'Iwcr[ty-fourth Wards 01 the Cut} ' t New Y, rk on rib7, as and for a public park in the Eleventh Ward of Fourth—That our report herein will be presented to a Cleaning, in the Criminal Court Building. Octdoer fix, xagg, in the once i f the R t ster of the the City r , f \ew fork, and Propo,cd to betaken for the Special Term rf the Supreme Court, Part I11., of the GEORGE E. \V 1RINli, Ja., City and County of New York, on N,.c ember z, 1895, :, named in said acts, and to perforat such other "tale of New York, to be held in and for the City and Commissioner of Street Cleaning. and in the , mice of the Secretary of State of the State ' duties as are by said acts prescribed. I'he real estate County of New York, at the County Court-house, in the - of N sv York en Novemeer z. 1895. so proposed to be taken for said purposes a.mpri-es all City of New York, on the [9th day of November; 1896,

Dated NFw Yoxtc, September 25, 18}6. the lands, tenement., hereditament, and promise, within at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then DAMAGE COMM.-23-24 WARDS. FR.AN C1', M. SCOT1 , Counsel to the Corporation, ~ the two blocks hounded by Houston, etanton, Pitt, and there, or a, soon thereafter as counsel can be heard

No. z Trven Row, New York City. I Willett and Shetiff streets, in the Eleventh Ward of the thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be PURSUANT '1'O SHE PROVISIONS OF CHAP. t ('.i v of New V,,rlc_ o lrhfn the Note, or },n„n,lan,s of mite ,,,..,o---.-, ter cro of the Laws of t8oa. entitled An 5,-

In the matter of the application of 'l he Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the City of New York, relatic a to acquiring title, where em the same h:,s not been here:ofr,re acquired, to EAST ONE H L' N DRED AND SIXTY-EIGHTH STREET [formerly Charles place] (although not yet named by proper authority,, from River avenue to the Concourse,tn the Twenty- third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road.

PC'RSUANI' TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Part 1. thereof, in the County Court-h, use, in the City of New York, on Thursday, the 8th day of October, t 8g6, at the opening of the Court en that day, ores soon thereafter as counsel can be heard there-on, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Aseessmcnt rn the above-entitled matter. 'l he ' nature and extent of the improvement hereby Intended is the acquisition of title by The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, re-

parcels of mna taiu out, appropnateu or aes+gnaleo for said public park by said acts of the Legislature.

All parties and person,, owners, lessees or other per- sons interested in the real estate above described and to be taken for the purposes of said public park, or any part thereof, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, are requested to present the sane to us, duly verified, with said affidavits, or other proof in support thereof as the said owner or claimant may desire, un or before the 5th day of October. 1896, at our office, Room No. 2, on the fourth floor of the Staats-Zeitung Building, No. z Tryon Row, in the City of New York, and that we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance at our office on the 5th day of October, 1897, at Lit o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear said parties and persons in relation thereto, and in case any such person or claimant shall desire at such time and place to offer further and additional proofs or testimony, such person or claimant will be heard and said proofs or testimony will be received by us, and at such time and place, or at such further and other time and place as we will appoint, we will hear the proofs and allegations of any owner, lessee or other person in any way entitled to or interested in such real estate, or any part or parcel thereof, and also such proofs and allega.

Dated NEW YoRK, September 14, x896. LLOYD McKIMl GARRISON, Chairman; J. De



In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the 'ame has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the purpose of opening CRO1ONA AVENfdE 'although not yet named oy proper authority), from Boston road to the Southern Boulevard, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-third and T'w'enty-fourth Wards of the City of New York,

1V OTICE Ill HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE £' undersigned, were appointed by an order of the Supreme Court, bearing date the 7th day of July, t8o6, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if any, as the case may be, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respect-

p, , a : ccrtaxwug - nu Paying ate amount of " damages to lands and buildings suffered by reason of " changes o1 grade of streets or avenues, made pursuant ” to chapter 721 01 the Laws of 1887, providing for the •r depression of railroad tracks in the Twenty-third and

Twenty-fourth Wards, in the City of New York,or ”

otherwise," and the acts amendatory thereof and

supplemental thereto, notice is hereby given, that public meetings of the Commissioners, appointed pur-suant to said acts. will be held at Room 58, Schermer-horn Building, No. 96 Broadway, in the City of New York, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, at z o'clock 1•, lit., until further notice.

Dated NEW Yoe, October 30, 1895. DANIEL LORD, JAMES M. VARNUM, GEORGE

W. S'1'EPHENS, Commissioners. LAMONT MCLOUGHLIN. Clerk,


THE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY. Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. z

City Hall, New York City. Annual subscription, $9.30, postage prepaid. JOHN A, SLEICHER,
