Page 1: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

1585 - 1753

Page 2: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Colony: a territory under the control of a larger nation

British Colonies began as businesses chartered by the government and funded by investors

Charter: a written contract issued by a government giving a company the right to a establish a colony

Page 3: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Resources Discovery of gold and silver



Mercantilism: the belief that a nation’s wealth is based on the amount of precious metals (gold & silver) they own Through exportation and accumulation of precious metals, business boomed

The British government could tax these businesses

The British economy thrived

Competition Spain and France had found success

Religious freedom Disagreed with the Church of England

Page 4: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh


Provide raw materials/precious metals

Buy finished goods

Could trade only with England


Imports cheap materials from colonies

Exports finished goods to colonies and other nations

Page 5: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

“We must always take heed that we buy no more from strangers than we sell them, for so should we impoverish ourselves and enrich them.”

Page 6: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh
Page 7: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Hostile Native Americans

Poor soil

Wild, untamed land

Harsh winters

Humid summers


“There were never Englishmen left in a foreign country in such misery as we were in this newly discovered Virginia.”

Page 8: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Native American Perspective

“No tribe has the right to sell, even to each other, much less to strangers...Sell a country! Why not sell the air, the great sea, as well as the earth? Didn't the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?”

European Perspective

“A right to property is founded in our natural wants, in the means with which we are endowed to satisfy these wants, and the right to what we acquire by those means without violating the similar rights of other sensible beings.”

Page 9: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

The Lost Colony of Roanoke

Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony

Violent Native American tribes

Wild, untamed land

Cold, harsh winters


“We found the houses taken down, and the place very strongly enclosed with a high fence of great trees, and one of the chief trees had bark taken off, and five foot from the ground in fair capital letters was carved CROATOAN.”

Page 10: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Settled by the Virginia Company of London

Year #1: 62 of the original 100 settlers died

Year #2: settlers resorted to eating rodents and snakes

Year #7: tobacco trade saved the colony

Year #15: the Powhatan attacked and killed 25% of the population

Year #16: the Virginia Company failed and Jamestown became a royal colony (owned by the king)

Page 11: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

The Virginia Company…

allowed colonists to own their own land (property ownership)

created the House of Burgesses, a group of elected representatives who made decisions/passed laws for the colony (democratic republic)

Protested when the king eliminated the House of Burgesses (right to protest)

Page 12: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

New England colonies

New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut

Middle colonies

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

Southern colonies

Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

Page 13: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh
Page 14: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Formed by religious dissenters (people who disagree w/ the common view)

Mostly wealthy, highly skilled, and educated

Most populated region (cities)

Economy Fishing

Fur trade




Difficult to farm Subsistence farming: farming that produced only enough to feed the people in town

No plantation farms = no need for slavery

“We must be knit together in this work… We must delight in each other, make others’ conditions our own and rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together…. For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill; the eyes of all people are on us.”

Page 15: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh


Location: Plymouth

Wanted complete separation from the Church of England

Nearly starved to death

Taught by Native Americans to plant native crops (Thanksgiving)


Location: Massachusetts Bay

Wanted to change the Church of England

Founded Boston

Valued hard work, education, and representative government

Both were self-governed, they elected officials and made their own laws separate from England

Page 16: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh
Page 17: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh
Page 18: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Not all Puritans agreed

Violence toward Natives?

Forced church attendance?

Separation of church and state (government)?

Religious freedom?

Many left to form their own colonies

Rhode Island (the only New England colony to accept ALL religions)

New Hampshire


Page 19: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh



Ministers/pastors were unnecessary

Women were spiritually equal to men

Eventually founded Pennsylvania

William Penn

Page 20: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Watch the videos below and using the information and notes, complete the Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers chart.




Page 21: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh


“We, whose names are underwritten…. having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and the honor of our King and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia…”

Page 22: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

“We have changed our interest. The Interest of New England was religion, which did distinguish us from other English colonies. Now we begin to espouse a Worldly Interest and so choose a new God.”

Page 23: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Tobacco and rice industry

Plantation farming (no cities)

Fertile soil and year-round crops


Required slaves or indentured servants (people who worked for a set time without pay in exchange for free passage to America)

About 68% of the 235,000 African slaves lived in the South and made up nearly half of the entire South’s population

Religious acceptance

The Act of Toleration banned religious persecution


Valuable goods (tobacco/rice) + slave labor = $$$$$$$$$$

“My father had among his slaves carpenters, coopers, sawyers, blacksmiths, tanners, curriers, shoemakers, spinners, weavers and knitters, and even a distiller.”

Page 24: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh
Page 25: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh
Page 26: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Originally founded by the Dutch

England brought ships and forced the Dutch to surrender

Perfect for farming

Rich soil

Mild winters

Did not rely heavily on slaves

Poor immigrants became wealthy landowners

Fur, cattle, grain, tobacco, iron, ships, timber

Religious and ethnic diversity

Quakers, German Lutherans, French Protestants, etc…

“All persons shall, in no ways, be prejudiced for their religious persuasion, or practice, in matters of faith and worship, nor shall they be compelled at any time, to frequent or maintain any religious worship.”

New York was originally New Amsterdam

In many ways, the middle colonies

were a blend between New England

and the southern colonies

Page 27: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh
Page 28: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

A letter to the Native Americans: “I am very sensible to the unkindness and injustice which have been too much exercised toward you by the people of these parts of the world… I have a great love and regard toward you, and desire to win and gain your love and friendship by a kind, just and peaceable life.”

Page 29: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

In small groups, you will be assigned one of the three regions

New England

Middle Colonies

Southern Colonies

You will create a poster indicating important information about your colony

States within region

Type of industry


Any other essential details

Afterward, you will conduct a gallery walk and complete a similarities and differences chart about the three regions

Page 30: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Navigation Acts: laws passed by England to guarantee profit

All goods had to be carried on English ships or on ships made in the English colonies

Products such as tobacco, wood, and sugar could be sold only to England or its colonies

European imports to the colonies had to pass through English ports

Officials were to tax any colonial goods not shipped to England

Led to smugglers (people who import or export goods illegally) and pirates(people who would steal from colonial ships)

Page 31: The Causes of the American Revolution...The Lost Colony of Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh created England’s first colony Violent Native American tribes Wild, untamed land Cold, harsh

Write 1-2 paragraphs (5-8 sentences each) comparing and contrasting the three colonies (New England, Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies)

Due Wednesday August 8th
