Page 1: The Celt School Brochure 2013

theCeltCeltic Harmony Camp, the experts in Iron Age Culture


15 years of HeritageEducation

WarriorFarmerWoodsman Hunter Chieftain

Celts Invade Curriculum

School trips all year round AD14

Who would

you choose

to be in

Iron Age


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Page 2: The Celt School Brochure 2013

””‘I was thoroughly impressed by the venue and the sessions on offer at Celtic Harmony. The site has been sensitively and traditionally developed to represent a Celtic establishment. Sessions have been very well designed to engage young people and teach them about Celtic traditions. The staff delivering the sessions were energetic and really encouraged young people to learn. To deliver a quality product Celtic Harmony have linked all their days to areas of the National Curriculum.’Teresa Thorp, Learning Outside the Classroom Inspector, April 2013

Organise your active day out in the Iron AgeCall us on 01438 718 543 or go online at

””‘Target the small and local

says Hannah Frankel in the Times Educational Supplement, and provides Celtic Harmony

themselves weaving, spinning, grinding grain, making bread, hunter-gathering and trading at this Iron Age Village.’

Dear Teachers and EducatorsThe draft history curriculum for KS2 calls for the study of ‘early Britons

and settlers including the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, Celtic culture and

patterns of settlement’. Since 1998 we have been offering pupils the chance

to experience life in pre-Roman Britain at our reconstructed Iron Age

settlement, and are acknowledged experts in Heritage Education:

Cover the Celts in a day!

All our activities are geared to cross-curricular learning and cover

National Curriculum topics and objectives including:

beliefs, plants and animals in their habitats, materials and their properties, responsibility for the environment.”All of the education team is busy preparing for the new academic year and

the new school trip programme.

Please do not hesitate to contact us or our school advisors so we can organise

your exciting trip to See, Smell, Touch, Hear and See Iron Age Britain.

Yours faithfully

Clare Holt Education Manager & Luca Parrella Heritage Manager

We provide opportunities for the youngest children to learn outside the

classroom, and themed activity days for pupils right up to the end of KS2.

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. Creating clay faces on trees . Boat making and sailing on the pond . Make your Journey rope . Salt dough mini-beast making

Woodsman four years +

Explore and learn in our woodlandCall us on 01438 718 543 or go online at”

Concern grows for children spending too long in the roundhouse:

multi-sensory activities led by our experienced

Forest School Practitioner

”‘The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience and have gained a huge amount of knowledge and understanding. This will, without doubt, remain with them for a very long time!’ Miss Victoria Pyne-Barham, St Joseph’s School

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. Den building in the woods . Hunting and gathering. Grinding grain on quern stones and making salt dough arrowheads. Traditional bartering and trading with Celtic coins. Listening to tales from Celtic folklore

”” ””to the children.’ Mrs Pullen, Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ Pre-Prep School, May 2013

‘We loved all the activities, it was a super day, and was tailored very well to the needs of our younger children. Many thanks.’ Allison Kendrick, St John’s C of E Primary School, June 2012

Experience Iron Age houses and homesCall us on 01438 718 543 or go online at

Young children learn to be resourceful as clans prepare to

expand into Trinovante territory.

A day for budding Iron Age hunters to explore the

roundhouses and the surrounding woodland.


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. Grinding grain on quern stones and making bread. Carding wool and weaving on warp-weighted looms. Traditional bartering and trading with Celtic coins. Warrior training - Celts versus Romans. Smelling the herbs from the native garden and dyeing armlets with natural dyes

Farmer six years +

””‘The weaving really makes them think about how things are made. Our children rarely have a chance to walk in nature or see how natural materials can be used. Some children who are challenging were able to take part in group work sensibly. This is the opening to our history topic so when we are teaching about the Celts, the children will have a good idea of what their way of life was like.’ Amani El-Alawneh, Wood End Academy, March, 2013

‘Lots of useful information was sent to us after booking, which included information about the farmers day itself, which I found extremely useful as I have not visited before. Great range of hands-on activities. Moving around the Camp meant that the children got to see and appreciate nature, e.g. the animals. It was a great start to our topic of theCelts. All of the staff were very knowledgeable, extremely friendly, and fun.’ Miss Ardrey, Abel Smith Primary, April 2013

Get back to the daily grind and make some dough!Call us on 01438 718 543 or go online at

Elders call for practical skills training for future farmers. Set your tribe to work on our Iron Age farmstead

Herbsto dye for!Only from


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. Explore the woods on a quest using your map and decoding the ogham script. Grind grain on quern stones to make

. Craft headbands with rush and get creative with the war paint. Learn the art of target archery. Hunting practice 3D archery in the woods. Traditional trade and barter with Celtic coins

Bring your tribe together as warriors!Call us on 01438 718 543 or go online at

Our leader Cunobelin, Chieftain of the Hertfordshire tribe the

Catuvellauni, says: ‘It is more important than ever to have a strong

tribe standing shoulder to shoulder.’

Unite the members of your tribe with this dynamic

team building day of challenges.

Warrior eight years + Warriors ‘r’ us!Looking forsome help?Need somef ighters?

Get in touch...

”‘The children were thoroughly engaged. It showed them how effective they could be in groups. It brought out the supportive as well as competitive in them. The children had a fabulous time. Five gold star experience. All the staff were knowledgeable ...

same experience.’

Amy Davis, Ley Hill School, March 2012

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Chieftain ten years +

”Develop leadership skills with outdoor challengesCall us on 01438 718 543 or go online at

. Fire lighting without matches. Tracking and orienteering. Crafting your own Chieftain torc necklace. Learn the art of target archery. Shoot 3D targets in the woods. Traditional trade and barter with Celtic coins

Could you have the next Boudicca or Cunobelin in your class? Have your pupils got what it takes to lead ourtribe in these uncertain times?

”‘Hands-on experience can’t be beaten – it makes history come alive – it becomes much more meaningful.’ Mandy Phipps, Channing School, March 2012

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CelticHarmonyCamp @Celtic_Harmony

Celtic Harmony Camp, The Iron Age SettlementBrickendon Lane, Near Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG13 8NY Telephone: 01438 718 543

of the natural world through the ancient celtic culture since 1998.

Owl Assemblies this winterYou can meet Quarny the European eagle Owl, Barnie the Barn Owl and Google the Great Grey in your school hall.

Forest Schoolyour pupils guided by ourForest School team in your school grounds!

Celtic Harmony is ofsted registered and has been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge for the high standard outdoor education provision and the Adventure Mark for the quality Archery Tuition.

””‘During their Forest Schools sessions, the pupils at Sherrardswood swapped their classroom for the great outdoors, and their learning resources for the natural materials of the school grounds. They loved the opportunities provided for them to widen their experience of the natural world. The sessions have been enjoyable for both pupils and staff and also provided opportunities to further explore their learning in the classroom.’Richard Miller, Sherrardswood School, June 2013

Join our schools enews for free classroom resources

We can now bring a taste of Iron Age living to your schoolOrganise your FREE consultation visit from our forest schoolpractitioner at
