

Volume xxxv ● Issue 10 October, 2017*

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1st – at THE INN OF CHICAGO – 11 A.M./12:30 P.M. (Attend In Person, On-line, or by Phone!)

(For our First Sunday Meeting in October, we will hear a Selection from Three of Joel's Class Recordings which relate to Chapter 10 in CONSCIOUSNESS IS WHAT I AM. Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m. Start – 1:30 p.m. End.)

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1959 NEW YORK CLOSED CLASS "Advanced Instruction in Healing,” (#0432A/B)

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1960 DENVER CLOSED CLASS "Consciousness of Truth – the Healer,” (#0316B)


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10th – On-line Meeting - 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

VIRGINIA STEPHENSON: THE 1994 ASILOMAR CLASS "Awake From the Dream," Session 9


SAT., OCT. 14th thru SUN., OCTOBER 15th– Laguna Woods, CA Class (Attend In Person, On-line or by Phone!)** **Please See “Announcements” for Class Registration and Info.


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th – On-line Meeting – 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!)

THE NEW HORIZON SERIES: JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1955 KAILUA STUDY GROUP "Bear Witness to the Universal Nature of Illusory Error,” (#0128B)


FURTHER ON-LINE STUDY (At Your Convenience). To hear this recording, go to:

Listen to Luella's Recordings

LUELLA OVEREEM: THE 1992 GREEN BAY CLOSED CLASS “Spiritual Identity: Being Taught of God,” Session 6 Recording Transcript

MAIL & TEL: Bob Harper, P.O. Box 337, Carpentersville, IL 60110 (847)428-4759 hm … (847) 710-4759 cel … [email protected]

Books by Joel and Other Infinite Way Teachers Are Available at the Inn of Chicago Meeting and by Mail OrderGo to: Fall/ Winter 2017 Book List

First Sunday - The Inn of Chicago – 11:00 A.M./12:30 P.M. 162 E. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60611 (Mezzanine Level)

Second Tuesday – On-line Meeting – 7:30 P.M.

Third Sunday* – No Recording: Laguna Class

Fourth Tuesday – On-line Meeting – 7:30 P.M.

Every Thursday*– Book Study Meeting, On-line – 7:30 P.M.

Meetings Conducted by Bob Harper - *Change For October

Please Arrive 15 min. Early for Meditation



JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: CONSCIOUSNESS IS WHAT I AM, Chapter 10: "The Consciousness of Truth Is the Healer”;


JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE JOURNEY BACK to the FATHER'S HOUSE, Chapter 10: “God Dominion: Not Man's Domination;

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE HEART OF MYSTICISM, 1957 Letters, Chapter 10: “Bear Witness to God In Action”;

LUELLA OVEREEM: THE 1992 GREEN BAY CLOSED CLASS, Session 6: “Spiritual Id.: Being Taught of God” Transcript


LAGUNA WOODS, CA CLASS: By Bob Harper, October 14-15, 2017. Class info. and registration, See Encl. Flyer and/or contact Denise D'Amore, (949)373-6180. [email protected] Internet/Phone Participation Info: [email protected]

WEEKLY BOOK STUDY MEETING: The first 2017 Thursday Evening Book Study Group meeting for this month will be on October 5th, and we will be continuing with Joel's THE JOURNEY BACK to the FATHER'S HOUSE, Chapter 10, “God Dominion: Not Man's Domination,” (a.k.a. THE OCTOBER, 1979 INFINITE WAY LETTER). Later in the month, we will move on to Luella's October Recording Transcript. Registration for the 2018 Book Study Group will open in December. (Luella's Books are also available in eBook editions: Luella's E-books)

CHICAGO GOLDSMITH GROUP ON-LINE TAPE MEETINGS: See individual meeting excerpts for connection info. Meditation begins 15 min. before scheduled meeting time. NOTE: If the on-line meeting room is full, try connecting by phone. Meeting times CST.

SATURDAY ON-LINE TAPE MEETING : Liz and Marty Parker. Info:


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1st – at THE INN OF CHICAGO - 11:00 A.M. - Special Selection of Joel's Recordings Pertainingto CONSCIOUSNESS IS WHAT I AM, Chapter 10 (10:45 a.m, – 1:30 p.m.) (Attend In Person, On-line, or by Phone!)

https://www1.gotom Dial +1 (805) 309-0030. Access Code: 396-184-905.

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1959 NEW YORK CLOSED CLASS "Advanced Instruction in Healing,” (#0432A - Last 15 Min.)

You need not pray to God for help; you need not ask God for healing; you need not turn to God. God is already in the midst of you; God already knoweth your needs, and it is His good pleasure to give you the kingdom; Seek not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink, or wherewithal ye shall be clothed; or whether you shall get rid of rheumatism or not. Leave all this alone, for God is functioning. Before Abraham was, God is functioning, and the promise is: I will never leave you nor forsake you. Why doubt it? So rest then; rest in this that God is, and that God is functioning. Now after you have completed that part of your remembrance, your treatment, your meditation; call it prayer if you like, aslong as you’re not thinking of prayer as a going to God and expecting God to do something that God isn’t already doing. When you have done that, then you are still faced with whatever the seeming problem is. Your recognition or realization of God and God’s allness may not have resulted in healing or reformation or supply, or whatever the nature of your unfoldment may be. And therefore, you come to the first, it’s our second principle, but it’s the most important part of the principle that deals with our healing work, and it is this—error isn’t personal; therefore it has nothing to do with you, or with your patient, or with your student; and you need not try to improve your patient, or correct him or psychologize him. Don’t try to make him a better human being when you’re trying to heal him; if he could be a human being he’d be it without your help.

Now drop your patient, your disease, your sin, from your thought while you realize that this problem that is confronting you is an effect. Now remember that. It is an effect! An effect of what? Wrong thinking? No! An effect of sin? No! An effect of heredity? No! An effect of something in your body? No! It is an effect of carnal mind—the belief in two powers.

For Meditation: “We are spiritual beings—one with God. But entertaining the belief in two powers, we are thrown out of the Garden of Eden where we now have to earn our living by the sweat of our brow, and suffer the sins and diseases of the flesh—none of which would be true, if we could heal ourselves of this belief in two powers. ” - Joel - For Study: CONSCIOUSNESS IS WHAT I AM, Chapter 10


JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1959 NEW YORK CLOSED CLASS "Advanced Instruction in Healing, Continued” (#0432B – Entire Recording)

And so you know that in every case of healing, your first step is the realization of God as constituting all being, and working along that line until you have actually an inner assurance that God is. Then, that you impersonalize the evil, the error, the appearance, whatever its name or nature, by consciously knowing that this is no part of a person; that all evil is impersonal.That’s why in the beginning it was called “devil”—the evil one or the one evil, meaning an impersonal source of evil. And the very moment that you separate it from the individual by realizing, “No, this is devil,” but not in the sense that “Oh, this is devil; now we’re going to get God to fight him,” but, “This is devil,” meaning this is the arm of flesh or nothingness or this is carnal mind or this is mortal mind. In any event, the evil must be impersonalized; that means it must be taken from person. It must be seen that this evil is notin, of, or through person. It is not appearing as person. It is something separate and apart from person, for it is impersonal evil. Then, because of the nature of God as Omnipotence, it must be the arm of flesh or nothingness. In other words, we had the example of the Master being faced with the devil, and three temptations, and we discovered that when he said no to each one, that was the end of the devil. The devil had no more power; we don’t hear of the devil after that, because the devil did nothing. In other words, there was no power to the devil. There would have been had there been an acceptance of the temptation; there would have been power, but it wouldn’t have been the devil’s power. It would have been the power through acceptance of the temptation or suggestion.

So that, if you are presented with a claim, of your own or another, and regard it as a temptation and then accept it, then you are left with it; you’re hooked. But, if you can recognize instantly, “This is claim; this is temptation; this is an appearance; this is carnal mind or devil presenting itself to me; and I can reject it, because it is not of God,” ah, there it is—it is not of God. There you must be completely free of all orthodox teachings, because they would convince you that God is responsible for the evils of the world.

For Study: REALIZATION OF ONENESS, Chapters 6 and 9.

************October 1st Meeting, Continued …. Following a Short Break, Joel's final recording will begin at 12:30 P.M. (Use Same

Connection Info. as 11 a.m. Meeting) (Lecture Series, Followed By Margaret Ponga's Recording Will Resume in November.)

JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1960 DENVER CLOSED CLASS "Consciousness of Truth – the Healer,” (#0316B)

Now, in our practice if you will follow carefully the notations of the special writings that I have given you, you will observe that we never give a treatment to a patient. We couldn't be paid to give a treatment to a patient. We don't take the name of the patient in our thought, we don't care what the nature of the problem is because we don't take that into our consideration. There is nothing about the patient that ever is permitted to enter our thought. In other words, we don't even try to remember their name, or what part of the country they’re from. They have presented themselves to us as a patient and we dismiss it, why? Well, I've told you the very first revelation that was given to me, was that the metaphysical belief that it isyour resentment that causes of rheumatism, or your hate that causes cancer, it was revealed to me that this is all wrong. The source of man's sins and diseases is the carnal mind, or mortal mind if you want that term. And this carnal or mortal mind is not a mind, it is a universal belief in a selfhood apart from God, a universal belief in two powers.

Therefore, the very moment a claim is presented to us we recognize it as not a person, not a person, but, a mesmeric picture of a selfhood apart from God, or a law apart from God, or a life apart from God, or a universal belief in two powers. In other words, we impersonalize it. Now that is where our practice differs from every form of metaphysical treatment, we impersonalize by never treating the person, never treating the claim, never, never under any circumstances holding the individual responsible for whatever it is that is troubling them. We recognize it, the discord, the inharmony as having its cause in the universal belief of two powers, a universal belief which down through the ages has become mesmeric, so that to some extent we are all victims of the belief in two powers. Now, we begin to shed the results of that belief in proportion as we recognize that evil is not personal, it is impersonal. It has its rise in this universal thing called mortal mind or carnal mind, which isn't a mind and which isn't enmity against God. It is an illusion. It has no law of God to sustain it; it has no ordination from God. It has no basis in God and since God is the only, the only law, the only cause, the only creative principal, then this can exist only in the same way that the mirage exists on the desert, or that the railroad tracks exist coming together in the distance. They exist only as a false sense of that which is perceived.

For Study: CONSCIOUSNESS IS WHAT I AM, Chapter 10.


TUESDAY, OCTOBERR 10th – On-line Meeting - 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!) Dial +1 (805) 309-0030. Access Code: 396-184-905.

VIRGINIA STEPHENSON: THE 1994 ASILOMAR CLASS "Awake From the Dream," Session 9

Forgiveness is such a wonderful principle, and in Christianity, forgiveness nullifies what is called karma. In the Yogic teaching the master takes on the problems of the students, but in Christianity the stress is on individual development, in [that] there is a little different slant in the eastern philosophy that you do not develop your individuality, it is to become self-less, to merge into deity, and lose awareness of yourself. In Christianity it is also to be self-less, to negate the human ego, but it is to develop your Soul capacities, so that you visibly become the Tree of Life. You are the Tree of Life, God made manifest in the flesh, or God Incarnate. In the book CONSCIOUSNESS UNFOLDING, Joel speaks about that, that he felt that Jesus’ demonstration was a little higher than the Buddha’s, because he [Jesus] revealed the spiritual nature of body, so that body was not being negated, and of course whenever you do that [negate the body] there is no healing consciousness. So in Buddhism, as a rule, there is no healing consciousness, because [there] is a misunderstanding [of] what Maya, or Illusion means. In Christianity we have forgiveness as a very, very, important step, it was given in the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. In Isaiah it says, if you repent, and repentance means return, return, to your spiritual center, if you repent, and turn unto me, though your sins have been scarlet, ye shall be as white as snow. So Jesus taught as a major principle in spiritual living, repentance and forgiveness. So anytime that we know we have done something to someone unloving, and we have, that we can go within silently, and all of this should be secret and sacred, because the High Priest is within us. The confessional is when we are alone with our own Being, there is the confessional … , and that is that Soul that is in tune with the Infinite. So wecan just say, “Father forgive me my sins of omission and commission.” It is such a safety valve to be able to forgive ourselves. … I would like to read a letter that Joel wrote. He wrote it to a friend of mine that was questioning about treatment. … .

“Often young students misunderstand the essential nature of a healing treatment, and [they] are not to look at the erroneous appearances and declare them to be spiritual. Or, they may have in thought a person who is manifesting error and declare that they are spiritual. We do not love what appears to us as evil. We love the spiritual Reality which underlies every appearance. What I'm trying to say is this: that we never love the characters we meet in our dreams, nor do we really hate them, nor do we love the beautiful scenes we sometimes see in our dreams, nor do we hate or dislike the ugly scenery that sometimes appears there, [or we could say the foggy weather, or the hot weather, or any condition of weather]. The reason is that we know that all that we are beholding is dream-substance, dream-stuff, illusion. However, could there be a dream if there weren't someone dreaming? And that someone is you.”

And to you it is said, Awake, thou that sleepest. If you are dreaming of bugs and beasts and destructive elements, do not try tolove the objects of your dreams. If you were seeing the tracks coming together in the distance, do not try to love the false appearance. If you were seeing the sky sitting on the mountains, do not try to love the false appearance; and we don't love sickness. We don't hate it or fear it, so we just see that too as a false appearance; but rather realize the illusory nature of it. Thenyou will feel your heart filled with love. Once you have put the human dream, the waking dream or the sleeping dream, in the proper perspective. But then there are only two commandments on the subject of love, and one is, Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul. And the other is, Love thy neighbor as thy self. But do not think for a moment that a mortal human being is our neighbor; or a sick human being, or a sinning human being, or a tyrant, or destructive element is our neighbor. This we are to understand as illusory in nature, and to neither be loved nor hated, but to be understood as the arm of flesh, nothingness. And spiritual power doesn't contend with nothingness. And when you are awake and realize that mortality is a myth, even when it is beautiful and young is just as mythological as when it is old and ugly, or sick or well. This whole human experience is made out of dream-stuff until you awaken to the I that you really are. Then you have new faculties, you have spiritual faculties, Soul faculties, and these faculties will work automatically once you have corrected your position, and they will reveal to you what is really there. And the person that calls for help will say, “The bugs have disappeared,” or “the storm stopped,” or “I feel better,” or “I got a job,” whatever it is. But you never thought about any of those things, you've seen it as the human dream from which we must awaken.

For Meditation: The quick way of dissolving all disturbance, and controversy, was to come into agreement with your self, not anybody else, that there is only One Mind, so what difference does it make what anybody else thinks. There is only One Mind. It is what God Knows that is important and God is in agreement with Himself. God is Love, and Love is in agreement with Its Self, because there is only one Self, and the Mind of God is in agreement with Itself. Because there is only One Mind, who is there that sets themselves up to discuss? You know that is just personal sense isn’t it? So when you see things, and we only do these things because we do not have the spiritual discernment to see, and so when you see this, you come into agreement with your Self, that there is only One thing going on, and when there is anything other than that One thing going on, you are going to forgive it and forget it, because it is not of God, it is impersonal, it is nothing, and God does not contend with nothingness. So forgiveness, forgive unto seventy times seven, and ifyou will forgive yourself seventy times seven, you will forgive others, and you will not be disturbed by what others do . – Virginia

For Study: Virginia's OCTOBER, 2011 MONTHLY LESSON


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th – On-line Meeting – 7:30 P.M. (Attend On-line or by Phone!) Dial +1 (805) 309-0030. Access Code: 396-184-905.

THE NEW HORIZON SERIES: JOEL S. GOLDSMITH: THE 1955 KAILUA STUDY GROUP "Bear Witness to the Universal Nature of Illusory Error,” (#0128B)

Now the reason that you come upon such contradictions in the religious life of the world is this: The world as such, has not discovered the nature of error, and therefore believes that if you are sinning, you are the one who has to be reformed or healed. If you are subject to false appetites, it is you who has to be healed or treated or reformed or corrected or improved. If you are sick, it is you who need medication. If you are poor, it is undoubtedly something for which inwardly you are responsible or else you are a victim. In other words, the word ‘you’ is the devil. You are the devil you see, because if you’re sinful, it’s your fault. If you’re poor, it’s usually your fault. Even when you had nothing to do with being poor, you at least were the victim. So it was you again. If you are sick, it’s you. You got in the draft, or you contracted the disease, or you got in the way of a germ, or you were living in the wrong climate, or you ate the wrong food. You are the devil. You are the very devil who is tripping up your whole life’s experience. All the time that you are seeking good, you are the very devil causing evil according to the world. And therein lies the ignorance of all religious teachings so that even when they declare, “God is all. God is everywhere equally present. God is perfect. God is love. God governs you. God guides you. God directs you,” evenwhen they declare that, they cannot demonstrate it. You still are in as much trouble as if God weren’t all those nice things, andas if God were a billion miles away from you. And the reason is this: first place, all religious teachings ascribe goodness to youand you have no goodness. You are not good. You are not spiritual. You are not perfect. You are not harmonious. If you were, you wouldn’t be sitting here. You’d be out bearing witness to it. You’d be out living it instead of trying to learn it or trying to demonstrate it.

For Meditation: Now, when, instead of bearing witness to your goodness and your perfection and your spirituality, as is done in metaphysical teachings, if you will bear witness to God in action, you will immediately bring about a change of some kind—and for good—in your experience, the very moment that you declare, “Do not call me good. Do not call me spiritual. Do not call me anything.”

- Joel, From the Recording For Study: THE HEART OF MYSTICISM, 1957 Infinite Way Letters, Chapter 6

ON-LINE STUDY (At Your Convenience). To hear this recording, go to: l

LUELLA OVEREEM: THE 1992 GREEN BAY CLOSED CLASS “Spiritual Identity: Being Taught of God,” Session 6

[Question] “Since my early connection with The Infinite Way, I’ve wished we had another word for the ultimate good. I’ve found it confusing to hear and read about ‘good and evil’ in one breath, and then that God is only good.”

Well, it’s true! “Good and evil” is a pair of opposites, and it really would be more accurate if you called it “better and worse,”instead of “good and evil,” because it’s relative. The good is relative in the human state of consciousness in this world. The good is relative to the evil; it’s better than that, but it’s never all good without an opposite. That’s what it is: it’s better than the evil. And the evil… like that saying goes: “There’s so much good and so much evil in all of us.” Well, on the human level,there certainly is. And nobody is all good and nobody is all evil: it’s an impossibility, because it’s like I said, it’s a coin: it’s got two sides to it. And it’s really better and worse – it’s all relative. But the ultimate good that God is, is “My peace” or “My kingdom.” There’s no opposite. It has no opposite, so it’s total, complete good. There’s no opposite to God. Good is all there is; good is the reality. It’s the difference between reality and an illusion, and the illusions are what this world is: a dream, an illusion, a concept. And it’s back and forth; it’s got two sides to it; it’s a pair which is two sides of the illusion, better or worse. But God has no opposite. Evil is not an opposite of God; devil is not an opposite of God. You can’t have a pair that aren’t two of a kind! Good and evil are both the pair of… good and evil are the same thing – two sides of the coin of illusion – not reality, the concept-world, the dream-world, the shadow-world. They’re not reality; they’re not God.

For Meditation: In a way, it’d be like two and two… you could have two and two be three or you could have it be five in your illusion. And you might think it was better to have it be five, or you might think it was better, if it was a bill, to have it be three. But it’s all illusion: you can have it any way you see it, and none of it’s true, and it doesn’t make any difference. - Luella

For Study: LUELLA OVEREEM: THE 1992 GREEN BAY CLOSED CLASS, Session #6 Recording and Transcript ; and THE HEART OF MYSTICISM, 1956 Letters, Ch. 3, P. 61-67; Ch. 4, P. 90-95; Ch. 5, P. 119-122; Ch. 6, P. 138-142, Ch. 7, P. 162-166


LUELLA OVEREEM: “Do Not Give Them a Stone”
