Page 1: The Changing AMERICAN ECONOMY

The Changing American EconomyFarhat Khairzadah , Brendon Tabofunda,

Joshua Dural, Christian Allamby, Ekam Singh, Deanica Viacrusis

Page 2: The Changing AMERICAN ECONOMY

The American System

0 Henry Clay0 Three Parts in his system

0Tariff to protect and promote American industry

0National Bank for commerce0 Federal Subsidies for ‘internal improvements’

to develop profitable markets for agriculture0 Said was a great success

0 Tariff0 Taxes on imports and exports0 Support for high tariffs

0What was it?0 A plan to strengthen and unify the

nation0 New form of federalism

Page 3: The Changing AMERICAN ECONOMY

The Transportation Revolution

0 Erie Canal0 Reached out 363 miles along the

Hudson River0 Made it possible to ship wheat, meat,

and other products from interior to urban centers of the East0Water was one of the best

transportation methods available

0 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad0 One of the oldest and largest

railroads0 Carried steel, coal, and other products

Produced the rapid growth of towns and cities.

Page 4: The Changing AMERICAN ECONOMY

Economic Change in the Northeast

0Samuel Slater0 First mill in US

0Sped up the cotton tread0 “Rhode Island System”

0Hired families within the area

0Eli Whitney and Interchangeable Parts0 First to use interchangeable parts0 Machinery was made more fixable

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Economic Change in the Mid-West

0Cyrus McCormick0 Father of modern agriculture0 Creator of mechanical reaper

0Ended long hours of field work0Less workers needed

0 Indian Removal0 Natives move west0 US people gain more land

0More land to farm on0 Better economy

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Economic Change in the South

0Cotton Kingdom0 Cotton plantations from

0South Carolina to Alabama0Mississippi to Texas

0 Enough cotton to sell outside of the US0Slave Trade

0 Cotton plantation = work0The slaves were traded into the US to work in the fields

Page 7: The Changing AMERICAN ECONOMY

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