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© Kamla-Raj 2009 Int J Hum Genet, 9(3-4): 145-230 (2009)

Morphology to Molecular Anthropology:Castes and Tribes of India*

M. K. Bhasin**

Department of Anthroplogy, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India

KEYWORDS Morphopological Variables. Genetic Markers. Population Genetics. Natural and Climatic Regions.Ethnic Groups. Linguistic Groups.

ABSTRACT Within the various fields of research of the present Biological Anthropology the study of human evolutionas well as the study of genetic variation in modern man, hold an eminent place. An important branch of BiologicalAnthropology is therefore Population Genetics, which deals on the one hand with exact genetic descriptions of humanpopulation, but which on the other hand tries to find out the reasons for genetic differences among them. To study thesegenetic differentiation processes in man, which are obviously still ongoing, reliable population data are necessary.Biological Anthropologists are, however, not only interested in the ethnic and geographic variation of the numerousgenetic markers of the human blood, but are also concerned with the variation of anthropometric, morphologicaland dermatoglyphic traits. Human population studies using traits began with early population descriptions andcurrently utilise multivariate procedures for detecting evolutionary processes. The development of new techniques inmolecular biology rendered possible to elucidate human variability and human prehistory. It may be concluded thatthere are differences in the occurrence of the frequencies of various biogenetical traits (genetic markers of blood, othergenetic markers like colour blindness and tasting ability, different dermatoglyphic and somatometric traits) among thepopulation groups inhabiting different geographical zones of India viz. North, West, East, Central, South and Islands.From the Himalayan region, some differences in the frequencies and mean values of distribution of various geneticmarkers and morphological traits have been observed among population groups of Western and Eastern Himalayanregions. Since sufficient studies are not available on the population groups of Central Himalayan region, it has not beenpossible to observe a differential trend regarding the occurrence of various traits, but it has been observed that thepopulation groups in this area show more similarities with those of Western than Eastern Himalayan region. About thefour groups i.e., caste, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, and community from India, various zones of India and Himalayanregions, conspicuous differences are observed among the scheduled tribes as compared to castes, scheduled castes, andcommunities. The correlations of frequencies of genetic markers and mean values of morphological traits with variousclimatic factors and altitude by different ethnic groups although showing significant differences, in general are not high.Nevertheless, it can be concluded that the variations in the frequencies of genetic markers and mean values of morphologicaltraits distribution in the Himalayan region may be due to contacts between the various population groups of Western andCentral Himalayas with population groups of Central Asia, and that of Eastern Himalayas with the Northern Mongoloidpopulations. In Central India admixture with the population groups of West India can be assumed. In South India, adifferent pattern of allele/haplotype frequencies and mean values is generally observed among the tribal populationgroups, for which one of the main causes might be seen in small population sizes. Inbreeding is prevalence among certaincommunities like Muslims, Parsis etc. and in most of the different population groups particularly from South India,which might have also resulted in the marked variation in distribution of frequencies and mean values of different geneticmarkers and morphological traits. The variations observed for the various morphogenetic traits in the distribution ofallele/haplotype frequencies and mean values among the Indian population are due to racial elements present amongthem in varying degrees, migrations and admixture from time to time and other factors of evolutionary changes likemating patterns, genetic drift, mutation and selection under different environments. However, such a holistic approachshould not only consider the anthropometric, dermatoglyphic traits and so far less investigated serum protein and redcell enzyme polymorphisms, but should analyse especially the regional and ethnic distribution of the numerous nuclearand mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms, which turned out to be of highest importance to population genetics.

“About ninety percent population of India is native and for examining the nature of evolution inIndia, one must look for evolutionary growth on its population from now and earlier also. India hasbeen a crucible of evolution and continues to be so in contemporary times.”

-Genetics of Castes and Tribes of India....Aborigines, who intially arrived in Australia via South Asia may have origniated from India.

Rao et al. 2009 (Times of India, July 23, 2009, P. 17)

*In loving memory of my colleague and friend Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. H. Walter (Department of HumanBiology, Institute of Biology/Chemistry, University Bremen, D-28334, Bremen, Germany)**Dr. M. K. Bhasin (Retired Professor and Chairperson),Postal address: B-2 (GF), South City II, Gurgaon 122 018, Haryana, India

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Anthropology is the study of man in time andspace. The focus of anthropological research ison human population(s) living in an ecologicalniche. Anthropology can be categorized underthe following main heads:1. Palaeoanthropology2. Social/Cultural Anthropology3. Biological Anthropology

1.1. Palaeoanthropology

The research and training in palaeoanthro-pology is divided in two distinct areas. One em-phasizes the methodological training in a Prehis-toric Archaeology and the other in Palaeontology

a. Prehistoric Archaeology

The prehistoric archaeology includes a totalintroduction to the study of geo-chronologythrough the analysis of such variables as alluvialdeposits as also faunal and floral characteristicsassociated with such deposits on a worldwidebasis. Antiquity analysis in terms of thetechniques of manufacture as well as theirmorphology is included as standard componentsof prehistoric culture. Finally, on the ground ofthese basics, a thorough study of the variousstages of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic andChalcolithic cultures for the entire Old World isundertaken.

b. Palaeontology

Palaeontology includes the detailed study ofthe character and distribution of fossil primates.Primate behaviour with specific attention toadaptation attributes is also included within thisscheme. Adaptation radiation in both hominoidand hominid evolution forms another importantaspect of this course.

1. 2. Social/Cultural Anthropology

Social/cultural anthropology is the study of

social institutions and human behaviour in across-cultural perspective. It attempts to unravelthe underlying designs of human existence witha view to arrive at generalizations having validity,not only at the level of the concerned culture butalso at the global level.

1. 3. Biological (Physical) Anthropology

Biological anthropology can be defined asthe scientific study of inter-and intra-populationvariations.

It was in 1951 that S.L. Washburn laid downa distinction between the pre-1951 and post-1951physical anthropology referred as Old PhysicalAnthropology and New Physical Anthropology,respectively. Before 1951, physical anthropologywas considered a descriptive study of biologicalparameters to an understanding of their causes.From 1951 onwards, mathematical modelsformulated for population biology have becomepopular for understanding the causes ofvariation and co-existence of genetic traits. Thus,the orientation of physical anthropology haschanged from description to causes to models.

In the descriptive type of physical anthro-pology, G.W. Lasker has identified five majorareas of interest according to which relevanttechniques for investigation were devised.1. The form of bones and teeth2. Determination of age and sex and ethnic

group from bones and teeth3. Human growth and development4. Composition of the body and its variation5. Body build and its application to human

engineering.Although in Lasker’s formulation, dermato-

glyphics did not figure, it occupied an importantplace in physical anthropology preceding 1951.Therefore, for completing the list of the oldinterests, the inclusion of dermatoglyphics isimperative. Since 1951, the various dermato-glyphic traits occupied an important place inbiological anthropology. Determined by geneticfactors, a few weeks after the conception, theyare not affected by environmental factors. Thisproperty explains the importance of dermato-

There is no truth to the Aryan-Dravidian theory as they came hundreds or thousands of years afterthe ancestoral north and South Indians had settled in India. The genetics proves that castes grewdirectly out of trible-like organisations during the formation of the Indian society.

Thangarajan (

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glyphics in population studies. Though up to nowit is not possible to calculate gene frequenciesfor the various dermatoglyphic traits, they arenevertheless good tools in order to record geneticvariation within and among the humanpopulations.

However, it should not be forgotten that theseinterests listed by Lasker were instrumental ingenerating a wealth of data and are still valuablefor accomplishing newer interests. These fieldshave not been discarded by biological (physical)anthropologists when the New PhysicalAnthropology, the result of the consanguinitybetween evolutionary and adaptation theory onthe one hand and genetics on the other, hadgained ground. With the “New PhysicalAnthropology”, the interests who have come tostay are as follows.1. Serological studies2. Biochemical genetics studies especially of

various polymorphic systems.3. Studies of evolutionary factors such as

mutation, natural selection, and gene flow.4. Primatological studies, of their biology and

behaviour.5. Demographic studies, especially of factors

that affect inbreeding and genetic drift andthe biological consequences of formalkinship and alliance systems.

6. Anthropometric and anthroposcopicstudies, with reference to nutritional factorsand ensuing demographic characters.

7. Ecological studies dealing with biological andcultural adaptations.

Physical anthropology has achieved newstrides after Washburn’s 1951 statement. Forgrasping the laws and processes of human evolu-tion, molecular evidences have been marshalled,leading to the advent of microscopic work in thearea. Human cytogenetics has made anoutstanding contribution towards the knowledgeof adaptation and evolution. Evolution at thegenic (elemental) level is that which is beingsought through DNA analysis using recombinanttechniques. Thus, we haven come a long wayfrom morphological studies (morphological,behavioural, anthropometric, and dermatoglyphictraits - the mode of inheritance of all thesecharacters is still rather unclear) to those of geneticor classical markers (blood groups and proteinmarkers), and to the newly discovered moleculartechniques which have provided a new directionand a whole battery of powerful polymorphic

systems to study genetic diversity (Cavalli-Sforzaand Feldman 2003; Jorde and Wooding 2004). Thequestion, what happens to genes with degra-dation in biotic environment, acquires a primaryplace. With these newer and still newer interests,different kinds of techniques have been enun-ciated to understand nature-nurture relationshipin a better fashion. Moreover, there has been aconcomitant advancement in statistical methodsand we are now in a position to make use of manyparameters (Collins et al. 2003; Bamshad et al.2004; Tishkoff and Kidd 2004; Cavalli-Sforza2005).


South Asia, constituting mainly the Indiansub-continent, is a panorama of social diversities,racial differences, and rich cultural heritage.However many facets of history, race and cultureof this area are still relatively unexplored. Debatesand doubts centering on the autochthonousstatus of the early settlers continue—it is verydifficult to ascertain how human groups andsettlements were formed in the pre-historic times,whether they were the original inhabitants ormigrated from some other place and if theymigrated, which route did they take. However, theinfiltration and admixture of new racial and culturalelements, from time to time, have made the Indianpopulation more diverse and heterogeneous.

2.1. Skeletal Remains (Hominoid/Human)

Earlier it was pointed out that the first real“ancestor” of man is Ramapithecus (named afterthe Indian god Rama) who lived about 14 millionyears ago (Fig. 1). Now Ramapithecus is nolonger considered a hominid ancestor bypalaeontologists. From Central India, NarmadaMan skull was found in 1982 embedded in aconglomerate containing animal bones and ascattering of Acheulean artifacts by Arun Sonakia(Sonakia 1985a, b). Dates for this material arepoorly constrained, but it is probably of MiddlePleistocene age (Sonakia and Biswas 1998). Withregard to both its antiquity and phylogenicposition, a good deal of controversy is still goingon. It is believed by several to be an ante-Neanderthal or Homo erectus (Lumley H andSonakia 1985; Lumley MA and Sonakia 1985).Kennedy et al. (1991) further identified andconcluded based on metric and comparative

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Fig. 1. Prehistoric sites from where skeletal specimens were found from India

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investigations that “Narmada Man” is appro-priately a Homo sapiens. They added, however,that given its broad suite of Homo sapiensmorphometric characters it is not appropriate toassign Narmada man to a new taxon beyond thetrinomial designation of Homo sapiensnarmadensis. In a more recent publication,Kennedy writes: “In the context of currentdebates about Homo erectus as a valid taxon (isit a species, an evolutionary grade, apaleospecies, or just a collection of specimenscertain investigators decide belong together?) Inaddition, the relationship of middle Pleistocenehominids to anatomically modern sapiens(regional continuity [or multiregional] hypothesisversus the mitochondrial Eve-displacementhypothesis), Narmada has a critical role to play.At present, it appears that Narmada is a latemiddle-Pleistocene representative of early Homosapiens with an impressive suite of anatomicalcharacteristics shared with other early sapienspopulations from Eurasia and Africa butpossessing certain unique features of cranialmorphology that may have evolved in India. Itdoes not seem appropriate to assign Narmada toa new taxon” (Kennedy 2000: p. 180). In its overallmorphology, the cranial vault is not very differentfrom the African and European hominins(Rightmire 2007). A number of fossil specimenshave been recorded from India, but most of thewrite-ups totally overlook the aspects of ethnicor racial affinities of the specimens.

Kennedy and Caldwell (1984) have attemptedin cataloguing the various skeletal (hominoid/human) remains of India. The research work ismainly confined to the number of specimens,primary dating, and archaeological reference anddescriptions of burial circumstances and practicesapart from giving an account on ageing and sexing.The write-ups totally overlook the aspects ofethnic or racial affinities of the recordedspecimens.

Earlier, in 1972, Sarkar, who was activelyworking on the study of the ancient races of India,came out with some ethnic description of thevarious human skeletal remains. In his earlier work,Ancient Races of Baluchistan, Punjab, and Sind(1964), he tried to throw some light on the Indo-Aryan problem and suggested the builders ofHarappa culture as Indo-Caspians. In his laterexhaustive work on the Ancient Races of theDeccan, on the basis of examination of humanskeletal remains from Langhnaj, Lothal, Nevasa,

Chandoli, Hyderabad, Megaliths, Yelleswaram,Piklihal and other sites of the Deccan hepostulated that the Dravidian speaking peopleevolved from the Veddids or Australoids. Evenas early as in 1936, Keith also pointed out theevolution of Dravidians from Veddids orAustraloids. It is believed that the complexitiesand variations as one observes in today’spopulation were the results of environmentalchanges and hybridization. Sarkar also published(1972) the original reports on skeletal remains fromBrahamgiri, where he mentioned of, yet anotherstock: Scytho-Iranian. Other than this, Sastri(1966) is also supposed to have come across afossil pygmy skeleton (although its hominoidstatus and antiquity is not clear, as there were nofurther references to it). He attributed this to theearliest representative of Negrito in India.

Nevertheless, it remains a fact that there isalways the problem of disputes arising whileidentifying the specimens correctly and hybridi-zation or environmental effects, which are oftenused, as alternative causes for marked changesare no longer taken for granted. Moreover, therepeated allegations that most of archaeologistsand other investigators seem to be morepreoccupied with the artefacts and other materialevidences and do not show much interest in theskeletal remains is also mostly true. Therefore,quite a number of studies (may be of the samespecimens excavated earlier) are needed todaywhich may come out with a meaningful fossilstudy of the Indian sub-continent. In addition, itis hoped that when the number of collections offossils presumed to be belonging to our ancestralstock would be sufficiently large, it would permitsome population studies and the specimens canbe used as acceptable population samples.

2.2. Prehistory

2.2.1. Ancient Age

Both prehistory and history of a countrytogether form the background material towardsunfolding the pages of emergence of cultures.The problem of terminology in Indian prehistoryis well known. This arises naturally due to thedifficulty in coinciding the Indian prehistoric agesor cultures (which is based on the materialevidence or tool types and assemblages) withthe European culture items. Many anthropo-logists/ archaeologists (Cammiade and Burkitt

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1930; Misra 1962) have attempted to solve thisproblem but still different terms are in vogue. Duringthe long stone age estimated to cover over 5, 00,000years and forming part of the last geological periodnamely Pleistocene, and was believed to have beena savage-having no fixed habitation hunting andgathering. It is noted that the great climatic changesof the last glaciations undoubtedly exerted newenvironmental pressure altering man’s number andhabitat through changes in the biota stimulatingenforced migrations into new environmental nichesand changing the life-styles. Changing in theenvironment and circumstances gradually broughtabout changes in tools and artefacts, which arethe main, and sometimes the only source toreconstruct the physical environment, customs,practices, and social life of a period. However, withfurther excavations of other associated materialslike mammal bones, ornaments etc. terms like StoneAge became more or less irrelevant.

Human occupation in the Indian subcontinentbegan with a series of stone-tool industries (Fig.2). The stages in man’s progress that are then putforward by Sankalia (1973) are as follows.1. Primitive Food Collecting Stage or Early and

Middle Stone Age2. Advanced Food Collecting Stage or Late

Stone Age/Mesolithic3. Transition to Incipient Food Production Stage

or Early Neolithic4. Settled Village Communities Stage or

Advanced Neolithic/Chalcolithic5. Urbanization Stage or Bronze Age

2.2.2. The Earliest Human Settlements

The evidence of stone tools in IndianPalaeolithic and certain caves and rock sheltershelps only in a very small way to visualize the lifeof their makers (for the sites see Fig. 2). It is moreor less clear that they were ignorant of agricultureand house building and had no domesticatedanimals. The caves and rock shelters might haveserved as seasonal camps for human being (?). Inthe Palaeolithic Age, the communities must havebeen very small and perhaps semi-nomadic.

Piggot (1952) also mentioned that dating isuncertain but earlier man was living in scatteredhunting and gathering communities on thealluvial plains and in the marshlands and openparklands of the major river valleys (as suggestedby the location and type of tool assemblages).

The epiglacial phase from 10,000 to 50,000 B.C.

following the end of Pleistocene more or lesscoincided with the transitional Mesolithic culturaldispersals. Hunting and gathering remained themain sources of making a living but as vegetationshrank and the bigger game gradually disappeared(presumably due to marked climatic changes) manturned to other sources like water sources, birdsor exploitation of plant products as suggested bytool assemblages. Overall, man was mostlydependent upon natural resources during thispreparatory stage. In other words, in this periodthe concentration of population began along rivervalleys marking the start of a transition to settledliving in which food gathering turned into foodproducing. It was argued that the people whocamped in rock shelters, the mouths of caves andin open settlement sites could not have numberedmore than a couple of hundred individuals.

Kivisild et al. (2000) have studied Indianmitochondrial DNA variants in the global networkof maternal lineages and the peopling of the OldWorld. They summarized their results as follows:“Both western and eastern Eurasian-specificmtDNA haplotypes can be found in Indiatogether with strictly Indian-specific ones.However, in India the structure of the haplogroupsshared either with western or eastern Eurasianpopulations is profoundly different. Thisindicates a local independent development overa very long time. Minor overlaps with lineages inother Eurasian populations clearly demonstratethat recent immigrations have had very littleimpact on the innate structure of the maternalgene pool of Indians. Despite the variations foundwithin India, these populations stem from a limitednumber of founder lineages. These lineages weremost likely introduced to the Indian subcontinentduring the Middle Palaeolithic, before the peoplingof Europe and perhaps the Old World in general.Our demographic analysis reveals at least twomajor expansion phases that have influenced thewide assortment of the Indian mtDNA lineages.The more recent phase, which according to ourestimation started around 20,000-30,000 years ago,seems to correspond to the transition from theMiddle to the Upper Palaeolithic. The firstexpansion phase may reflect a demographic burstimmediately after the initial peopling of Indiaaround 50-60 thousand years ago. This wave ofexpansion brought forward also those maternallineages that can rightfully claim the name ofEurasian Eves” (p. 150).

Roychoudhury et al. (2000) reported mito-

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Fig. 2. Major cultural sites found from India

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chondrial DNA (mtDNA) profile of 23 ethnicgroups of India, which have been drawn fromdifferent cultural, linguistic, and geographicalbackgrounds. They observed that Indianpopulations were founded by a small number offemales, possibly arriving on one of the earlywaves of out-of-Africa migration of modernhumans; ethnic differentiation occurredsubsequently through demographic expansionand geographic dispersal. Further, they havefound that South-east Asia was peopled by twowaves of migration, one originating in India andthe other originating in Southern China. Are just23 ethnic groups from India sufficient for makingsuch an over-generalisation? In doing so, havethey considered the previous research work basedon the so called traditional genetic markers ofblood.

The Neolithic Age of the Ancient Orient isapproximately dated from 6000 to 4000 B.C. Thechief characteristics of this period are theexclusive use of non-metal implements,domestication of animals, and a knowledge ofagriculture (for the sites see Fig. 2). Corollary toagriculture is the development of village life.Towns also started appearing during the Neolithicphase. Towards the end of Neolithic potterybegan to appear and metals came into use around4000 to 3000 B.C.

The full Neolithic which began in differentcommunities between the seventh and sixthmillennium B.C. was not characterized by a uniformstep-by-step technological sequence from onetype of artefact to another or in the presence oftypes of ceramic ware or even in house types andsettlement patterns, rather it was an adjustment ofseparate small communities to the ecologicalresources and advantages of local environments.In other words, the Neolithic does not always implythe universal presence of specified domesticatedplants and animals, pottery, polished stone toolsand stereotyped settlement patterns. Thebiological consequences to operate were also notthe same throughout India.

Bowles (1977) put forth the interpretation thatthe ability to control production and storage oflife’s essentials encouraged the growth of largerpermanent settlements and these in turn led totechnical innovations, division of labour, theformation of social classes, and ultimately thesuperimposition of a system of administrativecontrols. Biologically such developments meantan increase in the demographic dimensions of a

limited number of populations (gene pools)-thosepossessing the knowledge of food production-at the expense of others who retained the earliertype of natural economy and who could notexpand numerically beyond the limits set bynature.

As urban centres developed, they attracted alarge number of traders, artisans, and labourersfrom ever-increasing distances, a processaccentuated during the metal age with theemergence and expansion of Empires andcommencement of the historic period about 3000B.C. After the first population explosion Asiaremained, for a millennium or more, the mostfavoured quarters and thus by the end of thisperiod, Indus valley developed a comparableNeolithic nexus.

Permanent settlements of substantial size withpopulations ranging from a few hundreds to twoor three thousands began to emerge at such sitesas Brahmagiri, Nevasa, Chandoli, Pandu-RajarDhibi (in East Indian Neolithic) etc. Withcomplexity in society, trade flourished. Thedevelopment of trade became an important factorin knitting together the social fabric of localcommunities into village units and regionalsocieties. However, it may prove impossible todetermine how many clusters there were.

Although a negligible number of hominidremains have been found, it is actually thousandsof artefacts from a large number of sites, whichpoint to probable contact, and migration eitherwest ward or eastward or both during all majorperiods. Microliths for example, were foundconcentrated in the western half, which seems toimply introduction from that direction.

It has been commented that so much is knownabout the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithicperiods of Western Asia than of the southernPeninsula that it is easy to overlook the impor-tance of these areas.

India apparently derived much of its Neolithicas well as its Metal age civilization from twosources—one along the Makran Coast andBaluchistan in the west, the other from south-east Asia by way of the Arakan coast and Assam(Fairservis 1971). The knowledge of the firstsource is documented from numerous sites in thearid regions along the foothill rim of the Indusvalley, the second is still largely covered withdense vegetation and is only beginning to beunderstood (Bowles 1977).

Until recently, it had been thought that the

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Indus Valley or Harappan Civilization sites wereactually scattered Mesolithic hunting andgathering communities transformed into moreconcentrated permanent Neolithic and Copper-Bronze Age Settlements. However, the discoveryof a number of wall-enclosed complex urbanizedmound-based Neolithic settlements in the nowdried-up Saraswati riverbed in Rajasthan inKathiawar and parts of southern Gujarat havechanged this view.

The distinctive features of HarappanCivilization with uniform assemblages of tools,unique methods of water supply, drainage,hypocaust system for heating grand central bath,remarkable individual feature including theceramic techniques, the systems of weights andmeasures and the differentiation between thecitadel and slave quarters all point to the existenceof a complex society with considerable socialstratification and complex administrativemachinery.

The Indus Valley Civilization extendedthroughout the entire river basin from theHimalayan foothills and the Doab or Gangeswatershed to coastal Gujarat with an estuarinedock at Lothal and an outpost at Thane nearBombay (Fig. 3). About the origin of the HarappanCivilization, practically nothing definite is known.Different versions are put forward—right fromSumerian or a Semitic origin, to the Dravidian andMundari are often mentioned. Even origins fromBaluchistan and Iranian uplands were suggested[Excavations at Harappa were resumed in 1986under the direction of Dr. George F. Dales of theUniversity of California, Berkeley, and arecontinuing each year at that site. Drs. Nancy C.Lovell, John R. Lukacs, Brain E. Hemphill, andKenneth A.R. Kennedy have removed some 100skeletons from site (Mature Harappan cemeteryof R - 37)]

Sastri and Srinivasachari (1980) proposed thatat about 3000 B.C., small groups of people fromthe Iranian uplands inhabited Baluchistan, whichwas less arid than now. These migrants broughtwith them the knowledge of agriculture and theorganisation of small self-sufficient villagecommunities. In the course of about 500 years,after they had settled in Baluchistan, theymigrated in big or small group into the Indus valley.

However, the sudden emergence of the urbancivilization still baffles the interpreters ofHarappan cultures. Some believe that urbancivilization was superimposed on the people

suddenly by strangers coming from outside atsome time in the middle of the third millenniumB.C. It is quite impossible to say when Harappancivilization grew up’. The civilization is unique ina sense that it was almost a fully classified stateas early as 3000 B.C. It is said that it may wellhave been evolved by the natives of the soil andforeign settlers induced new ideas whichHarappans absorbed and evolved into a distinctmature culture. The Indus Valley Civilization hasspread from it southern bases to the Himalayanfoothills, up the valley of Kashmir, around 1800B.C.

The next culture in the chronology, which isknown as the Chalcolithic, is dated roughly from4000 to 3000 B.C. This is called so because themain tool types representing this culture weremade of copper along with stone (for the sitessee Fig. 4), although there was no proper BronzeAge in India as in Europe. However, bronze wasnot unknown and many bronze materials werefound. Here, it should be mentioned that thereare hundreds of diverse findings, which suggestthat there are still many problems to be solved. Itis also noted that early Neolithic and Bronze Agemigrations into India have not been clearlydefined and skeletal evidence from Baluchistanis far from satisfactory.

Sen (1967) argued that leaving aside thequestions of ordered sequence of migrations anddemographic fluctuations, there was no skeletalevidence to show that a biologically new elementcould be held accountable for the developmentof Indus Valley Civilization. Estimations of totalpopulation have varied widely and the rationalesfor the differences climate, food supply, diseasesand technology—and their analyses varysignificantly. According to Sarkar (1972), thepopulation of Mohenjodaro and Harappa hadbeen estimated variously between 35,000 and40,000 with a very high density of population peracre.

It is proved that the settled people knew thevalley of Kashmir earlier and Mesolithic artefactshave been found. Excavations in Kashmir alsogive evidence of earlier proto-urban settlements.Apart from the above, Kashmir also yielded earlierPalaeolithic artefacts which are more allied tothose of North India, so it might be conjecturedthat the builders of Burzahom (Kashmir) crossedthe Hindukush by 2000 B.C. or thereabouts.

For the rest of Greater India - the scenario isas follows during the ancient age. About the

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Fig. 3. Sites of Early Indu Period and Mature Indus Period

Sites of Early Indus PeriodSites of Mature Indus Period

Ganges Basin, the Deccan and the Peninsular andcoastal south is far less known but it is assumedthat nothing like the civilization developments hadtaken place at comparable levels of antiquity. Itwas not until after the entry of the Aryans that theurban civilization extended into the middle Gangesand parts of the Deccan synchronised with theentry of Aryans. The so-called Chalcolithic, Pre-

Harappan and Harappan periods in the Indusvalley, Gujarat and western Maharashtra aregenerally contemporary with the so-calledNeolithic of the Deccan and Eastern India.

Towards the end of the stone tool phase, thefirst evidence of agricultural settlement appearedin Baluchistan in the northwest. This culturespread across the northwest corner of the country

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during the next 2000 years, giving rise eventuallyto the highly developed Indus Valley Civilization,which came to an abrupt end around 1750 B.C.Whether directly related or not, the decline ofthis civilization coincided with the movement intoIndia from the Iranian plateau and the Caucasusof Aryan peoples speaking an Indo-Europeanlanguage.

2.2.3. Culture Phase and Tools Types

The contemporary culture phase with the tooltypes and areas of reign may be listed as follows.1. Neolithic - Polished Celts, Pottery limited to

hand-made jars, in the east (Assam, Bihar,Bengal and parts of the adjacent Deccan).

2. Neolithic - Chalcolithic with polished Celtsand blade tools, hand-made pottery and wattleand daub houses in Central India, Karnataka,Gujarat and Baluchistan.

3. Chalcolithic- Bronze with Stone blade andcopper-bronze tools wheel-made pottery in thenorth-west (Sind, Saurashtra, and Punjab).

4. Chalcolithic-Bronze- with copper or bronzebut no stone tools, wheel-made pottery in northwest Sind, Saurashtra and Punjab.To sum up, during the second millennium B.C.,

settlements associated with copper and bronzetools spread rapidly down the Ganges valley.Within a matter of centuries, the entire basin hadbeen largely cleared of forests and was supportinga relatively dense population, which at least in itsbiological aspects, is probably reflected in themajority of the present day inhabitants.Meanwhile, it is believed that there was a spreadof Southeast Asian culture complex and a possibleminimal immigration via Assam and Burma intoBengal and Central India.

2.2.4. Main Tools Types

The terms attributed to different cultures arebased on the tool assemblages and types. Forexample, the Chalcolithic age has come to beknown as an age where the tool assemblages weremainly composed of copper artefacts. However,there are scores of tool assemblages reported andanalysed and some are still being excavated—itis impossible to give a description of all thesetool types here. Therefore, the following is asimplified and short version of the dominant/maintool types found from the Indian sub-continent(for the sites see Figs. 2 and 4).

A detailed and extensive account on theprehistory and protohistory of Indiansubcontinent can be studied from Sankalia (1962,1979) and Allchin and Allchin (1983).

Geological Tool types Cultureage terms(European)

Copper ChalcolithicHolocene Polished Celts Neolithic

Microliths MesolithicPalaeolithic

Pleistocene Bone Points, Harpoons UpperBlades, Burins, Art objectsFlakes with Levalosians MiddleTechniquesCore Bifaces Lower

2.2.5. Aryans

The Aryans were initially localized to the westof Indus River, but gradually their influence,observed by the presence of Painted Grey Warepottery extended further east into the westernGanges valley. Aryan influence also appears tohave moved south to the Deccan plateau,indicated by the introduction of iron and later ofthe Northern Black Polished pottery type (Fig.5), also associated with Aryan cultural levels inthe Ganges valley. These Aryan penetrations intothe Deccan put into contact, by the end of thefirst millennium B.C., with other types as revealedby the presence of megalithic burial sites, whichwere widespread in southern Indian by about300 B.C. Whether the megalithic builders camefrom outside India or represented a localdevelopment is still not clear.

Aryan influence also appears to have movedsouth to the Deccan plateau, indicated by theintroduction of iron and later of the Northern BlackPolished pottery type, also associated withAryan cultural levels in the Ganges valley. TheseAryan penetrations into the Deccan put intocontact, by the end of the first millennium B.C.,with other types as revealed by the presence ofmegalithic burial sites, which were widespread insouthern Indian by about 300 B.C. Whether themegalithic builders came from outside India orrepresented a local development is still not clear.

2.3. History

From the fourth century B.C. onwards for 2000years, India, particularly in the north, was

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I Indus System VI Rajputana-SaurashtraII Ganges System VII Narmada SystemIII Brahmaputra System VIII Tapi SystemIV Mahanadi System IX Godavari Pravara SystemV Chambal System X Bhima SystemXI Karnataka System

Fig. 4. Major Chalcolithic Cultural sites found from India

INDIAChalcolithic Sites



Chalcolithic Sites

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subjected to repeated waves of penetration byalien people. History testifies that Greeks,Parthians, Sakas (Scythians) and Pahlavasincluding the Kushans were the first to come inafter the Indo-Aryan civilization entered itssettled course. The Huns came in somewhat largernumbers at the close of the Gupta epoch. Thesesuccessions of peoples from outside India wereassimilated into Hindu society. On the west coast,Jews and Parsis came after fleeing from their ownhomelands. Arabian Muslims, Persian Muslims,Turks, and Afghans, whose total number was verylarge, came to India from time to time. The Muslimimmigration into India began even before the Arabinvasions of the Sind quite early in the eighthcentury A.D. and ended with the establishmentof the Mughal Empire in the sixteenth century.This was the last major movement, whichproduced some perceptible changes in thecomposition and culture of the indigenouspopulation. The Muslims did not accept theHindu religion but they made converts to theirreligion. The Europeans—Portuguese, Dutch,French and British started their intrusions from15th century A.D. onwards and the Indo-European community grew from these infusions.In the east Shan peoples from Southeast Asiaentered eastern part of India (Assam) (Thapar1992, 1995).

2.4. Racial Classification

Anthropologists distinguish groups of peoplebased on common origin, living, or having lived,in certain defined regions and possessing differingcharacteristic features in their appearance.However, one should remember that there are nostrict lines of demarcation between races. All thesegroups blend imperceptibly into one another withintermediate types possessing variouscombinations of physical characteristics. Modernman is biologically uniform in basic features (forexample upright posture, well-developed hand andfeet, prominent chin, absence of bony eye brow,an intricately structured brain encased in a bigskull with a straight high forehead and 46 numberof chromosomes) and polymorphous as regardsmany secondary features. Scientists consider allhuman beings as belonging to a single species,Homo sapiens. The variations found in groupsliving in different geographical areas reflect onlya differentiation within the single species due tohost of biological, social and other factors. In

anthropology there are two schools of thoughton the origins of man and the major races—thepolycentric and the monocentric schools. Thepolycentric theory (Franz Weidenreich, U.S.A.)claims that modern man evolved in severalregions relatively independent of one anotherand that peoples developed at different rates.This theory claims that modern man evolved fromthe “oldest” and “old” people in each region andthat this gave rise to the formation of the majorraces—Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids,Australoids, etc. On the other hand monocentrists(for example Henri-Victor Vallois and G. Olivier inFrance, Francis Howell in the U.S.A., KennethOakley in Britain, Vsevolod P. Yakimov, U.S.S.R.)consider modern man to have evolved in a singleregion. The ancient Homo sapiens who evolvedthere did not possess clearly distinguished traitsof any of the modern races. It was only whenhuman groups spread geographically and settledin definite territories that racial types evolved.That is why the races of modern mankind resembleone another so closely. This resemblance is asign of their common origin, of their emergencein a single region. Darwin more than 100 yearsago, ventured to predict- that one day it wouldbe found that man had originated in Africa.

Mourant (1983) in his book “BloodRelations” stated that it is almost certain thatman evolved from his pre-human ancestors andemerged as a unique tool-making animalsomewhere in tropical Africa and that we aretherefore, in a sense, all of African origin. Usingfive polymorphic restriction sites on b genecluster, Long et al. (1990) worked out, theevolutionary histories and relationships amongAfricans, Eskimos and Pacific Island populationsand reported an African origin for modern Homosapiens and a phyletic structuring in the majorgeographical regions. It is probably rather over amillion years ago that man entered Asia fromAfrica; bones of the early human species, Homoerectus have been found in China as well as inJava, which could have reached only throughAsia. Moreover, to reach Europe, which heprobably very soon did, he must have passedthrough south-west Asia. India has served as amajor corridor for the dispersal of modern humansout of Africa (Cann, 2001, 2003; Kivisild et al.2003; Palanichamy et al. 2004; Cavalli- Sforza2005).). It probably was in Asia that Eurasian man,by now of the modern Homo sapiens species,diverged from African man, and then became

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Fig. 5. Distribution of Painted Grey Ware (PGW), Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW),Prehistoric and Contemporary Megaliths sites from India

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differentiated into Caucasoid and Mongoloidtypes. Another differentiation, which probablytook place in Asia, is that of the Australoids,perhaps from a common type before theseparation of the Mongoloids. The Caucasoidsand the Mongoloids almost certainly becamedifferentiated from one another somewhere inAsia and Caucasoids subsequently spread to thewhole western part of the continent and thenceto Europe and North Africa (Mourant 1983). Thedivergence lines among the three major races—Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid—estimatedby Nei and Roychoudhury (1982) by using anumber of genetic markers, reported thedivergence between the Negroid and theCaucasoid-Mongoloid groups seemingly to haveoccurred about 110,000 ± 34,000 years ago. Onthe other hand, the divergence between theCaucasoid group and the Mongoloid groupseems to have occurred about 41,000 ± 5,000 yearsago. This corresponds to the time when classicNeanderthals were living. These estimates ofdivergence lines are much earlier than theestimates of Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer (1971)(20,000-50,000 years ago), but they are not un-reasonable in view of the fossil records available(Birdsell 1972).

The Mongoloids are the most numerous ofthe three major races of mankind and China in thecentre of the Mongoloid area has the largestpopulation of these than any country in the world,so the Chinese must be taken as the typicalMongoloids. The ancestors of Japanese passedthrough Korea to reach Japanese Islands, wherethey found ancestors of the present Ainu.Through an area to the south of China, extendingfrom the Vietnamese border to the tip of Malayapeninsula, through this there must have passedHomo erectus very long ago on his way to Java;[“Sundashelf, a dry land as the route from Asianmainland to Java is now so well accepted thatShutler and Braches (1987) in their review of thepaleoanthropology of Pleistocene islandSoutheast Asia see it as the route to Java fromthe Asian mainland for all migrating landmammals” (p. 186) cited from Tumer II (1990]. thanperhaps (some- forty thousand years ago) theancestors of the Australian aborigines. Thencame the Indonesians, and finally the Mongoloidsin narrower sense, represented by the Mons andthe Khmers, the Tibeto-Burmans and the Thais,all of whom probably entered the region before1000 B.C. (Mourant 1983).

The populations of Siberia are important insupplying evidence regarding the originalpeopling of the American continent. This tookplace perhaps about thirty thousand years ago;it was through the Bering Strait, which was thendry land owing to the recession of sea level accom-panied by last glaciation. Perhaps about thirtythousand years ago, populations of Mongoloidphysical type moved into northeastern Siberiaand thence into America (Mourant 1983).

The differences between Mongoloids andCaucasoids appear rather sharp as one crossesthe mountains in the northern boundary of theIndian sub-continent. The passage from India toBurma is somewhat more gradual, probablybecause contact here has been present for a longtime and some mixing has taken places, whereasthe Mongoloids north of the mountains wereprobably fully differentiated in the Far East beforethe retreat of the ice allowed them to enter Tibet(Mourant 1983).

In Asia, Australoid people now live in Southof India, the deep ocean between India andAustralia means that the direct ancestors of theAustralians could not have set out from there.We must picture both India and south-east Asiaas being at one time inhabited largely byAustraloids who were driven by technologicallymore advanced people from the north, in the oneinstance into southern India and Sri Lanka and inother, across Burma and Malaysia and soultimately through Indonesia and New Guinea toAustralia (Mourant 1983).

A number of racial classifications of humanpopulations have been reported in the literature,but there seems to be no agreement about theseclassifications among anthropologists. However,the human populations are broadly divided intothree major races: Caucasoid, Negroid, andMongoloid. Many anthropologists haveconsidered two more major groups i.e., Amerindand Australoid or Oceanian (Boyd 1963). Theseschemes of classification of human populationswere largely based on morphological andanthropometric characters. In the last few decades,however, new methods with elaborate statisticsand biometry along with the latest concepts onhuman genetics have added fresh dimension tothe study of human population groups.

To the Indian subcontinent came severalwaves of immigrants at different periods of historyand entered into the ethnic composition of thepopulation at different levels from a very early

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phase of human civilization. The intrusions ofthese people with several racial elements haveleft the strains of various developed racestogether with their ethnic and cultural substratain the land, thus representing the elements of allthe main divisions of mankind.

In India, the range of somatic variations indifferent physical traits of its people is remarkablywide. To account for the heterogeneity and tohighlight the underlying pattern of the observedvariations, earlier European anthropologists, likeCharles de Ujfalvy (1884) and Captain Drake-Brockman, Sir TH Holland (1902) and Waddell(1900) measured groups from various parts ofIndia and attempted various taxonomicclassification of the Indian peoples. During theearly part of the last century, the schemes ofclassification of Indian people were largely basedon morphological and anthropometric characters.The list of various classifications that have beengiven on the people of India by different authorsis as follows.1. Risley’s Classification (1915)2. Giuffrida-Ruggari’s Classification (1921)3. Haddon’s Classification (1925)4. v. Eickstedt’s Classification (1934, 1952)5. Guha’s Classification (1935, 1937)6. Roy’s Classification (1934-38)7. Sarkar’s Classification (1958)8. Biasutti’s Classification (1959)9. Roginskij and Levin’s Classification (1963)10. Büchi’s Classification (1968)11. Bowles’s Classification (1977)

So many classifications on the people of Indiahave been reported and almost all seem to makesome sense. An attempt has been made toevaluate the distribution of various racial strains/elements present in the peoples of India and thisis represented in Figure 6 (This figure has beendrawn while taking into consideration theclassifications reported by Guha and others).

2.4.1. Negrito Element

It is generally admitted that the Negritorepresents the oldest surviving type of man andit is possible even that they preceded Neanderthalman by whom, according to Grifth-Taylor, theywere displaced and disposed. In any case, Negritoseems to have been first inhabitants of SouthEast Asia. The traces of the stock are still to beseen in some of the forest tribes of the higherhills of the extreme south of India and similar

traces appear in the inaccessible areas of Assamand Bengal, and Burma, where dwarf stature iscombined with frizzly hair which appears to haveresulted from recent admixture of pure Negritostock of the Andamans with blood from the mainland of India or Burma.

If Negrito was the earliest inhabitants ofSouthern Asia, they must have been displacedor supplanted by the Proto-Australoid. Thisdolichocephalic type appears to have its ownorigin in the west. The view that the Australian isconnected with the Neanderthal man, thoughrepeatedly rejected by authorities, seems to diehard since Hrdlicka (1927) apparently regards theNeanderthal as having contributed to existinghuman types, while Sewell (cited from Iyer 1936)appears to revert to the theory of Australian originand in his account of Mohenjodaro skulls hedefinitely associates Indian Proto-Australoidtype with Australian aborigines on the one handand with Rhodesian skull on the other.

So many views on the Negrito problem inIndian ethnology have been reported in theliterature. Guha (1928, 1929) observed thepresence of Negrito racial strain from the solitarycharacter of hair form (frizzly type) which he foundamong the Kadars who live in the interior of thechain of hills running from the Anamalais toTravancore. Guha (1961) wrote to Sharma(personal communication) that frizzly type of hairoccurs not only among Kadars but among Irulasand the Pulayans also. Guha (1961) disagree withthe hypothesis that there had been admixture ofAfrican slaves with the Malabar people; givingthe reason that if it has occurred in that case, itshould have been in the coastal areas, whereZamorins of Calicut imported African slaves butnot in the interior of the hills 100 miles away. Hefurther added that there is no sign of any Africanculture among the Kadars. However v. Eickstedt(1939) stated that genuine Negro frizzly hair neverhas been found in South India. The problemprobably arose because the distinguishingwords, spiral, woolly or frizzly, have been appliedin a vague manner. Sarkar stated that the sporadiccases of frizzly hair might not be Negritoid at all.They may be independent mutations. Whetherthey are genetically related to Negro orMelanesian frizzly hair group, only further geneticresearches can disclose.

Banerjee (1959) reported the presence ofintermediate or mixed types of hair among the

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Kadar and accounted its origin as due toadmixture with Negroid elements.

Rakshit (1965) suggested that the allegedNegrito Dravidian tribes of south India viz., theKadar, Irula, and Pulayan etc. are in all probability,the foetalized derivatives of Australian basic type.

From the genetic structure of Kadar of Kerala,Saha et al. (1974) evaluated their findings withthe other (Sarkar et al. 1959) and observed thatthere is a little to support that a proportion ofKadar show Negritoid traits. However, they addedthat there is slender evidence, which supportsthe possibility of past African Negro admixtureon a small scale. The postulated geneticreconstruction of ancestral Kadar population bythem suggested that they may have been similarto Melanesian and Australian aboriginalpopulations, but their original genetic structurehas been modified through incorporating geneticelements not only from Black Africans but alsofrom surrounding Dravidian populations.

To study the molecular genetic evidenceMountain et al. (1995) used a small sample of (n=7)of Kadars, without any definite conclusion.

Sarkar (1954) has discussed the Negritos ofthe Andaman in the light of the process of pygmyformation. Steatopygia, infantilism, and dwarfismare probably the effect of endocrine derange-ments and the reproductive physiology of theAndamanese appears to have been affected aswell. The Andamanese appear to have been facingextinction long before they were exposed tocivilization. The Andamanese were probablypeopled in the quaternary times during a glacialperiod when the fall of sea level brought lowerBurma in direct contact with the Islands.

Negrito populations occupy parts of thePhilippines, Northern Malay Peninsula, AndamanIslands and New Guinea has a number ofmorphological characters similar to those ofPygmies and Bushmen of Africa. Because of thissimilarity, some anthropologists have hypothe-sized a common origin of the Negrito populations.However, Nei and Roychoudhury (1982)analysed the genetic relationship and reportedthat despite some morphological similaritybetween the Negritos of Southeast Asia and thePygmies and Bushman of Africa the geneticdistance analysis shows them to be geneticallydifferent. This result supports Coon’s (1965)thesis that the Pygmies and Asian Negritosdeveloped their phenotypic similarity by adaptingto similar environmental conditions independentlyrather than by common descent.

Further Nei and Roychoudhury (1993)suggested a southern route of migration fromAfrica to Australia in the Pleistocene period toexplain the similarities among some populationsin Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia and similarobservations have also been made by Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994) and Schurr and Wallace (2002).

Murhekar et al. (2001) studied the red cellgenetic abnormalities among Great Andamaneseand observed that they are the survivingrepresentatives of Negrito populations that weredistributed over the entire Southeast Asia inancient times, which were genetically differentfrom other African populations. Using mtDNAmaterial, Endicott et al. (2003) and Thangaraj etal. (2003) observed that the Andamanese are moreclosely related to other Asians than to modernday Africans. Kashyap et al. (2003) studied theaboriginal groups (Great Andamanese andJarawas) of Andaman and Nicobar Islands andobserved that the distinct genetic identity of theaboriginal populations of the Andaman Islandsand other Asian and African populationsdeciphered by nuclear and mitochondrial DNAdiversity suggest that (i) either the aboriginals ofAndaman are one of the surviving descendentsof settlers from an early migration out of Africawho remained in isolation in their habitat inAndaman Islands, or (ii) they are the descendentsof one of the founder populations of modernhumans.

2.4.2. Proto-Australoid Element

The earliest stratum of Indian populations wasa long-headed, dark skinned, broad-nosed people.Their physical features are closely akin to modernaborigines of Chota Nagpur, Central India andthe primitive tribes of South India. They areoriginal inhabitants, the so-called ‘Adi-basis’ ofIndia. In the hymns of Rig-Veda the oldest sacredtexts of the Hindus, they are mainly addressed as‘Dasa’ (Barbarians) or ‘Dasyu’ (ugly, sub-human)described as ‘Anas’ (‘a-nas’ = noseless or ‘an-as’= without a mouth), Krishnagarba (Darkskinned), ‘Mridhravak’ (Hostile speech) notworshiping Vedic gods with whom Aryanspeaking tribes fought during their advent intoIndia from Transcapia.

Various authors have classified them and sofar, there has been no agreement on this. Lapicque(1920) was probably responsible for the term Pre-

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Dravidian. Ruggeri (Chakladar 1921) named it‘Australoid-Veddaic’, while Chanda (1916)favoured the term ‘Nishada’. v. Eickstedt (1934)used the term Weddid for those having closeraffinity with the Veddas of Ceylon. Sewell and Guha(1929) in trying to find out the physical affinities ofthe Nal race have described Tamils and the Veddasas descendants of the original Proto-Australoidand Proto-Negroid blend. They have also foundthe Proto-Australoid type occurring among theMohenjodaro skeletal remains. Hutton (1933) usedthe term Proto-Australoid exclusively in his censusreports. He even put Veddas under Proto-Australoid. The term Proto-Australoid owes itsorigin to Dixon (1923). Hooton (1930) introducedchanges in Dixon’s terminology and replaced termProto-Australoid as Pseudo-Australoid while hesimilarly renamed Proto-Negroid as Pseudo-Negroid.

The Papuas of New Guinea and the Australianaborigines of Oceania are often called Australoids.Guha (1937) used the term ‘Proto-Australoid’ todesignate the indigenous people of Indiapresumed to have racial affinities with AustralianAboriginals. It was observed in the morphologicaltraits that there seems to be a regular gradation,the shortest and smallest being the Indian tribes,then come Veddas of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and lastlythe Australians. The Indian tribes retaining themore basic characters and the two extra Indiangroups having developed some of the features ina more marked manner. The most appropriate termto apply to them therefore is Proto-Australoid,which shows best the genetic relationshipsbetween the three. Sarkar (1954) pointed that solong, the Australoid is regarded as one of thebasic stems of mankind and its prototype isunknown, the use of the term Proto-Australoidseems to be unjustified.

Sanghvi (1976) compared allelic variabilityobserved among tribal populations in India andAustralia to study the postulated ancestral rela-tions between Indian and Australian Aboriginalpeople. He concluded that the search forappropriate weights for individual alleles to beconsidered in genetic distance analysis ofproblems for racial origins has not so far beenrewarding.

Simmons (1976) reported on the basis of theblood group genetic data, presently available, thatthe Veddoids, and other aboriginal peoples ofSouth India relate most closely to the Indianpopulations, and neither they nor the Veddhas

relate in any obvious blood groups genetic make-up to the distant Ainu, or to the even more distantAustralian Aboriginals.

Kirk (1976) searching for specific markers,which might link Australian Aboriginals with theVeddahs of Ceylon and the “Veddoid”populations of South India and stated that so farno specific markers common to any of these setsof populations have been found. By contrast,the Veddahs of Ceylon do have some geneticmarkers in common with groups of SoutheastAsia, particularly TF CHI and the abnormalhaemoglobin HB*E. The ‘Veddoids’ of SouthIndia, however, have neither of these markers thatpossess the abnormal haemoglobin HB*S andhaving no transferrin variants in the populationswhich he studied. It is only in the north east ofIndia that transferrin allele TF*CHIi is foundwhile allele HB*E is not uncommon among tribalpopulations such as Oraons, Konda Reddis andKoya Dora. Roychoudhury (1984) studied geneticrelations between Indian Tribes (Toda, Irula,Kurumba of South India); Veddah of Sri Lankawith the Aboriginals of Malay, New Guinea andAustralia by genetic distance analysis and foundthe tribes of South India and Sri Lanka aregenetically closer to each other than to theAboriginals of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Heconcluded that despite their morphologicalsimilarity there is no genetic evidence to suggestthat the Indian tribes and Australian Aboriginalsare biologically related.

Pietrusewsky (1990) reported from thecraniofacial variation that Australians representa biologically distinct population, sharingancestral ties with Melanesians but not with therecent populations of Asia and the rest of thePacific. The latter represent a second majorpopulation complex.

Rao and his colleagues (2009) havesequenced 966 complete mitochondrial DNAgenomes from Indian ‘relic populations’ andfound certain mutations in the DNA sequencesof the Indian tribes which are specific toAustralian Aborigines, which shows thataborigines, who initially arrived in Australia viasouth Asia, may have originated from India(Times of India, July 23, 2009, P. 17)

2.4.3. Mongoloid Element

The Mongoloids are mainly presented in thenorthern and northeastern zones of the

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Himalayan ranges, valleys, and eastern frontiers.Regarding the Mongoloid element, Hutton is ofthe view that it may be said to fringe upon thearea to Indo-European languages. There is veryconsiderable overlap in the places. In all theoverlapping areas, the Indo-European languagesare definitely intrusive and the Mongoloidelement in the population is strong enough toretain its own languages. It is possible that theextension of Mongoloid physical elements hasgone a good deal further than the present rangeof their language would suggest. One of theMohenjodaro skulls has been identified asdefinitely Mongoloid and from the lowest stratumof the excavation have been recovered terracottafigurines with unmistakable Mongoloid featureshaving the typical sloping narrow eyes ofcaricatures of that type.

On the other hand, Eastern Bengal is stronglysuggestive of mixed Mongoloid and Proto-Australoid strain. Buxton suggests that thePareoean (race inhabiting South China, Burma,or Southern Mongoloid) element extends tosouthern India. Burma, of course, is almostcompletely Mongoloid and though the existenceof other strains is not doubted, they are no longereasy to isolate. There are Proto-Australoidelements too. In some of the hill tribes and on theAssam side, a Melanesian strain is to be expected.

Mongolian features have been observedamong the tribes of Central and Eastern India,the tribes occupying such States as Bihar, Orissa,Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh, in thelatter state in areas adjoining Orissa and MadhyaPradesh. The list includes almost importantMundari speaking (Munda Group of Austro-Asiatic Family) tribes like the Munda, Santal, Ho,Juang, Saora, Gadaba etc., and number of CentralIndian Dravidian speaking tribes like the Maria,Muria, Kondh, and Oraon etc. The occasionalpresence of Mongolian features among thecentral and eastern Indian tribal groups foetalizedderivative is of Australian types as suggested byRakshit (1965).

2.4.4. Other Racial Elements

Amongst the earliest arrivals into Indian sub-continent were long-headed people of Palaeo-Mediterranean stock, who came in successivewaves. They were closely related with the Proto-Mediterranean or Proto-Egyptian Brown Race andwere long, narrow-headed people, having medium

to tall stature, possessed relatively long, narrowfaces, low orbit, and vertical forehead withprotruding occiput and mesorrhine nose. Laterwaves of this race belonged to the more basicstock of the Mediterranean race. Their skeletalremains have been recovered from the Chalco-lithic sites of the Indus Valley (Harappa 1963;Mohenjodaro 1931) etc. and further west fromthe Aeneolithic sites of Iran and Mesopotamia.They now form a dominant element among thepopulations of North India and the upper classes.

The next wave was allied to the so-calledOriental Race of Eugen Fischer (1923). They wererelatively broad-headed, medium in stature, andbroad faced, thus closely related to thebrachycephalic Alpine and Armenoid racial typesof Europe. Their major concentration was in AsiaMinor, Pamirs or the Iranian plateau, from wherethey are supposed to have infiltrated into Indiaduring the third to second millennium B.C.

The early evidence of these elements wasfound among a few of Chalcolithic crania fromIndus Valley sites and later among Iron Age craniafrom Adittanallur in the Tinnevally District ofSouth India (1963). The origin of the broad-headedstrain allied to Alpine and Armenoid lies primarilyamong the brachycephalic hordes of prehistoricHomo alpinus stock of Central Asia. However,the original source of brachycephaly in WesternIndia appears to have come from Scytho-Iranianswho had infiltrated from the ethnic intrusion ofthe Sakas, Huns, Kushans, and Abhiras. Todaythe stronghold of this type is in Bengal, Rajasthan,and Gujarat.

The Dinaric type (medium to light pigmented,hook-nosed, acrocephalic, round head) findsexpression among the population of Bengal andOrissa and were mixed with varying degrees ofthe Mediterranean element. It is also to be seenin Kathiwar, Kannanda and Tamil areas. The latestgreat racial movement into India was associatedwith a long-headed, tall, delicate-nosed, fair-skinned people having a long face with well-marked chin, possessing blue eyes more akin tothe so-called Nordic Race (pure blond or nearblond, long heads) of Europe. During the closeof the third or at the beginning of the secondmillennium B.C., they were supposed to haveentered India across the northwestern frontierfrom the Eurasiatic steppes between south-western Russia and Siberia. Based on linguisticand cultural evidence, they have been describedas Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, or Aryan people,

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who were Proto-Nordics. The area of theircivilization was said to be in the Aralo-CaspianBasin.

Abe and Tamura (1983) and Abe (1985) usedmultivariate analysis to classify the people of India(South) and Sri Lanka. Based on morphologicaltypes, Malhotra (1978) stated that Negrito,Australoids, Mongoloids and Caucasoids havecontributed to the biological composition of thepeople of India.

Mourant (1983) classified the peoples of theIndian region broadly into three zones - tribalpeoples of Australoid type, living in pocketschiefly in the south, the Caucasoids of slendertype and with rather dark skin mostly speakingDravidian languages occupying the mainsouthern part of the region and more robustCaucasoids, with paler-skins and speaking Indo-European languages, in the north. The people ofthe Himalayan regions are partly or whollyMongoloid.

If the millions of population of India aremembers of some great branch of humanity, it isstrange to note, all or nearly all, who have soughtto explain the differentiation of population of Indiainto racial types, have sought the solution ofthis problem, from outside the peninsula. Theyhave never attempted to ascertain how far Indiahas bred her own races. They have proceededon the assumption that evolution has taken placelong ago, far too away but not in India, the greatanthropological paradise (Keith 1936). No doubt,India has been invaded repeatedly but it is a factthat 85 per cent of the blood in India is native inthe soil. It is necessary that our eyes should bemore directly focused on the possibility of Indiabeing an evolutionary field both now and informer times.

In India, the range of somatic variations indifferent physical traits of its people is remarkablywide. Based on these variations a number ofEuropean and Indian anthropologists attemptedvarious taxonomic classifications of the Indianpeoples. Among Indians all the major racialelements, namely Caucasoid, Mongoloid,Australoid, and Negritos have been reported. Ingeneral, all the classifications given by differentauthors agree that Himalayan mountain complexregion populations have Caucasoid (Aryan and/or Dravidian) and Mongoloid racial elements inWestern and Central Himalayan region andAustraloid (Pre-Dravidian), Caucasoid (Aryanand/or Dravidian) and Mongoloid racial elements

in Eastern Himalayan region. Whereas in Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains region, the peoplefrom north are having predominantly Caucasoid-Aryan and Caucasoid-Dravidian racial elementsand towards western side Caucasoid (Aryans,Dravidians) and Australoid (Pre-Dravidian) racialelements, towards East India, from West Bengal,the racial elements present are similar to thatobserved among peoples from Eastern Himalayanregion, albeit Mongoloid racial element is presentin lesser degree. Among populations from Orissaand Bihar the Caucasoid (Aryan and Dravidian)and Australoid (Pre-Dravidian) racial elements arepresent. Among Central Indian populations, thepicture is similar to that observed from Bihar andOrissa. Towards South India the major racialelements are Caucasoid (Dravidian) andAustraloid (Pre-Dravidian), whereas amongAndamanese, Negrito-like traits are present andin Nicobarese, Mongoloid affinities are observed.

In general, the Australoid (Pre-Dravidian)racial element is predominant among scheduledtribes, whereas among scheduled castes alsoAustraloid racial element is present, but it variesin degree among regions/zones and as scheduledcaste populations are having admixture withCaucasoids (Aryan and/or Dravidian) in varyingdegrees. Mongoloid racial element, which ispredominant among populations inhabitingEastern Himalayan region is also observed amongpeoples living in inner areas of Western andCentral Himalayan regions.

Apart from this, some more populations withdifferent racial elements entered India and wereassimilated into the local people. The Australoid(Pre-Dravidian) are supposed to be the originalinhabitants of India, while the rest are consideredto have come in successive waves of immigrationof known and sometimes unknown antiquity.

Barnabas et al. (1996) used mitochondrialDNA to study the ancestry and interrelationshipof and their relationship with other World popu-lations and concluded that the Indian populationis closer to Caucasians and has an admixture withAsians. The North Indian population appears tohave a recent admixture of Caucasian mtDNAtypes which is absent in people of South India.This study conforms to already known obser-vation from a long time.

A study by Centre for Cellular and MolecularBiology (CCMB) and Harvard Medical School,Harvard School of Public Health and the BroadInstitute of Harvard and MIT researchers on

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Fig. 6. Distribution of various racial strains present in the people of India

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Fig. 7. Racial migration

1 Early Caucasoids (Dravidians)2 Later Caucasoids (Indo-Aryans)3 Early Mongoloids (Various groups)4 Later Mongoloids (Ahom)5 Austro-Asiatics (Various groups)6 Andamanese7 NicobareseDots = Original distribution of the autochthonous Indian tribal populations

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ancestral Indian populations says there is agenetic relationship between all Indians and moreimportantly, the hitherto believed “fact” thatAryans and Dravidians signify the ancestry ofnorth and south Indians might after all, be a myth.The study analysed 500,000 genetic markersacross the genomes of 132 individuals from 25diverse groups from 13 states. All the individualswere from six-language families and traditionally“upper” and “lower” castes and tribal groups.

Thangarajan of CCMB said there was no truthto the Aryan-Dravidian theory as they camehundreds or thousands of years after the ancestralnorth and south Indians had settled in India.

The genetics proves that castes grew directlyout of tribe-like organizations during the formationof the Indian society. Thangarajan noted that itwas impossible to distinguish between castes andtribes since their genetics proved they were notsystematically different. It reveals that thepresent-day Indian population is a mix of ancientnorth and south bearing the genomic contri-butions from two distinct ancestral populations -the Ancestral North Indian (ANI) and theAncestral South Indian (ASI). Thangarajan saidthat the initial settlement took place 65,000 yearsago in the Andamans and in ancient south Indiaaround the same time, which led to populationgrowth in this part. He further added that at alater stage, 40,000 years ago, the ancient northIndians emerged which in turn led to rise innumbers here. However, at some point of time,the ancient north and the ancient south mixed,giving birth to a different set of population. Andthat is the population that exists now and there isa genetic relationship between the populationswithin India.’

The researchers, who are now keen onexploring whether Eurasians descended from ANI,find in their study that ANIs are related to westernEurasians, while the ASIs do not share anysimilarity with any other population across theworld. However, researchers said there was noscientific proof of whether Indians went to Europefirst or the other way round.

Migratory Route of Africans

Between 135,000 and 75,000 years ago, theEast-African droughts shrunk the water volumeof the lake Malawi by at least 95%, causingmigration out of Africa. Which route did theytake? Researchers say their study of the tribes of

Andaman and Nicobar islands using completemitochondrial DNA sequences and its comparisonthose of world populations has led to the theoryof a “southern coastal route” of migration fromEast Africa through India. This finding is againstthe prevailing view of a northern route ofmigration via Middle East, Europe, south-eastAsia, Australia and then to India.[ (Retrieved on 29. 09. 2009)]

The various classifications given above wereinitially based on geographical regions, linguisticfamilies, caste groups, and/or religious groupsand were followed by scientifically orientedsomatometry and somatoscopy. Finally, fewgenetic markers, like blood groups, were alsotaken into account. The picture thus emerged wascomplicated and uncomprehensive as India fromthe fourth century B.C. for 2000 years, particularlyin north received wave after wave of immigrants[Indo-Aryans, Greeks, Parthians and Sakas(Scythians), Kushans, Huns, Arabs, Turko-Afghans, Mongols (from north and north westdirections), Shan (from eastern side)] fromdifferent directions and thus took on the characterof a miniature museum of races commingling inall sorts of permutation and combinations.

From the section of Indian population milieuof this chapter it may be evaluated that migrationfrom different places formed the Caucasoid(Dravidian, Aryan) and Mongoloid componentsof India’s populations, whereas the originalinhabitants who have been classified as Negritoand/or Proto-Australoids may be referred asNishada (Pre-Dravidians). It is worthwhile tomention here that the racial classifications arecurrently only of academic interest and are seldomused for categorizing populations, as thepopulation composition at any time is influencedby mating patterns, migrations, genetic drift,mutation and selection under differentenvironments. It should not be forgotten thatracial categories are artificial constructs, whichhave not been able to withstand the test of time.Populations have always intermixed, with theconsequence that the pure type (‘race’) wasnothing but a figment of imagination. Wedissociate ourselves from the old race concepts.


Biological Anthropology deals with thecomparative biogenetics of man. Within the

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Fig. 8. Waves of penetration by alien peoples

1 Indo-Aryans 2000 - 1400 BC2 Yüechihs and Sakas 2nd Century BC3. Kushanas First Century AD4 Huns 5th-6th Century5 Huns 8th Century5 Arabs 10th-11th Century6 Turko-Afghans 12th-13th Century7 Mongols (Timur) before 13th Century8 Ahoms before 13th Century9 Tibeto-Burmans

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various fields of research of the present BiologicalAnthropology, the studies of human evolutionas well as the study of genetic variation in modernman hold an eminent place. An important branchof Biological Anthropology is thereforePopulation Genetics, which deals on the one handwith exact genetic descriptions of humanpopulation, but which on the other hand tries tofind out the reasons for genetic differences amongthem. To study these genetic differentiationprocesses in man, which are obviously stillongoing, reliable population data are necessary.The comprehensive reviews on the humanpopulation genetics have been given e.g. byMourant et al. (1976), Steinberg and Cook (1981),Tills et al. (1983), Roychoudhury and Nei (1988),Bhasin et al. (1992), Cavalli-Sforza et al. (1994),Cavalli-Sforza and Cavalli-Sforza (1998), Walter(1998), Cavalli-Sforza (2000), Bandelt et al. (2006),Stone et al. (2007), Reddy (2008). The existenceof genetic variation in man is caused by manyfactors, among which selection, migration andgene flow, genetic drift and founder effects arethe most important ones. By means of manyexamples, Vogel and Motulsky (1997) and Joblinget al. (2004) have shown the importance of thesefactors for the understanding of genetic variationin man. Morant et al. (1978) have reviewed theassociations between genetic markers of theblood and diseases, which are of considerableinterest in this connection. A critical appraisal ofthe available human population genetic studieshas shown a high incidence of genetic andgenetic-environmental disorders like abnormalhaemoglobins S and E, glucose-6-phosphate redcell enzyme deficiency, etc. (WHO 1966, 1967;Livingstone 1983; Yoshida and Beutler 1986;Honing and Adams 1986; Luzzatto and Mehta1989; Beutler 1990; Bhasin et al.1994; Mao 2007).

Biological Anthropologists are, however, notonly interested in the ethnic and geographicvariation of the numerous genetic markers of thehuman blood, but are also concerned with thevariation of anthropometric and morphologicaltraits. They also help to understand extent andmode of genetic variation in man and contribute,too, considerably to our knowledge on evolutionprocesses within the human species (Comas1964). Biological relationships and distancesbetween human individuals and groups can beassessed by the use of anthropometric data atleast as successfully as this can be done by theuse of serological traits with known modes of

inheritance (Spielman and Smouse 1976). Theobvious reason is that anthropometric dimen-sions are also genetically determined even if thepolygenic nature of the genetic control and theenvironmental effect on the development of theirphenotypic manifestation cannot be spelled outin detail (Brace and Hunt 1990; Brace et al. 1991).However one has to take into account, however,that some of these anthropometric traits, e.g. bodyheight, are not only inherited by an unknownnumber of different genes but they are alsodetermined by non-genetic factors of differentkind, which makes it somewhat difficult tointerpret ethnic and/or geographic differences inthe distribution of these traits in a satisfying way.

Since 1951, also the various dermatoglyphictraits occupy an important place in BiologicalAnthropology. Determined by genetic factors afew weeks after conception they are not affectedby environmental factors and it is a property thatexplains the importance of dermatoglyphics inpopulation studies. However, up to now, it is notyet possible to calculate gene frequencies forthe various dermatoglyphic traits they are never-theless good tools in order to record genetic varia-tion within and among human populations(Cummins and Midlo 1943; Holt 1968).

Human population studies using dermato-glyphic traits began with early populationdescriptions and currently utilise multivariateprocedures for detecting evolutionary processes.Birdsell (1952) stated that complex genetic traits(polygenic) would be more useful than simplegenetic traits in tracing widely separated ordistantly related populations. Rife (1954) observedthat the polygenic nature of dermatoglyphicvariables would make them less subject to randomgenetic drift, and in addition they would be free ofassortative mating effect. Newman (1960) made asimilar review and reported that anthropometricvariables were highly susceptible to extensivepost-natal alteration by the environment, whileblood group alleles might reflect too much recentevolutionary activity from gene flow and suggest-ed that dermatoglyphic traits would possessadvantages in being less subject to environmentalinfluences, but would also be less affected by geneflow. Therefore, dermatoglyphic traits would bemost suitable for classifying older and more basicrelationships between populations. Rothhammeret al. (1977) applied this idea and observed thatpolygenic (e.g. dermatoglyphic) traits evolve at aslow rate as compared with monogenic systems,

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and are thus less susceptible to evolutionaryforces, particularly genetic drift.

The various morphological and behaviouralcharacters can be utilised profitably, too, toinvestigate genetic variation within and amonghuman populations (Boyd 1950), though the modeof inheritance of all these characters is still ratherunclear.

Human cytogenetics has made an outstandingcontribution to the understanding of humanevolution (Vogel and Motulsky 1997; Kalz andSchwanitz 2004; Bhasin 2005; Décsey et al. 2006;Ibraimov and Karagulova 2006a, b). Its contribu-tion to the concern of human population genetics,however, is rather insignificant, at least yet, andthe expectations, which arose from Court Brown’sbook “Human Population Cytogenetics” (1967),were not fulfilled. Nevertheless cytogeneticpopulation studies should not be given up.

The development of new techniques inmolecular biology rendered possible to elucidatehuman variability and human prehistory.Application of DNA techniques within anthro-pology permits analyses of molecular variabilityin both human and non-human organisms, to testhypothesis about human origins and behaviour.

Types of Molecular Markers: Human genomeis composed of three billion base pairs - these are“Chemical Letters” of which DNA is composed -out of which only a small fraction (4 percent) –actually belong to structural genes. Humangenome consists of 3300 Mb of Nuclear DNAand 16.6 Kb of Extra Nuclear Mitochondrial DNA.Following is the list of various molecular markersthat can be studied using nuclear and mito-chondrial DNA.1. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms

(RFLPs) studied using restriction endonu-cleases - which cut at specific DNA sequen-ces (3000 polymorphic sequences - mostly bi-allelic)

2. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (BAs/SNPs) (Bi-allelic – or single nucleotidepolymorphisms (BA/SNPs) are available inhuman genome)

3. Minisatellites or Variable Number of TandemRepeats (VNTRs) Jeffreys et al. (1985) workingwith myoglobin gene came across a 33bpsequence, which when hybridised with somerestriction enzyme digested total genomicDNA and produced a complex pattern ofmultiple DNA bands. This ladder of DNAfragments was individual-specific and was

called a DNA fingerprint. Each band of DNAfingerprint represents a sequence repeated intandem fashion and can be considered as oneallele at a number of independent loci in humangenome. These VNTR alleles also known asminisatellite alleles, show a co-dominantMendelian inheritance and each locus –specific VNTR has numerous alleles showinga very high level of heterozygosity.

4. Microsatellites or Short Tandem Repeats(STRs) (Smaller core sizes (di-, tri- or tetranucleotides) popularly known as ShortTandem Repeats (STRs) or microsatellitepolymorphisms)

5. Alu Insertion/deletion Polymorphisms6. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers

inherited only through the maternal line.mtDNA is found outside a cell’s nucleus, inthe mitochondrial organelles that manufacturethe chemicals and provide our cells with theirenergy. A man does not pass his mito-chon-drial DNA on to his offspring. MitochondrialDNA therefore follows an unwavering paththrough the maternal lineage and is usefulmaterial for studying female migration routes.

7. Y-chromosome DNA Markers: chromosome Yis inherited in its entirety from an individual’sfather; he in turn inherited it from his father.The chromosome therefore gives researchersa tool to probe an individual’s male lineagesince its DNA provides material for studyingmale migration routes.The correct and appropriate evaluations of

all kinds of anthropological population datarequire good and reliable statistical methods, andfortunately, there has been a concomitant ad-vancement in these methods including those formultivariate analyses of data. Jacquard (1974) andNei (1987) have published recommendablestatistical textbooks.

The unit of studying genetic variation in manis a “breeding population”, also referred to as a“Mendelian population”. Following Harrison(1988) one can point out that “the collective unitof evolution is the population and it is in popu-lations that all the forces we have consideredoperate” (p. 326). Thus, selection, gene flow,genetic drift, founder effects etc. are acting onand in populations and shape their specificgenetic profiles in the course of time. The“breeding population” is the minimal integratedunit of evolutionary changes. As far as delineat-ing evolutionary factors are concerned, the

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“breeding population” as a unit of study meetsalmost every logical requirement and any changein its genetic profile from one generation to thenext will constitute an evolutionary change.

The impact of the population approach on thestudy of genetic variation in man has been to focusattention on “breeding populations” as biologicalor evolutionary units in man and to describe themin terms of gene frequencies or if this is notpossible (anthropometric, morphological, dermato-glyphic, etc. traits) in terms of phenotype frequen-cies and mean values, respectively. Such exact andcomprehensive descriptions are the basic require-ments for the understanding of genetic variationin man and thus for the analysis of the variousevolutionary factors, which caused this variationin the course of time.

The populations of India and other SouthAsian countries offer great opportunities to studygenetic variability. Perhaps, nowhere in the worldpeople in a small geographic area are distributedin such a large number of ethnic, caste, religiousand linguistic groups as in India and other SouthAsian countries. Not all these groups are entirelyindependent; people belong concurrently to twoor more of these groups. People of differentgroups living side by side for hundreds or eventhou-sands of year try to retain their separateentities by practicing endogamy.

The aim of the paper is to study of micro-evolutionary processes as they are reflected ingenetic and morphological traits in humanpopulations of Indian region. This variability hasbeen studied in terms of natural regions, climaticfactors, climatic regions, political division of India,ethnic groups, traditional occupational andlinguistic groups.


The data on the various biological traits havebeen collected, arranged, and categorised in thebook entitled “The Distribution of Genetical,Morphological, and Behavioural Traits among thePeoples of Indian Region” by Bhasin et al. (1992).Bhasin also published a “Classified andComprehensive Bibliography on the Biology ofthe Peoples of Indian Region” in 1988. In thepresent work, the data have been analysed from thestudies reported till 1987, and from Ph.D., M.Phil.and M.Sc. dissertations and the unpublished workof the various authors. In this study, different

biological traits have been analysed in relation tovarious factors like Regional Groups, Ethnic Groups,Traditional Occupational Groups and LinguisticGroups and the results have been arranged andcategorised as follows.

4.1. Arrangement and Categorisation ofBiological Traits

The mean weighted values of variousserological and morphological traits have beencalculated, arranged, and categorised under thefollowing heads:1. Genetic Markers in Human Blood2. Other Genetic Traits3. Dermatoglyphics4. Anthropometry

The following is the list of various aspectsstudied under the above-mentioned categories:

4.1.1. Genetic Markers in Human Blood

The genetic loci are classified into thefollowing groups:(1) Blood Group Systems(2) Serum Protein Systems(3) Red Cell Enzyme Systems(4) Haemoglobin Variants

The gene symbols used in this book are afterRace and Sanger (1975) and Human Gene Mapping(1985). The list of the genetic markers in humanblood reported is listed with gene symbols andchromosome location as follows:

4. 1.1.1. Blood Group Systems

S. System Gene Year of InvestigatorNo. Locus Investi-


1. ABO 9q34.1- 1900 Landsteinerq34.2

2. P 22q11.2- 1927 Landsteiner &qter Levine

3. MNSs 4q28-q31 1927 Landsteiner &Levine;

1947 Walsh &Montgomery

4. ABH 19cen-qter 1930 Lehrs; Putkonen5. Rhesus 1p36.2-p34 1940 Landsteiner &

Wiener6. Lutheran 19q12-q13 1946 Callender & Race7. Kell 7q32-qter 1946 Coombs et al.8. Duffy 1q21-q25 1950 Cutbush et al.9. Kidd 18q11-q12 1951 Allen et al.10. Diego 17q12-q21 1954 Levine et al.;

1955 Layrisse et al.

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4.1.3. Dermatoglyphics

The following traits were analysed under thishead:

4. 1.3.1. Finger Dermatoglyphics

(a) Patterns (b) Ridge-Count

4, 1.3.2. Palmar Dermatoglyphics

(a) Palmar Main Line Formulae (b) Patternson Palmar Areas

4.1.4. Anthropometry

The studies are reported here on the adultsfor the following measurement and indices:

1. Stature 2. Cephalic Index 3. Nasal Index 4.Total Facial Index.

4.2. Identify and Distinguish the People

The populations of India and other South-Asian countries offer great opportunities to studysocio-cultural and genetic variability. Perhaps,nowhere in the world people in a small geographic Serum Protein Systems

S. System Gene Year of InvestigatorNo. Locus Investi-


1. H P 16q22.1 1955 Smithies2. GM 14q32.33 1956 Grubb3. T F 3q21 1958 Smithies4. GC 4q12-q13 1959 Hirschfeld5. KM 2p12 1961 Ropartz et al.6. CP 3q23-25 1967 Shreffler et al.7. C3 19p13.3- 1967 Wieme &

p13.2 Demeulenaere8. ORM 9p32 1969 Johnson et al.9. BF 6p21.3 1972 Alper et al.10. AHSG 3q27-q29 1977 Anderson &

Anderson11. PLG 6q26-q27 1979 Hobart; Raum et al.12. F13A 6p25-p24 1979 Board et al.13. F13B 1q31-q31.1 1980 Board et al.

HP=H aptoglobin, GM = Gammachain-Marker,TF = Transferrin, GC = Group specific component,KM = Kappachain-Marker, CP = Coeruloplasmin,C3 = Complement System 3, ORM = Orosomucoid,BF = Properdin Factor B, AHSG = a2-HS-Glycoprotein(H = Heremans, S = Schmid), PLG = Plasminogen,F13A=Factor 13A, F13B = Factor 13B.

ACP1=acid phosphatase 1, PGD = 6-Phosphogluconate-Dehydrogenase, CA I = Carbon anhydrase I, LDH B =Lactat dehydrogenase B, LDH A = Lactate dehydrogenaseA, PGM 1 = Phosphoglucomutase 1, PGM 2 = Phospho- Red Cell Enzyme SystemsS. System Gene Year of InvestigatorNo. Locus Investi-


1. ACP1 2p25 1963 Hopkinson et al.2. PGD 1p36.3- 1963 Fildes & Parr

p36.133. LDH B 12p12.2- 1963 Boyer et al.;

p12.1 Nance et al.4. LDH A 11p15.1- 1964 Latner

p145. PGM1 1p22.1 1964 Spencer et al.6. PGM2 4p14-q12 1965 Hopkinson &

Harris7. AK1 9q34.1 1966 Fildes & Harris8. SOD A 21q22.1 1967 Brewer9. PGM 3 6q12 1968 Hopkinson &

Harris10. ADA 20q12- 1968 Spencer et al.

q13.1111. PGI 19q13.1 1968 Detter et al.12. PGK Xq13 1971 Chen et al.13. CA II 8q13-q22 1971 Moore et al.14. ESD 13q14.1- 1973 Hopkinson et al.

q14.215. UMPK 1p32 1974 Giblett et al.16. PGP 16p13.3 1978 Barker &

Hopkinson17. ALADH 9q32-q34 1981 Battistuzzi et al.18. G6PD Xq28 1956 Carson et al.

glucomutase 2, AK 1 = Adenylate kinase 1, SOD A =Superoxide dismutase, PGM 3 = Phosphoglucomutase 3,ADA = Adenosine deaminase, PGI = Phosphoglucomutase- Isomerase, GPT = Glutamat-Pyruvat-Transaminase,PGK = Phosphoglycerate kinase, CA II = Carbonanhydrase II, ESD = Esterase D, UMPK = Uridin-5-Monophosphat kinase, GLO 1 = Glyoxalase 1, PGP =Phosphoglycolat Phosphatase, ALADH = d-Aminolaevulinat Dehydratase, G6PD = Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase. Haemoglobin Variants

S. Haemoglobin Gene GeneNo. symbol Locus

1. Haemoglobin Alpha HBA 16p13.32. Haemoglobin Beta HBB 11p15.5

S. Genetic Gene ChromosomeNo. traits symbol location

1. Colour Blindness CB X2. Phenylthiocarbamide PTC 3(?)


4.1.2. Other Genetic Traits

The gene symbol and chromosome locationof these characters are as follows:

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area are distributed as such a large number of ethnic,castes, religious and linguistic groups as in Indiaand other South Asian countries. Not all thesegroups are entirely independent; people belongconcurrently to two or more of these groups. Peopleof different groups living side by side for hundredsor even thousands of year try to retain their separateentities by practicing endogamy.

India is a multi-cultural country. Anthro-pologists are committed to grasping the dynamicsof communities and populations. As anthro-pology combines the premises of a biological aswell as well as socio-cultural study, it looks at thediverse sections of human beings with dualperspective, one derived from its branch calledbiological anthropology, and the other from social/cultural anthropology. How communities andpopulations continue to retain their identity, insocial and cultural terms on one hand andbiological on the other, and how they acquire thecharacteristics of the others because of culturalborrowing or interbreeding are the questionsanthropologists systematically investigate. Indiawith more than 1000 million people has the secondlargest population in the world and it is one ofthe world’s top twelve megadiversity countriesand has vast diversity of human beings, fauna,flora, and environmental regimes. Its presentpopulation includes stone-age food gatherers,hunters, fisher-folk, shifting agriculturists,nomadic herders, entertainers, as well as thoseengaged in mechanized and chemicalisedagriculture, mechanized fishing, tapping offshoreoil and natural gas, running atomic power plantsand producing computer software. Human groupscarrying a diversity of genes and cultural traitshave peopled India. We have almost all the primaryethnic strains Proto-Australoid, Mediterranean,Mongoloid, Negrito and a number of compositestrains. It is homeland of over 4000 Mendelianpopulations, of which 3700 endogamous groupsare structured in the Hindu caste system as ‘jatis’.Outside the preview of caste system, there are athousand odd Mendelian populations, which aretribal autochthones and religious communities.Like any other plural society, India offers acauldron where the processes of unification aswell as of fragmentalisation are unceasingly takingplace. This presents a situation of cultural,biological, and environmental richness anddiversity, and one where the constant interactionsbetween communities are aiding the formation ofbridges, thus creating a sense of unity. It is in

these terms that India offers an ideal case forexamining unity in diversity both biological andsocio-cultural perspectives. (Bhasin et al. 1994;Lahr and Foley 1998; Bhasin and Walter 2001;Cann 2001; Bamshad et al. 2004). In the presentpaper, an attempt has been made to give an outlineof Indian population milieu

For the biogenetical study of the people ofIndia, researchers have generally used thefollowing criteria to identify and distinguish thepeople: 1. Regional Groups, 2. Ethnic Groups, 3.Linguistic Groups, and 4. Religious Groups.

It should, however, be kept in mind that theseare the convenient units of study, although thereare significant levels of overlapping betweenthem. For example, an occupational group pur-suing traditional job inhabits a region, sharesreligion with other categories, belongs to one orthe other language group, and has an aggre-gation of ethnic properties. However, in thehuman population genetic studies, out of thesecriteria one is chosen (Bhasin 1988).

In the present study, an attempt has beenmade to analyse the above-mentioned bio-genetical traits into 1. Regional Groups, 2. EthnicGroups, 3. Traditional Occupational Groups and4. Linguistic Groups.

4.2.1. Regional Groups

These can be divided into the followinggroups:1. Natural Regions of India2. Climatological Factors and Climatic Regions

of India3. Political Division of India

Each region has its own characteristics and abrief description of each one will give an idea ofwhat it constitutes of. Natural Regions of India

The natural regions have broad uniformity intheir characteristics, such as relief, geomor-phological history, drainage, climate, soil, naturalvegetation, and wild life. Broadly speaking theIndian sub-continent may be divided in thefollowing natural regions (Fig. 9).

1. The Himalayan Mountain Complex2. The Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain3. The Peninsular Plateau and4. The Islands

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Fig. 9. India-Natural Regions

NATURAL REGIONSTHE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAIN COMPLEX 1.Kashmir 2.Karakoram, Ladakh & Baltistan 3. HimachalHimalayas & Kumaon 4. Eastern Himalayas 5. Purvanchal Hills THE INDUS-GANGA-BRAHMAPUTRAPLAIN 6. Punjab Plain 7. Indo-Gangetic Divide 8. Ganga Plain 9. Ganga Delta 10. Assam Valley THEPENINSULAR PLATEAU 11. The Desert 12. Aravalli Hills 13. Central Vindhyan Uplands 14. Khandesh &Satpura-Maikal Ranges 15. Chota Nagpur Plateau 16. Meghalaya Plateau 17. Kachchh & Kathiawar 18Gujarat Plains 19. Konkan Coast 20 Goa & Kanara Coast 21. Kerala Coastal Plain 22 Westem Ghats 23Deccan Lava Plateau 24. Karnataka Plateau 25. Wainganga & Mahanadi Basins 26. Telangana 27.Southern Hills Complex 28. Eastern Ghats 29. Orissa Delta 30. Andhra Coastal Plain & Delta 31. TamilNadu THE ISLANDS 32. Andaman and Nicobar Isls & Lakshadweep.

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Various climatological factors (Rainfall,Humidity, and Temperature) and Altitude havebeen considered to study correlations withdifferent biological traits. The values for theclimatological factors are after “ClimatologicalTables of Observations in 1931-1960” Meteoro-logical Department, Government of India, NewDelhi.

A climatic region generally possesses a broaduniformity in climatic conditions produced bycombined effects of climatic factors. India can bedivided into the following climatic regions afterKöppen’s method, based on the monthly valuesof temperature and precipitation (Fig. 10):

(1) Tropical Savannah Type, (2) Monsoon Typewith Short Dry Season, (3) Monsoon Type withDry Season in High Sun Period, (4) Semiarid andSteppe Climate, (5) Hot Desert Type, (6) MonsoonType with Dry Winters, (7) Cold Humid WintersType with Shorter Summer, and (8) Polar Type. Political Division of India

India is a Union of States. Comprising 25States and 7 Union Territories, according to theCensus 1991, there are 4689 towns and 587,226inhabited and 47,095 uninhabited villages in thecountry. The country had 466 districts in 1991.

India-Political and Ethnic Zones: Theweighted mean values of various biological traitshave been classified into 25 States and 7 UnionTerritories (U.T.) which have been categorised asfollows (after Bhasin, 1988):

I. North India, II. West India, III. East India,IV. Central India, V. South India, and VI. Islands.Himalayan Region may be divided into threedivisions, i.e., A) Western Himalaya, B) CentralHimalaya, and C) Eastern Himalaya as follows(Fig. 11):

I. North India:(A) Western Himalaya (S. No. 1, 2):(1) Jammu and Kashmir, (2) Himachal Pradesh,

(3) Punjab, (4) Chandigarh (U.T.), (5) Haryana, (6)Delhi (U.T.), (7) Uttar Pradesh (Uttaranchal(Previously referred as Uttarakhand orGaganalaya): A separate state of Uttaranchal cameinto existence in November, 2000, comprising offollowing eleven hill districts: Almora, Bageshwar,Chamoli, Champawat, Dehradun, Nanital, PauriGarhwal, Pithoragarh, Rudra Prayag, Tehri

Garhwal, Uttarkashi and two plains districts -Hardwar and Udham Singh Nagar - of UttarPradesh. Dehradun is the capital of new State).

(B) Central Himalaya (S.No.7, EightDistricts of Uttar Pradesh)

[(i) Almora, (ii) Chamoli, (iii) Dehra Dun, (iv)Garhwal (Pauri), (v) Naini Tal, (vi) Pithoragarh,(vii) Tehri Garhwal, and (viii) Uttarkashi.] and 8.Rajasthan

II. West India:(1) Gujarat, (2) Maharashtra, (3) Goa*, (4)

Daman and Diu* (U.T.) (*The frequencydistributions for the State of Goa and UnionTerritory of Daman and Diu have been listedunder Goa, Daman and Diu.) and (5) Dadra andNagar Haveli (U.T.)

III. East India:C) Eastern Himalaya: (S. No.1 to 8 and

Darjeeling District of West Bengal)(1) Arunachal Pradesh, (2) Assam, (3)

Nagaland, (4) Manipur, (5) Mizoram, (6) Tripura,(7) Meghalaya, (8) Sikkim, (9) West Bengal, (10)Bihar (Jharkhand: A separate state comprisingthe following 18 districts of Bihar came intoexistence in November, 2000: Bokaro, Chatra,Deoghar, Dhanbad, Dumka, East Singhbum,Garhwa, Giridih, Godda, Gumla, Hazaribagh,Kodarma, Lohardaga, Palamau, Pakur andPalamau, Ranchi, Sahebganj, West Singhbhun.Ranchi is proposed as the capital of new State),and (11) Orissa

IV. Central India:(1) Madhya Pradesh (Chhattisgarh: A new

state comprising sixteen districts of MadhyaPradesh came into existence in November,

2000: Bastar, Bilaspur, Dantewada, Dhamtari,Durg, Janjgir-Champa, Jashpur, Kanker,Kawardha, Korba, Koria (Baikunthpur),Mahasamund, Raigarh, Raipur, Rajnandgaon andSarguja. Raipur is the capital of the new State.

V. South India:(1) Karnataka, (2) Andhra Pradesh, (3) Tamil

Nadu, (4) Kerala and (5) Pondicherry (U.T.).VI. Islands:(1) Lakshadweep (U.T.) and (2) Andaman and

Nicobar Islands (U.T.).

4.2.2. Ethnic Groups

An aggregation of biological and socio-cultural characteristics constitutes an ethnicgroup. Within the category of Ethnic Group, weinclude Castes, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled

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Fig. 10. India - Climatic Regions

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Fig. 11. India-Ethnic and Political Zones

Tribes, and Communities (the names of ScheduledCastes and Scheduled Tribes after Manual ofElection Law 1982, Government of India, NewDelhi, see appendix (II) for the list of ScheduledCastes and Scheduled Tribes). Biological

anthropological studies of such ethnic groups aswell as “Communities” have been reported inIndia. By Community, we generally refer to a groupof people who may have occupational, linguistic,religious, or regional characteristics (Bhasin 1988).

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178 M. K. BHASIN Castes

The Indian society is highly stratified and isdivided into castes, scheduled castes, scheduledtribes etc. It should be understood at the outsetthat our intention is not to give the detailedaccount of individual castes, their ceremonies,and their machinery for regulating their relationwith other castes, nor of their own internalconduct, but to examine caste in terms ofMendelian population groups.

Ethnographic and genetic evidence bothsupport that Hindu Castes have been highlyendogamous for a considerable length of time(Karve 1968; Bhasin et al. 1994; Bamshed et al.2001; Bhasin and Walter 2001; Misra 2001;Wooding et al. 2003). Although level of geneticdifferentiation between castes is relatively small,genetic distances observed suggest that geneflow is limited (Bhasin et al. 1994; Bamshed et al.1998; 2001; Bhattacharya et al. 1999; Bhasin andWalter 2001; Dutta et al. 2002; Lakshmi et al. 2002).

It has been reported that paternally inheritedDNA was overall more similar to Europeans thanto Asians but, unlike in the case of maternalinheritance with no significant variation in affinityacross the castes and this may be due to themigrating Eurasians populations are likely to bemostly males who integrated into the upper castesand took native women. Inter-caste marriagespractices, while generally taboo, are occasionallyallowed, in which women can marry into an uppercaste and move up in the social hierarchy, whereas,such upward mobility, is not permissible for menbecause caste labels of men are permanent, butwomen, by means of their limited mobility, cause agene flow across caste barriers (Bamshed et al.2001; Basu et al. 2003; Kivisild et al. 2003)

It cannot be said when and in what circum-stances the caste system originated. However,many theories have been put forward, which areas follows:

(1) Based on Colour

It is generally believed that in the early Vedicperiod there were no castes in Punjab. Only thefair-skinned invaders called themselves Aryansand they called the dark skinned aborigines asDasyus, Dasas, or Asuras.

The term Varna (colour) is often confusedwith caste (Jati, Jat), though it is far from having

the same meaning. The Rigvedic society wasdivided into four classes based on Varna, threecategories of twice-born (Dvija)—Brahman,Kshatriya and Vaishya, and fourthly the Sudrabelow whom were the outcastes.

(2) Based on Purushukta

In the Purushukta of the Rig-Veda, there is amantra interpreted by scholars as such: “TheBrahmans were born from the mouth of God, theKshatriyas from his arms, and the Vaishyas fromthe thighs and Sudras from his feet”. Some peopleregard this Mantra as the basis of the castesystem.

(3) Based on Division of Occupation

After the Aryan invasion into Ganges valley,the stratification in the Indian society began. Socialmechanisms were built up in order to carry on theorganization of production and supply of services.One such well-known mechanism was caste. Castewas not wholly an economic structure. Yetundeniably, it was built up based on monopolisticguilds that were endogamous, each of these guildsgrew up into separate caste. Exchange of goodsand services was a highly stratified affair and eachcaste specialized in certain type of industry ordelivery of goods. Therefore, each unit in theeconomic structure was virtually a monopoly ofone caste and every tribe if possible was broughtinto more than one caste according to theirspecialization. Each caste or tribe was allowed topreserve its diverse socio-cultural pattern as longas it did not give rise to conflicts with Brahmanicalpriesthood. Brahmans were trying for theuniformity of the rites and practices at a communitylevel, local communities were allowed to carry ontheir modified version at family level.

Traditionally, each caste was associated withhereditary occupation and had a limited monopolyover it e.g. Brahmans (priestly and learning);Kshatriyas (warrior and aristocracy); Vaishyas(landowners and traders); and Sudras (crafts andservice). For details about castes see Ghurye(1969), Hutton (1981). Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes

The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribeswere enumerated from 1951 census onwards. ThePresident by a special order scheduled traditional

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occupational particular castes among Hindus andSikhs in particular areas for special treatment thatalso applies to tribes irrespective of their religiouspersuasion. Fifteenth Presidential Orders issuedunder the provisions of Articles 341 and 342 ofthe Constitution have specified the ScheduledCastes and Scheduled Tribes. They listed inScheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders(Amendment) Act 1976.

The constitution prescribes protection andsafeguards for the Scheduled Castes andScheduled Tribes, and other weaker sectionseither specially or by way of insisting on theirgeneral rights as citizens to promoting theireducational and economic interests and ofremoving the social disabilities. However, in spiteof all Governmental efforts, even when followingthe same profession as their neighbours, theScheduled Castes and scheduled Tribes oftenhave an inferior social status and are ruthlesslyexploited by their employers and by moneylenders. In the Census of India (1991), 16.5 percent of the population enumerated as belongingto Scheduled Castes or another 8.1 per cent asbelonging to Scheduled Tribes (Table 1).

Confusion may be created if we assume thatthe surname attached to a name is the ‘caste’name. Quite often, these may be misspelt orsubstituted with occupation, locality, or religion.Quite often, as in the case of low castes thatoriginally did not have the custom of writing asurname, caste, or ‘Gotra’ name, use a high castesurname to identify them. Such identification isthus fallacious. A caste group is best identifiedby tracing its social relationship, especially thatof marriage. Endogamy most often defines theoperational limits of a caste group. However,wider identification is possible with a region,language, or occupation. Even then it is foundthat an endogamous group, even where it iscross-cutting geographical boundaries is likelyto be identifiable as a social group in terms ofcaste ranking, social interaction, language, cultureand sometimes even as a political grouping.

4.2.3. Traditional Occupational Groups

In the traditional society, there wereoccupational guilds. The Chaturvarna systemwith its division into Brahman (priestly caste),Kshatriya (warrior caste), Vaishya (landownersand traders) and Sudra (labouring caste) basedon occupational differentiation. The occupationsare grade manual labour is looked down upon,and those dealing with swine-herding,scavenging, butchery, removal of night soil areregarded as polluting (Bhasin 1988). The caste-based division of occupation is 1. Priesthood, 2.Warfare, 3. Trade and Commerce, 4. Agriculture,5. Animal Husbandry, 6. Artisan, and 7. MenialWorkers (Table 2).

4.2.4. Linguistic Groups

According to Grierson (1903-1928), India has179 languages and 544 dialects. Of theselanguages (the separate enumeration of dialectsis irrelevant, since they also come under“languages”), 116 are small tribal speeches ofthe Tibeto-Chinese family; these are found onlyin the northern and north-eastern fringes of Indiaand are present among less than 1per cent of theentire population of the country. Nearly two dozenmore are likewise insignificant speeches of otherlanguage groups; or they are languages not trulybelonging to India (Census CentenaryMonograph No.10, 1972; Gazetteer of India 1973).

Although the Schedule VIII recognizes fifteen

Table 1: Percentages of Scheduled Castes andScheduled Tribes to total population of India (1961-91)

Year Scheduled Castes Schedueld Tribes

1961 14.67 6.361971 14.60 6.941981 15.75 7.761991 16.48 8.08

In addition, some state governments have alsospecified other categories of people known as‘Other Backward Classes’ and DenotifiedNomadic and Semi-Nomadic communities. Communities

The population groups which have not beenidentifiable on the basis of caste system or arenot denoted as tribes, have been referred by someauthors on regional basis like Punjabis, Bengaleseetc., by others on religion basis like Hindus,Muslims, Sikhs etc., by others on language basislike Telugus, Tamils etc. These authors have notspecified or defined explicitly their caste and/orspecific groups. All these groups classified underthe category of community.

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languages in India, there are innumerable dialects,which change after few scores of kilometers.Linguistic diversity is an important factor in theformation of regional groups, and it reflects theregional differentiation. The four- fold regionaldivision can be seen for the major languages, i.e.,(i) the Dravidian region of the south; (ii) the Indo-Aryan regions of the north and north-west; (iii)the Mon Khmer and the Tibeto-Burman region ofthe northeast and the Himalayan region; and (iv)the Austric region of the Aravalli-Vindhya-ChotaNagpur complex (Fig. 12).

Chronological sequence in the matter of theadvent into India of the three groups other thanAryan has not been established. It is not clear asto who came first - the Austro-Asiatic, Tibeto-Chinese or Dravidians. But the fact remains thatall these three groups were in India when theAryans came.

Renfrew (1987, 1989) and Cavalli-Sforza et al.(1994) reported that Indian sub-continent hadexperienced massive gene flow from at least twoNeolithic episodes of migrations. Firstly about10-15 thousands years ago, when agriculturedeveloped in the fertile cresent region, a part ofan eastward wave of human migration enteredIndia and brought Dravidian languages (Renfrew1989) mainly, Elamo-Dravidian languages (Ruhlen1991), which may have originated in the Elamprovince (Zagros Mountains, Southwestern Iran)and are confined to southeastern India and tosome isolated groups in Pakistan and northernIndia. The next was the arrival of pastoral nomadsfrom the central Asian steppes to the Iranianplateau about 4000 years before present, broughtwith it the Indo-European language family, whicheventually replaced Dravidian languages frommost of Pakistan and northern India, perhaps byan elite-dominance process (Renfrew 1987, 1989,

1996, Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1988; Quintana-Murciet al. 2001).

These languages are again divided into sub-families and groups as follows: Language Classification-—IndianLanguages

The family, branch, group, and language ofIndia are as follows:

I. Austro-Asiatic Family

Mon-Khmer Group (Mon-Khmer Branch)Munda Group (Munda Branch)

II. Tibeto-Chinese Family

Siamese-Chinese Sub-FamilyTai GroupTibeto-Burman Sub-FamilyTibeto-Himalayan BranchBhotia Group (Tibetan Group)Himalayan Group (Pronominalized/Non-

Pronominalized Himalayan Group)North-East Frontier Group (North Assam

Branch)Assam-Burmese BranchBodo Group (Bara or Bodo Group)Naga GroupKachin GroupKuki-Chin GroupBurma Group

III. Dravidian Family

South Dravidian GroupCentral Dravidian GroupNorth Dravidian Group

Table 2: Caste based on division of occupation

Social Social Economic activitiesstatus group

Traditional Primaryoccupation occupation

I. High Castes Brahamans Priesthood Priesthod, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce,Armed Forces

Kshatriyas or Rajputs Warfare Agriculture, Trade and CommerceArmed Forces

Vaishyas (Banias) Commerce Trade and Commerce, AgricultureII. Backward (a) Jats, Reddies, Agriculture Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, (Middle) Kammas, Vokalligas etc. Armed Forces

(b) Ahir, Gollas, Animal Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, Trade andGujars Husbandry Commerce(c) Porter, Barber, Artisan Artisan, Agriculture, Agricultural LabourersTeli, Lohar etc.

III. Low Castes Chamar, Dom, Bhangi, Menial Workers Menial Workers, Agricultural LabourersKhatik

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Fig. 12. India - Linguistic Groups

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IV. Indo-European Family Aryan Sub-family

Dardic (or Pisacha) BranchKafir GroupKhowar GroupDard GroupIndo-Aryan Branch:Outer Sub-BranchNorth-Western GroupSouthern GroupEastern GroupBihari Group (Bhojpuri, Maithili and Magahi

Sub-Group)Mediate Sub-Branch/Inner Sub-Branch:Mediate Group/Central Group/Pahari GroupMediate Group/Central GroupPahari GroupEastern PahariCentral PahariWestern Pahari

4.3. Some Problems in Distinguish People andSampling

A few studies are available in which resear-chers have identified and attempted to distinguishthe people of Indian region to study the biologicaldiversity and that are almost similar to thatreported by Bhasin (1988); Bhasin et al. (1992,1994), Bhasin and Walter (2001), Bhasin (2006d).

However, in some of the studies pertaining tothe people of Indian region, one finds number ofproblems in the categorisation of the populationgroups into ethnic groups, in not specifying theplace of the data collection and other samplingdetails, besides in many other details pertainingto the principles of population genetics.

There are number of articles with suchproblems. However, I take a recently publishedone such article (Sahoo et al. 2006; PNAS, 103:843-848) as a case in point. This work includedeighty different ethnic groups categorised ascaste (Upper, Middle and Lower) and tribal groups.While going through the list one finds that Nepali(people of Nepal are referred as Nepali and aheterogeneous group) have been categorized asUpper Caste Group. There is a substructure withinthe Nepali population and it would have beenappropriate to specify precisely to which caste and/tribe these samples pertain to.

We should take necessary precautions whileclassifying ethnic groups into castes and tribesand if it is difficult to categorise any group than itmay classified as community.

Another example is of categorization of anethnic group into Scheduled Caste or ScheduledTribe; Chaubey et al. (2008) classified Mushar(This ethnic group is spelt as Musahar in the Listof Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TribesCensus of India-1991) from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,Jharkhand as Scheduled Tribe whereas in theCensus 1991, Musahar group is listed asScheduled Caste. While classifying any groupinto Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, onemust check the name from Census Report.

Quite a good number of studies undertakenby the researchers of the different Universities/Institutes from abroad in collaboration with theircounterparts in India have reported findings onvarious population groups of India. One cannotbut be skeptical about the reliability of thesamples collected for them by their collaboratorsin India who themselves (or those recruited bythem for the purpose of sample collection) maynot often be familiar with the population structureof India. Consequently, the population samples,more often than not, were not representative asthey are usually drawn from City Hospitals etc.without due regard to their backgrounds (Name,Caste/subcaste, complete address of theresidence, city etc. in urban areas whereas in ruralareas it may be helpful to record besides otherdetails the District, Tehsil, Panchayat Circle orPatwar Circle, Village and House No. etc.).Tragically, in most of the above studies involvingforeign investigators, the sampling details areoften not found and in most cases, theseinvestigators are not in a position to furnish suchdata when queried. It is indeed not fair to thescientific community. These information arerequired in general (in the population geneticsperspective) but also because if any one hasobserved some rare variants then the family ofthat subject may be contacted and their samplecan be procured and analysed. The repro-ducibility in such situations is very important.One may hope the future investigators wouldtake recourse to insisting on sample/samplingdetails while procuring samples from abroad andpublishing articles based on such materials.

4.4. Statistical Analysis

4.4.1. Mean Weighted Values

To discern the pattern of regional groups,ethnic groups, traditional occupational groupsand linguistic groups using the frequency data,

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the mean weighted values of the biological traitscalculated and estimates for the various groupsare presented.

4.4.2. Distance Measures

All distance measures have something incommon that they manipulate variations in allelefrequencies and come up with a product thatperforms the same function. Reviews of the theoryunderlying genetic distance measurement havebeen provided by Balakrishnan (1975), Cavalli-Sforza (1973), Cannings and Cavalli-Sforza (1974),Chakraborty (1976), Edwards (1971), Goodman(1972), Morton (1973, 1975). Many of theseauthors have pointed out the close mathematicalrelationship between the various distance indices.

A measure of distance, which provides thepossibility of combining both sets of data(quantitative as well as qualitative traits includingallele/haplotype frequencies), is given byHiernaux (1965). Thus in a final step of distanceanalysis Hiernaux distances have been computedon the basis genetical markers, dermatoglyphictraits and anthropometric traits.

The present work is based on the frequencydata obtained by a large number of authors. Thenumber of publications examined exceeded 3000.For references and distribution of the variousbiological traits see Bhasin (1988) and Bhasin etal. (1992), respectively.

In the present study, we have constructeddendrograms under the heads—for (a) Geneticmarkers; (b) Dermatoglyphic traits; (c)Anthropometric traits; and (d) All the traitscombined—in (i) Regions, (ii) Ethnic groups, (iii)Language family, (iv) Regions and Ethnic groupscombined and (v) Language families and Ethnicgroups combined.


5.1. Genetic Markers in Human Blood

5.1.1. Blood Group Polymorphisms ABO System

The frequency of allele ABO*B is higher(0.233) among Indian populations as comparedto allele ABO*A (0.186). From the Himalayanmountain complex towards the peninsular regionthe frequencies of alleles ABO*A and ABO*B

decrease and that of allele ABO*O increase.Among the different ethnic groups the alleleABO*B is higher (0.230-0.248) as compared toallele ABO*A (0.173 - 0.181) except amongscheduled tribes where alleles ABO*A andABO*B are almost similar (0.213 and 0.218,respectively). This shows that the differencesare well marked between scheduled tribes andother populations. Among castes, scheduledcastes and communities the differences areobserved invariably in relation to their proximatecategory e.g., between castes and scheduledcastes, communities etc.

Generally, areas either with a sparsedistribution or completely devoid of scheduledtribes is preeminently scheduled caste areas. Themain concentration of scheduled castes is inIndus-Ganges-Brahmaputra plains. Numericallymajor scheduled castes such as Pasi, Dusadh,Dhobi, Bhangi/Mehtar, Koli, Mushahar, Raj-banshi, Bagdi, and Namasudra predominate thisarea. Agglomeration of scheduled castes—Madiga, Adi Dravida, Mala, Paraiyan, and AdiKarnataka is in the south. Numerically minorscheduled caste populations are in denseconcentration in an elongated belt stretchingover northwestern Himalayas and immediateadjacent Punjab plains, whereas the entiresouthern peninsula exhibits a sparse distributionof minor scheduled castes, except for Telanganaplateau and a few clusters in the coastal areas.The differences for the frequencies of allelesABO*A and ABO*B among scheduled castes fromNorth and East India are not significant ascompared to scheduled castes from South India.Further, the differences observed among variousoccupational groups from South India are highas compared to other zones.

The scheduled tribes which show markeddifferences from other populations bear a strongcorrelation for their distribution with the areasheavily forested and highly inaccessible. Thenumerically major scheduled tribes (Gond, Bhil,Santal, Oraon, Mina, Munda, Khond, Kacharigroup, Ho, Naga, Kol, Soara/Savara, Koli, Khasiand Kawar) are concentrated mainly in the central-western and northeastern parts of the country. Avery thick cluster of scheduled tribes occurs inSantal Parganas, Ranchi and Singhbhum districtsof Bihar and Bastar Plateau and ChhattisgarhBasin of Madhya Pradesh. From the Bastar Hillsin the south-west up to Darjeeling district innortheast, there is a continuous strip of tribal

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concentration, which is thickest in South Bihar.The next large concentration is at the conver-gence of three states—Gujarat, Maharashtra andMadhya Pradesh—lying in between south ArvaliHills and eastern Rajasthan plateau in north andlower Narmada valley in the south. The thirdconcentration exists in the eastern hill areas andAssam valley. The numerically minor scheduledtribes in India live in the hills and plateau ofsouthern and eastern parts of the country. Theprincipal abodes of minor tribal groups areChhota Nagpur plateau, Orissa plateau, MalabarCoast and its immediate adjacent uplands of TamilNadu, eastern hills and western part of peninsula.

The distribution of ABO*A and ABO*B allelefrequencies in the distinct areas of tribalconcentration is as follows.

In the eastern hill areas—Assam valley andMeghalaya plateau which constitute the EasternHimalayan region is mainly inhabited by peopleswith Australoid (Pre-Dravidian), Caucasoid(Dravidian and/or Aryan) and Mongoloidadmixture in varying degree and they are mostlytribals. From Eastern Himalayas, in Purchaval hillsand Meghalaya plateau the frequency of alleleABO*A is quite higher as compared to ABO*B,whereas in Assam valley as observed fromWestern and Central Himalayas, the frequencyof allele ABO*B is higher as compared to ABO*A.

Western peninsular plateau is shared bysouthern districts in the Aravali hill region ofRajasthan, Gujarat plains and Malwa plateau andnorthwestern Maharashtra inhabited mainly byMina and Bhil tribal groups. Among scheduledtribes the frequency of allele ABO*B is little higheras compared to allele ABO*A.

The north-eastern peninsular plateau regionis embracing tribal populations in the forestedhills and plateaus of Bihar (Santal, Oraon, Munda,Ho), Orissa (Khond, Gond, Santal) and MadhyaPradesh (Gond, Bhil, Kol) states which are mainlyAustraloid (Pre-Dravidian) having admixture withneighbouring populations in less degree, and inthem allele ABO*B is higher as compared to alleleABO*A.

The southern peninsula shows a relativelythinner concentration of major scheduled tribes -Naikda, Kurumba (Karnataka) Koya, Yandi(Andhra Pradesh), Malayali, Irula (Tamil Nadu),Kadar, Kurumba (Kerala). The tribals areAustraloids having little Caucasoid (Dravidian)admixture, among whom allele ABO*A is higheras compared to allele ABO*B, and allele ABO*O

is low as compared to other ethnic groups of thezone.

Among the populations with Mongoloidaffinities which speak the Mon Khmer group ofAustro-Asiatic languages, Himalayan group,North East Frontier group, Naga group, Kuki Chingroup of Tibeto-Chinese languages, thefrequency of allele ABO*A is higher as comparedto allele ABO*B. Among the speakers of southerngroup of Indo-European and Central Dravidiangroup of Dravidian languages the frequency ofallele ABO*B is little higher as compared toABO*A, whereas in rest of the groups alleleABO*B is higher than ABO*A.

The frequency of allele ABO*A2 is 0.025among Indian populations. Among the populationgroups with Mongoloid affinities and scheduledtribes, the frequency of this allele is negligible ascompared to other groups.

The pattern of distribution of the ABO allelesin Indian population is argued to be influencedby selection via smallpox, cholera, and plague. Ithas been suggested that the advantage of groupB could be due to long-standing selection againstgroup A by smallpox, as well as, against group O,especially by cholera and plague (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). MNSs System

It can be pointed out that the allele MN*M ispredominant (0.648) over MN*N (0.352) amongIndian populations. The frequency of alleleMN*M is high in the Himalayan mountain complexmoreover, as one move towards Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains region, this frequencygradually starts decreasing but towards southernpeninsula, it reaches a maximum. The frequencyof allele MN*M is quite low in scheduled castesin Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains and similarbetween caste and scheduled caste from SouthIndia. The frequency is quite high among thepopulations with Mongoloid affinities fromEastern Himalayan region (0.771) and highest isobserved among scheduled tribes (0.747). Thefrequency of allele MN*M is also observed quitehigh among scheduled tribes from southernpeninsula (0.725), whereas from westernpeninsular plateau the frequency is quite lowamong scheduled tribes (0.597). The scheduledtribes from northeastern peninsular plateau showdifferences as observed from Orissa and WestBengal with high frequencies as compared to

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Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. Among the speakersof Indo-European languages the frequency ofallele MN*M is quite low as compared to otherlanguage families.

Where MN system has been studied with anti-S or/and anti-s sera, it has been found that the Sallele is more associated with M as compared toN. Among the Indian populations, the frequenciesof MNS*MS, MNS*/Ms, MNS*/NS and MNS*Nshaplotypes are 0.195, 0.430, 0.091 and 0.262,respectively. The lowest frequencies ofhaplotypes MNS*MS and MNS*NS are observedamong populations with Mongoloid affinitiesfrom Eastern Himalayan region. The frequencyof haplotype MNS*Ms is high and that ofMNS*Ns low among scheduled tribes as comparedto other ethnic groups of India as well as amongthe scheduled tribes from eastern peninsularplateau and southern peninsula whereas amongthe scheduled tribes of western peninsularplateau, the frequency of MNS*Ms is low andMNS*Ns high. The frequency of MNS*Ms ishighest and that of MNS*MS and MNS*NS arelowest among speakers of Tibeto-Chineselanguages as compared to other language families(For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin andWalter 2001). P System

The allele P*P1 frequency is 0.416 amongIndian populations; it is low in the Himalayanmountain complex but gradually starts increasingand reaches maximum towards Southernpeninsula. The frequency is quite low amongpopulations with Mongoloid affinities fromHimalayan region and among scheduled tribes ofwestern and northeastern peninsular plateaus andsouthern peninsula. The highest frequency ofP*P1 is observed among speakers of Dravidianlanguages (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001). Rhesus System

Among the various Indian population groupsthe highest frequencies are observed forRH*CDe (range 0.340 to 0.960, frequency 0.632)and RH*cde (range 0.000 to 0.444, frequency0.177). Against that, all the other Rh haplotypesare showing much lower frequencies as is seenfrom the following figures.

RH*cDE 0.097 (0.000-0.366)RH*cDe 0.056 (0.000-0.413)RH*CDE 0.012 (0.000-0.133)RH*Cde 0.021 (0.000-0.173)RH*CdE 0.001 (0.000-0.036)RH*cdE 0.004 (0.000-0.091)

The frequency of allele RH*D is 0.803 amongIndian populations (varies from 0.532 to 1.000).Among the populations with Mongoloidaffinities from Eastern Himalayan region, thefrequency is quite high (0.938). In different ethnicgroups allele RH*D is in high frequency amongscheduled tribes from western, northeastern andsouthern peninsular regions as compared to otherethnic groups. Lowest frequency of allele RH*Dis observed among the speakers of Indo-European languages. The frequency of alleleRH*D is high in East India and from there it startsdecreasing in all directions.

In India in the Rhesus system when differentantisera have been used, the frequency ofhaplotype RH*CDe is highest (0.632) followedby RH*cde (0.177). From East India and SouthIndia zones the scheduled castes are showingdifferences with other ethnic groups for thefrequencies of RH*CDe and RH*cde whereas inNorth India castes and scheduled castes areshowing almost similar frequencies. The frequencyof haplotype RH*CDe is quite high and that ofRH*cde low among the population groups withMongoloid affinities from Eastern Himalayanregion and scheduled tribes of India (0.723, 0.707and 0.048, 0.093, respectively). The frequency ofRH*CDe is high and that of RH*cde low amongscheduled tribes of western and northeasternpeninsular plateau as compared to southernpeninsula. Quite interesting results have beenobserved among populations with Mongoloidaffinities in which so-called African haplotypeRH*cDe is present in high frequency along withquite high frequency of haplotype RH*cDE whichis not observed, in general, from other parts of theworld. Among the speakers of Indo-Europeanlanguages, the frequency of haplotype RH*CDeis lowest (0.606) and RH*cde highest (0.206). Ahigh frequency of RH*cDe is observed amongspeakers of Mon Khmer group of Austro-Asiaticand that of RH*cDE in speakers in Tibeto-Chineselanguages (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001).

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186 M. K. BHASIN Lutheran System

The allele LU*A is absent among most of theIndian populations and in general the frequencyis 0.016. Among the scheduled tribes thefrequency is quite high (0.033) and allele LU*A isalmost absent among the speakers of Dravidianlanguages (0.001) as compared to Tibeto-Chinese(0.028) and Indo-European (0.022) languages (Fordetails see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter2001). Kell System

The frequency of allele KEL*K is low amongIndian populations (0.038); however, quite highfrequencies are reported among different ethnicgroups from West Bengal. The allele is eitherabsent (among scheduled tribes) or present inlow frequency (0.014 in caste populations) amongpopulations with Mongoloid affinities fromEastern Himalayan region. The frequency of alleleKEL*K is low among scheduled tribes ascompared to other ethnic groups of India, butamong the scheduled tribes from western andsouthern peninsular regions the frequencies arehigh as compared to rest of the ethnic groups.The frequency is high among Indo-Europeanlanguage speakers (0.041) as compared tospeakers of Tibeto-Chinese (0.017) and Dravidian(0.010) languages (For details see Bhasin et al.1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). Duffy System

The frequency of allele FY*A is 0.530 amongIndian population with a quite wide range (0.136to 1.000). The frequency is high in the Himalayanmountain complex region, starts decreasingtowards Indus-Ganges-Brahmaputra plain, andagain gradually starts increasing towardssouthern peninsula. Among the populations withMongoloid affinities from Eastern Himalayanregion the frequency is quite high (0.737) and it ishighest among scheduled tribes (0.811) ascompared to other ethnic groups from this region.The differences are well marked among differentethnic groups from zones and India and amongthem; the frequency is high among scheduledtribes. However, differences are observed fromwestern and northeastern peninsular plateaus andsouthern peninsular scheduled tribes, whereinamong the latter, the frequency is high. The

frequencies of FY*A are quite low among thespeakers of Mon Khmer and Munda groups ofAustro-Asiatic and Southern, Eastern and Centralgroups of Indo-European languages as comparedto other groups. Selective advantage of FY alleleagainst malaria has been observed from Africa.From India, most of the studies reported are usingonly anti-FY (A) and therefore it is rather difficultto evaluate selection factor in this area (For detailssee Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). Kidd System

The allele JK*A frequency is 0.529 amongIndian populations (varies from 0.309 to 0.817)and the frequency is high among castepopulations (0.628) whereas among scheduledcastes and scheduled tribes the frequency isalmost similar (0.532 and 0.535, respectively). Thefrequency is low among the populations withMongoloid affinities from Eastern Himalayanregion (0.481). Among the speakers of Indo-European languages the frequency is high (0.547)as compared to speakers of Tibeto-Chinese(0.475) and Dravidian (0.432) language families(For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin andWalter 2001). Diego System

DI*A allele which is usually referred to as aMongoloid allele is present in quite low frequency0.014 (varies from nil to 0.034) among populationswith Mongoloid affinities from Eastern Himalayanregion. However, sporadic cases of this allele havebeen reported among other ethnic groups of India.The allele DI*A is present among the speakers ofTibeto-Chinese and Indo-European (0.018 and0.015, respectively) languages (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). ABH Secretor System

The allele ABH*Se frequency is 0.524 amongIndian populations (varies from 0.216 to 0.863).The frequency is high in Himalayan mountaincomplex and starts decreasing towards westernand northeastern peninsular plateau and thentowards southern peninsular region, it startsincreasing gradually. The differences among thevarious ethnic groups from South Indian regionare well marked with other zones, as observedamong scheduled castes population among whom

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the frequency of ABH*Se is quite high (0.730) ascompared to Indus-Ganges-Brahmaputra plains(about 0.450). In general, the frequency is lowamong scheduled tribes of India than in otherethnic groups. However, the differences areobserved among scheduled tribes from westernand northeastern peninsular plateaus amongwhom the frequencies are high as compared tosouthern peninsular region. The frequency is lowamong the speakers of Indo-European languages(0.514) as compared to those of Dravidian andTibeto-Chinese (0.556 and 0.585, respectively)languages.

Overall, in the Indian region, there are markedclines at the extremes of which frequencies arewidely different. This emerges from the data onblood group polymorphisms, wherein thepopulation groups differ significantly in their ABOfrequencies. Significant variations in thefrequencies of the MN and Rhesus blood groupscan also be seen but they are much less than theABO system. The other blood group systemsshow less frequency variations, which reasonablymay be attributed to lack of data (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

5.1.2. Serum Protein Polymorphisms KM System

The frequency of allele KM*1 is 0.114 amongIndian populations (varies from 0.021 to 0.328).The frequency is quite high in the Himalayanmountain complex and then starts decreasingtowards the peninsular region. The frequency isquite high also among populations with Mongo-loid affinities from Eastern Himalayan region(0.189) and it is highest among scheduled tribes(0.247). Among the different ethnic groups, thefrequency is high among scheduled tribes (0.131)as compared to others, and similar pattern isobserved among western and northeasternpeninsular plateaus, whereas from southernpeninsular region the frequency is quite low

among scheduled tribes (0.059) as compared toother ethnic groups. The frequency of KM*1 isless than 0.10 among the speakers of differentlanguages except Tibeto-Chinese, among whomthe frequency is quite high (0.224) (For detailssee Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). GM System

The most common GM haplotypes aroundthe world and the groups with which they areprimarily associated with are as follows:

The frequency of haplotype GM*5 is high(0.355) as compared to that of GM*1 (0.276),GM*1,5 (0.269) and GM*1,2 (0.100). Similarpattern is observed in various zones of Indiaexcept in East India where GM*1,5 is quite high(0.405) and this haplotype is observed in highfrequency in scheduled tribes and among thepopulations with Mongoloid affinities fromEastern Himalayan region. In general, thefrequencies of GM*1, GM*1,2 and GM*1,5 arehigh in the Himalayan mountain complex regionand then these start declining gradually towardspeninsular region. The differences are well markedbetween the scheduled caste and castepopulations from Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputraplains than from southern peninsular region.Among the speakers of Tibeto-Chinese, Mundagroup of Austro-Asiatic and North and CentralDravidian group of Dravidian languages thefrequency of GM*1,5 is quite high, whereasamong Indo-European and Dravidian speakersthe frequency of GM*5 is quite high (For detailssee Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). Haptoglobin (HP) System

The frequency of allele HP*1 is 0.160 amongpopulations of India (varies from nil to 0.406). Inthe Himalayan mountain complex the frequencyof allele HP*1 is high and it starts decliningtowards peninsular region. The scheduled castesof Indus-Ganges-Brahmaputra plains region have

Group Common Haplotype

Europeans GM*3,5 GM*3;5,10,11,13,14,26,27North East Asiatics, Europeans GM*1,17;21 GM*1,17;21,26,27South East Asiatics, American Indians GM*1,2,17;21 GM*1,2,17;21,26,27North East Asiatics GM*1,17;15,16 GM*1,17;10,11,13,15,16,27South East Asiatics GM*1,3;5 GM*1,3;5,10,11,13,14,26,27Black Africans GM*1,17;5 GM*1,17;5,10,11,13,14,26,27Black Africans GM*1;5,6 GM*1,17;5,6,11,24,26

1. Gamma-1 and Gamma-3 allotypes [G3M (28) expected] which are separated by a semicolon.

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low frequency as compared to castes andcommunities, whereas from South India, thefrequencies of HP*1 allele are low and similaramong scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

From the western and northeastern peninsularplateau, the frequency of allele HP*1 is low amongscheduled tribes as compared to other ethnicgroups. However, among the populations withMongoloid affinities from the Eastern Himalayanregion (0.192) and among the scheduled tribes ofthis region (0.189) the frequency of HP*1 allele ishigh. In general, the frequency of HP*1 allele islow among scheduled tribes (0.135) and it is fallingcloser to scheduled castes (0.147) as comparedto other ethnic groups. The frequency is highamong speakers of Mon Khmer group of Austro-Asiatic (0.209) and Tibeto-Chinese (0.189)languages from Himalayan region followed byIndo-European languages (0.180) as compared tospeakers of Munda group of Austro-Asiatic(0.109) and Dravidian (0.130) languages. In India,hypohaptoglobinaemia (HP O) phenotype hasbeen reported in almost all the population groupsstudied. It is reported that it has a selectiveadvantage in malaria since this phenotype ispresent in high frequency (0.30 to 0.40) amongsome population groups from West and CentralAfrica. However, from India, it is difficult toevaluate this association because the frequencyof this phenotype is quite low among Indianpopulations and it is present among majority ofthe studied groups (For details see Bhasin et al.1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). Transferrin (TF) System

Among Indian populations commontransferrin allele found in most individuals is TF*C(0.991), while TF*D and TF*B alleles are presentin quite low frequencies (0.008 and 0.001,respectively). The frequency of TF*C1 subtypesis high among scheduled tribes as compared topopulations with Mongoloid affinities amongwhom a low frequency is observed particularlyfrom the states of Assam and Manipur. Thefrequency is high in West India and from here, itstarts decreasing in all directions particularly inEast India. The TF*C3 allele referred as specificmarker of European populations, is present in highfrequency among populations of North India ascompared to others. The frequency of TF*D ishigh in scheduled tribe and scheduled castepopulations and it gives high correlations with

mean annual temperature. Walter and Bajatzadeh(1971) observed that the frequency of TF*D intropical regions is more frequent than in non-tropical regions and in India it is observed highin tropical savannah type climatic region. Thefrequency of TF*D is high in Munda group ofAustro-Asiatic (0.025) and Dravidian (0.014)language families. The rare allele TF*Chi reportedfrom Bihar among Oraons and variants of D arealso observed among tribals of Andhra Pradesh,but it is not certain whether they are TF*Chi ornot (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasinand Walter 2001). Group Specific Component (GC) System

The frequency of GC*1 is 0.747 among theIndian populations (varies from 0.591 - 0.911). Inthe Himalayan mountain complex the frequencyof the allele is low and it starts increasing towardspeninsular India. In the Himalayan region thefrequency of the allele is almost similar in Easternand the Western Himalayan regions (0.752 and0.756, respectively) than in Central Himalayanregion (0.688). The frequency of the allele isalmost similar among scheduled tribes fromwestern, north eastern and southern peninsularregions, as well as from Eastern Himalayan regionamong scheduled tribes with Mongoloid affinities(0.740, 0.752, 748, and 0.746, respectively). Thefrequency of GC*1 allele is low among scheduledcaste populations from Indus-Ganga-Brahma-putra plain region as compared to southernpeninsular region. The frequency of GC*1 is lowamong speakers of Indo-European languages andhigh among that of Austro-Asiatic languages(Munda group).

Population Allele Frequency

GC*1S GC*1F GC*2

Europeans 0.55-0.60 0.10-0.20 0.20-0.30Africans 0.07-0.17 0.64-0.84 0.06-0.07Mongoloids 0.15-0.38 0.39-0.80 0.11-0.32Iraqis 0.59 0.22 0.17Indians 0.50 0.25 0.25American 0.29-0.64 0.13-0.47 0.09-0.38 IndiansAustralian 0.59 0.31 0.03 AboriginesMelanesians 0.25 0.24 0.34Polynesians 0.30 0.44 0.26Micronesians 0.21 0.59 0.28

The distribution of GC suballeles shows aninteresting fluctuation in frequencies. The GC*1S

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frequency starts rising from Southeast Asia andEast Asia reaching its peak in India, Europe andMiddle East, declining again through East Africaand down to South Africa where it has minimumvalue (below 0.20). In contrast, Africans arecharacterised as having the highest frequency ofthe GC*1F allele (above 0.60). Values of the allelefall to below 0.20 in Europeans but rise again inEast and Southeast Asia (0.50). Among Chineseand Japanese the frequencies of GC*1F are 0.480(varies from 0.390 to 0.588) and 0.484 (ranges from0.421 to 0.579), respectively, whereas amongMongoloids of Southeast Asia the frequency ishigh (0.535, varies from 0.354 to 0.795). Howeverin the Pacific area there are relatively stable valuesof the GC*1S and GC*1F, each allele havingfrequencies in the range of 0.27 to 0.40.

The frequency of GC*1S allele is high frommost of the states and union territories of India(0.492) as compared to GC*1F (0.250). Thedifferences are observed among the populationswith Mongoloid affinities from WesternHimalayan region where GC*1S is high ascompared to Eastern Himalayan region andamong some populations from this region thefrequency of GC*1F is higher than GC*1S.Among Siddi population of African descent thefrequency of GC*1F is higher than GC*1S asalso observed among Africans whereas in Onges(Negrito) from Andaman the frequency of GC*1Sis quite high (0.614). For the distribution of GC*1Fand GC*2 a cline associated with increasingGC*1F and decreasing GC*2 allele frequenciesis present between northern and southern regionsas observed by Constans et al. (1985). However,they added, that due to limited knowledge, it isnot possible to establish selective pressure, ifany (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasinand Walter 2001).

5.1.3. Red Cell Enzyme Polymorphisms Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) System

Among the Indian populations the frequencyof allele ADA*1 is 0.882 (varies from 0.500 to0.985).The frequency is low in Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains region and starts increasingtowards Himalayan mountain complex andpeninsular region. Among the populations withMongoloid affinities from Eastern Himalayanregion and in scheduled tribes from this region(0.834) the frequency of ADA*1 is low (0.829) as

compared to western (about 0.880), northeastern(0.921) and southern (0.863) peninsular regions.The frequency of ADA*1 is low among Tibeto-Chinese speakers as compared to others (Fordetails see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter2001). Adenylate Kinase (AK1) System

The frequency of allele AK1*1 is 0.924 amongIndian populations (ranges between 0.795 and1.000). The frequency is high among thepopulations from Himalayan mountain complexand it gradually starts decreasing towardspeninsular region. Usually the frequency ofAK1*1 is high among scheduled tribes ascompared to other ethnic groups. In thescheduled tribes with Mongoloid affinities fromEastern Himalayan region the frequency is higher(0.974) as compared to western, north easternand southern peninsular regions from where thefrequency is low (about 0.940) among scheduledtribes. Among the speakers of Munda groups ofAustro-Asiatic, Dravidian and Indo-Europeanlanguages the frequency of allele AK1*1 is low(about 0.919) as compared to Tibeto-Chineselanguage speakers (0.976) (For details see Bhasinet al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). Red Cell Acid Phosphatase (ACP1)System

The frequency of allele ACP1*B is higher(0.756) than ACP1*A (0.242), whereas ACP1*Coccurs in very low frequency (0.002) amongIndian populations. The frequency of alleleACP1*A is high among scheduled castes fromIndus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains region (about0.260) as compared to southern peninsular region(0.189); the frequency is high among scheduledtribes from western (about 0.240) and southernpeninsular plateaus(0.235) as compared to north-eastern peninsular plateau (about 0.200), andamong scheduled tribes with Mongoloid affinitiesfrom Eastern Himalayan region (0.214). The alleleACP1*C is present in quite low frequency in theHimalayan region. This frequency of alleleACP1*A is quite high among speakers of Indo-European languages (0.255) as compared to otherlanguages. The effects of selectively actingecological factors such as mean annualtemperature on acid phosphatase alleles isreported by Walter (1976). In view of the marked

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quantitative differences in the enzyme activity ofthe different phenotypes of this system, the roleof differential selection in bringing about theexisting variability of this red cell enzyme invarious populations from different ecosystemscould have been substantial (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). Phosphoglucomutase (PGM1) System

The frequency of allele PGM1*1 is 0.700among Indian populations (varies from 0.442 to0.950). In the southern peninsula the frequencyis low and from there it starts increasing towardsNorth India. Among the scheduled castes fromIndus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains region thefrequency of PGM1*1 is low as compared toother ethnic groups whereas from southernpeninsular region the frequency is higher amongscheduled caste populations than among othergroups. The scheduled tribes inhabiting westernand north-eastern peninsular plateau, have highfrequency of PGM1*1 as compared to otherethnic groups and similar pattern is observed fromIndian region also, whereas from southernpeninsular region and eastern Himalayan regionthe frequency of this allele is low amongscheduled tribes as compared to caste andscheduled caste populations. However, thefrequency of PGM1*1 is almost similar amongscheduled tribes from all these regions exceptfrom western region where it is high. Among thespeakers of Munda group of Austro-Asiaticlanguages the frequency is low (0.668) whereasamong Dravidian and Tibeto-Chinese and Indo-European speakers the frequency shows lessdifferences (0.695, 0.700 and 0.703, respectively).The frequency of subtype PGM1*1S is lowamong scheduled tribes as compared to otherethnic groups. From the states of East India (WestBengal) and South India (Karnataka and AndhraPradesh), the frequency of PGM1*1S is high(0.726, 0.733 and 0.745, respectively) as comparedto North India (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001). 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase(6-PGD) System

Among the Indian populations, the frequencyof allele PGD*A is 0.959 (varies from 0.754 - 1.000).The frequency is low in Himalayan mountain

complex and gradually starts increasing towardspeninsular region. The frequency of PGD*A ishigher among scheduled caste populations andlow among caste populations of India. Fromnorth-east peninsular plateau and southernpeninsular region, the frequency of PGD*A ishigh (about 0.970) among scheduled tribes ascompared to western peninsular plateau (0.925)and from Eastern Himalayan region amongscheduled tribes with Mongoloid affinities(0.850). Among the speakers of Bhotia group andHimalayan group of Tibeto-Chinese languageslow frequencies are observed (0.790 and 0.868,respectively) followed by Pahari group of Indo-European languages (0.885) from the Himalayanregion as compared to other speakers of rest ofthe languages. Saha and Tay (1990) reported thathypoxia prevailing at a high altitude might haveacted as selective pressure on 6-PGD locus givingrise to higher PGD*B frequency. Tills et al. (1971)have assumed this already. Among Indianpopulations (n=120) Walter et al. (1991) observeda statistically significant positive correlationbetween PGD*B frequencies and altitude: r = +0.320, p < 0.001. In the different population groupsof India, the corresponding correlationcoefficients are as follows: Castes (n=24), r = +0.684, p < 0.001, Scheduled Castes (n = 13) r = +0.545, p = 0.054, Scheduled Tribes (n = 45) r = +0.205, p = 0.177, Communities (n = 38) r = + 0.206,p = 0.215 ((For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001). These data confirm theassumptions of Tills et al. (1971) and Saha andTay (1990). Further detailed studies are required,however, in order to prove this presumed selectivepressure on the 6-PGD locus - A rare variant Kadaris reported among Kadar tribals of Kerala in quitehigh frequency (about 17 per cent), which mighthave some adaptive significance (Saha et al. 1974). Esterase D (ESD) System

The frequency of ESD*1 allele is 0.729 inpopulations of India (varies from 0.418 to 0.978).In the Himalayan mountain complex region thefrequency of this allele is high and startsdecreasing towards peninsular region. Among thescheduled castes of Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputraplains region the frequency of ESD*1 is high(about 0.740) as compared to southern peninsularregion (0.678). The frequency is low amongscheduled tribes (0.690) as compared to other

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ethnic groups. From western peninsular plateauregion, the frequency of ESD*1 is high amongscheduled tribes (about 0.780) as compared tonortheastern (about 0.650) and southern (0.683)peninsular plateaus and also among scheduledtribes with Mongoloid affinities from EasternHimalayan region (0.687). Among the speakers ofMunda group of Austro-Asiatic family thefrequency is low (0.604) followed by Bodo group(0.640), Kuki Chin group (0.635) of Tibeto-Chinesefamily, Central and North Dravidian groups (0.646and 0.639, respectively) of Dravidian family ascompared to different groups of Indo-Europeanfamily (0.758) (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001). Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase(G-6-PD) System

The frequency of G6PD*Def is 0.045 amongIndian populations (varies from complete absenceto 0.271). From the Himalayan region, thefrequency is quite high (0.087) as compared tonon-Himalayan region (0.043). Among thescheduled tribes, the frequency of G6PD*Def ishigh (0.055) as compared to other ethnic groups.The frequency of the allele is low amongscheduled tribes of southern peninsular region(0.026) as compared to other regions. From EasternHimalayan region, among the scheduled tribeswith Mongoloid affinities, the frequency ofG6PD*Def is quite high (0.111). In general, thefrequency of G6PD*Def is comparatively higherin North and West India zones, which indicatesconsiderable stability of the allele in these areas,whereas in South India it is uniformly low exceptin Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and from EastIndia, the studies are too few to evaluate. Amongthe speakers of different languages, thefrequencies are high in Mon Khmer group, NorthEast Frontier group, Bodo group and Pahari groupof Himalayan region and low among the speakersof Dravidian languages (Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasinand Walter 2001; Bhasin 2006a). Kotea et al. (2001)reported that G6PD Orissa (44Ala→Gly) is themajor polymorphic variant which has beenobserved among tribal groups of India and it isnot found among urban populations amongwhom most of the G6PD deficiency is due to G6PDMediterranean (188 Ser→Phe) variant. Thestudies available from different ecological settingsare not sufficient to evaluate this genetic markerprecisely and its connection with prevalence of

malaria (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasinand Walter 2001; Bhasin 2006a).

5.1.4. Haemoglobin Variants

Among Indian populations, the incidence ofhaemoglobin variants is 0.005. HB*S allele with afrequency ranging from nil to 0.410 is presentamong various populations of India with ageneral frequency of 0.031. It is more prevalentamong the scheduled tribes, followed byscheduled castes populations and is almostabsent in the caste groups. Its frequency is highin semi arid steppe type (0.071) followed bytropical savannah type (0.039) climatic region. Itis present in high frequency in Central Indiafollowed by South, West, and North India. Thefrequency is quite low in East India and the traitis absent in Islands zone. With regard to originof sickle cell gene, Kan and Dozy (1980) is of theview that Indian and West African sickle cell genemutations arose by separate events. Kulozik etal. (1986, 1987) were the first to report that theHB*S allele is strongly associated with the SaudiArab haplotype. Subsequently Labie et al. (1989)also confirmed this finding in a larger set of Indianpopulations. They also found several atypicalhaplotypic backgrounds on which the HB*S alleleoccurred in various population groups from India.The HB*E allele is observed in high frequencyamong the population groups of East India,particularly among the populations withMongoloid affinities from Eastern Himalayanregion in which the frequency is 0.237. Thefrequency of HB*E is high in speakers of MonKhmer group of Austro-Asiatic family, as well asamong the speakers of Tibeto-Chinese familyfrom Eastern Himalayan region. Heterogeneityof the HB*E allele has been recently observedboth in South-East Asia and North-East India.Selective advantages of HB*S and HB*E againstmalaria could not be corroborated in the Indianpopulations. The low frequency of HB*E alleleat high altitude is suggested due to relaxation ofselection. It has been observed that most of thestudies reported in the literature involve casestudies and reports from hospitals, which cannotbe regarded to represent population surveys,since such studied samples are usually hetero-geneous. Further, most of the studies in Indiahave not given any details about the ethnicgroups, social and environmental factors etc.Therefore, it is rather difficult to study the

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relationship of abnormal haemoglobins withdifferent factors in India (For details see Bhasinet al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001; Bhasin 2006a).

5.2. Other Genetic Markers

5.2.1. Colour Blindness

The frequency of colour vision defects is 0.036in population groups of India (males only) whichvaries from complete absence to 0.231. It is presentin low frequency in scheduled tribes as comparedto other ethnic groups. In different zones, it ishigh in North (0.038) and South India (0.040) thanin other zones. In the Himalayan region a lowfrequency is observed from Eastern (0.029) ascompared to Western (0.032) and Central (0.036)regions. In occupational groups, it is low amongagriculture groups and high in priesthood, warfareand trade and commerce groups. A similar patternis observed from different language families i.e.low frequency in Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Chinese families as compared to Dravidian andIndo-European families. The validity of the theoryof relaxation of selection among different ethnicgroups explains to some extent the status of colourblindness in tribal population groups i.e. lowfrequency among them as compared to otherethnic groups, particularly caste groups, but itremains to be further evaluated and morequantitative data are required ((For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001; Bhasin2006b).

5.2.2. Taste Sensitivity

Among population groups of India, thefrequency of the taster allele (T) is 0.457 (variesfrom 0.108 to 0.912). It is present in high frequencyamong scheduled castes and in low frequencyamong community. Among the different zones, itis present in high frequency in population groupsof Islands, followed by North and South Indiaand in low frequency in West and Central India,where it is low in scheduled tribe groups ingeneral. In Himalayan region, its frequency is high(0.533) as compared to non-Himalayan region(0.426). From Eastern Himalayan region, thefrequency of allele T is low among populationswith Mongoloid affinities (0.538) as compared tothe Mongoloid populations of East Asia andSoutheast Asia (0.70) which may be due to highfrequency of goiter in this region. High frequency

is observed in Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Chinesefamilies than in Dravidian and Indo-Europeanfamilies For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasinand Walter 2001; Bhasin 2006c).

.5.3. Dermatoglyphics

5.3.1. Finger Dermatoglyphics Finger Patterns

The distribution of the frequencies ofdifferent finger patterns (in percentage) may begeneralised among major population groups asfollows.

Whorls: Mongoloids (47) > American Indians (43) >Europeans (36) > Africans (27)

Loops: Africans (64) > Europeans (60) > AmericanIndians (52) > Mongoloids (51)

Arches: Africans (9) > American Indians (5) >Europeans (4) > Mongoloids (2)

The frequency of loops is higher (53 per cent)than whorls (44 per cent) whereas the frequencyof arches is 3 per cent among Indian populationgroups. The frequency of whorls is high in theHimalayan region and it gradually startsdecreasing towards south of India, and thefrequency of arches is low in East India and itstarts increasing in all directions. In differentzones, high frequency of whorls is observed fromIslands (50 per cent) followed by Central (47 percent), East (45 per cent), North (43 per cent), South(42 per cent) and West (39 per cent) India and thefrequency of arches varies in between 2 and 4 percent in these zones. From Himalayan region, thefrequency observed for whorls is 46 per cent fromEastern and little less (45 per cent) from WesternHimalaya. The highest frequency of whorls isobserved among scheduled tribes from India,Islands, Central, East and South India and regionsof Himalaya in general. In the language groups,the highest frequency of whorls is found inTibeto-Chinese language family (49 per cent) andlowest in Indo-European language family (42 percent) (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasinand Walter 2001)

The whorl: loop (W: L) ratio appears to beapproximately as follow.

Austro-Asiatic Family: Mon Khmer group 40:60Tibeto-Chinese Family 50:50Austro-Asiatic Family: Munda group 48:52Dravidian Family 44:56Indo-European Family 43:57

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The mean value of TFRC is 141.26 from Indiaand a low value has been observed amongscheduled tribes as compared to other ethnicgroups. The value is high in Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plains region and it starts decreasingtowards northern as well as southern directions.From the various zones of India, the highest meanvalues are reported from Islands (167.97) andCentral India (151.91) from where only scheduledtribes have been reported, followed by East(146.57), West (141.53), North (140.88), and South(131.48) India. The value is low amongpopulations of Himalayan region (136.08) ascompared to non-Himalayan region (142.24). Inthe different zones of India and regions ofHimalaya, in general, high mean values areobserved for caste or scheduled caste groups.From the language families, high mean value ofTFRC is observed for speakers of Indo-European(142.79) and low for that of Dravidian (137.10)(For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin andWalter 2001)

.5.3.2. Palmar Dermatoglyphics Three Main Line Formulae of Wilder

Wilder (1922) observed that the three mostcommon main line formulae in variouspopulations with different racial elements were11.9.7.-., 9.7.5.-. and 7.5.5.-. and concluded thatthe 11.9.7.-. type is essentially the Europeanformula and the 7.5.5.-. type the African formula.The frequencies of three main line formulae asobserved among different populations are asfollows (after Steggerda et al. 1936).

Europeans: 11.9.7.-. (28 to 31 per cent) > 9.7.5.-. (17to 26 per cent) > 7.5.5-. (9 to 10 per cent)

Africans: 7.5.5.-. (35 to 45 per cent) > 9.7.5.-.(16 to 22 per cent) > 11.9.7.-. (10 to 13 per cent)Mongoloids: 7.5.5.-. (24 to 35 per cent) > 9.7.5.-. (19

to 32 per cent) > 11.9.7.-. (9 to 23 per cent)American Indians: 9.7.5.-. (36 per cent) >11.9.7.-. (21

per cent) > 7.5.5.-. (18 per cent)

The order of preponderance observed for threemain line formulae among different zones, regions,ethnic groups, and speakers of various languagesis well marked as may be observed from thesummarized distribution as follows (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001)

Zone: North and West IndiaRegion: Western and Central HimalayaEthnic Group: Castes, scheduled castes and

communitiesLanguage: Indo-European Family11.9.7.-. > 9.7.5.-. > 7.5.5.-. or 9.7.5.-. ≥ 7.5.5.-.Zone: Central and South IndiaEthnic Group: Scheduled tribes (also of Bihar state)Language: Dravidian Family11.9.7.-.>7.5.5.-.>9.7.5.-.Zone: East IndiaRegion: Eastern HimalayaEthnic Group: Scheduled tribesLanguage: Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Chinese

Families7.5.5.-.>9.7.5.-.>11.9.7.-.Zone: IslandsEthnic Group: Scheduled tribes (Also of Orissa state)9.7.5.-.>11.9.7.-. or 7.5.5.-.

In India, the order of preponderance is 11.9.7.-.>7.5.5.-.>9.7.5.-. in Central and South India,whereas in North and West India, it is 11.9.7.-.>9.7.5.-. >7.5.5.-. and similar pattern is observedfrom Western and Central Himalayan regions;from East India the order is 7.5.5.-.>9.7.5.-.>11.9.7.-. and similar distribution is recorded in EasternHimalayan region. From Islands, the tribal groupsshow the order 9.7.5.-.>11.9.7.-.>7.5.5.-. Amongthe caste groups the order is 11.9.7.-.>9.7.5.-.>7.5.5.-. and in scheduled tribe groups it is 11.9.7.-.>7.5.5.-.>9.7.5.-. whereas among the populationgroups from Eastern Himalayan region the orderis 7.5.5.-.>9.7.5.-.>11.9.7.-. and similar pattern isobserved in different language families i.e. amongspeakers of Indo-European languages the orderis 11.9.7.-.> 9.7.5.-. >7.5.5.-., among Dravidianspeakers it is 11.9.7.-.>7.5.5.-.>9.7.5.-. and inTibeto-Chinese and Austro-Asiatic speakers thepreponderance is of main line 7.5.5.-. , followedby 9.7.5.-. and 11.9.7.-. (For details see Bhasin etal. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001) Palm Configurational Areas

1. Hypothenar Area

In India, the frequency of patterns onhypothenar area is 33 per cent and it is high fromEast India (36.5 per cent) and low in South India(29.9 per cent). From the Western and CentralHimalayan regions, the frequency is over 25 percent as compared to Eastern Himalayas where itis 20 per cent. Among the ethnic groups, thefrequency for the presence of patterns is highamong scheduled tribes (35.4 per cent) ascompared to rest of the ethnic groups, where it is

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almost similar (castes - 30.1 per cent, scheduledcaste - 29.0 per cent and community - 29.9 percent). Among the various linguistic groups, a littlehigh frequency is observed among Indo-Europeanlanguage family (31.8 per cent) followed byDravidian language family (30.0 per cent) and lowfrequency is found in Tibeto-Chinese languagefamily (24.7 per cent) (For details see Bhasin et al.1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001)

2. Thenar/First Interdigital Area

The presence of patterns from India in onthenar/first interdigital area is 15 per cent. FromCentral India, a high frequency is observed (17.7per cent), followed by North (16.5 per cent), andSouth (15.1 per cent) India. From the Westernand Central Himalayan regions, the frequency isover 15 per cent as compared to EasternHimalayan region (less than 10 per cent). Amongthe different ethnic groups, high frequency isobserved in caste and community 15.9 per centfollowed by scheduled caste (15.2 per cent) andscheduled tribe (14.4 per cent). High and almostsimilar frequencies (16.2 and 15.8 per cent,respectively) as compared to speakers of Austro-Asiatic (10.4 per cent) and Tibeto-Chinese (9.6per cent) language families represent the Indo-

European and Dravidian language families (Fordetails see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter2001)

3. Second Interdigital Area

Among the various Indian groups, thefrequency of patterns in second interdigital areais 8.2 per cent for the presence of patterns. Fromthe different zones, a low frequency is observedfrom East (3.4 per cent) and South (5.7 per cent)India. In the Himalayan region, the frequency islow in Eastern region (about 2 per cent) ascompared to Western and Central regions (8.5per cent). Among the various ethnic groups, thefrequency is low in community (6.6 per cent) andhigh among caste (9.1 per cent) groups. In thelanguage families, a high frequency is observedamong speakers of Dravidian (9.2 per cent) andIndo-European (8.3 per cent) languages ascompared to that of Tibeto-Chinese (3.4 per cent)and Austro-Asiatic (3.7 per cent) languages (Fordetails see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter2001)

4. Third Interdigital Area

From India, the frequency of the patterns in

Table 3: Distribution of Palmar Patterns among Different Population Groups

Population Presence of patterns

High Intermediate Low

Europeans Hypothenar, Third Thenar/First Interdigital Fourth InterdigitalInterdigital and Second Interdigital

Africans Thenar/First Interdigital, Hypothenar and ThirdSecond and Fourth Interdigitals Interdigital

Mongoloids Fourth Interdigital Hypothenar, Thenar/First, Interdigital,Second and Third Inter digitals

American Thenar/First Interdigital Third and Fourth Hypothenar, SecondIndians Interdigitals Interdigital

Table 4: Distribution of Palmar Patterns among Different Linguistic Groups

Population Presence of patterns

High Intermediate Low

Tibeto-Chinese Fourth Interdigital - Hypothenar, Thenar/FirstInterdigital, Second andThird Interdigitals

Munda group - Hypothenar, Thenar/ Fourth Interdigital(Austro-Asiatic) First Interdigital, Second

and Third Interdigitals

Dravidian Hypothenar, Thenar/First Fourth InterdigitalThird Interdigital Interdigital

Indo-European Hypothenar, Thenar/ Fourth InterdigitalThird Interdigital First Interdigital

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the third interdigital area is 43.1 per cent. Thefrequency is low in East (31.1 per cent) and South(36.1 per cent) India as compared to Central (57.3per cent), West (53.8 per cent), and North (47.7per cent) India. From the Himalayan region, thefrequency is about 40 per cent in Western andCentral regions, whereas in the Eastern region itis quite low (about 25 per cent). Among the ethnicgroups, the frequency for the presence of patternsis high in caste (49.1 per cent) and community(46.3 per cent) groups as compared to scheduledtribes (40.4 per cent) and scheduled castes (39.2per cent). The frequency of patterns is high inIndo-European language family (49.5 per cent)and low in Tibeto-Chinese language family (24.7per cent) (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001)

2.2.5. Fourth Interdigital Area

The frequency for the presence of patternsfourth interdigital area among Indians is 60.7 percent. Among various zones, the frequency isobserved high from Central (73.2 per cent)followed by East (64.8 per cent), North (63.5 percent), West (59.0 per cent) and South (56.0 percent) India. From the Himalayan region, the highfrequency is present in Eastern region (75 percent) as compared to Western and Central regions(65 per cent). Among the various ethnic groups,the frequencies are almost similar (caste - 61.7;scheduled caste - 60.9; and scheduled tribe - 61.4per cent) except among community (54.9 percent). In the linguistic groups, the highestfrequency is observed from Tibeto-Chinesefamily (76.4 per cent) and lowest in Dravidianlanguage family (36.0 per cent) and Austro-Asiatic(Munda group - 56.5 per cent) languagesspeakers who are mostly tribals (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001)


5.4.1. Measurement The Stature

Among Indian populations stature is on anaverage medium (163.06 cm) among whom castepeople are taller as compared to scheduled casteswhereas tribal groups are short in stature,suggesting that the basic substratum of ethnicelements have been in favour of short stature

individuals. In view of the advantages of thesmaller body size in both ‘undernourished’ and‘hot climate’ the smaller stature among the tribalgroups might have developed in the process ofadaptation to these conditions. The inhabitantsof Punjab, Delhi, and Rajasthan are in generaltaller than the populations of other regions, whichshow a gradient of stature distribution fromnorthwest to east and south positions of Indiansubcontinent. Among occupational groups, thetaller stature is found among pastoralists, whichindicates that this occupation may involveselection for efficiency of a long distancewalking. The speakers of Austro-Asiatic, Tibeto-Chinese, and Dravidian languages are shorter instature as compared to Indo-European languagespeakers (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001; Bhasin 2006e).

5.4.2. Indices The Cephalic Index

The value of cephalic index varies fromdolichocephaly to mesocephaly in India except afew population groups from West, East, andSouth India, and Islands among whombrachycephaly has been observed. The meanvalue of cephalic index in India is 76.06, which ismesocephalic. In various zones, the distributionof cephalic index is mostly dolichocephaly inNorth and Central India and brachycephaly isabsent. On the other hand, among West, East,and South Indian populations, mesocephaliccephalic index is predominant and brachycephalyis observed in low frequency, while the Islandersare mostly brachycephalic. In the Himalayanregion, a low mean value of cephalic index isobserved from Western Himalayan populations,which are more dolichocephalic than Central andEastern Himalayan populations, which aremesocephalic. The mean value of the index islow in scheduled tribes as compared to otherethnic groups. Among the scheduled tribes fromnortheastern peninsular plateau and southernpeninsular region, the value of cephalic index fallsin dolichocephalic as compared to westernpeninsular plateau region with mesocephalicindex. Among the scheduled tribes withMongoloid affinities from Eastern Himalayanregion, also the value of index is in the range ofmesocephalic class (77.57). Among the speakersof Tibeto-Chinese languages the value of cephalic

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index is high (77.67 - mesocephalic), while lowvalues are observed among speakers of Mundagroup of Austro-Asiatic (75.18) and North andCentral Dravidian groups of Dravidian languages(73.67 and 75.41, respectively - dolichocephalic),who are mostly tribals (For details see Bhasin etal. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001; Bhasin 2006e). The Nasal Index

It is of mesorhinae type (75.53) among Indianpopulations (varies from 51.40 - leptorhinae to96.75 chamaerhinae). The value of index is low inHimalayan mountain complex region and it startsincreasing towards peninsular region. The valueis high among scheduled castes from southernpeninsular region as compared to Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra plain region. Among scheduledtribes, the value of the index is high (79.49) ascompared to other ethnic groups and highervalues are observed from western, north easternand southern peninsular scheduled tribals,whereas from Eastern Himalayan region among

the scheduled tribes with Mongoloid affinitiesthe value of the index is low (76.69). The value ishigh among the speakers of Austro-Asiatic andDravidian languages as compared to Indo-European and Tibeto-Chinese language speakers.Global variation in the human nasal index isviewed as the result of an adaptive response toclimatic variability, but it is not universallyaccepted as a reflection of climatic adaptation (Fordetails see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter2001; Bhasin 2006e). The Facial Index

It is mesoprosopic among various populationsof India and from all the zones of India exceptNorth India (leptoprosopic). In the Himalayanregion mesoprosopic type is predominant exceptin Western Himalayan region where leptoprosopictype is found. The value of index is high in theHimalayan region and gradually starts declining

Particulars Stature Cephalic Nasal FacialIndex Index Index

INDIA L. Med. (163.06) Meso (76.06) Meso(78.53) Meso (88.34)Natural Region

Himalayan L. Med. (162.13) Meso (76.38) Meso (70.68) Lepto (88.33)Mountain ComplexIndus-Ganga-. Med. (164.15) Dolicho (75.87) Meso (72.13) Meso (87.00)Brahmaputra PlainsPeninsular Plateau L. Med. (162.77) Meso (76.07) Meso (78.01) Meso (85.64)Islands Short (155.50) Meso (78.64) Meso (79.98) Meso (86.10)

Zones of IndiaNorth India Med. (164.70) Dolicho (73.65) Meso (70.13) Lepto (88.33)West India L. Med. (163.09) Meso (78.24) Meso (75.86) Meso (84.52)East India L. Med. (163.05) Meso (76.82) Meso (77.06) Meso (86.27)Central India L. Med. (160.32) Dolicho (74.96) Meso (82.09) Meso (87.45)South India L. Med. (161.23) Meso (76.07 Meso (77.99) Meso (86.61)Islands Short (155.50) Meso (78.64) Meso (79.98) Meso (86.60)

Regions of HimalayaWestern Himalaya L. Med. (163.38) Dolicho (74.00) Lepto (65.51) Meso (89.92)Central Himalaya L. Med. (163.13) Meso (76.71) Meso (72.85) Meso (87.71)Eastern Himalaya L. Med. (161.20) Meso (78.09) Meso (75.56) Meso (85.47)

Ethnic GroupsCaste Med. (16.25) Meso (76.20) Meso (74.78) Meso (86.45)Scheduled Caste L. Med. (162.11) Dolicho (75.96) Meso (75.61) Meso (85.79)Scheduled Tribe Short (157.75) Dolicho (75.81) Meso (74.49) Meso (86.26)Community Med. (164.18) Meso (76.17) Meso (71.57) Meso (86.58)

Language FamilyAustro-Asiatic Short (158.89) Dolicho (75.63) Meso (81.72) Meso (85.68)FamilyTibeto-Chinese L. Med. (161.37) Meso (77.67) Meso (73.87) Meso (86.47)FamilyDravidian Family L. Med. (161.34) Dolicho (75.52) Meso (77.55) Meso (86.54)Indo-European Med. (164.52) Dolicho (75.99) Meso (74.23) Meso (86.42)Family

L. = Lower, Med. = Medium

Table 5: Classification of Stature and Indices

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towards south. Leptoprosopic facial index isobserved among caste groups from West Bengaland Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Pondicherry ofSouth India. Europrosopic type of facial index isobserved among caste groups of Gujarat andscheduled caste groups of West and South Indiazones. However, generally a high frequency isobserved among community or caste > caste orcommunity > scheduled tribe > scheduled casteexcept from West and South India where highvalues are observed among scheduled tribes. Thedifferences observed among speakers of variouslanguages are quite low (Dravidian ≥ Tibeto-Chinese ≥ Indo-European ≥ Austro-Asiatic) (Fordetails see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter2001; Bhasin 2006e).

5.5. Among the Various Traditional OccupationalGroups

Among priesthood and warfare (higher castegroups), trade and commerce (middle caste orVaishyas) and agriculture, animal husbandry,artisans and menial workers (backward andscheduled castes) the distribution of frequenciesand mean values of various biogenetical traitsstudied show similarities among the higher and/or middle with backward and/or scheduled castespopulations, which indicates gene flow amongthese occupational groups (For details see Bhasinet al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001). Anexplanation of this can be found in the fact thatscheduled castes may have in them a sub-stantialtrace of gene flow from the higher castes fromgenerations past (Majumdar 1965).

5.6. Among Islanders

From Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a fewbiological traits are studied among Andamaneseand Onges considered to be of Negrito affinitiesand Nicobarese who have Mongoloid affinities.Due to their small number, it is rather difficult toevaluate the studies based on a few subjects anda limited number of traits studied. However, thefrequencies and mean values observed amongthem are different from the other Indian popula-tions, which may be attributed to genetic driftinstead of ethnic characteristics (Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001).

5.7. Correlations

The correlations between climatic factors and

altitude and different ethnic groups viz. caste,scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and communitywith various biogenetical traits (genetic markers inhuman blood, other genetic markers, derma-toglyphic traits and somatometry measurement andindices) have been calculated. Although manygenetic markers and somatometry traits showsignificant correlations, generally the values are nothigh (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin andWalter 2001). Further, no correlation between climaticfactors and dermatoglyphics among different ethnicgroups has been found and Hiernaux and Froment(1976) also reported similar results.

5.8. Genetic Differentiation

The present study, we believe, is based ondata from the largest number of Mendeliangenetic markers so far used in India, as well as,from polygenic traits like dermatoglyphics andsomatometry. Before evaluating the dendrogramsbased on the frequency data from genetical,dermatoglyphic and somatometric traits and allthe traits together for various zones, differentethnic groups and four language families, anattempt has been made to review the studiesavailable on genetic distances in India under thefollowing heads.

1. Subgroups of an Ethnic Group into theSame or/and Different Regions

2. Various Ethnic Groups into the Same or/and Different Regions

5.8.1. Subgroups of an Ethnic Group into theSame or/and Different Regions

Genetic distance estimates have been usedto study the genetic relationship of subgroupsof an ethnic groups into the same or/and differentregions. It has been observed that if the geneticdistance among them is small, then geneticdifferentiation among them is also at an earlystage.

The process of differentiation by fission withvery little inter-caste migration has taken placein the recent past as reported from West Indiaamong four groups of Lohanas (Sindhi, Cutch,Halai and Punjabi) by Bhatia et al. (1976a),Saraswat groups (three Saraswat Brahmans andone Goan Catholics ethnologically related toSaraswats) by Bhatia et al. (1976b), a nomadicgroup Dhangar (22 castes of Dhangars) byMalhotra et al. (1978), from South India differentsubcastes of Brahmans of Andhra Pradesh by

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Srikumari et al. (1986), and among threesubpopulations of Naikpod of Andhra Pradeshby Muralidhar et al. (1989).

The differences observed among the sub-groups of an ethnic group in the same or differentregions may be due to either isolation, that is,due to cultural factors and/or geographicaldistance or due to admixture with the neigh-bouring populations of different racial elements/genetic make up, as observed from CentralHimalayan (North India) region among theBhotias—a scheduled tribe (out of five groupsof Bhotias, three namely Tolchha, Jad, Marchaare close to each other and show affinities withTibetans, and Lepchas and two groups—Rangand Johri Bhotias are falling apart from them andare nearer to Rajputs of Kumaon and ShresthaNewars of Nepal) as reported by Tiwari (1984).

Among the three groups of Vania Soni, theVania Soni of Surat (West India) are showingmarked variation from Vania Soni of Saurashtraand Gujarat, apparently due to their geographicaldistribution (Undevia et al. 1978).

Among the four migrant groups of fishermenof Orissa (East India), Reddy et al. (1987, 1988,1989) observed differences for the genetical,dermatoglyphic and anthropometric traits due togeographical distribution of these groups andconcluded that the anthropometric measurementsdemonstrate high inter-group variation thandermatoglyphics.

Among Vaidiki a subsect of Brahmans ofAndhra Pradesh (South India) studied from threedifferent locations by Char et al. (1983) thedifferences due to geographical location, whichalso relate to ethnic history were observed.

Banerjee et al. (1992) studied genetic diffe-rentiation among three Hindu low caste groups(Poliya, Deshi, and Tiyor) from West Bengal, EastIndia who are the descendants of the Koch, Indo-Mongoloid populations and they observed thatthey are having closer genetic affinity.

Das et al. (2002) studied the three sub-populations (Boro-Deshi-Dinajpur District, Boro-Deshi-Malda District, and Chhoto Deshi-MaldaDistrict) of the Koch Scheduled Caste of WestBengal, East India. They observed that BoroDeshi-North Dinajpur and Boro Deshi-Malda areshowing closer affinities as compared to ChhotoDeshi –Malda.

Reddy et al. (2001) reported genomic diversitybased on 3 STR loci (CSF1P0, TPOX, and TH01)among the 7 subpopulations of the pastoral caste,

Golla, of Southern Andhra Pradesh, India. Theyobserved that the UPGMA tree suggests arelatively earlier separation, hence the distinc-tiveness, of Kurava population whose positionamong the Gollas is disputed. The relativelyearlier separation of Punugu from the rest of Gollasubpopulations is also depicted. The clusteringof the remaining 5 Golla populations is consistentwith the microgeographic affiliations; for example,the Doddi, Puja and Karnam distributed in thewestern parts of the district tend to cluster toge-ther although the Pokanati and Erra, distributedin the eastern region do not form a compactcluster. Further, they studied by comparativeanalysis the phylogenetic position of the Gollasvis-à-vis the other Indian populations, which wasbased on the 3 STRs with 16 other Indianpopulations. The cluster of populations in theUPGMA dendograms portrays the underlyingsocial, ethno-historical, and geographicalbackgrounds of the Indian populations well, bothat the local, regional, and national levels. Theyobserved that the Mongoloid populations clearlyseparated from the non-Mongoloid populations,lower castes from the upper and middle castes,and the local Golla populations from the extremesouth are distinctly separated from the easternas well as northern populations. They found thateven the microgeographic variations within theGollas seem to have been faithfully depicted.

Further, according to Karve (1961) thesubcastes are not always segments split off fromthe same caste and, in most cases, are probablythe result of the lack of fusion of different racialelements. Segments of both the autochthonesand the immigrants become separated from thepresent groups due to migrations, and differentsegments going to different regions assumed orwere given different ranks. The groups maintainedstrict endogamy and usually made certain clustersbased on similarity of economic pursuits. Karveand Malhotra (1968) made an attempt to test thevalidity of Karve’s hypothesis that many so-calledsubcastes are independent social realities,sharing with other subcastes a social status andfunction but lacking the biological affinity whichwould be expected if they were a result of splitting,by studying the distances among eightendogamous groups of Maharashtrian Brahmans(Maharashtra-West India). They concluded thatthe scanty historical records also suggestindependent origins. Similar findings were also

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reported by Dutta and Gulati (1976) among nineendogamous groups of Kumbhars (potters) fromMaharashtra (West India) i.e. Kumbhar as a groupis not a genetical category but a social category(For details see Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin andWalter 2001).

5.8.2. Various Ethnic Groups into the Same or/and Different Regions

A number of studies are available in whichgenetic distances are used to establish the geneticrelationship between the various ethnic groups(caste, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe andcommunity) from the same or/and differentregions. These studies are helpful in under-standing the intra-or/and interethnic groupdifferences which may be due to either differentracial elements present among various Indianpopulations in varying degrees or/and variouspopulation variation factors like mutation, naturalselection, migration, genetic drift etc. From suchinvestigations, the authors have attempted tostudy the differentiation of biological rank ofvarious ethnic groups that exist in various partsof India.

About the racial composition, Majumdar(1965) has suggested that caste is a compositeracial structure with an upper segment representedby the immigrant Mediterranean, Alpine elements,and lower segment represented by the Proto-Australoid autochthonous racial stock. Hyper-gamy brought into existence a large number ofmixed castes of artisans, which formed the inter-mediate segment. On this was superimposed thefour-fold division of society which was known tohave existed in Iran.

Bhasin and Khanna (1992) reported geneticstructure of nine population groups of North India-Jammu and Kashmir (Bodhs and Tibetans of LehDistrict; Baltis of Kargil District; Pandits andMuslims of Kashmir; Gujjars and Dogras castegroups - Brahmans, Rajput and Ramdasias of JammuDistrict) for eleven polymorphic traits and theyobserved two clusters – the first for the threepopulation group from Ladakh region namelyBodhs, Baltis and Tibetans with Mongoloid affinitiesand rest of the population groups of Jammu andKashmir districts with Caucasoid affinities.

Walter et al. (1993) studied genetic variationfor three polymorphic traits (HP, GC and PI)among eleven populations groups of North India- Jammu and Kashmir (Baltis, Bodhs and Tibetans

from Ladakh; Brahmins, Rajputs, ScheduledCastes, Khatris, Mahajans and Gujjars fromJammu and Pandits and Muslims from Srinagar).They observed that Baltis, Bodhs and Tibetanswho are from same racial origin (Mongoloid) andaffiliation to the same language family (Tibeto-Chinese) form one cluster. A second cluster isformed by majority of Jammu and Kashmirpopulations, which, however is composed of twoclear-cut subclusters. One of them comprises theKhatris and the Pandits, the other one the Rajputs,Gujjars, Brahmins, Muslims, and ScheduledCastes, with the exception of Mahajans all thegroups with Caucasoids affinities and Indo-European language speaking populations arefound in one cluster.

Trivedi et al. (2002) reported only thefrequencies of nine microsatellite loci among fourpopulation groups from Ladakh (North India)namely Argon, Balti, Drokpa, and Buddhist.

Tandon et al. (2002) have reported only resultsof genetic diversity at 15 fluorescent-labeledshort tandem repeat (STR) loci in four populations– Thakur, Khatri, Kurmi, and Jat of Uttar Pradesh(North India).

Bhasin et al. (1985) have observed no inter-group differences in the same ethnic group i.e.scheduled tribes (Vasava, Kotwalia, Chaudhuri,and Gamit) from the same region (West India -Surat District, Gujarat).

Gaikwad and Kashyap (2002) reported onlyresults of polymorphism at fifteen hypervariablemicrosatellite loci in four populations namelyMarathas, Desasth Brahmins, ChitpavanBrahmins, and Dhangars of Maharashtra State(West India)

From the state of Karnataka (South India)Rajkumar and Kashyap (2002) have reportedresults on four population groups (IyengarBrahmin, Gowda, Lingayat, and Muslim) for thedistribution of 15 STR loci of the Powerplex TM16 multiplex system.

The geographical proximity of eleven majortribal populations from South India - AndhraPradesh (Chenchus - two groups, Kolam, Savara,Jatapu, Koya, Rajgond, Pardhan, Konda Reddi,Lambadi and Yerukula) was studied by Blake etal. (1981) from dendrogram. They observed thatthe pattern of clustering among tribal populationsof Andhra Pradesh is consistent with theirgeographical positioning in general (thesepatterns are also consistent with their migrationhistories) except for certain aberrations.

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Also from the analysis of anthropometric andgenetic distances between five Gondi speakingpopulations (Raj Gonds, Kolams, Manne, Koyasand Plains Maria Gonds) of Central India (AndhraPradesh and Maharashtra states) Pingle (1984)reported that closer the geographical distancebetween populations, the closer the genetic aswell as morphological similarity between them.This is more so in populations, which due to theirhaving adopted a settled agricultural occupationare less mobile. The low mobility in turn results asmall marriage distance thus restricting the spatialdistribution of genes to a smaller area.

Saha et al. (1988) have studied the geneticrelationship of Oraons (Veddoid) of Eastern India(Bihar and Jalpaiguri) with eight Australoid tribesof Central and Southern India (Bhils, Malayaran,Kadar, Kota, Toda, Irula, Kurumba, and Chenchu)and two caste Hindu Groups (Tamils and Nayar)of Southern India. Oraons are believed to havemigrated from Southern India, settled in Biharseveral centuries ago and eventually moved toChota Nagpur (Icke-Schwalbe 1983). Some of theOraons migrated to Jalpaiguri district of NorthBengal. By genetic distance analysis, the authorsobserved that Oraons are nearest to Bhils ofMadhya Pradesh. The Oraons and Bhils arenearest to Kurumba and Irula tribes of Nilgiri Hills,where-as the Kota of Nilgiri and Chenchus ofSouth India are the most distant tribes.

Trivedi et al. (2002) reported results of eightIndo-Caucasian populations represented byBaniya (East India - Bihar), Dehshast Brahmin(West India - Maharashtra), Bengalee Kayastha(East India - West Bengal), mixed Punjabi (NorthIndia - Punjab), Indo Mongoloids represented byKuki and Hmar (East India - Manipur), Indo Proto-Australoid – Ekere and a mixture of Proto-Australoid and Indo Caucasian – Reddy (SouthIndia - Andhra Pradesh) for D1S80 alleles 14 and15 which have been reported absent among mostof the population groups but observed amongDehshast Brahmin.

Ghosh et al. (1977) studied the Kota of NilgiriHills (South India) and found a closer relationshipbetween Kota and Toda than Kota and any othertribal population in the Nilgiri Hills (South India);whereas Saha et al. (1976) reported that Toda, atribal group, which is considered to be distinctiveby virtue of culture and appearance is closelyrelated to the Brahman than to any other tribalgroup. Similar observations have been made byGhosh et al. (1977) i.e., Kota relationships with

Hindu populations are somewhat closer inneighbouring Kerala (South India) than ingeographically remote populations in North India,from where they are supposed to have originallymigrated.

Studies are also available which indicatecommon origin of certain ethnic groups, as forexample from Orissa (East India) five tribes namelyBodo Gabada (speaking Indo-Aryan Oriyalanguage), Ollaro Gabada, Konda Paroja (speakingdifferent dialects of Dravidian language) andBareng Paroja and Pareng Gabada (speakingvariants of Austro-Asiatic Munda speech) arespeculated to be of common Veddoid origin (Daset al. 1968). Chakraborty and Yee (1973a) studiedthese tribes and observed that Bareng Paroja andOallaro Gabada groups are quite close to oneanother. This cluster is far away from anothercluster generated by Bodo Gabada and ParengGabada tribes, whereas Konda Paroja is placedbetween these two clusters. Chakraborty and Yee(1973b) also reported on anthropometry basis thatthe relative positions of the five populations seemto be the same as observed with genetic markers.

From South India in order to study the earlierhypothesis that Chenchu, Irula and Yanadioriginated from the same stock, Reddy et al. (1983)studied their genetic relationship but their resultsfailed to support the contention.

Biological rank differentiation exists in variousparts of India as reported by Risley (1915) andGuha (1931) by anthropometric and somatoscopicobservations, but they observed that this doesnot occur in Northern India.

Bhasin et al. (1983a, b) from their studies fromHimachal Pradesh (North India) in the firstinstance among Brahmans, Rajputs andScheduled Castes of Kulu district and Swangalas(a Hindu scheduled tribe group) and Bodhs (aBuddhist scheduled tribe group) of Lahaul tehsiland in the second among different Gaddi groupsand Pangwalas of Chamba and Kangra districtsobserved no genetic differences. They reportedthat this is in agreement with the historicalevidence and traditions, which connect their originto those people who sought refuge in thesemountain ranges from the plains from time to time,and also inter-group marriage was in vogue andthe genetic differentiation among them was at anearly stage.

From Punjab (North India), four endogamousgroups (Jat Sikh, Ramdasia Sikh, Khatri, Brahmin)are close to each other out of five (including

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Bania) reported by Sehgal et al. (1986). There isno definite clustering of the groups with theirbiological rank as has been observed by Das etal. (1978) among five endogamous groups of Delhi– North India (Rajput, Chamar, Gujjar, Ahir andJat).

Kamboh (1984) studied the geneticrelationship between various ethnic group—Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaish, Shudra, MiscellaneousHindus (Ahir, Gujar, Jat) and Miscellaneous Non-Hindus (Muslim, Christian, Sikh) from North Indiaand observed closeness of three Kshatriyagroups (Rajput, Arora, Khatri) with Brahmin ascompared to Vaish and Scheduled castes. He alsostudied tribal and non-tribal groups of SouthIndia and observed differences between thesegroups. Further, he found closeness of SouthIndian non-tribal groups with the caste groupsof North India.

From North West India among 14 populationgroups from three states—Rajasthan – NorthIndia (Udaipur district: Paliwal Brahmin, Rajput,Oswal Mahajan, Bhil Tribe, Meghwal, MeenaTribe), North India - Punjab (Patiala district: JatSikh, Ramdasia Sikh, Mahajan Agarwal), andHimachal Pradesh – North India, (Kangra district:Brahmin, Chowdhury, Gaddi Rajput, Chamar andNepalis), Papiha et al. (1982) studied geneticrelationships. They showed with the geneticdistance calculations that tribals and low castegroups are closer, but well separated from thehigh and middle caste groups. They concludedthat there is a slight possibility of disruptiveselection, but the analyses suggest that the diffe-rences in genetic structure in North-West Indiaare more likely to be due to their breeding struc-ture, differential migration, and ethnic affiliation.Furthermore, within a given geographical area,the internal structure regulates genetic diffe-rentiation of the various sub-populations. At theless local level, both geographical distance andmajor ethnic affiliation exert a primary influence.

Racial admixture and genetic isolation amongKanets (scheduled tribe) and Kolis (scheduledcaste) of Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh – NorthIndia are reported responsible for genetic diffe-rentiation by Papiha et al. (1984) since theyobserved that Kanets of Puh and Koli are fallingapart from rest of the three Kanet groups fromKalpa, Sangla and Nachar.

Biological rank differentiation has beenobserved from West India among nine endo-gamous groups of Maharashtra (caste groups—

Desasth Rigvedi and Chitapavan Brahmans,Maratha, Chandrasenya Kayastha Prabhu;Scheduled caste—Nava Budha; Tribals—Bhil,Pawara, and Katkari and a migrant group—Parsis)studied by Mukherjee et al. (1979) who observedtwo clusters, one of tribal groups and anotherconsisting of rest of the six groups.

Mastana and Papiha (1994) have studied thefour endogamous groups (Brahmin, Maratha,Gujarati Hindu Patel, and Parsee) from Maha-rahtra, West India and found that the Brahmansand the Marathas are closely joined by the Patelswhile the Parsees are clearly isolated.

Al-Maghtheh et al. (1993) studied of Parsifrom Western India using four DNA probes fromthe short arm of the human X chromosome andreported affinity between the Parsis and thepopulation from Southern Europe (Spanish). It isdifficult to agree with their observation.

From East India - Assam, Danker-Hopfe et al.(1988) observed that two Hindu high castes areclosely related and they form one subcluster.They also reported that Sheikhs (Muslims) aremore closely related to the Brahmans and Kalitato Kaibartas (scheduled caste) when genetictraits are considered, and to Kalitas when anthro-pometric traits are considered, these observationscan reasonably be explained based on theirCaucasoid origin. Further, they observed fromanthropometric measurements a distinct positionof Ahom- a Mongoloid group belonging toSiamese-Chinese group from other Mongoloidgroups namely Chutias, Deuris, Mishings, andthe Morans who belong to Tibeto-Burmanlanguage family. Similar results have beenreported by Mukherjee et al. (1989) who reportedthat Brahmins, Kalitas, Kaibartas and Muslimswho belong to Caucasoid groups and Indo-European language family make one cluster andAhoms, Sonowals, Rajbanshis, Chutias, Karbis(Mikir) who have strong Mongoloid affinitiesmake another cluster.

Chattopadhyay et al. (2001a) studied ninefluorescent-based STR loci among four tribalgroups with Mongoloid affinities (Garo, Naga,Kuki, and Hmar) from North Eastern part andEastern part of India.

Dutta et al. (2001) reported STR data for theAMP STR profiler plus loci among four popu-lations from West Bengal – East India (Brahminand Kayastha) and Manipur – East India (Meiteiand Manipuri Muslims).

Dutta and Kashyap (2001a) studied genetic

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variation at four minisatellite loci (D1S7, D4S139,D5S110, and D17S79) among three populationgroups of West Bengal (East India) – Brahmin,Kayastha and Garo and observed similaritiesamong Brahmin and Kayastha groups, whereasGaro group is falling apart from them.

Dutta and Kashyap (2001b) used threetetrameric STR loci (HumTHO1, TPOX andCSF1PO) and also observed that two Hindu highcastes – Brahmins and Kaysthas are closelyrelated and form one cluster whereas populationwith Mongoloid affinities namely Meitei, Kuki,Naga, Hmar are making another cluster withChinese, however they observed that ManipuriMuslims are falling apart from these groups inEast India.

Again Chattopadhyay et al. (2001b) inves-tigated the nature and extent of genetic variationat 3 tetrameric STR loci (HUM HPRTB, F13B, andLPL) among 8 population groups of West Bengaland Manipur regions (East India) of India. Ofwhich, two groups from West Bengal belong toCaucasoid and six (one in WB and five inManipur) belong to Mongoloid stock. Mongoloidgroups show similarities in some alleles anddifferences in some other alleles in STR loci. Forexample, Manipur Muslims show differences inSTR allele frequency when compared to other fourregional populations. Similarly, Garo, one of theMongoloid populations of West Bengal differ inallele frequency from their counterparts inManipur region. Heterozygosity values are higherfor Caucasoid than Mongoloid groups. Theoverall gene differentiation for STR loci is 5.3%.The clustering pattern for the eight populationsshows distinct clusters for Caucasoid andMongoloid groups, whereas Manipur Muslimsstand apart from others. They observed similarresults as obtained from classical genetic markers.

Further Dutta et al. (2003) reported results offive population groups from North-East Region(Meitei, Kuki, Naga, Hmar and Manipur Muslims)studied for VNTR markers(four minisatellite lociD1S7, D4S139, D5S110 and D17S79) and observedthat populations with Mongoloid affinities(Meitei, Kuki, Naga and Hmar) are falling closerto each other whereas Manipuri Muslims arefalling apart from them.

Chattopadhyay and Kashyap (2001) studiedgenetic variation at six DNA loci: HLADQA1,LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, and GC among threecastes, four tribal and one religious group fromWest Bengal and Manipur (East India). They

observed very low genetic distance between theBrahmin and Kayastha communities in relationto the Garo. Genetic affinities among the popula-tions of Manipur reveal very close associationbetween the Meitei, Naga, Hmar, and Kuki.

From Sikkim (East India), Bhasin et al. (1986b)studied 13 populations and they observed threeclusters—the first one of the population groupswith Caucasoid affinities with some Mongoloidadmixture [Brahmins, Chhetris and Pradhans(Newars)], the second of population groups withMongoloid affinities and certain degree ofCaucasoid admixture (Bhutias of North Sikkim,Sherpas, Scheduled castes, Tamangs andGurungs) and the third one of population groupswith Mongoloid affinities [Lepchas of North andRest of Sikkim, Bhutias of Rest of Sikkim, Raisand Limboos (Subbas)]. They concluded that thegenetic relationship of 13 Sikkim populationsunder study reflects fairly well their ethnic andlinguistic affiliations.

Kashyap et al. (2002) reported results only of15 STR loci in three population groups of Sikkim(East India) namely Nepali, Bhutia, and Lepcha.

From East India - West Bengal, ten endoga-mousgroups [Rarhi Brahmin, Vaidya (caste groups);Rajbanshi, Bagdi and Jalia Kaibarta (scheduled castegroups); Rabha, Garo, Mech, Munda and Lodha(tribal groups)] which encompass all social ranks inthe caste hierarchy and cover almost the entiregeographic area of the state were studied byChakraborty et al. (1986). They observed that overallgenetic differentiation is not in accord with theclassification based on caste as two low rankingscheduled castes are in close proximity with thehigh castes, which suggests gene flow in pastgenerations. They further observed that threedifferent clusters of groups emerge from the presentdata providing support for the anthropologicassertion that in Bengal, Proto-Australoid,Caucasoid and Mongoloid racial elements generallyco-exist. However, these three components are notuniformly present in all groups. Geographicseparation of these groups is a strong determinantof the gene differentiation that exists among them.However, they added that these findings are inqualitative agreement with the postulates given inthe ethno-history of these populations but none ofthese results is conclusive.

Ashma and Kashyap (2002) have reported theresults of 15 STR loci among four populationgroups namely Brahmin, Bhumihar Brahmin,Rajput, and Kayasth from Bihar (East India).

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Differences have been reported among lowcaste Hindus of West Bengal and Tribals (Biharand Orissa), Eastern India by genetic distanceanalysis by Roychoudhury (1981). He observedtwo clusters, one made by the low caste Hindus,and the other by tribal groups. Further, he foundthat the genetic relationship of the Bengalis iscloser to the North Indians than to the Bhutanese,Nepalese, Tibetans and Chinese, and Bhutanese,Tibetans and Chinese are closer to each otherthan the Nepalese.

Sahoo and Kashyap (2002) reported four castegroups from Orissa (East India) namely OriyaBrahmins, Khandayat, Karan, and Gope using 16STR loci, but the results have not been discussed.

Mukherjee et al. (2000) studied five tribalgroups from Madhya Pradesh , Central India(Muria and Halba of Bastar District; Kamar,Chinda Bhunjia and Chaukutia Bhunjia fromRaipur District (These districts are now in newState of Chhattisgarh)They analysed 16polymorphic loci, of which nine were insertion/deletion polymorphisms (Indels) and theremaining seven were RFLPs. They observed thatMuria and Kamar are close to each other. Fromethno-historical accounts, it is known that boththese groups are descendants of Dravidianspeaking Gonds. The two subscribes of theBhunjias Chinda and Chaukhutia are geneticallyclose to each other. The Halbas are geneticallydistinct from these two clusters of populationsas they are Indo-European speakers and do notshare any common ancestry with the Gonds. Thegenomic affinities of these tribal groupscorrespond closely with their ethnohistorical andlinguistic affinities.

The results of two pentanucleotide STR andthirteen tetranucleotide STR markers have beenreported among four population groups – Agharia,Satmani, Dheria Gond and Teli of Central India(Chhattisgarh) by Sarkar and Kashyap (2002).

Kashyap et al. (2002) reported the results of16 STR loci in five endogamous populations ofIndia namely Bhumihar from Bihar (East India),Reddy and Sakunapakshollu of Andhra Pradesh(South India), Naga of Manipur and Nagaland(East India) and Khandait of Orissa (East India).

From South India genetic analysis of nineendogamous groups (caste groups—Brahmin,Nayar, Izhava, Scheduled Castes; ReligiousGroups—Muslim and Christian, and tribalgroups—Malayaran, Irula, Kurumba and Toda)was reported by Saha et al. (1976). They observed

that tribal groups stand apart from Hindupopulation groups as well as from each other.

Similarly, from Andhra Pradesh (South India),some endogamous groups belonging to Brahman,Vysya and Sudra (except Kshatriya) have beeninvestigated to study the genetic differentiationby Char et al. (1989) and they observed that theseparation of the caste populations in thedendrograms fits well with social rank in thehierarchy of the Hindu caste system.

From Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Islands),Kashyap et al. (2003) studied the polymorphismat fifteen autosomal short tandem repeat (STR)loci, mitochondrial control region sequences andeight Y chromosomal STR loci in 194 bloodsamples, of which 94 samples were from theAndaman Negritos (24 Great Andamanese and70 Jarawas) and 100 Nicobarese, a Mongoloidgroup of Nicobar Island and evaluated theirrelatedness with similar ethnic groups of India,South-east Asia and Africa. They observed thatthe aboriginal populations of the AndamanIslands – the Great Andamanese and the Jarawasconstitute an independent cluster, separating outfrom all other populations (Hmar, Lusai, Mara,Lai, Hong Kong Chinese, Nicobarese, Saora,Juang, Paroja, US Caucasian, US Hispanic, USAfrican American, West African) selected in thestudy . They found that the Nicobarese show aclose affinity with the Mongoloid population ofSouth-east Asia whereas the distinct geneticidentity of the aboriginal populations of theAndaman Islands and other Asian and Africanpopulations deciphered by nuclear andmitochondrial DNA diversities suggest that (i)either the aboriginals of Andaman are one of thesurviving descendents of settlers from an earlymigration out of Africa who remained in isolationin their habitat in Andaman Islands, or (ii) theyare the descendents of one of the founderpopulations of modern humans.

Balakrishnan (1978) has studied geneticrelationship between tribal and non-tribalpopulations of India. He observed that the twogroups are distinct from one another and obtainedfour clusters (two each in tribal and non-tribalgroups). He suggested that these might be termedCaucasoid-Aryan, Caucasoid-Dravidian, Austra-loid, and Mongoloid based on location andnature of the populations in each cluster. He alsoreported considerable homogeneity amongpopulations of North-West India (Balakrishnan1978). That homogeneity is increased in certain

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regions by excluding the tribal populations waspointed out by Balakrishnan (1981).

Roychoudhury (1977) investigated genediversity in Indian population. He observed thata small fraction of total gene diversity is attributedto the genetic differences between Indian popu-lations. Further, he found that the genetic dis-tances between Indians and three major races ofmankind, Caucasoids, Mongoloids, and Negroidsindicate that Indians are closer to Mongoloidsthan to Caucasoids or Negroids. Balakrishnan(1981) observed that the opinion of Roy-choudhury (1977) that there is no justification inclassifying Indian populations geneticallyappears to be a cry of despair. According to him,the choosing of populations by Roychoudhurydoes not appear to be a correct procedure. Furtherto Roychoudhury’s observation that Indians arecloser to Mongoloids than to Caucasoids,Balakrishnan reacted by saying that it was afinding, which does not tally with whatever isknown about immigrations into India.

Mukherjee et al. (1999) reported 4 STR loci(CSF1P0, TPOX, TH01, VWA) among eight casteand tribal population groups of Eastern India(Agharia, Gaud, Tanti (Caste groups) of Orissa;Bagdi, Brahmin (Caste groups) and Santal (Tribe)from West Bengal; Brahmin and Chamar (Castegroups) from North India (Uttar Pradesh) and theyobserved genetic similarity with geographicproximity of habitat but not with socio-culturalproximity.

Majumder et al. (1999) studied 8 human-specific insertion/deletion loci among 14 ethnicpopulations of India (Caste Groups - Agharia,Gaud, Tanti and Tribe – Munda from Orissa –East India; Caste Groups – Bagdi, Brahmin,Mahishya and Tribes – Lodha and Santhal ofWest Bengal - East India; Caste Groups – Brahmin,Rajput, Chamar and Religious group – Muslimfrom North India - Uttar Pradesh; and Tribe –Tipperah or Tripuri from Tripura – East India).They observed that the affinities among castepopulations do not correlate well with their socio-cultural affiliation. Instead, populations thatoccupy closer geographical habitat show, largely,closer genomic affinity, as the Upper CasteBrahmin groups sampled from distant geo-graphical regions of Uttar Pradesh and WestBengal do not show close genomic similarity, butthe Brahmins of West Bengal are genetically closeto low caste populations (Mahishya and Bagdi)who reside in close geographical proximity.

Similarly, the Brahmins (Caste Group) of UttarPradesh show close genomic affinities with twoother populations – Rajputs (Caste Group) andMuslims (Religious Group) – inhabiting conti-guous geographical regions, whereas Chamar(Scheduled Caste) is genetically quite distant fromBrahmins, Rajputs and Muslims of Uttar Pradesh.Out of the four tribal groups three tribal groups(Santal, Lodha and Munda) are linguisticallyAustro-Asiatic and the fourth (Tipperah) isTibeto-Burman and this group falls apart gene-tically, whereas Lodhas and Munda show closegenomic affinities and form a distinct clusterwhich also includes another middle caste group(Gaud) who occupy overlapping geographicalhabitat with them. They further observed thatIndian populations are genetically betweenCaucasoids and Mongoloids.

About higher than predicted heterozygositiescoupled with a high level of genetic differen-tiation, they provided two explanations1. inflow of genes into the populations under

study have been high (resulting in higher thanpredicted heterozygosities), but differentstudy populations have had different sourcesof genes (resulting in high levels of geneticdifferentiation), and

2. an early inflow of genes into a populationfollowed by a rapid expansion of this popula-tion (resulting in high heterozygosities) andsubsequent splits of this population intolargely isolated (endogamous) populations(resulting in high levels of genetic differen-tiation).Mourant (1983) observed that Caucasoids

and Mongoloids show some fairly definite bloodgroup differences, but the two ‘races’ resembleone another more closely than either of them doesthe Negroids. The differences are largelyquantitative ones of gene frequencies rather thanqualitative presence or absence of particulargenes. However he further added that thedifference between the two ‘races’ (Mongoloidsand Caucasoids) appears rather sharp as onecrosses the mountains on the northern boundaryof the Indian sub-continent. The passage fromIndian to Burmese is somewhat a more gradualone probably because contact here has beenpresent for a very long time and some mixing hastaken place. On the other hand, the Mongoloidsnorth of the mountains were probably fullydifferentiated in the Far East before the retreat ofthe ice allowed them to enter Tibet.

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Attempts have been made to study the geneticrelationships between Indian populations and thepeople of neighbouring countries and it has beendemonstrated that the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka arecloser to the Tamils and Keralites of South Indiaand upper castes of Bengal than they are to thepopulations like the Parsis and Iranis in WesternIndia who have been shown to be geneticallyaffiliated to the Persian and Turkoman speakingpeoples in Iran, respectively (Kirk et al. 1977).

Papiha and Mastana (1999) analysed fourVNTR loci in five Indian population groups(Punjabi, Northwest India; Brahmin and Gujarati,Western India; Muslim, South India; Bengali,Northeast India) and compared the results withthat obtained on a Sinhalese sample from SriLanka. They could confirm, “that the present daygene pool of the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka seems tohave originated largely via migration from thenortheastern region of India” (p. 13).

STR studies (six loci) on three tribal groupsof South India-Andhra Pradesh (Koya, Lambadi,and Chenchu), two caste groups of Western India(Brahmin and Patel-Gujarati) and a tribal group(Kanet) of Himachal Pradesh (North India)revealed, “that the geographically close castepopulations show the greatest affinity. However,the tribal populations from the same region eachshow a distinct gene pool with very little affinityfor each other” (Papiha and Mastana, 2000 :p.16). They concluded. that “these results demon-strate that molecular STR systems are additionaland powerful markers for genetic differentiationand evolutionary studies” (p. 17).

The genetic relationships of four Indian sub-continent populations (peoples from Punjab,Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Bangladesh) withtheir neigbouring populations—Iranians,Afghans, Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, Nepalese,Bhutanese, Malays, Bataks in northern Sumatraand Chinese studied by Roychoudhury and Nei(1985) show that the populations of the Indiansub-continent and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka are closerto Iranians and Afghans than to Mongo-loidpopulations and Iranians are closer to theiradjacent neighbours i.e. Afghans and NorthernIndians (Punjabi) than to their distant neighbours,i.e. Western and Southern Indians, the Sinhaleseof Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Muslims. Similarlythey found that the Southern Indians were closerto their neighbouring populations i.e. WesternIndians and the Sinhalese and concluded thatthere is a general tendency of positive correlation

between genetic distance and geographicdistance. However, they observed that this is nottrue for the Bangladesh population, which isgeographically closer to the Nepalese and Bhuta-nese, but its genetic distances from these twopopulations are larger than that from Iranians andAfghans. The Nepalese and Bhutanese are alsogenetically closer to the Malayan and Chinesethan to any Indian subcontinent population.

Roychoudhury and Nei (1985) reported thatthe values of genetic distances indicate thatSouthern Indians (Andhra Hindus) and theSinhalese are slightly closer to the Mongoloidpopulations than Caucasoid populations, andobserved that this was due to gene exchange inthe past. In this connection they noted that theSinhalese, as well as Veddah of Sri Lanka, whoare supposed to be an ancient mixture ofCaucasoid and Australoid peoples (Coon 1970)have incidences of TF*Chi and HB*E alleles,which are prevalent in Southeast Asia (Kirk et al.1962; Wickermasinghe et al. 1963) (For detailssee Bhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).


The dendrograms were generated on the basisof biogenetical traits (genetic, dermatoglyphic,anthropometric) and Hiernaux distances forvarious Indian populations subdivided by1. Zones/Geographical Regions (North, West,

East, Central and South),2. Ethnic Groups (Caste, Scheduled Caste,

Scheduled Tribe, Community),3. Linguistic Division (Austro-Asiatic, Tibeto-

Chinese, Dravidian and Indo-European),4. Geographical Proximity and Social Ranking

Based on Genetic Distances,5. Dendrograms Generated based on

Dermatoglyphic, Anthropometric, andHiernaux Distances for Indian PopulationGroups Subdivided by Regions and SocialRanking,

6. Dendrogram of Genetic Markers Accordingto Different Language Families and EthnicGroups of India,

7. Dendrogram of Dermatoglyphic TraitsAccording to Different Language Familiesand Ethnic Groups of India,

8. Dendrogram of Anthropometric TraitsAccording to Different Language Familiesand Ethnic Groups of India, and

9. Dendrogram of Hiernaux Distances

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According to Different Language Familiesand Ethnic Groups of India

5.9.1. Zones/Geographical Regions (North,West, East, Central, and South)

The dendrograms generated based ongenetic, dermatoglyphic, anthropometric andHiernaux distances for various Indian populationssubdivided by zones (North, West, East, Central,and South India) are represented in Figure 13.Clustering of various zones based on thesedistances yields the following picture.

The dendrogram based on genetic distancesshows two main clusters—one consisting ofNorth and East India and second consisting ofCentral and South India. In the first cluster ofNorth and East India zones which is due togeographical proximity, racial and linguisticaffinities as majority of the population groupsreported from these two zones belong to theCaucasoid group and speak Indo-Europeanlanguages and also since most of the studiesreported are from the Himalayan populations,many of them show Mongoloid admixture invarying degree. Further, it is reported that geneticrelationship of the Bengalis is closer to the NorthIndians (Roychoudhury 1981, 1983b). In thesecond cluster of Central and South India zoneswhich are closer again due to geographicalproximity and further because about 50 per centof all the studies reported are among the scheduledtribes which may be responsible for theirobserved closer genetic similarity, since it hasbeen reported that closer the geographicalposition between populations the closer thegenetic or/and morphological similarity betweenthem (Blake et al. 1981; Pingle 1984). Thus, thepopulation groups of Central and South Indiashow smaller amount of gene differentiationamong them than those from North, East, andWest India.

The single point clusters of West India zonemay be due to the distribution of number ofstudies reported i.e. about 60 per cent are amongthe caste groups and communities as comparedto East, Central, and South India zones. The natureof the genetic variation in the people of WestIndia studied by Sanghvi (1978), on the basis ofanalysis, suggested that the bulk of the popu-lation of Maharashtra has been indigenous andhas progressed over the last five millennia moreunder cultural interaction than on large scale

immigrations and there is limited inflow of genesinto this region through Brahmins and some othersmall groups. On the other hand, Gujarat is a morecomplex region mainly due to its geographicallocation along the western coast of India, anddue to its inland connections. Gujarat has beenassimilating and absorbing various populationand cultural streams, which came into this regionin the course of its history. Indraji (1896), Shaw(1964), and Fuchs (1977) have described this indetails. These manifold connections and contactswith other populations coming into Gujaratcertainly have affected the genetic compositionof the present-day inhabitants of the state.

In the dendrogram based on dermatoglyphicdistances, it is observed that North, Central, andSouth India form one main cluster while East Indiaclearly separates out from this cluster. Again, theCentral and South India zones show smalldistance and that this may be due to the maximumnumber of studies reported among scheduledtribes. North India zone is also showing smalldistance with these zones and it has beenobserved that maximum studies reported from thiszone are from Western and Central HimalayanRegions, where Mongoloid admixture has beenobserved among the population groups of innerand middle Himalayas which show somewhatsimilar pattern of distribution of dermatoglyphictraits as observed among the scheduled tribegroups. Next comes West India, from wherealmost all the studies are among scheduled tribes.The East India zone is falling apart and it hasbeen observed that about 55 per cent studies arefrom Eastern Himalayan region and as manystudies are from scheduled tribes. It has beenfound that the distribution of patterns of variousdermatoglyphic traits among population groupsof East India is quite different from the rest of thezones. However, it is difficult to interpret thepresent dermatoglyphics results, since as alsopointed out by Jantz and Hawkinson (1979),dermatoglyphics when incorporated intopopulation studies along with other types of data,often produces results difficult to interpret.Friedlander (1971) and Neel et al. (1974) who foundno agreement between dermatoglyphics variationwith anthropometry and/or serology have madesimilar observations.

The trend observed for dermatoglyphic traitsis in sharp contrast to the clustering observed inthe dendrogram based on anthropometricdistances. Zegura and Jamison (1978) suggested

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that anthropometric variables might be moreinfluenced by the environment as compared todermatoglyphic traits, at least in the case of digitalvariables, are more affected by random evolu-tionary processes—notably founder effect andrandom genetic drift (Meier 1974). Thus, a closecorrespondence would not necessarily existbetween anthropometric and dermatoglyphictraits, since different conditions and processesare responsible for bringing about biologicalchanges and population differences. It is foundthat West, East, South and Central India togetherform one major cluster and separating out from

them is North India. It is noted that from NorthIndia, maximum studies are available amongcastes and communities and Balakrishnan (1978)that considerable homogeneity has beendemonstrated has reported it among populationsof North-West India and it has been furtherpointed out by Balakrishnan (1981) thathomogeneity is increased in certain regions byexcluding the tribal populations (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

It has been observed that among the NorthIndians the predominant racial element is theCaucasoid (Aryan) as compared to rest of the

Fig. 13. Dendrograms of Genetic Markers, Dermatoglyphic Traits, Anthropometric Traits andHiernaux Distances According to Different Zones of India

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zones, whereas among the population groups ofEast India the racial elements present are thoseof Australoid (Pre-Dravidian), Caucasoid (Aryan,Dravidian) or/and Mongoloid in varying degree.Among the population groups of South Indiazone the racial elements present are Australoid(Pre-Dravidian), Caucasoid (Dravidian) with someadmixture with Caucasoid (Aryan). According toRoychoudhury and Nei (1985) Mongoloidelement may be present among some populationsof South India and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) due tothe presence of TF*Chi and HB*E alleles whichare prevalent in Southeast Asia. The differencesobserved for West India from where most of theethnic groups reported are caste and community,as also observed from North India, as comparedto Central India where almost all the studiesbelong to scheduled tribes. Balakrishnan (1978)among others concluded that tribal groups aredistinct from the non-tribal groups.

It has been observed that the variations inthe clustering pattern for different sets ofcharacters may be due to variation in the heritablenature of various traits. As also observed by Neiand Roychoudhury (1972) that genetic distancebetween populations is not always correlated withtheir morphological difference. The evolution atstructural gene level and that at the morphologicallevel do not obey the same rule. They noted thiswhen they compared the protein differences withthe morphological differences for the three majorraces of man. From their observation that thestructural genes that produce proteins areremarkably similar among the three major races ofman compared with the differences in somemorphological characters, they concluded thatthe genes controlling the morphologicalcharacters were subject to stronger naturalselection than “average genes” in the process ofracial differentiation (For details see Bhasin et al.1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

Lastly, in the dendrogram based on Hiernauxdistances two clusters have been identified bythis analysis, first corresponding to the North,West, South, and Central India, and second toEast India. This shows that there is generaltendency of positive correlation between geneticdistance and geographic distance. As it has beenfound, that West Indians are closer to theirneighbours—North and South Indians are closerto the Central Indians, which in turn is not truefor East Indians. This may be due to somebiological connections of the East Indians with

the people of East Asia and South-East Asia (Flatz1967; Flatz et al. 1972; Goedde et al. 1972; Blakeand Omoto 1975, among others).

5.9.2. Ethnic Groups (Caste, Scheduled Caste,Scheduled Tribe, Community)

Figure 14 shows dendrograms for variousIndian populations based on social ranking.Irrespective of various distances, i.e. genetic,dermatoglyphic, anthropometric and Hiernauxdistances, clustering of different groups classifiedby social ranking is relatively clear.

It is observed that caste group is invariablyclustered with the scheduled caste and thecommunity, while the scheduled tribe is distinctfrom all. An explanation of this phenomenon canbe found in the fact that the scheduled castesmay have in them a substantial contribution ofgene flow from the higher castes in pastgenerations (Majumdar 1965). Since thecommunities are grouped based on religion,occupation etc. they represent a heterogeneousgroup. The distribution of major ethniccomponents may be present in the proportionssimilar to those observed in caste groups as thegroups forming the communities in one way orthe other are the offshoot of the major Indianethnic stock (mainly the groups based on Varnasystem of Manu) at different periods of time inIndian history. The scheduled tribes, whorepresent mainly the Australoid (Pre-Dravidian),or Mongoloid strain, understandably are distinctfrom all the other groups subdivided by socialranking. Similar findings have also been reportedby many other investigators (for exampleBalakrishnan 1978; Bhasin et al. 1986; Chakrabortyet al. 1986; Char et al. 1989; Danker-Hopfe et al.1988; Mukherjee et al. 1979, 1989; Papiha et al.1982; Roychoudhury 1984; Saha et al. 1976;Walter et al. 1993).

5.9.3. Linguistic Division (Austro-Asiatic,Tibeto-Chinese, Dravidian, andIndo-European)

The dendrograms for different Indianpopulations subdivided by language families arepresented in Figure 15. With the exception of thedendrogram based on anthropometric distances,all other dendrograms show almost similarclustering pattern. It is observed that Indianpopulation groups classified by Austro-Asiatic,

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Dravidian, and Indo-European linguisticcategories form one major cluster, while thoseclassified by Tibeto-Chinese category stand outfrom them.

Given the history of Indian populations, it isworthwhile to mention as proposed by Hutton(1981) that Austro-Asiatic speakers represent theearliest inhabitants of the Indian subcontinentand are descendants of two early migrations intoSouth Asia from Central Asia. Dravidian speakersfollowed these Austro-Asiatic speakers. Thoughcurrently concentrated in Southern India southof the Godavari River, recent linguistic analysessuggest that Dravidian languages once occupieda much larger area of Western and Southern India.

Glottochronology studies (Gardner 1980) indicatethat these languages in South Asia date no earlierthan 3000 B.C. Linguistic connections betweenDravidian languages of South India, Elamite ofIran, and Uralic in Central Asia suggest that thelanguage family was brought to South Asia fromthe northwest (Fairservis and Southworth 1989;McAlpin 1975, 1981; Tyler 1967).

Indo-European languages are spoken by thevast majority of South Asians and are primarilyconcentrated in Northern and Western India. Theyrepresent a relatively recent introduction from theWest, not earlier than the latter half of the secondmillennium B.C. This date has been establishedbased on archaeological, linguistico-textual, and

Fig. 14. Dendrograms of Genetic Markers, Dermatoglyphic Traits, Anthropometric Traits andHiernaux Distances According to Different Ethnic Groups of India

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glottochronological evidences (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

Quintana-Murci et al. (2001) reported geneticevidence for the occurrence of two majorpopulation movements, supporting a model ofdemic (of the people) diffusion of early farmersfrom South Western Iran - and the pastoralnomads from Western and Central Asia-into Indiawith Dravidian and Indo-European-languagedispersals, respectively. Farming and animaldomestication are recent phenomena in humanhistory occurring from 10,000 years before presentonward. Farming arose independently in severalparts of the world, including in the Middle Eastknown as the “Fertile Crescent”. Which extendsfrom Israel through Northern Syria to WesternIran? From this region, agriculture expanded inboth western and eastern directions. The spreadof farming economy toward the east into the areafrom Iran to India started between sixth and fifthmillennia B.C. Pastoral nomadism developed inthe grasslands of Central Asia east of the Volga-Don region, as well as in Southeastern Europe,opening up the possibility of rapid movementsof large population groups (Zvelebil 1980). Thespread of these new technologies has beenassociated with the dispersal of Dravidian andIndo-Iranian languages in Southern Asia (Renfrew1987; Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1988). SpecificallyElanio-Dravidian languages (Ruhlen 1991), whichmay have originated in the Elam Province (ZagrosMountains, Southwestern Iran), and nowconfined to southeastern India and to someisolated groups in Pakistan and Northern India.It is hypothesized that the proto-Elamo-Dravidianlanguage, spoken by the Elamites in South-western Iran, spread eastward with the movementof farmers from this region (Cavalli-Sforza et al.1994; Renfrew 1996). A later episode, the arrivalof pastoral nomads from the Central Asia steppesto the Iranian plateau, about 4000 years beforepresent, brought with it the Indo-Iranian branchof the Indo-European language family, whicheventually replaced Dravidian languages in Iranand most of Pakistan and Northern India, perhapsby an elite-dominance process (Renfrew 1987,1996; Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1998). The incursion ofthese “Aryan” people coincided with thedecadence of important Neolithic cultures suchas the Harppan civilization, by about 3000-4000years before present. To evaluate these linguisticand archaeological observations, and the geneticimpact of these events, Quintana-Murci et al.

(2001) studied 459 Y-CHROMOSOMES fromseveral populations located in a key geographicalposition between the Fertile Cresent, Central Asia,the Indus Valley, and Northern India and theresults were compared with data from neigh-bouring Pakistani populations. They have definedY-Chromosome haplogroups (HGs) by theanalysis of 11 biallelic markers. They reportedthat the geographical distribution, observedclines, and estimated ages of HG-9 and HG-3chromosomes in Southwestern Asia all supporta model of demic diffusion of early farmers fromSouthwestern Iran - and nomads from Westernand Central Asia into India, bringing the spreadof genes and culture (including language) toSouthwestern Asia. However, they added thatalthough alternative, explanations that are morecomplex are possible, the analysis of the modernmale-specific gene pools in these populationssuggest that major demographic events,involving migration and admixture, accompaniedthese historical and linguistic events. Reddy etal. (2005) based on autosomal Short TandemRepeat (STR) loci have shown that populationsof India have their own linguistic and geographicclusters while Kumar et al. (2007) based on Y-chromosome have suggested a separate geneticidentity of the Austro-Asiatic groups, implyingthat these linguistic groups have their owngenetic characteristics. Kumar et al. (2008)analysed Y-SNPs and STRs and suggest that theIndo-European transitional groups are geneticallyMudari and have acquired the present languagethrough the process of cultural diffusion, whilein the case of Dravidian transitional groups, thespread of language seems to be due to the processof both, the demic and cultural diffusion. Trivediet al. (2008) proposed that the present dayDravidian speaking populations of South Indiaare the descendants of earliest Pleistocenesettlers while Austro-Asiatic speakers came fromSouth East Asia in a later migration event

The distribution of language families in thesubcontinent suggests that Indian populationsare the product of interaction between at leastthree different population substrates as alsosuggested by Hutton (1981).

The Tibeto-Chinese languages are spoken bythe Indian populations along the northern andnortheastern (Himalayan region) periphery of thesubcontinent and these populations are theproduct of differential admixtures betweennorthern Mongoloids and three distinct

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populations, namely speakers of Austro-Asiatic,Dravidian, and Indo-European languages.

As observed, from the dendrograms, thespeakers of Tibeto-Chinese languages stand sepa-rately from the speakers of rest of the languagesexcept in the anthropometric dendrogram, whereTibeto-Chinese linguistic group shows smalldifferences with the Indo-European linguisticgroup and they are closer to Austro-Asiatic andDravidian linguistic groups. From these dendro-grams, it is reasonable to believe that the currentpopulation of Indian Region is the product ofdifferential admixture of Austro-Asiatic withDravidian, Dravidian with Indo-Aryan and Tibeto-Chinese with Indo-European and with Dravidianand Austro-Asiatic (For details see Bhasin et al.1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

Roychoudhury et al. (2001) studied eight tribalgroups representing Austro-Asiatic (Santal,Munda, Lodha), Dravidian (Muria, Kota, Kurumbaand Irula) and Tibeto-Burman (Tipperah)linguistic groups by using a set of autosomal DNAmarkers, mtDNA restriction-site polymorphisms(RSPs) and mtDNA hyper variable segment-1(HVS-1) sequence polymor-phisms to find outcorrespondence between linguistic and genomicaffinities among them. They observed that theAustro-Asiatic tribal groups (Lodha and Santal)form one cluster, the Tibeto-Burman speakingTipperah forms a separate cluster, and theDravidian tribal groups (Irula, Kurumba, Kota,and Muria) although not forming a tight cluster,are positioned in between the Austro-Asiatic andTibeto-Burman clusters. They further observed

Fig. 15. Dendrograms of Genetic Markers, Dermatoglyphic Traits, Anthropometric Traits andHiernaux Distances According to Different Language Families of India

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that the different language groups in Indiarepresent distinct founding groups, and that theAustro-Asiatic speakers are likely to have beenthe most ancient inhabitants of India (Majumdaret al. 1999; Basu et al. 2000, 2001).

5.9.4. Geographical Proximity and SocialRanking Based on Genetic Distances

Clustering of the population groups of Indiasubdivided by geographical proximity and socialranking based on genetic distances is clearly seenin the dendrogram presented in Figure 16.

In aggregate, one observes three main clus-ters: first consisting of the North and the Westzones, the second consisting of the East zoneand the third consisting of the North and theSouth zones. In the first cluster, it is also observedthat the populations classified according to theirsocial ranking cluster together in a way that isanticipated based on their traditional ranking. Thisaffiliation between populations is also equally truefor the other two clusters.

First cluster reveals a close relationship bet-ween caste, scheduled caste, and community ofNorth, West, and South India. Since most of thescheduled caste groups and communities in India

are heterogeneous and represent Caucasoid(Dravidian and/or Aryan) components (except forthose in Eastern India) in different proportions,their closeness with the higher groups especiallycaste groups, is not unwarranted.

The scheduled caste groups of West Indiaclustering with the scheduled tribes once againstress the fact that the chanelisation of gene flowbetween the two cannot be overlooked.

The salient feature of the dendrogram is thatall the population groups of Eastern India form asingle cluster, irrespective of their division bysocial ranking. This is reasonably so, becauseEastern India is represented by people withMongoloid ethnic strain from the Northeasternregion, non-tribals of Caucasoid origin from theNorthwestern region and tribals from theSouthern and Southwestern regions. Therefore,the clustering of the scheduled tribes of SouthIndia with those of Eastern India is not incidental.The historical evidence indicates a very strong,viable, and close contact between the people ofthe Eastern and South India. The spread ofBuddhism made deep inroads into the life styleof the people of South India even before thebeginning of Christian era. Further, it has beenobserved that the scheduled tribes of East India

Fig. 16. Dendrogram of Genetic Markers According to Different Zones and Ethnic Groups of India

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are having predominantly Australoid (Pre-Dravidian) racial element and admixture withCaucasoids (Dravidians) and Mongoloids invarying degrees; South Indian tribes are alsopredominantly Australoid (Pre-Dravidian) andhaving admixture with Caucasoids (Dravidians).

Lastly, the Scheduled tribes of North Indiaclustering with the Scheduled caste of South Indiamay be attributed to the fact that scheduled tribesof the North may still be harbouring the remanentof Caucasoid (Dravidian) strain in them throughtheir early contact in North India (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

5.9.5. Dendrograms Generated based onDermatoglyphic, Anthropometric andHiernaux Distances for Indian PopulationGroups Subdivided by Regions and SocialRanking

The dendrograms generated based on derma-toglyphic, anthropometric and Hiernaux dis-tances for Indian population groups subdivided

by regions and social ranking are presented inFigures 17, 18 and 19, respectively.

From the dendrogram of dermatoglyphics (Fig.17), in general, it is rather difficult to evaluate theposition of the ethnic groups according to theirsocial ranks and their distribution into variouszones. Rothhammer et al. (1977) reported that eventhough no significant correlation existed betweengenetic and dermatoglyphic distances at the twolower levels it was nevertheless found at the tribaland racial levels. From these results, theyconcluded that “polygenic (dermatoglyphic)traits evolve at a slower rate than monogenicsystems, and are thus less susceptible toevolutionary forces, particularly genetic drift”.However, in general, it has been observed thatthe ethnic groups from North India show smalldistances while scheduled caste of North Indiaare nearer to the scheduled caste of South India.This may be due to contacts with Caucasoid(Dravidians) who came from North-West andmoved Southward. With the arrival of the Aryans,and between caste and scheduled caste of East

Fig. 17. Dendrogram of Dermatoglyphic Traits According to Different Zones and Ethnic Groups of India

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India it has been observed that the non-tribalpopulation of East India, who speak Indo-European languages are closer to the people ofNorthwestern India (also speakers of Indo-European languages). In turn, it has also beenobserved that caste groups of East India showsmall differences with South Indian community andscheduled tribe, which may be due to variablenumber of studies reported in the literature fromthese divisions. Another cluster shows closerelationships between different ethnic groups ofWest India with South India (Caste and Commu-nity). Based on odontometric analysis also,Hemphill et al. (1992) observed that Mahara-shtrians bear affinities with South Indian groups.Therefore, the closeness of the West Indians andthe South Indians is not surprising as noted byMalhotra (1984) and Malhotra et al. (1978) and theunique position of Maharashtra as the boundarybetween Indo-European and Dravidian speakingregions of India results in wide variations in maritalpatterns and village endogamy. It has beensuggested by Hemphill et al. (1992) that this may

simply reflect Maharashtra’s position as the ‘gateway’ between Dravidian and Indo-European India.Lastly, the scheduled tribe and community groupsof India fall closer to each other (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

From the anthropometric and Hiernauxdistances (Figs. 18 and 19) it has been observedthat except for North India, where all the four ethnicgroups fall nearer to each other in social rank—caste, community or/and scheduled caste andscheduled tribe while for the rest of the zones it isgenerally observed that caste, scheduled caste andcommunity groups are closer to each other, whereasscheduled tribe groups are nearer to one another.The ethnic groups of West India are closer to SouthIndia as observed before and scheduled tribes ofEast India and South India show small differencesas observed in dendrogram of genetic markers.

Thus, overall the various ethnic groups ofNorth India are showing less differences,different ethnic groups of West India and SouthIndia are falling nearer to each other andscheduled tribes of East India and South India

Fig. 18. Dendrogram of Anthropometric Traits According to Different Zones and Ethnic Groups of India

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are showing small distances and, in general,scheduled tribes are falling apart from the otherethnic groups as observed from the dendrogramsof genetic markers (Fig. 16), anthropometric traits(Fig. 18) and Hiernaux distances (Fig. 19).

5.9.6. Dendrogram of Genetic MarkersAccording to Different Language Familiesand Ethnic Groups of India

Figure 20 shows the dendrogram constitutedbased on genetic distance for Indian populationgroups classified by language families and socialranking.

In aggregate, two main clusters are observed-one consisting of Dravidian and Indo-Europeanpopulations with different social rankings, and asecond consisting of Tibeto-Chinese populationgroups with scheduled tribe associating with

community, Austro-Asiatic scheduled tribesstand distinct from all.

Given the history of Indian populations, it isreasonable to believe that considerable geneticadmixture has taken place. It can be inferred thatthe original nucleus of Indian populations wasprobably Dravidian, which may have been refinedto some extent by infusion of Aryan blood.Further, the associations of caste, community,scheduled caste, and scheduled tribe asobserved in the present study under eachlinguistic group conform to the overall socialranking of the traditional groups. Thus, theclustering of Dravidian and Indo-Europeanlinguistic groups is in qualitative agreement withthe ethnohistory of Indian populations. Similarly,clustering of Tibeto-Chinese scheduled tribesand community is in harmony with their ethnicbackground being preponderantly of a

Fig. 19. Dendrogram of Hiernaux Distances According to Different Zones and Ethnic Groups of India

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Mongoloid gene pool (For details see Bhasin etal. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001).

5.9.7. Dendrogram of Dermatoglyphic TraitsAccording to Different Language Familiesand Ethnic Groups of India

The dendrogram obtained based ondermatoglyphic distance for population groupsclassified by language families and social rankingis presented in Figure 21.

Here, too, it is observed that the distinctclusters conform to the one observed in thedendrogram based on genetic distances. Theresults are almost similar and clustering ofDravidian speaking people with those of Indo-European speaking people further substantiatesthe ethnohistory of Indian population thatDravidian has received certain amount of Aryanblood in their veins while Tibeto-Chinese whoshow Mongoloid affinities are comparativelymore distinct. Clustering of groups by their socialranking in a broad sense, confirm traditional socialgroupings (For details see Bhasin et al. 1994;Bhasin and Walter 2001).

5.9.8. Dendrogram of Anthropometric TraitsAccording to Different Language Familiesand Ethnic Groups of India

The dendrogram generated based onanthropometric traits for Indian populationsclassified by language families and social rankingis presented in Figure 22. It has been observedthat Tibeto-Chinese join the main cluster, whichconsists of Indo-European, and Dravidianspeaking people and Austro-Asiatic (ScheduledTribe) make a cluster with Dravidian (ScheduledTribe) and Indo-European (Scheduled Tribe). Thisis understandable, since as reported earlier theTibeto-Chinese speakers are dominating EasternHimalayan region in Eastern India and this zoneis the meeting ground of three ethnic groups:people with Mongoloid elements from theNortheastern region, non-tribals of Caucasoidorigin from Northwestern region and tribals fromthe Southern and Southwestern regions.Whereas Austro-Asiatic (Scheduled Tribe) makea cluster with Dravidian (Scheduled Tribe) andIndo-European (Scheduled Tribe) and these areshowing small differences with the Tibeto-

Fig. 20. Dendrogram of Genetic Markers According to Different Language Families and Ethnic Groupsof India

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Fig. 21. Dendrogram of Dermatoglyphic Traits According to Different Language Families and EthnicGroups of India

Fig. 22. Dendrogram of Anthropometric Traits According to Different Language Families and EthnicGroups of India



28 24 20 16 12 8 4













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Chinese (Scheduled Tribe) speakers. It hasalready been established that Austro-Asiaticspeaking tribals are predominating in Bihar, Orissa,as well as also in Central India, Assam and NicobarIslands, and admixture has taken place amongthem and other linguistic groups—Dravidian,Indo-European and Tibeto-Chinese, as well asbetween these groups in varying degrees. TheIndo-European and Dravidian speakers areshowing small distances and it has beensuggested that the Dravidians who enteredIndian region early and moved southward withthe arrival of Aryans have had admixture withthem.

5.9.9. Dendrogram of Hiernaux DistancesAccording to Different Language Familiesand Ethnic Groups of India

A similar trend is observed from the clusteringof the population groups in the dendrogram (Fig.23) generated based on Hiernaux distances.Nevertheless, it can be said that clustering

observed based on various biogenetics distancesis more justified for the Indian populationclassified by language families and social rankingas it goes well with their ethnohistory.

The above discussion was based on thedendrograms generated from various biogenetic(genetic, dermatoglyphics and anthropometric)traits and different Indian populations subdividedby geographical regions, social status andlinguistic division that have been consideredseparately as well as in combination viz.,geographical regions/zones with social ranks andsocial ranks with linguistic groups.1. From the dendrograms derived from various

geographical regions/zones (North, West,East, Central and South India) with morpho-genetic traits, it has been observed that thereis a general tendency of correlation betweenmorphogenetic distance with geographicdistance.

2. The dendrograms based on social ranking andmorphological traits show that the scheduledtribes are distant from all the other groups and

Fig. 23. Dendrogram of Hiernaux Distances According to Different Language Families and EthnicGroups of India

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caste group is invariably clustered with thescheduled caste and the community, whichshows that scheduled caste population mayhave in them a substantial trace of gene flowfrom upper castes or/and from communities,who are grouped on the basis of religion,occupation, and region, etc.Considering now India as a whole, thebiological trait distribution is seen to follow asimpler pattern than that might have beenexpected from the complex history of its people.The scheduled tribe groups stand out as auniform and unique population, showing lesssimilarity with the neighbouring peoples andcertainly much less when compared to thecaste groups of India.

3. From the dendrograms based on differentlinguistic groups, it has been observed thatAustro-Asiatic, Dravidian, and Indo-Europeanlinguistic categories form one cluster andTibeto-Chinese category stand out separately.It may be concluded that the current popu-

lation of India is the product of differentialadmixture between three distinct populationentities viz., Austro-Asiatic (Australoid or Pre-Dravidian), Dravidian and Indo-European(Caucasoid) linguistic groups, whereas theTibeto-Chinese linguistic group along theNortheastern and Northern peripheries of thesubcontinent is the product of admixture betweenMongoloids and Australoid and Caucasoidpopulations in varying degrees (For details seeBhasin et al. 1994; Bhasin and Walter 2001)


It may be concluded that there are differencesin the occurrence of the frequencies of variousbiogenetical traits (genetic markers of blood, othergenetic markers like colour blindness and tastingability, different dermatoglyphic and somatometrictraits) among the population groups inhabitingdifferent geographical zones of India viz. North,West, East, Central, South and Islands. From theHimalayan region, some differences in thefrequencies and mean values of distribution ofvarious genetic markers and morphological traitshave been observed among population groupsof Western and Eastern Himalayan regions. Sincesufficient studies are not available on thepopulation groups of Central Himalayan region,it has not been possible to observe a differentialtrend regarding the occurrence of various traits,

but it has been observed that the populationgroups in this area show more similarities withthose of Western than Eastern Himalayan region.

About the four groups i.e., caste, scheduledcaste, scheduled tribe, and community from India,various zones of India and Himalayan regions,conspicuous differences are observed among thescheduled tribes as compared to castes, sche-duled castes, and communities. It has been furtherobserved that the range in the occurrence of thefrequencies of the various genetic markers andmorphological traits among scheduled tribes issufficiently wide as compared to other groups.This may be because the scheduled tribes aresmall in numbers.

Most present day tribal populations (exceptMongoloids) are inhabiting the “Area of Isolationor cul-de-sac” which is defined by the Aravali,the Central Indian highlands and forestcomprising of Vindhyan complex, from the westcoast to the Bengal Delta, the western belt fromAravali, Sahyadris and the long chain of westernghats up to the southern tip of the peninsula andin the east down from eastern end of the Vindhyasthrough Nallamalai hills and the chain of easternghats culminating in the Nilgiris. The “Areas ofIsolation” are connected with the “Areas ofAttraction or Nuclear Region” and “Areas ofRelative Isolation” as defined by Subbarao (1958)by famous Z pattern line of communication forthe migration of people and culture dermonstra-ted by Richards (1933) based on archaeology andhistorical geography. It is along this line of commu-nication that the present day tribal populationsmay first have receded to their present habitat.From the size of these populations, it appears thatonly segments of larger populations receded intothe “Areas of Isolation” and not the entirepopulations (Negi 1976a).

v. Fürer-Haimendorf (1948) stated that it is aphenomenon peculiar to India that throughoutthe ages great civilizations have arisen withoutobliterating or absorbing all that has gone before;the older and more static cultures that gave waynot by disintegrating but by seeking refuse inremote areas, uncongenial to civilisation basedas it was on advanced agricultural economy.There can be no doubt that the so-called abori-ginals inhabiting such refuge areas representcomparatively old and primitive life.

The data available on scheduled castes aretoo few to observe any specific trend. However,reports available on castes and communities

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indicate a similar trend of the allele/haplotypefrequencies and mean values distribution. It maybe because the data on the various populationgroups have not been classified into specificgroups and instead have been lumped and placedin the category of community which distort thepeculiarity of the population. It is thereforedesirable that some more data should be analysedfrom the different population groups from variouszones to make the evaluation for genetic markersand morphological traits more clear.

It has been observed that the distributions ofvarious allele/haplotype frequencies and meanvalues in the different language families i.e.Austro-Asiatic, Tibeto-Chinese, Dravidian andIndo-European show almost similar patterns inthe various zones of India, regions of Himalayasand ethnic groups in the zones and regions.

The correlations of frequencies of geneticmarkers and mean values of morphological traitwith various climatic factors and altitude bydifferent ethnic groups although showingsignificant differences, in general are not high.

Nevertheless, it can be concluded that thevariations in the frequencies of genetic markersand mean values of morphological traitsdistribution in the Himalayan region may be dueto contacts between the various populationgroups of Western and Central Himalayas withpopulation groups of Central Asia, and that ofEastern Himalayas with the Northern Mongoloidpopulations. However, isolation effects due tolack of communications have to be considered inthe Himalayan region.

In West India, the distribution pattern infrequencies and mean values may have had animpact of the sea coast, which might have drawnstrangers both as conquerors and refugees fromother geographic areas, particularly from theMediterranean region and Middle East, and whomight have had contacts with the local people. InCentral India admixture with the populationgroups of West India can be assumed. In SouthIndia, a different pattern of allele/haplotypefrequencies and mean values is generallyobserved among the tribal population groups, forwhich one of the main causes might be seen insmall population sizes. Inbreeding is prevalentamong certain communities like Muslims, Parsisetc. and in most of the different population groupsparticularly from South India, which might havealso resulted in the marked variation in distributionof frequencies and mean values of differentgenetic markers and morphological traits.

The present study identifies various sources(ecological, social, and linguistic criteria etc.) asinfluencing patterns of biological relationshipsamong contemporary Indians. This stands indramatic contrast to several recent studies basedupon anthropometrics (Majumdar et al. 1990),ABO blood type frequencies (Majumdar and Roy1982) and craniometric measurements (Kennedyet al. 1984) which suggest that either no largescale biologically meaningful ethnic groups existin India or that South Asians represent a basicallyhomogeneous population which varies alongboth temporal and geographic lines.

The variations observed for the variousmorphogenetic traits in the distribution of allele/haplotype frequencies and mean values amongthe Indian population are due to racial elementspresent among them in varying degree due tomigrations and admixture from time to time.

The ‘Veddoids’ (Proto-Australoids/Austra-loids) are considered to have lived in India for along time and they are supposed to be the oneswho originally went to Australia and the diffe-rences observed in the gene frequencies betweenthese two groups (Indian and Australian) couldbe due to their numbers now being small. Theymust have undergone considerable genetic drift.It may be noted that they in their turn do notresemble Veddas of Sri Lanka either physicallyor in their blood groups. The latter resemble theaboriginal ‘Senoi of Malaya’ as the Veddas arethe only population outside Southeast Asiaknown to possess haemoglobin E.

The Andaman Islanders who are consideredto have Negrito racial strain bear a certainphysical resemblance to pygmies of CentralAfrica and it has for long been argued as towhether or not there is any genetic relationshipbetween them. The Andaman Islanders, who areprobably less mixed, having certain uniquefrequencies like absence of RH*cDe which mighthave been lost due to genetic drift and presenceof high RH*CDe and RH*cDE which suggests arelationship to the Melanesians to their eastrather than to Africans to their west.

There are indications that people of theCaucasoid human type and perhaps morespecifically something near that special typewhich is at present associated with theMediterranean area entered India from the north-west (i.e. the Near East of Europeans) and cameinto contact with the hunting and gatheringAustraloid peoples, who were the ancestors ofthe many present day tribal populations. These

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people who came from north-west belonged tothe Dravidian language family. This based onevidence of persistence to the present time of aDravidian language spoken by the Brahmi ofBaluchistan, since at present the Dravidianlanguages are confined to the southern states ofIndia. The Dravidian-speaking peoples of southof India who are considered to be one of theearliest differentiated branches of the Caucasoid‘race’ show resemblance to the peoples ofSouthwest Asia and the Mediterranean region.

Next came the Aryans who are identified withAryan or Indo-European group of languages andare best known from their great ancient scripture,the Rig Veda transmitted orally for over 2500years and not reduced to writing until thefourteenth century A.D. The North Indians fallbroadly in the category of Aryans. There havebeen, of course, many subsequent invasions butthe numbers of invaders who were added to thegeneral population have been relatively small.

Differences between the Mongoloid andCaucasoid appear to be sharp on the northernboundary of the Indian subcontinent whereMongoloid from Southeast Asia and East Asiamixed with the Caucasoids and/or Australoids.

In India, the differences in various biologicaltraits due to diversity of ethnic composition ofthe Indian population, consisting as it does ofelements of autochthonous, Caucasoid, andMongoloid origin, are well documented. TheIndian populations have interbred amongthemselves in varying degrees to give mixtures,which are difficult to unravel. Some of theprocesses of change—mutation, genetic drift, andlinkage equilibrium are almost totally uninfluencedby environment but one of these processes—natural selection—is so dependent. To someextent, the pattern of frequencies distribution ofvarious biological traits is to be regarded as theresult of natural selection related to the harmfuleffects of particular climatic and other localfeatures of the environment. However, one stillcannot know at all precisely which environmentalfeatures are involved, but these almost certainlyexpress themselves by tending to cause particulardiseases, to which people of certain geneticmarker group are more susceptible than another.

In addition to mutation, genetic drift, andnatural selection, severe epidemics, floods andfamine have at various times over the centuriesreduced the populations of different zones, andof India as a whole at various times over the

centuries, to levels where great accidentalfluctuations of gene frequencies were possible.Such fluctuations seem indeed to have occurred,as the frequencies observed at present bear lessrelationship to those of the original migrants and/or invaders.

It is needless to say that there is still a needfor assimilation of the new results, and for furtherstudies on similar lines. There are still importantgaps in our knowledge of the frequencies ofgenetic markers of key populations (for detailssee Bhasin et al. 1992). Gap-filling tests on selectedpopulations would make it possible to use theexisting observations much more effici-ently inworking out the relationships between the variouspeoples. As observed above, the available resultsrelating biology, linguistic and social structurevariables have given a good and clarified pictureof the Indian population.

The variations observed for the variousmorphogenetic traits in the distribution of allele/haplotype frequencies and mean values amongthe Indian population are due to racial elementspresent among them in varying degrees,migrations and admixture from time to time andother factors of evolutionary changes like matingpatterns, genetic drift, mutation and selectionunder different environments. Therefore, it maybe concluded that to understand the populationvariation of the heterogeneous Indian society,there is a need for a holistic approach-involvingenvironment, socio-cultural integrations, andbiological traits.

However, such a holistic approach should notonly consider the so far less investigated serumprotein and red cell enzyme polymorphisms, butshould analyze especially the regional and ethnicdistribution of the numerous nuclear andmitochondrial DNA polymorphisms, which turnedout to be of highest importance to populationgenetics. This could be shown e.g. recently byReddy (2008), who studied the genomic diversitymainly in and among different populations ofIndia.

It is hoped that in future the MolecularBiologists may follow this. The motto should notbe either … or but as well as! The MolecularBiologist should consider more than now theresults of the numerous population studiesconcerning the morphological traits, so-calledclassical genetic markers of the human blood. Thecombination of the results of all the types ofresearch would enable us to understand the

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effectiveness of the manifold processes, whichresulted in the biological variability of the modernman.


I am grateful for financial assistance by StiftungVolkswagenwerk, Hannover, Germany, on theproject title “Multivariat-statistische Unter-suchungen zur Anthropologie Indiens” from 1982– 1989 with Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. H. Walter.

I am obliged to Late Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. H.Walter, Department of Human Biology, Instituteof Biology/Chemistry, University Bremen, D-28334, Bremen, Germany), Professor Dr. B. MohanReddy (Biological Anthropology Unit (MolecularAnthropology Group), Indian Statistical Institute,Street No. 8, Habsiguda, Hyderabad 500 007,Andhra Pradesh, India) and Professor Dr. S.M.S.Chahal (Department of Human Biology, PunjabiUniversity, Patiala, Punjab, India) for checkingand editing the paper.

I apologise to those authors whose work isnot cited or cited only through reviews. Thereason for this are only the space limitations.


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